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word. tonight the biden campaign calls out trump's comments on race. new tensions with israel. the fallout from benjamin netanyahu video slamming the biden administration. louisiana has a new law. the 10 commandments must be posted in all school classrooms. the constitutional showdown on this wednesday night. good evening, once again. we are now 139 days away from the election. today marks 159 years since the last black slaves were given their freedom in texas. a day recognized as juneteenth and millions of americans from coast to coast celebrate. this is the fourth year that juneteenth has been designated a federal holiday. president biden signed into law in 2021. his campaign is out with a new powerful added. >> this juneteenth, we salute those who built this country. those who sacrificed, suffered, and refused to be defined by pain or silenced by oppression. we celebrate freedom. freedom to live, breathe, play, choose, marry, vote. with joe biden and kamala harris, we are ready to face the future together. we cannot stop now. >> what did donald trump do to celebrate this day that is so important to so many americans? the man himself did not do anything. he did make it lease 18 posts on true social today, not a single one mentioned the holiday. on juneteenth four years ago, he tried to hold a campaign rally in tulsa, oklahoma, with one of the worst -- according to reports at the time, he had no idea what juneteenth was. today a spokesperson did manage to put out a five line statement saying that freedom has always been the foundation of the republican party. this is referencing something you often hear from gop that they are the party of lincoln. yes. president lincoln was in fact a republican. but, abraham lincoln would not even recognize today's republican party. in fact, he might say the republicans in name only. let's get smart with the leadoff panel. it's an all-star group. nbc news correspondent who is covered all three donald trump campaigns. special correspondent from vanity fair . and my dear friend, simone sanders townsend. cohost of the nbc morning show, the weekend. simone, the trump campaign has been claiming lately they are having success winning over black voters. if that were the case, wouldn't juneteenth be a key day to make a big push for those votes? >> i think there is a fundamental misunderstanding. the trump campaign, what outreach is to black voters. gold sneakers, we have seen him claiming that him being 34 time convicted felon makes him palatable and interesting to black voters. not much policy. talking about the policy, black businesses and marking juneteenth. a percent to 10% of black voters usually have presidential election break for the republican candidate. the gop is claiming that they will win a majority of black votes. the gap is large and the work to close the gap seems nonexistent. >> dnc chair, jamie harris, said donald trump is a lot of things but certainly is not subtle. all of the cities he demonstrates -- denigrates has significant black populations. >> this is a mystery since 2016. he went to war with baltimore. this is his trope. he is trying to give people, white people, permission to vote for him. he is trying to say, i am not as racist as you think i am. that is really what this is about. >> some think he is that racist and they are down with her. >> yes, for sure. there is structures stuff going on. this man announced his presidency, that he was running, that mexicans were and some were very good people. this is where this comes from. >> his 2016 pitch, and tell your pitch to black voters was basically, what do you have to lose? give me a shot. he does not seem to be trying much harder than that at this point. you were on the trail with him, what is he doing? >> that message for him every year becomes more cemented. what do you have to lose? in 2020, he received the most black support for any republican nominee in decades fit for him that his affirmation that he was making progress. whether folks want to believe that is the case or not, donald trump created in his head that he is the best for everybody. referencing baltimore -- >> he is saying that you have stuff to be mad about, i am your guy. >> he made the case eight years ago and went on the attack against john, saying that atlanta is falling apart. to what extent is donald trump suffering the repercussions of comments like that? or does he feel like he can go into a place like the bronx and in his heart of hearts, if you believe if you articulate a message that you guys are doomed, you do not have great lives, because of the democrats -- for donald trump that is a much easier message to communicate than policy arguments. a lot of ways the democrats struggle to articulate because it is more complex than dts message. >> he goes to aggrieved communities and says, doesn't this suck? some go, yes, it does read he doesn't deliver a policy solution to not make it suck. i'm being very articulate up >> you are right. very little policy in his stuff. the republican party recently gave up policy in 2020 when they said they will not have a policy platform. there is little policy here. even republican policies on the