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Okay. So yesterday, propublicas published tape, the president reads his donors an email that the first Liberty Institute got that from Justice Thomas. I got an email from Justice Thomass Wife and i want to read that. If you guys have filled the sales of many judges, i can just tell you thank you so so much. To really understand how inappropriate that email is from the wife of a sitting Supreme Court justice, you have to understand what it is that first Liberty Institute actually does. We are the nations largest Law Firm exclusively supporting religious liberty. We recently have won four Supreme Court cases. We win over 90 percent of our cases, which is unheard of in the legal world and at the Supreme Court, the record is 9 winds wins and zero losses. That is correct and the organization that she is thinking so profusely is a Law Firm that specializes in trying to change the law by bringing cases before the Supreme Court and you know, the court where the husband of ginni thomas, Clarence Thomas, is a sitting justice. Even if you dont know First Liberty by name, you may know some of the cases the group has brought before the High Court and they sued to strike down the state of Maine Banning using public funding and they represented that bakery in oregon whose donors refused to make a cake for a Samesex Wedding and they brought a big case opposing Vaccine Mandates for religious groups. All of those cases made their way to the Supreme Court and First Liberty won all of them. But it actually isnt the work she is praising and that email the First Liberty. She was thinking the group for their work on this kind of stuff. So now they are coming right out and saying it, political elites from the radical left want to overthrow the Supreme Court. How do they plan to go about this . By flooding the High Court with additional justices, enough cronies to gain the System And Pet political projects will win every time. In other words, by installing a permanent automatic majority. So what would you call it when there is an attempt to overthrow an entire branch of our government . Lets call it what it is, a Supreme Court coup. Where have we seen a coup like this before . Venezuela under hugo chavez. In the wake of the Supreme Courts numerous and recent scandals, many of which involved Clarence And Ginni thomas, First Liberty has been playing Defense Publishing articles and running ads and operating like a Pr Shop and they even made a website devoted to what they called the liberal Supreme Court coup. Amazingly, and in the recordings obtained by propublica, the President And Ceo of First Liberty said the quiet part out loud, explicitly saying that First Liberty is putting the court in public because the justices themselves cant do so on their own. Here is the first Liberty President Kelly Shackleford once again referencing a case were First Liberty defended a group of Navy Seals who didnt want to take the Covid Vaccine and he does that in a way of explaining what exactly 1st Liberty is doing for scandalous Supreme Court justices. It reminded me of the seals and when they know how to fight but they Cant Fight in court. And we came to them, they were so appreciative because youre doing something for them that they couldnt do. And these judges are that same thing. They cant go out into the clinical sphere and fight, and they know they are trying to protect the existence of the court. And so it is neat that you know those of you on the call are a part of protecting the future of our court, and they really appreciate it. Really appreciate it. That is the Group Ginni thomas is thinking for its work and a thank you email she said after she held a meeting with the first Liberty Staff , a staff of her group that is fighting for her husband, Clarence Thomas, in the Court Of Public Opinion and for a group that will undoubtedly continue to bring major law changing cases before her husband at the Supreme Court. The fact that ginni thomas and a conservative Activist Group like First Liberty or this cozy is a real problem both in theory and practice. The Supreme Court is supposed to be a neutral arbiter of the law but the reality is it is dominated by incredibly conservative justices with clear ideological agendas that may in fact be significantly influenced by outside conservative activists. Today, we did get a powerful reminder of why that really really matters right now. Today was the first hearing and former president trumps federal Election Interference Case since the Supreme Court granted trump limited immunity more than two months ago, the first hearing in nearly 11 months because the whole thing got put on pause while the Supreme Court deliberated. The first order of Business Today was for the prosecution and the defense to present their cases as to what can and cant still be charged Given Trump limited immunity. On that front, Judge Chutkan was candid. We are hardly sprinting to a finisher she said and we all know that whatever my ruling on immunity is, it is going to be appealed and the taking of that appeal will again stay this case. Judge chutkan knows that whatever she decides, it will all end up being appealed , very likely all the way up to the Supreme Court. The court where Clarence Thomas sits. The other issue before the Court Today was the argument before trumps lawyers that this entire case should be thrown out on the premise of the appointment of the special Counsel Jack Smith was unconstitutional. And to advance that argument from lawyers cited Who Else . Justice thomas and specifically they cited his note, i guess is what we will call it, in his immunity opinion which called into question the appointment of the special counsel and here is the trump lawyer. What i am saying is the court should consider this issue and Justice Thomas