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Democratic leader to say Donald Trump is a threat. Did he lose the 2020 election . Tim im focused on the future. That is a damning non answer. You have a really good choice of who will honor that democracy and who will honor Donald Trump. Vances refusal to admit that trump lost. You would have seen him try to put a gloss of respectability as trump appears increasingly unhinged. That strategy to normalize the weird and Extreme Trump vance platform. That strategy fell apart. There was a lot of bad Data Points there. Today it feels like the News Gods watched last Months Debate and saw Jd Vances appalling answer and decided to highlight the whole issue. They unsealed a partially redacted filing from Special Council Jack Smith. Why he believes it is very much prosecutable. Smith lays out another new narrative of the case and that all 165 pages of that is what reporters and legal analysts have been pouring over all day today. Stuff like conversations with Touch And Vice president Mike Pence before an angry mob called for him to be hang. He encouraged trump not to look at the election as a loss but just as an intermission. This was followed later in the day by a private discussion in the global office. Pence said after we have exhausted every legal process in the courts in congress, if we still come up short, trump should take a bow. Trying to get trump to think about his loss as an intermission suggests Mike Pence wanted trump to run again in 2024 and was presumably ready to run again with him. But it was Mike Pences decision to focus on the future instead of doing trumps bidding in the present that would lead him to conclude that Mike Pence lacked courage. Later in the filing, smith describes trumps reaction when the Capitol Mob threatened Pences Life on January 6th. Upon receiving a Phone Call that alerted Him Pence has been taken to a safe location, a staffer informed trump in the hopes that trump would take action to ensure pences safety. Instead, after the staffer delivered the news, trump looked at him and said only so what. The Vice President s life is in danger and the president s reaction is so what. This new filing further sheds light on just how conscious trump was that he was lying about the election. At one point long after the defendant had begun spreading false fraud claims, a white House Staffer traveling with trump overheard him telling Family Members it doesnt matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell. And then we learned the degree to which the Trump Campaign explicitly encouraged violent disruption. Not just at the capitol but in states where the vote was still being counted. You might remember this footage of Angry Trump supporters in detroit demanding access to the secure location where votes were being counted after Election Day. This new filing describes how Trump Campaign staffers appeared to actively encourage Hose People to commit violence. The Campaign Employee Agent and coconspirator of trumps tried to sow confusion when the ongoing Vote Count at the Tfc Center in Detroit Michigan looked unfavorable for trump. There when a leg told that Campaign Staffer we think a batch of votes in Bidens Favor is right, the staffer responded well find a reason it isnt. Give me a reason to file litigations even if it is bs. When the colleague suggested told him there was about to be unrest, a violent effort to stop the Vote Count in florida after the 2000 election, the staffer responded make them riot. Do it. Joining me now is democratic congresswoman of california. Congressman, thank you so much for being here tonight. Im eager to get just your initial reaction to this new material. A lot of it quite damning that the judge has unsealed today. Well it has details we were not able to get. But i dont think the conclusion is really much different. This is a plot to keep trump even though he lost the election. He knew he lost the election. We found statements going back to April Of 2020 where he said he was going to stay in power. He would not respect the vote. So this was, he never intended to seek power and he had a multiplicity of methods. Certainly i had a chance to skim this long document. Im going to read it in some detail later this evening but we were not able to get testimony from the Vice President. Certainly the who cares statement is shocking but not surprising. He knew they were armed and he sent them down to the capitol. Anyhow. And he wanted to go with him. He tried to go with him. The most explosive stuff. A lot of it is. But the stuff that a lot of people have not been privy to is Mike Pences testimony. And we are all highlighting the so what comment. To be completely unconcerned that your Running Mate may lose his life. The indictment details 71 instances. At one point threats that are so serious that mark short, Pences Chief of staff feels he needs to notify the Secret Service. That his asset could be in harms way. It is very hard for me to understand whatever the Supreme Court has said in its initial Immunity Ruling that this could somehow be an official act. The threatening of a Vice President s life by its very Nature Cant be part of the role of the respect can it. Well it boggles the mind if it is. Clearly as the prosecutor has laid out these efforts were in his capacity as as a candidate for president. Someone trying to keep office. Not act as the president. So i think it is compelling case. I think well see. If trump is elected president , he is going to order the Department Of Justice to dismiss this case. And the Supreme Court made clear any communication between the president and the doj is going to be in that