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is the last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts right now. tonight, the historic supreme court decision on donald trump's immunity claim. the high court raising the bar for prosecuting the former president . how will impact the federal election case. what is next after last week's debate. the biden campaign touting big fundraising numbers. will defend of calls for the president to drop out of the race. the 11th hour gets underway on this monday night. good evening. i am stephanie ruhle live from rockefeller center and we are 127 days away from election. today, the supreme court gave donald trump more legal cover in his election interference case and transferred the power the u.s. presidency. in a 6-3 decision, the justices ruled the trump has immunity for some of his actions as president in that case. here is my car like laura jarrett with the details. >> reporter: tonight, monumental win at the supreme court for former president trump . the conservative majority finding the gop nominee must receive sweeping immunity for any official acts taken during his presidency. the 6-3 ruling, defeat for special counsel jack smith in the court bulldozing through the charges against trump for his alleged criminal efforts to stay in power, making the completion of any trial before november virtually impossible. chief justice john roberts laying out a new sliding scale of what can be prosecuted singing a president may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers. he has immunity from prosecution for all his official acts but a president has no immunity for private, an official acts while cautioning the president is not above the law. a federal grand jury indicted the former president for orchestrating a conspiracy to retake the white house. prosecutors alleging he leaned on his doj, vp, and state officials to help and restores the election results mobilizing meetings of a collectors. culminating in the violent attack on the capitol. trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges and argued without immunity, every president could be prosecuted by political opponents. >> if you don't have immunity, you won't do anything. will be a ceremonial president. you won't take any other risks. >> reporter: the majority agreeing the commander in chief must be able to carry out his constitutional duties without risk of political prosecution writing without immunity, such types of prosecutions of ex- presidents could quickly become routine. that would weaken the presidency which is exactly what the framers intended to avoid. the special counsel had pushed to get the case to trial before november. >> my office will seek a speedy trial. >> reporter: chipping away at parts of smith's case in the justices finding then attorney general to investigate voter fraud, now absolutely immune from prosecution. what remains in the indictment including his pressure on his former vp? >> mike pence will have to come through for us. >> reporter: local officials like this phone call to the georgia former secretary of state. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> are entitled to a presumption of immunity. >> reporter: the liberal justices with a pushback, justice sotomayor writing when a president uses his official powers in any way under the majority reasoning, he will be insulated from criminal prosecution. orders the navy seal team six to assassinate a political rival? immune. organizes a military coup to hold onto power? immune. takes a bribe in exchange for pardon? immune. even if these never play out, the damage has been done. >> tonight, president biden criticize the court's decision calling it a dangerous precedent for the future and saying it's a disservice to the nation that donald trump will not stand trial for his actions before the upcoming election. >> now the american people have to do with the court should've been willing to do but will not. we have to render a judgment about donald trump's behavior. perhaps, most importantly, american people must decide they want to and trust the president once again, the presidency to donald trump now knowing he will be even more emboldened to do whatever he pleases when he wants to do it. >> let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. andrew weissmann a former senior member of the mueller probe and now a law professor at nyu, harry litman, former u.s. attorney. susan glasser, staff writer for the new yorker. andrew, what does this mean for jack smith's election interference case against trump? there's lots of reaction but level it for us. >> sure. small picture. the big picture, by the way, is the decision in terms of what it means for the presidency and checks and balances. this could not be a worst decision in terms of our country. in terms of what it means for the case, one, there will not be a trial before the general election. there is no way for that to happen. there's too much that we need to happen