On this, the most endangered democrat in america. Congressman joe baum, bowman on the lobby group is spending millions to oust him and other democrats across the country. He will join me on said in a few minutes. Gop senator mitt romney makes a Surprise Argument for why pardoning donald trump is actually good for all of us. Really . We will tell you about raga, one of the scariest Republican Groups youve never heard of. Im Ayman Mohyeldin, lets do it. Why has a primary race in one of the countrys safest congressional districts garnered National Attention All Of A Sudden . For decades, oregons Third District, which includes much of portland has been represented by this man, democratic congressman earl blumenauer. Last year, he announced his plans to retire, setting up a race for his replacement. Oregons Third District is in solidly democratic territory, meaning whoever wins next weeks primary will certainly cruise to victory in november. For much of the race, the former Multnomah County commissioner and sister of congresswoman Pramilla Jayapal is been the frontrunner. Things of shifted with millions of. Money dollars pouring into this race in support of her opponent, maxine dexter, a State Representative and a local doctor. Much of that money came from 314 action fund, a group that says it is on a mission to elect more scientists and office. So far, 314 action has spent almost 2 million in support of dr. , equal to what the pac spent on candidates the entire 2022 election cycle. Since 314 action waited until april for this lastminute spending blitz, the been able to delay disclosing the groups dollars until may 20th, just one day before the election. It is important to keep in mind that, in oregon, since oregon votes by mail, many of the votes will be cast ahead of that deadline. However, thanks to new reporting from the intercept, we now know who was behind this effort. Acquainted two sources familiar with the arrangement, the American Israel Public Affairs committee, also known as aipac, has been secretly funneling money into the race through 314 action, a move intended to directly target susheela jayapal, who has called for a ceasefire in israels war on gaza and it is part of a much larger effort from the pro israel lobby. 2024 alone, aipac is threatening to spend 100 million against congressional candidates, primarily democrats, that they deem as insufficiently supportive of israel. This week, the Group Secured its first major victory of the election season after state senator Sarah Elfreth won the credit, credit primary for marylands third congressional district. Sarah elfreth benefited from more than 4 million in spending from another pac funded by aipac, giving her a lastminute leg up over her closest opponent, somebody many of these people in this country know, former Capitol Police officer hilary dunn. He had a far higher name i. D. And secured an endorsement from former House Speaker nancy pelosi. That was no match for aipac and its group of republican billionaire backers. Sarah elfreth and Josie Kingmaker Status among democratic politics. Fresh off of that victory, aipac has set sights on instinct, new York Democratic congress meant jamal bowman. On thursday, the group dropped nearly 2 million on attack ads against jamal bowman. With that influx of funds and a challenge are handpicked by aipac, it is no surprise new york magazine, has dubbed jamal bowman the most endangered democrat in america. Congressman, it is great to have you back on the show. Thank you so much for making it here. Let me get your reaction. I want to mention a little bit of this added. There is an interesting dynamic playing here. Aipac wants to strengthen the american israel relationship. They want politicians who believe in that relationship. Notably, the ads they are running against you and others make no mention of israel. In fact, in this political article, someone, a spokesperson for the pac said we run ads on the issues voters are most focused on. If this issue is not the issue that voters are focused on, that they are not even mentioning israel, why are they going after you buy primary me you and others who are apparently more proisrael, not even talking about . They dont want israel to be criticized, they dont want israel to be held the table, they dont want anyone to mention palestine was begot for palestinian rights. We fight for the lives of all people, israeli and palestinian, jewish, christian, muslim. That is what we do. The people in the district, they decide, we decide as the people who is going to govern this district and what issues matter most to us. Because they cannot, and aipac doesnt know the district. They tried to , they are funded by republican, rightwing, racist billionaires, the same people who fund donald trump, the same people who are going after our voting rights, our reproductive rights. Those are the people who fund aipac. They are coming into black and brown communities, black and brown districts trying to buy races from the people who live there. And, its not going to work. They dont know the bronx, then dont know mount vernon, they dont know yonkers, port chester, white plains, the river towns, they dont know these areas. They try to bully their way into elections. Repeat their guy in 2020, we are going to be to their guy in this race as well. They are backing people who are Election Deniers and other district. The consistency they have is for them, it is about israel, it is not about reproductive rights, its not about resources into these communities, it is not about the integrity of american elections or the security of our elections because they are all over the place. They focus on a singular issue. You say that is not an issue that people in your District Care about or something that is going to work with the people in your district, its kind of like voting manipulation. What are the people in your District Care about . What do they care about when it comes to the issue of israel and gaza . Correct. With regards to this issue, 69 of my district supports a permanent ceasefire. 