Starts right now. HeLLo, ari. WeLL see you this weekend. Thank you very much. Its a Big Show tonight, because it is officiaLLy starting. Yes, i can teLL you officiaLLy the voting begins. If youre keeping count aLL the way to eLection day, stiLL theres 46 days Left, which is a Long time, but voting begins today in three states. If it sounds extra earLy, its pretty earLy. These are the first states that aLLow for earLy vote, but a reminder what happened on the Debate Stage. On the stage with oprah and the Vip Voters in virginia were passing the imbaLances aLready. The turnout is notabLe. The earLy voting begins in the state of minnesota, which we have heard more and more about, as weLL as south dakota. Theres 10 MiLLion registered voters in those states. Harris campaigning in battLeground georgia, part of a Lineup of key events. Today, in many ways, was centered on the issue that onLy democrats says is important subtantiveLy, but its one that in a cLose race couLd actuaLLy end up deciding this thing. The womens rights revoLt, and the issue that many peopLe think is a winning pLan for democrats. This is a heaLthcare crisis, and DonaLd Trump is the architect of this crisis. He brags about overturning roe v. Wade. In his own words, he is proud that he did it. He is proud that women are dying . That is KamaLa Harris on the campaign traiL. Something i have mentioned to you in covering her is reaLLy on dispLay right now. KamaLa harris mixes the serious, the substantive, even the grave issues facing or nation, and fact check, we have covered some of these issues that reLate to HeaLth Care, to womens rights, to things that famiLies might want to care about, things that are Life and death. She mixes that with this joyous our upLifting and sometimes Lighter tone, that peopLe have more than one Tone Or Mood that the country and the community shes directing her pitch at might understand that as weLL. Thats what im going to taLk about tonight. We have more harris iLL be showing you, but weLL see both of these things. In a few minutes, some of the Lighter side, what many peopLe say is a Smash Hit Broadcast with oprah. On the serious side, harris arguing that her career animates the concern for reproductive rights. This is especiaLLy an issue in georgia, where the states abortion ban, what democrats insist as a matter of LegaL consequence a trump abortion ban, has in some cases aLready proven to be deadLy. At Least two women and those are onLy the stories we know here in the State Of Georgia died died because of a trump abortion ban. These hypocrites want to start taLking about this is in the best interest of women and chiLdren . WeLL, where have you been . Where you been . When it comes to taking care of the women and chiLdren of america. Where you been . Where have you been . PowerfuL and moving rhetoric is there, hitting trump on the abortion bans. The reporting from propubLica, the preventabLe deaths of two women who were pregnant in georgia. What many LegaL experts are vaLidating, these are peopLe who, but for the Supreme Court and the state Laws, wouLd be aLive, that you can say the death was not LiteraLLy caused by the poLiticians, but the situations that Led to the death were. Andrea NicoLLe Thurman was initiaLLy denied the medicaL care she needed. And then when she Later was treated, it was too Late. Candy miLLer, who see here as weLL, was fearfuL of what it wouLd mean to try to go to a hospitaL to obtain what experts say was other Lifesaving care. She died at home. Ambers famiLy is thinking out. This is the first time theyre speaking out in pubLic, so, again, i toLd you how the Oprah Event had the Lighter moments, excitement, some cuLturaL Leaders and famous peopLe, but it aLso has its fitting, makes sense if you know oprah to create time for this admittedLy difficuLt but exceedingLy important issue, where they were speaking out for the first time. I want you to know, amber was not a statistic. She was Loved by a famiLy, a strong famiLy. WeLL wouLd have done whatever to get my baby, our baby the heLp that she needed. I think the most powerfuL thing you have said here miss genet is your daughter is not a statistic. Im just so sorry. Ambers mom shared with me the word over and over again in her mind is preventabLe. Yeah. Ambers story highLights the fact that among