in effect directed us to raise this issue and suggested we do it immediately in that concurrence. Thomas directed you to do that . Well, i shouldnt say he absolutely said do it, but when you read that opinion, it is absolutely clear that that is something we have to do now to preserve this issue. Joining me now is the former assistant you as attorney for the Southern District Of New York and the former federal prosecutor and now a senior writer for politico and thank you both for being here. Clarence thomas indirectly and all of that and its clear that trumps lawyers paid attention to this. I want to talk a little bit about what unfolded in this courtroom today. The judge seemed incredibly resistant to the Argument Trump lawyers were making that handling this business before the election would be bad news. She said this court is not concert concerned with the electoral schedule. We are talking about the presidency of the united states. I am not talking about that i am talking about a four count Criminal Indictment she said. What do you think about that . She is resetting and making clear to the parties in the case and to the public that this case is just like any other and it will proceed according to the schedule that any other defendant would be entitled to or subject to. And she did repeatedly say that and made very clear that the Defense Counsel at that point that we shouldnt Rush To Judgment here. And from reporting from the court she chuckled and said, no, we are not rushing into anything and this has been over a year and tied up in litigation and in the superior court. I think she just made clear that we will do things the way we ordinarily do and not give special consideration and despite the involvement of Clarence Thomas. She sat a pretty tight schedule after the proceedings were over and as much as she said she isnt given by the election and the Case Isnt driven by the electoral calendar, the briefing on the Immunity Issue will be completed before the election. That is how it would be for any case is the happenstance of the calendar, not of the campaign or the election. Lets look at the calendar. The calendar for the Immunity Argument is September 10 turnover all required evidence and september 26, if you are following along at home that is a Data Mark on your calendar the deadline for the special counsel to submit their Opening Brief and October 17 is when trump can respond to the filing and October 29 is the deadline for the special counsel to file this. I need not remind us of november five and October 29 is the conclusion of what we expect to be an intense Back And Forth between these two teams and how much do you think we will see publicly of the information presented . That is the big question. You are exactly right for people to circle that day on my calendar and i did that this afternoon. I did it digitally so not literally but figuratively. You know, the government is prepared to submit a large body of evidence to the court including information concerning pled facts, those that are not alleged in the indictment. That submission could come with things like Grand Jury transcripts, Interview Summaries and documents from the discovery and they intend for it to be a robust presentation. A big caveat is whether or not the government decides believes it is appropriate to put some or even most of that information under seal which is something the government alluded to today. That process could get messy and i imagine Media Organizations would fight that effort and the judge may not go along with it. But she may very well agree. Ordinarily, Material Isnt supposed to be kept out of public dockets in public Court Proceedings except in narrow circumstances like classified information, issues that could replicate harm to witnesses or prejudice for ongoing investigations. It is clear to me from this afternoon that the government is treading lightly here and even though not explicitly is implicitly trying to be a little cautious headed into Election Day. So i am hopeful we will see a lot of new information, but we wont know until we get closer potentially on september 26. Do we read anything into the refusal to concede to the political realities of the day and a sign she may charge forward and say there are no exceptions or rare exceptions to keeping this under seal so i will make this Information Public . I do. At every turn she has signaled she isnt giving special dispensation to this particular criminal defendant. If she deems after she receives the briefing that it is necessary or important for this information to be made public, and that is assuming the government even tries to seal it, it is ultimately her decision. She will decide whether it should or shouldnt be sealed and whether she will have an evidentiary hearing. It is fully within her discretion. I think what she will do what she ordinarily would do days before the election. The other pieces whether or not Clarence Thomas thinks the special counsel should be taken off of the case entirely because he was unconstitutionally appointed which is the direction of Clarence Thomas to the trump legal team as the legal team would have it in the calendar for resolving that dispute is October 24 where Trumps Team submits its motion to dismiss and halloween the special counsel replies and november seven, two days after the election, lord knows what will be happening on that front and that is the deadline for Trumps Team to apply. The judge didnt seem to favor the notion that special Counsel Smith was unconstitutionally appointed and i think she believes she said she didnt find judge cannons call on this topic not particularly persuasive and is it unusual to have a Judge View Judge situation playing out in public view . Playing out at this high level . Yes. It is an unusual for District Court judges to disagree