where entire neighborhoods are under water. also, jack smith in court right now as the battle plays out in the classified documents case. the new updates we're getting from court. plus, louisiana parents taking the battle between church and state straight to court. their fight to keep the ten commandments out of schools. and an international legal saga coming to an end. a plea deal that would let julian assange walk free. our nbc news reporters are following all the developments. we begin with adrian in minnesota near the site of that dam we're all watching. what's the latest there, adrian? >> reporter: this afternoon, all eyes are still on the dam behind me that is in threat of imminent failure. we just heard from the local sheriff about the local engineer just moments ago telling us they did see additional erosion overnight. this caution tape is in place to keep people away because folks have shown up wanting to take pictures of this scene behind me, but the sheriff says if someone were to fall in that water, there's no way first responders could go in to rescue them. it's just too dangerous. over on the other side, the surface looks stable, but it is not. and this flooding has turned deadly. in north dakota, there's one reported death and the same in iowa. now, they are getting federal assistance in those states. president biden weighing in last night, but back here in minnesota, the army corp. of engineers are on scene as they assess this area. i did ask the sheriff earlier today what will happen in the dam fully collapsed. here's what he said. >> it will probably beat up some shoreline, this will surge. the whole state is in a flood. they have wet basements right now. they had wet basements before this dam broke. >> reporter: city officials telling us the flood here is the second largest in the county. the other flood that was larger than this was recorded in 1965. meanwhile, the dam is still in place. however, the water around it has kind of snaked around and started essentially causing the shoreline to erode. to the right of me, we're looking at a home that looks like it's hanging and could fall any moment. we spoke with the homeowners who say they're prepared to lose their home. it's their business called the dam that they're worried about. they've had to shut down obviously but they're hoping they can salvage their business that's been in their family for 52 years. >> thank you for that. to florida now, where donald trump's lawyers are battling the special counsel over what evidence could be included in the mar-a-lago documents case. ken dilanian is live from fort pierce, florida. we're getting an update from our folks inside the courthouse. what are they telling you? >> reporter: the defense is making their argument that the search warrant in this case was defective. judge cannon seemed skeptical and is questioning the defense closely about exactly why they think under the law this was improper. there was a disagreement about how to proceed. i've seen a lot of search warrants. judge cannon appeared skeptical of that argument. this is frankly a long shot motion and it's bewildering as to why the judge is holding this hearing given she seems to properly skeptical. a magistrate judge who works under judge cannon in this case approved the warrant and found probable cause for the search to go forward. now to louisiana where a legal battle has begun over a new law that requires the ten commandments to be displayed in classrooms. what can you tell us, guad? >> reporter: chris, this legal filing comes from nine families. these families, they say the new law that requires classrooms to have the ten commandments up by 2025 would violate their first amendment right to decide what religion they want to raise their children in. they also argue that students will now be pressured to observance or adoption of whatever religion or scripture is chosen by the state. in this case, it would be the ten commandments being part of the christian scripture. the families are being represented by the aclu and a group of organizations. let's hear from a representative from the aclu speaking about this lawsuit. >> we have united people of various faiths. those who proudly do not practice a religion. all united under the idea that this law strikes at the core of religious freedom. hb 71 is the canary in the coal line. is the inflection point that we must finally stand up together. >> reporter: so this lawsuit also argues that the decision by the state of louisiana to pass this law violates a supreme court decision from 40 years ago. stone versus graham. in which the supreme court decided not to allow the state of kentucky to post the ten commandments because these were public areas. so they are essentially saying this has already been decided by the supreme court and they are violating that decision. so now, there's experts saying