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Ukraine scheme. Later we will breakdown the latest news from the president ial race including the latest on the Georgia Election Board ruling on counting ballots. But first i want to get right into it with the Executive Producer of from russia with lev, my colleague, Rachel Maddow, who gets to add a new and important moniker to your resume. You are the Executive Producer of this amazing documentary we just watched. Congratulations, first of all, my friend. Thank you, it feels so great to have it out in the world. Have to ask you, did you like it . Not only did i like it, i was set up not to like it. I dont mean that for any other reason than lev is a complicated character and it is an honest documentary about the complexity of lev. His Wife Talks about the complexity of lev. You had the first interview with him all those years ago. So i was not sure what i wanted to know that i did not already know and you stitched the whole thing together in a way that makes me wish i knew all of this back then. You know, it does matter that he is a very compelling person. And you can tell this story and lots of different ways. You can tell this story from the perspective of the ambassador that was unjustly forced out. From the perspective of zelenskyy on the way he was extorted by trump in the crime against ukraine that was at the heart of the impeachment, the sort of culminating thing. You can tell it from the perspective of Rudy Giuliani. From the perspective of trump. To tell it from the perspective of lev, you get this guy who is a very flawed person. He is open about the fact that he does have a background where he was a hustler, involved in organized crime. He came up in that environment. The whole reason that characters were going after him for years is because he had these legal judgments and debts people are trying to collect from him. Definitely, you know, not a boy scout, but that is also part of the story. That is part of what is so amazing that he ended up in the White House. That he ended up tasked to do something by the president of the united states and when you layer on top of that what i believe is his genuine repentance and the fact that his phone has terabytes of evidence about what all these people did, it is unlike any other story that i know of from the Trump Era or my time and covering politics. The thing that makes this so great from the beginning is the degree to which lev leans into the fact that he is a mob like Character And Mob like characters and in some cases actual mobsters were embedded in the Trump Administration, which makes you wonder, the conclusion i come to after watching this is, who was really calling the shots during the Trump Administration during this time that you cover . That is part of the worrying thing, right . It is not just a character flaw, it is a national Security Problem when youve got criminals involved in the u. S. Government. When the crooks take over the White House, that is not just bad for the american people, but it is really good for the crooks because it means anybody involved with people they should not be involved with, anyone involved in crimes, also become susceptible to blackmail, to extortion, to doing all sorts of things that could pervert their work in what is supposed to be the public service. So it is really bad to have crooks in charge and in this case in ukraine, the permeability of the White House. The fact that the guy who ran the nightclub called Mafia Rave in ukraine had access to the president of the united states was seen as being a fantastic piece of news for the kinds of guys who would know a guy who ran the Mafia Rave club in kyiv. Those sorts of characters should not have access to the american president , to the state department, to getting an ambassador fired who they wanted out of the way because she was anticorruption. Those sorts of people should not be able to do it, but that is how the Trump Administration ran. That was a moment in the documentary when lev was relating the way in which he talked to Donald Trump about Marie Yovanovitch being the problem, the u. S. Ambassador to ukraine being the problem and needing to get rid of her and literally Donald Trump looks over his shoulder and says get rid of her, she is done and you realize in that moment, the power that people like Lev Parnas had in the Donald Trump circle. This is a real story about a fake story, essentially and Lev Parnas was involved in creating the fake story. There is a point where he is sitting in the control room, overseeing the interview with the former ukrainian minister of Internal Affairs and he describes it very well as old soviet Style State Tv propaganda. You have spent so much time talking about the funnel of misinformation in america and you have basically done a documentary about the funnel of misinformation. I mean when lev says at one point in the film, you know, i eventually realized that there was not anybody who fed us any piece of the story who wasnt either working for the russian government directly or working for russian intelligence. So this was a foreign Influence Operation to target the united states, right . The director of national intelligence has just said that russia is targeting our elections again in 2024 to try to get trump back in the White