everything that is wrong with these bans and whats happened in the overturning of Roe Vox wade, its a heaLthcare crisis. That was a very stark moment, one that is difficuLt to taLk about. There are peopLe Living their Lives who know about the probLems, but might not want to sLow down, Listen and discuss it, and think about the absoLute possibLe and human consequences. PoLitics can be frustrating when peopLe feeL these moments are somehow used or onLy used for poLiticaL gain, not for change. Yet, there are few peopLe who can honestLy Look at that moment, those peopLe invoLved who i just toLd you about, and not see that the moment, the poLiticking about the campaign doesnt meet the actuaL moment of the change required. Who can reaLLy seriousLy say that KamaLa Harris WouLdnt Push different womens rights and abortion poLicies than DonaLd Trump and a different Supreme Court . For aLL the debate and Lying that goes on, everyone understands its Night And Day on these issues, on womens rights, on choice, and on the Supreme Court. That was just one moment i mentioned in a Longer, 90minute broadcast which was the Harry Campaign Leaning into the asset of oprah winfrey, whose foLLowing is much wider than any partisan project. The wider audience was i can teLL you portions of this aired on two of the News ChanneLs a cabLe, incLuding msnbc, reaching over 3 MiLLion viewers. OnLine over 300,000 peopLe tuned in to catch it on Harris Youtube ChanneL Live, and we checked here tonight, going into the friday evening, in addition to the 300,000 Live, in just reaLLy under a day since, 1. 5 miLLion totaL have watched the same broadcast. Ive toLd you about how technoLogy matters and can change our poLitics and civic discourse. If anyone knows how to get seen across aLL the mediums avaiLabLe, im going to teLL you something, its oprah winfrey. Heres what the times said the discussions were heavy at times, with members of the audience and persons in home at tears. Thats how the times put it. As i toLd you, there was the serious and the Lighter. It was an important and wideLy watched moment in this campaign. We have 400 peopLe in our audience and thousands more. HeLLo, ALL Of You on screen. HeLLo everybody on screen. I am here because i care deepLy about the future of our country. I know that ALL Of You do, too. PLease weLcome KamaLa Harris [ cheers and appLause ] wouLdnt it be great if we brought the groups together at one time . Thats why we have. We have the Cat Ladies for kamaLa here. [ appLause ] ruraL americans for harris, caregivers for kamaLa, train Lovers for harris waLz. I didnt know there were train Lovers. Train Lovers, chefs for kamaLa. Love that group. RepubLicans for harris, Love that group even more. Unite for america [ cheers and appLause ] the event had aLL those constituent groups and others, then some stars that, quite frankLy, the repubLican convention wouLd have been very excited for even one contemporary aList bryan cranston, juLia roberts, chris rock, ben stiLLer, meryL streep, i am just Listing some of them. Im going to remind you, as we have you discussed in this program, cuLture, arts, music, these are things that bring us together, especiaLLy across generations. So, before i go any deeper into the event, i want to remind you how the powerfuL cuLturaL and often beLoved figures transcend our poLarized poLitics. Hey, are you the aLso guy making aLL that big noise . Huh . [ growLing ] i dont understand wouLd you its so different to confirm a appointment. Im so saturday. Your incompetent does not cLearLy. Let me cLue you in. I am not in danger, skyLer. I am the danger. Theyre steaLing our money, the pension. You worked for 35 years, you thought you were going to Leave your kids a wiLL. Now youre going to Leave them a wont. Im aLso just a GirL Standing in front of a boy, asking him to Love her. Hey, who cant reLate to that . ALL of these stars who have connected with so many peopLe are stepping out of their roLes, as thespians, and into their roLe as a citizen, if i can be so boLd. These are peopLe that command the foLLowing, Command Attention for aLL kinds of reasons. Oprah, using her skiLL set, bringing them aLL together to give their endorsements and the shine of their stars to KamaLa Harris. Im just smiLing from ear to ear, oprah. I have never feLt this much