that perhaps the state of louisiana, the governor, wanted this to happen and the long plan here could be to begin a legal battle in which this would get to the courts and eventually make it back to the supreme court with a conservative majority now. the results could be different from what we saw 40 years ago when they decided not to allow the ten commandments to be placed in classrooms, chris. >> guad, an ongoing story. thank you. julian assange, the controversial founder of wikileaks, is one step away from freedom after striking a deal to plead guilty to a conspiracy charge. ryan riley is following the story. assange is responsible for what may be the biggest leak of classified materials in american history. what is the justice department saying about the deal to set him free? >> they're staying pretty quiet about this for now and it really only came to light within the past 24 hours. less than that, really. we're talking about now a hearing that's taking place in less than five hours. early wednesday morning local time at the courthouse when this actually happens. this is a saga that's extended out over 15 years and it brought up some tricky issues for the justice department. this was not something the obama justice department chose to bring forward because of those tricky questions that have brought up. they're very difficult under the law to distinguish what exactly assange was doing in this case, sort of publishing this massive trove of documents and what journalists do. there are differences but under the law, it's trickier to draw those lines. charlie savage has a great piece in "the new york times" laying out what some of it could be. you end up with a five-year time served sentence. he spent since he was kicked out of the ecuadoran embassy. he's been spending that time behind bars in a london correctional facility outside of london. that's really what the sentencing will be. in the end, a judge still has to sign off on this so it's still up in the air. we have these jets flying that are expected to bring him back to his home country of australia after this is over. it's going to turn a page there. as you were talking about last hour, there's going to be a lot of fund raising that will have to be done because assange is going to owe a lot of money for those jets that have been bringing him around the globe after this. over all, this is going to end a saga that started 15 years ago when chelsea manning and julian assange, according to the government, worked together to publish these files that included information from iraq, afghanistan, as well as state department cables and hundreds of files from guantanamo bay revealing all the allegations against those individuals who were held there. since the september 11th attack. thank you. in 90 seconds, a former republican vice president offering joe biden some advice about how to handle donald trump at the debate. w to handle donalp at the debate. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? 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>> reporter: the trump campaign and the former president himself seem pretty proud, actually, of the stark contrast in preparation between president biden and former president trump. the former president is not doing the kind of formal, mock debate prep that president biden is doing. instead, he's been out campaigning. holding informal policy sessions with advisers and members of congress and some of his potential running mate contenders. i asked his spokeswoman and how they're viewing this debate and preparing. here's what she had to say. >> president trump himself is well prepared. he's been continuing with his very busy schedule, engaging in hostile media interviews with the press, which is great debate prep for anyone. he's also been meeting with the most important audience of all, which is the american people. a sharp contrast from what we hear from the biden campaign. our president has been at camp david for a week without one publicly scheduled event. that's concerning to a lot of americans that our current leader of the free world cannot debate prep and run the country at the same time. >> and when it comes to president biden's preparation, a source tells our colleagues that the president is also having regular briefings on national security and daily topics like extreme weather, heat, and flooding. he's tracking that closely, but the campaign really highlighting the contrast and preparation. chris, i also asked caroline about the different expectation setting we have seen. we've heard for months the former president criticize president biden as incompetent, as too old and frail, saying he can't string two sentences together, but then he's called him a worthy debater, someone who shouldn't be underestimated. leavitt told me essentially two things can be true at once, chris. >> thank you. doug, look. the