Our coverage continues on the last word with my friend lawrence o'donnell. Good evening. A big newsnight. Yes and minutes before you started your live coverage, we just got the news and i was reading it as you are handling it live. I have been following these swarming investigations of city hall and eric adams at what i felt was relatively closely, but i have never been able to describe to anyone the full shape of it. I think by tomorrow we will have the diagrams built to put on screen to show you the number of commissioners who resigned from this administration. The number of people in the adams administration alone who have had telephones seized. I first covered it on this program two weeks ago for the first time when the police commissioner was forced to resign. That had reached a level that really made it feel like it was now happening at the very top and here we are tonight at the top of the top, at city hall. Stunning news and new york city history in the making. Have a good show. You just heard the breaking news from alex wagner. Mayor eric adams of new york city has been indicted on criminal charges. He is the first mayor in new york history to be indicted on federal criminal charges. Joining us now is tom winter, nbc news investigative reporter who has been covering this investigation for the length of it. We don't know the specific charges as of now. What do we know? reporter: what we know is this investigation has been going on for nearly a year. When agents searched the brooklyn home of one of his top fundraisers. At the time all law enforcement would do is confirm they conducted a court authorized search, but what we subsequently learned and reported was the records were seeking information related to contributions and travel to turkey by people involved in the adams campaign. That is something that got people's attention. For the reporting indicated that there were a number of potential actions involving the turkish consulate and expert and efforts to expedite approval of a building being held up due to safety concerns. You can only imagine in new york city the size of these buildings, the height, the concerns that go in from a fire safety standpoint and at the time coming out of covid, how backed up inspections and various things were to look into these buildings. What we have been told is that the process by which the building was inspected was expedited at a level that had not really been noticed or seen before, as far as an effort by fdny or a push by certain members of fdny to get that building open. That was something that raised concerns. The initial search on november 3 last year and then on november 6, fbi agents actually stopped adams as he left an event in new york city and took his cell phones and ipad. It is then story after story of subpoenas and all sorts of various allegations since then and there have been a number of people in city government that have been questioned. You mentioned a number of city commissioners, talking about subpoenas sent to the police commissioner. Who has since resigned from that post. The school chancellor. A host of top city people and the question really has been, where does this all go? that still remains a bit of a question at this hour and will likely remain a question and tell tomorrow. I think it is important that people remember that there are five distinct, six if you count a recent investigation involving the new york city sheriff, but that is not believed to be tied to what we are talking about tonight. You have four or five investigations involving new york city or different avenues of investigation and you also have the police department investigation. That is not conducted by the fbi. That is conducted by federal agents assigned to the u. S. Attorney's office and is looking into something that our colleague was the first report. That night club owners and managers who faced repeated requests for inspection from city officials and members of the nypd. At least one of those owners who spoke to us on camera said he was told to contact somebody in new york city nightlife who said you can make these problems go away, effectively, by contacting the brother of the then police commissioner and the question to investigators is whether or not there was a pay to play or some sort of shakedown that occurred. It is important to note that none of the people i am mentioning here have been charged at all. Most of them that we have been able to speak to through their attorneys have denied any sort of wrongdoing and tonight the mayor himself issuing a statement saying, quote, i always knew that if i stood my ground for new yorkers i would become a target and a target i became. If i am charged i am innocent and i will fight this with every ounce of my strength and spirit. The investigation is heating up over the past several weeks and a number of these law enforcement actions have become public. What tomorrow looks like, a little bit unclear, but we are reporting that the mayor of the city of new york is expected to face federal charges tomorrow and that is something that if you are sitting in north dakota right now, sitting in arizona and you are wondering why do i really care, when you consider how important how important new york city is to the global economy. To the country's economy and the amount of money that new york city gets in federal aid for a lot of things that new york city provides to the rest of the country. It is something that does impact much farther. So that is as we have it at this hour and obviously it is a good thing nbc doesn't pay the same phone bills as 20 years ago, because we would be out panhandling in the street. We will continue to light up the phones. Tom, there is a national echo to this which comes from the way donald trump frames