presidential nomination in a city that he reportedly told house republicans was horrible. this weekend the biden campaign are seizing on trump's harsh words. while trump's campaign and his allies are doing all they can to down play, deny or justify his comments, falling back on racist lies about crime and voter in a city led by a black mayor. joining me now the mayor of milwaukee, wisconsin, cavalier johnson, a democrat. thank you for being with us tonight. i know that you are a democrat and you as a democrat still deeply involved in bringing the republican national convention to milwaukee. now exactly one month away. so how did it feel to hear the presumptive gop nominee had reportedly told house republicans that your city was horrible just two days ago. of course trump is now denying this happened but which kind of conference with what he and other republicans in the meeting have said since but still what are your thoughts on this? >> well, thank you reverand sharpton. look, when i heard the news and i started hearing some of the republicans who were in the room talk about what happened. some said that he was talking about crime. some said he was talking about election integrity, just the city. some said it didn't happen. seems like they were just kind of twisting themselves trying to figure out what it was that the former president was talking about as it relates to milwaukee. i will tell you this. that republican national committee itself, we work very closely over the course of the last two years. they have been great to work with. this is another example though of donald trump being an outlier in the republican party. the republicans in the rnc visited milwaukee many times. they found the city to be a splendid wonderful city, so much so that they are hosting the 2024 republican national convention here. i think that when they get on the ground they will will see how great of a city it is. they will go back home and start telling the positive story about milwaukee. >> well in fact i have been to your city many times. it is a great city. in fact i will be there the eve before the republican convention, key noting for some faith leaders and civil rights leaders in milwaukee. it is a great city. whether it's baltimore, washington, atlanta or new york donald trump like many conservatives has consistently barbed cities led by black mayors. in the case of milwaukee republicans who were at the meeting swear he was talking about violent crime and voter fraud yet milwaukee police have said that crime, specifically homicide is way down in the city this year while the fbi just this week confirmed the historic drop in crime nationwide and of course with regards to the 2020 election no fraud was found so what is the point of these attacks mr. mayor, no matter how they say he was talking about it. it just isn't true. >> again this is not something that is surprising. donald trump saying something that is not fully true. in milwaukee i'm proud of the fact that over the course of the last two years, the two years i have been near we have been working to increase safety in the community with the focus on two things. accountability and prevention. that's worked as we sought to make sure we tariff crime numbers down in the city. working in conjunction with the milwaukee police department, working in conjunction with our office of community wellness and safety, working in conjunction with the private sector, growing jobs and nonprofit organizations so that young people have opportunities here in milwaukee. you are right, reverand sharpton. whether it's chicago, washington d.c., whether it's new york city, or now milwaukee, right? these things. these cities and places have something in common and it's certain you have leadership that is diverse but these are big diverse places where people from different backgrounds and number of places and diversity come together and call home. i think that's what the former president seems to be targeting. >> and i might add you may not have the problem because he is going to be sentenced before the convention and if the judge decides to put him in jail or give him a home confinement he may not make the city at all. trump will visit the neighboring city of racine, wisconsin next week as his allies rush to deny or down play his comments or offer justification for them. what impact do you anticipate this will have on the convention? >> i think that trump's comments about milwaukee and calling a horrible city -- look, this is the most diverse place in the state of wisconsin. the former president is trying to make inroad was african americans. guess what? the vast majority of african americans in the state of wisconsin live right here in the city of milwaukee. it's not even just african americans. there are tens of thousands, literally tens of thousands of republicans who call the city of milwaukee home who are raising their kids here, helping bring up their grandkids, helping connect the community. tens of thousands and wisconsin is a state where elections on a statewide basis are decided on a razor's edge so to insult the city that is hosting your national convention with groups ru trying to make inroads in and groups like republicans who you lost many of to ambassador hailey i don't think it's a smart political strategy. >> now mayor, before you go and i appreciate your time. donald trump is in neighboring state of michigan today. his campaign is in -- in its view there aggressively supporting black -- courting black voters. here he just moments ago holding a round table in a black church in detroit but later this evening he is also addressing a conservative concert known to attract white supremacistst will be laughable were it not for months of polls showing diminished black support for president biden or showing trump having made inroads in to the black voters which could be -- could hurt biden in some swing states like michigan. are you corn certained that -- that could happen with milwaukee's black voters? >> well. i will tell you this. every single vote counts. president biden understands that. that's why he himself, the vice president, kamal, harris have been here time and time again asking for the vote showing african americans here in the city and the state the positive things that have come out of their administration for black people here in milwaukee and across wisconsin. i will tell you what. just a couple weeks ago i had the opportunity to go out to