election is still four months away. florida we haven't had the conventions yet and you can make the argument that every debate is historic. not all of them are consequential. what do debates past tell us potentially about what this could mean? could it be game changer? >> it could be a game changer and it tells us a lot. they matter. feels odd to be doing this in june. it goes against every kind of instingt i've had or you've had, but it's this thursday. we should all look at what happened in 2020. it was biden. and it was trump. there were two debates. trump had pulled out of one, but as you said, they were not in the same room. and trump got advantage when he debated hillary clinton when he kind of roamed behind her back and body language to intimidate her. that's not going to be possible because they're going to be seated. prep is really important. barack obama told me he had been preparing to debate mitt romney in henderson, nevada, working hard just like biden is now then flew to denver and forgot about the altitude and had an altitude sickness for the debate that he performed poorly at. and romney, most people felt, won. so every little thing you do right now matters. i worry if biden's overpreparing. a sense of having too much going on in your head. 16 different people telling you what to do. sounds like trump's going to go more out of his gut to maybe shock and awe people. and remember, this time around, trump's going to be also debating jake tapper and dana bash. he's going to try the take swipes at the press, the fake news and all of that. so he's actually going to be debating three people there on that table. >> everybody has an opinion about what both guys should do. former republican vice president had advice for joe biden. he told nbc news, if i were advising biden, i'd try to make fun of trump. that will get him mad. we know biden has been studying up on things that his team thinks could trigger trump. but do you think that's a good idea? are there, what do you make of that advice? >> well, there are risks in any possible strategy. there's nothing normal about this debate. this is not going to be a great moment for democracy. we know that. how do we prepare for debating a howler monkey who's flinging poop at you. this is part of the biden problem. i agree with douglas that they may be overpreparing joe biden, but what's clear is they are not doing any meaningful preparation for donald trump which means we're going to get donald trump unplugged. we're going to get donald trump unhinged. it's going to be a blizzard of bs and insults. i guess the question is whether or not, first of all, who's going to watch this debate. are they going to see or hear anything that is new to them. will they care about it? does it make a difference. are we going to be able to separate the substance, the really stark differences between these two men from the theatrics? i guess i'm a little bit pessimistic because it has become the show. it has become the latest reality tv show for trump. as i have said on this air several times, this debate is unlikely to be enlightening or innoble given what we know trump's strategy is going to be. >> hillary clinton wrote about that, doug, in her op-ed today about the concern about too much theatrics. but there is and we talk about this, actually, in our last hour. this feeling that people want to tune in and debate and see a president. it's something that people know when they see it, right? and i wonder if you can speak to that. and the importance that it has. not even so much what they may say about the issues but how they say it, how they present themselves. >> we should remember that when biden did debate trump, he cleaned his clock and it was really that famous line you know when he used the word, man. this is so unpresidential what you're doing to trump. that helped biden win. we have to remember that trump has been on a losing streak lately. so his bombastic style which works like medicine for his base does not get, win over swing voters. i think it would behoove trump to immodulate somewhat, not to mike joe biden as being feeble. if i were biden, i'd try to trap trump on saying obama care is no good. it has the name obama on it and it might make trump say no, i'll redo it as trump care or something. then you might get a new group of voters for joe biden that say gees, i'm living off of obama care. changed my life, the affordable care act and trump is stating he's getting away from it. each should try to trap the other in a policy position, an albatross around their neck. >> there were those concerned that biden wasn't being tough enough for those responding, suggesting he's going to have to take some kind of drugs in order to you know, be on the debate stage. and even said oh, i'll do it. you do it, i'll do it. i'll take a drug test. but i wonder is there, do you think, a