69 . The majority of the district dont want our Tax Payer Dollars and weapons, billions of dollars to go to israel two children and women and babies. They want that money to come to their district so they can build affordable housing, have access to universal childcare, universal prek, programs for kids, Mental Health support, reducing gun violence, fighting Climate Change, fully funding public schools. Thats what people in the district want. Aipac, their number one issue is israel but they pay to run ads on other issues because they are an organization that lies to the American People and the people in my district, the ads just started running this week, i was outside all day today. They are frustrated by the ads, they are mad because they know ive done 10 years of deep work in the district as a middle school principal. The people knew my record and they know my record from when i first got to congress and pledged over 1 billion to support the issues they care about. They are upset that this group and my opponent are trying to besmirch my name into take down my reputation. There ads are not going to work. Do you get the support that you need from the Democratic Party . At least for those on the outside, somebody who is an incumbent like you, someone with a track record should have at least some Institutional Party support and not allow you to get attacked by an outside Lobbying Group like aipac. We are endorsed by Hakeem Jeffries, we are endorsed by catherine clark, we are endorsed by pete aguiar, all three are very wellregarded in the district, particularly leader Hakeem Jeffries and we continue to remind voters that he has endorsed us. We are also endorsed by planned parenthood, we are endorsed by all of labor, d. C. 37, 1199, the nurses. We have a diverse, multiracial, multiethnic, multibackground Coalition Supporting our campaign. We have people, they have money. Unfortunately, when you have money, you can lie, cheat, steal, bully your way to power, which is what they have done for the last 60 years the people arent having that. Let me ask you about this report from the washington post, speaking of billionaires and their influence. The washington post, reported there was a chat group started by Wealthy Americans in the wake of the october 7th attack. According to the reporting, several of those billionaires pressed new york city mayor eric adams to send police to disperse propalestinian protests at universities. These outsiders working to influence campus protests that mayor adams warned us about . On one hand, this is a dangerous situation if you are thinking of the mayor being influenced politically or in any way to carry out this decision. He is a saying he was invited by columbia universitys president but you wonder about what is taking place behind the scenes. This is fascism. This is big money in politics. This is oligarchy. This is exactly what we are trying to end in congress and in the entire political arena. My opponent taking more money from aipac than anyone else in the country. This is big money in politics. Big money is trying to withhold and maintain power because the people on resisting that power and pushing back against every power. Dr. King told us to fight back against capitalism, militarism, and racism. That is exactly what is happening now in gaza, at the border, as we try to deport latino migrants with mass incarceration, that is continuing. With Police Brutality without any accountability. The three things dr. King told us to fight against, we are not doing it. We are not doing our job as elected officials if we are listening to what the corporate elite and the oligarchy and special interests are trying to control in our elections. We dont govern for them. We govern for the people. With regards to columbia, we govern for our children, our young people, the most Precious Resource in our country, reminding us of what happened during the Civil Rights Movement that got us civil rights and voting rights. It was protest reminding us what happened during that time that got us out of the vietnam war. They are trying to fight for peace. We should be supporting them. Congressman jamal bowman, always a pleasure to see you, good to have you on the show as always. Coming up, romney are doing for a trump pardon, does it hold any weight . Weight . Sleep number does that. Now, save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, 0 interest for 36 months. Shop now at sleepnumber. Com you know whats brilliant . Boring. Think about it. Boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. What straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space . Boring does. Boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. Because its smart, dependable, and steady. All words you want from your bank. For nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled. Which is pretty unboring if you think about it. 