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but then while they were mulling the desperation of their circumstances in landsberg prison, they got some good news, a new lawyer who wanted to try to reopen their case. >> it's no wonder orzo the cat came over to help. i don't think this was photo bombing by a cat. i think this was encouragement by cat. get it right, maddow. come on, spit it out. spit it out. how many times you going restart this sentence? thanks to kelsey and the rest of the podcast team and most definitely orzo the producer cat, episode 3 of "ultra" was finally spat out by me. it is available now for free wherever you get your podcast. there is eight episodes of the podcast all together. there is three. it is a banger episode, if i don't say so myself. you can take it from me or you can take it from producer cat orzo, who is a very, very good boy. that does it for us tonight. time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. i just experienced your description of that cat . story and the same way that all caof our listeners on the radio pictured it with no visual whatsoever and it was if i was driving down the 405 on my way from work. i think it is good for us to have that serious radio appearance every once in a while. >> i started off the show with a visual thing showing this weird guy with vampire teeth and fake fire and people breaking windows with their heads. this hour there has been a lot of visual descriptions. >> i usually find the serious radio version is more than enough for almost everything we do here. i think there are a bunch of people in america right now who are driving home with sirius on and as soon as they get home, they will put the television on or somehow find a video of rachel and the cat . >> my handle on threads is my last name twice, maddow maddow and i have posted that clip there. it is reason enough to join threads if you haven't already especially if you are a refugee from twitter. you can meet orzo there. >> i will see you thursday night, rachel. we will watch television together. >> yes. we will listen too. >> thank you. i don't appreciate your tone. liis what donald trump's favorite judge said today to one of the prosecutors on special prosecutor's jack smith's team on the case of sm united states of america versus donald j. trump in which donald trump is criminally charged with violations of the espionage act and illegal possession of classified documents. i don't appreciate your tone. we will hear more about that tone from those in the courtroom in florida today and we will get andrew wiseman and that perspective on that tone on as formal federal prosecutors themselves. i don't appreciate your tone. it was, in its way, the courtroom equivalent of nevertheless she persisted. le >> it has been a long uphill struggle to keep a the vital legislation that protects the most fundamental right to vote and a person who has exhibited so much hostility to the enforcement of those laws. >> the senator is reminded it is a violation of rule 19 of the standing rules in the senate to impute to another senator or senators any conduct or motive unworthy or becoming a senator. >> mr. president, i don't think i quite understand. i am reading a letter from coretta scott king to the judiciary committee from 1986 that was admitted into the record. i am simply reading what she wrote about what the nomination of jeff sessions to be a federal court judge meant and what it would mean in history for her. >> senator warren was giving a lengthy speech. she had appeared to violate the rule. she was warned. she was given an explanation. nevertheless, she persisted. >> and so, she continues to persist. here she is persisting today in wisconsin. >> if donald trump takes the white house, if republicans gain control of congress, they are coming for abortion everywhere. they are coming for contraception everywhere. they are coming for ivf everywhere. so when we go to the polls on november 5, you are fighting for wisconsin but fighting for joe biden and vice president harris. >> it has been two years to d t day when the u.s. revoked roe v. wade and unleashed new abortion bans in 21 states. >> i want to thank the six justices, incredible people, for having the courage to allow this long-term hard-fought battle to finally end. >> the battle has not ended and will not end. de republicans want more. >> it is absolutely critical as we look at this particular election cycle to remember who it was that put pro-life and conservative judges on the district courts and circuit courts and nominated three conservative justices to the united states supreme court that after 50 years of fighting we were able to overturn roe v. wade. and that president was donald j. trump. >> today the biden campaign released this advertisement. >> i was about 11 weeks when i t had a miscarriage. the pain i was feeling was excruciating. i was turned away from two emergency rooms, the direct result of donald trump overturning roe v. wade and he is now a convicted felon. he thinks he shouldn't be held accountable for his own criminal actions. that he will let women and doctors be punished. we want to support somebody who has her best interest at heart and i am adamant about supporting president biden. >> i am joe biden and i approve this message. >> she suffered being raped throughout her childhood and became pregnant by her stepfather and at the age of 12r she wanted an abortion but had a miscarriage before an abortion was scheduled. she joined the discussion on morning joe n this morning. >> women today if they are walking in the shoes i am in, which was pregnancy from being raped, they don't have a lot of options and they are at risk for having no options after the election. that is very terrifying. still, i will forever be that little girl. that is really who i do this for and knowing i was in that position. the only thing that allowed me to hold on to hope for the words you have options and this is the first thing i heard when i looked at a positive pregnancy test at 12. >> you are now speaking out because a trump win >>would meas what for little girls in this situation you were in?'s >> it would mean the unimaginable meaning they have no options and not even little o girls but women with nonviable pregnancies that are wanted that maybe killing these women and they know it will be no options based on where you live and it would be one of rule for everybody and it will be no abortions and it is a very very dangerous world for women, and not only young girls but young women. >> leading off our discussion is elizabeth worn the member of the senate finance committee a advisory board committee member for the biden/harris campaign. she