danger? there's the tweet from donald trump. a danger in even daning to respond to something that is so egregiously a lie to some people's mind, getting down in the mud with donald trump or do you have to respond? the campaign has decided they're not going to say anything about that one thing in particular. >> obviously, there are dangers. this is what you get when you get in the mud. this is part of the insoluble formula of standing on a debate stage with donald trump and you know, pretending that it's a normal presidential debate. and you said before t see a pre. i hope that's true. but i wonder. i wonder how many people tune in because they want to see the show, the car crash. but you know, again, it comes back to what are they going to see and the contrast between what plays for donald trump's base and what plays for the swing voters is going to be interesting because donald trump can go on his incoherent rambles and the crowd, and the maga crowd will eat it up. but at some point, joe biden could, if he keeps his cool, could say, you know, to my fellow americans, you just saw who and what donald trump is. do you want to give him control of nuclear weapons again? to make that presidential case. and that's the kind of question is whether or not people want a president or whether they want more entertainment. >> charlie, douglas, great pairing. thank you, guys. make sure to watch chris jansing reports thursday for special coverage. i will be in atlanta 11:00 to noon eastern and 1:00 to 3:00 eastern. also thursday, rachel and team will lead special coverage and analysis of the debate. watch thursday beginning at 7:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc ch. still ahead, the surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis, but whether the new designation do anything to stop the killing? and the landmark decision in israel. the ruling that will force ultra orthodox men into military service as the war in gaza rages. he war in gaza rages. ♪♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪♪ (man) every time i needed a new phone, empower families across the globe. i had to switch carriers... 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-five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. breaking news from kenya. a protest in nairobi has turned into violence with police opening fire on demonstrators according to amnesty international and several major kenyan civic organizations. those organizations say at least five people have been shot dead. dozens more injured. protestors had stormed parliament earlier in an attempt to stop a vote on a new bill that would increase taxes. we're keeping our eye on that. also developing overseas, a legal blow to prime minister netanyahu's government. they ruled ultra orthodox jewish men must serve in the military. his fragile coalition relies on two parties that could pull support. for decades, these men were exempt on religious grounds. the measure has been hotly contested with israelis around the world, sparking protests on both sides starting months before the war in gaza. josh lederman is following this story from london. what more can you tell us, josh? >> this is a collision course israel has been on for decades. the high birthrate, higher than any other sector of the population, means they are growing fast as a share of israel's population. they're about 13%. so for secular israelis, they feel like it is totally unsustainable to have that growing population exempt from contributing to the country's defense and also to its economy because many of the ultra orthodox do not work, but this has come to a head during the war in gaza because the israeli military is stretched so thin because so many israelis are serving either in the idf or the reserves. they are away from their families. they are risking and in some cases, giving their lives to the defense of their country and to fighting in gaza and don't want to see others exempt from having to make those sacrifices. for netanyahu, this is a huge political crisis he has been trying hard to head off. we have talked a lot on this show about how fragile his governing coalition is, how he could lose control, and now, two of the ultra orthodox parties have said they will pull out of his government if these exemptions are not protected. what they've said is if you want to continue these exceps, you have to pass a law. given the support for netanyahu right now, it is difficult to see any kind of very controversial legislation passing like that right now. in the meantime, the ultra orthodox parties warn if these are not protected, they say it will literally tear israeli society apart. chris? >> thank you. for the first time, the nation's top doctor has declared gun violence a public health crisis. the surgeon general recommends a multipronged effort to prevent gun deaths which he compared to the