what he calls the political prosecutions against him by the justice department, which he always will refer to as the biden justice department. The justice department of a democratic controlled administration with a democratic appointed attorney general, merrick garland. This is the same justice department now that has indicted the democratic mayor of new york city. Thereby creating a political crisis in new york city, where if the mayor does not resign, the power to remove him from office belongs to the governor of new york, the democratic governor of new york, kathy hochul. The calls for the mayor to resign began before his indictment. Congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez being the first to call for his resignation. Doing that just on the amount of investigations that were swirling around already. The mayor has two of the most important constituents in the federal government. The democratic leader of the house of representatives, hakeem jeffries, is a resident of new york city. A constituent of the mayors and the senate democratic majority leader chuck schumer is a constituent of the mayors, a resident of new york city. They will be under inordinate political pressure to declare themselves on the mayor's future, should he resign. Should the governor remove him from office. These are political questions on top of this criminal investigation that is now moving rapidly against the mayor and, tom, what can we expect procedurally tomorrow? well i think it remains a bit of a question and i think it is something where a number of things can happen. First off there is no indication here at all that there is any sort of violent crime. Typically when we see a violent crime, the idea of business tampering or intimidation or we see crimes that involve some type of trafficking typically this is not something splashed across the pages of cable news at 10:08 at night. It is typically the kind of thing where all of a sudden you come on the air because someone has been arrested in the early morning by federal agents at their house. So the circumstances of this because it is more whitecollar in nature, will likely be at some point that the mayor will have to turn himself in. Others might have to turn themselves and if anybody else's charged. And so i think that is all at the moment a little bit up in the air as far as what this looks like and where it goes from here. Typically these types of crimes and we have seen it in charging senator menendez. No one grabbed him out of his house at 5:00 in the morning. He was allowed to surrender. That is typically what happens in these whitecollar cases and i think we have to see how this plays out. Should the charges be unsealed tomorrow, should the charges be made public, whatever form that takes, we will at least have a lot more information i think. To the point you were making before that there are all of these investigative avenues. Which one are we walking down here or are we walking down the mall? it is a question i can't answer at this hour. Nbc news correspondent tom winter, thank you for joining us on this coverage of what is now the historic indictment of the mayor of new york city, eric adams. Joining our discussion is andrew weissmann, former chief of the criminal division in the eastern district of new york, that includes new york city. Brooklyn. He is a msnbc legal analyst. Also with us, lisa rubin, msnbc legal correspondent. Andrew, your reaction to what seems to have been where the news momentum was going in the last few weeks in new york city, as more and more officials in the adams administration were either resigning or handing over their phones to the fbi and then being forced to resign. A few observations. First to your point about this being a sitting mayor, some of our viewers might be noticing this is a sitting mayor that has now been indicted. There was a sitting senator, senator menendez, who was indicted. You cannot under department of justice policy indict a sitting president, as i know well from the mueller investigation. So that is the reason that you are seeing a sitting politician under indictment by the department of justice. But at a lower level than the presidency, which may strike some people as an odd, internal department of justice policy. The second thing to note is that eric adams, his history before he was mayor, he was quite senior in the new york city police department. And so like donald trump, somebody in charge of law enforcement, who now would be facing charges by the u. S. Attorney's office, reportedly, in the southern district of new york. Finally what i'm looking for. In any case like this the real thing i will be looking for if the charges are unsealed tomorrow, which i suspect they will be, is how is the government going to prove intent? it seems to be all of the investigations basically deal with some form of campaign finance violations. Whether the money is coming from overseas or not. It would be illegal to have foreign campaign funds go into your coffers, but you need to show that eric adams, the mayor, knew that. That he was aware. So i suspect that we will learn that some of the people whose homes have been subject to searches, whose phones have been taken, are actually cooperating with the u. S. Attorney's office, because that is a way into the intent. Much as our viewers saw michael cohen being able to testify about donald trump and what he was saying and doing. That is the thing i will be looking for tomorrow, how the government is intending to prove that eric adams was aware of the alleged wrongdoing. Let's listen to what representative alexandria ocasiocortez said today before the mayor was indicted. We are seeing a steady stream from deputy mayors and so many others that are vacating, resigning or frankly