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france for the d-day anniversary. his plan to tout american leadership on the world stage and highlight the stark contrast with donald trump. then my keynote conversation about skipping the small talk and getting real. plus, senate republicans lock a bill to protect access to birth control as "the 11th hour" gets underway on this wednesday night. good evening once again. i am stephanie ruhle. we are now 153 days away from the election and that means it is exactly 5 months from today. as we get closer to that day, president biden is trying to show the sharp differences between him and donald trump. right now he is in france to mark tomorrow's 80th anniversary of d-day and while he is there for a very important occasion, he is also trying to reassure our allies about america's place on the world stage and what will happen when voters go to polls in november? in capitals across the continent leaders and diplomats express a sense of alarm bordering on panic at the prospect of donald trump's reelection. on friday he is scheduled to give a major speech on democracy and the global struggle against authoritarianism. compare that to what donald trump's allies are doing at home. they are openly calling for revenge against democrats after trump was convicted in new york even though there is zero evidence that president biden or any of his allies in congress had anything to do with that prosecution. steve bannon, one of donald trump's oldest allies, told the new york times that now is the moment for obscure republican prosecutors to make a name for themselves by prosecuting democrats. with that, let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel and it is a super one. my dear friend molly is here. special correspondent for vanity fair. reporter and former federal prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst glenn kirschner is with us. it is obviously important for president biden to be there as america's leader, but from a political standpoint what is the image he is trying to project and how important is it? >> it really is important because it is a struggle for democracy. i think we were talking about this before. the more he can get out there, every time biden gets out and speaks people are like, he sounds pretty good. the state of the union address -- >> they said he knocked it out of the park. >> so good in fact that trump was like, he is on drugs. trump world could not even conceptualize it. this kind of thing is good. he did this before the midterms and a lot of people in the media were like this doesn't work, people don't put on democracy and in fact it works really well. also d-day is really important. world war ii is the thing that created american democracy in a different way and also nato. >> that's kind of the thing. the president is marking the day, but standing arm in arm with these other world leaders. do you think it will be successful or they are hitting the right tone, that this is a battle across the world. that threat is real. >> you mentioned his peace at the top. this question all over the world about authoritarianism, what is happening to the conversation about democracy and what happens next in all of these countries and world system we have been used to is a big one and what is remarkable to me is i think we put those things back to back and they show how different both of these candidates are. america, i talked to a lot of voters all over the country and a lot of americans are sad and freaked out. they want to feel confident and good about being american again. biden tells them there is a way to do that by building up the foundations that we have. i will talk to nato, rebuild those alliances. we will have a country you are used to. trump's argument is we will tear all of these down and prosecute democrats, do politically motivated judicial things. the difference is so stark and it is remarkable to me how close the election is, when you see how different the two guys are. >> how different they are and those messages. the messages donald trump is pushing, one would think are wildly unpopular. so who is he speaking to and why is it sticking? the super wealthy set that is getting excited about him, that is all about tax cuts. they cannot be down with any of this. >> a lot of these policies are not super popular. look, we live in a media bubble. there is not that much mainstream media getting to a lot of people in this country. >> bingo. let's talk about what donald trump and his allies are doing. talk to us about this revenge mission. steve bannon saying this is a moment for obscure republican prosecutors to make a name for themselves and go after democrats. what? >> you know the republicans are distinguishing themselves as the pro crime party, plain and simple. you see house speaker mike johnson, representative jim jordan and his weaponization of government committee. this is the way it looks to this old prosecutor. they are obstructing justice. obstructing prosecutions of donald trump for political advantage. whether they are state court prosecutions, federal prosecutions. i wish some prosecutors would actually rise up and begin to call them out and hold them accountable for it. because they seem to stand for nothing other than a naked power grab in the way they perceive, i think, their chances of retaining power is to make sure they never break from donald trump. so i don't understand it, but i hope it comes back to haunt them, come november. >> evan, molly correctly identified the media bubble. let's talk about the truth because