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He argued that, as you saw, it wasnt the role of the senate to convict a former president but that trump would face accountability in the courts. Fast forward to this week and Mitch Mcconnell told cbs news he stood by his past comments. All the also this week, another gop politician went on this network with a very different take on the fate of donald trump. Here is senator mitt romney, often described as a moderate or reasonable republican statesman speaking with my colleague, msnbcs stephanie ruhle. I think President Biden made an enormous error. He should have fought like crazy to keep this persecution from going forward. It was a winwin for donald trump. Had i been President Biden, i would have immediately pardoned him. I would have pardoned president. Joining me now to discuss this, Michelle Goldberg, msnbc political analyst and columnist at the New York Times and columnist at the daily beast and cohost of the podcast democracy ish. Michelle, i will start with you. And what Fantasy Universe Where Pardoning Donald Trump would have magically unified the country and helped as he home, according to mitt romney, what planet is he living on . I think the question is what decade is he living in . Hes living in the 1970s. He clearly thinks that, he seems to think that gerald ford did the right thing in pardoning richard nixon, whereas i think that in part of the richard nixon, gerald ford established a president of residential immunity for crimes committed in office that is now coming back to bite us in that you have donald trump, who has committed crimes seems to have committed crimes, has allegedly committed crimes before he was in office, during his time in office, since he was in office. And, one of the reasons that he is enjoying continued impunity, people clutch their pearls at the idea of this man being treated like any other criminal defendant. Also, it is very strange that he would say that given the fact that donald trump is raising two trials in which the president cannot pardon him, the one in manhattan and the one in georgia and, if that continues to proceed. It is interesting to see he thinks by pardoning him on this, the classified documents and the Community Trial in d. C. That somehow or the January 6th Trial that January 6th Trial goes right to the heart of, Critic System of government. I can almost imagine an argument if the president had the power to pardon him in the new york case. The dont have to agree but that is easier to get your head around. The idea that somebody can attempt a coup and then have that just washed away in time for them to attempt it again is mindboggling. You made the point that i was going to make much more clearly. I appreciate you jumping in and saying that because that is except for what i was going to try to say. To that point, i want to play other clip of mitt romney individual reaction. It would make me come up President Biden, the big guy and the person i pardoned the little guy. What you make of that mindset from mitt romney . If thats the Case Operating under a mindset that there is a big guy and a little guy as opposed to what does the law say, what does our country need in terms of Holding Politicians and leaders accountable to send a message to the world that no one is above the law in this country . I think mitt romney is on planet which the premises and it has been a very lucrative planet for the worst of the worst in american history, especially for white, wealthy, privileged and ofttimes racist in the same country that rehabilitated Jefferson Davis and robert e lee, traitors, by the way, who lost the war. Same country im old enough that has ability to george w. Bush that i believe committed war crimes in the disastrous war in iraq and now hes seen as an eccentric painter who gives toffee to michelle obama. I wonder what is going to happen to trump in 10 years. He will probably be seen as an outspoken man who spoke to the anger of the people, right . This is what happens when you allow a radicalized i would say racist, authoritarian movement to keep us hijacked by their rates. What the majority want instacart ability. They dont want Double Standards, they want equal standards. When it comes to donald trump, hes facing 88 terminal indictments in 4 different criminal cases. He has already been held liable for defamation and rape and he owes the state of new york 500 million to fraud. The rest of us are looking at this stage and why is this man not being held accountable and how has he been allowed to fail up his entire life . Mitt romney, last thing i will say, the man who in his book written by mckay coppens, admitted he has to spend his own money for Security Detail because the race threatens him and other republicans, is now keeping for donald trump, the man who has thrown him onto the bus. I hope, i hope mitt romney at least sees that the reason why most of us want to cut ability is so we see a fair criminal Justice System where a man who tried to do a violent insurrection failed and was held accountable. I