leaving the city rudderless in terms of leadership. Right now i think this is squarely about mayor adams ability to govern new york city and for governance to be fully staffed to serve the people of new york city and frankly under this constant stream of scandal, i do not know if the city will even be able to name replacements for all of these resignations and vacancies at this point. I think for the best of the city and so we can continue to staff the administration of the city, it would be best for mayor adams lisa rubin, feel free, despite my question which will be specific, to comment on any aspect of this breaking news as you see it right now. I have become suddenly interested in the line of succession in city hall and what happens if the mayor resigns or if the governor uses her power, unique power, to remove him. Let's start with what happens if the mayor were to resign, because as this investigation has picked up steam, you will not be surprised to learn that i and others have picked up the city charter that lays out that plan of secession. If mayor adams is removed from office or he resigns from office, for a period of time it would to go to the current sitting public advocate, a former city council member and quite progressive as compared with mayor adams, who has always positioned himself as a law and order democrat. The sort of democrat you don't see anymore elected to national or highprofile office in major cities. That said, he would be a temporary custodian of the office because the city charter also provides, depending on when the resignation comes, that a special election would then occur. In this case if mayor adams were to resign now, at this point in the year, in his third year in office, but after september 20 which is a critical date under the city charter, williams would have to call a special election roughly 60 days after that resignation or if that comes to close in time to the election, the first tuesday in december, i believe. But mayor adams is showing no signs that he wants to resign. In fact in response to the clip that you showed from congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez, both mayor adams and his spokesperson issued statements defiantly saying no charges have been filed. That it was inappropriate for her to speculate on his future and to call for his resignation. No sign yet of whether mayor adams has changed his tune now that we know thanks to the new york times that he has been indicted and likely those charges will be unsealed tomorrow. The governor who has the power to remove the mayor. Her reaction to this will be more important than anyone else. Lisa rubin, go back to studying more of the city charter. Andrew weissmann, thank you very much for joining us in this breaking news. We will continue to monitor this story and bring you any updates that occur during this hour. Coming up, vice president harris was on the campaign trail today in the key electoral college state of pennsylvania. She was speaking about economics and economic policy to the economic club of pittsburgh. It went very differently from when donald trump spoke to the economic club of new york and did not know what childcare was. That's next. Ext. Rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. 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And i promise you, i will be pragmatic in my approach. I will engage in what franklin roosevelt called bold, persistent experimentation. Bold, persistent experimentation. In the darkest of the worst economic depression of american history, the governor of new york, franklin delano roosevelt, ran for president in 1932 and said the country needs and unless i mistake it's timber, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another, but above all, try something. Try something. That was the spirit that led us out of the depression and bold, persistent experimentation became the fundamental difference at that point forward between the republican party and democratic party. In the simplest terms, the republican party, understandably was afraid of experimentation. Afraid of unintended consequences and afraid of the possibility of things going wrong. Those are legitimate things to fear. They thought the safer course was to simply be more conservative. Being conservative in the face of risk is an understandable approach. We all do it in somethings or we should, like personal finance and driving, for example. Better to be safe than sorry, but democrats in the desperate 1930s came to believe that choosing a seemingly safe governing course meant accepting severe pain for most people. Economic and otherwise, with absolutely no hope of a better future. And so franklin roosevelt and the democrats began taking risks and began experimenting and some of those experiments failed and were abandoned and republicans attacked them for those failed experiments, but more of those experiments succeeded. Experiments like the federal minimum wage. Experiments like government mandated overtime pay. Experiments like banning child labor and the most elaborate and riskiest experiment that the roosevelt decade of bold, persistent experimentation came up with, the creation of social security. Which became the single biggest governing success in the history of bold, persistent experimentation. At first republicans opposed social security, following their conservative impulses. When it quickly became the government's most successful and popular program, the republicans stopped publicly attacking it and the country came to take it for granted, almost immediately. So much so that social security was not even an issue in franklin roosevelt's successful reelection campaign for president after the act was enacted. Vice president harris went to the important electoral college state