House as part of the overall effort to harm and weaken the united states. You know, using their best weapon against the united states, which they think is Donald Trump in power. They are doing and now, which is why we have seen these indictments from the Justice Department in recent days. Famously we remember what they did in 2016 to try to get trump in power with troll farms and wiki links and the Clinton Campaign and all that stuff. That is 2016. In between in 2020 what they did was lev. What they did was this project to create a story that would hopefully knocked Joe Biden out of the running for the democratic president Ial Nomination in 2020, because Donald Trump knew that biden had the best chance of beating him, so he wanted him out. So the russians ran and Influence Operation to try to essentially spoil Joe Bidens chances at winning the nomination and they went at 10 by what they thought was his achilles heel, which is his love for his son, hunter. His troubled son, hunter. Using a fathers love for his son against him i think is morally repugnant. I think it is evil, but it also was really consequential in Hunters Life and ultimately in the biden Familys Life and It Led to the first trump impeachment. It led to the change in Levs Life and him going to prison and all of this, but that was the origin. In a few minutes i will talk to lev and his wife, central characters in the show. These documentaries dont work without central characters. As you mentioned you can tell it from separate perspectives, but from too many perspectives and you lose the effect of the story. He frames himself as The Con Man Who got pond. At the same time, as we discussed, he really did help orchestrate this whole operation. Yes. I know where i stand on this having watched this, but for the viewer, why should they believe Lev Parnas now . It is a very good question, totally fair question and one we had to confront and have long conversations with the Director And Producer of the film. We talked about this a lot because that is core to the journalistic import of the film. Can you believe what he is saying . There are two things i think are powerful. Maybe three things, but two main things that powerfully come down on the side of believing what lev is saying. One of them is the first interview he did with me in january, 2020, which set this whole process in motion. You know how this works. When somebody gets arrested, somebody gets indicted, the one thing you can be sure they are not going to do next is appear on television doing an interview with a real journalist, right . And yet after lev was arrested and indicted, he came and did that interview with me at great legal peril to himself. The Justice Department actually tried to remand him to custody because he did that interview with me. All of his sort of come to jesus, heres what i know, let me testify, let me tell you what i know, let me show you whats on my phone, all of that was not only not in his own interest, it was against his interest directly and may have led to a lot of the legal peril that he found himself in. It was not selfinterested and i found that important. The incentives went the other way. The other part is that he really does have a record of all the things hes talking about. Hes got thousands and thousands and thousands of text messages, thousands of documents in his icloud. Thousands of photos and he gave us full access to all of that to make this film, which was the most amazing Fact Checking Process i have ever sort of been through for such an incredible story to tell about important people. We watched together a powerful moment at The End of the film and now it is out there, we can talk about The End of the film, where Lev Parnas finally meets Hunter Biden. How did that come together . So we had a totally different ending planned for the film and in his final interview, it was the series of interviews with lev that made the sort of core of the film and in his final interview he said to the director, you know, i am going to go to my Probation Officer and ask for permission to leave the state of florida, because i would like to go to california and apologized Hunter Biden facetoface. Billy was like okay, sure, i want a pony. I know that you want that, it doesnt mean it is going to happen, but lev made it happen. He figured out how to contact Hunter Biden. Hes that im doing this documentary and i would like to apologize to you faceto face. You dont have to say yes, but would you consider it and if so could i bring a camera . I did not even bother putting it on my calendar. I never thought it would happen and then it just did and we didnt know when lev walked in the room whether hunter wood, you know, punch him out or talk to him or accept his offers of forgiveness and accept his apology and it was really a remarkable moment given what he was the author of in Hunters Life. He understands the role of what he did and where we are now with the invasion of russia and the russian invasion of ukraine and we are still waiting to see what the outcome of that war is going to be, but throughout the ukraine war as i was covering it, and maybe this is part of his penance. He was trying to be really helpful, saying what you need when you were in ukraine and trying to do things to allow us to cover it. As you recall i was sitting in for