large -- what are they? keep tax cuts for the wealthy. cut the corporate tax cut and possibly larger tariffs? this does not benefit anybody but the wealthy. >> chuck todd wrote today about trump amnesia. all sorts of voters have forgotten what his first term was like and they might not be afraid anymore of a second term. when you are on the trail with the campaign, do you pick up on that? >> it's not just donald trump. this is, wouldn't you like life to be like it was four or five years ago? voters articulate that message. a large number are echoing donald trump. there is a pre-pandemic and posted in life it take politics out of the equation, a lot of us have experiences outside of who is in the white house. that is what donald trump and his campaign are trying to bring folks minds back to. amnesia, politically, donald trump, there is a base support that he has been able to effectively galvanize through events since the january 6th attack. that is four indictments. different primaries when he went around the country. in ways he is unable to give folks fodder that extends beyond what has happened politically in terms of policy from the biden administration, to focus more on grievances toward him. the amnesia part becomes relevant because, for him, he is able to often times say to ignore what happened between 2017 and 2020. think about 2021 through 2024. >> how much should biden should be reminding voters about what life was like in the donald trump white house? >> there is a fine line to walk but they have to note. donald trump and a lot of republicans have spoken of, what about four years ago? wasn't like better than? we literally were in a pandemic and people rely -- were dying. donald trump stood before the american people and said to drink bleach to cure covid. all of these other drugs that were unproven. people believed him and listen to him and died because of that. yes, they need to remind the american people when he says it was great when i was president -- this thing over here that we lived through, i believe they have on the campaign trail, then talking about the future. housing. dealing directly with folks current economic conditions. housing is the biggest issue for people. the rent is too high. it is utterly out of reach to purchase a home for many people. even the thought of it because of interest rates. you have heard the biden/campaign out in communities. i'm not going to lie because i feel what they do on tv and the streets, when they talk to voters, they talk about specific issues. policies for that voters and businesses. what the administration has done, the gaps, what they would like to do. that is a message coupled with the organizing efforts that can move people to the polls. >> our own is reporting that the feds do not have a in place to alert voters about deep fakes or disinformation coming from inside the u.s. the fbi is not in the truth detection business. but, if they are not alerting people that the fake stuff is out there and influence -- influencing us, who will do it? >> you are correct. the folks at the justice department are hard-working patriots. they're putting their lives on the line. they have been doing the duty over a number of presidencies. there is a hesitancy to look as though they are in any way taking sides or laying favorites with the selection. because of who is on the ballot . when it comes to this information, it is real. if people are not being confronted with the facts, if there is not an active campaign to root out the operations, we will see things similar to what we have seen in every single election in the last two presidential elections. this information and disinformation has played a role. the new technology deep fakes, fbi and justice department have the ability to put together a task force. it is necessary. >> this is real and alarming. youtube is now a growing share of where americans get news. a new study out shows that it's algorithm prioritizes right- wing and christian content. does this show how little we understand about these mysterious algorithms and how they might be influencing us? >> yes. there is no algorithm and trust fancy. all of these companies are being asked to police themselves. you think elon musk will police his content? there is no evidence to support he has interest in what is real or fake. and facebook, all of these platforms are on the honor code. that is insane and i think there is a place for the doj to get more aggressive, to try to moderate content. also, to be some legislation from congress. >> youtube is nearly 10% of what we watch on tv. simone, how big of a deal is a? >> it is a huge deal and i wonder if youtube people knew about this and it is something they are tracking? i wonder if it's setting off fire alarms? youtube recognizes that the biggest opportunity for growth is in content creation. it's with the networks and news. people coming to the platform to find information. the stories like this are not helpful to the business bottom line. definitely called into question, what is going on? it might probe some committees to peel back layers trade we have seen what happens to the folks before committees. >> i'm not letting you leave until we talk about your home state of