and in this issue it is unusual because eileen Cannons Decision was a real outlier and as Judge Chutkan pointed out during the hearing today, there is controlling Dc Opinion that finds her so even if she wanted to agree with Eileen Cannon and said it was unpersuasive she couldnt because she is bound by the dc circuits ruling and that isnt to say that the argument would eventually not carry the day after we go through some years long processes but Justice Thomas seems inclined to agree with that argument. For now, i dont expect the judge to give it much credence. She said something i have to ask. Judge chutkan seems resigned to the process that any decision she makes will be appealed and that is how he does it and is this all destined to land in the lap of the Supreme Court . Yes. It will and the question of how long and once the election is over, i guess that is the only if that if trump should win a second term then all bets are off and perhaps the case will be dismissed and in that event, it likely wont be appealed. But, you know, i think Judge Chutkan very squarely sees the issue for what it is and already said , she isnt setting a Trial Date because she does understand it will go up the circuit again to the Supreme Court so what is the point . There is no Trial Date. They will have to circle that in his calendar. He literally said the word years before the trial begins and it really feels like it is a faceoff or the beginning of a faceoff between the District Court judge, Judge Chutkan, and the conservative bench and the Supreme Court and we will see what happens there. Thank you for both taking the time and giving us the scoop. Coming up the Trump Vance Solution to combat the Skyrocketing Cost of Childcare Is to call grandma but first a president ial debate doesnt take place until next Week But Donald trump is already claiming it is being rigged against him and we will have more to his prebattle on his own Debate Performance and why he may be doing that by next week. Week Pete G. Writes, my tween wants a new phone. How do i not break the bank . We gotcha, pete. Xfinity mobile was designed to save you money and gives you access to wifi speeds up to a gig. So you get high speeds for low prices. Better than getting low speeds for high prices. Right, bruce . Jealous . Yeah, look at that. Honestly, someone get a helmet on this guy. Get a free unlimited line for a year when you buy one unlimited line. Plus, get up to 800 off Google Pixel 9 phones. Switch Today Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have never met faceto face and in only five days that will change. Next Tuesday Harris and trump will be on a president ial Debate Stage together in Philadelphia And Yesterday they released the official rules for the event which both campaigns agreed upon and despite that trump insists that abc has somehow rigged the debate. And that would seem to be trumps version of a pre battle. Abc is the worst network in terms of fairness and they are the most dishonest network and the meanest and nastiest but that is what i was presented with. I was presented with abc. Her Best Friend is the head of the network and her husbands Best Friend is married to the head of the network. And they will get the questions. I have already heard they will get the questions in advance. Joining me now is the cofounder and the amended Send Bc contributing columnist and we all know they dont like it is an Institution Legacy media but i do read a little bit more psychologically into this weird prebottle that the whole thing is rigged and you have a Working Theory of this . It is very much on him and Donald Trump doesnt play chess if he doesnt know how the pieces move and he walks over and throws the board around before youd begins the game and he is playing the pre victim card and in all of this whining it is designed to make him an object of sympathy for his base but also challenging abc and they said they would do all of these terrible things and i told lies about you and now you bend over backwards to be nice to me. Again, this is Donald Trump and somebody who isnt a secret or mystery or a riddle or an enigma. He will go in and do everything possible to derail this debate. We could talk about the substance of this but i think anybody who expects this will be a reprize of Lincoln Douglas or the nation will be wiser or smarter afterward has not been paying attention over the past 10 years. Our standards have been significantly lowered from that but i also think there is a reality that Donald Trump has been saying some crazily incoherent stuff in recent interviews and at events and on the trail. And it may not be some personal cognizance that he isnt the man he used to be but i want to play trump about a week ago at a rally in la crosse, wisconsin and lets look at this. You take a look at some of these products and some people donate bacon anymore and we are going to get the Energy Prices down and this was caused by their horrible energy, wind. I guess the horrible energy of wind he goes on to talk about the death of birds and bird cemeteries and we have made light of the fact he talked about Hannibal Lector and sharks and electrocution but it is representative of somebody and i would say while it was just six weeks ago that another presumptive nominee was forced out of the race due to concerns about advanced age and declining mental acuity the Mainstream Media doesnt seem interested in the other parties 78yearold Candidate Son downing before our very eyes and he is much more incoherent than he has been and that was a low bar. We saw that again where he had been rambling and this incoherent gibberish and this was the biggest political story and the cognitive decline of Joe Biden and why hasnt it continued to be a leading story and i am glad you brought this up and this is a preview of the