immune bubble. If he is not elected president , his case will go forward and there is evidence sufficient to proceed and probably to convict. I wonder how you process the details as we now sit a month before another election where he is questioning whether the election will be free and fair now has an army of Poll Watchers who will do his bidding. What is your concern there and how prepared is congress in the coming months and years ahead if trump is reelected . Well we did make changes in the electoral count act. Liz cheney and i were the lead on that to make it harder to overturn the election. But trump has been pretty overt that violence is something he appreciates. All the way from urging his followers in rallies to rough up People Who they didnt like. To summoning a mob and encouraging an armed mob to attack the capitol. He uses violence for his own purposes. And he is threatening i believe to do that again. You know, he sometimes uses Code Words but his followers certainly understand what he is saying. They sure do. Congresswoman, thanks so much for making the time tonight. I appreciate it. Im now joined by kristi greenberg. Thank you for being here helping us understand what was gifted to us by the News Gods and judge chutkin. Feels like there are three buckets. There are probably more. But in all honesty, it is 165 pages. We have not all had the adequate time. But three buckets were the Special Council. They should be an indictment. We should move forward. This is all stuff he can be held to account on at trial. The first are all the interactions with Mike Pence. Right . Seems like the Supreme Court has left open the door some of the conversations and interactions between the Vice President and the president may just be prosecutable in the filing, the Special Council goes out of his way to characterize the conversations as those friends would have. That they are conversations where trump is being encouraged by pence to acknowledge it is over. That the Context And Content reflect candid conversations. How convincing do you think that argument is around the nature of those conversations . Well i found it very convincing reading through their exchanges, it didnt seem like it was a president and a Vice President talking. Seemed like a Schoolyard Bully and a victim. That is how it seemed. You have Mike Pence calling him on christmas to wish him Merry Christmas and he is saying so, youre going to go certify that election . It was constant to the point where he is saying everybody is going the hate you. And you are too honingest. Because again, going back to your intro, where are the parts in this brief where you get that Donald Trump knew he lost and knew the Election Fraud claims were bogus . And that right there was one example. You were too honest. And so, again, it is hard to see how the Supreme Court can look at statements like that and say oh. That was well within his official act as president. He was clearly speaking as a candidate who wanted to win and who knew he lost. And when pence is speaking to trump, it is not that of a Vice President serving as president. But a Running Mate saying hey bro, we lost. It is time to call it quits. We can try again in 2024. Dont think of it as a loss like the fragility of this mans ego. It was just very lame and pathetic but again, not seeming very official. Next part is the ellipse rally. This was not an official White House function. This was paid for by a grocery chain. The Secret Service responsible for the president s protection categorized it as a campaign event. That everything that happened there had nothing to do with official functions. So anything that trump said there would not be deemed official acts. Right. What Jack Smith sets up so beautifully when he gets to this point, he takes you through days and days of the Pressure Campaign Ton the state officials. And the fake elector scheme. And now, everything is failed and this is his last shot. This is it. Mike pence is not playing ball so he has to get the crowd to stop the certification. Seeing how Donald Trump, the words in that context with that fuller context, everything that had come up before it, it seemed so clearly designed to incite this riot. He is not charged with inciting violence. But that is where his statements were directed. He takes the same logic and applies it to the fake electors plot. It is fair game for criminal prosecution. The judge ensealed all this. There is a purpose there. I wonder if you could wake me through what you think happens now. Trump get to file a response. But Where Do We Go From Here . So trump gets to file a response. And trumps lawyers have said we get a chance to cross examine the witnesses. You cant just take this on the papers. We get to question these witnesses and confront them and for a number of these witnesses the way they are characterized in the filing is not the way Donald Trump will characterize them. He is described as a conduit. You know. From the campaign to the White House. But at one point in august of 2020, he is actually working in the White House. They will say no, this is a official White House employee. And with Mike Pence, i think it will be a similar calculus of how much of this was official versus notofficial. And so, i think with those kind of very facts, she is probably going to want to hear from the witnesses. Those are the two Jack Smith says Donald Trump knew he lost because these two people knew it and he knew it as of november 13th, 2020. And you have a lot of statements from Donald Trump back to them seeming to acknowledge it. He said this will not hold up in court. Donald trump says details dont matter. Those are really important