is running for reelection to the senate in massachusetts. thank you very much for joining us on this important night, mi senator. what have we learned in the two years since we lost roe thv. wade?'s >> we have learned that the si>> impact of overturning roe v. wade is far bigger than anything that anyone imagined at this moment two years ago. two years ago, we were talking about what this would mean twfo women who wouldn't have access to abortion and women who wanted to terminate a pregnancy. think about the stories we have heard since then as a 10-year- old girls have come forward in 12-year-olds and 15-year-olds or 30-year-olds who have been raped. we have heard from more people who wanted pregnancies but have miscarried or it has gone terribly wrong. of people who need access to ivf in order to have a family. we hear these stories of our sisters, cousins and friends, the people we went to school with and we hear stories from wi ourselves about what it means for an extremist group to drive access to abortion and contraception and ivf out of the american medical system. we are learning what it means person by person across this country. i have to tell you that i am out here in wisconsin right now. people are fired up to fight back. >> what would it take to legislate roe v. wade and pass it is federal legislation to get it signed into law? >> i do love this question. we are close. what it will take is first and foremost we have to have joe biden and kamala harris in the white house. if we want to preserve access to abortion, we have to have them. we also need a majority in the united states house of representatives. we think we are close and can do this but it means we have to be in that fight. the third one is we have to have a majority in the senate, 50 democrats who are willing tom set aside the filibuster and say your vote matters. we are going to depend on democracy, and we are going to make roe v. wade law of the land. understand this, we are so close. come november if we can get these three parts and i think of it as the trifecta, we can make roe v. wade law of the land and not just in blue or purple states but all across this nation. >> i have observed that if there is another trump presidency, it seems to me he would have very little difficulty in getting clarence thomases resignation from the supreme court and he could go into a happy well-funded retirement and donald trump could replace clarence thomas with a 40-year-old judge alor possibly judge cannon in florida who could serve another 40 years on the supreme court. it is entirely possible that another 40 years of rulings by the supreme court could be at stake in this presidential election. >> absolutely. understand that that is row -- roe v. wade and it is contraception and ivf and it is about voting rights and it's about the ability to join the union and it's about our climate and money in politics. it is about corporate power and about a supreme court that in the past few years has jumped the curbs and it is a supreme court that has put itself above the constitution, has put itself above democracy itself and is driving an extremist agenda. it is absolutely critical that we reelect joe biden and kamala harris in no small part because they will be the ones to appoint the next round of supreme court justices and people who bring ballis -- balance back to the court and restore credibility in the court. and also they make sure that we are a nation of laws and the supreme court has a role to play. absolutely. so does congress, and so does the president of the united states. joe biden and kamala harris ares the people who will strengthen and support her democracy. that includes taking this extremist supreme court, making sure we have a better people in that court and, in my view, expanding inthe court as needed if they will try to run roughshod over our democracy. >> as a former harvard law school professor which you talked about the work of the supreme court all the time in class, as you have seen the work of the supreme court for the last two years and prior in your time in the senate, what has to happen to this court going forward?'s ha >> look, what has happened on this court most recently is truly deeply shocking and they no longer feel bound by law and also a court who some of its members just feel like they don't have any ethical construct, that they can take money from interested parties and they don't even have to disclose what is going on. we need to do a few things in congress. the first thing is we need to put ethical rules in place that bind the supreme court. we have constitutional authority to do that. we should do that. my view, also, it is time to expand the supreme court. the constitution provides for that. it has happened seven times in the past and we have a supreme court that is way out of balance. this supreme court has become th an extremist court that no longer limits itself to stare decisis and no longer limits itself to the constitution itself and to the power to be exercised by congress and the president of the united states. we need to save our democracy. part of doing that is making sure this extremist supreme ng court doesn't destroy it. >> senator elizabeth worn, thank you very much for starting off our discussions. >> thank you. >> coming up we will be joined l by the maryland senate candidate who was with vice president harris today in maryland. >> it comes down to this. donald trump thinks the government is in a better position to tell women what is n in their best interest than women should know for themselves. but joe biden and i trust women. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair 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do we trust women? do we believe in freedom?'s do we believe in the promise of america?'s are we ready to fight for it? and when we fight, we win. god bless you. and god bless america. >> joining us as the democratic nominee for senate in maryland, angela alsobrooks. she attended vice president harris's speech today marking it two years since the supreme court overturned roe v. wade. thank you for joining us tonight. this is an important state for senate campaigns. maryland could go either way. you are running against the former governor, larry hogan, who, i assumed, was a pro- choice republican. was that is clear as i assumed it to be quite >> absolutely not. we have learned that larry hogan has a record. the record is clear and he actually vetoed an important abortion care legislation that would have expanded care in the state of maryland and it was vetoed by the legislature. he withheld funding until the current governor came into office. he has a clear record this year as he entered