republicans are arguing that the justice system is being weaponized, but it is those very republicans that are openly advocating for politically persecuting their opponents and at the same time while donald trump stood trial, guess who else is? the president's son and new jersey senator bob menendez, like at this very moment. what is going on here? on what grounds can republicans say this? >> sometimes you ask these hard questions and it is a difficult challenge to answer them. >> if we knew the answers, we wouldn't have you on. >> sometimes these questions are like straight up politics. the most old-school, boring politics you can think of. when you think of a person saying that the judge who prosecuted my case, that judge is a bad judge, but the judge giving me good rulings in florida for example or the judge prosecuting the case against hunter biden, those are good judges. this is basic politics. the idea that if it is against me it is bad, if it is against them it is good. that is all it is. at least in this cycle it is just such an obvious political play. >> so the steve bannon argument is that you opened the doors and if you do this to trump, we will do this to you. >> the whole thing is retribution. if you try to do these prosecutions we will get back to you. you need to be afraid of republicans. look, the whole party is basically about trump. name a republican platform like one of the tenants of the party now. >> i do want to say something. >> if you are in the trump sphere, you never do mainstream media so no one will look back and see been in and say what about menendez, what about hunter biden? >> this is also very dangerous. the things that bind us together as a country. we talk about this idea of attacking the judicial system, just saying it is fake. when someone says look, elect me and i will prosecute everybody that you hate and that is how it works. if you prosecute me it is fake. this stuff has real impact down the line. it is politics right now. people are making bets that they can say these things and get enough votes in swing states to win, but there is a serious long-term impact to think about. we take away the idea of the courts as being real. we don't really know what happens after that and that is something i watch closely when i do my reporting and talk to these voters who are concerned about the state of america, to tell them that this whole other chunk of it is not working and is also fake. i don't know what that means for the nation's health in the long term. >> it is kind of this reminder of how extraordinary it was that a week ago 12 ordinary new yorkers took on the brave, bold, and difficult task of sitting on that jury and convicting donald trump. today we learn from axios reporting that trump allies are already talking about this idea that they want to throw d.a. alvin bragg in jail. what does that say to you, especially where donald trump was in 2016 to where he is today? >> it says the republicans are the pro crime party. i am thrilled that new york, a state jurisdiction, decided to do the hard work of holding donald trump accountable for some of his crimes and these were designed to gain unfair advantage in the 2016 presidential election. what did they get for it in new york? we have jurors being doxed, witnesses being swatted. judges family members and prosecutors being put in harm's way, including by the republican party who want to as you say go after alvin bragg for simply doing his job. one thing i think would probably go a long way to kind of prod justice into wakefulness writ large, is if the federal government began charging some of the hierarchy of the insurrection. the suits of the insurrection as compared to the boots of the insurrection. the command structure. what happened on january 6 is a federal problem and needs a federal solution and for whatever reason the feds content to let the states, whether new york, arizona, wisconsin, georgia, michigan, do the dirty work, the hard work of justice. for whatever reason the feds continued to sit back as they did until we saw the house january 6 select committee begin to prod doj into wakefulness. i would like to see the federal government start flexing its justice muscle and begin indicting some of these folks, including the ones that are presently unindicted co- conspirators in donald trump's federal prosecution in d.c. >> molly, what do democrats, what does the biden campaign do with this? how do they break through and explain to the american people this right-wing drive for vengeance. the same old-school politics, this is dangerous. >> donald trump is an autocrat. he is running as an autocrat. he does these things that are anti-democracy like pulling down the courts, the rule of law, the constitution. the norms we have lived by in this constitutional democracy and they think what democrats have to do and biden has done a good job of this, but he needs to be out there more. then the vice president who is really an effective messenger, she needs to be out there, too. they need to explain that these are the norms and if the norms go away we will no longer be the country that we have lived in. we will be something closer to hungary or russia or turkey. that is what it will eventually be, so i think they need states -- >> i saved this to the end because i know the story has you ready to bust out your black belt and start kicking. today the georgia court of appeals basically froze the fulton county election interference case, at least for now. why is this happening and what does it mean? >> but for the new york result, justice