facts for the judge. And i think she will want to hear it from the Horses Mouth so that is the next step. It will get appealed and go back to the Supreme Court. That is a whole other question. Thank you for your time and expertise. Still ahead, what happens when a massive deadly hurricane hits two critical Swing States five weeks before a president ial election . Chair of the North Carolina democratic party will join me to talk about how her state is recovering and getting ready to vote. But first, Donald Trump has a few weeks to officially respond to Jack Smiths Bomb Shell Filing tonight. But he is already responding online. Well have more on that with the bull works tim Miller And Charlie psychs Coming Up next. Charlie psychs Coming Up next. [children playing] easy guys. Easy. [children playing] hey guys, come on time to eat. Time to eat. I dont want this. I want corndogs corndogs corndogs corndogs corndogs i need another corndog why choose a mobile network built for places youll probably never be. Instead of for where you are most of the time . Xfinity mobile was designed for where you need it most. Xfinity internet customers, ask how to get a free 5g Phone and a second unlimited line free for a year. Why didnt you answer the question Last Night about who won the 2020 president ial election . Heres the simple reason. The media is obsessed with talking about the election of four years ago, im focused on the election of 33 days from now. He may be interested in moving on. But a newly unsealed filing from the Special Counsel is keeping trumps increasingly desperate plans to overturn the 2020 election very much in the spotlight 34 days before Election Day. Trump himself responded tonight on truth social writing democrats are weaponnizing the Justice Department against me because they know i am winning. And they are desperate to prop up their failing candidate Kamala Harris. The doj pushed out the latest Hit Job Today because Jd Vance humiliated tim walz in the debate. The doj has become nothing more than an extension of joes and kamalas campaign. Gentlemen, here we have. It this is how you explain it away. This is all Joe Bidens Master plan. Your thoughts . Amazing how weaponnization works isnt it . Going after hunter biden. And Eric Adams and Bob Menendez just to throw us off the scent i think. I dont know. Look, we know this is ridiculous. To me, the most interesting thing we learned in the filing is just how much Jack Smith has about Donald Trumps behavior on the day of January 6th and the committee did such a great job. Some of us. I didnt know how much more material would be out there. Just scanning what we have seen so far, Knowing What Trump was watching on his phone as the riot was occurring. What the context was of when he sent out the Mike Pence courage tweet. The fact people told him about the threats to Mike Pence and he didnt care. There is even additional information here on top of the already damning stuff we learned from the January 6th committee. Hope fly between that and advance keeping this story in the news as it should be. It could be something injected in the public debate in a way that a certain demographic of people have been top of mind. There is the reality of how damning this is for any former president. But the fact this person is running again. The Election Day is in 33 days and he is out there saying this. His level of confidence about the coming election. Do we have the sound . Can we flay it . Trust the process this time around. I will let you know in about 33 days. Ill let you know in about 33 days. That is not what you want to hear from the guy who has a 160 page, the subject of a filing detailing his desperate measures to subvert democracy. I wonder if you think this matters to voters. Well, well find that out. But you will hear a lot more of this. This is a reminder of what he did. His criminal conspiracy, frauds, Deceit And Reliance on violence. But also a warning. Because Donald Trump intends to do it again. And i think that one of the reasons that this is really on fire. But also, you mentioned the juxtaposition of the story the News Gods gave us today. With what Jd Vance said. Jack smiths filing explains why Jd Vance was on that platform Last Night and not Mike Pence. And it is precisely because Jd Vance is willing to do what Mike Pence refused to do. And the dramatic take away i have was the incredible pressure put on Mike Pence. All of the threats, all of the lies that were told to and about Mike Pence. The decision Mike Pence made for the first time as Vice President , he was not going to do Donald Trumps bidding. He is gone now. He has been excommunicated by Trump World and Jd Vance is there in his place. That is what we ought to focus on. Jd vance with his nonanswer, really confirmed that yeah, look at the narrative of how he tried to overturn that election and the role Mike Pence played and the reason Mike Pence is not on that Ticket But Jd advance is. One of the things Jack Smith has done, he has taken the whole January 6th story out of the Memory Hole it has been in and placed it right in front of the voters. Whether or not they will consider this old news, we dont know. But the details in this report are dazzling. The narrative is clear. It is compelling. And it is wherein in such a way nonlawyers can go through it and ask themselves how is it even conceivably possible that Donald Trump could be president of the united states again . It is a remarkable Story And Reminder of the stakes of the election. When we talk about the relevance of the capitol riots it is often seen as something that happened in the rear view. But there is a new level of urgency when you see just