of pennsylvania today to talk about economic policy because one of the things that voters get wrong in polls is the majority belief that donald trump's ideas about the economy are better then kamala harris is ideas. The vice president is able to talk about economic life in a way that donald trump never can. A way that understands and has lived through the stress of family budgeting. I understand the pressures of making ends meet. I grew up in a middleclass family and while we were more fortunate than many, i still remember my mother sitting at that yellow formica table. Late at night. Cup of tea in hand with a pile of bills in front of her, just trying to make sure that she paid them off by the end of the month. Like so many americans, just trying to make it all work. Every day, millions of americans are sitting around their own kitchen tables and facing their own financial pressures. Because over the past several decades our economy has grown better and better for those at the very top and increasingly difficult for those trying to attain, build and hold on to a middleclass life. In many ways, this is what this election is all about. The american people face a choice. Between two fundamentally very different paths for our economy. I intend to chart a new way forward and grow america's middle class. Donald trump intends to take america backward. To the failed policies of the past. He has no intention to grow our middle class. He is only interested in making life better for himself. And people like himself. The wealthiest americans. You can see it spelled out in his economic agenda. An agenda that gives trillions of dollars in tax cuts to billionaires and the biggest corporations, while raising taxes on the middle class by almost $4000 per year. Slashing overtime pay. Throwing tens of millions of americans off of healthcare and cutting social security and medicare. His agenda would weaken the economy and hurt working people and the middle class. You see, for donald trump our economy works best if it works for those who own the big skyscrapers. Not those who actually build them. Not those who wire them. Not those who mop the floors. When donald trump spoke to the economic club of new york, a question about childcare clearly exposed that he did not know what childcare is. He does not know what those words mean. Today the vice president talked about childcare and eldercare in a way that no one in the trump family ever could. We will also cut the cost of childcare and eldercare. And finally give all working people access to paid leave, which will help everyone preparing for children. Caring for aging parents. And that sandwich generation which is caring for both. So i have a personal experience with caregiving. I remember being there for my mother when she was diagnosed with cancer. Cooking meals for her. Taking her to her appointments. Just trying to make her comfortable, figuring out which clothes were soft enough that they would not irritate her and telling her stories to try and make her laugh. I know caregiving is about dignity. It really is. And when we lower the cost and ease the burdens that people face, we will not only make it easier for them to meet their obligations as caregivers, we will also make it more possible for them to go to work and pursue their economic aspirations and when that happens, our economy as a whole, grows stronger. Why have we never heard from donald trump what he did for his mother or his father in the final days of their lives? i think we know the answer. And i think we know what he did. Nothing. Donald trump has no idea how childcare and eldercare affects people's ability, as the vice president put it, to pursue their economic aspirations. Vice president harris talked about the future of the economy today, using language that is not in donald trump's vocabulary or even his teleprompters vocabulary. I will recommit the nation to global leadership in the sectors that will define the next century. We will invest in bio manufacturing and aerospace. Remain dominant in a. I. And quantum computing, blockchain and other emerging technologies. Expand our lead in clean energy innovation and manufacturing. And we will invest in the industries that, for example, made pittsburgh the steel city. By offering tax credits for expanding good union jobs in steel and iron and manufacturing communities, like here in mann valley. Joining us now is democrat bob casey. He is running for reelection in pennsylvania. Senator casey, there she is going straight into western pennsylvania, which is a stronger region for republicans and democrats and taking on donald trump on the issue where he does better in the polls. The economy. Was this what western pennsylvania voters and pennsylvania voters generally wanted to be hearing about? are the issues she outlined issues that hit the target in pennsylvania? lawrence, thanks for having me on. There is no question that what you heard from vice president harris is speaking directly to families that have struggled. Middleclass families that every time there seems to be a tax bill, the big corporations, the billionaires, the people making hundreds of millions get most of the revenue from those tax bills. She's talking about cutting those taxes for middleclass families, but also this issue of caregiving. I think it cuts across so many lines. Whether you are in southwestern pennsylvania or anywhere in the commonwealth. I have been fighting along with vice president harris and the president to make investments in caregiving. Whether it is homecare or childcare, we have got to lift up our families and when you give away the store to big companies and billionaires, there is not much left over for the rest of our families. So i think she is speaking directly to anxieties, but