janet gomez: she was like, are you with kenia? and i said, no, i thought she was with you. >> somehow she disappeared. >> she was, like, are you with kenya? and i say u no, i thought she w with you. >> where was she? and clues on the surveillance tape and strange stories from a witness. and then another beauty. this one left for dead. >> she was unrecognizable. >> was evil stalking young women? >> both dark haired. both pretty girls. it was chillingly similar. >> a place that led to unheard of t places. and then finally, far from the city, the truth revealed on a quiet country road. >> he got out of the car. and let out this scream. >> and an act of courage from a woman who refused to be a victim. >> and i won. >> and i won. >> the woman barely alive. her jaw shattered in a dozen pieces. aaten once-beautiful face unrecognizable after the brutal beating, the rape, the fire, the fall, the massive, nearly-fatal stroke. someone thought she would be deadgh now. someone who fled into the night. someone killing women. and this one, deep in a coma, they threshold of death is the only chance to catchth him befo he doesto it again. what happened here was spawned ind a very dark corner of the human condition.of by that terrifying flaw that forces us to admit, yes, virginia, there really is a boogeyman. and against him were the only weapons they t had. the power of one family. a determined cop. and one remarkable difficulty in the face of evil. here's where it began, three months before that scene in the icu. this is the nightclub district, denver, colorado. people call this part of town low-do, lower downtown. a war early spring evening in denver. girls nightin out. an attractive 19-year-old, named kenya wasol on her way to low-d to party with some girlfriends. >> she was very kind. friendly. outgoing. just happy person. >> among partiers, janet gomez, one ofet kenya's closest friendo she loved to have fun. >> yeah, she loved to have fun. >>ha underage fun. no trouble sneaking in. theyne charmed the bouncer. flashed fake i.d.s. kenya and her crew had a kind of unwritten safety rule. go together and leave together. look out for each other. but, on this particular night, things didn't go as planned. >> we had planned to meet at lavish. we went in there, and she wasn't in there. >> kenya had gotten a ride downtown with two otherte girls she didn'th know very well. her plan was to meet janet and some other friends at lavish, but she didn't show up. >> i started texting her and no response. i called her three times. nothing. >> what janet didn't know is thatt kenya and the two other girls couldn't get into the club. thes 't bouncers weren't buying their fake i.d. cards. so they went to another club nearby, even took a few pictures, but they didn't tell anyone they were there. >> and i sent her the last message about 11:30 and nothing. >> so when the clubs closed, janet headed home without kenya, who sheou assumed was with some otheras friends. >> i thought, okay, they're probably just having fun, you know? and she'll call tomorrow. she would always call me in the morning. >> yeah, you ever worry about her when she went out like that, clubbing? >> no, sheha was very smart and everything. >> she wouldn't take chances. >> no. >> i want to see how i look. >> no, because, though she loved tose party, kenya was known as e responsible one. reliable, ambitious. hardworking, not flaky at she had recently graduated from one of colorado's top high schools and considering careers in tv production or criminology. here she is directing a student film. all the more remarkable, because just seven years earlier, kenya didn't know more than a word or two of english. and not a single person in denver. apart that is, from her maria, who had migranted from honduras afr few years before. and when she and kenya were finally reunited. >> it was the happy day of my life when i held her, hold here. oh, my god, i was so happy. and we went home. telling her how much i miss her, and she said i miss you, too, mom. now we are together. nothing going to separate us. >> by the time kenya came to colorado, maria was married to tony lee. andto together they had two children. now kenya made three. >> i remember meeting her for the first time. words that she said to me were, thank you, daddy. i'll neverer forget that. and sheor hugged me. >> so connecting with the family took no time at all. >> i always thought about the bradyt family, how we all came together and became a family. it was pretty much how it worked out. and it clicked from day one. >> and there's all the girls, all the wonderful women in my life. >> thanknd you, daddy. >> and for kenya's little sister kimberly, it felt like the best thing that ever happened. >> tomorrow kenya marks one whole year in america.e >> i thought she he was going t be the big sister everybody dreams of. it was better than i imagined. >> better. >> mm-hm. bf. she was very loving and caring. she was like my twin. we texted every day. she'd call me sometimes, just so say what did you like to do together? >> we likedfie music. we liked to watch csi together. we liked to pick on my little brother together. we liked to go shopping together and get the same outfits. >> but she was independent, too. after i high school she moved o to make it on heroo own. >> she always wanted to be something big. she always wanted to be a ceo or something. that was her goal in life, to be somebody. >> she came from having nothing to being somebody. and on one of her calendars, it says like,ca study, study, stud and then it says party on the last day. she was balancing her and she was balancing school. and she was balancing like her party life. >> but on the morning of april fool's day, 2011, nothing was balanced. something was wrong. her friend janet gomez, desperate to hear from kenya dove for her phone the moment it rang, but it wasn't kenya. it was another girlfriend. >> sheth was, like, are you wit kenya?e and i said no, i thought she was with s you. and that's when it all started. >> started? oh, it had more than started for kenya. swallowed up by, well, whatever it was. some dark presence, haunting the happy tipsy streets of low-do. coming up. kenya's family starts to worry that the dark presence, whatever it might be, had it come for their daughter? >> something is wrong. >> that's when i went into high alert. >> when "dateline" continues. t alert. >> when "dateline" continues and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. 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>> going out. we were just 19. we were not 21. >> yeah, and you should have looked after her. >> yeah, she wasn't with me, because i know she would have been with me, she would been safe. >> even her sister, kim, within who kenya texted constantly hadn't heard a word, but she did get a call from kenya's boiftd kenya's boyfriend. >> he was like, she's missing. i was like shut up. this isn't funny. tell me the truth. where is she? he's like, i'm being serious. you need to tell your parents and have them file a missing persons report. >> i called the family. maybe it's a joke. and my sister got very worried. she said i don't think it's a joke. >> when i got the call from my daughter kim and she said she had not heard anything from her that day, that's when i went into high alert. >> but, when tony called kenya's friends, they weren't exactly straight with him about their underage bar hopping the night before in those low-do nightclubs. >> they were very, very confusing, because these girls, they were not telling you the truth about what they were doing and where they were up, because they were covering their asses. >> so tony turned amateur detective and was able to confirm that kenya had spent the evening not with her close friends but with two other girls she barely knew. and -- >> she had left her purse, her phone and i.d. and all that stuff in the bar. >> her stuff. kenya never went anywhere without it. especially her cell phone. and she certainly wouldn't just leave it with two people she hardly knew. >> something is wrong. something is wrong. >> the night after kenya was last seen here in low-do, one of the girls she was drinking with showed up at the lees' house to drop off her belongings. kenya was happily dancing until about 1:00 in the morning, she said, with some guy, and then she disappeared. they looked for her but couldn't find her, she said. and when the bar closed, they took her purse and cell phone and just kind of assumed that kenya would get home on her own, somehow. >> i was looking through her text messages. from the day before. and these conversations she was having with her friends and, you know, hey, this is where we're going to hook up at. >> the phone showed that kenya suddenly stopped sending texts right after 11:00 p.m. but, of course her phone kept receiving texts, practically all night. >> her boyfriend started texting her asking, hey, where you at? you being good? hey, you're not contacting me. >> the next morning the texts continued from kenya's friends. all asking, where was she. >> and then there was a dead area, and then the next text that came in was about 7:00 p.m. that night. >> but this one? this one jumped off the