arizona. you know better than anyone, this week we have seen two key donald trump legal advisors , not campaign associates, plead, not guilty in the fake collector's case. >> epstein is still an advisor. for donald trump in the 2024 campaign, or outside of the campaign, coordinating legal counsel for various cases. epstein pleading not guilty rounds out all 18 individuals or codefendants from that indictment stemming from the attorney general's investigation into the fake collector scheme. the one interesting person, general malaise, also pled not guilty. after she pled not guilty to her georgia indictment, she was suspended, her law license in colorado. per her agreement she struck with the colorado court did she issued an apology like she did in georgia. saying that she regretted representing donald trump. ultimately she asked for an apology for the fraud conspiracy theories which she said she did not know the basis of. the question, whether the prosecutors will offer plea agreements from the attorney general's office. they could. will they begin to try to get cooperators like, ellis? will she change her plea to a guilty and will they move they course? >> great to see you all. thank you so much. whenever you are not on the campaign trail, you are welcome to join us. republicans have raged over immigration, we will take a close look about how it is actually helping our economy. we're talking project 2025. the far right played for a second trump term. what you need to know about where it comes from? the 11th hour getting underway on an important wednesday night. t. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪♪ (wife) saving for retirement was tough enough. 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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. i know a lot of voters are exhausted. do you know who else is exhausted? every single player at halftime of the super bowl. everyone of them are exhausted. what do they do? they go out there and they do it again. this is halftime in the biden versus trump contest for the future. there is a second-half coming up. yes, you have to play in both halves. we got an open border. it is completely open. >> they have ripped our border wide open. >> if you have people coming into your country flooding in, in record numbers, you need somebody at the border to say, stop. >> lies. we do not have open borders. donald trump is not the only republican spreading fear about immigration at the border. his allies are echoing the former president. there is a new report out that they are not talking about. it tells a different story about immigration and specifically about the economy. increase immigration to the u.s. is expected to drive economic growth, boost federal revenues and shrink deficits over the next decade. something republicans traditionally would like. let's discuss. here is victoria, dean of the clinton school. to miller, host of podcast and former communications director for jeb bush. immigration has become a lightning rod issue. americans across the political spectrum are angry about illegal immigration. should the biden campaign use this report to turn the conversation to emigration being good, but we have to fix it? >> stephanie, this report and hundreds of other reports -- last month the federal reserve bank of kansas city came out with pretty much an identical report. had it not been for immigration, we would not have seen a cooling down that we have seen within the economy. this is critical. to see that recovery and beyond that, take a step back and paint a demographic picture. since 1971, the u.s. fertility rate has been going down. it is currently at a record low. there was a slight up during the pandemic that we are back down. to the point we are not replacing ourselves. 1.6 replacement rate. you need, two. essentially every family needs two children to replace themselves. we are not doing that. what does that look like in our job market? what is a look like in terms of paying into social security, medicare, medicaid? what will it look like in terms of people who are taking care of us when we age and live really long? it is a whole different story. it's not one about, they are at the border. it's like, thank you. we need to incorporate you to bring new life and blood into our economy. two tim, is this an opportunity for democrats to shift the narrative on the issue, to make a case to expand legal immigration? >> democrats need to gain ground. it's more of a challenging issue for democrats because they have to have more nuanced messages. the republicans can say immigration is bad. migrants are violent. the border is open. the joe biden message of saying, we need reasonable restrictions at the border, we need to be decent to the dreamers who came to this country at age 3. not to put them in a camp like donald trump wants to. and legal immigration and loosening some of the rules at the border, helps the economy. some issues i think that i could change my view. others, no, it is you guys who have gone crazy. where is the chamber of commerce republicans? there were others that were like, we need immigrants to help our country grow. they are good for our country. they are good for the demographics. they