debate and this wont be a debate that will center on policy and what you see with Donald Trump is a mind as of devoid of information as it is lacking in any sort of discipline. What is he going to do . He will go in there and throw anything he can up against Kamala Harris, every Insult And Bit of this information. It is a real challenge, a challenge for the moderators and the Vice President to deal with somebody unbound by the truths and who wont engage in any kind of a Policy Debate because, frankly i dont think he is interested in that and that is and what he will be aiming for and what they are aiming for is to muddy up Kamala Harris and drag her down into the mud but it wont be a particularly edifying experience for any of us i dont think. I was interested in the fact that the Harris Campaign wrote a letter to the news expressing displeasure that the microphones will be muted at the debate and they said it will serve to shield Donald Trump from direct exchanges with the Vice President and that harris will be fundamentally disadvantaged by this format. What do you make of that . I dont think it fundamentally disadvantages her but its also an insight into what they hope will happen, which is Donald Trump will be Donald Trump. Let trump be trump and that trump will in fact continue to blurt out and interrupt her and will in fact put on and display many of the parts of his Personality And Character that have turned off so many americans and maybe remind american voters why they walked away from them four years ago. Its interesting she is taking this position but i dont think she is fundamentally disadvantaged but in the other words he could be protected against his worst instincts and behavior but i dont think it will ultimately make that much of a difference. Thank you so much, charlie for joining me tonight and i appreciate you. Coming up, the past 24 hours saw both Donald Trump and Jd Vance deliver equally ridiculous answers to a very simple question, what do you do to make childcare more affordable in this country and whose answer was worse . That answer is next. And im keeping the weight off. Wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. Im reducing my risk. 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Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine, like google, but its r and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. I think what Donald Trump i think what Donald Trump is really trying to do is be Pro Family. I think what we have said is we want our Family Country to be Pro Family and there are Policy Positions behind my view that the country should become more Pro Family. It is become way too expensive to raise a family in this country and you have a lot of Women Today who say they would like to have more children but for some reason they arent able to. We want to try to solve that problem. In the seven weeks since Jd Vance accepted the nomination on the republican ticket that has been a stretch. He has been Pro Family and he will make the republican ticket more Pro Family and has Policy Solutions to remove the economic barriers preventing america from becoming more Pro Family. Last night at a Turning Point Action event in arizona, Charlie Kirk gave Jd Vance a chance to put a little detail in other policies. It is hard for Working Families to get by and its such an important question to lower the cost. One of the things we can do is make it easier for Family Models to choose and one of the ways you can relieve a little bit of pressure on people paying so much for daycare is make it so maybe Grandma And Grandpa wants to help out and may be an Aunt Or Uncle. If that happens you relieve pressure on the resources you would have spent in decor daycare. Grandma and grandpa, so much cheaper than daycare and why didnt we think about that . There are so many problems with this. There is not every Mom Or Dad who has a Living Parent and many millennial or generations the parent are moving away in large part because housing is got so expensive and a recent study shows 55 percent of americans live within an Hours Drive of their extended family and those who do live close to their parents may encounter a different problem, their parents are often still working because either they want to or they have to, which means that dropping everything to watch the grandkids actually comes at a cost. Jd vance himself knows something about this. Remember, this old interview, which resurfaced last month . It makes him a much better Human Being to have exposure to grandparents and the evidence is super clear. Its the whole purpose of The Postmenopausal Female. Lets set aside him agreeing that the whole purpose of The Postmenopausal Female is to watch her grandkids but, okay, Jd Vance. But that exchange was about his motherinlaw taking a year long sabbatical at her post as a molecular Biology Professor to watch their children. This shouldnt even bear explaining but not every Working Grandparent is a Biology Professor who can temporarily or permanently leave their job to watch the grandkids. Many of them arent even able to retire until after age 75. But according to Jd Vance, the federal six for Daycare Costs is to phone grandma and The Postmenopausal Female. That is her purpose. As for his running mate, Donald Trump, he details his own plan to lower childcare costs earlier today. If you win in november, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make childcare affordable. If so, what specific piece of legislation would you advance . I would do that. And we are sitting down here. We had senator Marco Rubio Marco Rubio and my daughter of anke was so impactful on that issue and it is a very important issue. But i think when you talk about the kind of numbers that im talking about, that is because Childcare Is childcare and you know, you have to have it and in this country you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers i am talking about by taxing foreign nations. Childcare is childcare. You have to have it. I will talk more about what exactly is going on with the republican ticket Coming Up next. Provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24 7 sensitivity protection. I think its a great product. Its going to help a lot of patients. Dont mind me. Im just the flu. Im quite harmless, really. And when people ask, but arent you linked to dangerous Flu Complications like pneumonia, heart attack, and hospitalizations . i just say, but im just the flu. sniffs. its him who . Im just the flu. Demand more from your flu shot. Sanofi Higherdose Flu vaccines are proven to provide better Flu Protection than standard Dose Flu shots in older adults. 