joy and optimism in a campaign in a Long time. Ive aLways been a fan of kamaLa, even back when she was running for i remember writing her a check when she was Like the District Attorney for something. Maybe it was the get out of a Parks Ticket or something. [ Laughter ] i am a mother of two kids this is their first chance to vote in an eLection. I couLdnt be more excited for them to have the Legacy to saying that their first vote they ever cast for president was for you. I have just chiLLs saying that out Loud. I wouLd Like to say to you two women, thank you for what you represent. As a 52yearoLd chiLdLess woman, i want to say to the peopLe who think that a Womans Worth is measured in her Baby Count Shoutout to aLL the amazing mothers but the chiLdLess women have been mothering the worLd and eLevating cuLture. Godmothers, teachers, mentors, sisters and friends, and the List goes on. You do not need to push out a baby to heLp push humanity forward. With meryL, who wouLdnt Like that cLap . You can say hoLLywood LiberaLism, but the truth is, this is america and peopLe Love the movies and the music, and nowadays peopLe foLLow the internet stars. In a competition of campaigns, youre going to have a contrast. Youre going to have competition. And its not reaLLy cLose if you compare it to rnc. No disrespect to HuLk Hogan or kid rock, but were not the same currency. I Love oLd music, but these are peopLe at the top of their game right now. I mentioned meryL streep, who we aLL Love. Nothing unique about that, threetime oscar winner, discussing trump trying to steaL or undermine the eLection. What happens when you win and he doesnt accept . And you know that theres going to be this Long sLog of shenanigans. Im wondering how we get to that moment, how we preserve certification on January 6th. If it doesnt happen, it wiLL be maybe thrown back to the LegisLatures of the states. I wonder i wonder if were ready for January 7th. And what happens. Are we ready for January 7th is a serious and fair question . Now, in that setting, discussing these issues as you saw with reaL peopLe affected. I showed you a Theaters Moment earLier with oprah, and these Leaders, harris took on that question and said theyre ready, they have a LegaL team. Shes a Lawyer herseLf, and she covered other topics over the broadcast. One of the things that i have reaLized in the course of our campaign is that more americans than we may reaLize, who voted for trump before, have decided January 6th was just a bridge too far. Im a gun owner, too. I did not know that. If Somebody Breaks in my house, theyre Gonna Get shot. Im sorry. I hear that. I probabLy shouLd not have said that. [ Laughter ] but iLL deaL with that Later. [ Laughter ] part of my pLan is to give startup, smaLL businesses, a a,000 Tax Deduction to Start Up their business. Right now its 5,000, who can start a business with a 5,000 . Thats a teeny, tiny business. Its a concept of a business, right . I said on the Debate Stage because hes having a different time processing the fact that 81 MiLLion peopLe fired him. Do not be afraid to vote. I think theres aLso something quite insidious about these attacks on the eLectorate in these various forming that are intended to convince peopLe their vote wont matter. KamaLa harris putting in the context there more than one issue. That was a Lot of support of what oprah can do. Jayz, one who ive quoted before, did the cuLturaL outreach for here, once set biggy fLow, shoutout to o, were gonna need A MiLLion mo. KamaLa harris knows about both os, which brings us to another chapter. Her campaign, whiLe she was in michigan with oprah has obama on the traiL in caLifornia. He aLso spoke at the dnc and has been used onLine. I can mention he bLasted out the same oprah Broadcast Today to his foLLowers. Hes in a new ad thats been running. The reLationship you can aLways say democrats support the nominee, but this reLationship dates back to his rise in 2008. Barack has said its a Love feeLing the a cause why the. Stand together and vote together on November 6th for president barack obama. A dear, dear friend of mine. I want everything to do right by her, san francisco District Attorney, KamaLa Harris. He is right now someone who i am proud of as an american. He is a Leader who has taken on some of the most difficuLt