are good for the economy. as victoria said, this is not the first study that demonstrated this. >> chamber of commerce. they know where the labor shortage resides. victoria, politico reported that there are some folks in the biden campaign that are hoping his new executive action to prevent deportation of spouses will help win over voters who hated donald trump's family separation policy. are there biden holdouts that are saying this is the thing i will turn out for? >> it's a lot simpler than that in terms of trying to tap into a raw emotion. i do not know if the biden campaign will be able to do that. you are at the border, i was at the border, seeing what happened was something that rips you inside. we might be able to replicate that feeling with throwback in separation. i'm not sure? i think it will be a difficult needle to thread. within that, coming back to the idea of family values. immigration is part of our american values. he needs the couch it within this frame and be able to harness those emotions of the separation. >> tim, i especially would like to give you hard questions at 11:27 at night to mess with you. a new topic, bob good, chair of the far right house freedom caucus, in a super tight race with challenger, john mcguire. backed by donald trump and kevin mccarthy. this race is still not called. i think it will end? >> it's only 10:27 in new orleans. i don't know if that is for sure? the more important thing, it is unbelievable that bob good is getting pushed out for only endorsing ron desantis. he is one of the most extreme tea party maga republicans out there. he is not being primary like a centrist. he is being primary for not being loyal enough to donald trump. we are in a cultish, crazy place. bob good came into congress, unlike the former congressman who officiated a wedding and he was attacked over this. now good is being pushed out for endorsing desantis. the party is getting crazier and crazy with these primary results rate of mcguire wins it will be the latest example of it. >> great to see you both. it's only 10:28. tim, you can still go out tonight. >> i might. tropic americans who do not like the separation of church and state got a big win in louisiana. that's just the beginning of a far right playbook if donald trump wins. breaking down project 2025 when we continue. insurance to allstate? 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>> specifically because the mindset that is embraced by project 2025 is one started by 1937 to overthrow the new deal. what is behind it is a very traditional american idea that runs as far back as our idea of equality. that is that some people are better than others and have the right to rule. at the end of the day, project 2025 calls for an extraordinarily strong president. a calls to get rid of the nonpartisan civil service we have had since 1883, replacing it with loyalists to the present. turning the department of justice into a political operation and the military. it pushes home the idea that politics is personnel as those who wrote project 2025 said. it really says that we know that we cannot push our extremists, theological ideals on the majority of the american people, because they do not like them. we cannot push them to the polls. instead we will have to impose them on people. at the end of the day, project 2025 is really about minority rule. >> donald trump has a chance to build his base by trying to win over nikki haley voters. he does not seem interested. what do you make of that? >> that is interesting. if you watch donald trump he's not really trying to win voters. look at the biden campaign, they are trying hard to reach out to college students pitiful campaign running in florida. they are doing a heavy ground game. donald trump is not reaching out to voters. what he is doing, trying to solidify his base. china committed his base that they are not only his people, they are this unit and commit violence. what i find fascinating, where they are spending money, they are spending it on lawyers to challenge the outcome of an election. it is clear that they expect to lose and they are spending energy trying to create an angry base. what they are hoping for, the vase will create enough confusion in the big states and the states that the biden campaign needs for him to make it to 270 electoral votes to throw the pounding into the house of representatives where every state gets a single vote. republican states should be able to outvote the democratic states. it's an interesting ground game. >> the first debate is scheduled for next week. what do you expect? >> i'm not expecting it to happen. if you are donald trump -- >> you and james carville. >> isn't that funny? donald trump and his people expected that biden did not want to debate. they convinced themselves that he was not good in a place like that. in fact, he's a perfectly good debater and good on his feet and listen to what he did with howard stern for more than an hour if you weeks ago. he is good for debating. they agreed to terms that were not terribly good for donald trump. the microphones will be cut, no audience, he cannot carry notes. at the end of the day, it looks like he expected that biden would back out. i