seems to be going nowhere fast and georgia is proving the point. appellate litigation can be a very slow ordeal and the georgia appeals court just proved it by not only setting the argument in the appeal of the disqualification of district attorney fani willis, which was rejected by judge mcafee and trump and company appealed it. they said that for october but they also put a stay in place, so now judge mcafee can do nothing but just tread water until the georgia appeals court finally resolves the appeal. so look, there is no hope now of anything happening in georgia before the november election. of course there is still a slim chance we might see something happen in d.c. if the supreme court decides absolute immunity and returns it to put it back on the trial track and of course down in florida judge cannon made sure that case will make zero progress. >> down in florida, safe to say forget about it. molly, evan, glenn, thank you for starting us off. don't go anywhere if you are watching from home. in fact, stretch her legs, sit back down and turn up the volume. when we come back, bibles and classroom and making abortion a homicide. texas republicans are making their extreme platform very, very clear. how they are taking a page from the project 2025 playbook. later my keynote conversation with charlamagne tha god. why he says we need to quit the small talk and commit to deeper and tougher conversations. we are just getting underway on a wednesday. think you're not at risk? 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>> as you said this convention has been where the most hard- line people come. two years ago we saw a referendum on texas succession. we saw calls that homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle. even talking to people who went to this year's convention, the consensus was that this year did have a much more overt kind of spiritual warfare dynamic that i think was concerning to even some republicans. as we saw from some of the clips that you showed, really a lot of this was framed not as a fight with political enemies, but an existential battle that justified doing a lot of things. >> what does that mean, spiritual warfare? >> it is a term that i think really has been popularized amongst a lot of evangelicals in particular and among more charismatic pentecostals, but basically it is in line with this idea of an appeal to heaven. the political opponents are not just political opponents, they are dark forces. i think that has really created a permission structure for a lot of the things we are seeing on the right right now. >> how does the texas gop new party platform compared to project 2025, which is the most extreme we've seen? >> i think there is a lot of overlap. in the platform there is, for instance, a call for a constitutional amendment that would require statewide officeholders to win the popular vote in a majority of texas counties, which would effectively block democrats from elected office statewide. there was a call that abortion would be labeled homicide and a call for requiring the bible to be taught in schools and as you pointed out, not just the platform, but the rhetoric that we saw and have increasingly been seeing, this us versus them rhetoric, is integral not just to project 2025, but precursors whether it is the council for national policy. this broader christian movement we have seen flareup in the trump years. >> you interviewed a republican voter who leads this group dedicated to pushing back on fox news, not because fox is too extreme, but because he says it is not extreme enough. he said in your piece that people need to go, quote, further down the rabbit hole. okay, going down the rabbit hole is usually negative and this guy is pushing for it. what is he talking about? >> this idea that fox news had been co-opted. we are coming off of a political season in texas where the term was thrown at the most conservative lawmakers in the house simply because they supported the impeachment of ken paxton and so really what i saw, you know, more than that i think at this convention there have always been conspiratorial minds in that world, but really it seems to be ingrained in the texas gop in ways people i talked to said are unique this year. in the lobby was the epoque times. the john birch society, the original conspiracy group that was too radical for the gop in the 50s and 60s and here they are being embraced and their ideas elevated in the convention call of the texas gop. >> too radical in the 50s and 60s and centerstage in 2024. this is important reporting the whole country needs to hear. thank you for being here. when we return my guest says smalltalk is killing society and real, meaningful, difficult, sometimes uncomfortable conversations are what we need to repair the deep divisions in our country. charlamagne tha god joins us when "the 11th hour" continues. side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? 