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All of the people who work there won the week. We love small businesses. Congratulations to all and happy labor day. Before we go be sure to scan the qr code to buy tickets. Our premier fan event. Good evening from new york. We have a two hour special edition on this labor day weekend evening. 67 days out from the collection, which i cannot believe that the past 24 hours have been a microcosm of the whole race. Kamala harris in tim walz doing the standard race. They kept it even killed in a sitdown interview last night that went through a lot of the republican charges against them. While they are doing that trump is out there and honestly stumbling to put together english sentences. His campaign keeps stepping in misses of its unmaking including an enormous want tonight, which were going to get to. They are both posting through it as usual. The followed continues from the political photocopying campaign commercial on tiktok at arlington national cemetery at the beginning of the week where he gave the thumbs up over the graves of veterans including many who didn't consent to any of this. Cut a video blaming their deaths on democrats. Now they are openly doing battle with the united states army. When a worker tried to enforce the rules against political filming among the graves a trump aide got physical with her. She filed a report but didn't press charges report the fear of retribution from trump supporters who would blame her. The spokesman immediately when confronted with the same the liar clearly suffering from a mental health episode. Sent this was unfortunate that the cemetery employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked. Arlington is a national trying to be honored and they will continue to ensure public ceremonies were conducted with the respect they are deserved. When this went on the trunk camp and said they had video of the incident that would vindicate their version of events and prove they were being defamed. Have you seen the video? i have not seen the video. They still have not provided the video. Instead the cocampaign manager posted this on related 13 second video showing him standing in a different part of the cemetery. And then he put it up again reposting the trying to trigger the hacks at the secretary of the army's office. He is a guy whose entire career is built on republicans being the real military loving patriots. To please trump he is reduced to being a big man on social media at the at u. S. Army. So who is triggered here exactly? last republicans got a reprieve of sorts as media attention turned to the big city an interview with kamala harris in tim walz since the democratic convention. This seemed to be anticipated among rightwing viewers as it the full interview. That is what j. D. Vance things of the sitting vice president of the united states. Here is some of what kamala harris actually said in her interview. Speed when we came in the highest priority was to do what we could to rescue america and today we know that we have inflation under 3%. A lot of our policies have led to the reality that america will recover faster than any nation around the world. You are right. Prices in particular for groceries are still too high for the american people know it and i know it which is why my agenda includes what we need to do to bring down the price of groceries for example dealing with an issue of price gouging. We have to do to extend the child tax credit to help young families be able to take care of their children. What we need to do to bring down the cost of housing. The true measure of the strength of the leaders based on who you lift up. That is what is at stake as much as any other detail that we could discuss in the selection. Did that sound like the infamous thing from the beauty pageant responded? is that what that sound like to you? meanwhile, here was donald trump last night. She destroyed the city of san francisco. I own a big building there. We should not talk about this, but that is okay. I should say is the finest sitting in the world and sell and get out, but i cannot do that. I do not care. I lost billions of dollars. That is okay. They said you think you would do it again? nobody. They always say i do not know if you know lincoln was horribly treated. Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew jackson they say was the worst of all. Treated worse than any other president. I said do this study again because i think there is nobody close to trump. I even got shot. Who knows where that came from? he cannot keep a single thought in his head for longer than three seconds. Where is j. D. Vance? who said he cannot stay on topic or with a thought for more than a few seconds before returning to his default resentments. Nothing so far. There was an even darker subtext to the viral video. I have to say it kind of shocked me because it was so gross and uncalled for. The actual woman in that clip is caitlin upton. That brought her at the time ridicule on her life. He was asked about her this morning. I am not sure you are aware. In 2015 she did an interview in new york magazine about all of the social media attention and said i definitely went through a period where i was very depressed. But i never let anybody see that stuff, except for people i could trust. I had very dark moments where i thought about committing suicide. When you posted this last night were you aware that the woman you are posting a picture of had contemplated committing suicide? certainly not. My heart goes out to her and i hope she is doing well. Politics has gotten way too lame. Way too boring. You can have some fun while making a good argument to the american people about how you're going to improve their lives. Would you like to apologize for posting that? i'm not going to apologize for posting a joke, but i wish the best for caitlin. She responded this morning saying it's asian the 17 slayers later this is still being brought up here one thing i do know is that social media and online bullying needs to stop. That led to her having to delete her account a short time later. Our political analyst and host of the upcoming in sync with lexi podcast. They join me now. We have some news that just broke on the campaign literally just 10 minutes before it went to air about donald trump and abortion, see may remember yesterday my colleague interviewed donald trump about the referendum in florida that would uphold abortionrights. It is on the ballot this fall. It would overturn the six week band that was signed into law. When asked yesterday donald trump did not actually answer the question but seemed to indicate he was going to vote for that piece of referendum in of the state. An avalanche of pushback and anger from the antiabortion right came his way after that. He was asked today after the camp and walked it back. I think we have the clip. Here is what he said today. I think six weeks you need more time. I have disagreed with that from the early primaries. At the same time the democrats are radical because the nine months is just a ridiculous situation. I will be voting no for that reason. Just to be clear. He is on the record. He seemed to say i'm going to vote yes on this referendum. He got hammered over 24 hours. I think it's incredible that anyone in the media can have a conversation about harris allegedly flipflopping on anything when he is giving us a master class in the last 24 hours in the literal definition of flipflopping. Worse than that it's another example of the central question we have to ask ourselves not just with trump as a candidate but god forgot that he becomes president again. Is women's health to him a political tool or a genuine policy proposal when he is talking about anything from abortion to the government and is suddenly paying for people to use ivf, which i would implore him to actually explain whether he even knows what the procedure is or what it entails. It's a disaster. On that last point i agree with you. It is all bs. You like ivf no? how about free ivf? it is like whatever. The one thing that is clear here and i think you can hear the cheers go up in the harris walz campaign. He made a promise to get elected in 2016 to the antiabortion movement that he was choose justices to overturn from a prevetted list and then almost like every other promise he has made in his life miraculously kept that promise. They overturn roe versus wade. The last 24 hours shows there is a group the guy won't doublecross or screw over or that he will bow before and that is the antiabortion forces in the republican party. That and let's be clear. Why are we talking about ivf? why are we talking about the ford abortion measure? because donald trump. The arsonist created a fire. Who cares what his position is? he created this problem. His supreme court justices put us in this position. Know you're going to say we have this major fire here. Wondering what you would make of burning this part down. We have to move on from him, and sometimes we are having too much of a rational debate about he came out with this interesting position. He is trying to win an election and he is lying to people trying to deceive you. Is trying to move on florida and every which way. Trying to win an election. For those who care about women's rights and reproductive rights just to be clear who started this fire that we are all still living in. It's a great point. Also worth reminding people that there are whatever people say on campaigns there are major parties that actually do stuff and vote on stuff and pass things. He will point to the 3wñjustice after promising to do so. There was a vote this year in the united states senate of all places. To basically mandate ivf treatment for americans