campaign against smoking. the report highlights the staggering numbers of firearm his country. rates which have continued to rise over the last decade. but it also emphasizes the collective trauma we all experience. living in fear of being shot, a tear he says has infiltrated the psyche of america. >> the highest price that we pay from gun violence are the lives we lose. nearly 50,000 a year, but we also know that for every one person who loses their life, there are two who are injured to gun violence. there are others who witness these incidents. family members who lose a loved one. millions of others who listen and hear about gun violence every day. that has led to a collective trauma in our country. >> joining us now is dr. vin gupta, global health policy expert and an msnbc medical contributor. i might also say you're a bit pressient in this record. years ago, you wrote an article talking about the global experience of gun control and asked this question. firearm deaths including suicides are averted when treated as a public health problem. so why not in the united states? has this been a long time coming? >> oh, for sure, chris. we've known and the surgeon general is right to call on this and i'm glad he's doing it today, but this is not the first time we've known this is a public health problem. look at the global experience with what they do so well in places like china. india. the united kingdom. red flag laws is something that's instituted across the country in some of our nations and that's common sense. that's what the surgeon general is calling for today. that's what works across the world. universal background checks. the clearing of mental health assessment. times three in some countries like japan before you can even lay your hands on a gun for sport. much less how we decide to make sure we're locking up our guns safely at home. in some places like india, china, you can't even lock your guns up at home. only at a firing range. so there's a difference in how we access guns that i think this type of advisory hopefully draws attention to, but a lot of the activity here is at the state level. we're not seeing federal action. i doubt we're going to see federal action. >> statistically and you write about this, when you look at how other countries handle it, suicides, for example, they're cut significantly when there is not easy access to guns. >> right. >> we tend to think about gun control in terms of mass shootings, but thousands of people every year take their own lives because they have easy access to a firearm. >> that's right. wounds from just guns is now the leading killer of children. that happened in 2020. surpassed traffic accidents. we're seeing this for just children there's a clear impact. suicides, the demographics of suicide, this is something that impacts younger demographics. 40 and less. it's the second leading killer of that demographic here in the united states. purely because access to firearms is so easy and you're right. it's a footnote when we talk about gun violence, suicides from gun violence is purely a footnote but it is a leading driver of early death in this country. >> i guess the skeptic would say it's great the surgeon general did this. framed it as a public health epidemic but so what. what difference is it going to make if we can't get these changes into place? >> you know, the optimistic view is what we did with seat belts, tobacco, let's try to frame this away from public health. it's worked in the past. can we do something similar now given our current political environment. i share your concern here. the federal movement here, i think this is so rooted into public health. but maybe at the state level, there's still a lot of room to do what states like iowa and connecticut have done with red flag laws. we've seen suicides in those states. but perhaps it will pick up steam as a result of this. >> you just reminded me in decades ago when i was on a college debate was where or not there should be mandatory seat belts. a lot of people thought it could never happen. great to have you. thank you. still to come, who does corporate america want in the white house? well, there's new reporting that provides surprising answers. we've got the details on chris jansing reports only on msnbc. hs jansing reports only on msnbc. shop etsy for thoughtful pieces made by real people to bring a little something extra to the ordinary. find items that add wow to walls and make you fall in love with your family room again. when you want one-of-a-kind pieces to refresh your home... etsy has it. 