in too many appeals. two, there likely will be a hearing that judge chutkan has been called on by the supreme court to have to decide what is official conduct and what is an official conduct. at that hearing, although i think there will be lots of disputes about what evidence can be used, a lot of witnesses can be called so you could have a mini trial. that is sort of a small silver lining that there may be that vehicle for people to see additional evidence that did not, during the january 6 hearing. then whatever judge chutkan finds, there likely to be appeals of that as to whether she got her decision correct as to what should be in the official bucket and therefore immune under this case are what is unofficial and therefore not immune under this case. >> harry, you wrote an op-ed for the l.a. times saying this ruling makes it anyone's guess whether trump, not just before the election, but will ever face accountability in this case. how does the decision compared to what you expected to see? >> it is more far-reaching and in particular to that point, it lops off big chunks of the indictment, and it's not at all clear, we have no concrete guidance that obviously saves any part of the indictment. trump as an argument to make in any context. the point andrew raised, he will fight tooth and nail and say you can't even put on evidence because i would be immune here. they are cryptic but it's quite clear, if he is acting in a way that can somehow be classified as parts of for powers he's immune. he was be immune for pernicious reasons, they cannot look into his motive which is the core, i think, what we think he did wrong in the soul of the criminal live. it doesn't matter where he uses powers, and that really does make him tantamount to a king. >> core powers. you know whatever the case may be, i'm going to try to connected to money and power. i want to talk the business impact. now donald trump has an even more wide open lane if you were to be president again to mix personal business interests with a possible official government role. early in his presidency, he claimed there could be no conflicts of interest for a president. that he steamrolled through his four years with the trump hotel and dcn said in mar-a-lago. lobbyist groups, foreign governments booking rooms, basically soft bribing him with paying his businesses. we saw ivanka trump get chinese trademarks and jared raising monies from the saudi's. they talked about the emoluments clause but nothing happened. now, he is going to have an even easier time if you were to be president again, the irony of all of this, it reported today that the trump family just inked a deal for trump tower saudi arabia. >> but of course they did. look, it's a breathtaking decision and you can only imagine that donald trump, he is a maximizer and will seek to push the limits, whatever the limits are. the supreme court has basically said there are no limits whatsoever. of course, he will claim the basically any contact he engages in is ipso facto official conduct and he can do whatever he wants. i think your point is an important one that already trump pushed the boundaries. other presidents abided by the rules that apply to other federal employees. they divested themselves of their private business investments. they tried to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. trump was the first president to say, no, i'm not going to do that. he did not sell his business or otherwise put it into a blind trust. he refused to do that. other family members follow suit. saudi arabia, jared kushner was in the middle east on january 6 itself flying back for meetings in the middle east where he was working to set up his future to billion-dollar investment fund with funding from the crown prince of saudi arabia. it's not even new for the trump family to be engaged in business with the same family that they are trying to use to help influence elections in the united states, try to influence international diplomacy. it's a morass of conflicts of interest that we would not tolerate in any other federal government employee except, apparently, the former president. >> it is bananas. when trump was running for reelection, democrats were arguing, we are not going to let the barn door be open. we will change the rules and tighten up, and now here we are. they are looser than. our friend barb mcquade said there's good news. no community for unofficial exelon was saying immunity for official acts is only presumptive. i want to share a bit of what chuck rosenberg and lawrence o'donnell had to say about it. >> i don't see anything in here that says the assassination of a political rival is part of the president's core constitutional responsibilities for which he or she would be absolutely immune. the problem is much of this is indeterminate. we know certain things are absolutely immune and purely private conduct is not. for the other official acts which are presumptively immune, you have to have a case-by-case