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Tonight on all in, and Msnbc Exclusive Interview with Kamala Harris. I am not perfect, but i will tell you im always going to put the needs of the people first. Tonight, the democratic nominee lays out her vision for america and prosecutes the economic case against her opponent. Making trump one of the biggest losers ever on manufacturing. Secretary Javier Becerra on terms plan for your healthcare. You still do not have a plan . I have concepts of a plan. Is Mark Robinsons own campaign runs away from him i dont know if i like that comment. You should like it because you are outstanding and youre going to be the next governor. What happened when Donald Trump returned to North Carolina. Is an outstanding person. All in starts right now. Welcome back to the second hour of the Special Edition of all in. Tonight, Harris Sat down with Stephanie Ruhle for an exclusive interview focused on her economic plan where she laid out her vision for america. My vision for the economy, i call it an opportunity economy, is about making sure that all americans wherever they start, wherever they are, have the ability to achieve those dreams and those ambitions which include for middleclass families, just being able to know that their hard work allows them to get ahead. I think we cant and we should not aspire to have an economy that just allows people to get by. People want to do more than just get by. They want to get ahead. Earlier today in pittsburgh, harris explained the three pillars of her economic plan which includes lowering cost for the middle class, investing in entrepreneurship and making america a global manufacturing leader. The Vice President also made sure to emphasize the contrast between her economic vision and her opponents, or his lack thereof. Frankly and i say this in all sincerity, hes just not very serious about how he thinks about some of these issues. One must be serious and have a plan, and the real plan that is not just about some Talking Point Ending in an exclamation at a political rally, but actually putting the thought into what would be the return on investment. What would be the economic impact on everyday people and when you look at my plans you will see what those benefits will be. 25,000 down Payment Assistance for firsttime homebuyers. That means you are creating the ability of that working person to build intergenerational wealth. Doing the work of the 6000 child tax credit, doing the work of a 50,000 Tax Deduction for firsttime small businesses, startups, because right now to begin, its about paying attention to the detail and being serious about it. Im serious about my enthusiasm for small businesses and what they will do as part of americans economic engine. The republican nominee doesnt really have whatever you might call plan. Hes been doing his salesman pattern, basically saying whatever it takes to get you in a car. When i am back in that beautiful white house, we will pass larger Tax Cuts for workers and we have a special tax that here is going to do i think quite well. Its called no tax on tips. I am also announcing that as part of our additional Tax Cuts, we will and all taxes on overtime. You know what that means . And then for the seniors, which will be fantastic because they have been devastated by inflation, this would just about make up for it, we are going to have no tax on social security benefits. That is like hundreds of billions of trillions of dollars, maybe. Depends on how you counted up. The latest one is this pathetic pandering to affluent folks in high tax states promising to reverse his own tax law, The One he signed, his Signature Peach Piece of legislation of Donald Trumps time and office that caps Tax Deductions and raised taxes as a result. Saving american industry and raising revenue by imposing massive tariffs. Of course, those costs largely get passed on to american consumers which would amount to an acrosstheboard sales tax, maybe 5 trillion. We dont really know the amount. If these big promises seems familiar, i think the tariffs probably will happen, that is because this has always been trumps style. Shortly after the 2016 election he showed up in Indianapolis Carrier plant to declare he had saved 800 jobs from going overseas. Companies are not going to leave the united states anymore without consequences. Not going to happen. Its not going to happen tell you right now. We are going to have a lot of Phone Calls made to companies when they say theyre thinking about leaving this country because they are not leaving this country. Theyre not going to leave this country and the workers are going to keep their jobs. So what happened . He said that in 2016. As Kamala Harris recalled today, that was a lie. You will remember carrier then offshore and hundreds of jobs to mexico under his watch. And, it was not just there. On trumps watch, off shoring went up and Manufacturing Jobs went down across our country. And, across our economy, all told, almost 200,000 Manufacturing Jobs were lost during his presidency starting before the pandemic hit. Making trump one of the biggest losers ever on manufacturing. Obviously she is sticking the knife in there. That is an Applause Line but again this is all on the record. It is not speculative. We have the data. This happened in the past. It tells us what really happened under