would not take about right now that the debate will happen. see magazines like republicans and congress do not want to get anything done. at the same time, the supreme court is giving the right a win after win. you see a connection? what happens to the justice system if donald trump wins? he could get a couple more seats on that bench. >> it's important what you pointed out. if you think about the way the system is supposed to work, congress, elected by the people, that makes laws. that is the way it is supposed to work. we have seen happen since 2007, when mitch mcconnell from kentucky became the senate minority leader, he recognized that if you stop congress from legislating by organizing the filibuster, which would require any legislation needed 60 votes in the senate, not just 51, to pass, which is difficult to get -- you could stop congress from actually making laws. the laws popular right now are regulation of business and common sense gun safety legislation. codifying roe v. wade, things the radical right does not like it if you could stop congress from doing work, instead, throw lawmaking into courts should especially federal courts. if you watch what republicans are mcconnell did, they managed to put as many people into the federal courts as quickly as they possibly could. what you see now, the radical right is able to people like matthew in texas. he is handing them win after win, that they could not get if they were trying to work through congress and votes of ordinary americans. we are in a period, where a small political minority has grabbed the levers of power to impose their will on the rest of us. that is a great example of where you can see it happening. she met thank you for joining me. thank you for making us smarter tonight. >> thanks for having me. that is a smart lady pitcher new tensions between israel's prime minister and the biden way house over weapons for war in gaza. when the 11th hour continues. ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ (♪♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. 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(dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. it is now day 257 of the war in gaza. tensions between israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and joe biden, are spilling out into public view. benjamin netanyahu has accused the administration of withholding weapons and hampering israeli military offensive in gaza. a claim that the white house rejected earlier today. my colleague, kelly o'donnell, has more. we're tonight, a new and very public breach in a pivotal partnership over the flow of u.s. weapons to israel. after benjamin netanyahu leveled a stinging accusation. posting a video notably spoken in english for an american audience. >> in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition's to israel. the closest ally. >> reporter: they say they must defeat hamas and secure the release of hostages. >> churchill told the united states, -- what do the job. i say, give us the tools ■çand will finish the job a lot faster. >> reporter: his charge has been met with surprise at the white house. >> we do not know what he is talking about. >> reporter: the fallout was swift. the meeting expected tomorrow is off for now. the session to discuss threats from around -- iran has been postponed. u.s. officials will not reward israel with a meeting in response to the benjamin netanyahu video. in may, the biden administration publicly acknowledged a delivery of a shipment with 2000 pound bombs. responding to benjamin netanyahu's message, secretary blinking disputed the prime minister's complaint and said that one shipment is being evaluated for >> because of concerns about the use of a densely populated area■ç, everything else is movi as it normally would. >> michael allen joins enough at a senior director on the national security council and special assistant to the president in the george w. bush white house. help us out, president biden stood shoulder to shoulder with benjamin netanyahu and made it clear that he, we, the u.s., stands with israel after october 7. we know this relationship has been going downhill since then. how serious is the latest accusation from benjamin netanyahu? >> it is pretty serious. at the end of the day, israel's best friend and ally is the u.s. he ought to treat this relationship with respect. if he has a legitimate beef with president biden, he needs to plead the ■çsubmissive ex. is it just the 2000 pound bomb that came up a couple months ago? or are there other weapon systems and munitions that he thinks the biden administration is holding up? it would not necessarily surprise me if they were holding certain things up because they want to achieve political objectives. first, they want to limit how fast and thorough they went into --'s now israel wants to go into lebanon and go after full- scale, has a lot. is not that the biden administration should necessarily be blamed for this. but the burden is on benjamin netanyahu to be specific to let us know what he's talking about. >>'s video message was doesn't that make you ask yourself who exactly it was for? >> it did make me think at the beginning that benjamin netanyahu believes that