under the entrance. Senate republicans blocked the bill as democrats made a post on reproductive care. It only got two republican votes. Everyone including j. D. Vance voted against it, so there is no daylight here. Everyone knows i think who knows the seriously knows who is on was side. And also adjust the number of times trump continues to light any given time he opens his mouth to give a speech or a comment to the press or anything. That can't and should be discounted. Is going so far as to evolve from fake news. He is so not living in the same reality. The facts do not matter to him. That is a problem whether it comes to women's health or otherwise. I feel that we cannot state that enough. He lies is so much. Who cares what he has to say when he started this fire? also when he does not even believe or know the words that a are coming out of his mouth half the time he is saying them. That is a good point. I think this is been a real conundrum. It is the meaningless salesman stick combined with maybe cognitive decline brought about by age. There is no propositional content in the whole thing. Know we get into why he is uniquely dangerous to american politics. He has no moral vision of right or wrong on anything. Therefore he will create false realities for his followers. He will tell them stance. Very feeding you lies. And then saying democracy does not even work because we are creating fake crowds. He is creating a false reality for his followers, which then goes to the election, which is if he loses how does he talk about a logical loss? he doesn't. He is building a reality that is dangerous for all of us. I found myself pretty disgusted by these comments about kamala harris like she is not smart. It also strikes me as a little counterproductive. You are making her out to seem ridiculous in an interview. Knows what she is talking about. I am not quite sure it is such a brilliant move tactilely. Such contract to the interview they gave last night. They had so many opportunities to take pot shots at trump and j. D. Vance the entire time to remind people we are being asked about the positions we have evolved on overtime because of intellectual curiosity. Meanwhile they are doing xyz and they don't. They try to keep it above the fray. I think it's disgusting to see the sexism and racism that is already coming from that side. I think it will remind not just americans but women who are crucial voters in swing states they have no idea what they are doing on abortion rights or with reproductive rights in general and now no idea how to even give respect to the sitting vice president of the united states. They have a complete lack of respect for many traditional american institutions like you were just talking about at the start. It is completely in contrast, but also to the core of america and the american dream at the end of the day. There is also the same mind trick on abortion rights. I will be the party that protects abortion rights. They tried the same thing on the prolabor label. Getting booed as he tells the firefighters yesterday we are the most prounion. It is a gammage. We know about the working class shifts in politics right now and sadly there are too many people in the bluecollar working class making under $100,000 with a high degree that frankly we need back and to the extent that he is going to win the election. They're going to make an economic decision at the end of the day. I am confident right now if it were held today we are going to win those people. The way that he has won too many of them is not by policies. By expressing anger that strikes the court with people that have phone factories closed down for decades. Feel like they're getting screwed by corporations jacking up prices on them and there is an anger. Not to say she needs to turn into an angry person, but i think we need to have a valence of how to speak to people as we move into the last few weeks of this. And who want to know are you feeling my life and are you upset about trying to rectify what i see as fundamental problems of corporate wrongdoing. We are on the right track, but i hope we hit that emotional court as well as the policy cord. Thank you both. Up next with less than three weeks until his sentencing trump is still trying to dodge his conviction on 34 phone accounts in new york. We have news on his latest attempt to get out of it. We will bring that to you next. Our biggest challenge? uncertainty. Hidden fees, surcharges. . . Who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. Keep it simple. . . With clear, upfront pricing. With usps ground advantage®. ♪♪ here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. And there's no catch. It's fre. We make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. 