Donald Trumps leadership. This graph shows the number of Manufacturing Jobs in america. The Red Portion of the line represents the years Donald Trump was in office. The Vice President is correct. The country had a net loss of about 190,000 Manufacturing Jobs under Donald Trump. On the far right of your screen you will see the line turns blue again, continues to shoot up, surpassing precovid levels before settling just under 13 million. President biden and Vice President harris have overseen the massive gain of more than 700,000 Manufacturing Jobs. You could say well, you know, whoever is president gets Credit Or Blame but lets look at another metric of Policy Matters and i will bet you not one in 1000 voters know this but it is an important one. This is total spending on Manufacturing Construction across the country, that is building new factories, building new facilities that will make more new goods right here in america. Again, Take A Look at the Red Portion of the line. Under Donald Trumps presidency it was basically static as it had been for lots of terms before him. Check out what that blueline does when it turns blue again. Right . That is policy. Those are the policies of the Bidenharris Administration like the Inflation Reduction Act in the chipset, spending on Manufacturing Construction is booming. It has more than tripled since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office. You could see it happening on the ground. This is not fictitious. This map shows all the new Battery Manufacturing and Supply Chain investments just through last summer, over 100 Billion worth amounting to over 75,000 new jobs. Again, this is stuff being built now. This map shows new Microchip Manufacturing projects in the works being built by several companies from New York to idaho. Again, none of this was happening under Donald Trump. This is all biden Hi Harris policy. Whatever you say about Donald Trump, the facts are the facts. He did not reignite american manufacturing. He is one major piece of legislation, cut taxes for corporations and rich people disproportionately. Meanwhile, the Bidenharris Administration accomplished what Donald Trump promised but could not achieve. Sarah longwell is publisher of the bulwark. Alexi mcalpin is msnbc political analyst. They both join me now. Sarah, let me start with you because i just said i bet you not one in the thousand voters could tell you about this chart which i think is probably true and again, charts are charts. Its my job to look at charts. Its not the Voters Job to look at the charts but it does seem to be like this basic truth about the record and it really is true like there was a big policy push. Manufactured construction, chipsets, chips act, Inflation Reduction Act seems particularly unknown to voters in your Swing Voter Focus group. Honestly, i think it has a lot to do with the fact that Joe Biden was not a strong communicator for a lot of his term. You know, he did not have the ability i think to go out there and just sell, sell, sell this all day long. Also, i think there was a tension between Joe Biden declaring the economy sort of back and calling it bidenomics a time when people were still feeling the cost of inflation. What i hear from people the most is the cost of milk, custom eggs, their Grocery Bill and how i think things have been slowly improving for people im not sure it has accelerated in such a way for people say i just feel a massive difference in my dayto day life. What i like about the way Kamala Harris has been running her campaign and articulating her strategy on the economy is that she is able to Joe Biden i think was kind of defensive about his record where he wanted to grab those charts and say but wait a minute, look at all the things we did. Why dont people understand this and that defensiveness i think kind of worked against him because what Kamala Harris is able to do is just look forward. What you want is for people to not feel the acute pain they were feeling before and get them focused on what are we doing next and i think she is doing two things that i hear breaking through with people. Number one is she talks about the middle class all the time and people are hearing it. I understand both that she is for the middle class and from the middle class. That is something i hear from voters and the other thing is, she is leading in to building. Shes talking about innovation. She is talking about building houses. Shes talking about building buildings, doing it faster, doing it more efficiently, cutting Red Tape and i think for the Centerright Swing voters, that is what theyre looking for, that feels Common Sense to them. I like that she is going offense on the economy because too often democrats see this ground to trump. I think they dont fight hard enough for it and i think she is going forward and that is good. That is a great point on the defensiveness because i think it is true. I think i understand why the president felt that way because they really did do an incredible job of macroeconomic management amidst a bunch of challenges but you are right that it is a losing battle. People dont care about your record or not. What they care about is what is going to happen next. Tonight i do think the Building Stuff and housing is a very smart play in which substance and substantively the policy is right. It needs more supply and you