factual analysis. >> what this is, we create absolute immunity on one paragraph of the indictment. exactly one paragraph. all of the rest of the indictment goes back to judge chutkan's courtroom and she schedules this, the supreme court has ordered her to have a hearing about the evidence in the case to determine whether the act in question is an official act, whether it might have some protection or not. >> andrew, it's not at total home run for trump, correct? >> it's not a total home run but i think there are two clips are to -- one, the court has said there is absolute immunity with respect to what the president does or the department of justice. absolute immunity. the court has said for official acts and by the way for any core acts in which they say it's very broad, anything that involves basically take care clause and anything assigned directly to and exclusively to the president, those are absolutely immune. even for just ordinary official acts, the presumptive immunity and the test for overcoming that is one that seems very high in terms of the state meeting it. it is important to note that the court did not say presumptive immunity is it. they said at least presumptive immunity. from that, i think what you can read is certain of the justices wanted to go further. they left open the door to say it's at least presumptive but that does not mean they cannot go further. later. and it means when it comes back, if there is a hearing and judge chutkan makes rulings, when it comes back to the supreme court, the court can say, you know what? that's not the right test and these are all official and not an official and they are all immune. the court doesn't have to reach that now because of trump becomes president, the case will be gone. it will be gone the moment he takes office. he will dismiss it. they don't have to reach that now, but i think it's way too early for someone to have a rosy view of this case. my view it is a fundamental change in our country as to the checks and balances on the presidency. >> trump certainly has a rosy view. his fundraising email was titled total immunity. based on this decision, he is trying to get his sentencing in the new york case postponed and the guilty verdicts set aside. what are the chances that happens? >> most of the conduct there is pre-presidency but some of it was after. can you conceptualize, that's always the issue. he is signing checks to pay back someone who advanced money for hush money to a mistress. if anything is unofficial, it sure seems that is. i do want to agree with andrew that i think chuck and maybe lawrence are being a little rosy. this presumption only applies at a second level. at the higher level quote unquote official action, article 2 powers, you are out of luck. when he is usually baby seal six, he's a commander-in-chief. when he is doing saudi arabia deals, he is doing foreign- policy. if he can place it in the category of article 2, game over. period. >> my goodness, susan, the washington post editorial board wrote this decision invites presidents to push the boundaries. harry walked us through how that could happen. we could president biden do now that the decision is made. he is still in office. >> well, you know, everybody has a hypothetical. we are in a brave new world in terms of scenarios so everything is hypothetical. president biden did come out tonight, this evening, and i think he tried to make it clear that he will continue to abide by what he sees as the rule of law. i think his point about this decision is it would empower bad actors like the former president donald trump. i do not think in the white house as much as they might be tempted to, they probably are not sitting around drying up scenarios for using seal team six against donald trump. that would be my strong presumption at this moment. you know, we really are in the row above the unthinkable. >> justice thomas, the employment of jack smith is special counsel might be illegal. that's an issue in the florida classified documents case. what is your reaction? >> if you want to know the corruption of this supreme court and where it has gone, the idea to there's a precept when you are a judge that you only reach the issues that are before you and you don't give advisory opinions about things that are not before your. he issues this can concurrence which is a road map to judge cannon to say, you should rule that the appointment of special counsel smith is illegal. he had no business going down that road. the issue is not fully briefed and before the court. by the way, if jack smith's appointment was bad, well, what about rod per and david weiss and all the other special counsel's. you don't get to pick and choose, you know what, i don't like special counsel that deals with the horse that you are backing. to me, it was a deplorable sign of where this supreme court has. >> john dean, richard nixon's white house counsel said under today's decision, nixon would have had a pass on watergate. what are your