screen, was just plain weird. >> and the message said, hey, this is travis, the guy, the creepy white van, smiley face. did you get home okay? >> travis? who was travis? >> nobody in kenya's circle of friends and family had ever heard of anybody called travis. >> i kept calling him and leaving these messages. >> no answers. no calls back. at this point, the mysterious travis in the creepy white van was the only possible lead in their daughter's disappearance. they filed a missing persons report, but it was too soon, the police told them, to start an investigation. and so alone, they panicked. >> we were like chickens with our heads cut off. we didn't know what to do first. we are trying to figure out what do we gotta do. >> then one terrifying day later the mysterious travis finally returned tony's calls, and travis had some rather stunning news about kenya's whereabouts and just who she might be with. coming up, tony with a mission that would leave his wife paralyzed with fear. >> i was so afraid. i said oh, my god. >> i grabbed a .9 millimeter pistol and put it in my waist and said i'm on the way to meet this guy. >> when "dateline" continues. y this guy >> when "dateline" continues (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. as close as two sisters could be. kenya and kimberly. as close as two sisters could be. always together, always talking, texting, facebooking. at first, when the messages suddenly stopped. >> i didn't really take it seriously. like i didn't really think she was going to be gone that wrong. >> but after 48 long hours. what's that like, that feeling? >> it's a feeling of being like desperate to know where your sister is, because that was not only my best friend. that was my sister, that was my other half. that was aefrg to me. >> that second night after kenya vanished there was this call from a total stranger named travis. >> travis called my back about 8:00 p.m. >> the guy who left that rather odd text message on kenya's phone to see if she'd gotten home safely from the nightclub. >> he told me the story. yeah, i seen her out there. asked her if she needed any help. it seemed like she was really drunk and she was really out of it. so i thought i better help her. she got in my van. >> travis told kenya's dad as he was driving her home she asked to stop at a gas station for cigarettes. but there, something strange happened. she met another guy who said he'd take her home. and so, said travis, he left them there. that's the last he saw of her? >> that's what he said, the last he saw of her. and i got off the phone and thought to myself, that is the most fantastic story i've ever heard. not one word of what he told me made any sense to me. tony called the denver police to report all that but was told, remember, that the cops couldn't open an investigation, because kenya hadn't been missing long enough. >> i'm pissed. i'm sitting there like i can't believe this. so i took matters into my own hand. i called travis back. i said travis, i got some questions i want to ask you. tell me again where you last saw her at. and he says, well, i was at this conoco station. tell you what. why don't you meet me there. i told him, i'm on my way. >> immediately, i was so afraid. i said oh, my god. >> i grabbed a .9 millimeter pistol. i packed it in my waist, and i told her, i'm on my way to meet this guy. maria was down on her hands and knees, literally, begging me, tony, don't do this. don't go down there. this is dangerous, this don't sound right. i told her, i got to go. they're not going to do anything. i got to go. >> and i got the phone, and i called 911. >> tony roared over to that conoco station, nerves on edge, gun close to hand, expecting what? a violent confrontation, a dangerous standoff? a weirdo? it was none of those things. travis forbes was there all right, patiently waiting, and he looked fine. not scary at all. >> he was very thin. blond hair, blue eyes, good-looking eyes. my first impression of him was looks decent enough guy, if you're going to have somebody pick up your kid and help them out, you know. >> seemed like a nice guy. >> yeah. >> and because maria called 911, the denver police were at the gas station, too. so the cops, not tony, did most of the talking with travis. >> he told them that same story that he told me on the phone. and it was very consistent. the story he told them matched exactly. i told the officer, man, everything he's told me just don't sound right. it just don't sound right. >> didn't sound right to the cops, either, but they had nothing to hold travis on. he'd been cooperative, forthcoming, concerned for kenya. so they let him go. as the meeting wrapped up, travis sidled up to tony and started talking. >> he was crying. he's telling me, you know, i promised i would take care of her. i feel responsible for this, you know, wish i could have done more. >> travis seemed sincere. his story, though strange, was consistent. maybe he was telling the truth, and that man kenya met at the gas station had abducted her. >> stuck my hand out, said appreciate it. and we shook hands. when i shook his hand, it was as if an earthquake was going on under his feet. and it was only in his hand that i could feel his arm wasn't shaking, his body wasn't shanging, there was no quivering, but i felt that shake, and i knew i had shaken the hand of the last person who had seen kenya alive. i knew it at that instant. >> you believe as of that moment she was dead? >> yes. >> coming up, was he right? they were go to come across a disturbing clue. he was determined to erase something. >> everything. everything. >> when "dateline" continues. >> everything. everything >> when "dateline" continues like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it's heading no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at [♪♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles, by penetrating the skin, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay. 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travis. >> he's a talker. very, very charming. very manipulative. >> i never met her before then -- >> reporter: and talk travis did. reciting the very same story he told tony lee, about picking up a lost and distressed kenia downtown. then stopping for cigarettes at that gas station. where she met another man, who said he'd take her home. >> she put her arm through his arm. like while they were -- while they were sitting there smoking. and they walked off. and they spoke spanish. and that was it. that was the last -- that was it. then i went home. >> and that's the last you see her? >> yes. >> reporter: travis was cool, calm, even contrite about leaving kenia with that strange fellow at the gas station. >> if she had made the choice to -- to go back home or to get right in, i would have taken her home. i would not -- i mean, and if i had felt any sort of -- any sort of weirdness about her walking over with that guy, i would have done something. >> he was really worried about this whole, very about this missing girl. but we believe you. he didn't do anything. >> reporter: in fact there, was no evidence travis did anything wrong. he certainly wasn't a suspect. barely a person of interest. he even had an alibi for his whereabouts after he dropped off kenia. >> he said he'd gone to his girlfriend's house. at the time that we knew that she had disappeared. and then his girlfriend came in. but she supported his statement. >> yeah. >> reporter: of course they let him go. had to. but what about that mysterious man travis said he left kenia with at the gas station? >> we couldn't find him. he was gone. >> wow. >> we send out bulletins. we put it on the news. and we didn't get anybody to come forward and say, yeah, i know this guy. >> reporter: but d.a. lombardi did get a search warrant for travis's white cargo van, to see if it held any clues. and inside it reeked of bleach. >> to the point where when you spray something like on a ceiling, a roof, and you spray it so much it drips down, that's how much bleach he'd sprayed on this van. >> he was determined to erase something. >> everything. everything. so we're going through his van, we're taking off doors, we're vacuuming, we're crawling underneath it. >> reporter: the van for the most part was spotless. except for something odd that caught the cop's attention. >> we found some weeds underneath. we found some dirt. some dust. different things. >> hmm. what'd that tell you? >> he's been on a dirt road. at least that van has. >> reporter: so gurule and lombardi pored through travis's cell phone records to see where he was at the time of kenia's disappearance. and they noticed he made and received several calls from a rural area near a little place called keenesburg, about 40 miles northeast of denver. not exactly one of the stops along travis's granola bar delivery route. >> we sent probably 25 >> was he there long? >> three and a half hours. >> long enough to potentially do something with a body. so what did you do? >> we sent probably 25 detectives up there, looking at fields, running the gulches, checking the ponds, talking to neighbors, see if they saw a white van. we were checking everything. >> but there was no sign. >> nothing. >> only the trail left by a cell phone. >> correct. >> reporter: but back at the bakery, another clue surfaced. on surveillance video it showed travis forbes doing a lot more than baking granola bars. >> coming up. from surveillance video to the local news, just what was he doing? >> we were all watching, and we lost it. >> when "dateline" continues. ch lost it. >> when "dateline" continues i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? 