see that housing is one of the main Pain Points right now. It is one of the main Pain Points even and especially with young voters, i mean folks who have been renting apartments for years and years, seeing the rent go up, wanting to be able to afford a house and be able to invest in a place rather than rent, so it is not just people starting families. It is really these younger voters who care about housing and again it is something voters across the country feel deeply for the hear someone say i am from the middle class. I know what its like not to be able to own a home, to rent, to have to work hard to pay off a mortgage really resonating with the kind of Average American who is not just struggling but who is looking at these choices and hearing one clear plan from the left and then looking at someone like Donald Trump and hearing a great well, he will impose tariffs on some other country and that will magically cure my Housing Affordability issues. Its interesting. The Tariff Thing is genuinely one of the most deranged proposals ive ever covered in politics, like a 10 Acrossthe Board Tariff would inaugurate probably the worst Trade War in the world since the 1920s. After that trade where we had the Great Depression globally. Those two were somewhat connected. It would increase prices. It is truly crazy to watch him answer questions from voters like had you bring down Grocery Prices and hes like we are going to tariff other countries. That will do the opposite. I do worry and understand why none of that scans to voters, that like the fact that he is talking about taxing these people and harris is using that language now but i wonder where you think that messaging is and is not working around the tariffs . I mean, the way he talks about tariff is truly economically illiterate, and it sort of reminds me of the we are going to build the wall in mexico is going to pay for it. Its exactly that. He thinks mexico is going to pay for that wall and im not sure these voters can clock whether or not the tariffs is is more of a posture more than an economic plan and what drives me crazy about it actually is the fact that there is not more pushback from republicans. They are against terrorists. They are for free markets. It blows my mind. All Trump Policy exists constantly and always and simultaneously is like obvious bs in the genuinely alarming promise. That is the Promise Problem of analyzing all of this. I think the Tariff Stuff is in the genuinely alarming category. Had, one of the most consequential policy issues of this or any campaign in Donald Trump has a concept of a plan for healthcare. What we will do is we were looking at different plants. If we can come up with a plan that is going to cost our people, our population less money and be better healthcare than Obama Care than i would absolutely do it but until then , i have run it as good as it can be run. So, you still do not have a plan . I have concepts of a plan. After vowing to repeal and replace the affordable Care Act for nine years, Donald Trump still has no plan, just concepts of a plan, a line that became a viral meme pretty much instantly. Is still do not have a plan. I have concepts of a plan. Im not president of right now. So just yes or no, you still do not have a plan . Are just a yes or no you still do not have a plan . I have concepts of a plan. Im not president right now. In the past decade the affordable Care Act has gotten healthcare for millions of americans. You can be forgiven for thinking republicans of given up repealing it but they have not. Theyre hoping to take away a key feature that makes it all work. Jd vance explains how on the Campaign Trail last week. We are going to actually implement some regulatory reform in the Healthcare System that allows people to choose a Health Care Plan that works for them. What that will also do is allow people with similar Health Situations to be in the same Risk Pool so that makes our Healthcare System work better. It makes it work better for people with chronic issues and also makes it work better for everybody else. It does not make it work better for people with chronic issues. If you stick people in different Risk Pools depending on their preexisting issues, that sounds familiar because it was part of the republican House Attempt to repeal and replace the aca back in 2017. A tiered system of insurance the congressional Budget Office said, would create a situation for people with expensive conditions in which premiums would be so high in some areas that the plans would have no enrollment. The whole point of Health Insurances that premiums from healthy people help subsidize benefits for people with chronic conditions. If you start segregating by risk, thats great for young healthy people. They will pay less because they need less care but if you are old or sick, your premiums are going to skyrocket in the thing about Human Life is that all of us will go from one category to the other, which is why you want one Risk Pool. So, trump Advances Plan is to go back to the same bad idea americans are rejected over and over again for the last 10 years. Now becerra has served as secretary of Health Administration services since 2021. Mr. Secretary, its good to have you here. Lets talk about the structure of the aca as a matter of policy is the man who probably more than any other individual in the