you when i was doing that. What is your sense of lev . Is he a changed man . I mean i think he is still the same person. I think hes very smart. I think hes charismatic. I think like svetlana says early in the film, No One has ever forgotten meeting him. There is a real charisma, thats true, but i think that he has been through a real transformation. He talks about having been in a colt and is not using that as hyperbole. He thinks of himself as effectively having been in a colt and coming out the other side of it and it has been brutal for his family. Svetlanas love for him is another thing i find moving. Very compelling. Very compelling. She is the star in many ways. I am curious to see what you think and how that goes. She is amazing. When lev says now what he would like to do is help people get out of the trump colt, to help people come out the other side of it the way that he did, i believe him. This was the story of his life and he wants to try to help and i am interested to see what he does. I think he has a lot to offer. It was a marvelous film. What did it feel like to be a filmmaker . I dont even know. This was the first Feature Documentary we produced at surprise inside, my production company. I hope it is the first of many, but it is like giving birth to a 600 pound baby. It does not feel like you will ever do it again. I was very fortunate to have them at the home of this. A total privilege to work with filmmakers that talented and with whom i share a sense of humor and a sense of the importance of this story, so i dont know. I dont know if i will ever be able to do something like this again. I would love to. We will see. I am thankful to Msnbc Films and universal Television Alternative studios for helping out. There is a lot of content, but this was amazingly compelling. Congratulations, my friend. Well deserved. I will be watching it again because it is one of those things that you need to see again, to hear those things again and have it all land in your brain, so i am really grateful to you and thank you. Thanks, much appreciated, my friend. When we come back as promised, Lev Parnas and his wife, svetlana. We will get their take on the film, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and the mission to dig up dirt. Later as voting gets underway in three states, Vice President harris campaigned in georgia, where the state Election Board passed last Minute Rule changes that could make a miss on Election Night and for days and weeks to come. The 11th hour just getting underway on a friday night. [child laughing] [child giggling with delight] come on you two. Dinner time. Ooooh. Ooooh. Some days, you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. And treatment is 4 times a year. In a survey, 91 of users wish theyd started sooner. So why wait . Talk to your doctor. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. 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I betrayed america. Im sorry. That is Lev Parnas and his wife, svetlana, in the new msnbc film, from russia with lev. Both of them are joining us live tonight. Good evening to both of you. I have not told a lot of people this. In fact i just set it to rachel. On the first trip to ukraine i was not even at the airport and you were the first person to call and say, what do you need when you get there . You and i have known Each Other for a while and i appreciate that you reached out on that very day. Svetlana, i did not know you and if lev is the narrator of the story, you are the commentary about the whole thing. What did you think of it . Well i loved the documentary. I think it was so special the way that it was directed and produced. I think it was really special. I did not expect for the documentary to turn out the way that it did. Some of it i was a little surprised by the Moments Billy Cott of both of us, but overall i think that the documentary is really important for our country right now. I think it speaks to the power of truth. The power of redemption. Reconciliation and unity and i if that can be taken away tonight from this documentary, i think that would make us very happy. Lets talk about reconciliation. Lev, lets start at The End where we saw your meeting with Hunter Biden. What were you expecting . In the moments up to that you are in the car, holding hands. She asks if you are ready and you get out of the car. How did that meeting go compared to what you expected it to do . I definitely didnt expect hunter to, you know, you know, accept my apology. I never expected that. I was blessed and thankful that he would meet with me. I wanted to get the opportunity to apologize to him. I wanted to give him the opportunity to ask questions and to let him know that if there was anything i could help him out with, tell him stuff i was involved with and hunter, you know, embraced me and accepted my apology and said some of the strongest words ive ever heard and i think that is why it is so important. People dont really know Hunter Biden. They hear these narratives that i helped create of a human being, of a father, of a son and used his addiction to do it and that was the sick part about it. To have him sit and embrace me and accept my apology and tell me he is proud of me. I mean it was so emotional. I cant believe it and i am grateful and thankful to hunter and to his