issues we face. Your senator, KamaLa Harris, wiLL be a fareLess fighter every singLe day. Hes Chofs A partner who is prepared. We have somebody on the stage to rebuiLd the obama coaLition. We caLLed to say, micheLLe and i couLdnt be prouder to endorse you. We are ready for a president KamaLa Harris. Shoutout to o, we gonna need A MiLLion mo, maybe harris couLd be the next o. Then you have the other stars speaking in their own ways in their own pLatforms. Oprah is using her pLatform. She knows how to put on a great broadcast, give a great speech. Other peopLe, Like biLLy eiLish, who urged peopLe to vote to over 100 MiLLion voters, or tayLor swift, whose endorsement has echoed, are doing their thing their way. Its an interesting thing in poLitics. Yet, dont forget, the race is stiLL tied in many of the key states. By The End of the but first weLL discuss if theres A MiLLion more os on the way, as KamaLa Harris seems to have aLL the stars you couLd ask for. We are back with Ayeara MiLLs in 90 seconds. A miLLs in 90 seconds. We are peopLe Living with afib. And over 400,000 of us have Left BLood Thinners behind. For Life. Weve cut our Stroke Risk. And said goodbye to our BLeeding Worry with the watchman impLant. We may be getting oLder. But weve never squeezed more out of Life. And we are just getting started. Join us at watchman. Com. Watchman. Its one time, for a Lifetime. voLtaren. For Long Lasting Arthritis Pain ReLief. new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. When you sponsor a job on indeed, its easier for taLented candidates to find it. Which makes it easier for you to hire them. Visit indeed. Com hire im not just an expert on eyecare savings, im aLso an expert in Looking good. Like when you wear fLorence by MiLLs Frames created by miLLie bobby brown, onLy at americas best. TaLk about a big deaL. Get two pairs of fLorence by MiLLs Frames for 119. 95, excLusiveLy at americas best. This is the moment for aLL decent peopLe, aLL caring peopLe who want the best for yourseLf and you want the best for other peopLe. You know that we can do better, and that we deserve better. You know this. I know you know this. I know you feeL this. We are joined by democratic Strategist Ayesha miLLs, been an anaLyst for us Long as weve had The Beat on the air. WeLcome back. Hey, good to see you. Good to have you. We just waLked through so much whats happened in the Last day, as weLL as what shes capping this week. What do see important there, incLuding the serious any of the womens rights push, as weLL as some of the joy in the arts. Ari, the first thing i see as so moving and important is the Breadth And Depth of the coaLition that was assembLed for this unite unity event. The fact that the Cat Ladies for harris, and the bLack women, and the men, and the Latinas, aLL the different constituent groups that make up this big beautifuL Tent And UmbreLLa thats refLective of thes in majority of america, where were going with the Demographics Shift and aLL the peopLe who refLect the Dignity And Goodness that oprah was invoking there. The fact is that is on dispLay with regard to the Harris Campaign is the winning ticket here. CertainLy to have a conversation with that diverse backdrop about reproductive HeaLth Care and access and the damage that trump has done to so many peopLe from 12yearoLds being raped by their stepparents, to women who are dying in hospitaLs not receiving the care they deserve because of these awfuL abortion bans, it certainLy struck an Eye Motion an chord, so understand why this is not why a womens right issue when we taLk about abortion. When we taLk about HeaLth Care Access And Body autonomy, this is about aLL of us and our Loved ones. If theyre in our womb today, trust and beLieve theyre coming for your private parts tomorrow. I think this gaLvanized the Breadth And Department of who we are as peopLe. I appreciate your points there. The Harris Campaign has their foot on the proverbiaL gas. Wired has videos rivaL TeLevision Networks for audience. So the Harris Campaign, just today, this is new, had her do a whoLe, what they caLL a fun thing caLLed autocorrect. They do it with aLL kinds of stars. That just dropped. Can Camera Harris beat trump . Yes, absoLuteLy. KamaLa Harris Debate that was quite enjoined. Camera Harris TayLor swift. Im very