think hes going to escape but we need some account ability. It is very disappointing to see mitt romney say that. Michelle, i want to go back to what you mentioned. It is something our friend of the show, msnbc daily writer hayes brown debunked when he said that the gop Talking Point that Gerald Ford Pardoning Nixon was popular and unifying. He notes fors Approval Rating never fully recovered from the massive hit it initially took after the pardon. Not only was it politically dumb for him to do that, it did not heal the country because, as you mentioned, we are now suffering the consequences of that. Also, i mean, look, joe biden is going into a reelection where a huge part of his argument is that donald trump is a threat to democracy. That is a much harder argument to make if you have just pardoned him for his biggest threat that he posed to democracy. There so much Cognitive Dissonance there. I understand, i dont think, look, i dont think mitt romney wants to help donald trump. I think he fears and detests donald trump but i also think that he has a view of how to reestablish medical normality that is stuck in the past. Please dont go anywhere, we have a lot more to discuss. Next, worst of the week after a quick break. 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The gop bloodthirsty rhetoric against palestinians taken to new lows with some lawmakers suggesting dropping Nuclear Bombs on gaza. The latest gop lawmaker to indulge in this violent fantasy was congressman craig murphy of north carolina, evoked the infamous Hiroshima And Nagasaki bombings when discussing gaza on newsmax. Take a listen. If you look at what Imperial Japan did to the united states, we came back and said basically, you are going to have to unconditionally surrender. When they didnt, we had to drop two atomic bombs on them. This is where israel has every single right in the world to press this conflict further to eliminate hamas in whatever means they need necessary. This comes, of course, just days after senator Lindsey Graham told Meet The Press Moderator Kristen Welker that israel should do whatever it has to do while comparing the war in gaza to world war ii. When we were faced with destruction as a nation after pearl harbor, fighting the germans and the japanese we decided to end the war by bombing Hiroshima And Nagasaki with Nuclear Weapons. That was the right decision. Give israel the bombs they need to and the warmth they cant afford to lose. Just to be clear here, murphy and graham arent outliers, speaking about gaza, far right, richmond tim wahlberg of michigan said, it should be like nagasaki and, get it over quick. This fantasy to nuke gaza shouldnt be shocking coming from the right in this country right now. It is a combination of a month Long Campaign where we have seen republicans move further and further to the right since october 7th. Whether it is senator tom cotton saying israel can bounce the rubble in gaza, max miller suggesting palestine be eviscerated and turned into a parking lot, while Congressman Brian must insisting babies killed in gaza are not innocent. That is where the republicans are today. This crisis has allowed the republicans to go mask off and engage in the most violent, hateful fantasies and that is why they are the worst of the week. My panel is back with me. Wajahat ali, i will get your reaction to this unhinged suggestion. It is getting worse and worse by the day. Going back to your last segment, you know how israel can prove it is the big guy . It is by Giving Palestine the path toward selfdetermination and freedom. You know how republicans can be the big guy . By treating palestinians like human beings. Press can show genocidal statements like they just revealed that have been consistently said out loud by senator graham, senator cotten, max miller you know, brian must, and others where they have talked about turning gaza into a parking lot, leveling it, turning it into rubble. Maybe, just maybe, im a little crazy, i admit this, i might be a bit radical, maybe these elected officials have a lot more power and sway and should have our focus as compared to nonviolent College Protesters who are against the war. Maybe one nonviolent College Protesters who used the word intifada is not the same as senator graham talking about dropping a nuke on gaza, which already before the war was suffering from a humanitarian crisis and has been compared to an open air prison or a concentration camp. That is just mean. I might be crazy. It is such a good point, the Point Wajahat Ali brings up about College Students. We hear from the same republicans all the time about our democrats and how College Students are fomenting violence, they are the ones advocating violence, they are the ones promoting extremism when they are protesting on behalf of palestinians or antiwar protests on college campuses. But, you actually have politicians who have real power who can actually impact policy and money and weapons transfers but they are the ones calling for this unspeakable violence. They think it is acceptable. I dont think it is a secret that there has long been an atrocious Double Standard in American Media and politics when it comes to how we talk about the palestinians versus how we talk about the israelis. What i think is so dangerous about what, about these genocidal comments, i