also the hopes and aspirations of a lot of people in western pennsylvania. J. D. Vance's answer to childcare for parents who need childcare so they can go to their jobs is that is what grandparents are for. Are people in pennsylvania hearing those things from j. D. Vance? do they understand what his position is on that? i don't think they are hearing that and if they did i think they would be offended. Look, the people of our state know that raising a family is difficult. That is why the child tax credit is so critical. When we enhance that with leadership from senator brown and the president, getting that done and people like me working with them. The key for families is we have to win this tax battle next year. Lawrence, you know well from working in the finance committee, this tax battle in 2025 will tell a lot about whether we can make those investments in families or whether the top will rob it all again like they usually do through corporate lobbyists and republican politicians. So we are fighting this battle and my opponent is not going to support those initiatives to invest in the middle class, invest in childcare and invest in home care. He wants to go the same way to explode the debt and give away the store to big corporations. If you are with me and investing in the middle class and helping our families, i hope people go to bob casey. One of the job opportunities that exist and benefits that exist in pennsylvania right now is the ammunition plants in pennsylvania that are actually supplying the ukraine aid. Let's listen to president zelenskyy on a visit to pennsylvania on monday. I wanted very much to come here and to thank you. 400 people saved millions of ukrainians, because of the result of your work. I am very thankful. Just from ordinary ukrainians to you and what can i say? thank you so much. You helped us survive against putin's invasion and thanks to your families and god bless your families and you. God bless america. Thank you again very much for everything. Senator, there you were with the governor right behind president zelenskyy. What was that like for the workers to actually get that links directly that thanks directly? those workers, union labor, bursting with pride because of the work that they do, but especially when you have a world hero, like president zelenskyy, coming to scranton, pennsylvania. It happens to be my hometown. I still live there. Along with president biden's hometown growing up. But to have him there to validate the labor that they provided, to give those shells to the ukrainian army to be able to fight off russia. He literally said you are helping us survive and they think they are helping even more and will help them win. Pennsylvania senator bob casey, thank you very much for joining us again. Thanks, lawrence. Coming up, what the donald trump endorsed candidate for senate in ohio says about abortion when he thinks no one is recording. Senator sherrod brown will join us next. That grimy film on your teeth? dr. G? it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. 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I had a summer job at mcdonald's. He was born there. I'm very rich. She fights for you. When our middle class is strong, america is strong. He doesn't. You're rich as hell. We're gonna give you a tax cut. She has a reason for running. We are helping dig families out of debt by telling billionaires to pay their fair share. And so does he. They want to put me in jail. Kamala harris. For you. Ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. Here is what donald trump said about cryptocurrency in 2021. Bitcoin, it just seems like a scam. I was surprised. You know with us it was much lower. I don't like it because it is another currency competing against the dollar. And now donald trump has joined what he used to call a scam, by starting a cryptocurrency business of his own. The cryptocurrency industry is spending massive amounts of money in ohio in support of donald trump's endorsed candidate for senate against senator sherrod brown. It is not so much that the crypto gang loves bernie moreno, it is that there is no when they hate more than senator sherrod brown. The washington post reports senator brown is the chairman of the senate banking committee which oversees cryptocurrency and the agencies that regulate it. He has endorsed stricter government oversight of the industry. Major crypto companies, executives and investors have spent more than $38 million recently to help elect moreno, part of an expensive national quest to fend off unwanted regulation in washington. Thanks to the crypto gang, the ohio senate race has become the most expensive senate race ever, as republicans try to get rid of senator brown. The trump endorsed republican candidate is the biggest financial beneficiary of single issue voters in history. With money pouring into his campaign from the single issue crypto guys who oppose regulation of cryptocurrency. But bernie moreno is very angry at other single issue voters, especially voters who care about abortion, which he apparently believes should only be an important issue for women of reproductive age and republican men like bernie moreno and donald trump who want to control women's bodies. Here is what he said about abortion when he did not think he was being recorded. You know the left has a lot of single issue voters. Sadly, by the way, there's a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women. If i can't have an abortion in this country whenever i want, i will vote for anybody else. Okay, it's a little crazy by the way. Especially for women that are like past 50. I'm thinking to myself. I don't think that's an issue for you. Thank god my wife didn't hear that one. Why? how old is bernie moreno's wife? he is 57. Does