proud to have her support, but we were on different sides of the Super BowL Last year. [ Laughter ] ive just under a minute. What do you think theyre humanizing her, to have some fun. We dont need the BuLLy And BLusterian more. I think peopLe are connecting with her because shes famiLiar. After ayesha, you know L. L. CooL j himseLf is on The Beat to end the week. He as a new aLbum. But first, voting is underway. Were going to get into the poLLs in these BattLeground States. If youve heard the Harris Campaign, they say its basicaLLy tied, margin of error. We independentLy Looked, and we see a tight race in the states. I have an Obama PoLLing Guru next, Live. A PoLLing Guru next, Live with eLephants . Wait, can we afford a safari . Great question. Like everything, it takes a LittLe pLanning. 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Dont wait caLL, cLick or visit an xfinity store today. We are the underdog. Lets be cLear about that. We are the underdog. So, we have Hard Work ahead of us, but we Like Hard Work. That is campaign rhetoric, aLL candidates tend to say various things to get motivated, but when she says underdog, the whoLe campaign has matched that idea, and a Lot of the numbers bear this out. I toLd you on the show, we dont even do the nationaL poLLing horse race, its not reLevant, theres no nationaL vote. We Look at other indicators of what matters. We end this week, with the debate, the BattLeground States come now to about seven key areas on the map. You see it right there. Then you Look at the margin of error gap poLLing, states where even the State PoLLing is effectiveLy tied, and you see the same map, okay . You can go on the web sites, you can go on sociaL media, you can see a Lot of discussion about this, but every key state is within the margin of error. That means statisticaLLy they are tied. This is what Harris Campaign manager even mentioned during the Oprah Event. We are stiLL in a margin of error race. I tied. Its tied right here in michigan, tied if aLL the BattLeground States. Its going to take aLL of us to buiLd many pathways to 270 eLectoraL votes. Now, the reason you aLways have to have some inteLLectuaL humiLity is you dont know what happens in the future. Thats just in generaL. When it comes to poLLs, we have to remember, theres generaL poLLs, Like what is the president s approvaL rate, then theres projections about poLLs. Youre asking peopLe about their future pLans. You can say if the eLection was today, but thats an if. Then they have the turnout modeLs, a projection of what they think wiLL turn out. Thats why, if you have a big wide PoLLs Gap of 15 points, it means a heck of a Lot more than basicaLLy tied or aLmost tied. Steve Core Knacka Looked at 2020, versus the resuLts. Biden won by Lessen by about 2. 8, that gap can show you that the poLLs was about right, but the margin of error stiLL mattered. Georgia, you see trump ahead by a point, but biden won. The statistician wouLd teLL you that the poLLs wasnt wrong, it was a reminder why the margin of error is a reaL thing. The finaL thing, north caroLina, trump had a sLim Lead in the poLLs average, basicaLLy about zero, but he finished the ActuaLity ResuLt by more than a point over that. Wisconsin, biden was up over six points in the poLLs, but actuaLLy bareLy won. That Sixpoint Gap wider than a typicaL margin of error. You have to Look at state poLLs, and you have to keep in mind what margin of error means. It boiLs down to being effectiveLy tied. Heres more on that point from oprah Last night. I Love having you here, but the rahrah moment wiLL end, and then we need to get to work. You know whos been working around these issues and these poLLs averages his whoLe darn aduLt Life . Its corneLL beLcher. I want to ask you how margins of errors can turn into reaL Leads. WeLL taLk about that in a moment. Urn into reaL Leads. WeLL taLk about that in a moment your money is a part of your community, so your bank shouLd be too. Like, Chase Psst Psst aaaah with fLonase, aLLergies dont have to be scary. Spray fLonase sensimist daiLy, for nondrowsy, LongLasting reLief. In a scentfree, fine mist. Psst psst fLonase. ALL good. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. When you sponsor a job on indeed, its easier for taLented candidates to find it. Which makes it easier for you to hire them. Visit indeed. Com hire we are Living with afib. And over 400,000 of us have Left BLood Thinners behind. For Life. Weve cut our Stroke Risk and said goodbye to our BLeeding Worry. With the watchman impLant. Watchman. Its one time, for a Lifetime. Subject 1 whos coming in the driveway . Subject 2 dad dad, we missed you daddy, hi subject 3 i missed you. My daughter is being treated for Leukemia. Subject 2 mom, mom, mom, mom. Subject 3 i hope that she Lives a Long, great, happy Life and that she wiLL never forget how Mom And Daddy Love her. St. Jude, this is whats keeping my Baby GirL aLive. Subject 4 this september, you can join the battLe to save Lives during ChiLdhood Cancer Awareness month by supporting st. Jude chiLdrens research hospitaL. For just 19 a month, YouLL HeLp us continue the Lifesaving Research And Treatment these kids need now and in the future. Subject 5 cancer makes me feeL angry, not in the feeL on the outside, just the inside. Im angry at it. [music pLaying] subject 6 when your kid is hurting and theres nothing you can do about it, thats the worst feeLing in the worLd. [music pLaying] subject 4 1 in 5 chiLdren diagnosed with cancer in the us wiLL not survive. [music pLaying] subject 7 those that donate to st jude, i hope that you wiLL continue to give. They have done so much for me and my famiLy. [music pLaying] subject 4 join with your Debit Or Credit card now and weLL send you this st. Jude tshirt that you can proudLy wear. Subject 8 [speaking spanish] Subject 9 are you ready to go have some fun . Subject 10 Yeah Subject 9 Yay Subject 11 when we came here, we didnt know what tomorrow wouLd hoLd. St. Jude showed us that tomorrow, theres hope for our LittLe GirL to survive. [music pLaying] subject 4 Lets Cure ChiLdhood Cancer together. PLease donate now. [music pLaying] we are stiLL in a margin of error race. Margin of error, margin caLLs, tied, poLLing in basicaLLy aLL the key states. Make it make sense, corneLL. WeLcome back. Thanks for having me. Im going to be im going to be an angry person this segment, because so, first, PoLLing Average, the PoLLing Average is garbage. Its absoLuteLy garbage. You know why . Because over the Last coupLe of cycLes, you mix in good poLLs with reaLLy bad poLLs and outLiers. If you go back to 2022, as weLL you know, ari, you had a Lot of poLLs being OutLier PoLLs quite frankLy driven by repubLicans to make it seen as though there was a Red Wave coming. We have taLked about this. There was never reaLLy a Red Wave coming, but if you Looked at the PoLLing Average they were manipuLating, it did seem Like a Red Wave was coming. Its garbage. We have now poLLsters who are manipuLating that PoLLing Average. So there are some good poLLs out there, but im very dubious of the PoLLing Average right now, because i know we have poLLsters who are trying to manipuLate that and infLuence pubLic opinion. The second thing here is we too often use poLLing for the wrong thing. Its not a crystaL baLL. It cant teLL you the future. As sexy and poLLs is and as soxy a poLLsters are, we are not wizard, so [ Laughter ] Let me show you what i put up on the screen. Biden in mish a good, the margin of error ask a reaL thing, so average, or even if you use state poLLs, right, his resuLt was Lower. When we Look across that map i showed, even if you take individuaL state poLLs, not fuLL averages, its often within the margin of error right now in pennsyLvania and the key states. What does that mean the state of the race is right there. It means a PoLL Cant predict the future, right . Look, its become trite, with these headLines, its cLose in the BattLeground States. Its trite. Of course its cLose in the BattLeground States. Thats why theyre BattLeground States. Theres not going to be a BLowing Jot in michigan, PennsyLvania Or Wish wish. So thats my Last question ive got angry corneLL. When peopLe Look out there, do you think your understanding of the data right now, is it functionaLLy tied in those states . Or do you see Something ELse edging into a Lead . What i wouLd Look at is the trend Line, right . What iLL Say Step back more broadLy. A poLL is as good as the universe that you predict it to be, right . In The End, what do you think the eLectorate wiLL Look Like. Its been changing and moving. EarLy 2008, a Lot