the race and he came in and it is an emotional issue for women and i said as well when he was pressed is whether or not he would vote to codify, he said he refused to speculate. >> that is the part that surprised me. i thought he was a roe v. wade guy but the democratic party in maryland has assembled his responses to this and let's look at this because it was all new to me. let's look at this. >> would you vote for legislation that would guarantee the right to an abortion? >> i think that is an issue we have to address. >> surely you have thought about it. >> i am not going to speculate on any issue of any legislation that has not been written. >> there is a much longer version of this where he goes on. he keeps going like that in circles where clearly he has thought about it and he is thought about it enough or he is afraid to talk about it. >> the reality is it is a very very serious issue and we know that maryland has become the place where mitch mcconnell has selected as a place where he believes the republicans have the best chance of flipping the senate in the republican hands led by donald trump. he said the larry hogan is the get of the year. he couldn't believe his luck is selecting larry hogan as a person he believes would give republicans the best chance of getting control -- we do know this is an issue that is serious. those in maryland have a different vision. they are pro-choice. i believe that they will know the difference between larry hogan as governor and senator and no the 51st vote is what it is about. it is about our freedoms. we heard the vice president talking about this today. it is about freedom. it is something so personal to me. i was two years old when roe was decided and i don't think any of us thought that my own daughter at 19 would be fighting for rights that should have been won by her grandmother. >> we just heard from senator warren, the point that in order to preserve these rights, again, guaranteed in roe v. wade and with the democratic senate and all the republicans have to do is grab one from the democrats. and they will be there. that is why mitch mcconnell is so focused on maryland and they don't usually focus on maryland. but they believe they have a shot there and in some other states like montana and others they are hoping for. but do the voters of maryland understand that if you vote for a republican, you are also voting for every other republican in the senate to be elevated and become more powerful? senator cruz becomes chairman of a committee. they then become the chairman. and then there are votes out rank democratic votes because larry hogan is there. >> maryland is very savvy as voters. >> pretty close to washington dc. >> what they will understand that whoever closes -- controls the majority controls the agenda. it could send us backward to not only take away abortion care rights but we have seen in the last few weeks to also affect ivf and contraception and we know as well that they will stack the supreme court and will continue to with these conservative justices who are not only intent about removing freedoms around reproductive care but voting rights and so many rights we care about. i believe the people of maryland will note that the 51st vote is a question we are answering. who should have that? i believe they will elect me and decide the democrats ought to retain control of the senate. this is about the future and what kind of future do we see for our country? i see one in which my own daughter won't have to choose what state to live in based on freedoms. it is an important issue. >> there was a moving movement with the vice president with kate cox the texas woman famously denied an abortion in a crucial situation where she had to leave the state to go to new mexico. she made an announcement today and let's listen to that. >> today i'm happy to share that i am pregnant again. my husband and i expect the baby in january. i hope by then when we welcome our baby into the world, it will be a world led by joe biden and kamala harris. >> what was the lesson from the crowd today? >> it is horrifying to think that kate had to leave for own state and flee her own state not only to save her life but preserve the right to have children in the future and she was pregnant with a baby that wasn't viable. her health was at stake and her doctor decided she needed this care. we are looking at politicians in the examination room substituting their judgment for that of doctors and her example tells us that this republican party isn't stopping. they have gone so far, not only again when we think about abortion care jeopardizing the lives of women, but we see now they want to make choices for women on when to start families with ivf and contraception. this is something, the 51st vote and the stakes couldn't be higher and we are happy for kate and her family. >> angela, is your daughter appearing in your television ads? >> my gosh. she is wonderful. she is a complete superstar. she just finished her freshman year in college. she is just amazing. >> great. have her come with you next time. coming up, the presidential debate later this week and today defendant trumps favorite federal judge, judge cannon, heard the government's request to put a gag order on donald trump from telling lies about the search of his florida residents. and we are joined next to talk about that. about that. being me. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. chris counahan for leaffilter— the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter's has your gutters covered. protecting you from getting up on this thing to clean out your gutters ever again. and you know how else leaffilter protects your home? 