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>> chris, it's great to see you. i loved the coverage here of my "new york times" article, but i am thrilled that you actually showed the chart because it's so powerful to see that for a century of -- oh, good, a double hit. overwhelming support from the business community for the gop candidate for william howard taft to calvin coolidge, eisenhower, jerry ford even, overwhelming support from the business community publicly. the top fortune 100 firms that stood behind the gop candidate. and now we can see since 2016, there were zero. only two in 2020 and now again zero. that's astounding. some of the names we see floated out there is trumpaganda. that's a big change. they don't like him stylistically or substantively. ceos are flocking back. they never flocked to anymore in the first place. they didn't vote for him, as you can see, any of those times, and didn't support him. >> if that's true and obviously statistically, you're right about the top 100, but why is trump raising so much money? a $50 million donation from business man timothy melon. there are a lot of billionaires out there who are committing huge amounts of money to donald trump and why that differentiate between ceos and other rich people? >> i don't know timothy melon at all. there are good and rotten melons. i don't know why this melon did what he did. he is not his father, grandfather or great grandfather or the great great grandfather. so the fact he's got $50 million to give away to get some attention, that has nothing to do with the business community. that has something to do with somebody that doesn't want the taxes that are likely to come under some of the biden proposals. in particular, they don't like the idea of unrealized capital gains taxes that would hit some ultra wealthy people like this. so it's not surprising that you would see some of those people give a lot of money. a handful of people getting a lot of money. the small donations going to the biden campaign that have him if not still ahead, close to equal. since the winkle brothers had to give back some of their gift because they exceeded federal election law levels. it could be they're dead even. >> thank you for that reference. we've only got a minute left, but i'm wondering what they're telling you about joe biden. >> well, something they don't like about trump is that they're not protectionists. they're not xenophobic and they believe in the rule of law rather than the law of rulers. they think biden preserves that. they like the fact that biden has cut the deficit by a third. where trump had tripled it. they like the fact that the debt is only up about 15%. up 100% under trump. they like the amazing, historic record of having unemployment as low as it was since bonanza was on in the '60s with falling inflation. no matter what you hear or see, inflation is coming down from 7% to now 2.6%, 2.7%. it's a good thing we had some inflation. trump took the economy off the covid cliff so things had goep gone to zero. when in the history of the world have we had oil negatively priced? of course, a functioning economy, we had to see some surges in prices and they're coming back down. there are some supply chain issues. people have confidence that biden supports the rule of law. fundamental foundations and his economic policies are very sound. >> jeffrey, great to have you on the show. thanks so much for coming on. appreciate it. >> thanks, chris. they're cuddlying, 2-year-old ambassador, who spend their days tum ling downhills. preparations are on the way to transport two giant pandas from china to the u.s. we have a preview. >> reporter: the countdown is on. pandamania is about to go into full swing this week. i'm in south central china and just down the road from here, handlers are preparing two giant pandas and a lot of bamboo for their long trip to a new home in the u.s. for the first time in 20 year, giant pandas are heading to the u.s. they're leaving the lush mountain forests here, bound for san diego. a 7,000 mile journey that has been months in the making. experts like this say everything about a panda's environment needs to be assessed and considered. their departure revives china's panda diplomacy. a tradition people worried would end as relations with the u.s. have soured. as part of what china calls a new round of conservation, more pandas will land at other american zoos including washington, d.c. later this year. adored around the world, china's treasured bears are celebrities here, too. there's even criticism on chinese social media over pandas being shared with the u.s. unaware of their global significance, most prefer to eat, lounge, and repeat. every panda is cute, she says, so i'm happy no matter which one i get to see. the best time to see a panda is in the morning before it get toos hot because later in the day, they just want to find some shade and go to sleep. when a panda moves to another country, it takes roughly month to adjust to the new climate and different food. they can eat 80 pounds of bamboo a day. we're told that this one loves it while the other eats apples and corn bread, too. they also need to get used to each other. the hope, of course, is that panda babies and all that cuteness might follow. for now, their departure is set. the preparations complete. and the pandas are coming. there's a lot of secrecy. for china, they're like political envoys. as for fans waiting in the u.s., it could be at least a month for the pandas to adjust to their new food and surroundings and for zoo officials to decide when they'll make their debut. >> let the countdown again. still ahead, remembering the uprising that became a turning point in the gay rights movement. 