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>> reporter: monica stopped the tape and called the cops. who took a good look at the whole security system and found this intriguing scene of travis, this time with his granola bar cooler. >> he actually unloads the cooler, puts it on a little cart, and it's taped shut with black duct tape. and puts it into the freezer in the bakery. and there's employees walking around. >> reporter: detective gurule consulted monica. >> the police asked me did he store the cooler in the freezer? and i said no. he never puts it in the freezer. it has granola bars in it. they don't need to be frozen. so that just seemed really strange. >> reporter: all that. the cleaning, the cooler moving, happened two nights after kenia went missing. so detective gurule checked with several of the bakery's employees to see what else travis was up to that evening. >> he burns some stuff in a barrel. we found that barrel down the alley at the other end of the parking lot. and monica poole told one of the detectives, hey, that's my grease barrel. what's it doing down there? >> reporter: travis claimed he was using it to burn some moldy marijuana. the barrel was sent to the crime lab. >> we ran that for dna. we ran that for fingerprints. >> reporter: but nothing turned up. if there were any clues in that barrel, they had been burned. travis forbes, despite all his suspicious behavior and his strange story, was still just a person of interest. >> people do weird things in their normal life. how do we know that he's just not a weird guy? >> reporter: and then a few days later gurule's investigation turned up more surveillance video, which seemed to tell a whole new story because there was kenia with another man entirely. this caught the two of them in the lobby of an apartment building near the club where kenia had been drinking. was she going up to his place? well, if she was, she didn't stay long because a few minutes later kenia showed up in yet another surveillance video, weaving somewhat unsteadily across the lobby of a nearby hotel. and the way kenia was acting caught the attention of d.a. kerri lombardi. >> i think that from all the surveillance she was very obviously intoxicated. it was scary. she was someone that you would look at and think this is a victim waiting to happen. >> reporter: this according to family and good friends was not like kenia. she didn't drink to excess. she would never run off with a strange guy and leave her purse and phone and keys behind. in fact, when tony saw this video, he was convinced. kenia wasn't drunk. something was done to her. >> i absolutely believe 100% that she was slipped a date rape drug because everything that she did in that club that night was against anything that she's ever done before. >> reporter: gurule tracked down the young man from the apartment lobby, and he admitted dancing with kenia at the club and showing her his loft. but she left right away, he said. the video confirmed it. he was cleared. so that left only two possible suspects -- the mysterious man at the gas station and travis forbes. >> i did not. >> reporter: and apparently, travis was feeling the heat. >> i've -- man. >> reporter: so out of the blue he decided to go public. >> you know, the truth is all we have. >> reporter: he went on camera with a denver tv station. >> i mean, it's been two weeks. nobody's heard from her. there's been no trace of her. like it's -- it's surreal. i don't even know what to think of it. >> since you're a person of interest, let me ask you this. did you do something with her? >> no. >> did you kidnap her? >> no. >> did you sexually assault her? >> i did not. >> did you murder her? >> i did not. no. no. and you know, having that on you, you know, having that energy on you is very stressful. >> reporter: detective gurule was watching this, of course. but he focused as much on travis's actions as his answers. >> he lied. it was in his demeanor. it was in his body language. it was -- it was all there. >> man. i'm sorry that i -- that i was indifferent. that i didn't think anything. i didn't think anything. i didn't think she was going to disappear. >> when the reporter asked him -- >> did you murder her? >> i did not. no. >> he says "no." >> reporter: then as the interview was wrapping up, travis, who seemed to remember every little detail that night, had trouble recalling one small but rather critical fact. >> um. what's her name? >> kenia. >> kenia. yeah. >> and we were all watching. and we lost it. that was the only name in town. and i wanted to go talk to him about that interview. that was another time when she got down on her hands and knees and begged me not to go. and this time i didn't go. >> reporter: so tony and his family waited. let the investigation run its course, hoping, praying that kenia would walk in the front door safe and sound. and travis forbes remained free. not even aware, quite possibly, of what the detective and the d.a. were up to. >> we had a lot of conversations, and we did a lot of warrants. you know, we were poring through phone records and you know, they continued to interview people constantly. we just were waiting for the one thing, something we could arrest him with. >> reporter: but even if they could arrest travis, first they had to find him. because not long after that tv interview travis forbes disappeared. >> coming up -- travis gone. >> i put out a teletype saying you find any bodies, give me a call. >> and then -- another surprise. >> my lieutenant said, grab your search warrant for his dna. so i hop a plane that night. >> when "dateline" continues. lo. >> when "dateline" continues some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. 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i'd say i'm leaving myself a message because i need to do this. he she said i'd talk in my sleep about it, kenia's name or travis's name. she said you're dreaming about this. >> you're obsessed. >> tenacious. >> reporter: kenia's family wasn't sleeping much either. >> i thought that she might have been like kidnapped and like put in the basement and like they weren't letting her get any contact with anyone. i had dreams and things i still felt like i had that sister connection, that she was just still here somewhere needing my like -- needing me to come help her, just save her and just bring her back home. >> were you thinking about it all the time? >> yeah. it's hard going from talking to someone every day and then not being able to talk to them anymore. it like breaks your heart. >> reporter: kenia's father tony made himself a public fixture on local media. but privately, he conducted his own very lonely investigation. >> i went dumpster diving. i was looking at trash cans for her body. up and down the alleys, all over. >> and yet you couldn't tell maria. >> i couldn't tell her. i could not share what i was feeling because that early in would have removed the only thing that right now everybody had. and that one thing that everybody had was hope. i was hoping that she would pop up and say here i am. but as time went by and she wasn't contacting anybody and -- i knew it was bad. >> reporter: he also knew that the key to finding kenia was finding travis forbes. the denver police had no idea where travis was, whether he was in hiding here in town or had left the city, left the state, left the country. he was just gone. wasn't much they could do. he was a person of interest but not officially a suspect. and then two weeks later out of the blue detectives got a call from austin, texas. >> and my lieutenant walked into the office and said, okay. i said what? she said austin p.d. just called our fugitive unit. we might have him in austin, texas. i'm like, what? >> reporter: travis, it turned out, had borrowed a car from an old girlfriend in colorado. when he didn't return it, she went to the police and filed a report. which more often than not would have led nowhere at all. except a policeman in austin with a little time on his hands decided to check up on an out of state license plate he just happened to notice. and discovered first the report for the missing car and then travis forbes. >> so my lieutenant said, grab your search warrant for his dna and head to texas. so i hop a plane that night. >> reporter: a few hours later gurule was face to face with travis forbes again. >> you know what? they sent me to texas because they think you're running to mexico. >> i was thinking of mexico. >> and you he'd call me nash. i'd call him travis. it was similar to you and i just talking. i wasn't confrontational with him. if he asked me a question i'd give him an honest answer. one of the questions he asked me on one of the interviews i did with him, he said, what do you think of