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Voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. Across all your benefits and savings options. So you can feel confident in your financial choices. They really know how to put two and two together. Voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. One of the ways that you may be able to relieve a little bit of pressure on people paying so much for daycare is make it so maybe like Grandma Or Grandpa wants to help out a little more. Or maybe there is an Aunt Or Uncle who wants to help out a little bit more. The Trump Vance Plan for rising Daycare Costs is make your grandparents watch the kids and nevermind that but more americans are working longer. A survey found over 40 percent of americans between the ages of 55 and 64 didnt even have a Retirement Account which makes it somewhat challenging to drop everything and do that. Joining me now is the President And Ceo of the Leadership Conference on civil and human rights. It galled me the republican party proposes itself to be the party of the Working Class and understands the economy and literally the Vice President ial nominee out there proposing a solution that has nothing to do with the economic hardship faced by working people. They have nothing to do with understanding what most peoples lives in this country is like like when George Bush didnt understand how cashiers worked in the grocery store. Because, i am sorry, they want to raise the Retirement Age for Social Security Benefits and the things that half of americans have to rely on in order to retire and maybe be a Caretaking Grandparent or what if your mom gets alzheimers or your dad has a stroke . Then what are you supposed to do . Not only that, what if you moved away from your family because you couldnt afford the housing are the two most expensive costs of living for parents is housing and childcare. You know, i am sorry. What about the woman working in a prek as a Teacher Earning 40,000 a year with her own Child And Cant even afford the tuition for her own young child in the program she is teaching in, but you do want to tell her that her problem is she had to get an education. Maybe you have cats. I dont know. I have two little ones and i love my mom but she wont be a fulltime caregiver for them. I feel this statement on the part of vance is important to unpack because it hits on everything youre talking about which is the Safety Net that republicans want to got in there are a vast number of retirees that depend on Social Security Benefits for 90 percent of their income and they want to those in dont care about healthcare in any meaningful way and if your parent had a stroke and is a designated Child Caregiver, what you do then . There is this cost of housing and obviously they are numb to and there is a fundamental, you know, equity. It is making up a fantasy about life in america, a Fantasy You Wish was true and real in my biggest fantasy after starting my family was that my mom would be living at home with us and we did a three generation household. And she got alzheimers. I was one of the lucky ones because we had a two Paycheck Family and could pay for Child Care and when i was counsel to the mayor and we did creation of universal prek, we knew we are putting 5000 a year back into the pockets of families, and Income Inequality Strategy that benefited the educational futures of children which is called Problem Solving that understands what peoples lives are like and what they want to do is create a fantasy and force us how to each pay the rent and get some good care for our kids without any help. With a no federal solution to a structural problem in our Come Up economy and the other thing that is so weird is his obsession with controlling women and the role of The Postmenopausal Female and his recent jack about how women need to be having babies earlier and his obsession with when and how and if women have children and declining fertility. All of this paints a weird portrait on a man who was at once obsessed with womens bodies and completely out of touch with the reality. And he denigrates women. And a Working Grandparent who is a faculty member. It is like what world do we want because what it sounds like it is you want it all. It means women are stuck with nothing. That it is also what is exactly so alienating about this because take childcare. 