50 years after the stonewall rights, a look at the impact it's still having. keep it right here. impact it's still having. keep it right here think about i. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the tradeoned rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. this week marks 55 years since the stone wall riots. but now some of the brave pioneers who came out of that movement are elders who need a safe and affordable place to live. joe friar is following this story for us. i know you went to stonewall house. it was created to help lgbtq seniors. what did you find there? >> it is the nation's largest lgbtq friendly housing development for elders but we learned the need for more places like this is massive. stretching 17 stories above brooklyn, stonewall house is like the end of the rainbow. a treasure for lgbtq plus elders, including howard grossman and bradford smith, who have been a couple for more than 40 years. >> stonewall house has been a nice, comforting place for us to finally settle down. >> we're basically all in the same boat. we're getting older. aging. we have our health issues. it's one big family. >> reporter: they moved here four years ago after entering a lottery. 2,000 signed up for just 145 apartments. you won the lottery to get into here. do you feel like you just won the lottery in life? >> definitely. >> friends of ours that are gay in that case being seniors, they don't know where they're going to go. >> reporter: a report finds nearly half of all same-sex couples applying for housing were subject to discrimination. it's overseen by sage, a group that offers support for elders. michael adams is the ceo. >> many people who are older who are lgbtq do not feel welcome and staff where they live. often they'll tell us the place they feel least safe and welcome is where they live. >> one, two, three -- >> reporter: it's not just affordable housing. the community center at stonewall house offers a wide range of programs including painting. >> this is mine as well. >> reporter: barbara abrams doesn't live here, but the 80-year-old does walk here. five times a week, a mile each way. to be with fellow member of the lgbtq plus community. >> it creates family for me that i do not have. these people mean everything to me. when i come in, i'm received with love and i just appreciate it so much. >> reporter: the place is named after the stonewall uprising in 1969. that's when police raided a popular gay bar called the stonewall inn and the community fought back. it was a turning point in the battle for lgbtq plus rights. >> what stonewall represented was you're not going to shut us up. >> living in a place called stonewall must have a lot of meaning then. >> yes, very much. symbolic and as a home. proud. >> reporter: for howard and bradford who married in 2014 and long worried about where they'd live together in retirement as an openly gay couple, stonewall house is the answer. so this is home. >> this is home. >> definitely. for sure. >> so there are a few other places like this around the country. one in minneapolis that's been open for about a decade. one in san diego that opened recently. one in dallas. sage is working with communities around the country to try and replicate this model because the need is so great. >> joe, thank you. i think a lot of people would be shocked to see those statics about how hard it is for gay couples to find a place where they can go and retire in peace. >> to go back in the closet when they move into senior centers. >> thank you. that is going to do it for us this hour. join us every weekday, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern. our coverage continues with katy tur reports, next. our coverage y tur reports, next. since my fatigue and light-headedness would come and go, i figured it wasn't a big deal. then i saw my doctor and found out i have afib, and that means there's about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light- headedness can come and go. but if you have afib, the risk of stroke is always there. if you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. holding off on seeing a doctor won't change whether or not you have afib. but if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at so this is pickleball? it's basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one's free. i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. olay body wash & lotion. discover yours. 