wife, melissa, and to the whole Biden Family. Like i said it is my mission in life to not only to apologize to everybody, the whole country, ukraine and everybody, but especially the Biden Family and make sure i could do whatever i could to clear their name. You were the model of what a partner should be. You were supportive of lev the whole time, but there were times it was clear to you that lev was in over his head, doing things he should not be doing and hanging out with people he should not be hanging out with. How do you reconcile that now . You were there when you knew things were wrong, you are being supportive and ultimately you helped him out of this . Ultimately, isnt that what marriage is about, to be there through thick and thin, better or worse . You know if only for the sake of our family, i needed to be strong. We both needed to be strong and needed to get first in the same book and then on the same chapter and i think we are now on the same page and so i think that is kind of where we have been. Lev, there are so many interesting moments in the film. You are right, svetlana, it was done in such an interesting way. I kept leaning in and not wanting it to stop, but there was an interesting moment i thought when you talked about the postcard that you got from Rudy Giuliani when you were behind bars. I almost expected you to laugh and say it was a joke. I cant believe that is actually the postcard he sent you and it seemed like it was a Turning Point for you when you realized that someone you had trusted so much and relied on and relied on you, seemed ready to just throw you to the wolves. I could not believe it, ali. Youve got to understand where i was. I was locked up under espionage charges. I was in a cell for 24 hours by myself. I have nothing, not a piece of paper. I was not even allowed clothes and all of a sudden in the middle of the night i get something slipped under my door. I thought i was hallucinating and they picked it up and i could not believe it. I did not sleep all night. As part of my story, as crazy as it sounds, a lot of things happen with Gods Blessing because otherwise i would not be sitting here to tell the story and that morning all of a sudden i had Lawyers Visit that i was not even expecting. A Lawyers Visit and my wife hired lawyers. I had no lawyers and my wife hired some lawyers to bail me out and they happened to come that morning and with the Guard Shift they did not strip search me as they did every time i walked in and out of the cell and i was able to hand it to my attorney and have him get it out of there. When they brought me back in they went back into my cell looking. You have to understand this is a six foot by eight Foot Cell with all cement. They were going up and down and looking without telling me, but i knew they were trying to find the postcard because it was supposed to be a message for me and then they were going to get rid of it. The plan was for my Wife And Everybody to think i was crazy. Rudy would call my wife when i was in there and they, you know, lev is losing it. He might be telling stories. We are scared he is losing his mind. I think they kept him in solitary Confinement And Something happened to him. That was part of the thing. They knew everything i knew, that when i would talk it could not be proven without obviously the receipts, which they had no idea i had until they arrested me. Svetlana, i always wonder what happens to families when things change this way. You had a new circle of friends once Donald Trump got elected and you are deeply enmeshed with them and suddenly they were all gone and your husband was in jail. Yeah, i mean our life changed forever. Much like it did when lev first got involved with Donald Trump. Our lives changed again and it was a very difficult time for our family and to be coming out of it on the other side with some healing is, i think, very valuable to us. The most important thing. Lev, one of the interesting Things Rachel was just talking about is the film makes it clear that it was crucial you didnt document everything. Talking about the postcard and the presence of mind to make sure you got it to your attorney. Why did you do it at the time . What were you thinking as you are documenting everything . Did you think maybe because of your upbringing and things you were involved in that something may not go my way or are you the guy who likes to take a lot of pictures and keep a lot of documents . Absolutely the opposite. If you saw my Life Story if i thought i was doing Something Wrong i would do the opposite. I was responsible for updating everything and backing everything up to icloud. Three versions of your phone. That is what saved us because Bill Barr put everything under seal. I think it is still under seal. If svetlana did not have it backed up on some of her icloud, i would not be able to share. We would not be able to have it because part of what Bill Barr did was try to make sure none of this got out because when he arrested me and the fbi, the doj, they have all of my stuff. So they knew everything that was there and right away they file to seal my stuff not to be able to handed over to congress. But you know what, ali . With all of this information ive given over to rachel and billy, obviously all of that cant be in this one and a half Hour Movie and one thing