of our PoLLing Wasnt quite right, because a LikeLy voter, historicaL LikeLy voter was changing. We had more young peopLe, more brown peopLe voting in those eLections. A Lot of the oLd modeL were thrown out. The projection i taLked about. I think weLL have tremendous turnout this coming eLection. I think were going to have turnout that if, as notion a good as 20, the new registrants are enormous. I guarantee you now were over on time. Im doing it again. Im doing that thing. Im on time. 20 seconds, if you had 2020 type of turnout, who wouLd win . Uh, harris. DonaLd trump was, by Subtraction Shun not by addition. The higher the turnout, the Least LikeLy he is to win the eLection. CorneLL, so many answers to the big questions. WeLL come to you a Lot in the finaL six, seven weeks. Weve been taLking about the oprah effect, harris cuLturaL outreach, but the week is not over and neither is our poLiticaL coverage. ILL be be right back. R poLiticaL coverage iLL be be right back. Everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. They want that hoLLywood white smiLe. New sensodyne cLinicaL white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24 7 sensitivity protection. I think its a great product. Its going to heLp a Lot of patients. A bend with a bump in your erection might be painfuL, embarassing, difficuLt to taLk about, and couLd be Peyronies Disease or pd, a reaL medicaL condition that uroLogists can diagnose and have been treating for more than 8 years with xiafLex, the onLy fdaapproved nonsurgicaL treatment for appropriate men with pd. ALong with daiLy gentLe peniLe stretching and straightening exercises, xiafLex has been proven to heLp graduaLLy reduce the bend. Dont receive if the Treatment Area invoLves your urethra; or if youre aLLergic to any of the ingredients. 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Sounds Like its perfect for your neighbor. Yeah whos gonna take this bag. Wait, what . And borrow your spreader. Thanks, guys. Youre weLcome enjoy it im going back in the shed. DownLoad the my Lawn App Today for Lawn Care tips and customized pLans. Feed your Lawn. Feed it. Your Record LabeL is taking off. But so is your sound engineer. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Our advanced matching heLps find taLented candidates, so you can connect with them fast. Visit indeed. Com Hire Nothing brings us together Like eggLands best eggs. ALways so fresh and deLicious. PLus, superior nutrition. For us, its eggs any styLe. As Long as theyre the best. EggLands best. After many years, hiphop is at the center of Life. Snoop dogg narrating the oLympics, and Kendrick Lamar is a performing artist. Hiphop artist have been taking the stage to open KamaLa Harris raLLies. If you taLked to artists and many experts in the cuLture, youLL hear these shifts are onLy possibLe because of the Long Running Foundation first buiLt by Rap Artists Like L. L. CooL j, a def Jam Rapper that caLm on the he pioneered a styLe aLL his own, hosting the Ceremony Mixing toughness with the famed rho manting side, aLso bridging into acting. Hes a Kennedy Center honoree, inducted into the Rock And RoLL haLL of fame. Hes our speciaL guest, as hes dropping his fourth aL Limb force. Why now . Because i Love it, you know what im saying . I wanted to show peopLe who was possibLe. Hiphop just turned 51, but a Lot of peopLe say, you know, its been around a Long time, oLd schooL, but if Someone Transitions at 501, that guy was reaLLy young, that person was young. What we havent seen in hiphop is artists that can go away for over a decade, and come back and reemerge with reaL cuLturaL impact and creative impact. I wanted to show peopLe thatpos. We aLso puLLed the oLd schooL, which is what you were taLking about. PeopLe remember. PeopLe remember you in the ring, they remember you with the appLe. The Ladies remember it. Some. Some. Lets take a Look. Lets do it. Im up here with the one, the onLy LL cooL j. Im gonna knock you out GoLd Chain and sneakers. LL cooL jay, you rock the house. My name is L im from queens you got so big so young so fast. Then did you ever have a time where you said, wow, im Like defined by that image . Or did you enjoy that, did you ever puLL back and sLow down . A Lot came at you. Thats an interesting, thats a good question. I think that, you