thoughts on that? >> it is totally true. nixon and watergate in 1973 orders the doj to tell the fbi to stand down on the investigation. that to us as the sole obstruction. the soul of corruption. how would it come out under today's opinion? he's talking to the doj and that's part of his official powers, deciding whether to investigate and prosecute cases. by the way, we will not inquire into motive. that is it. he gets a pass there. the court to try to preserve the principle of having to produce evidence. he could not be subject to criminal prosecution or anything i can think of in water great in the most serious transgressions the country in history of long since convicted him of. and now it's by the boards, completely. >> oh, my goodness. here we are. thank you all so much for getting us started. when we return, the supreme court is facing serious heat not just from the american people but from fellow judges. one of them joins us to share what she thinks about the decisions and the fears he has for the future of the high court. strike the biden campaign navigating postdebate, and those calling for the president to drop out. the recovery efforts as the biden family urges him to keep on fighting. on fighting. today's decision on presidential immunity is bringing scrutiny to the supreme court. our next has spent decades as a federal judge and was considered for the supreme court under president clinton. this year he retired from the d.c. circuit court of appeals in part because of his frustrations with the current supreme court. he says the court, quote, seem to hold in the low regard the principles to which he dedicated his life. it turned into something he could barely recognize. i would like to david tatel, he served for three decades on the federal bench. his new book, vision, and memoir of blindness and justice is out now. thank you so much for being here. i want to start picketing your reaction to this immunity ruling. what do you make of this decision, sir? >> in my book, i say in a chapter about the supreme court's is a ration of the voting rights act. at the end of the chapter, i say, quote, i fear for our democracy. today, i fear for it even more. i had exactly the same reaction reading this that john dean did. if this opinion had been issued in 1970, don't think president ford would've had to issue a pardon. it is not exactly clear what the parameters, limitations of this decision is, but to me the one thing that is clear, i think it's unlikely that any future former president could be held responsible for criminal acts committed during their presidency. i think it is unlikely. >> house democrats about to get aggressive on the supreme court after this decision. they have few lovers to do so. she intends to file articles of impeachment against at least one justice. we don't know what justice that is. what do you think a solution could and should be? >> i think it's a long-term solution. i think it depends on elections and how they turn out. i think it depends on the court itself. i don't think there are shortcuts to this problem. >> you say impeachment is not one of them? >> no. i don't have any doubt that under the constitution, impeachment is reserved for high crimes and misdemeanors and not judicial decisions. impeach a judge because of a decision would be a terrible development. >> we know the american people has possibly the lowest opinion of the supreme court than they have had in modern history. do you think the court cares? none of them have to run for election. no risk of getting fired. are they brushing the soft? >> having been a one of those positions, lifetime appointment, to be honest i didn't think much about what the public thought either. i worked hard to function as a judge. here is what i think the problem is. i think the public respects courts and has a high respect for courts. when courts function as courts and are perceived as nonpolitical. i suspect there is a direct relationship between the decline in the publix support for the court and the publics view that the court is increasingly political. look what happened in 2016. donald trump said he was going to overrule roe v. wade and rain and the federal administrative state. he gave a list of judges who he said he would appoint, who would do that. he won the election and appointed them. the overruled roe and in decisions last week and today, they effectively reined in the administration, all on 6-3 decisions with the republicans in the majority. you can forgive the public for thinking this is a political not a legal institution and i think that's why it's polling has dropped. >> in your book, you talk about chevron, calling it an important principle of judicial restraint. then last week the supreme court overturned that landmark decision. what was your reaction to this? >> i dealt with chevron on the d.c. circuit for 30 years, hundreds of cases. chevron was a very effective way of balancing the need for federal agencies with their expertise to fulfill