welcome to the beat: weekend. i'm ari melber. let's get to the headlines. we begin with breaking news today out of the spring court and is feeling concerns about the increasing partisanship, credibility crises, and corruption on display in this court. let me tell you what's going on. conservatives now reversing one of the only measures for gun safety that was actually passed and the recent era, and again you can put all politics to the side, as a measure of how extreme the support supreme court is today with his ruling. this was one of the things that got through the broken, hyper partisan washington we hear so much about. it even had centrists and moderate and republican support to try to deal with one part of our gun crisis in america. today the court reversed a ban on something called bump stocks . and the opinion was 6-3 meaning the conservatives and all three trump justices are making it easier to get deadly weapons in america. the other three justices from democratic appointees dissented. all you need to know about the bump stock thing is it takes weapons and make them deadlier pick it makes a faster semiautomatic with a higher rate of fire. you can go hundreds of rounds per minute, which from a legal perspective goes well beyond what most people would ever need for self-defense. you do not need to shoot off 100 or 200 rounds per minute to stop one or two people that may be legally justified in shooting at them to defend yourself. but not 200. that is more like more. you may recall that we heard more about this in america after something terrible happened in las vegas. october 2017 mass shooting is still the deadliest such mass shooting in american history ever. i'm not trying to make this too dark. were not just going to show terrible images or anything too extreme. these images are of the general situation and some people who were alive for i will tell you for your knowledge that 58 people were killed that day and over 800 -- let me repeat that. over 800 were injured. there are many mass shootings of this one may have learned with others in your memory but this was the worst ever and the shooter brought 12 rifles that were all basically supersized in two-part deadlier weapons with these bump stocks that i mentioning. the shooter was able to fire off more than 1000 rounds of ammo. that is a wartime level ticket was so extreme and so deadly that it jarred the republican party, which as you have heard, usually says after any shooting it's not a time to act. it's too soon. just scream. but in response even with a republican president, then president trump they decided to make a measured move. and again i'm telling you legally and policy wise how this worked. it wasn't some sweeping restriction on confiscating guns and taking back guns or anything like that. they bans just this device that makes these guns deadly. and they did it through executive action, as you know. it's hard to get a three through congress and especially gun legislation through. but donald trump did something that overlapped, and i would say one of the only gun our domestic safety measures he did that overlapped with what president obama talked about, which is sometimes using the powers of the presidency, executive action, rather than going through congress. there are many ways to do that that are generally lawful. if you are building on, for example, agencies are regulations that already exist under law but the congress has been much slower are generally blocked or transcended filibusters do not allow majority votes on this. i mentioned to president obama, who also ran into those congressional roadblocks after the terrible massacre of sandy hook. >> the majority of those who died today were children. beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. we will have to come together to take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this , regardless of the politics. >> that is definitely true, regardless of the politics. if you define politics as with the whole country generally wants, well, most people want more gun safety regulations, especially if it does involve the more far- reaching measures. if you talk about limiting semi automatic's are having background checks are doing these basic things, widespread support for obama was referring to the politics of congress where the nra has a stranglehold and is been able to block registration. obama later said that figure to get the universal background checks, which does not take any guns but make sure criminals are people who are very dangerous or mentally unstable, are embedded and are able to just get deadly weapons. he said it everything that happened in his two terms of the fact that even after sandy hook they could not get those background checks through was his biggest disappointment but the roadblocks salt legislation and that is key to what i'm telling you about today. mass shootings have spanned all of our recent history. >> survivors of gun violence will meet with lawmakers to discuss new legislation. >> tonight the entire town showed up to pray together and comfort each other? >> state leaders joined hundreds packing the uvalde county arena in prayer for the 21 lives lost. >> that has never before been a sit in the floor the house by congress. >> rang common sense gun control legislation to the house floor. >> this is one of the great crises in americans. it's a problem that is partially of our making because other places with similar populations and systems have found ways to reduce gun violence without giving up all liberty. like i said universal background checks restricting certain types of ammunition and certain enhancements of guns these are things you can do by letting people who have regular self-defense handguns are rifles for hunting can keep them. and it's a personal issue because even president trump, who is generally cozy with the nra, took this action, which the supreme court overruled today. president obama, seen as a moderate, did not push for sweeping gun confiscation and said he could not