she agree with him on abortion? does she agree with him that she, maybe, has no right to an opinion about it? and how perverse a man do you have to be to tell a group of people that you don't know, something that you don't want your wife to know? those are all questions for bernie moreno whenever he cares to join us on this program. He has an open invitation. Joining us now is ohio senior senator, democrat sherrod brown, chairman of the senate banking committee and a member of the finance committee and that has made him a target. Senator brown, you have had a lot of opponents running for office in ohio. You managed to convince ohio voters repeatedly, a majority of them, that you are a worthy candidate, but you have never, never in my view of your campaign in ohio, been up against something like this. This giant, unprecedented flood of money from the crypto gang into ohio to try to crush you as chairman of the senate banking committee. Did you see this coming is one of the risks you would run as chairman of that committee, saying that crypto should be regulated? lawrence, you used to be staff director for the finance committee and you knew the senate so well. When you take on drug companies and take on the corporations that outsource jobs and you take on wall street, you expect a cascade. The report you just gave's get in line and spend tens of millions of dollars to take sherrod brown out. I don't like talking about myself in the third person, but that is what we knew was coming and why i asked people to help me fight back. There are more of us than there are of them. Chip in 15 or $20 because they will keep coming. These interest groups don't like people like me. I'm fine with that. There are more of us than there are of them and we are ready. There may be more of you than there are of them, but they have more money. Money will matter in this race more than it ever has. We've never seen money like this in ohio. We've never seen money like this anywhere. I saw that clip a few days ago and essentially bernie moreno mocked all ohioans. He had a special insult at women over 50. And bernie thinks he knows better. He thinks he no better. He is for a national abortion ban. He is 100% prochoice with no exceptions for incest or health or life of the woman and he is out of step, but he does think he knows better. Think about that, a u. S. Senator that does not understand why women of any age care about their health, their daughter's health, their neighbors health. That is why i ask you to help us fight back, because that is who he is and why this contrast is so important. I will always stand with women in making decisions with their doctor. Bernie moreno once a national abortion ban and is simply unfit. That irony of being a beneficiary of single issue crypto voters and complaining about women taking a strong interest in the control of their own bodies. I was incredulous. I also know his character and his character is he knows better and he's going to continue to say i don't care that 57% of ohioans, 57% in a state people think is pretty conservative that i want abortion rights for my family and my neighbors family. That is what i stand for. I'm not going to vote for a senate candidate who does not vote in the senate, who thinks he knows better and is going to continue to dig in for a national abortion ban. Senator sherrod brown, who has a whole new level of political enemy in ohio now. Thanks for joining us. It's good to be with you always. Coming up, what president biden said today about vice president kamala harris. Esiden. E like you like it without an audience. [silence] the freestyle libre 3 plus sensor tracks your glucose in real time so everyone else doesn't have to, and over time it can help lower your a1c confident choices for more control of your life. This is progress. Learn more and try for free at freestylelibre. 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Well, the vice president was on her way to pittsford today, and the president of the united states was confiding with the women of the view live on national television about the advice he has given to kamala harris. What advice have you given the vice president about how to win? be herself. Look, she is smart as hell , number one. She is tough. She was a first rate prosecutor, she was a united states senator of significant consequence. And as vice president there was not a single thing that i did that she couldn't do. So, i was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy. Look, the one thing we have in common, she and i, two asic things that are departed from some past democratic notions. We thought the way to build this country and build the economy, which was left in tatters, was to build a middle class. Build the middle class from the bottom up, giving poor folks an opportunity, giving the middle class a chance to grow. And they should start paying their taxes. They should. And the other thing is, i don't know all of a sudden how we are so down on the prospects of america. There is nothing, nothing we have ever set out to do that we have not been able to do as a people, that we have done together. Nothing. So i just think she has the energy, she has the intelligence, she has the grit, she has the stamina, and she has the guts to do the right thing. Yes. We'll be right back. To it. So the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. For the ultimate gillette shaving experience. The best a man can get is gillettelabs. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an addon treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. Fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. Allergic reactions may occur. Don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. 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