government oversees the implementation of the affordable Care Act. What would happen if you changed it structurally so that you started segregating out different Risk Poles . What would happen is we would see what we saw before 1965, when President Johnson enacted medicare. Old people had a hard time Finding Insurance because as you said, if you are old you probably are getting sicker, faster more often and you are costing an Insurance Company more so insurers did not want to ensure older americans. It took medicare, where the federal government came back and financed and backed up the system to finally get 65 and older healthcare coverage. Right, because what you want to take premiums from the 69 Yearold Or 72yearold . You dont. As you said, you want the healthiest, youngest, wealthiest people to be on your plans. In effect, the old System Sort of worked through this kind of cherry picking, right . Even after you have medicare so people who are 65 or older are in that pool but i remember looking at some of the Aca Repeal plans estimating premiums for someone who is 63 and maybe has had some health issues. Youre looking at 26,000 a year. Theres no way to make the math work, is there . No. What happens is people will pull to where they can pay least and if youre 26 years of age are not going to go in with someone who is 56 years of age, so what happens is all those 50 years olds are going to be stuck in plans that are very expensive because no one wants to be pulled with them in the aca makes sure we prevent that. That is why we have the protection against preexisting conditions. You cannot watch an Insurance Company say to you chris, im not going to ensure you because you have an existing condition which would cost a lot of money. You cannot discriminate that way anymore. Just to be clear, what fans and others are proposing, could you do that administratively from the home of hhs, or you would have to pass something, right . We could not do it that way. The law requires dysregulation of insurance companies, right . On the law does not allow you to pull the way i think they are speaking about because it would be discriminatory. So they would have to change the law. You cant do it from the executive position. Correct. I wanted to ask you another question about a public Health Crisis weve been battling in this country and i think its got not that much attention. It is almost impossible to articulate the insanity of the growth of Overdose Deaths. I think in a Piece Today by David Wells in the times i think 1982 it was 1000 Overdose Deaths total in the country. Last year was about 100,000. That said, we have new data on Overdose Deaths that have continued to drop. They are now at the lowest level in three years. There has been progress over the last three years of Overdose Deaths. What do you attribute that progress to . Remember many of The Americans dying today are dying without expecting to die. These are folks that are so addicted that eventually they were going to overdose. These are americans who in many cases are taking a particular drug, dont realize that it is leased to something like sentinel, the fentanyl ends up killing them. That is why you see such high overdose race. Rates. We are beginning to see a drop because we have decided to tackle overdose in three important ways and added one new one. Obviously, prevention, treatment, then Followup Care but we added Harm Reduction. If you are about to take a drug because youre addicted, and if you could check to find out if it is laced with fentanyl, it might stop you from taking that drug if you found out oh my god, this drug is laced with fentanyl. Sentinel strips which are out there today in many programs, the federal government would prohibit programs from getting federal dollars if they provided sentinel strips. We have so the evidence proves that you can save a life by giving someone a fentanyl strip. You know, this Harm Reduction, ive covered multiple interactions of the Harm Reduction debate. I remember people demagogy the Needle Exchanges and things like this. Sentinel strips seem to be an obviously sensible thing. Has this been a controversial program . On the ground, no, because it is saving lives. At the federal level because you get into the politics of drugs and so forth yes, but it is proving itself a winner and today, more people are winning. We have also made naloxone more available to folks so if you are oding, you can provide them with a drug that prevents an overdose. It has to be given essentially within a few minutes. Now, that is available over thecounter. This administration has made it available so we can save lives. Secretary of health and human services, thank you so much for coming by. Come by the studio anytime. Enjoy New York. Still ahead, who needs a Policy Agenda that is responsive to the hopes and dreams of american voters when you can relentlessly play the Race Card. Next. Play the Race Card. Next. He suggested that you happened to turn black recently for political purposes, questioning a part of your identity. Same old tired playbook. Next question, please. Vice president Kamala Harris response to that question sums up how her campaign has treated trump and fences constant race baiting, constantly injecting Racist Demagoguery into this campaign has become one of the most essential playbooks. They are doing it, they are playing