i want the public to know, a lot of people that were not mentioned in this movie that are still active, still doing stuff now. For instance, one of the guys that we talk about, john solomon. We talk about fox news, but we dont talk about Ken Fogel from the New York Times. Rudys guy in the New York Times that was pushing all of this stuff. We dont talk about devon archer. He talks about he is Hunter Bidens friend, but No One understands he was paid by russian assets to be Hunter Bidens handler, not to be his friend. To use this to plant them in places where he would be taken pictures. Bring him to kazakhstan. People dont even know that it was his birthday that they went to kazakhstan and he dragged hunter and that is where they took his Laptop And Stuff like that. There is so much to this story that people dont know and that is why i am blessed to have Rachel Maddow to get out this at such an important time with the elections coming up and i want people to know what they did in 2020, they are doing the same exact thing right now. The same russian disinformation. The same characters. John solomon. You see the same people. Nothing has changed and that is why it is very important that this movie came out at the crucial time for people to be able to see it before they go in to vote, to understand who Donald Trump is and who he has around him. If he could have a guy like me running all of this, imagine who he would have if he was ever at the office again. Back then there were certain guardrails. There were people at the White House and administration, they tried. You had general kelly. You had the people that would try. They are all gone. There is nobody there. Even ivanka and jared have jumped ship. The only people you have around him are conspiracy theorists, crazy nuts. People like general flynn. People like Cache Patel running the state department. That is why it is so important to understand who surrounds Donald Trump and im sorry but it frustrates me to see it happening the same plan that weve done in 2020. Basically they have not reinvented the wheel, they are doing the same thing in 2024. An important message for people to hear. Thank you for that. Svetlana, a pleasure to meet you and lev, good to see you, old friend. I appreciate the time youve taken with us. Think you and god bless you for all the work you do in ukraine. It is so important. Think you both. As lev points out, 46 days to november 5. Officials in one key Battleground State have just voted for a controversial new rule about counting ballots. Why critics are saying this will lead to chaos on Election Day and perhaps for days and weeks to come, when The 11th Hour continues. So, we scheduled at safelite. Com. We were able to track our technician and knew exactly when hed arrive. We can keep working synth Music Woman Safelite came to us. Tech hi, im kendrick. Woman with a replacement we could trust. Thats service the way we want it. Vo schedule free Mobile Service now at safelite. Com. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. At safelite. Com. This one is for you. Citis industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. And help a partner like the World Food Programme as they provide more than food to people in need. Together, citi and the World Food Programme empower families across the globe. Next. I smell like death. 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Do we trust women . Do we believe in reproductive freedom . Do we believe in the promise of america . And are we ready to fight for it . And when we fight, we win Vice President Kamala Harris campaigned on the issue of abortion in georgia this afternoon. The Swing State has been under increased scrutiny after new reporting from propublica linked its Sixweek Abortion Ban to the deaths of two women. The latest move is raising red flags. Today they passed a rule that would require a Hand Count of all ballots, a measure that could lead to serious delays in election results. For more lets bring in the political reporter for the Atlanta Journalconstitution and a msnbc contributor. And a msnbc political analyst and john allen, senior national Politics Reporter for nbc news. Greg, my dude, please, what is going on in your state . There is a lot going on and i think we can lead with the state Election Board 32 decision that on its face seems innocuous. The Hand Count of ballots. If i asked my average neighbor they would say sure, but it can delay the reporting of results and so doubts in the Election Process and it adds another Rule Change to what democrats and Voting Rights Experts and even some republicans say is a series of Rule Changes that could set the stage for election challenges for Donald Trumps supporters should he manage to lose georgia by a narrow margin. Look, what the Georgia State Board of elections is doing is they are sowing doubt. This is the second thing they have done and they georgia Secretary Of State said they dont have the authority to do the first one. You can count by hand if you want to. You have to have more people around, but it is the concept that there are problems with the Way Voting takes place and it seems like that is setting up the groundwork for the Big Lie 2 and how Donald Trump sets up with the results of the coming election. That is exactly right. Donald trump is sowing doubt as he has