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(♪♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. the 2024 election is five months out and the country is more divided than ever. a lot of americans have given up on having hard conversations with people they may not agree with. tonight's keynote conversation is about the way we speak with one another and how we can communicate better. i am happy to welcome charlamagne tha god. you no doubt recognize him from the breakfast club. his new book, get honest or die lying. already a bestseller it is out now. the irony is right now there are a lot of the who see your face the second door saw that we promoted you and are going, i'm mad at him. because of a soundbite they may have heard on sunday that was taken out of context. the irony is that is what this book is about. no one is actually taking the time to think and listen and learn. >> that's right. you and me have these conversations and you can come on one of these platforms and if you dare to be objective, dare to be nuanced, dare to be critical of both parties, the right-wing media will take what they want to push their narrative and the left is not good at that, so the left is responding to the rights narrative and the left end up eating their own or attacking people who are not necessarily against them. i am having a nuanced conversation about both parties. >> isn't smalltalk and we convince ourselves we are communicating? i like this, i like that, but we are not actually getting rule. >> that is the title of the book, because i am daring people not only to be honest with themselves, but stop lying and volunteering those lies to other people. stop lying like you are open- minded. stop lying like you have nuanced conversations. stop lying like you can put yourself in other people's shoes, because you have your opinion, your feeling, your narrative and you are sticking to that and refuse to be moved by anybody. >> the book is a lot about heart, but the heart you write about is not soft or warm. it is raw, it is real and it can sometimes be perceived as rude. >> my mom used to tell me that me and my dad don't know how to talk to people. i have been trying. >> a massive communicator and you can talk to people. >> my dad told me the fastest way between two points is a straight line. it is easy to be real with other people. you can look at someone else and tell them what they are doing wrong or how they look, but can you look in the mirror and do that yourself? that is very hard for some people to do to have those uncomfortable conversations with themselves. that is hard to do and i use myself as a muse for that every single day. >> in the book you look at how politicians and lawmakers communicate in this inauthentic way and you don't like it, right? but you hold donald trump to a different standard. this guy knows how to get to the heart of things and speak to people, but here is my issue. he might keep it real in his delivery, but it is all a hustle. the majority of the words he is saying are lies. >> absolutely. what you said is true, but i always say that republicans are more sincere about their lies than democrats are about their truth. so a guy like donald trump or marjorie taylor greene they will look you in the eye and tell you a boldfaced lie. it will sound honest. meanwhile some democrats can be standing on truth and they sound shaky in their delivery. they don't sound confident about what it is they are telling. the republicans sound very confident about the message they are delivering. >> so why give them a platform? what does one need to do to address that? what is your advice? >> what do you mean? >> when donald trump is sitting there lying and lying and we are lifting them by giving this attention, are we making a mistake? >> you can't ignore them. one guy is a former president of the united states of america and the other is a congresswoman. what i've told a lot of people on the left is go on those conservative platforms and actually have conversations with them. it is easy for them to take you out of context when you are talking on another network. they can take you out of context and do what they want with your language or rhetoric, but if you are actually there and their audiences watching, it is very hard to be taken out of context. president barack obama used to go on fox news. you have people who go on fox news and that is why you see people looking at them in different ways. gavin newsom rose considerably. >> pete buttigieg did some of his best work. >> that is what i'm saying. why not go there and have the conversation? why are we running from a whole other side of america? >> you don't support people getting canceled, but where do you draw the line? >> it depends, not god, so who am i to cancel somebody? >> i'm sorry, your name is? >> charlamagne tha god, but i am not a god. if you are the owner of a network or a fan of somebody, you can cancel them. you can unsubscribe, stop listening to that program, stop buying their music. you could do that, but as far as the social media era where we are putting everybody through the court of public opinion and we are the judge, jury, and executioner, who are we? >> and everybody needs to fit in an exact category. >> i want to go back to something that i said. he has made it to where politicians can be honest if they choose to be. he is not a politician. >> hold on a minute. he is a politician. >> well, now, but he was the executive producer of celebrity apprentice. a reality show star. somebody like that gets into politics, of course they will communicate better than the politicians. they are sitting there with their notes. you ask them a question, they will stick to the script, but ask them again after they got rid of their talking points and now he has to be honest. you saw with congresswoman jasmine crockett last week calling marjorie taylor greene the bad held -- >> yes. >> finally someone was like i am not normalizing this bs coming from you all. now i am going to check you all on the psu keep spewing, because if you leave it unchecked it starts to get normalized in our society. >> i want to ask you something personal. you grew up in rural south carolina, where you have a long attention