how much of a supplicant that Jd Vance is to Donald Trump. You dont need to read the report. Its a reminder that oh yeah. That guy tried to steal the election. I wonder if our calculation of how much this matters, how much it is an urgent matter for voters changes a little bit. Given the last 24 hours. Yeah. The jim Comey Letter was old news too. Wont know if that is the decisive thing. But you know, there are late breaking deciders, we have seen this in both of the 2016 and 2020 elections. People who dont like either candidate. Decide really late. It is a small group of people. It can be a decisive group of people. Just two things. The thing i was frustrated didnt get mentioned Last Night in the exchange with Jd Vance was it isnt just a backwards looking thing. Jd vances boss wants to pardon the perpetrators who are in jail. So it is a forward looking thing. A key part of their agenda. Donald trump talks about it all the time. Secondly, i think as charlie points out, this is an ongoing effort looking to the 2024 election. He is doing a super pack called democracy defenders. You would be astonished at how much effort is going in right now. To gum up the works and all of the key Swing States. By republican officials. This is absolutely a forward. Do you think it would be effective for Vice President harris to talk about this . Yes. Absolutely. She will be at an event with Liz Cheney and this will come up. Aimed at republicans who have to look at this and say do we want to go through this again . Do we really want to have another replay of all of this . Especially when you have to confront the evidence that Donald Trump actually was leading a conspiracy that would have resulted in vaporizing tens of millions of votes including the votes of millions of wisconsinites. Part of the plot was to have Mike Pence gavel in Donald Trump as the winner of the election. When people have to confront that. I really think that there is going to be a sliver who knows how much of the electorate will say okay. We may not like all of Kamala Harris policies but this is beyond the pail. This man is not fit for any office of public trust. Great to have your perspective on this. Thanks for your time tonight. Coming up, how much will prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus response to iranian attacks play a role in the coming american election and can President Biden do anything about it . But first, Hurricane Helene laid waste to parts of the mouth in critical battleground states. Well have more on that right after the break. The break. Dryp before you run. Listen to me, the hot Dog Diet got me shredded. Its time we listen to science. One a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. One a day. Science that matters. Oh, My Leaffilter . I just scheduled an Appointment Online and the inspection was a breeze. They explained everything. Leaffilters technology protects your gutters for good now my home is protected. Call 833 Leaffilter Or Visit leaffilter. Com hey, everybody. W. Kamau bell here. They say that america is the land of the free. But right now, people in the u. S. Are seeing their freedoms taken away at an alarming rate. Freedoms some of us take for granted. The right to vote. Equal access to health care. Book banning and other forms of censorship that threaten our right to learn. And Heres Something truly shocking, right now in our country hundreds of thousands of people are incarcerated simply because they couldnt afford bail. Thats not free and its not fair. But there is hope for change. It lives in people like you and in a great organization called the american civil liberties union. So please join me and other concerned americans in defending our civil liberties by joining the aclu as a guardian of liberty today. All it takes is just 19 a month, only 0. 63 a day. When youre surrounded by oppressive laws you cant just sit back and be oppressed. You get up and fight and All Of Us at the aclu are fighting for you. Whether its criminal Justice Reform or protecting the Lgbtq Plus rights, Abortion Rights or voting rights. The aclu is in the courts fighting for your rights, and mine and i, for one, sleep better at night knowing theyre working every day in all 50 states to protect our freedoms. But these freedoms are at risk. We have to fight for them tirelessly and with your help, we will continue to do so. So please go to myaclu. Org and join the fight for just 19 a month. Use your Credit Card and get this special We The People tshirt, Aclu Magazine and more to show youre helping ensure justice for all. As an individual, donating to the aclu is one of the most powerful things you can do to fight for justice. But the Aclu Cant do it alone. They need your support now to continue defending our democracy and the freedoms we hold dear. So please join us. Call or go online to myaclu. Org today. Thank you. Today President Biden and Vice President harris toured the wreckage from Hurricane Helene. Harris spent the day in georgia while biden toured North Carolina and South Carolina Meeting with local officials and thanking aid workers. Supercharged by climate change, Hurricane Helene traveled 500 miles from florida to the southern appalachian mountains, Destroyed Hundreds of homes leaving more than A Million households still without power. And killing 183 people across six states. Today, Biden And Harris announced a series of immediate measures to help people impacted by the storm. Biden ordered the pentagon to deploy up to 1,000 active beauty troops to distribute aid and he announced one time payments of 750 from fema to assist residents in florida, georgia, North Carolina, south carolina, and virginia. The