he fares better in israeli domestic politics if he is seen standing up against joe biden. that is not a proper use of the u.s./israeli relationship. republicans and democrats need to be able to trust israel's leadership. i know a lot of democrats and some republicans have a lot of problems with the way benjamin netanyahu operates . but, he needs to be specific in what he is talking about and he needs to try to keep this relationship , to treat it with care. if he has legitimate issues, i do not think it's a problem if he■ç raises them with diplomati channels. maybe then he can talk about them in congressional or public channels. this did seem a little bit off the cuff and made me wonder how much is behind it? to start beating up biden again on this. but trump has been out there in a big way saying that biden and the democratic party do not support israel. and so yes. i think this will be a huge issue ■çhere in the 2024 elections. and netanyahu may be trying to meddle a little bit and put this out there into the ether. >> and then of course, there are some democrats who think that president biden stands too much with israel. it is a difficult needle to thread. what does all of this signal to the rest of the middle east and the world about the relationship between america and israel? you said it. the u.s. is known as israel's best friend. >> well before this episode, i was generally a little bit worried that i thought the biden administration had been too rough on israel. i know they need to be more careful in the humanitarian situation. but i thought they were sending a signal to hamas accidentally which was hey, not even the united states backs israel and so that was a disincentive for ç hamas to release the hostages by coming to a bigger grander deal with the israelis so i do worry a little bit that at times their hypercriticism of israel may have had unintended consequences but when it comes to this dispute about weapons, most of these things should be handled in diplomatic private channels and only bring it out into the public if it is a legitimate area or a policy dispute worthy of public discussion. >> i'm not letting you leave until i ask you about something else. i suspect you might be worried about. vladimir putin and kim jong un signing a mutual defense agreement. how alarming is this? what does it mean for us? >> what it means for us is this is just yet another brick in the wall of all of ■çthe different adversaries that the united states has that are interconnected. you have iran giving drones and ballistic missiles to russia and now we have seen a formalization of what north korea is doing to aid russia's war against ukraine. it is not only artillery pieces, it is also ballistic missiles and now they have formally gotten together and said that we are going to be bosom buddy ins this fight against the west. it is north korea, iran, china, russia. the best thing we can do here is continue to pass assistance for ukraine, taiwan, israel. and we need to stand together this summer ■çat the nato 75th anniversary. remind everyone we have the biggest baddest alliance in the world and japan, korea, and the philippines to send the message in issue as well. >> michael, thank you so much for joining us, i appreciate it. >> thank you. when we return, a historic flight honoring veterans on this juneteenth holiday. when the 11th hour continues. our biggest challenge? 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[ laughter ] i'm coming for my revenge gru. who's the loser now? loser loser. -loser, loser. the last thing before we goç tonight, a celebration of service. for the first time ever, the honor flight network hosted a juneteenth trip bringing 26 black veterans to memorials across our nation's capital. >> reporter: for robbie and ruth walker, celebrating juneteenth in the nation's capitol is historic. >> i feel honored and appreciated today as a veteran. >> reporter: both served during the vietnam war. rodney as a combat marine and ruth with a job state side. the two married in 1971. early this morning the couple started their day joining some of america's finest heros on a trip from atlanta to washington dc. the first of its kind. bringing together these 26 black veterans, paying tribute to those who served and marking the end of slavery in the ■çu.s today's veterans greeted with a water cannon salute and a warm welcome. >> what is it like to be here on this historic flight? >> i never would have imagined being here at all. let alone juneteenth. i will cherish this moment for the rest of my life. >> reporter: since 2005, the honor flight network has flown nearly 300,000 veterans into dc. today the group visited a number of war memorials making a stop at arlington national cemetery, laying a wreath with 101-year-old calvin kemp who served in world war ii. >> i broke down in tears. >> reporter: for the walkers, a day of reflection. >> a man like me who served their country bravely and courageously. and with honor. and they are celebrating. >> reporter: nbc news, washington. >> and on that very beautiful note, i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. i'll see you at the end of tomorrow.

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