their mission, protecting human health and safety. to balance that against the responsibility to reign in when they exceeded the court. it's one of the reasons why i think agencies from the epa to sec, to the fda, all of them have been so effective over the years of fulfilling their missions it's because they have been free to exercise their expertise on a complex problem but the courts have kept them within their jurisdiction. this court which ruled under chevron for 50 years, blood chevron, suddenly decided last week that it was no longer lawful. i think the consequence of that are to shift all this power that used to be in the agencies, all the expertise will now have to be exercised by the federal courts and the federal judges will be making decisions they are simply not qualified to make but the one thing it will do, for sure, it's a massive shift of authority from the executive branch and the congress to the federal courts. >> judge, thank you for joining is tonight. i appreciate it. >> to be here. after a rocky night on the debate stage, the biden campaign is trying to move on from calls to drop out. when the 11th hour continues, we will dig in. . the fallout continues from last week's debate but there are no signs of president will step aside. this weekend he huddled with his family at camp david and they encouraged him to stay in the race. biden aides are looking for ways to move on from last week. one option is holding more public events and interviews to show the american people exactly who this president is, what he has achieved, and what he could do from here. i want to bring in john allen, reporter for nbc. former campaign manager and senior adviser to president obama. he is with the lincoln project. john, where do things stand and saw the biden campaign right now? >> the short answer is they are going forward as we reported this weekend out of the meetings at camp david. they are telling the allies, one ally talk to white house official in the last couple of days and he said they are not budging. they are not moving on that. the short answer is joe biden is moving full steam ahead and that will be the case up to he is not. don't expect it to get a preliminary indication of change even if there's one coming. >> david, if you were in this campaign, how would you advise the president? >> heading into the debate, it's a close rate we have worked on raises for you have a lead and you are behind. when you are behind, you have to do everything you can't overtake your opponent. the debate was the best opportunity for the president to do that. it was a missed opportunity. we will see where it settles. we will have a better sense in the next 5 to 7 days. it will be a bigger deficit, not a huge deficit, the campaign, the central question, pulling suggesting 70% of americans have concerns about his fitness. he has to address that. hopefully, he'll have another chance to be on the stage in september with trump. interviews, podcast, talking to influencers on tiktok and instagram, you have to do it all. you have to campaign hard. july 4 is when things intensify. campaign hard. there is risk associated with that, but it's the central question facing joe biden and he has to go out there and show your fighting for this and you understand you are behind, but given the supreme court decision today, it's not an option for the country. donald trump has to be defeated. the question for the campaign, it's a big bar, not just how do you get back on track but how do you win? how do you get to the electoral votes and i think there's a path forward for joe biden to do that. things will have to be adjusted to answer the voters concerns. these are not pundits. voters have concerns and i think joe biden can address them but you have to get at the task of doing it. >> the supreme court decision, do you think there's an avenue for democrats, for the campaign to use it to their advantage in the same way they did the deb's decision? trying to alert the american people that checks and balances are off. the decision today gives a person, whomever it is, in the white house even more discretion and power, and the american people are not looking for a dictator or a king. that could be the road we are headed on with a decision like that. >> i think what david is advising his right. it's almost like -- the president does need to get out there. i have always felt in the race that the higher the stakes, the press dashboard or the president would do. this was seen as a normal election and there's a tremendous hydraulic pressure to normalize this as if it were clinton versus dole or something. you have to see it as an existential threat because it is. what happened today in the supreme court, increased the opportunity to do that. the reality of what a president second term of trump would be like, and i think it serves to change the subject from last thursday's debate which always happens in campaigns. things are not static. they are a river and flow. he had