this community festival in milwaukee and i engaged with black men there. i was hearing this noise about donald trump trying to get support from black men. i asked those black men, randomly. the election is coming up. are you voting? each of them said yes. each said they are voting for biden. one of them had a conversation with me that was very striking said in 1619 slavery started in the united states. that was the original sin against black people. donald trump talks about being a dicatator and black people laid the foundation for the white house and the capitol. we respect going to go from slavery to dictatarship unon the backs of black people in the united states. >> that was a young weissman that told you that. thank you for being with us mayor of milwaukee. back to washington now and to the senate. joining me now is vermont democratic senator peter welch. thank you for joining us tonight, senator. >> you thank you. >> you sit on the judiciary committee. let's start with the rulings from the supreme court. one overturning a ban on bump stocks put in place after the 2017 las vegas massacre and and the other determining anti abortion doctors do not have legal standing to sue access over abortion pills. what are your take aways these rulings? >> well i'm delighted obviously that people continue to have access -- in the short term any way to that pill. keep in mind they didn't make a decision that said the doctor who are suing didn't have standing but that is good news for the short term. >> it means that it can be introduced by people that they do determine have standing. >> that's exactly right. they did not make a decision that people have a right to access the pill. they said that the folk who sued didn't have the legal authority or standing to make the argument. so this will come back with other plaintiffs to be sure. the bump stock decision really kind of shows how crack pot the court is. this was a trump era regulation that was put in place after the horrible shooting in las vegas. the biggest mass shooting ever. what it said is that if you put a bump stock which is a device on the semi automatic weapon so that it would become an automatic weapon, that is you pull the trigger once and it just fires until it ran out of ammunition that -- that was illegal. the court found that regulation illegal. what they said was that since the gun itself was semi automatic even though the bump stock made it automatic they -- that the regulation couldn't apply. the other three judges made the common sense decision and that is if you turn a semi automatic weapon into an automatic weapon then its subject to the ban on automatic weapons. so, this was just another indication of kind of the rigidity of the majority of the supreme court. they turned over a regulation that was enacted during the trump administration. >> now your committee has been lookinga the ethics of the high court this week as a result of subpoenas issued by you and your colleagues we learned about undisclosed private jet travel taken by justice clarence thomas paid for by a republican billionaire. talk a bit about the importance of these revelations and whether we can expect to find out more in the future. >> i bet we will find out a lot more in the future. what we are finding out is that justice thomas took yacht vacations in the pacific, took private jet flights to and from wherever he was going. he didn't report those and initially the view was that they don't have to report. in the supreme court they are the only nine justices of the 850 justices that we have in the united states that really have been on -- unrequired. they don't have to report these gifts that they get. now what ru seeing with the pressure from the judiciary committee is that they are starting to disclose these trips. thomas didn't disclose the extraordinarily expensive trips. so, the real issue here is the court is eroding it's own credibility. my view is the justice has to make certain that the court is beyond question as to its ethics. he isn't doing the job. you have the information about alito, his private trip up to alaska to go fishing. private plane. his excuse is that if he wasn't in that seat it would have been empty. what's so shocking to me is when i talked to vermonters and i asked if there should be disclosure they look at me and say are you serious? how can they do that? why is that legal? i think vermonters got it right. the justices should not be taking these trips being disclosed or not. >> now this week we also learned about secret recordings. you mentioned justice alito, we learned about secret recordings of justice alito questioning whether compromise between the left and the right is possible in our country. the audio was posted online by liberal film maker who said she recorded the conversation at the supreme court historical society's dinner last week. nbc news has not heard the entire recording and the court has declined to comment. the revelation follows stories about controversial flags flown at the alito home and heated political arguments between his wife and neighbors. so far chief justice roberts has refused to meet with you and your colleagues about any of this. i must ask you, is there anything that can be done to hold justices accountable or are they just above this kind of ethical guideline that applies to other public servants? >> they are make themselves above it. they have a lot of independence. they have independence when this comes to deciding cases. we cannot interfere at all. when it comes to having expectations that they have a code of ethics that applies to them as it does to all the other justices we do have authority. the investigation is revealing thing that really quite shocking to the american people about the conduct of a couple of the justices and there is a lot of dismay that's chief justice is failing to act. is he very timid about enforcing the standards that would restore some confidence in the court. the bottom line in term of our ability in congress we have the legal authority, the constitutional authority but it's an 11-10 split and we have the opposition of our republican colleagues. they view any question about disclosure on the free trips as judicial interference. it's not. it's interference with misconduct. it's not interference or involvement in the decision that the court makes. so we are going to keep pushing and my hope is that at some point some of our republican colleagues who share our goal