been since 2015. Every election he has been and he has claimed before any votes have been cast that if he loses, it must be a Rig Election and again, coming back to that word, i cannot tell you how many trump supporters or just voters in general since 2020 i have talked to who said, look, trump was winning on Election Night. I went to bed and i woke up and he was losing. Something nefarious mustve happened and of course it didnt. That is how elections work because of time zones, precincts, overseas ballots. We dont know the results right away, but in this moment when there is such distrust of institutions across the board, anything that injects Doubt Or Uncertainty or a lack of transparency benefits a candidate to wants to potentially lie about the results if they dont go his way. John allen, we played some of what Kamala Harris did in georgia and a packed room of 10,000 people or something like that in wisconsin. Here is what she had to say. Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails. He, who has vowed to be a dictator on day one. He who has called for, quote, the termination of the Constitution Of The United States of america. And let us be very clear, someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution Of The United States should never again stand behind the seal of the president of the united states. Never again. Never again. Talk to me about the evolution of Kamala Harris, the candidate. Weve heard those lines from her before. She has used them, but out of the gate she had this remarkably enthusiastic base, which surprised some people and it has been a steady creep upward both in the number of people who come to her events, the number of people registering to volunteer. The money she is raising and in the polls. It is slow, but trending in her direction at the moment. Give me a sense of her as a candidate. It is interesting. I think something people missed and not surprisingly because she is Vice President of the united states, but for most of this year and last year she was traveling around the country giving stump speeches effectively on abortion rights, on small business, on a couple of other issues and i think what you are seeing is when you talk about an evolution, you are seeing the development of a candidate who has become very practiced at delivering the sort of big speeches, big rally speeches. On a broad level you mention that slow Building Momentum for her. We saw her right out of the gate unify the democratic party. I think there was a lot of energy behind her. Some of that was contained concern about Joe Biden being unleashed and people being excited to have someone new. Some of it had to do with her in particular and i think she has continued that. You know you mentioned the bowling. It is certainly rosier for her than it was for Joe Biden when he exited this race, but not so much that you would say this is anything other than an incredibly close race. Looking at georgia and thinking about how close the race was last time. And we are going to be looking at georgia and pennsylvania again. Thats not going to change. It might take longer to count the votes. Ashley parker, it is one of those things in American Politics that is weird because every group says this is the group they need to win. You need every group to win at this point and you are reporting that Harris And Trump are in a real strict fight for men under the age of 50. What is that all about . This was fascinating to me, too, because when i set out to report this story, we thought the groups that each campaign was going to be going after were going to be tremendously different and on the Harris Side there is some difference. They have a much higher Ceiling And Room for growth, so there are a bunch of groups they are going after to persuade, but the crux of it is young voters in both campaigns. Under 50, which i like. That makes me young, so it is a pretty broad range and they skew more mail for both campaigns and it might surprise people. There are more black and latino voters than in the general population. So, put on vote young men, more diverse in certain ways. Both campaigns are laser focused right now. Greg bluestein, abortion is what Kamala Harris is talking about in georgia. There are so many issues in georgia. The election, voting access have typically been the biggest issues. Talk to me about abortion as a motivating issue in georgia. Any different from every other state where it is a motivating issue . Looks, the Atlanta Journal Constitution just released a poll that showed abortion is the top issue for about one in 10 voters and i think if we go deeper it would be a topfive issue for many more voters and democrats feel like they can bank on abortion in a way that they could not in 2022 when republicans won every office but one. The u. S. Senate race which Herschel Walker lost. Todays rally was not really a rally. It was not your typical campaign speech. It was a very impassioned outline from the Vice President of what she says is the bleak future for abortion rights, should Donald Trump prevail in Georgia And Beyond and it was, real, using personal stories, personal tales of those two women who died after taking abortion pills, shortly after georgias Antiabortion Law took effect. It hit home to a lot of people in the audience. The invitationonly audience