me? i said i think you're a creep. i think you're a jerk. i think you're a monster. >> how did he respond to that? >> he just looked at me and said, yeah, you're probably right. he said am i a psychopath or sociopath, and i was just giving him what i thought he was. and i think, maybe he was testing me like i was testing him. to see if i would give him an honest answer. and i would. >> you didn't fly all it way out here just to ask me some questions. >> well, actually, i did. did you do anything to her? >> no. >> did you hurt her? >> no. we never touched. >> at all? >> not even a hug. and i usually hug people. >> reporter: gurule questioned him for more than three hours. but travis stuck to his original story. >> so does she have sex with you? >> nash, i think at this point i -- my lawyer should be present. >> reporter: so travis refused to talk anymore. but he didn't have a choice about providing his dna. thanks to that warrant detective gurule brought from colorado. >> i'm going to swab the inside of your tongue. >> reporter: and though a stolen car charge seemed hardly enough to warrant extradition, it was in the end just enough. and a few weeks later travis was back in a colorado jail. >> i didn't want him in texas. i wanted him here. i wanted to have access to him. >> where you can continue the conversation. >> absolutely. >> reporter: but detective gurule was in for a big surprise. slippery guy that travis forbes. >> coming up -- the story moves on to another chapter. a different city. and another young woman. >> fort collins is a college town. and it has a lot of young women there. and they like to party. >> a suspected killer on the prowl and a grisly crime scene. >> we kicked the door in. the upstairs, we're just scrawling for somebody to see if there's somebody in apartment. ff there's somebody in apartment. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? 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>> i would talk to him and she was convinced he wasn't a dangerous guy. there is no way that he did anything to kenya. >> but here was the problem. without the stolen car charge, there was no way to keep travis in jail. they had to let him go. >> the deputy d.a. was -- >> nervous. i was very worried about what he would do. it was very stressful. because i really wanted to be able to find her. and really wanted to get some evidence we could hold him on. >> at least the detective didn't want to lose him, not again. >> and he went up to that area, in keenesburg. he used his credit card, and i will his bank records. so i saw that he swiped it at this gas station, so we went up there and got the surveillance tape, and it's him trying to get gas. >> this was not travis' first trip to keenesburg. remember, he was tracked here soon after kenya disappeared. so what was he doing here? had he brought kenya here? was there a body out here on the high plains? detectives scoured the fields once again and found nothing. and then he discovered travis was on the move again. this time he headed north 60 miles up the highway to his hometown. a team of undercover cops on his tail. >> we found out he he was going to fort collins to stay with his dad. fort collins is a college town and has a lot of young women there, and they like to party. yeah, i was worried. >> it was now july 1st, exactly three months since kenya disappeared. and he had good reason to worry. >> our detectives are watching. he goes out to the bar district in fort collins, and he's acting like a fool. jumping on people's cars. you know, raising, just trying to get a lot of attention. >> reporter: so fort collins police, unaware that travis was the subject of a denver investigation, pulled him aside there in the bar district, had a little talk with him, nothing serious, no charges, just conversation. >> after they finished the contact with him, our detectives go up and say hey, we're watching him, he's a person of interest on our case, you might have heard of the case, explained the case to them. they're like, okay, okay, i'll let everybody know. >> reporter: denver police kept an eye on travis, hoping he might lead them to kenia's body. but he stayed in fort collins, crashed at his grandparents' place, and so from an already overstretched police department a decision. >> he was pretty much keeping a low profile. so we pull our surveillance. >> reporter: they couldn't know, of course. couldn't know what was coming. 4th of july. fireworks lit up the fort collins sky. and then early the next morning at an apartment complex a fire of a different sort altogether. >> we've kicked -- we just kicked the door in, we're screaming for somebody. the upstairs is -- we're just calling for somebody to see if there's somebody in the apartment. >> reporter: oh, yes. there was someone in that building. and this much we can tell you. that someone is not travis forbes. 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's dna. >> the majority of it was under lydia's fingernails. note that she put up a fight. are we out of the woods ye no, were not out of the woods yet, and out of the woods is life or death. the hardest thing is just not knowing whether she >> out of the woods his life or death. keith morrison : and then three days after the attack, still no suspects, no leads. detective shaklee heard about the man police talked to just a few days before lydias attack, the one who was acting up in the fort collins bar district. and wasnt that the man that denver police had under surveillance? detective jaclyn shaklee: this possibly could be related. hes wanted for murder and hes in fort collins. i dont know, it could be a long shot but they may want to know about it. keith morrison: so what did you think when you heard that? detective jaclyn shaklee: i thought, thank goodness, we have something that we can maybe look into. keith morrison : so long shot, she figured, but detective shaklee called detective gurule in denver. detective jaclyn shaklee: and so i laid out what had happened, some of the evidence that we had found. detective nash gurule: he set the place on fire and he used bleach on her, around the house. detective jaclyn shaklee: and he was silent on the other end of the phone. and then finally he said, oh, my god. detective nash gurule: and she said, what do you think? and i said, i think its him. detective jaclyn shaklee: i get chills now talking about it because it was- - it was quite the moment. keith morrison : who was travis forbes, a serial offender hunting women? was he hunting another even now? the two detectives were convinced of it. but as badly as they wanted to lock him away, they just did not have sufficient evidence. so travis was a free man, roaming fort collins at will and at night. keith morrison : dateline returns after the break. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. shell. critical care hospital, lydia tillman was still alive, if barely. still in a medically induced coma, still suffering god knew what damage from her massive stroke, but all the while, her family sat by her side and talked to her. esther hartsky: we'd say, lydia, youre doing great. youre healing. you just rest and heal. thats all you have to do. wed play classical music for her. wed talk over her so she knew we were there. we just wanted that ever presence for her. keith morrison: do you think she was aware of any of that? esther hartsky: i think deep inside she knew that her family was fighting for her. keith morrison : as if worrying about lydias fragile condition wasnt enough, her family also feared the attack wasnt over. esther hartsky: it was really scary. and since we didnt know who had done this, i kept looking out of the hospital room and seeing if someone would come to finish the job. and so we had to keep her completely anonymous in the hospital. we had a code that we had to say to go see her. only family members and only ones that were listed. keith morrison: so you were always kind of looking over your shoulder? esther hartsky: definitely. keith morrison : lydias family was quite unaware that police did have a prime suspect, travis forbes, who was also a suspect in the disappearance of a girl lydias family had never heard of, kenia monge. detective jaclyn shaklee: the similarities were definitely the bleach. i dont know what it is about forbes but he has an obsession with bleach. and we had actually heard that from his past girlfriends as well that he would obsessively clean his house with bleach, and there was bleach used in kenias case as well, the fact that they were both dark haired, both pretty girls, around the same age. it was chillingly similar. keith morrison: but the truly frightening fact was that their suspect was still out there somewhere on the street at large, potentially targeting his next victim. and it would stay that way unless detectives could prove that the attacks were both the work of travis forbes. keith morrison : there was one possibility and really only one. sitting at the denver police crime lab were several swabs of travis dna which detective nash gurule had obtained when the two talked in texas. detective jaclyn shaklee: and we needed that, obviously quickly, to compare it to what had been collected from