that card, if you will, at every opportunity like the lies Donald Trump repeated about migrants at an event in North Carolina today. From the congo in africa, they come in a lot from the congo. From jails in the congo they open their jails. From south america, venezuela, oliver countries theyre letting them out of their prisons and jails. They are letting them out. Their Jail Population is way down. Their mental Institution Population but this is all over the world. They come from the middle east. They come from asia. They come from parts of europe. They come into our country. Many of them are major criminals, murderers. The theory is that by supercharging the salience of race, a reliable winner with a huge swathes of the electorate, they can compensate for the unpopularity of the Trent Campaigns Policy Agenda. Adam is a Staff Writer for the atlantic. His latest pieces entitled the Trent Campaign wants everyone talking about race. The basic argument is that trump hopes to polarize the electorate along racial lines by continuously injecting race into the campaign by repeating these lurid, often false stories, particularly about immigrants, particularly about black immigrants, nonwhite immigrants created crime and maybe nick moving next door to you in the hopes that it will scare white people enough to support him in large enough numbers across Swing States where the electorate may be a little more conservative than the nation as a whole, and carry him to victory. As he put it in your graphic, it is an incessant daily playing of what conservatives used to call the Race Card but now they are perfectly okay with because it works for them. Right, the sort of conservative line on this i think almost often deployed in bad faith, was liberal politicians are politicians of color referring to race her saying that someone insulted them in a way that had an obvious racial subtext was an attempt to manipulate the emotions of the electorate by relying on the race as i kind of handicap, as a sort of crutch, and basically, that is what trump is doing here, the real version of it. Yes, i mean, look. The choice of emphasizing congolese immigrants in North Carolina is a deliberate one. Theres a small population of Congolese Refugees in North Carolina. This is just oldtime me 19th Century Race baiting. That is all it is. All he is saying is black people look scary and they might move next to you and it is something that, you know, he thinks that it will work and im not sure if it will work. Im not saying it will work but it is certainly the case of the Trump Campaign wants race to be at the center of the campaign and if they have to lie to do it, whether it is about immigrants in North Carolina or immigrants in ohio, theyre going to keep lying because they think that will manipulate White Americans Primal Clannishness and supporting them and again, i dont know if that is true but it is certainly what they think they are doing. You said trent needs to turn harrison to a threatening figure. Harris asked to diffuse those appeals with all the caution of a Bomb Squad trying to disarm an explosive and that line really stuck with me because as you have seen time and time again, much more than any campaign ive seen recently, much more than barack obama, who had talked about race a lot in this soaring kind of pluralistic way but he did center it and take it headon, harris really seems intent on basically talking about anything but that. Yeah, the Trump Campaign is been debating harris personally says she became a nominee, calling her a Di Hire even though she has more elected Office Experience than either of the white men on the republican ticket. Obama approached race almost as a culmination of Americas Journey from the civil rights movement, and harris is not doing that at all. Shes not even doing what Hillary Clinton did in terms of talking about breaking the glass ceiling. Shes not talking about Race Or Gender in an Identity Sense at all. Shes talking about abortion. Shes talking about discrimination but she is not making herself the main character in the Story Of Americans Redemption Against bigotry and shes doing that on purpose because she understands that, at least i think she understands, that the Trump Campaign wants this topic to be Center Stage because they feel like it helps them with white voters who may feel threatened by the Rise Or Election of a second black president. Thats a great line, not making herself the main character in the story of americas redemption. The whole thing if i am here to serve the people and the way she has navigated all of this, and to be clear, she should not have to navigate these incredibly sexist and racial expectations of her not being too ambitious or whatever stereotypes there are but so much has been done very deftly that the Bomb Squad diffusing really stuck with me because you can kinda see her doing it. Yes, whenever she gets asked one of these questions about the Things Trump says about her, she pivots and said well, this is bad for the american people and Donald Trump is dividing us or she pivots to an answer that makes it seem like what she is saying about her is not a big deal. Shes not taking it too personally but the reason why it is bad is that it is affecting the country in a negative way so shes not making herself she is avoiding what conservatives want, which is saying that