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That is not stopping them from claiming it will continue to cause harm to president trump and voters far beyond that. Joining me now is our correspondent. Seems like a hail mary. Certainly the first time, but one of the things that has happened is things look like hail marys end up being caught in the end zone for a touchdown. I do not know. What happened here?i:■ it is not over yetgkçbú a classic example if you first don't secede try again. The judge of the southern districtuúy has rejected this effort to move the hush money case to federal court, but really on technical grounds. He told the trump lawyers they can refile their application but when they do so they have to attach one of two things both of which it seems that they don't have. Either the written consent of the das office and i think you know they are not going to get that. Or they have to attach permission from the judge himself. They haven't applied for that, said at the very these what they have done is delayed the amount of time necessary to sort of process this application but also gives the judge time to resolve the jcsting motions. A motion to set aside the verdict. He dealt with the third one ha)he third motion to recuse th from the case, which he denied. If i count this right there are already three motions before. We do not have a sentencing date yet, is that right? we do have a sentencing date, but that could move on the basis on one of the two outstanding applications. Either the judge could decide to postpone the sentencing on trump's motion or he could decide that on the basis of the supreme court's joint presidential immunity decision there was evidence admitted in the case that necessarily means he has to vacate the jury's verdict. That is the trump folks argument here. Whether or not the judge is going to buy that on the other hand is less certain. That is because there was a load of evidence that they say could fill a courtroom how much evidence had been presented in the case get the evidence they want to exclude is evidence from former president donald trump's time in office. Tweets that he issued. Conversations that he had. Of course we both know the central evidence of the scheme predates his time in office, and that is what the das office says they relied upon bringing their case to the jury and getting a guilty verdict on all 34 counts prior to the end of the trial. Let's say he doesn't vacate the conviction based on that argument. Let's say he disposes of both of these motions in front of him. Are they going to refile this federal motion to move it to federal court? if they lose again do they get to move it up the appellate chain while holding in pause the sentencing? that is an interesting question. I think they have two levers to play right now. If the judge denies their motion to set aside the verdict they have already indicated they will try to appeal that prior to any sentencing as well. They sent a letter indicating they believe they have a state and federal appellate vehicles for the and of course as noted if and when they get the judge's permission to file a third notice of removal here if that happens and they don't like his ultimate answer they could then try to exercise the rights with respect to that. The question is whether or not they left enough time to essentially beat him to the punch if he decides he wants to go forward with the sentencing. Acú÷i crazy or i feel like you usually can't j appeal postconviction presentencing8i usually the way it works? you are not crazy at all, but we're making up a lot of new rules as we go along. Ht that it is in these the argument they have made. A=s they are entitled to take this through either state or federal courts. You are not wrong to say that is not usually the way this happens. The justice is busy writing a new canon of procedure for just donald trump your we will see if he will add to that. Thank you very much. Thank you. One of the underappreciated threats of donald trump's project 2025. What the one and only michael lewis says. Next. Chael lewis says. Next. When we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. Turn shipping to your advantage. Keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. Thanks brandon. With usps ground advantage®. ♪♪ [cough] honey. . . Honey. Nyquil severe honey. Powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, i would i would fire every bureaucrat and replace them with our people and you will get to taken to court and stand before the country like andrew jackson did and say the chief justice had made his ruling and let him enforce it. That was j. D. Vance laying out what is an essential part of the project 2025 vision appeared purging the government and replacing it with our people in his words. Pro trump loyalists. Trump is sort of try something like this the last time around. It was an effort that michael lewis are chronicled in the fifth risk. One of the greatest books about the trump era outlining how crucial