a bad night and go on. it's a positive move. i thought the president did the right thing to come out tonight. >> beside podcast, tiktok, interviews and putting the president out there, another way would be press conferences? the press covers president biden day in and day out and many say they've had limited access to him. if the white house took a turn and had him on the podium doing press conferences, answering questions to the white house press corps on a regular basis, that would be a net positive for him to put thursday behind him and show america, show the press corps who he is and what he can do? >> is sad a question for me? i think one on one interviews are better because you can go more in depth, and you can ask where follow-up questions. he did a great interview with mitt romney. in the soundbite press conferences, they are less for dealing in depth. i would hope they would sit down and do that. i think it would be good if the president went on fox news and did an interview. i think he would hit it out of the park. >> we keep hearing that people are not putting their name to it, people are looking for the president to step down, any chance the people who really want this to happen are republicans because the chaos, if that were to happen would be a gift to donald trump? >> all i'm hearing from republicans is that they have some fear that they will not run against joe biden. it benefits them to say that because it weakens biden to say that. they believe that he is the weakest candidate. if you were to have a change of candidates, that's unpredictable situation. i talked to one democratic lawmaker who said the only person even more panicked than democrats are republicans because they don't want to be the one with the person at the top of the tipping who is most hated or seen as most difficult to have at the top of the ticket. i think it's an unpredictable situation and i don't think we can look in a crystal ball and say a few replace joe biden with kamala harris, who is overwhelmingly the most likely person for a variety of persons to succeed joe biden. we can't look in a crystal ball and see what that looks like. there's a lot of prediction in people with a lot of interests to making predictions about the. we don't know. >> david, should democrats take a page from donald trump supporters who forgive that guy for absolutely everything? >> i am happy not to be a member of a called does not think. you know, if the threat is existential and i think it is, joe biden did a good job of describing it and it's gotten even more so after today. i think it's fine for democrats to say, it is not a good debate. i went to see this, when this wasn't just a bad night, we are losing the election. not by a lot but we are losing it. you have to overcome that and that was the best opportunity. it is fine for democrats to express concerns. there will be more polls coming out in the most important will be that of senate candidates and house candidates who will get a sense of where the race stands. joe biden saying he will do as i take him at his word. right now, i operate and act accordingly. everybody who wants to stop donald trump has to understand that it can be done but the degree of difficulty has been increased. i think what is helpful for democrats is to say we will work harder and to send the message that this isn't just, we had a bad night and let's keep doing what we are doing. that's not going to get the job done. we've been part of races where your down 10 or 12 points, that's hard to overcome. that's not where this is. trumpists a low ceiling. he's deeply unpopular and swing voters reacted poorly to his debate performance. a lot of the folks -- biden and trump had a bed to be. i am glad we can let ask questions and not ignore what we see but with that being said, the focus needs to be, how do you get the 270 electoral votes? with the supreme court did today guarantees we will not like the next four years even more than we would've said 24 hours ago. >> gentlemen, you are sticking around. the bottom campaign raised millions of dollars after that debate. with the dnc eight weeks out, can he reassure donors he's their number 1 guy? hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. my life partner connie and i were in really rough shape regarding our health. and our doctors told us that we needed to lose weight. i saw a golo commercial and i thought, "we really need to try this." as the weeks went by, the weight came off. we learned to make healthy choices and be supportive of each other. together, we've lost 170 pounds. golo worked for us. since losing weight on golo, i'm feeling grateful and hopeful about the future. 