lydia tillman when she was transported to the hospital because-- keith morrison: but she had been sprayed with bleach and every other-- and she had been burned, i mean-- detective jaclyn shaklee: yeah, she had. keith morrison: --was there actually any dna left? detective jaclyn shaklee: there actually was. it was-- it was pretty amazing. its amazing how resilient dna is. keith morrison : so, on a friday evening, just four days after lydias attack, the dna found under her fingernail and the sample taken from forbes were sent to the colorado bureau of investigation for processing to see if they matched. detective jaclyn shaklee: i didnt sleep. i-- i couldnt sleep. there was no way it didnt really matter, i didnt care. and it was amazing because we had technicians at the colorado bureau of investigation who had no necessary buy in to this case. but they were working around the clock as well because they knew what a big deal this was. keith morrison : sixty miles away in denver, detective nash gurule was also awaiting those dna results anxiously. but he was also angry. detective nash gurule: at myself. keith morrison: at yourself? why? detective nash gurule: thinking to myself what else could i have done to prevent this? keith morrison: what other evidence could i have gathered that would had got him arrested? detective nash gurule: did i miss something that could have kept him there. i could have had something concrete to arrest him on. what did i miss? and i threw that around in my head. keith morrison: you take this stuff personally? detective nash gurule: this one i did. and im thinking to myself, is he that smart? is he that smart? keith morrison : and now forbes was out here somewhere. friday night, dark now. it was warm in fort collins, a college town, remember. in the old town bar district, young people gathered around favorite watering holes, plenty of young women, carefree, drinking, celebrating a weekend, unaware, unworried. but this time, the police were watching because they were very worried. detective jaclyn shaklee: we had the surveillance set up on him over the weekend. we were not going to let him out of our sights. so we had teams that were rotating while we were waiting for that so we could actually make an arrest. keith morrison : all weekend surveillance teams followed forbes as he cruise the nightclub district. detective jaclyn shaklee: and he had a bottle of whiskey that he had been carrying around with him all night. he didnt go in-- in to any of the bars. he basically just walked around and-- keith morrison: he was trolling. detective jaclyn shaklee: trolling. yeah, thats a good way to put it. keith morrison : then late at night, the undercover cops spotted travis following a young woman walking home alone. so without revealing the surveillance team, one of the cops approached him, asked a question or two. and travis gave a fake name. called himself travis kennedy. the officer let him go, but travis did not go home. and before very long, began following a second woman. she appeared to be drunk. travis closed in. detective jaclyn shaklee: theyre like this guys too much of a danger. we got to figure out a way to get him off the street. so they ended up arresting him for false reporting, for giving a false name. keith morrison : in fact, detective shaklees husband was part of that surveillance team, and actually put the cuffs on travis. keith morrison : what was it like when you two kind of got together to compare notes? detective jaclyn shaklee: it was pretty emotional. and it was actually an-- an emotional phone call. he called me to let me know that-- im gonna get emotional now-- that he had taken him into custody and that he was off the streets. just some closure to five days of really scary-- really scary for our community and-- and our home. keith morrison : but there was a catch. when the cops arrested forbes for giving a false name, it was only a misdemeanor. without some new charge, he would be out on bail in no time. diabetes can serve up keia lot of questions.ine returns after the break. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it's heading no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at [♪♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles, by penetrating the skin, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay. ♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ emma hayes had a successful debut with the women's national soccer team leading her team to of 4-0 victory over south korea. she was brought on board but joined the team this weekend colorado. dozens of students protesting the war in gaza walked out of the university of chicago's commencement saturday. the protest coming several days after the school withheld diplomas of four seniors over there involvement with a pro- palestinian encampment. on the outskirts of denver is normally quiet at night and on weekends. but in mid-july 2011, the colorado bureau of investigation crime lab was a beehive of activity. a team of technicians were working around the clock comparing a dna sample of lydia tillmans attacker to that of travis forbes to see if they matched. sixty miles away in fort collins, detective jaclyn shaklee couldnt sit still. detective jaclyn shaklee: i was high on adrenaline. it was a weighing game. i mean, i kept looking at the phone, hoping for the technician from cbi to call me. keith morrison : especially, because travis forbes who was being held in the fort collins jail was due to be released soon. very soon. detective jaclyn shaklee: he was given a bond and was about to bond out like ten thirty on monday night. keith morrison : the weekend was over. monday ticked by. detective jaclyn shaklee: its a long process. its not like a tv show where you can-- they do it in forty minutes and you have a hit. so i knew it was going to take a while, i just kept praying that it would happen earlier. keith morrison : and then just minutes before travis release, a call from the cbi. detective jaclyn shaklee: we have a hit. keith morrison: wow. detective jaclyn shaklee: yes. keith morrison : the man who attacked lydia tillman was, the dna confirmed, travis forbes. detective jaclyn shaklee: it was the biggest adrenaline dump ever, and of course, i called detective gurule in tears. we did it, hes-- hes charged, hes-- hes in jail, hes not getting out. detective nash gurule: i was relieved that now hes going to be in jail and he wont be able to hurt nobody. now we know where hes at. so i dont have to be searching for him. keith morrison : word of travis arrest also traveled quickly to kenia monges family. tony lee: i was shocked. i knew that he would eventually hang himself, but i didnt think hed go out and try to murder again this soon. and i was shocked. we were shocked. maria lee: yeah. keith morrison : but they still didnt know what happened to kenia. quickly, the lee family called a news conference and delivered a message to travis forbes. tony lee : if anybody is going to relay any messages to him, tell him, or if you guys talk to him, tell him we got just one question, where is kenia? thats it. keith morrison : but travis wasnt talking anymore, so lee offered a radical idea. tony lee: i called assistant da lombardi, and i said, make a deal. keith morrison: you wanted a deal? tony lee: yeah, i dont care what it is. i dont-- i said, i dont care you can take it down to manslaughter. i didnt care. just make a deal. its just-- we just want kenia. kerri lombardi: we really couldnt at that-- i mean, we were getting there. we were still investigating. what i really wanted was for tell us where she was so we could give closure to this family. keith morrison : but travis was now facing an attempted murder charge for the assault on lydia, and as his case started working its way toward trial, he sat silently, mute in his cell. especially, when detective shaklee paid him a visit. detective jaclyn shaklee: he was looking at me like a caged animal. his eyes were huge. he-- it was really creepy. o-- obviously i wanted to talk to him. i wanted to get an interview with him and see if he would-- if he would tell me something, and he immediately said, im not talking to you. get-- get out of here. keith morrison : but across town, someone was communicating. after spending five weeks in icu, lydia tillman was transferred to a local rehab hospital, and a long, slow recovery began. boy #1 (home video): hi, lydia. esther hartsky: i showed her a video of my kids saying hello to her because they missed their aunt lydia. boy #2 (home video): i want you to get better soon. esther hartsky: and she got to the part where my four-year-old started to talk and she laughed and he said, hi, lydia. boy #3 (home video): hi, lydia. esther hartsky: its the first time i got to see her laugh, and i went, shes got memory, she can laugh. keith morrison : but detective gurules murder case against travis forbes and his search for kenia monge had both stalled nearly five months after kenia vanished and still no sign of her. but one day he got a call from the crime lab requesting another dna sample of travis for the fbi. detective nash gurule: i drove up there to get his dna. i walked in, laid down my recorder. he didnt want to talk