of having an independent judiciary that's respected will join us. >> i want to end on climate issues. extreme flooding is causing major problems for portions of the southern florida area after some areas saw nearly two feet of rain. florida governor ron desantis toured the area yesterday but defended his recent move to scrap the state's climate change goals saying that energy policy must be driven by affordability and reliability and not a climate ideal ogc n contrast your home state of vermont also suffered catastrophic flooding last year and just this month enacted the first state law requiring fossil fuel firms to pay for damage caused by climate change. talk about why people in your state decided to take that move as opposed to what states like florida are doing. >> there's two reasons. number one there's no state, no people that are more concerned about affordability than vermonters. we read the joint economic report that said because of the floods that's caused us about $400,000 the last couple of years as a nation. we know that we -- the storms have continued to come and we want to have resilencx built back better to with stand it. secondly, we do believe that these storms are caused by climate change and by the way we want to hold the energy companies like exxon that was aware of what was happening with the carbon emissions but concealed it accountable. the governor is like one of the great minds of the 17th century when it comes to assessing why the floods are coming fast and furious and it's regrettable because what we thinks thinks is a affordability just means more floods and more suffering for those who have businesses and homes. >> thank you senator wells for being with us tonight. after the break former president donald trump can't help himself. sabotaging his own african american voter outreach by hurling insults at another city with a huge black population. i will share my thoughts on the brewing controversy in tonight's got cha. all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. so rich. so indulgent. it's indulgent moisture body wash for soft, smooth skin. bye-bye dry. hello glow! in just 14 days. indulge with olay body wash. at bombas, we're obsessed with socks. tees. and underwear. because your basic things should be your best things. one purchased equals one donated. visit and get 20% off your first order. ♪♪ imagine checking your own heart with medical precision from anywhere. introducing kardiamobile 6l, the fda-cleared ekg that provides six-times more heart data than any smartwatch. and it detects three of the most common arrhythmias in just 30 seconds, including atrial fibrillation, bradycardia and tachycardia. check your heart with the most advanced personal ekg outside the hospital. get one for dad this father's day at or amazon. -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? 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(kev) whatchu gonna ask me about next, man? practice? this week donald trump got a hero's welcome from congressional republicans on his return to the united states capitol for the first time since before his supporters stormed the building on january 6th 2021. in a closed meeting trump made ramming remark, complaining about taylor swift, suggesting he and nancy pelosi might have had -- might have made a good match and referring to milwaukee the host of this year's republican convention as a horrible city. the mayor of milwaukee who you heard here moments ago was quick will clap back. >> donald trump wants to talk about things he thinks horrible. all of us lived through his presidency so right back at you buddy, i would say that. obviously donald trump is wrong about something yet again i find it per plexing and strange they would insult the largest city in the state. i think it's kind of bizarre and unhinged. >> trump's remarks were front page news in milwaukee and rightfully so but they are hardly surprising. over the years trump has a long track record of dissing placing where black people live. he called baltimore disgusting and suggested that atlanta was a crime infested mess. according to trump haiti is an s hole country and nigerians shouldn't be permitted to see the united states because according to him they might never be willing to go back to their huts. these insults are more than just racist jokes meant to amuse trump's maga base. when trump lost wisconsin in 2020 he claimed there was widespread voter fraud in milwaukee. he made similar allegations against philadelphia, detroit, phoenix, and atlanta. republicans don't push back on trump's lies. instead they used them as the pretext to pass more voter suppression laws, many which make it harder for people of color to cast ballots. should trump return to the white house he has fantasizez about bringing his own style of law and order to american city whether they want it or not. trump and his allies have talked about federal agencies and perhaps even the military to combat crime, round up the homeless and put down political protests. the real irony is that if trump hates milwaukee so much he might not even have to make the trip. republicans are already preparing for trumpless convention in case he is stuck in court, in jail, or under house arrest. perhaps it would be just as well if trump was unable to attend. milwaukee residents don't appreciate when a criminal element from out of town sweeps into create chaos and disorder in their fair city. i got you. ♪♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. 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>> thank you for having me. i appreciate you for covering this and in my first thought was about the capitol police officers who, you know, over six years here in congress i have gotten to know and, you know who i are talked to obviously before the 6st and the a lot after the 6th about their experiences. this is someone who has gonna round the country saying that the folks who attacked them that day are heros, that they should be pardoned, calling them hostages and now he comes to the capitol and any time a president or former president comes on the capitol grounds the capitol police have to work oar time. they overtime. at what point will anyone thank them for their work of keeping him safe when he came here and for saving our democracy? some of those folks, those are days that they will never forget. 