message of the visit was clear. The federal government is here to help and here to stay. My final point to the residents of this community and the region is that we are here for the long wall. There is the work we have done together that is the immediate response. There is a lot of work that will need to happen over the coming days. Weeks, and months. Days, weeks, and months. In addition to all the challenges, the timing of the storm means in the middle of all of this, local officials are going to have to make sure people can vote. You might remember a similar situation in 2012 when hurricane hit the northeast weeks before the president ial election. It did not go smoothly. Election day got up to a chaotic start in communities outside new york city. That still dont have power. When voters arrived at polling places that were not ready. It was a disgrace. They finally got machines in. Now the machines are jammed up. Reporter in New Jersey, anyone displaced by the storm could vote by email or fax. Before that move, quit,s were warning of Voter Fraud and all this will likely land the state of New Jersey in court. In any election, trying to make sure that people can vote in an area still actively recovering from a Natural Disaster is, well, a challenge. But this is not just any election. An election where one of the candidates is actively looking for reasons to claim fraud. To claim that any chaos at all is a sign that the election has been stolen. Hurricane helene wreak havoc on six states across the southeast. Two of which are potentially critical Swing States. Georgia and North Carolina. Today, new polling from the political Report Show that Trump And Harris are statistically tied in georgia and literally tied in North Carolina. Either state could end up deciding the entire 2024 election so every vote in those states will really count. In North Carolina, inperson early voting is supposed to start in 15 days and in georgia, mailin ballots are supposed to start going out next monday. I say supposed to. Because in North Carolina, the state is unsure which Voting Sites will still be usable. And in georgia, the Postal Service has suspended operations at scores of their facilities across the state. So with 34 days before Election Day, how are these local officials going to pull this off . Especially with this guy on the ballot . Do you trust the process this time around . Ill let you know in 33 days. The chair of the democratic party joins me Coming Up next. I still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. So, i take Qunol Magnesium to support my Muscle And Bone health. Qunols extra strength, high Absorption Magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. Qunol, the brand i trust. The scope of devastation caused by Hurricane Helene is being assessed but an early estimate suggests the Price Tag could reach 34 billion. And some of that damage was to the states infrastructure. It could be extremely difficult for mailin ballots to be sent in. Almost One Million voters live in areas impacted by helene. One million voters in a state Donald Trump won in 2020 by fewer than 80,000 votes. Joining me now to talk about this is anderson clayton. Thank you so much for joining me. If you can tell us what the Recovery Process is in your state and how it is going. North carolinas western part of the state has been ravaged by hurricane devastation. We are still in active Search And Recovery mode now. Anyone that needs Help And Assistance can see all of the resources available to folks who have dealt with flooding, devastation or the collapsing of homes across the Western Parts of the state. We know folks are still out there. We want them to get out. We are appreciative of Governor Cooper and the resources given to North Carolina already. All of our hearts are out there. And, the devastation is just staggering. I do wonder, such a critical state in the 2024 election. How optimistic are you that local elections officials can get things up and running in time for voters to start voting in a matter of weeks . We have every confidence in the Election Process for our State Board. Our board of Elections Director has actively already called the State Board of elections together to give Emergency Relief to the 25 plus county thats have been impacted by the hurricane. And also given discretion to those counties to be able to depict what they need to ask for from the State Board in order to get elections in the right direction. Number one effort now is going to finding and rescuing people in western North Carolina. There are parts of western North Carolina that havent had access and been able to be reached yet. Entire roadways have been washed away. Climate change has truly derailed the entire geographic presence now that is out there in these communities. And what people even in those communities once knew and once traveled, you know, folks that are familiar with the terrain are actually having problems being able to find folks out there right now. So we trust the nonpartisan board of elections in our state will do everything possible to make sure folks are voting securely. Our first priority is to find everybody in North Carolina. Because we know every single person matters now. This is about human survival. I have to ask though, the former President Trump is one to cry fraud when there isnt any. And when there was a deadly pandemic that resulted in mass death, he had no qualms about trying to weaponnize that. And you know, precautions, measures taken to keep the vote safe. And fair. And free and using those measures to cry foul. And to say the election was rigged. Are you at all concerned that the dispenses that will have to