shes making herself a victim. Great piece in the atlantic. I recommend people check it out. Thank you very much. Coming up, why isnt Donald Trump talking about his old Buddy Mark Robinson . Does he still cherish the disgrace a candidate like he is to . We will tell you what happened when trump visited North Carolina today, next. North carolina today, next. For most, hpv clears on its own. But for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. Youre welcome now, as the dad cab, its my cue to help protect them. Embrace this phase. Help protect them in the next. Ask their Doctor Today about hpv vaccination. You didnt start a business just to keep the lights on. Lucky for you, shopify built the just onetapping, ridiculously fastacting, skyhigh sales stacking champion of checkouts. Businesses that want to win, win with shopify. There is interesting pulling out lately which shows that while governor Tim Walz is viewed pretty favorably, Jd Vance is really unpopular among the voting public. A recent survey found that walz has a 1 favorability 12 Ounces Favorability was 10. A Cnn Survey found a bigger gap between the two vp text. An nbc News Survey showed Walls Favorability at 7 and fences that 13. Part of the problem for Jd Vance as he appears to have talked to every last eccentric reactionary with the microphone on a podcast where he says or agrees with some really weird and offputting stuff, stuff like the purpose of the postmenopausal female but there is a bit of a strategy to it, i do think. Like with the Rfk Junior Endorsement that just happened, the trump Fans Campaign appears to be trying to assemble a political coalition of oddballs, antiestablishment kooks and conspiracy theorists. This week on my podcast i talked with Dave Weigle who is trying to chronicle eyes how republicans have been trying to jam norm is normals and with conspiracy nuts. No matter how trump talks about things that sound weird to you, either the media is misrepresenting them or they dont matter. The media is focusing on that because they want you to be divided and not notice the good things he did and this will boil down into a bopper sticker phrase. I take a mean tweet and Two Dollar gas. Its drilled into peoples minds that yeah, he rambles about something but its in the service of being an effective president. You can scan the Qr Code on your screen to listen to that episode now or search Chris Hayes wherever you get your podcast. Introducing a revolution in Pain Relief. Absorbine junior pro, the strongest numbing Pain Relief available. Its the only solution with two Max Strength anesthetics for fast penetrating Relief Absorbine junior pro. Nothing numbs pain more. Donald trump spent the Day Campaigning in North Carolina but there was a notable absence in the charlotte suburbs. His good friend and current gubernatorial nominee, Mark Robinson. Thanks, as well, to i think one of the hottest politicians in the united states of america and he has become a friend of mine, lieutenant governor Mark Robinson. I said to this man what he endorsed me he gave a speech and i said you are dr. Martin Luther King On Steroids. That is how good you are. You are unbelievable. As a speaker. I want to thank you very good man and he is in there fighting. He is a fighting and you know he is a fighter. The next governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson. That last one was just five weeks ago but that guy was so weird, nowhere to be found today. Where was Martin Luther king On Steroids . The guy who delivered a Prime Time Speaking Address of the Republican National Convention just two months ago. As you may be aware, Mark Robinson has had a rough couple of weeks. A recent Cnn Report uncovered dozens of racist, offensive and truly wildly graphic comments posted by robinson on a website called Nude Africa where he refers to himself as a quote, black nazi, and says he wants to bring back slavery. In the face of some pretty damning evidence that it was robinson who made those comments, he is denying it. Im not sure his staff buys his denial since basically all of them quit including his campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, senior Adviser And Finance director. We also learned this week that the republican governor of the Neighboring State of georgia withdrew his endorsement of robinson. With all that in mind perhaps it is not so surprising trump did not want to share a stage with Robinson Today and a key Swing State that remains incredibly close in the polls. Lauren and carlos join me now. I will say this about Donald Trump. As far as i know, he has never posted on a Porn Message Board calling himself a nazi, so that is in a different category but it is interesting the degree to which, if you are not trump, the sort of normal laws of politics do seem to apply. It happened to Roy Moore when he was running for senate in alabama. Mark robinson is persona non grata. You know, that is what you would expect, right . George santos. There are all these people you could give examples of, but not for trump. It is trumps nature. These are the people who we actually feels comfortable with. If you notice, it always takes a long time, if he ever disavows them, it takes him a very long time. Hes got to win election, but once this election is over, these are the people he likes to be surrounded by, and his base excuses it. They