140 of them were injured, three died as a result of the actions that day and this is something that has left a really deep mark on folks who are just working every day to try to secure our democracy. >> now this may have been trump's first visit to the capitol in years but he has been calling the shots, republicans for quite some time. trump demand they kill a compromise deal on immigration leading president biden to instead take exive it action to limit asylum seekers earlier this month. as someone who represents a border state what is your assessment of the situation right now? >> my family is from brownsville. the very tip of texas where my grandfather. >> from brownsville texas. i'm from brownsville, brooklyn. > my grandfather was a custom's officer. listen. i have been critical of this administration's approach to the border at times but legalities just be very clear. the administration -- i think was an important one but we need congressional action and the reason we didn't get it is pause of folks like ted cruz who decided they wanted to have this issue to run on in november instead of trying to solve it. because what we were missing in the executive order is the billions of dollars in additional resources for more immigration judges, more administrative people, to help us deal with the backlog we are facing in our asylum system. to help us faster process migrants who are still coming. that can't be done without constitutional action and the only way that will happen is if we replace folks like ted cruz with folks like me who want to get something done. >> now this week ohio senator and possible trump vp pick j d vance introduced a bill that would eliminate all federal diversity initiatives and end federal funding for institutions with diversity programs including federal contractors, and universities. the bill is not expected to pass the senate while democrats are the majority but if that changes and donald trump returns to the white house what can democrats do to push back against an accelerating conservative effort to undo decades of social progress? >> yeah. wouldn't it be nice if someone like jd vance would come out and say we are facing a crisis with health care. we need to lower costs of health care, prescription drugs, take care of of folks and you know listen my -- for my -- perspective this is how i will try to work onto help my people or to try to address some of the issues of the job loss we know we have experienced in certain parts of the country from the issues dealing with jobs being shipped overseas. i know that's been happening in ohiost wouldn't it be nice instead of focusing on so much on the efforts of trying to make sure we have representative government to try to put some of that effort into helping their people? this is my argument with folks like ted cruz. they focus on these narrow culture wars where we have all of these needs. they have no time for those needs. they want to spend their time trying to pit people against each other and say you are not getting something that someone else is and this is the oldest trick in the book. it is trying to trick folks while at the same time cut taxes for the rich and help their wealthy donor special interests instead of trying to help folks. e you mentioned your own united states senate race against ted cruz who seemed about ready to fight donald trump eight years ago when trump insulted cruz's wife and lied about his own father, about cruz's father. what do you make of cruz during trump's meeting with senate republicans on the hill this week continuing to clap for the former president well after he left the room with the door half shut behind him? >> yeah. well, you know if someone had talked about my wife or my family that way i can just guarantee there is no situation where we would have this kind of interaction this is something i have had a lot of texans raise to me. they just cannot believe that ted cruz is so, you know, i guess politically motivated, so weak that in this case now he wants to pretend he is the biggest fan of someone who has called him everything but a son of god and listen. that's a big issue of course. the bigger issue is what they are going to do together to try to take away from folks all over the country. particularly when it comes to reproductive freedom. this week lauren miller who is the mother of two who is -- lives in my district in dallas came to dc to testify. she has a story about having to flee our state to get life saving at portion care and told her story to the senate judiciary committee. ted cruz is on that committee. he refused to show up. he wouldn't even listen to a texan telling her the story. he was there to be clapping and as you said clapping even out of the room for the guy that talked about -- >> i want to end on neighboring arizona where a man is facing multiple federal gun charges after prosecutors indicted him this week for plotting an attack on an atlanta rap concert. specifically targeting a large number of black people in order to incite a race war ahead of the election. according to the arrest affidavit the suspect had been under fbi surveillance for two months at this comments advocating for a mass shooting was reported. he also intended to leave confederate flags at the scene so send a terrorist message to black people who he blamed for crime in atlanta, los angeles, and other united states cities. congressman as we get closer to november are you worryd that we will see more unhinged plots like this one? >> i'm very worried about it and we both know the history as the civil rights lawyer. i was a student the civil rights movement. you were a part of this, black institutions, but certainly in recent years and buffalo at the grocery store or charleston at ame church. we know that this is a very real risk. this is not just rhetoric. again this is also part of some of the rhetoric we see coming out, you know, folks like ted cruz and some of the extremists in the congress who have been saying for years now that they want to defund the fbi. the fbi has been involved in trying to hold former president accountable in certain cases. this was an fbi undercover agent who foiled this plot. that's why this didn't happen and when you continue to target the institutions that keep folks safe you then make it harder for us to stop these things from happening and you give for lack of a better term ammunition to folks out there who are already maybe at risk a mental health perspective and have given the right message for doing something horrible that you will all feel as an act of mass trauma. this is not just an attack on african americans. also was talking about muslims and jews. this is an attack on our freedom and country. we have to make sure that folks feel free and safe and to do that we have to start talking about what ties us together and our common values and that's something that we have to have leader who do that as well. >> and who don't set a tone that would give people that are over the top to act in this way. thank you for being with us as always. coming up, after months of watching donald trump the defendant republicans and business leaders got a little reminder of trump the politician and not everybody was happy with what they saw. i will break it down next with my political panel. 