span because you grew up in a time when you are spending a lot of time outdoors. your internal clock was the sunrise and sunsetting. >> that's right. >> fast forward 30 years and you are in the middle of new york city. you have in some instances debilitating anxiety and your advice for people is to unplug. to get out in nature. to literally ground yourself in the dirt and hug a tree. >> i was blessed to be born in 1978, so i was born before a lot of this technology and we came up in the era of technology, so i have both points of reference. to know when you are disconnected from something, how good it can be. now at 45, about to be 46 years of age, i am still that kid growing up in south carolina. i like to walk around barefoot in my yard and do grounding. i like to put my back up against the tree and sit out there and meditate. i go up to trees and put my hands on them. that is in my book, too. talking about how being connected with nature helps reduce your anxiety and reduce your stress. if you are dealing with depression, go outside. go in the ocean. say a prayer. we don't look up enough, that's the other thing, too. i was telling my cousin tony earlier. just look up. look at the trees. >> that is a good attitude. >> we are always looking down at our phones and i think about tupac when he said keep your head up. i think about songs like be optimistic, where as long as you keep your head to the sky, things will be okay. it has got to be something to where they are keeping us constantly looking down. why aren't we intentionally looking up? if there are all of these devices making us look down, we have to be intentional about looking up. we have to. >> there is another person you talk about and write about that you hold at a different level, a higher standard. if the audience had a picture of you and i and said which person in this picture truly is connected to, loves, and is inspired by their whole life judy bloom, i am guessing 99.9% of the audience would go it is obviously you, stephanie, but it is not. it is you. >> my mom is an english teacher. >> 30 years. >> probably longer now. she is an english teacher and we grew up with the book it program to get a free pizza. i liked to read all kinds of things and my mom gave me advice. she said read things that don't necessarily pertain to you. when i would be in the library and see these books from beverly cleary and judy bloom. judy bloom was talking to young white girls. that was the opposite of who i am, so i started reading them, but i fell in love with the storytelling. i love judy bloom storytelling the same way i love jay-z's storytelling or scarface. she tells great stories. i'm not a person afraid to celebrate people, so i have always spoken about her for years. about five or six years ago she sent me an autographed copy of are you there, god, it is me, margaret. i thought my team was playing a trick on me. then the movie came out and she asked to meet me in new york. i went to meet with her and her husband, george. we kicked it. i've been down to key west a couple of times, me and my wife. we have done cool double dates. i've been to her movie theater in key west. i've been to her bookstore in key west. i have a great conversation we recorded on my youtube channel. >> a 15 minute interview with you and judy bloom. >> and we had a conversation for simon & schuster's 100 year anniversary. that's my girl. >> congratulations on the book. >> thank you, stephanie. >> it's always good to see you. >> again, his new book is out. it is called get honest or die lying. why smalltalk sucks. when we come back, the summer of the showboat has begun. chuck schumer's strategy to put republicans on the spot when it comes to reproductive rights. we will have that when "the 11th hour" continues. i can't ♪ punch buggy red. ♪ even say why ♪ ♪ i am, i said ♪ ♪ ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you. a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers. nope, definitely not you. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate. ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ kayak. no way. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? 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[ryan laughs] earlier today, republicans in the senate blocked a bill to protect access to contraception. only two republican senators, lisa murkowski and susan collins, joined democrats to support the right to contraception act. the rest voted no and the reason? birth control is already protected under the supreme court. let's talk about it. jennifer palmieri, former communications director for president obama. and a veteran republican strategist. what do you make about this argument by republicans? >> it is, you know, pre-dobbs i thought senator cassidy said he voted against it because democrats were making a show as if contraception was not readily available to women. well, senator, not anymore. there are times you can say democrats took votes to try to get people on the record. for political purposes. this is a time when democrats took votes to get people on the record on a critically important healthcare and women's rights issue. i am honestly kind of surprised that more republicans did not choose to vote for it, because it is something they will rightly pay the price for in november. >> explain this to us because republicans also said that they voted against the bill because it was a messaging push, but why wouldn't they want to send the message that contraception is protected in this country? it is super important to voters. >> look, they have a