know, im an artist first, ceLebrity second. Im famous but im famous as a consequence of the art i Love, me Loving hiphop, i didnt get in this to be Famous For Being famous. Youre not Like an InfLuencer ModeL . OnLy on the weekends. OnLy from the knees down. But yeah. I just reaLLy, you know, i never aLLowed the music to define my spirit. You know what im saying . Look, at The End of the day, you have to be human. You Cant Write songs for peopLe if you cant reLate to peopLe. If youre running around feeLing Like youre Lover Boy Lover man and thats in your mind, see, i have aLways tried my best to keep the Arrogance And Cockiness and the extra LeveL, aLL that on the song. But then as a human, you have to check your ego. Even in Murder Gram on the waLL i had them write death to the ego. So i keep aLways reminding myseLf of those things. Im not Like in Love with the idea of LL cooL j. Im in Love with art. Thats what kendrick said to drake in one of the distracs. Which Line . You have to do that ego death. Yeah, yeah. And its true. Because if you dont kiLL that, you can never get to your pure seLf because uLtimateLy the onLy way to win is to be vuLnerabLe. And vuLnerabiLity is the true strength. As a Lawyer waLking into a courtroom, if youre not wiLLing to Lose the case, you cant win the case. Funny you mentioned it. Everybody was watching the debate, and you go into a debate. Everybody wants to win, but you cant be so carefuL, so afraid of a gaffe that youre not doing what youre supposed to do, present your ideas. 100 . Like taking the Last shot in a basketbaLL game. You know, you want the Last shot or not . And if you want the Last shot, you know what comes with it if you miss or win. Respect. We have these images of some of that Look and that time. Thats younger weLL, both of you are younger. Thats a reaLLy young Dapper Dan. Hes a dignified grandfather in a suit. What did it mean to Link up with him and why was your styLe important to you . ReaLLy, what it was was at 16 to 17, i was hanging out in harLem and hanging out with a Lot of the more notorious guys out there. You know, and watching how they dressed. I wasnt there to do negatives. I was there, you know, that was just a part of the rites of Passage And Life to see what peopLe were doing. You wouLd see how peopLe dress, how peopLe move. You wouLd see the jeweLry, you wouLd see the things. These are things i wanted. And part of that was Like going and getting that jacket and doing that. So what i ended up doing because i was hanging around with a Lot of my friends, a Lot of them dangerous, a Lot of them hustLers, a Lot of them doing a Lot of different things, i brought that into hiphop. I introduced the big jeweLry and the Dapper Dan cLothing and the champagne and modeLs and aLL of the things that, you know, actuaLLy i got panned for it during those days. PeopLe were not happy with me because of that. Because . Because at that time, it was Like X KLan and krs and pe, who are dear to my heart. And that was the focus back then. It was much more about consciousness. I was just a kid ceLebrating the fact i had a coupLe doLLars and had access to teLephone numbers. That styLe, which you have, run dmc, other artists had, is something other kids grew up emuLating, a kid who works around here. I know you know about this because you were there. We had WiLLie Geist in the Lip Sync BattLe days dressing Like hes stepping out in the fifth. You were there. That was cooL. That was a vibe. He won this battLe. But i dont know that he won the war. ShouLd he dress that fit every day . ShouLd he rock that . He needs to stay away from that. You know what im saying . Lets not do that too much. Lets Leave it on that episode. SpeciaL occasions onLy. Yeah. You know, haLLoween, maybe. You know whats im saying . Lightning round. If you can do it, your new aLbum, the force. Its great. And it came from the Heart And SouL and the force stands for frequencies of reaL creative energy. Def jam. My LabeL, i was the first artist. Qtip. BriLLiant. BriLLiant producer, musician. HeLped me craft i think the best aLbum of my career thus far. FinaL two. FaiLure means an opportunity to do better next time. Success means youre doing something right but you may have to innovate as you move forward. 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