get the background check done. and in many places, people have lived through the center open to the idea that we can do something more to protect ourselves. don't mention this only cover shootings in the middle of them because we are focused on gathering that information but i can tell you i went to a high school that had a shooting in it when i was there in high school in seattle and they had another went recently. whether you are a student, graduate, parent a member of the community. you look at the risk to innocent people and children and you think what can we do? as i'm telling you tonight in a world where there so much polarization, donald trump and barack obama did agree on this one thing you could do. you could use executive powers to deal with some of the deadliest enhancements to weapons. i'm telling you this because that is the context. we live in a world of headlines and partisan sniping and it would be easy to forget that we had some bipartisan, moderate, not major, but moderate centrist steps toward gun safety. and even that is too much for some of the extremist members of this supreme court took this case here, the court was once a lead if you go back a ways to a different type of conservatism. it's almost like you can't use the same word. people at the time were on the right and at the time affiliated with the republican party. look at former chief justice of the supreme court warren burger. he was a nixon appointee. and after he retired, he spoke out quite clearly about the difference between what the constitution historically has meant about guns come and out -- how it has been perverted. >> the second amendment. >> which says? >> a well regulated militia being necessary for the defense of the state. people's rights to bear arms. this is been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud -- i repeat the word fraud -- on the american public. by special interest groups. >> what a lifetime it was. that nixie appointee republican saying, quote, i repeat the word fraud. he was talking about the special interest group, the nra. other people in the republican party who support hunting and self-defense and law and order and police and all that type of stuff we hear about would also say that there is a reasonable our moderate conservative way to also protect the innocent with reasonable gun safety measures. >> i believe in background checks at gun shows or anywhere to make sure that guns don't get in the hands of people that shouldn't have them. >> we want to do everything we can to prevent guns from falling into the hands of people who are mentally unbalanced are criminals. >> i do think we ought to extend the assault weapons ban. >> i do believe that an ak-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon. or needed for defense. >> reagan with the applause and all. those are republican party leaders. i could show you centrist and independents, democrats and liberals known to even lead for this and more strict gun safety measures. the problem with gun violence is worse here. one study found that firearm homicide rates are not double, triple or quadruple -- quadruple means four times as many deaths. but 19 times greater than in france. a whopping 77 times greater than in germany. and if you do comparative policy, which is what the congress and other policymakers are supposed to do to look at different options and make decisions, you can just see if you look around the world at the spectrum. somewhat may say, the german example, where it's 70 times safer but there's a lot more restrictions on gun rights and liberty and even hunting. some may say the u.s. doesn't want to go that far. okay. that's a fair and valid debate. we try to deal with facts and policy and law, not her purple lisa maybe you don't want to go all the way here. but you could be here in the middle or here or even be here. i want to be clear the supreme court is pulling all the way off the map. justice thomas writing today in this ruling says they conclude that semi automatic rifles equipped with what i mentioned, the bump stock, are not a technical machine gun because it doesn't fire more than one shot by a single function of the trigger. if that sounds like something different than traditional constitutional law, that's because it is he was doing it's words on top of words and justice thomas was parsing a law that is almost a century old from 1934. it went on like this but because the ruling isn't really about the words, i'm not going to read too many of them to you. in the dissent, when i see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a bird. i call that bird a duck. the bump stock automatically is more than one shot. she explained that buyers with more than one shot without manual reloading by a single function of the trigger so she said because i like congress call that a machine gun, i respectfully dissent. again, if it sounded like a lot of word salad, that's what court debates can be like. but you have the republican appointees seems like they basically wanted to even take the most moderate, mild, small gun safety world that came out of donald trump's white house and knock that down. it seems like they had that plan before they went into write about what a machine gun means in their own mind. conservative majority has done this. we have covered how the corruption here gives you a window into what they really think? some of them, at least. justice alito's wife flying the flag in solidarity with insurrectionist. justice thomas pocketing millions of dollars from a controversial republican billionaire who has a copy of hitler's mein kampf on display in his home. these people want you to believe that what they did over the last couple weeks or however long they worked on this case was parsing the meaning of the word machine gun and go back and study this 1934 law. and the problem is, and this is a problem larger than this ruling today. i went to law school where a lot of time is spent respectfully, almost referentially looking at what the court writes as if