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. sup? 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>> yes but i think it's the same concern they have had all long but it's not stopping republicans from falling right in line with donald trump because they fear him more then they respect him. when you see -- you don't have a -- it doesn't inspire faith and more importantly they are business people. they like trump because they know he is transactional. they are scared of him now i think because they know what he could do if he is in office. >> yeah, the biden campaign has taken a few ja bs at trump over his comments, especially what he said about milwaukee. the city hosting the republican convention. do you think they should make more of his age and mental fitness or is that to risky given that many have similar concerns about president biden? >> you saw biden make a point or make a sort of ja b at trump on his birthday. >> yeah. >> which i think, you know, got a good laugh and i think that the point. >> only three years apart. >> exactly. it's an issue that's on everybody's mind and don't make it an issue. i think joe biden is good at doing that. on the point. the related point about milwaukee. that's where biden and democrats need to hone in. those ja bs at the city. crime is going down in that city. he likes to continue to pick on that. he called it horrible. the connective tissue here is that with those countries, this is all about race. i think that the opening that the biden team has is continuing to stop conservatives that are trying to take crime and make it a suburban issue when it isn't. and really head that off at the pass. i think they are doing that. yeah, age and then come after him on these other issues. >> it was with the left. i'm sorry. you can take two 75-year-old men or two 80-year-old men and put them side by side and sometimes one seems in better shape than the other. >> that's true. >> that's the way it is. donald trump. >> the supreme court's reversal on the ban on bump stocks. the ban was put into place by president trump following one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern united states history in 2017. 58 lives. he responded to this week's news by saying americans should respect the ruling which is a far cry from how trump usually responds to a court decision he doesn't like. it seems as though trump is trying to have his cake and eat it too on the issue of guns. in much the same way we tried to have it both ways on abortion. whether will it work? >> this was such a good opportunity for the trump campaign and i'm just trying to use a political lens here. he could have said i believe i had it right and the supreme court got it wrong because the nra has already backed him. if he would have said, you know, i believe after such a deadly shooting should be in effect that is how you go after suburban swing voters. right with something like that doesn't make him look so extreme and he wad have said i was right which is his favorite thing to say. >> you act like is he a strategist. in four days our nation will celebrate juneteenth. a day to reflect on black freedom and black history. as we look ahead to the november election where -- where the majority of african american men -- where are they leaning? we heard their frustrations, we have seen the ham fisted ove rt ures with trump and debates about the strength of the black family during jim crow sparked by congressman -- who i had on last week. what is your gauge on where they have politically? we are out of time but i had to ask. >> but all poles black voters still leaning democratic. those institutions were set up in -- to go against them. black voters want the administration to come to them, talk to them about what they are going to do in the next administration. >> and talk to them in a way they understand and with people they trust and know. >> that's right. >> thank you both for being with me. up next remembering a civil rights icon on the eve of juneteenth. we will be right back. breast cancer treatment.y mc and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. let's get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil. our right to reproductive health care is being stolen from us. i can't believe this is the world we live in, where we're losing the freedom to control our own bodies. we need your support now more than ever. go online, call, or scan this code, with your $19 monthly gift. and we'll send you this "care. no matter what" t-shirt. it is your right to have safe health care. that's it. go online, call, or scan right now. this week america lost one of the great civil rights icons. reverand james lawson who for decades preached and practiced nonviolence, particularly in the area of civil rights. i got to know him in my capacity of being national action network. preached at the church that he pastored in in los angeles at several occasions. it reminded me as we prepare this week to celebrate juneteenth that people like lawson and his friend martin luther king and others all the way until now are fighting with juneteenth was about. juneteenth was not about just parties. it was about the -- those that were slaves in texas did not know they had been freed until there was federal intervention and the union army came into make sure their rights were protected. that is what we are fighting now. juneteenth should be about making sure the government, protects us from states rights like those that held people in slavery two and a half years after the emanicipation proclamation. we'll be right back. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. what will you do when the power goes out? 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