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he's a total liar but he appeared presidential? >> my first question would be who are the 32% who did not think he was lying. what are they drinking? look, these polls are going to be asking a lot of different, interesting questions. i don't think they really impact what you would to. to me, this race hinges and two factors of biden campaign needed to accomplish. he needed to represent the future more than donald trump which in the policies and the way he talks about the future and the stuff he has done that will affect people's lives, i think he can win that game. there is no policy. there is no vision in the trump campaign at all. joe biden needs to be the favorite choice and part of that saver choice is to show he is up to the job which he has to do. donald trump is angry at the world. he is out there denigrating america in a way where i grew up we talked about america like someone asked you to step outside of a bar. i think that's a comparison and contrast they need to drive. >> why isn't that connection made? why don't we hear more about it? trump has put forth almost no policy solutions. even when he goes after president biden about the economy talking about inflation, the economy that donald trump would deliver, policies he would put forth would destroy the economic wins we have had. why doesn't that seem to stick to the former president more? >> i think, this is something that's been true about trump a long time. it's more true in this particular election. he's put out a lot of policies but it's overshadowed by his rhetoric. i think people are not necessarily paying attention to the particular's of his policy. at his website, there is number of policy dess he wants to extend the trump tax cuts which will be paid for either in a very direct way by voters or overtime through incurred debt. he has had a way over the course of the years of using rhetoric that makes people pay attention to a few basic ideas. there's one thing i would like to back up on. david said it a couple times and he is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant political minds of our generation. he said it a couple times and many democrats are not listening to this. that includes many of the viewers of our network. with david has said is the democrats were trailing before that debate. i think that is something a lot of the democratic voters were unaware of, not paying attention, and if democrats are to win this selection, they work in front of them and it didn't it easier on thursday night. it was a point david was making that i haven't heard a lot of democrats make. >> all right, i'm glad you underscored it. thank you all for being here. we are developing agents... with powers far beyond mortal men or you might just explode. ♪ ♪ [ laughing ] thank you for watching and mark your calendars for september 7. you can join me at msnbc live democracy 2024. a special live event in brooklyn and we will be talking about the most pressing issues of our time. you know, there are a lot of them. scan the qr code right now for tickets. on that note, i will sign up. i wish you all a very good night. from all our colleagues across

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Anything , Risks , Commander , Chief , Presidents , Risk , Prosecutions , Writing , Sex , Duties , Types , Framers , Office , Voter Fraud , Parts , Attorney General , Pressure , Indictment , Phone Call , Secretary Of State , Georgia , Mike Pence , Votes , Presumption , Pushback , Justice Sotomayor Writing , One , 11780 , Way , Rival , Presumptively Immune , Military Coup , Borders , Majority Reasoning , Criminal Prosecution , Navy Seal Team Six , Six , Landmark Decision , Circuit Court Of Appeals , Pardon , Bribe , Precedent , Exchange , Damage , Play Out , People , Judgment , Disservice , Nation , Behavior , Harry Litman , Member , Help , Leadoff Panel , Law Professor , Andrew Weissmann , Mueller Probe , Nyu , Attorney , It , Reaction , Susan Glasser , Lots , Election Interference Case , New Yorker , Country , Checks , Balances , Terms , The Big Picture , Picture , Chutkan , Hearing , Appeals , Two , Lot , Evidence , Conduct , Disputes , Witnesses , Mini Trial , Silver Lining , Vehicle , Judge , Finds , Bucket , January 6 , Ruling , Guess Whether Trump , It Anyone , Accountability , Op Ed For The L A Times , Point , Concrete Guidance , Chunks , Part , Point Andrew , Tooth And Nail , Context , Argument , Reasons , Acting , King , Motive , It Doesn T Matter , Soul , Criminal , Money , Impact , Lane , Interest , Conflicts , Interests , Government Role , Ivanka Trump , Businesses , Trademarks , Governments , Lobbyist Groups , Raising , Jared , Hotel , Rooms , Mar A Lago , Chinese , Dcn , Four , Wall , Nothing , Monies , Saudi , Irony , Emoluments Clause , Course , Family , Deal , Trump Tower , Limits , Contact , Maximizer , Official , Rules , Boundaries , Appearance , Employees , Business Investments , Conflict Of Interest , Blind Trust , Suit , Family Members , Middle East , Jared Kushner , Trump Family , Investment Fund , Funding , Crown Prince , Elections , Diplomacy , Morass , Democrats , Bananas , Government , Employee , Arguing , Reelection , Barn Door Be Open , Barb Mcquade , Community , News , Exelon , Bit , Assassination , Chuck