that independent expertise is to not just the daytoday function of the government for print tempting catastrophes. His latest book is going infinite about sam bankmanfried is available now, and he joins me now. I thought about the fifth risk when i saw the project 2025 section about the civil service and also when i first heard the j. D. Vance clip. I think that book is sort of about how central and essential exactly that vast expertise basis is to running the entire country. It's like one of the great untold stories of our era that the civil service. It is what the president is supposed to be managing or at least not screwing up. When you actually go in and ask what they do. You find the most amazing stories. It is not boring. It sounds boring and there are people who are engaged passionately. With subjects they have, obsessed with. I wrote the fifth risk. I was kind of shocked by how great the material was and by how receptive the audience was to it. What we have done starting tuesday. I brought in six other writers. I say here is the literary opportunity of your career. We have parachuted them into different parts of the federal government. They are going to run once a week until the election. The writer was told to go find something that interests you. After about five minutes they all came out and said how did i not know about this? how did i not know these characters were as good as they are? i hope people will read it because they need a civics lesson. That point about when i have had a chance to interact with folks in different ways. A lot of times these are people that are really taking seriously what they're doing whether they are checking hormone levels or doing soil erosion work or whatever it is. They really are doing it because they care about it and also you just have no idea what their politics are when you talk to them. Literally none. They could have whatever politics. What they are focused on is doing the job. There is something so important about that and it's ominous to me about the phrase our people as a recipe for replacing that knowledge base with who signs the loyalty card. That is exactly right. Their politics are largely irrelevant. They are dealing with problems that no one else is going to deal with. They are not even thinking of their politics. As a group it is like the kind of people who are i do not know. It will sound boring, but when you read it you won't believe a character he is. A problem that we never thought about, but killed 50,000 coal miners in the 50th century. It is like a huge deal. It's an incredible story. This guy has never once asked for attention. It is like the opposite. Not just trump. Obviously trump, but the impulse in the person who stands up to run for office. It is not look at me. The carrot in the school play, but they are the most important person here. My goal was literary opportunism, but sort of like stop looking at the thing you're looking at all the time and pay attention to this because this is critical. This is life or death stuff. You need to know about it before you decide who you are going to vote for. One thing that points to when you talk about the opposite of the person who runs for office is that of all the things we think of that person's job being. The symbolic role where they channeled the nation about stuff. The proposer of legislation and budgets. The thing they are more than anything is the boss at the top of the org chart that is all of the people from seal team six to the guy that works on the problem of coal mines collapsing. That is literally what the job is. Literally the job. If you have someone in the office who is constantly abusing and insulting the people that can't be a recipe for successful management. We had an episode when he went into the military cemetery and try to use it for his political purposes, which is actually against the rules. What no one said is the person in the department of veterans affairs who runs the sacred part of our government. That person turned it from a well run thing into the best one organization in the country. Those people are number one. It is like he is rolling in there and using it for his purposes. It happens and they say those people are delivering a service that is a sacred duty of the country. They are better at it than anybody. That is what we need to step in and correct. I am psyched for this series that is going to come out. Let me ask you this as a final question. One way i think you can interpret this. All sorts of amazing people with expertise doing stuff. One thing you could say and i would like to get a response to this. Because that repository of expertise is so good. Because there is institutional vibrance and resilience if you get a trump it is all right. It will pass. They will be fine. It doesn't matter that much because of the sort of deep state basically. Some sort of permanent governing