to any of the detectives in fort collins, anywhere. but he always talked to me. travis forbes (interrogation video): whats up, nash? why are you here? detective nash gurule (interrogation video): i am here because i have a warrant for you. keith morrison : and for the next two hours, like a couple of old college chums, the two shot the breeze about philosophy and books and religion, and of course, kenias case, about which travis remained evasive. detective nash gurule: i said, ive been here a long time, travis, im done. im done playing chess with you. i said, you know, you move one way, i move another way. i said, im coming for you, im telling you that. i said, the next time you see me, ill be charging you for murder. i said, what do you want out of this? what exactly do you want out of this? travis forbes (interrogation video): i want to go to prison without being labeled as a sex offender. detective nash gurule (interrogation video): okay. what else? travis forbes (interrogation video): thats it. thats it. detective nash gurule (interrogation video): youll confess to everything if you go to prison without being labeled a sex offender? is that what youre saying? is that-- travis forbes (interrogation video): yes. detective nash gurule (interrogation video): youre man enough to say that? travis forbes (interrogation video): yes. yes. yes. thats what im saying. keith morrison : detective gurule was stunned. travis wanted to cut a deal. gurule used a little reverse psychology to make sure he meant it. detective nash gurule: i told him, i think youre full of it. i dont think youre going to do this. i think youre going to back out, and i think youre spineless, and i think its all about you. its a game. i said, i think youre going to pull out. he says, no, i wont. i said, travis, if you do what you say youre going to do, ill be the first one to shake your hand. keith morrison : gurule knew that fort collins authorities would buy in, so all he needed now were the crossed ts and the dotted is, the legal formalities. detective nash gurule: i left the jail, went out to my car and thought to myself, did i just hear this right or am i dreaming. i even played the recording back to-- to myself. and i thought, wow. keith morrison: people just dont do that sort of thing. detective nash gurule: right. hes confessing to a murder without a body and without seeing the case. ive talked to my commanders and they said never in the history of this police department has that have eve-- ever happened. keith morrison: huh. detective nash gurule: ever. keith morrison : finally, after frustrating months of knuckle- biting tension, disappearances, dead-end games of cat and mouse, detective gurule was about to get the answers hed been searching for. and he was exhausted. to celebrate and rest up, gurule decided to take a few days off with his wife. detective nash gurule: so were driving out of town, i get a call that said he pulled out. keith morrison : coming up will he or won't he? detective nash gurule: i looked at her and im-- im crying. i said, theres nothing more i could do. keith morrison : then, the moment of truth detective jaclyn shaklee: his whole demeanor changed and he let out this scream, just this blood curdle-- it made me jump. i wasnt expecting it at all keith morrison: when dateline continues. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? 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kerri lombardi: will he do this, will he not, will some spook him? will he change his mind, is this a big farce? you know, i didnt know if, you know, there was even-- if we were even going to the right place. keith morrison : travis was in the lead car which included detectives nash gurule and jaclyn shaklee. detective jaclyn shaklee: it was really quiet for the first like five or ten minutes. and he was sitting right next to me. well, i had an aircast on my foot because i had a running injury. he looked down and he said, what did you do to your foot and i said, its a stress fracture from running. keith morrison : and that got travis talking about running marathons, movies, food, all sorts of things. detective jaclyn shaklee: and obviously we were talking about whatever he wanted to talk about to keep his cooperation, but i have to remember that he-- i have a monster sitting next to me and just playing it up. we had to get to that body. we wanted to know where she was and bring her home to her family. detective nash gurule: then we started getting closer, he starts getting a little bit more quiet. we drive out to the site next to a little grove of trees. keith morrison : and then quite suddenly, no warning, something came over the cool and breezy travis forbes. detective jaclyn shaklee: he got out of the car and his whole demeanor changed and he let out this scream, just this blood curdle-- it made me jump. i wasnt expecting it at all. keith morrison : but just as quickly, travis pulled himself together and pointed. detective nash gurule: he says, shes over there. so we walk over there and hes standing up on top of the hill, and its like a little ravine, and he says, youre standing right on top of her. keith morrison : soon the digging began. kerri lombardi: and it was a very, very slow process. there was an anthropologist there. and so then they finally got the dirt off of her and- - and there she was, and it was pretty awful. i stood there and, of course, i had seen these beautiful pictures of her. theres this smiling image in your head of her having a good time and smiling, and then to see that, it was very difficult. keith morrison : there was something else perhaps even more difficult that kerri lombardi had to do. i called tony lee and said, you know, that they had found a body where he had told us she was, we had found something. tony lee: and i needed to let my family know before any of this hit the news. you cant prepare yourself or practice yourself or write down a speech for that day. and i had to tell her. keith morrison: what was that like? tony lee: that was the hardest thing ive ever done. then i had-- keith morrison: but she had been hanging on to hope. tony lee: she had been hanging on to that hope. keith morrison: you had to finally-- tony lee: i had to snatch that rug out from under her. and she lost it. and there was nothing i could do for her because i had already lost it myself. keith morrison : then tony had to tell his children, kenias little sister and brother. tony lee: and the first question out of both of their mouths at a different times, is she alive? and i had to tell them, no. i couldn't do nothing for them. kimberly lee: i just dont feel like its fair that people get to grow up with their sisters, but she was only there for a little bit of my life, like she wont be able to see, like, me grow up and get married or have kids, and i wont be able to see her grow up and get married and have kids, like, we just never get to have that bond. keith morrison : but this most horrendous of days wasnt quite over. police still needed a complete confession from forbes on tape. detective nash gurule: were driving back. i looked back at him and he was, hey, nash, i told you id tell you where she was. he was, are you happy you found her? he said, are you happy? and i said, theres some questions that need to be answered, and i said, once those questions are-- once those questions are answered, then ill be happy. all right, nash. i told you i would do it. i told you i would do it. and i said, yes, you did. keith morrison : detective gurule sat down with travis for one last interview. after five long months, out came the words he needed to hear. travis forbes (interrogation video): i killed her. i did not mean to kill her. i didnt pull over to kill her. i didnt pull over to rape her. none of that was in my head. none of it was premeditated. keith morrison : but then it all came out. travis told them how he spotted kenia on the street, how he raped her, how he strangled her, how he stuffed her in his cooler, drove around with the body in his white van for a whole day then stored her in the bakerys freezer, while he cleaned out his van with bleach and burned her clothes. and then early the next morning he buried her body near a clump of cottonwood trees. detective nash gurule: after we were done with our interview, i walked up to him and stuck out my hand and i go, thanks. and he stood up, shook my hand and he said, i told you i would do it. i said, you did. he says, you just wouldnt give up. and i looked at him and i said youre right. keith morrison : later that day, travis also confessed to the attempted murder of lydia tillman. soon he would be sentenced separately for both crimes but there was one last surprise coming. something no one saw coming, least of all travis forbes. keith morrison : coming up keith morrison : as travis awaits sentencing, the courageous young woman who'd beaten the odds, makes a stunning move in the courtroom. detective nash gurule : to do what she did and to endure what she went through. she is-- shes a superhero in my eyes keith morrison : when dateline continues. 