it's true. but the larger problem is a lot of this stuff doesn't sound very credible because it's not. and think about this. justice thomas, would have you believe, that he spent all this time carefully parsing what the law from 1934 said, not with his own agenda to help the nra or the gun groups or even the donors he consorts with, but with an open mind because all he did was parse those words. but then you have to remember on something that hits much closer to home the ethics code that requires certain refusals and suggest the judges avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest that operates right now , 1934, justice roberts sent it out this year after the thomas and alito scandals. justice thomas does not parse that at all. he doesn't pretend to look at it or read it or ask linda is why he defines it. he just flouts it. it may be time to put away the reverence and the difference and understand that this crisis as part of the other crises we have in america. that's why, although i could have another fellow jd holder, a fellow lawyer come in today, we decided having explained the ruling to turn to someone with knowledge of politics and the right-wing movement. our special guest is here when we are back. bye-bye dry. hello glow! in just 14 days. indulge with olay body wash. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. 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(vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon somehow this has become routine. the reporting is routine. my response here at this podium ends up being routine. and what has become routine is the response of those who oppose any kind of common sense gun legislation. >> then president obama on the gun safety impasse in our country. we're joined by one of his former campaign aides. thank you for joining us this friday. >> good to be here. >> you see a link between the courts' credibility crisis and its creeping corruption and these kind of rulings, which as i mentioned are legally out of the mainstream and politically even against trump and some of the recent conservative mainstream. explain what you mean and what we should understand from today's ruling. >> the court corruption story and the court ruling are not separate stories or separate events. they are linked we have a supreme court that no longer serves the american people, no longer search the constitution. they serve the republican party of donald trump. you saw that with this ruling today. this ruling in many ways was a trump campaign message event. it was a sign to the pro-gun constituency in this country and in the republican party that donald trump and his supreme court have your back. they support your. they support your right to have access to these weapons. they support the idea of male dominance, which is central to the entire gun discussion in this country. there was a very famous ad, i think for an ak-47, that said this is your man card. they use masculinity, a sense of wounded masculinity and appeal to that over and over again for and that's what the supreme court did but he did exactly what donald trump and the republican party want with this ruling and other rulings. >> yeah. that makes sense and i appreciate your blunt clarity. justice sonia sotomayor notes that these kind of enhancements, basically taking this rifle and making it far deadlier, not really for self- defense purposes, as i mentioned in the lead. self-defense means one or two people are coming at you or you live in a rural area and police are far away. that's more like war. she said they put this enhancement of bump stocks back in civilian rather than law- enforcement hands to do so they cast aside the court's definition of machine gun and seize upon what is inconsistent with the meaning of the text unsupported by context or purpose. am i being too harsh in noting the gap between the suppose it parsing textualism of clarence thomas on this 1934 law while he just ignores the other rules. be at the u.s. flag code for alito or ethics rules for himself? >> no. i don't think you're being too harsh. i think the reality is that this court now serves donald trump in his political interests, not the constitution. the textualism of clarence thomas was largely a front. the front to get himself on the court it was a front for other justices and people in the federal society to say this is what we stand for. they do not stand for that. they stand for the immediate, urgent priorities of donald trump and the republican party. and i think if you look at the ethics issues that clarence thomas has run into, you know, there is really an underlying message here, which is ethics are for democrats. constitutional standards are for democrats. they are things that we used to apply to others, not ourselves. can you see this repeatedly over and over again and a political dialogue where one side constantly claims that standards and rules do not apply to them, but apply to the other side. >> i think that's very true the way you put it and that's why there is this double standard on that policing and in a different context we see this with how people use the justice system. i think you make fair points. moreover on time but as i mentioned and bring you on tonight, when you have a certain challenge in life come if you call an account that's different than calling a lawyer, which is different than calling a house painter or hitman. who you call focus is on what kind of challenge you think you have and we called you as a shrewd observer of politics because i can't seriously look at this ruling as a legitimate, legal outcome. it looks more like a political outcome and you helped us with that. thank you. >> thank you. we have the hunter biden verdict that came in with our friend prosecutor david kelly. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at sfx: [screams] [crowd gasps] bleeding gums are serious, jamie... dr. garcia? 