think its okay for everyone else is like no, no. Even the people who work for the manlike, we need to get out of here. Trump is like now, these are my people. Lauren, let me ask you this about your State Of Georgia where you have spent a lot of time and organize the lot. North carolina is Neck And Neck. Georgia was looking really bad for the Biden Campaign when biden was the candidate. Its now looking much closer although probably a slight lead. How do you read the politics of that state . What is so interesting about the Robinson Conversation for trump, its clear when you look at spending, the two states he is spending the most in our pennsylvania and georgia. If he wins pennsylvania, georgia and North Carolina he gets to 70 and that is his top plan which is why this meltdown in North Carolina is not optimal for him because he is not been spending much there. If you backup, trump is in quite a situation. He is getting outspent across the board. He is backed into a corner and now has guy in North Carolina is failing, putting the estate further in contention. Georgia and pennsylvania are Neck And Neck so how i view this whole thing and i talked to your producers, we are still market to some math Carolina Market so it is near and dear. People are talking about this in georgia. It is very good for democrats overall. Its a desk just disaster for our politics overall. Its interesting that kemp is backing away. Kemp is the perfect example of this, the thing i am just saying which is like the rules apply to robinson you know, but not to Trump And Kemp is an example where this is one of these things weve seen time and time again, where he just was berating kemp, calling him a coward and all these things on Social Media than someone got to his ear and the sort of kissed and made up, as he put it. Kemp is a very popular figure in georgia. He is pulling at 55 approval, somewhere around there. Why how do you read the relationship between a figure like kemp and how important it is to be on good terms with trump for a Georgia Win . It is all about the base, chris. Kemp does not like Donald Trump. We know his wife really dislikes Donald Trump. I bet you she is the only woman in republican politics he feels that way. Probably. Just singular. Publicly. So, but these people, you know, kemp wants a future in politics. He either wants to run for senate in georgia or maybe for the presidency and for whatever reason, chris, and someday maybe someone will be able to explain this, Donald Trumps base Excuses Everything of him. He said it a long time ago. She was someone on fifth avenue. Its never stopped being true. I want to talk about the State Election Board since i have you here, and because that is one of the big stories happening in these three states, but triangle of pennsylvania, North Carolina and georgia. He wrote a piece for msnbc. Com about the election board, that 32 vote passed a rule that Mandates Hand counting ballots on Election Night or in the days after in every precinct of the state. The new rule requires Poll Workers to open Ballot Boxes at the precinct, remove and pile ballots into stacks of 50, Hand Count the ballots and reconcile that total with the account from the belt scanner. This increases the likelihood that final certification of Georges Election results could be delayed. The only reasonable conclusion is the board intends the Bridge Mayhem it is causing. What i find so entertaining in a dark, dark way, trump is saying it is too late to debate Kamala Harris. Trump came out and said at a boy, and a girl to the State Election Board for changing these rules so right now what we have is chaos is the goal. Right now we have 159 counties in the critical Swing State that dont know if they are supposed to follow what this unelected, out of Bounds Board or actual laws and statutes of the state. We have an Attorney General that is said the board is Out Of Bounds operating outside its authority and so chaos is the mission. That is the goal. Its not going to work. We are fighting back. Fair fight. Com, and our whole operation is pushing back hard. Voters are going to have the final say. I think this is going to cause a lot of Chaos Postelection if it goes through but i think this hurts Donald Trump now. Why . Because it makes 2024 about 2020 again. It brings back the conversation in the state like georgia where it is a very simple topic about the 2020 election and Donald Trump continues being the candidate of the past were as Kamala Harris can be the candidate of the future. To that point, we just did focus groups a couple weeks ago and we saw a couple of things. Number one, voters really like kemp, they trust him to do the right thing but now the bucket has been hit with this issue. Thank you both. That does it for this Special Edition of all in. Alex wagner starts now. Great job last night. That was fantastic. Thanks and great job to you pulling double duty along with our amazing colleague, Stephanie Ruhle. Great job. Anytime you start with Mark Robinson and and with georgia, My Heart Skips A Beat sounds like the wrong thing to say. Are you doing the full hour on Nude Africa . Its like how many times will we say Nude Africa before November 5th . That the catchy name. Youve got to give them that. Thank you, chris. Youre welcome. Thank you, chris. Youre welcome

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