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>> one thing that set judge cannon off before that is that the prosecutor, david, was getting such a tough reception even before that moment that he made a remark that he had barely gotten one of his points across. that is what made judge cannon make that remark. for all of this when he stepped down and trumps attorney todd blanche came up and you saw him in action, lawrence, he gave something not a place for a campaign speech but given the view of the gag order as this was a mere critique of the biden administration and biden's justice department. she didn't really push back on that remark. on friday, it was very different. she had sharply pressed both the sides. she actually questioned trumps other attorney, also an attorney on the new york criminal case, about his characterization of the special counsel as a shadow government. she said, i don't know if it is right to throw aspersions she said to him about the use of that term. now, today, he was throwing every aspersion in the book about joe biden seeking a role in the gag order -- excuse me, in the search of mar-a-lago. there is absolutely no evidence of that . didn't even push back on the characterization of todd blanche on trump's comments and the fact they were lies. >> andrew, exasperation can happen in court rooms. but for all the people in an american courtroom to be concerned about tone, in a hearing that is about donald trump's potential threatening of fbi agents nationally, something that most judges have never ever had to consider, federal judges, they have never had to consider their duty to protect the di agents nationally, and her worry is the tone? >> that is one of many many many signs that she is not up to the task. i have seen many judges in high profile matters. i have seen how they comport themselves and we all just watched the judge with the ideal model and there is so much wrong with what she did today that even if you think these allegations may not be enough to do what the government wants, you wouldn't decide to hear this a month after the allegations are raised in this should've been heard promptly. second, her comment was, well, there is nothing about these agents on this case i need to worry about. because i have kept their names private. the prosecutor said, letter a, that is actually factually not true because the names have leaked out. these names will continue to do so. number two it is myopic because there have been threats against other fbi agents and you don't think it has an effect on other fbi agents and these. there was a shortsighted view of this questioning and factually wrong. there is so much that is consistent with the outrage in the way she has handled this case, as you noted, from the outset when it wasn't even an indictment. she has consistently done things that shows it is her naoveti, the fact she is not ready for prime time. and, i hate to say it, is really showing prejudice in a way that casts aspersions on really good conservative judges who do their duty. >> your tone was okay in the way you say that. it was a harsh comment but the tone was okay. joyce vance, what do you expect here? judge cannon seems to know when she can create a ruling that jack smith will appeal and could possibly shake her grip on the case. what are you expecting for us to see going forward on this?'s >> i am expecting more delay, which is precisely how she is handled this case from the get- go. to andrew's point, she scheduled this hearing and unconscionably long time after trump made these comments. we will see a ruling in this case for weeks if we see one in forever. the reason for that is because these rulings would be appealable if she went against the government. she limits special counsel's ability to use funding sources, they would appeal that. most importantly this ruling on the change of trumps conditions of pretrial release is something by statute the government is entitled to take an immediate appeal of if she denies their motion. that is exactly where the judge doesn't want to be in front of the 11th circuit again. i think we can't say this enough. she wasn't just reversed two times by the court of appeals. she entertained a fundamentally flawed action brought i donald trump. when you don't like the results of a search warrant or investigation into your conduct, you wait until you are charged, and then you move to suppress any evidence gained as a result of that search warrant. that is not what he did. he filed a civil action not justified by any sort of legal proceedings. she entertained it and delayed the government's use of evidence. that in large part is why we are here talking about the delay again and that is what the 11th circuit responded to so sharply, snapping her down twice and she doesn't want to be in front of them. >> we have to squeeze in a commercial break and let's squeeze in a few with your expertise and we will be right back after this break. this bre. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check! when flares kept trying to slow me down i got lasting steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check! and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check! for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief lasting steroid-free remission. and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check! rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check ...and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. let's take a little test together: which looks better — this? 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>> none at all. that is part of a pattern and there was no hint on the earlier motion brought by trump in the senate hearings and challenging the special counsel's authority saying he was unconstitutionally appointed and he should've gone to the senate. there was another motion that said the funding of the special counsel wasn't authorized and it should not have come from the indefinite appropriation which in judge cannon's words was limitless. she appeared to be taking that one seriously. and she didn't rule on either one and say when neither one would come down. >> a judge taking seriously how you financed the prosecution, who herself has caused increased costs in this case because there was no secure facility at her courtroom for classified documents, does judge cannon look at this and think, which one of these could get me knocked off the case?'s if she were to rule in a certain way on one of these items, is it possible the 11th circuit would say, okay, we simply can't continue with her on this case? >> i think that is exactly how she is looking at this. which one of these if i rule for donald trump will there be an appeal and i could get kicked off the case and not just reversed. that is exactly how she is doing it, and i think if she were to say that special counsel itself is unconstitutional which has been found by every single court, republicans and democrats have said is totally gentlemen, that is what will get her reversed. i don't see her doing that. she could do what she normally does, which is criticize it to a fairly well and say i see substantial legal issues. and since she doesn't get kicked off. i think the funding issue is one where she may be interested, but i think it is a loser for her. i don't think that will work. i think this one on danger is the one she has to be the most careful because it relates so much to the reasons she was reversed not once but twice, as joyce said. >> thank you all very much for joining our discussion tonight. tonight's last word is next. ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. 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