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[ engine revving ] [ laughing ] the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. hunter biden felt guilty today. the first time in american history the child of a sitting president was convicted of a federal crime. hunter biden convicted on three counts after a jury deliberation that ran about three hours. convictions are related to obtaining and having a gun while being a narcotics user but the jury found the prosecution evidence clear and straightforward that hunter biden basically lied about his own drug use on the forms required to obtain a gun. the attorney general hired by hunter's father, merrick garland, had given extra independence to a doj special counsel to provide extra insulation for this case from any possible political pressure but the prosecutor spoke out on the verdict today. >> no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant. however, hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. >> a date for sentencing has not been set yet. the guidelines for this kind of case a just punishment could range from no jail and probation to up to two years behind bars. president biden responded today i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter. and referring to those stated narcotics issues, president biden continued, i am the president, but i'm also a dad. jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. so many families have had loved ones battle addiction and understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. we're joined now by david kelly, former u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york and my former boss. you look at a case like this, like other judgment calls, it may or may not have gone to trial. it may or may not have had a different disposition earlier because they almost avoided a trial with a plea. but having gone to trial, the jury did not find that complicated. what do you see in the verdict? >> it wasn't that complicated. i think what this case is about, the important issue here is the exercise of prosecutorial discretion typically charges like this, i think, would not have been brought unless they were tended to or facilitating in another cry, which did not occur here. i think that was reflected in what was the initial decision of the prosecutor not to bring this case the jury verdict was, you know, it was tough evidence to overcome. i thought there may be an opportunity for jury nullification with a jury would decide he's probably guilty but we won't convict this guy. or even a hung jury. i think there was some report from one of the jurors after the trial that when they first went in to do a poll it was 6-6, guilty or not guilty. there's not a lot of rocket science associated here. i think the defense lawyer made the argument that it was difficult to prove he was, in fact, addicted at the time or under the influence or whether or not he believed that he was at the time. you know, those are good arguments to make and they may have had a shot. not surprising they did not experiment what do you see in this case which has gotten outside the tension for they now convict hunter biden, for the person. what do you see in the concerns or questions people have about these various issues of drugs and guns? on the one hand we have state and federal laws here because those are dangerous things. on the other hand, both have been subject to concerns about differential treatment. >> with regard to the first question. i think the prosecutors made the point of saying or arguing that these forms are really important because this is the buffer between gun sent and an innocent citizen being hurt. i don't know. that's a bit of an overstatement . if were going to talk about gun control, we should not be talking about just a form but that's a policy issue -- >> i will jump in. you making the observation that they had a good argument they were able to win over jurors by saying, hey, this is how we do gun safety. isn't this a good thing? >> yeah. that's the argument. i don't know how persuasive it is. but even putting it aside, i don't know that this is a case where you really have to focus so much on the issue about the, so what. because it's so black- and-white, i think on proof, the rule is you can't make a false statement. you made a false statement so these are the consequences. and he has to face this consequences >> yeah. and the human side on the addiction, and mentor the president emphasizing that he said hunter has made progress and got through this but do you have views on that? >> i do. i have said this before. look. a lot of people in certain cases come about and people are convicted, people are cheering, but they need to focus on the fact that in any criminal case and any sort of prosecution, it's a tragedy. it's a tragedy for victims. it's a tragedy for the defendant. a tragedy for his family. and that is really glowing here. this is a case where his daughter had to testify. his ex-wife testified. his girlfriend testified. and his father is very supportive. and this is a person -- and this is not like a crime that occurred were somewhat went out and lied because they wanted to live. this is somebody who is ill. he is addicted. that is out there and everybody knows that andy has admitted to that. so, the question is whether or not a criminal persecution is appropriate in this case. the decision was made it was and i think the president is doing the right thing by standing by that decision and i think that's what the rule of law is about. and this new ruling on reproductive rights today. pro-choice activists celebrating. we have a breakdown on that that is important coming up. disappear... and watch how sprays can leave grime like that with up to 10 times the cleaning power, foamy melts it on contact. magic. it makes this ring a thing of the past. it makes you forgetti about baked on spaghetti. new ultra foamy magic eraser. clean with more magic than ever. 