full of some of the most prominent Women Activists in georgia who will now go and spread that message throughout georgia, which is neck and neck. A Tightening Race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in one of the most important Battleground States in the nation. Thank you to all three of you this evening. Greg, ashley, john, we appreciate it. When we come back, less than three weeks from a Government Shutdown Deadline and Donald Trump is causing headaches. We have the latest when The 11th Hour continues. Tinues. Where ya headed . Susan where am i headed . Am i just gonna take what the markets gives me . No. I can do some research. Ya know, thats backed by j. P. Morgans leading strategists like us. When you want to invest with more confidence. The answer is j. P. Morgan Wealth Management why didnt we do this last year . Before you were preventing migraine with qulipta® . And look at me now. Youll never truly forget migraine, but zeromigraine days are possible. Dont take if allergic to qulipta®. Most common Side Effects are nausea, constipation, and sleepiness. Qulipta®. The forgetyouget migraine medicine™. House republicans are defying their president ial nominees calls for a Government Shutdown over the save act. The legislation requiring people show proof of citizenship to register to vote. Political reports gop lawmakers told trump a shutdown would not be good for his campaign. House Speaker Johnson says he spoke with Trump Yesterday and he, quote, understands the situation. For more, Michael Schnell joins me. Thank you for being with us. Whats the plan for the gop right now, because it would be really weird to end up with a Government Shutdown that has nothing to do with the underlying reasons why the government typically gets shut down. It used to not happen at all and it was always a Budget Fight or a Funding Fight and this one is sheer politics. Thats right. It is important to note theres not going to be a shutdown. The overall sentiment in the House Republican Conference on the House And Senate side is that a shutdown would not be helpful for anybody. It would be harmful for republicans at this juncture, so close to the election, but that doesnt mean theres not going to be a fight about it and former President Trump is a key player. He has time and time again urged republicans to reject any Funding Package that does not include that legislation. It would require proof of citizenship to vote, something democrats have noted is illegal. I was never going to make it into the Funding Package. It has already been taken out of what congressional leaders are moving forward with and expected to unveil over the weekend, so essentially there will not be a shutdown, but former President Trump likely to be frustrated with republicans on capitol hill, including Speaker Johnson because he is barreling ahead with this Funding Plan that goes in contrast with what former President Trump was talking about. He has been in contact with trump. Im told that by a source familiar. They did speak at Washington Yesterday and met in maralago over the weekend, but still trumping very clear what he wants out of this Funding Fight. But republicans not going ahead with that. I guess the question is this. When you say you dont think there will be a Government Shutdown because there is no stomach for it, that would mean johnson not just doing what hes doing, following trump and trying to convince him. Bottom line it sounds like johnson still thinks trump has to sign off on it and give permission or create a Mission Structure for republicans to vote for it. Do you really think if Donald Trump does not sign on to passing this thing that republicans will defy him . There will be republicans who defy him. Moderate republicans and folks who want to get ahead with this stopgap bill, get it over the Finish Line and go home and continue campaigning. It is not just about the Funding Fight and policy. There are a lot of politics with this and particularly internal House Gop politics. Mike johnson expressed clearly that he wants to remain speaker in the next congress in for day she one Stream And Leader of the conference. That will be much easier if he has the support of former President Trump, so johnson is towing the line between protecting moderates and avoiding a Government Shutdown, which would be harmful for republicans up and down the ballot, but also placating the concerns of former President Trump, because he will be a key ally when Speaker Johnson vies for reelection in his leadership position. Not to mention leaders on the right flank. Hardline conservatives are going to be key to johnson keeping his leadership position, so there are a lot of layers to this. Not just averting a shutdown, but he wants to save his leadership prospects for the near future. Thanks for joining us. We appreciate your time tonight. We will be back after a quick break. K break. N cause serious Side Effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. 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And ill see you this weekend. I know this is a weird time to see me. You are not used to seeing me right now but do not be alarmed. I know im not usually here on fridays. Im not usually here at 8 00 p. M. Eastern but tonight i am here because i real

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