apparatus. What do you think about that notion? it is false because the first thing he wants to do is politicize and remove the civil service's ability to protect itself from the politicians and make them all political. We already have a problem that too many of the people in the federal government are political appointees. It's crazy the number. It is too many. That will make it very hard for things to get done with. Michael lewis. The book is now out in paperback. Thanks a lot. Good talking to you. Still ahead. The danger as trump once again tries to coopt local officials to overthrow the election. An election that hasn't happened yet, but he is preparing to overthrow it anyway. The measures are already underway for stopping him from doing that. From doing that. If you happen to be in the country, you have to come and visit. That will be an adventure. [ chuckling ] to new friends. It's so quiet around here. [ indistinct chatter ] i admire you. Louise is a beautiful woman. Something's not right with him. [ ominous music playing ] i wanna leave now. Remember that time you tried to leave and you didn't say goodbye? why are you doing this? because you let us. Higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business. . . ” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. With low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪♪ i used to leak urine when i coughed, laughed or exercised. 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That is by the secretary of state put out that warning less than two weeks ago like do not even think about it in the state attorney general also recently put out a statement strongly advising that any would be election deniers against trying to subvert the results this time around. 's let this serve as a warning the willful neglect of your duties is a criminal act. The attorney general in michigan joins me now. Good to have you. Let me ask you this question because it was the wayne county board. The closest that came to happening was in your state and in wayne county. My understanding is that they do not have bipartisan on purpose because they're supposed to essentially do this function, is that right? yeah. As the secretary laid out, these are ministerial duties and they have to make sure the canvas has been done properly. There are certain tabulations that have to be done. It is not up to these unelected individuals who are appointed by the party to make a decision as to whether or not they think the election was fair or not in the assessment. Very specific elements they have to look at. We are prepared for that this time around. This time we are prepared. It is illegal for you to fill these. We hope that doesn't happen. We want everyone to do their job in accordance with the law. Unfortunately you have a lot of people out there. Including the former president of the united states. That seem to be encouraging illegal activity. His message is very clear. You are either with us or against us. He does not have a problem threatening people to get them to do what he wants. The important thing is that perhaps as important as the election in 2024 were the election that took place with all of the attorneys general in the secretaries of state and a lot of these pivotal swing state for the most part we have people in these offices that are determined to comply with the law and to ensure others do as well. I remember covering the wayne county board. This was a wild story. They were not going to certify and then they reneged. They tried to undo and go back. The entire time i remember scurrying around trying to do research. All of these questions were on asked and unanswered at that point. It just hasn't happened before. The are prepared for it. We always debate who is going to play him in a movie one day, but he stood up and said my job is to ensure certification where all of the elements have been met, and he did it. He got a lot of threats as a result before and after, but the important thing is we have changed the law in many critical ways. Obviously a big problem in my state and many others. I literally can't happen anymore because a bunch of randoms cannot just send in their own slate through the postal service to the united states senate and expect that the vice president is going to count it. It specifically has to be transmitted through the office of the governor of the state. So that can't happen anymore. We have new laws that have elevated the penalties for threatening election officials. We have changed the way the state board of campuses works to ensure that some of those things that happened in 2020 can't happen again. We are going to be prepared for any and all sets of circumstances. The line from the convention has been ringing in my ears ever since. It is an alltime great line. There it is. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Much more still ahead including the latest tight pulling on trump and why it isn't reflected for the down ballot. Podcast are ted cruz is on the ropes and his reelection bid. Me some of the republican voters who are now back in kamala harris. That is all coming up next. Gives you three benefits in one toothpaste. Healthy enamel. Healthy gums and white teeth. This is my number one hack for healthier and brighter teeth and gums. Best toothpaste, ever. Find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. My moderate to severe crohn's symptoms kept me out of the picture. With skyrizi, feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks. Many people were in remission at 12 weeks, 1 year, and even at 2 years. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. Liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. Ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ abbvie could help you save. Craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. 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Social Media , Republicans , Guy , Career , Patriots , Man , Things , Vice President Of The United States , Convention , Media Attention , City , Viewers , Reprieve , Reality , Led , Policies , Speed , Priority , Inflation , 3 , World , Example , Groceries , Prices , Nation , Price , Agenda , Issue , Price Gouging , Care , Families , Cost , Child Tax Credit , Measure , Children , Housing , Strength , Leaders , Stake , Donald Trump , Thing , Sound , Detail , Beauty Pageant , Last Night , City Of San Francisco , Building , Sitting , Nobody , Billions , Dollars , Lincoln , Andrew Jackson , Worst , Jefferson , Thought , Study , Head , Shot , Vance , Resentments , Topic , Nothing , Default , Three , Woman , Clip , Subtext , Uncalled For , Attention , Caitlin Upton , Life , New York Magazine , 2015 , Stuff , Picture , Suicide , Anybody , Politics , Argument , Heart , Lives , Fun , Best , Joke , Caitlin , 17 , Lexi Podcast , Slayers , Bullying , Host , Analyst , Sync , One , News , Referendum , Abortion , Colleague , Florida , See , 10 , Abortion Rights , Law , Band , Ballot , Six , State , Question , Avalanche , Pushback , Piece , Way , Anger , Camp , Antiabortion Right , Situation , Primaries , Voting , Nine , Reason , Record , Anything , Anyone , Conversation , Media , Master Class , Definition , Flip Flopping , Government , Ivf , God , Women S Health , Tool , Policy Proposal , Candidate , Procedure , Bs , Disaster , Ivf No , Cheers , Harris Walz Campaign , Justices , Promise , Movement , 2016 , Group , List , Forces , Party , Roe Versus Wade , Guy Won T Doublecross , Fire , Arsonist , Ford Abortion Measure , Problem , Position , Supreme Court , Who , Election , Debate , Rights , Women S Rights , Vote , Parties , Campaigns , , Bill , Post , United States Senate , Places , Entrance , Ivf Treatment , Everyone , It , Daylight , Votes , Number , Times , Seriously , Side , Mouth , Press , Comment , Speech , Facts , Words , Salesman Stick , Mouth Half , Conundrum , Content , American Politics , Decline , Vision , Followers , Realities , Democracy , Stance , Crowds , He Doesn T , Loss , Comments , Move Tactilely , J D , Opportunities , Contract , Positions , Shots , Intellectual Curiosity , Women , Voters , Idea , Sexism , Swing States , Fray , Racism , They Don T , Lack , Contrast , Mind Trick , Institutions , Core , The American Dream , Party , Firefighters , Prolabor Label , Prounion , Working Class , Gammage , Degree , Working Class Making , Extent , 00000 , 100000 , Court , Decision , Phone Factories , Corporations , Person , Valence , Problems , Wrongdoing , Policy Cord , Track , Sentencing Trump , Conviction , Attempt , Phone Accounts , 34 , Shipping , Advantage , It Simple , Uncertainty , Surcharges , Fees , Ground Advantage , Biggest , Usps , Devie Duckduckgo , Cookies , Engine , Searchs , Fo , Doesn T Spy , Google , R , Privacy , Ads , Devices , Millions , Companies , Catch , Money , Duckduckgo , Youa , Fre , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Couples , Comfort , Ideal Firmness , Wait , Myside , Sleep , Sale , Base , Queen , C2 , 999 , 99 , 9 , Judge , Request , Ndoa , Election Z , Case , Lawyers , System , 2023 , July 2023 , Harm , Time , Correspondent , Zone , The End , Hail Mary , Hail Marys , Touchdown , Effort , Hush Money , Don T Secede , Application , Technical Grounds , They Haven T , Permission , Amount , Motion , Verdict , Motions , Jcsting , Th , Evidence , Sentencing , Basis , Applications , Immunity , Whether , Folks , Hand , The Jury , Course , Conversations , Courtroom , Load , Tweets , Das Office , Counts , Jury , Scheme , Both , Front , Levers , Holding , Chain , Pause , Vehicles , Letter , Notice , Removal , Answer , Postconviction Presentencing8i X , Punch , Courts , Justice , Writing , Canon , Michael Lewis , Threats , Project , The One And Only , 2025 , Chael Lewis , Next , Ground Shipping , Expectations , Cough , Thanks Brandon , Dreamy Honey Taste Nyquil , Relief , Flu , Bureaucrat , Country , Chief Justice , Ruling , Loyalists , Risk , Expertise , Function , Books , Outlining , Book , Latest , Catastrophes , Sam Bankman , Service , Section , Civil Service , Untold Stories , Stories , Subjects , Audience , Material , Parts , Opportunity , Writers , Characters , Writer , Civics , Five , Chance , Ways , Soil Erosion Work , Hormone Levels , None , Job , Recipe , Knowledge Base , Loyalty Card , Phrase , Else , Kind , Story , Character , Deal , Coal Miners , 50 , 50000 , Opposite , Impulse , Opportunism , School Play , Goal , Carrot , Stop , Death , Role , Job Being , Proposer , Budgets , Legislation , Seal Team Six , Org Chart , Boss , Top , Coal Mines Collapsing , Purposes , Someone , Military Cemetery , Management , Episode , Department Of Veterans Affairs , Organization , Number One , Duty , Series , Sorts , It Doesn T , Resilience , Response , Repository , Vibrance , Because , Sort , Governing Apparatus , Politicians , Ability , Notion , Appointees , Hasn T , Officials , Measures , Paperback , Danger , Thanks A Lot , Adventure , Friends , Music , Louise , Indistinct Chatter , Rates , Wanna Leave , Ground , Doing Business , Playing , Kids , Condition , Solution , Bulkamid , Fda , Experiences , Expert Physician , Risks , Move , Results , Leaks , Visit Findrealrelief Com , Election Loss , Michigan , 2020 , Some , Secretary Of State , Plan , Estate , Wayne County , Lobby , Bidens Victory , Warning , Statement , Election Deniers , State Attorney General , Duties , Closest , Serve , Attorney General , Neglect , Understanding , Wayne County , Happening , Criminal Act , Wayne County Board , Secretary , Purpose , Individuals , The Party , Canvas , Tabulations , Elements , Assessment , Accordance , Message , Activity , Secretaries , Place , Attorneys General , 2024 , Swing State , Offices , Others , Questions , Research , Certification , Movie , Result , Met , Vice President , Bunch , Slate , Randoms Cannot , Office , Laws , Campuses , Penalties , Can T , Line , Circumstances , Sets , Ears , Ringing , Isn T , Ted Cruz , Reelection Bid , Ropes , Toothpaste , Gums , Hack , White Teeth , Teeth , Benefits , Find Lumineux Toothpaste , Healthy Enamel , Symptoms , Skyrizi , Crohn , Infections , Target , Feel , Remission , Reactions , Moderate , Walmart , 4 , 1 , 2 , 12 , Craig , Liver Problems , Everything , Control , Infection , Abbvie , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Gastroenterologist , Doctor , Don , Meg , Company , Pet Shop , Fleet , Verizon Wireless , Real Estate , T Mobile , Bird Squawks , At T , Equipment , Comcast Business Mobile , Smarter Savings , 70 , Mission , Sweetener , Farmers , Possibilities , Product , Diets , Sugar , Splenda , Zero , Stevia , Experience , Farm , Plants , Splenda Stevia Farms , Sunshine , Labor Day Weekend , Table , Most , Labor Day , Premier Fan Event , Day Weekend Evening , Weekend Evening , T Walz , Sitdown Interview , English Sentences , Want Tonight , Photocopying Campaign Commercial , States Army , Trump Aide , Health Episode , Cocampaign Manager , Armys Office , U. S. Army , S. Army , J. D. Vance , D. Vance , Vance Things , America And Today , Tax Credit , World And Sell , Te Ridicule , York Magazine , Analyst And Host , Trump And Abortion , Week Band , Yesterday Donald Trump , Pushback And Anger , Candidate But God , Womens Health , Walz Campaign , Guy Wont Doublecross , Wont Doublecross , Doublecross Or Screw , Abortion Measure , Stuff And Vote , States Senate , Senate Republicans , Tes Trump , Press Or Anything , Trump And J. , Sexism And Racism , Firefighters Yesterday , Policy Cord , Turn Shipping , Usps Ground Advantage , Builtn Engine , Youa And Other Companies , Devices Today , Privacy Sleep Number , Queen Sleep Number , Sleep Number C2 , Number C2 , Sleep Number Store , Number Store , Hisfcen Case , Z Eno , E Asc , M E , President Trump , End Zone , Money Case , Judge Hself , Sentencing Date , Trumps Motion , Ial Munity , Munity Decision , Jurys Verdict , Folks Argument , Judges Permission , Cant J Appeal , J Appeal Postconviction , Appeal Postconviction , Cold And Flu , Flu Relief , Honey Taste Nyquil , Taste Nyquil Honey , Nyquil Honey , Pro Trump , Trump Era , Daytoday Function , Sam Bankmanfried , J. D. Vance Clip , D. Vance Clip , Vance Clip , Expertise Basis , Civics Lesson , Erosion Work , Life Or Death , Death Stuff , Persons Job , Seal Team , Vibrance And Resilience , Services Ability , Higher Shipping , Cost Ground Shipping , Thing Weve , S Plan , County Board , State Board , Lumineux Toothpaste , Symptom Relief , Vaccine Or Plan , Crohns Disease , Estate Office , Comcast Business , Business Mobile , Wireless Bill , Splenda Product , U. S. Farmers , S. Farmers , Zerocalorie Splenda Stevia , Splenda Stevia , Day Weekend ,

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