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aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. the supreme court issued a ruling on a big case this term letting current law stand which keeps the abortion pill legal. a rejection of a conservative attempts to build on the court overruling roe and go further to limit access to this drug . that is based on fda oversight. of course the court basically sidestep the issue by finding these challengers to the abortion bill did not meet the legal requirement to bring the case. they don't have standing, the court ruled unanimously. democrats who back the right to choose emphasized the ruling leaves the door open for other challenges. >> the court ruled on standing alone. it did not reach any conclusion about the ludicrous arguments the plaintiffs were making so america should not rest on this decision because antichoice activists will keep using the courts to target abortion. >> one lawyer who argued for banning the drugs they will keep fighting and they cast the setback as a surmountable technicality. >> we were hoping for a different ruling from the supreme court. but the reality is the court ruled on a legal technicality. the court said our clients do not have standing in this case. we are grateful the case will continue with three states working to hold the fda accountable. >> liquor experts have noted the challengers used this fda thing as a smokescreen because the agency role here has been solid for a long time. what is new is the supreme court changing precedent after 50 years that was justice alito's decision to overturn roe , and it opens avenues for other legal attack. the largest protestant church in the country, the southern baptist convention is formally opposing ivf and urging members to advocate for the government to restrain any actions inconsistent with the value of human life, which they call anti-ivf. backing lobbying for laws to ban the procedure for everybody. and the senate where democrats control the floor but face frequent republican filibusters, democrats are forcing votes to get legislation passed her show the nation where republican standard that included a evening clash over the supreme court ethics package pick to take them democrats demand a vote on the bill that would protect the rights to use ivf. must republican voted to filibuster and prevent a full floor vote . >> now that roe is gone, they have set their sights on target , in vitro fertilization. >> today, we are putting republicans on the record on another issue families across the country are deeply concerned about. the right to ivf. >> it seems a deceiving , disrespectful bill to misinform and scare the public? >> we are in 2024 and we have to stand on the floor in the united states senate and say that we need to protect one's right to choose ivf. >> republican obstruction against even holding the boat is at odds with how many republicans were scrambling to claim they were pro ivf after an alabama court basically issued a ruling that was going to be in the practice that rolling cited scripture and god in its supposedly reasoning. that has been changed because the state found that so extreme that quickly passed a law allowing the procedure and plucking what the court would have done. senate democrats say they would like to pass this protection tonight. but if republicans keep stalling and obstructing it then the democrats will take what's coming out of this, which are headlines like this. these are new headlines breaking in the last couple of hours showcasing the fact that republicans are obstructing a basic protection for ivf. and if you want to keep track of how extreme some of the senate is, keep in mind that in a land where we are divided on so many things 50-50 where this presidential race is up for grabs, a whopping 82% of americans say ivf, this method of having children which is helpful for some families, 82% say it's fine, good and morally acceptable. we are now joined by the executive director of the reproductive rights urge. we are on the move because i'm told you're going to a meeting with pro-choice activists so you are between things. joining us. >> happy to be here. it's been a very big and busy day. >> your view on the effort to protect ivf on the senate floor today and the republicans blocking that . >> this is deeply personal for me. i am a current ivf patient and also the leader of an organization that is committed to defending the full range of reproductive health rights and justice for young people across this country. it is shocking the way that some politicians have chosen to play politics with their health. there should not be interference with folks using medical science and healthcare to build the families of our choosing. i think it's been clear the conservative agenda is anti-ivf and any attempt to stay -- say different is a smokescreen. >> as for the ruling today of the court, here is vice president harris responding. >> two thirds of women of reproductive age and america live in a state with a trump abortion ban. this ruling will not change that. this ruling will not change the fact that trump's allies have a plan that if all else fails to eliminate medication abortion through executive action. >> the vice president speaking on the stakes, and we've seen a lot of indications that people and women care about this, including in very conservative areas picks or maybe it scramble some of those so-called categories . i want to get your reaction to the ruling and what does it tell you that if there was a headline here, to meet legally, it seems like the conservatives have been very active on this issue, actually realize are found they want to sidestep it. you don't need to go this far to back down on standing. >> yeah. i'm not really celebrating the way the decision was framed today. look. i'm glad people can continue to use safe and effective methods like abortion pills. we need these methods to be available. but it's an excellent point that it doesn't change the fact that two dozen states have banned or restricted possibility of access to abortion care. and unclear the conservative justices have a larger plan, and that is to make abortion inaccessible for as many as possible. they did not use this case to do it does not change anything about what they've done in the past with overturning roe v wade picks something special coming back. gelati cobb is back and we will gear up with something uplifting when we come back. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... 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(vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. it's time to fall back. we are here with legendary dj and hip-hop personality and entrepreneur, wedding dj has worked all over the place for boogie down reductions. he created something you may recall that brought joy during the pandemic. he was named entertainer of the year at the 2021 naacp awards and a recipient of the inaugural global impact award. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ >> last but not least he is one of president obama's favorite djs. and he has launched martindale cognac, which debuted in the united states and we are back and joint again by jelani cobb, columbia journalism dean. peabody award and winner for his 2020 film and we were at a hip- hop 50 celebration at the vice president's residence. look at the chain. tell us about the chain. let's start there. >> you know. actually, i will tell you. that chain was lent to me by one of my staff members at the journalism school. i was assembling my attire and she was like, you know, my husband has a rope that would set that off. >> it was not that you set out to do a big throw gap. it came together. >> i was working on the throwback. one thing that did not come together was the three finger ring which i cannot procure in time. >> i lived through the first round of those chains. you are the vet so we will go to first and we will get into everything but we make it more serious on what is your fallback list. >> you know, the measure to rename schools after the confederacy in virginia, which is doing a lot. i'd like to see that go away. i'd like to see that go away because it was supposed to be done the first time. and it's as if we did not realize that these are people who actually betrayed the constitution of the united states and any attempt to airbrush that or to paint over their treason only emboldens the kind of democratic problems that we have right now. and i mean democratic in terms of democracy, not any particular party. >> imagine this and then the naacp is suing from a civil rights perspective. we had elections in europe were many states swung to the right. we reported on that. and one thing you don't see in western europe is active celebratory monuments or school buildings honoring the losers of those battles. it's a big difference that you see. and we can have, and you write for the new yorker, very fancy magazine, you could have a more nuanced discussion on how to deal with these things in education. you say, this is what the language of the slave owners use. what is that fit in our teaching? but that's a separate nuanced conversation. then the statues that celebrate. why do you think that such a harder thing in america. as i mentioned in germany, you don't see starches like that. >> is because of distance and the united states -- first, a historian made a good point about this. the remorse in germany was a product of the years long after the war. the immediate aftermath of the war the germans did not really think they had done anything wrong. and it was the imposition of the morality of the west after the war and in the years of occupation and so on before the reunification that made that happen. the united states had no such concerns. even in the immediate aftermath of the war, the lies began. as soon as the guns stopped, the lies began in terms of trying to explain away and justify and minimize the fact of slavery and to hide the fact that one portion of this country, 11 states fought to their last man for the right to buy, sell, traffic, web, abuse human beings. that's what the cause was? >> you have to confront these things directly. and that's when people say, we just want to look at a way of life. you just described part of the way of life that was being defended. we do have lighter stuff. do you have anything you want to weigh in on any of this before we move on? >> let's just move on to something lighter. >> i'm eager to go lighter too. >> i always say the news can be like real life. we care about real things and that we move on because i heard you had a pretty good fallback. >> yes. i just don't understand -- my fallback is what are people eating cicadas? talk to me. why? out of all things you are waiting 17 years to eat something that, you know, i don't know is not my vibe? >> what bothers you about it? >> have you seen them? >> really. >> i love adventure. foodie adventure is a type of adventure. i'm not taking a position. what gets you about it? the grossness? >> just the way they look. why? we don't need to eat everything. look at this. this is terrible. >> i think you could argue that frying a cicada and serving it to someone is not fly. >> it's really not. >> do you see what i did there? go ahead. >> the thing is, it's that impulse that four-year-olds have. i never seen this before. not even four-year-olds. two-year-olds. i've never seen this before. let me put this in my mouth. most of the time it doesn't work out. we put a lot of energy saying don't put that in your mouth. >> can i take the other side? and for the sake of argument i'm not saying -- first of all i have never tried a cicada. but what about the idea that when they come through, they are here. they are all over the place. people are hungry, right? and you've got a creative way to try -- this is an and every week kind of thing -- seasonally when you get one of these, you're going to try to make lemonade. it's like you making insect lemonade. what's wrong with that? >> okay. thank you for watching the beat weekend and join us weekdays at 6:00 eastern. the beat on msnbc. ting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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