very, very conservative evangelical base that really wants to get rid of all of this stuff. we are seeing it in the fifth circuit. this is the kind of stuff they are going to do in louisiana as well. they don't want to upset the base of their party. that's what this is. they think you know what, we will vote against this. no one is going to pay attention. but this issue, the issue of choice is, after dobbs, the bumper that this dog can't get enough of and they keep doing it and keep doing it and keep doing it. i applaud senator schumer for pushing a messaging bill. this is what democrats should do. if you have the power, do this stuff. this is how you wage a campaign against people who really will get rid of this stuff and i would like to say to all of the young men and women, do you really want these people in charge of this stuff? i don't think you do. >> right, new topic, guys. president biden's age and his mental sharpness are a vulnerability and the white house is absolutely furious about this new wall street journal reporting that talks about it. rather than deny the reporting, why not have the white house make the case that the person he is running against two issam shouting incoherent lies every chance he gets a microphone. i saw some of the former president on fox news tonight. he was incoherent. jen? >> so why not do that? because democratic voters, voters that vote for democrats are concerned about the state of the health of their leader. and trump supporters are not. right? i so do think in this case it is not good enough to just say trump is crazier. you have to say, you have to say that reporting is wrong. you have to have the numbers of congress, the senators that came out to say i was at that meeting. i spoke to the reporter. they did not report it. because it is just, the democrats t people who vote for joe biden, they are different from the voters that go to republicans and i do think in this case, you make both arguments. and you fight back. the white house just tore it up in terms of responding to this story. they know that is dangerous. and you know, you let the campaign make the other argument as well. >> what do you think? those are vulnerabilities for the president. whether it is members of congress or not. those are the issues people talk about all the time. >> well i agree with your last guest. take it to the republicans, he's nuts. he's a felon and he is nuts. and say it over and over again. you don't have to give anything anymore. okay, he is old. fine, move on. everybody knows that in a straight up race, joe biden should be president ten million times before donald trump should ever see the oval office as a guest again. this is not even close and we need to stop falling for the false equivalency. the wall street journal ran a crap story. this is what the media does. a lot of candidates win even with bad coverage. i worked for republicans for years who got terrible coverage but do not allow them to dictate the narrative. it's bs. give up. push on donald trump. he is a felon. he is a rapist. he is nuts. hen't whats to destroy the country. forget about it. get on offense. >> over and over. you sound like marshawn lynch tonight. let's talk about media coverage. after the 2016 election, people said that we gave donald trump too much time. too much attention. but should we be playing more of donald trump right now to our mind america? this is who this person is. this is what he represents. this is what he is capable of. this is what he is saying day in and day out. rather than what could joe biden potentially do? just show what trump is doing today. >> last friday after the conviction, msnbc ran trump's press conference and it was bonkers. if you watch msnbc, you don't see a lot of him and i think that might be why people forget how bad he is. and even if you are supporting biden, you might not realize how bad trump is. it is always a balance. hard to figure out. the republican nominee. a huge threat. we should run him and see how crazy it is. >> thank you both. when we return, dear friend of this show kerry sanders is used to pitching stories but what about baseballs? his big moment on the mound when the 11th hour continues. when the 11th hour continues. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren't quitters. impossible. we're solving the meat problem with more meat. detect this: living with hiv, craig learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: leo learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at the last thing before we go, play ball. we just had to share this awesome story with you. our long time friend and former nbc colleague kerry sanders threw out the ceremonial first pitch at a miami marlins game last night. watch this. >> now moving to the mound, please welcome from nbc today morning show, kerry sanders! we'll give it to you. in there for a strike. how about a round of applause for kerry sanders from the nbc today morning show. >> i miss him. he was a correspondent for nbc news for 32 years. we all wondered what he was going to do when he retired but now it looks like he might have a new career on the mown. great job kerry. we miss you, what an awesome way to end our night. i wish you all a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. we'll see you at the end of tomorrow. today has been a lesson in how every accusation from the republican party these days is really actually a confession. >> are you weaponnizing the house, the same way, you say democrats were weaponnizing the doj to get wh

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