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but im glad she was able to escape the monster. maria lee: yeah. tony lee: it was overwhelming, you know, to see the amount of her-- her strength and her will to live. maria lee: mm-hm. tony lee: you know, and-- and--and what she did during her court proceedings on the day that he was sentenced for what he did to her. keith morrison : what she did that day is simply amazing. hard to believe. sitting just feet away from the man who raped her, smashed her face and body, doused her with bleach, set her on fire, lydia tillman struck a blow against evil. she gave travis a gift. she forgave him. keith morrison : since she was unable to speak herself, her father read her statement for her, saying that to forgive is easier than holding anger. esther hartsky: there wasnt a dry eye in that courtroom, including the judge. its freeing for her, and i understand that, and i did the same, because were not going to live in that hatred. detective nash gurule: shes amazing. to do what she did and to endure what she went through, i couldnt imagine. shes a superhero in my eyes. keith morrison : and then there was one more surprise. no, not travis sentence, life in prison. that was merely a formality. it was another gift, this time from kenia to lydia. maria lee: i started crying with her. she started crying with me. i felt very strong inside me, like, kenia was telling me, mom, give her that ring. i was wearing that ring. give it to her. it was kenias ring. give it to her. keith morrison : it was kenias favorite ring. maria lee: and i gave it to her and she was so happy. then she said thank you, and she was holding me. and that moment i was holding her, it was like i was holding kenia. tony lee: we are related in tragedy. weve got a connection with ea-- each other, unfortunately, for the rest of our lives and-- because of travis. keith morrison : tony and his family built a memorial here on the high plains where kenya was found. and while she continues to live in their hearts, her loss has taken a toll. in 2018, tony and maria divorced. but tony still devotes himself to spreading awareness and warnings and help. tony lee: the story of kenia is what has created the kenia monge foundation. we go to the families of the missing and reach out to them, and they are very grateful. keith morrison : and lydia tillman, we saved this surprise for last. lydia worked very hard to recover. dr. jill armor: try this one. keith morrison : and to speak. dr. jill armor: stimuli. lydia tillman: stimuli. dr. jill armor: nice. lydia tillman: yeah. dr. jill armor: try yesterday. lydia has-- shes rocked my world. keith morrison : doctor jill armor. dr. jill armor: i think lydia has the ability to make a full recovery, and i think shes tenacious and perseveres enough that she may just well do that. keith morrison : and so a proper introduction. just ten months after the attack that nearly took her life lydia tillman spoke in her own words. keith morrison : people were amazed you survived at all, frankly. lydia tillman: yeah. i am amazed, too. keith morrison: yeah. what has been, in the long recovery process, the most difficult thing to do? lydia tillman: re-- re-learning how to speak was still difficult. keith morrison: yes. lydia tillman: i am trying to find a balance be-- between my ambitions and my still healing body and brain. between my ambitions and my still healing body and brain. keith morrison: yeah. so where were you in the process of getting better when travis went to court to plead guilty and be sentenced? lydia tillman: i am-- was just out of rehab. the hardest day of my life. keith morrison: really? lydia tillman: to forgive him is-- was super difficult. keith morrison: how could you do that after what he did to you? lydia tillman: to heal myself rather than being angry. keith morrison: because that would not help you. lydia tillman: yeah. keith morrison: you harbor no bitterness, no? lydia tillman: rarely i get mad. keith morrison: yeah. lydia tillman: i believe travis forbes was acting out of fear and hatred. i choose love and peace over fear. and i won. keith morrison : so she did. and then she said, with that big infectious smile on her face that she had brought a gift for me. lydia tillman: its a bracelet. its-- keith morrison: may i open it? lydia tillman: yes. its an ac-- acronym for my name. its-- it says live your days inspired anew. keith morrison : which of course, spells lydia. theres great sadness surrounding the story of travis forbes, unending sadness for kenias family. for the unknown other families who as many now suspect may have been victimized by his past behavior. and then from that darkest place came the indomitable lydia who forgave, who won, who told us "live your days inspired anew." er. his daughter was his life. craig melvin: it was a puzzle for police. why would a father drop off his daughter and disappear? i knew something wasn't right. craig melvin: then they found it,

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Life ,Families ,None ,U S ,Statement ,Storm ,White House ,Feet ,Write ,Quote ,Passing ,Step ,Paths ,Refuge ,Robinson ,Obama ,Robinson A Couple Summers Ago ,Spending ,Ground ,Pleasure ,Fun Night Playing Keno With Mrs ,Friends ,Kenia Monges ,Peace ,Rest ,Mrs ,Jerry Nadler ,Member ,House Judiciary Committee ,The Sunday Show ,New York ,Raking ,Msnbc ,Yint ,00 ,6 ,Kenia ,Janet Gomez ,Clues ,Stories ,Surveillance Tape ,Left ,Evil ,Beauty ,Witness ,One ,Girls ,Place ,Women ,Truth ,City ,Places ,Country Road ,Led ,Dark Haired ,Car ,Woman ,Courage ,Scream ,Victim ,Fact ,Fire ,Beating ,Unrecognizable ,Rape ,Pieces ,Jaw ,Aaten ,Someone ,Stroke ,Coma ,Deadgh ,He Didn T Return It ,Death ,Ind A Very Dark Corner ,Him ,Yes ,Flaw ,Chance ,Threshold ,He Doesto ,Human Condition ,Virginia ,Catchth ,Power ,Cop ,Boogeyman ,Weapons ,Difficulty ,Scene ,Nightclub District ,The Face Of Evil ,Icu ,Three ,People ,Detective Gurule In Denver ,Colorado ,Part ,Town ,War ,Lower Downtown ,Girls Nightin Out ,Way ,Girlfriends ,Kenya Wasol ,19 ,Person ,Fun ,Partiers ,One Ofet Kenya ,Friendly ,Outgoing ,Trouble ,Theyne ,Kind ,Each Other ,Bouncer ,Crew ,Kids ,Safety Rule ,Night ,Ride Downtown ,Things Didn T Go ,Two ,Nothing ,Times ,What Janet Didn T ,Plan ,Response ,Janet ,Pictures ,Club ,I D ,Anyone ,Thes ,The Club ,Cards ,T Bouncers Weren Buying ,Message ,Closed ,Who ,Otheras Friends ,Janet Headed Home Without Kenya ,Sheou ,11 ,30 ,Everything ,She Wouldn T ,Chances ,Sheha ,Loved Tose Party ,Hardworking ,Word ,Careers ,Criminology ,High Schools ,Tv Production ,Student Film ,Kenya Didn T ,English ,Seven ,Couldn T Tell Maria ,Migranted ,Honduras Afr ,Home ,God ,Mom ,Tony Lee ,Words ,Children ,Time ,Andto ,Family ,Bradyt Family ,Daddy ,Sheor ,Day One ,Wonderful Women In My Life ,Thanknd You ,Everybody ,Thing ,Little Sister ,Big Sister ,Kimberly ,America Ei ,Bf ,Twin ,Hm ,Shopping ,Outfits ,Csi ,We Likedfie Music ,Little Brother ,Something ,Somebody ,High School ,O ,Ceo ,Goal ,Something Big ,Heroo Own ,Ca Study ,Party Life ,Study ,Stud ,School ,Calendars ,Job Nc ,Friend ,Morning ,April Fool S Day ,2011 ,Girlfriend ,Phone ,Sheth ,It Wasn T Kenya ,It Rang ,Coming Up ,Presence ,Streets ,Dateline ,Daughter ,T Alert ,Skin ,Child ,Doctor ,Reactions ,Allergists ,Eye Problems ,Pitch ,Dermatologists ,About Dupixent ,Number One ,Vision ,Why Don T ,Eye Pain ,Muscle Pain ,Changes ,Infection ,Eczema Specialist ,Joint Aches ,Asthma ,Things ,Sight ,Improvement ,Comfort ,Osteo Bi Flex ,7 ,Hd ,Test ,4 ,Eye Injections ,Allergies ,Eye Infection ,Eye ,Swelling ,Redness ,Treatments ,Retina ,Blood Vessels ,Separation ,Eylea Hd ,Eyla Hd ,Don T Use ,Risk ,Heart Attack ,Blood Clots ,Side Effects ,Eye Pressure ,Corneal Injury ,Increase ,Eye Floaters ,Cataract ,Isn T It St Abou Yeah ,Type ,Treatment ,Injections ,Retina Specialist ,Potential ,Incredible ,Eylea Hd Today ,There ,Well ,Progressive ,Boat ,Auto ,Rv ,Vehicles ,Peace Of Mind ,Lake ,Breathing Claritin ,Road ,Gratitude ,Manifesting ,Abundance ,Feeling ,Breeze ,Teeth ,Smile ,Nasal Congestion ,Relief ,Live Claritin ,Claritin Plus Decongestant ,Hollywood ,Lot ,Product ,Shades ,Patients ,Sensitivity Protection ,2 ,24 7 ,Greatkeith Morrison ,Bright ,April 1st ,Spring Light ,April 1st 2011 ,1 ,19 Year Old ,April 1 2011 ,Nobody ,Downtown Bar ,Anything ,Texting ,Lead ,Calling ,Tips ,Thoughts ,21 ,Kim ,Safe ,Hadn T Heard A Word ,Call ,Boyfriend ,Sister ,Joke ,Parents ,Missing Persons ,Isn T Funny ,Nightclubs ,Bar Hopping ,They Weren T ,Detective ,Evening ,Asses ,Stuff ,Cell Phone ,Anywhere ,Purse ,Bar ,Wouldn ,Drinking ,House ,One Of The Girls ,Belongings ,Lees ,Guy ,We Couldn T ,Bar Closed ,Texts ,Conversations ,Text Messages ,Course ,Area ,Text ,Asking ,Screen ,Mysterious Travis ,Travis ,Circle Of Friends And Family ,White Van ,Smiley Face ,Anybody ,Point ,Messages ,Calls ,Disappearance ,Answers ,Denver Police ,Denver Investigation ,Report ,Heads ,Chickens ,Cut Off ,News ,Whereabouts ,Wife ,Mission ,Fear , ,Pistol ,Waist ,Voltaren ,Supplements ,Joints ,Emissions ,Shell Renewable Race Fuel ,Indycar ,60 ,Progress ,Shell ,Sisters ,Like ,48 ,Best Friend ,Stranger ,Half ,Story ,Help ,Nightclub ,Back ,Text Message ,8 ,Gas Station ,Cigarettes ,Dad ,My Van ,Last ,Kenya Hadn T ,Sense ,Cops Couldn T Open ,Hand ,Questions ,Travis Back ,I M On My Way ,Conoco Station ,Hands ,Knees ,Don T Sound Right ,Don T Go Down There ,Begging Me ,Station ,Confrontation ,Nerves ,Gun ,Edge ,911 ,Finding Travis Forbes ,Eyes ,Hair ,Standoff ,Weirdo ,Patiently Waiting ,Impression ,Kid ,Officer ,The Cops ,Most ,Not Tony ,Me Just Don T Sound Right ,Travis On ,Cooperative ,Meeting ,Didn T Sound ,Care ,Wish ,Travis Sidled ,Man Kenya ,Hand Out ,Sincere ,Wasn T Shanging ,Shake ,Wasn T Shaking ,Earthquake ,Quivering ,Arm ,Glucose ,Clue ,System ,Carbs ,3 ,A1c ,World ,Diabetes ,Sensor ,Confidence ,Smartphone ,Glucose Levels ,Cgm ,Freestylelibre Us ,Fingersticks ,Moisturizer ,Regeneration ,Lifts ,Jar ,Benefits ,Firms ,Wrinkles ,Try Olay Regenerist ,Olay ,10 ,Level ,Try Olay ,Recipes ,Ingredients ,Music ,Smoke Alarm ,Ones ,Memories ,Dell Ai ,Somethings ,Dove Beauty Bar ,Moisturizing Cream ,Timeless ,Dove ,1 4 ,25 ,Jessica Layton ,Countdown ,Liftoff ,Flight ,Star Liner ,Proposal ,Biden ,Cease Fire ,Protesters ,Release ,Launch Sequencer Issue ,Hostages ,Israel ,Reporter ,Kenia Monge ,Downtown Denver ,Skirt ,Shoes ,Jacket ,Red ,Couldn T Sleep ,Everywhere ,Kenia Home ,Flyers ,Nowhere ,Best ,Travis Dna Which Detective Nash Gurule ,Nash Gurule ,Search ,Police Detective ,Veteran ,Character ,Understatement ,Family Closure ,Sopranos ,City Of Denver Closure ,Detective Gurules Murder Case ,Deputy D A ,Kerri Lombardi ,Essence ,Hope ,Pressure ,Closure ,Drugs ,Samaritan ,Theft ,Rap Sheet ,Small Business ,Information , Given Kenia A Ride ,31 ,Granola Bars ,Bakery ,Monica Poole ,Space ,Business ,Wanted ,Idea ,Businessman ,Deadlines ,Marketplace ,Deliveries ,Debt ,Odd ,Monica ,Frazzled ,Girl A Ride ,Girl ,Whatever ,Crawling ,Strange ,Video ,Questioning ,Talker ,Talk Travis ,Kenia Downtown ,Smoking ,Choice ,Fellow ,Spanish ,Calm ,Sort ,Evidence ,Suspect ,Person Of Interest ,Walking ,Weirdness ,Whole ,Alibi ,Off Kenia ,Bulletins ,Bleach ,Search Warrant ,D A ,White Cargo Van ,Say ,It Reeked ,Van ,Ceiling ,Roof ,Doors ,Vacuuming ,Attention ,Least ,Dirt Road ,Dirt ,Weeds ,Dust ,Keenesburg ,Cell Phone Records ,Lombardi Pored ,40 ,Stops ,Granola Bar Delivery Route ,Detectives ,Gulches ,Fields ,Sign ,Surveillance Video ,Neighbors ,Ponds ,Trail ,Correct ,Bars ,Forbes ,Weight ,Watching ,Cv Risk ,Majority ,Studies ,Ch ,Adults ,Don T Take Ozempic ,Events ,Type 1 Diabetes ,Heart Disease ,Pens ,Needles ,Reuse ,Share ,Isn T ,14 ,Gallbladder Problems ,Stomach Pain ,Medullary Thyroid Cancer ,Lump ,Reaction ,Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome ,Neck ,Pancreatitis ,Stop Ozempic ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Blood Sugar Risk ,Nausea ,Vision Problems ,Kidney Problems ,Sulfonylurea ,Insulin ,Vomiting ,Diarrhea ,Dehydration ,Provider ,Claritin ,Imagination ,Cat Meow ,Pursuit ,Opzelura ,It S Time ,Exception ,Vitiligo ,Dream ,Pigment ,Cream ,Prescription Treatment ,Nonsegmental Vitiligo ,Fda ,Infections ,Hepatitis B ,Blood Cell ,Skin Cancer ,Counts ,Cancers ,Ability ,Lung ,Lymphoma ,Jak Inhibitors ,Acne ,Itching ,Dermatologist ,Refilling Opzelura ,Repigmentation ,Nature ,Cells ,Bones ,Bountiful ,27 ,Body ,Head ,Glow ,Digestion ,Heels ,Nature S Bounty ,Money ,Discrepancy ,Denver Bakery ,Cash Register ,Possibility ,Shop ,Tape ,Couple ,Surveillance Cameras ,Thief ,Cash ,Reason ,It ,Recorder ,Surprise ,Scrubbing ,Travis Stealing ,Monica Rewound The Tape A Little Farther ,What In The World ,Office ,Gloves ,Rubber ,Cleaning Gloves ,Handling Food ,Latex ,Elbows ,Bar Cooler ,Security System ,Look ,Freezer ,Cooler ,Employees ,Black Duct Tape ,Detective Gurule Consulted Monica ,Little Cart ,Cleaning ,Barrel ,End ,Several ,Alley ,Parking Lot ,Marijuana ,Grease Barrel ,Dna ,Crime Lab ,Fingerprints ,Behavior ,Apartment Building ,Lobby ,Surveillance ,Like A Fool ,Victim Waiting ,Hotel ,Keys ,Saw ,Date Rape Drug ,Kenia Wasn T Drunk ,100 ,Oman ,Apartment Lobby ,Dancing ,Loft ,Suspects ,Heat ,Tv Station ,Out Of The Blue ,Public ,Camera ,It S ,Trace ,Actions ,Demeanor ,Energy ,Body Language ,Interview ,Wrapping Up ,Name ,Detail ,Um ,Farm Town ,Talk ,Didn T Go ,Door ,Safe And Sound ,Phone Records ,Warrants ,Poring ,Tv Interview ,Bodies ,Lieutenant ,Teletype ,Plane ,Lo ,Wash ,Sniff ,Source ,Odor Protection ,Alternative ,Pills ,Arthritis Pain Relief Gel ,5 ,Craig ,Company ,Meg ,Medicine ,Pet Shop ,Movement ,Verizon Wireless ,T Mobile ,Real Estate ,Bird Squawks ,Fleet ,Equipment ,Bill ,Comcast Business Mobile ,At T ,70 ,Possibilities ,Smarter Savings ,Bogey Man ,Shoulders ,The Street ,Suspicions ,Strange Behavior ,Kenia Wasn T The Only One ,Arrest ,Problems ,Mind ,Law Enforcement Saying ,Bed ,Sleep ,Kenia S Family Wasn T ,Tenacious ,Somewhere ,Contact ,Dreams ,Sister Connection ,Basement ,Put ,Heart ,Dumpster Diving ,Trash Cans ,Himself A Public Fixture On Local Media ,Alleys ,Dover ,Up And Down ,Finding Kenia ,Key ,Estate ,Country ,Texas ,Austin P D ,Austin ,Fugitive Unit ,Policeman ,State License Plate ,Mexico ,Face To ,Question ,Me Nash ,Answer ,Interviews ,You Re A Jerk ,Monster ,Creep ,Sociopath ,Ia Psychopath ,Hug ,Sex ,Lawyer ,Warrant Detective Gurule ,Thanks ,Inside ,Tongue ,Car Charge ,Jail ,Extradition ,Conversation ,Fort Collins ,College Town ,Chapter ,Crime Scene ,Apartment ,Upstairs ,Ff ,Killer ,Prowl ,Shingles ,Rash ,Virus ,Ahhh ,Doesn T Care ,Nice ,Shingles Inside Them ,99 ,50 ,Everyone ,Shingrix ,Vaccine ,Shingles Doesn T Care ,Family Outing ,90 ,Fainting ,Headache ,Injection Site ,Dose ,Shivering ,Tiredness ,Fever ,Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome ,Stomach ,Pharmacist ,Poligrip ,Denture ,Discomfort ,Power Max Hold Comfort ,Dracula ,Migraine ,Qulipta ,Mouth ,Superior Hold Plus ,Pressure Absording Layer ,Bite ,Sleepiness ,Constipation ,Zero ,Keith Morrison ,Suspicion ,Detective Nash ,Little ,Everybody Else ,Charges ,Problem ,Didn T ,Gas ,Bank Records ,Credit Card ,Trip ,High Plains ,Cops ,Team ,Hometown ,Highway ,Move ,Tail ,July 1st ,Bar District ,Cars ,Jumping ,Raising ,Subject ,Police Department ,Grandparents ,Decision ,They Couldn T Know ,Fireworks Lit Up ,Sky ,Profile ,4th Of July ,Building ,Break ,Detective Jaclyn Shaklee ,Great Prkeith Morrison ,Blocks ,Pre Dawn ,July 5 2011 ,Wall ,Handles ,Closet Doors ,Trucks ,People Working ,Lydia Tillman ,Thirty Years Old ,Thirty ,Beaten ,Backyard ,Department ,Window ,Occupant ,Ambulance ,Injuries ,Hospitale ,Hospital ,Intensive Care ,Car Crash ,Condition ,Tattoo ,Calf ,Eyesockets ,Doctors ,Wrist ,Terminal ,Stabilizer ,Shattered ,Emotion ,In My Life ,Ribs ,Single ,Inner Circle ,Detective Combed Fort Collins ,Withoutun ,Whodunit ,Crickets ,Finger ,Sexual Assault ,Bedroom ,Job ,Cleaning Up ,Up In Smoke ,He Apartment ,Obwith ,Out Of The Woods Ye No ,Attacker ,Fingernails ,Smoke ,Note ,Fight ,Spite ,Out Of The Woods ,Attack ,Leads ,Detective Shaklee ,Hes ,Police ,Murder ,Fort Collins Bar District ,Shot ,Some ,Chills ,Offender Hunting Women ,Roaming Fort Collins ,Critical Care Hospital ,Youre ,Esther Hartsky ,Side ,Family Sat ,Healing ,Heal ,Classical Music ,Many ,Fighting ,Enough ,Hospital Room ,Prime Suspect ,Code ,Lydias Family ,Shoulder ,Family Members ,Girl Lydias ,Obsession ,Similarities ,Kenias ,Age ,Street ,Work ,Attacks ,Swabs ,Mother ,Dna Left ,Bureau Of Investigation ,Processing ,Fingernail ,Sample ,Four ,Deal ,Technicians ,Clock ,Buy ,Miles Away ,Sixty ,Dna Results Anxiously ,Concrete ,Im Thinking ,Friday Night ,Weekend ,Carefree ,Old Town ,Watering Holes ,Young Women ,Unaware ,Teams ,Sights ,Unworried ,Trolling ,Weekend Surveillance Teams ,Whiskey ,Bottle ,Surveillance Team ,Undercover Cops Spotted Travis ,Travis Kennedy ,Theyre ,Travis Closed In ,Guys ,Reporting ,Danger ,Cuffs ,Detective Shaklees Husband ,Im Gonna ,Phone Call ,Snow ,Notes ,Custody ,Community ,Catch ,Misdemeanor ,Arrested Forbes ,Five ,Charge ,Bail ,Questions Ine Returns ,Keia ,Sfx ,Water ,Water Lapping ,Ambient ,Emma Hayes ,Soccer Team ,Victory ,Debut ,South Korea ,0 ,Students ,Dozens ,University Of Chicago ,Gaza ,Commencement Saturday ,Protest ,Diplomas ,Involvement ,Seniors ,Pro Palestinian Encampment ,Dna Sample ,Lydia Tillmans ,Activity ,Outskirts ,Beehive ,July 2011 ,Game ,Adrenaline ,Couldnt Sit ,Technician ,Bond ,Cbi ,Ten ,Hit ,Monday ,Tv Show ,Process ,Forty ,Wow ,Adrenaline Dump ,Tears ,Word Of Travis Arrest ,Maria Lee ,Hed Go Out ,Lee Family ,News Conference ,Tell Him ,Assistant Da Lombardi ,Da Kerri Lombardi ,Manslaughter ,Case ,Attempted Murder Charge ,Assault ,Visit ,Cell ,Trial ,Animal ,Rim ,Get ,Boy 1 ,Recovery ,Local Rehab Hospital ,Boy 2 ,Hi ,Laugh ,Boy 3 ,Memory ,Fbi ,Interrogation Video ,College ,Nash ,Warrant ,Whats Up ,Chums ,Philosophy ,Religion ,Kenias Case ,Books ,Im Done ,Im Done Playing Chess With You ,Prison ,Sex Offender ,Im Coming For You ,Thats It ,Saying ,Reverse Psychology ,Im Saying ,Youre Spineless ,Formalities ,Is ,Authorities ,Crossed Ts ,Recording ,Commanders ,History ,Huh ,Disappearances ,Games ,Tension ,Cat And Mouse ,The ,The Moment Of Truth ,Blood Curdle ,Hed ,Mountains ,Trough ,Kenias Family ,Little Black Haired Girl ,Wind ,Twisting ,Little Skinny Black Haired Girl ,Corner ,Sightings ,Youve ,Accidents ,Being ,Sex Crime Charges ,Confession ,Death Penalty ,Exchange ,Investigators ,Procession ,Police Cars ,Searching The Fields ,September 2011 ,Day Travis ,Farce ,Foot ,Aircast ,2018 ,

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