happen. Whatever needs to happen to get these people the opportunity to exercise their constitutional right to vote. Are you worried about that seen as an opportunity by the republican on the ticket to cry foul . Look, we have already seen Donald Trump say that Voter Fraud exists in North Carolina. But what we know right now is that we have a board of elections that is made up of nonpartisan and good people across the state that they are interested in just making sure that every single person has access to the polls. And it is our job to make sure that we have got a Voter Protection Effort in the state of North Carolina that anyone can have access to in the state to make sure that you know that your vote is the most important thing to us this Election Cycle. Anybody right now that is impacted in western North Carolina can go to ncsbe. Gov Backslash Helene for help and find out where the best resources for you will be with this Election Cycle this year. But again, the number one priority is making sure we are finding everybody in the state. Anyone that is missing somebody in North Carolina right now can call 211 in the State And File a missing persons. We know there are still huge parts of the state that dont have internet access. We dont know what the extent of these damages will be. We are still in assessment phase. I trust our Election Officials will do everything possible to protect that vote. Doing important work every official in North Carolina is doing very important work to save lives. And rebuild ones broken. Thank you so much, we will put up on our site, a link to some of the sites you mentioned where people can go for more information about voting and of course for health. Thanks so much for your time tonight. Thank you. We have much more to get to this evening. Israel vows to retaliate for the iranian Missile Strike yesterday. What could that mean for the region, and also, the u. S. Presidential election. Ill talk to Nbc News national Security Editor David rode about that Coming Up next. That. Hey, scott. This stuffs perfect for fall, right . Yep it feeds your lawn now to strengthen roots all winter for a better lawn next spring. How do you know all of this . Says it right there on the bag. Yes, it does. Download the my Lawn App Today for Lawn Care tips and customized plans. Feed your lawn. Feed it. We are continuing to keep a close eye on the mideast where israel has vowed retaliation against teheran for launching 200 ballistic missiles as israel Last Night. An Attack Teheran said was in response to the recent assassinations of leaders of the iranian military and its proxies. How and when israel will respond remains unclear, but many now argue that the long feared wider war in the middle east is here. Joining me now is david rode, national Security Editor for Nbc News. David, great to see you. Thank you. Does biden have any levers left to pull to ensure what he wants which is proportional response from israel . The honest answer is no. And all of this politics is local. So, for biden, you know, the Biden Harris Administration is four, five weeks away from an election. Cutting off aid to israel in any way right now is simply, Attack Biden and say you are not supporting israel enough. And then for netanyahu, he wants to win this war. Hes got tremendous big victory with hezbollah and he want to punish iran now. Do you think, i mean, Bill Cohen from the Clinton Administration told Andrea Mitchell that Biden Administration is handicapped and Bb Netanyahu is going to exploit that. How cognizant or how much calculation is being done inside israel with the american president ial election . Obviously, this is domestic politics for netanyahu. But it is obviously dove tails greatly with who is in charge here. The cynical view is bb wants Donald Trump to win. He will have more leeway. Is that cynical or realistic . There is a big divide politically in israel. Netanyahu is barely hanging on. But there are thousands of israelis who want to move back. Push hezbollah back so they cant be firing into northern israel. So, maybe bg strikes back more. He doesnt overplay his hand. But there is no question that idf, tremendous success. A lot of surprise at how effective they were at taking on so many hezbollah leaders. This could be Gas Refineries they could hit in israel. Nuclear sites. Intelligence headquarters. Difference here was that iran hit tel aviv. They didnt do that. At this point, he has very little leverage. You paint the picture of how untenable it would be. But there is allstar the reality of this more continuing and escalating. And what David Singer is saying. The war is here. It is at the doorstep. The long feared wider war is here. That is also politically somewhat untenable. I think gas prices, Oil Prices are probably up about 2 . Just after Yesterdays Attack on israel. So that is the challenge. It is too late after that. He could be very bold. People have talked about it when he has less to lose and he is missing his legacy. Does that hold through if he wins . His former Running Mate taking the reins in a couple of months . I do. Because president s have egos. They do . Shocking. He is a big supporter of some kind of twostate solution. There is a possibility. He will not be able to change much until november 5th. I like the prognostication. Thank you. That is our show for this evening. Now it is time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Good evening lawrence. Good evening alex. And of course we have the legal team here. Andrew weissmann. Tim hife. They wanted to hear from Mike Pence. They didnt get it but Jack Smith did. So we will get

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