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,Society ,Effort ,Multipronged ,Report ,Firearm ,Trauma ,Rates ,Smoking ,Numbers ,Experience ,Living In Fear ,Being ,Price ,Psyche Of America ,50000 ,Family Members ,Person ,Loved One ,Incidents ,Millions ,Record ,Article ,Contributor ,Dr ,Global Health Policy Expert ,Vin Gupta ,Public Health Problem ,Gun Control ,Suicides ,Firearm Deaths ,Sure ,Places ,Red Flag Laws ,China ,It Today ,India ,United Kingdom ,Clearing ,Nations ,Background Checks ,Mental Health Assessment ,Common Sense ,Guns ,Gun For Sport ,Hands ,Japan ,Attention ,Action ,Level ,Advisory ,Activity ,Firing Range ,Type ,Access ,Example ,Killer ,Thousands ,Wounds ,Shootings ,Terms ,Impact ,Suicide ,Demographics ,Demographic ,Traffic Accidents ,Footnote ,Firearms ,Driver ,Health ,View ,Skeptic ,Epidemic ,Public Health ,Environment ,Seat Belts ,Tobacco ,Movement ,Laws ,Connecticut ,Red Flag ,College Debate ,Result ,Steam ,America ,White House ,Answers ,Details ,Hs Jansing ,Pieces ,Items ,Family Room ,Walls ,Add ,Restoration ,Thyroid Eye Disease ,Damage ,Etsy ,Tedhelp Com ,Offer ,Eye Exam ,Exam ,Buys Sales Event ,Pairs ,Single ,America S Best ,69 95 ,9 95 ,Night And Day ,Pitch ,Pill ,Eczema ,Rinvoq ,Moderate ,Skin Clearance ,Patients ,Saw ,Eczema Fast ,Stroke ,Skin ,Infections ,Cancers ,Heart Attack ,Heart Disease Risk Factor ,Tears ,Ability ,Sgi ,Fatal ,Blood Clots ,Lymphoma ,Tb ,50 ,Abbvie ,Help ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Announcer ,Restaurant Noise ,Patches ,Allison ,Otezla ,Blood Tests ,Doctors ,Flaking ,Thoughts ,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Depression ,Weight Loss ,Headache ,Skin Girls ,Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ,Metamucil Gummies ,Confidence ,Treat ,Energy ,Cirkul ,Kick ,Zone ,Walmart ,Drinkcirkul Com ,Ceos ,Yale School Of Management ,Fortune 100 ,100 ,Zero ,Leaders ,Reality ,Aren T ,Skew ,Election Cycle ,Business Leaders ,Jeffrey ,Associate Dean For Leadership Studies ,Least ,Chart ,William Howard Taft ,Business Community ,Candidate ,Hit ,Firms ,The Business Community ,Calvin Coolidge ,Eisenhower ,Jerry Ford ,2016 ,Trumpaganda ,Names ,Big Change ,Him Stylistically ,Didn T Support Him ,Billionaires ,Donation ,Amounts ,Business Man Timothy Melon ,00 Million ,50 Million ,Grandfather ,Timothy Melon ,Melon ,Melons ,Fact ,Great Grandfather ,Capital Gains Taxes ,Somebody ,Doesn T ,Proposals ,Donations ,Handful ,Brothers ,Election Law Levels ,Gift ,Reference ,Left ,Protectionists ,Rulers ,Rule Of Law ,Deficit ,Third ,Debt ,Inflation ,Matter ,Bonanza ,Unemployment ,Low ,2 7 ,2 6 ,60 ,Goep ,Soil ,History Of The World ,Covid Cliff ,Course ,Surges ,Policies ,Prices ,Functioning Economy ,Foundations ,Supply Chain Issues ,Thanks ,Ambassador ,Ling Downhills ,Cuddlying ,Pandas ,Countdown ,Preparations ,Pandamania ,Preview ,Handlers ,Giant Pandas ,Swing ,Bamboo ,Road ,20 ,San Diego ,Journey ,Mountain Forests ,Making ,7000 ,Departure ,Tradition ,Panda ,Relations ,Panda Diplomacy ,Conservation ,Ground ,Bears ,Celebrities ,Most ,Significance ,Criticism ,Lounge ,Repeat ,Chinese ,Social Media ,Shade ,No Matter ,Corn Bread ,Climate ,Apples ,Seats ,80 ,Babies ,Each Other ,Hope ,Secrecy ,Cuteness ,Fans ,Envoys ,Surroundings ,Zoo Officials ,Stonewall Rights ,Turning Point ,Uprising ,Debut ,Dogs ,Dog ,Weight ,Amount ,Needs ,Farmer ,Food Pre Portioned ,Weight Management ,House ,Kev ,Trade ,Response ,Rumors ,Opendoor ,Tradeoned ,55 ,Elders ,Pioneers ,Joe Friar ,Housing Development ,Lgbtq Seniors ,Friendly ,Stonewall House ,Treasure ,Stories ,Rainbow ,Lgbtq Plus Elders ,Brooklyn ,17 ,Couple ,Boat ,Bradford Smith ,Howard Grossman ,Nice ,Lottery ,Health Issues ,Aging ,Apartments ,2000 ,145 ,Case Being Seniors ,Friends ,Gay ,Housing ,Couples ,Ceo ,Discrimination ,Subject ,Michael Adams ,Sage ,Lgbtq ,Welcome ,Staff ,Painting ,Programs ,Orange ,Community Center ,Member ,Lgbtq Plus Community ,Community ,Gay Bar ,Stonewall Inn ,1969 ,What Stonewall Represented ,Battle For Lgbtq Plus ,Retirement ,Meaning ,Stonewall Must ,Proud ,Bradford ,2014 ,Answer ,Minneapolis ,Statics ,Communities ,Model ,Dallas ,Centers ,Closet ,Peace ,Afib ,Fatigue ,Weekday ,Katy Tur Reports ,Coverage Y Tur Reports ,Light Headedness ,Come And Go ,Wasn T A Big Deal ,Eastern ,Symptoms ,Stroke Risk ,Appointment ,Doctor Won T Change Whether ,Notimetowait Com ,Pickleball ,Tennis ,Wiffle Tennis ,Pickle ,Saving ,College ,Game ,Burn ,E Trade ,Got Him ,Morgan Stanley ,Dude ,Trash Talk ,Clinic ,Women ,Olay ,Retinol Body Wash ,Olay Retinol Body Wash ,Moisturized ,95 ,Body Wash ,Lotion ,Woman ,Houses ,Couple Olay Body Wwill Share A Perfect Moment ,Don T Worry ,Doors ,Need Fiber ,Prebiotic ,Gummies ,Broccoli ,10 ,

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