Rosenberg , Lawrence O Donnell , Things , Problem , Responsibilities , Paragraph , Rest , Case By Factual Analysis , Courtroom , The Act In Question , Fact , Protection , Clips , Home Run , Respect , Care Clause , Test , Door , Back , Rulings , Court Doesn T , Someone , View , Snow , Change , Sentencing , Fundraising Email , New York , Issue , Chances , Most , Verdicts , Hush Money , Mistress , Lawrence , Article , Baby Seal , Level , Rosy , Luck , Higher Level Quote Unquote Official Action , 2 , Goodness , Game Over , Deals , Foreign Policy , Commander In Chief , Category , The Washington Post , Editorial Board , Everything , Everybody , Scenarios , Evening , Brave New World , Actors , Rule Of Law , Employment , Unthinkable , Row , Justice Thomas , The Current Supreme Court , Idea , Corruption , Precept , Classified Documents Case , Florida , Issues , Concurrence , Road Map , Opinions , Road , Special Counsel , Appointment , Horse , David Weiss , Rod Per , Sign , John Dean , Backing , Richard Nixon , Thoughts , 1973 , Opinion , Investigation , Obstruction , Fbi , Cases , Principle , Pass , Water , History , Boards , Transgressions , Judges , Heat , Decisions , Calling , Fears , Recovery Efforts , Campaign Navigating Postdebate , Fighting , Next , Scrutiny , D C , Clinton , Supreme Court Under , Something , David Tatel , Court , Principles , Life , Quote , Frustrations , Regard , Justice , Vision , Book , Bench , Blindness , Memoir , Three , Immunity Ruling , Ration , Chapter , Sir , Voting Rights Act , The End , Democracy , Ford , Limitations , Parameters , Don T Think , 1970 , Thing , House Democrats , Impeachment , Articles , Lovers , Solution , Shortcuts , Crimes , Constitution , Misdemeanors , Doubt , Development , Lifetime Appointment , Positions , Soft , None , Courts , Respects , Public , Publics View , Relationship , Decline , Publix Support , Nonpolitical , Rain , Roe V Wade , 2016 Donald , 2016 , Roe , List , Republicans , Institution , Administration , Blood Chevron , Polling , Restraint , Circuit , Hundreds , 30 , Agencies , Expertise , Mission , Need , Safety , Human Health , Responsibility , Epa , Fda , Sec , Emissions , Jurisdiction , Chevron , 50 , Making Decisions , Consequence , Sure , Authority , Congress , Executive Branch , Shift , Debate Stage , Fallout , Signs , Camp David , Interviews , Option , Events , Ways , Aides , John Allen , Campaign Manager , Senior Adviser , Project , Nbc , President Obama , Lincoln , Answer , Allies , Rally , Don T , Steam , Indication , Opportunity , Opponent , Raises , Lead , Sense , Question , Deficit , 7 , Fitness , Chance , Podcast , Influencers , Stage , On Tiktok , 70 , Instagram , 4 , July 4 , Path , Track , Big Bar , Voters , Concerns , Voters Concerns , Avenue , Task , Pundits , Person , Advantage , Deb , Right , Dictator , Discretion , Does , Stakes , Press Dashboard , Threat , Dole , Campaigns , Second Term Of Trump , Subject , Reality , Last Thursday , Flow , Move , Bad Night And Go On , River , Press Conferences , Many , The Press , Say , Biden Day , Tiktok , Questions , Positive , Turn , Access , Basis , Podium , Show America , White House Press Corps , Interview , Depth , Press Corps , Mitt Romney , Dealing , Out Of The Park , Name , Chaos , Fox News , Fear , Gift , Candidates , Situation , Candidate , Top , Lawmaker , Difficult , Tipping , Crystal Ball , Few , Ticket , Kamala Harris , Persons , Predictions , Prediction , Variety , Guy , Supporters , Page , Job , Night , Wasn T , Polls , Important , Stands , Senate , Isn T Just , Degree , Difficulty , Message , Races , Points , 12 , 10 , Trumpists , Ask Questions , Debate Performance , Ceiling , Folks , Bed , Being , Focus , 24 , 270 , Donors , Gentlemen , Number , Millions , Eight , 1 , Golo , 92 , Weight , Life Partner , Each Other , Commercial , Health , Doctors , Shape , Choices , Music , 170 , Rejuvenated , Gel Flex Grid , Purple Mattresses , Shingles , Virus , Sleeping , Purple , Store , Off Mattress , Visit Purple Com , Sleep Better , 800 , 00 , Rash , Waiting , Lying Dormant , 99 , Doctor , Prevention , Pharmacist , Party , Campaign Chair , Stuart Stevens , David Plouffe , 33 Million , 3 Million , Grassroots Donors , Numbers , End , Didn T Work Out , Battleground States , Ground , 90 , Performances , Advertising , Structure , Ballots , Round Game , Fundraising , Policy , Dollars , Matrix , What In The World , Cbs News , Truth , 32 , 46 , 32 , Liar , Factors , Race Hinges , Policies , Game , Lives , Stuff , Choice , Saver Choice , World , Comparison , Denigrating America , Isn T , Economy , Policy Solutions , Connection , More , Inflation , Forth , Wins , Attention , Rhetoric , Tax Cuts , , Either , Policy Dess , Debt , Website , Ideas , Times , Generation , Minds , Viewers , Network , Haven T , Point David , Selection , Front , Agents , Men , Event , Msnbc Live Democracy , Calendars , Brooklyn , 2024 , September 7 , Tickets , Colleagues , Qr Code , Note ,

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