95 percent of people either on the Childcare Facility or working in one is a woman and yet the Childcare Facilities are making one percent profit. They are the Working Poor and women working in those facilities are the Working Poor. They are working and their poor. They are poor. Ones that tell you about the fantasy about women working these jobs and the fantasy of work and the denigration of women who actually figure out a way to work or make it work. It is like you and i know this. People like us have always worked and had to raise kids and other peoples kids and our moms worked as well. Even when they were postmenopausal. I have to ask and before we got into the segment we played sound of Donald Trump offering a completely incoherent answer on how to lower the price of childcare and at The End he gets a pause and honestly and its meandering and nonsensical and i wonder does the absence of policy in the absence of true connection with the struggle of workingclass americans, does the incoherence of this platform no longer matter to them . And i think this is the thing. I think there are a lot of people that say project 2025, you want to end Head Start programs we are talking about childcare. That Blueprint And Plan created by the Trump Administration officials as well as the base, actually has a plan that is very clearly making sure without regard to their politics dont get what they need. Latest push on socalled Election Integrity is beginning to look a lot like Jim Crow 2. 0. That is next. Stay with us. Us. Its time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. A healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. The Farmers Dog makes Weight Management easy with fresh food preportioned for your dogs needs. Its an idea whose time has come. Ed gutters. With fresh food preportioned for your dogs needs. Call leaffilter today. And never clean out clogged gutters again. Leaffilters technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. Guaranteed. Call 833. Leaf. Filter today, or visit leaffilter. Com. Is it possible to count on my guaranteed. Internet like my customers count on me . It is with Comcast Business. 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This week in texas, the Attorney General sued to stop a Voter Registration Effort in bayer county. Republican activists in a rural Georgia County accused an official recruiting undocumented immigrants to work because she asked poll workers if they spoke spanish. An Gop Activist in detroit recommended hanging up signs in ethnic neighborhoods. Warning people not to vote if they were not eligible. Joining me now is ari burrman. The author of minority rule. The right Wing Attack on the will of the people. I thought of you as soon as i heard this and i feel like this edges right up to the line. Up to the edge of the line between being legal and illegal. How are such tactics possible in the 21st century . Well, alex, What Trump and his republican allies are doing is they are pushing the latest version of the big lie. By fusing Voter Fraud paranoia with antiimmigration hysteria. And they feel like if they can make people believe that noncitizens are voting which they are not, they cannot only build support for new reinstructions on voting but also build more support for new restrictions on immigration which furthers the goal of trying to preserve conservative white power on multiple fronts. That is why you hear them talk about this so much. The suggestion they should look down the rolls and zero in on ethnic names. How is that legal . Its not legal. It is basically a form of racial profiling in voting, if that is indeed what they are doing. And theres a lot of disturbing precedent here. Im in texas right now. A state where they tried to remove suspected noncitizens. They removed a lot of naturalized u. S. Citizens from the rolls instead that were disproportionately hispanic. This is a situate where recently you had swat teams raiding the homes of 87year old women trying to assist people voting. What they are trying to do is not only believe a lot of things that are not true, but this will have a Chilling Effect on Voter Participation and the communities republicans dont believe are going to vote for them. Can you talk more about the Chilling Effects . It seems like hanging signs, they could be criminal charges if they vote unlawfully. You know. Literally textbook voter intimidation. Even if you are here illegally, maybe you are worried. Maybe there is some statute you ran afoul of. What kind of efforts are there underway to make sure that kind of tactic does not succeed in keeping people away from the vote . What we are seeing in 2024. They will be larger than ever this year. We are seeing so many different attempts. Passing new laws to make it harder to vote. Challenging Election Certification so even if people overcome these barriers, their votes could still be thrown out. This is a Kitchen Sink Strategy by republicans to make voting difficult. There has to be an overwhelming effort. Seems like it is twofold. There is the initial attempt to get people to stop them from voting and then the secondary after effect of suggesting publicly if you are a republican State Official or Election Official that there was chicanory. And that is where i think theres a lot of concern about what can happen after the fact. What is your level of concern about this all being a longer preamble to crying Election Fraud after Election Day . They are telegraphing that strategy right now. They are not just doing Voter Suppression on the front end. They are doing Voter Suppression on the Back End as well. And the Voter Suppression on the Back End is dramatically worse. Because if you throw out votes altogether, that is the ultimate Voter Suppression strategy. Which is what we are seeing them try to do. Laying the groundwork to not certify the election. They are taking steps to undermine the election. And if those fail, they are going to claim the election was rigged like they did in 2020. And remember the last time this happened we had an insurrection at the capitol. We have to take this seriously. Ari, thank you. Thanks for your time tonight. That is our show for tonight. Nourishing it is time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Good evening lawrence. Good evening alex. Here is what you missed tonight by working from 9 00 p. M. To 10 00 p. M. , you missed what Donald Trump said

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