mean, besides just that they are repulsive, is it sends a message to the right wing in israel, including Benjamin Netanyahu that if they can just hold out for six more months, then they can do whatever they want. Even if you have the Current Administration imperfectly and frustratingly to a lot of people, theres obviously so much more that the Biden Administration could do to put pressure on israel, but the pressure that they have put on israel, these republicans are basically saying go ahead and resist that. In one of their words, do whatever you want. I also think it is important for people to remember, i know that people who care about this war and care about gaza and care about the palestinians are so angry at joe biden right now and theres a lot of people who say they could never vote for him. But, and people can vote for who they want but i just think it is really important for people to remember that it can always get worse. It can be as horrific as it has been so far, it could be so much worse if you have israel operating with no dramatic restraints whatsoever. If you had an american president who is echoing those same calls of saying to nuke gaza and have them support the way that Lindsey Graham is saying it, it could get worse it republicans, to your point, republicans are quick to censure congresswoman Rashida Tlaib but you dont hear a peep about censoring Lindsey Graham or murphy for calling on Nuclear Weapons to be used against innocent men, women, and children. It is not just democrats. Lets be honest, you, me, anyone who is muslim, arab, brown skin has been called hamas, just consistently. Democrats who espouse something of a propalestinian sentiment, crushed. Nonviolent College Protesters called antisomatic. Theres 10 to 1 headlines on that compared to the weaponization event the semitism to crush pro Palestinian Protesters by actual enticements. I will call these republicans antisemites because they have voluntarily and deliberately promoted Conspiracy Theories like the replacements. That has been used to legalize terrorists to commit violence against communities. No one calls them out on that. No one has it on a daily repeat that donald trump, who might become the next president , openly had dinner with one of the leading antisemites and that elise stefanik, when asked to condemn him, refuses. But, no, we have to look at the alleged antisemitism of anyone who espouses any sentiment that is critical of israel. That is the Double Standard that i think the Younger Generation is saying enough is enough. I have gone through it our entire career, weve seen Muslim Congress people go through it, this blatant genocidal rhetoric that you just recorded, it is their own quote, not a single coverage. So, i hope the Double Standard is shown for what it is and i hope this racism is finally condemned across the board. Michelle, we heard earlier this week corpsman steve scalise, who was with johnson, elise stefanik, basically saying if you are not supporting israel, you are supporting hamas. This is a throwback to the infamous 2003 you are either with us or with the terrorists. Right and i think that they remember how those politics operated for republicans in the immediate aftermath of 9 11 and would very much like to repeat that. It is a style of politics that brooks no dissent, that labels huge numbers of americans outside the national consensus. And i think it is also worth noting that what both the far right in israel, although not just the far right but the right in israel and the right in america, but they are essentially arguing is from the river to the sea, a Greater Israel from the jordan river to the mediterranean sea. But, nobody when you are talking about eliminating the palestinian presence in that part of the world, it doesnt evoke the same sort of hysteria as when palestinians dream of regaining the land that they lost. Michelle, wajahat ali, we will squeeze in another round the first of the week. This one may just take the crown. Stay with us. What Tractor Supply customers experience is personalized service. Made possible by tmobile for business. With tmobiles reliable 5g business internet. Employees get the information they need instantly. This is how business goes further with tmobile for business. [music playing] tiffany my daughter is mila. She is 19 months old. She is a little ray of sunshine. One of the happiest babies youll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with Down Syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. And here we are. Marlo thomas st. 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First up, for right missouri Secretary Of State candidate valentina gomez, the election denying candidate already made a name for herself this year when she released a campaign ad featuring her setting lgbtq inclusive books on fire with a flamethrower. This week, she took her homophobic rhetoric to a new low with this new campaign ad. We normally would not so Something Like this but it is almost unbelievable someone running for office would actually say Something Like this that we had to show it to you. In america, you can be anything you want. So dont be weak and. Stay hard. To add insult to injury, gomez found that at well running through the soulard district of st. Louis, a historically lgbtq neighborhood. Next up, we have canceled the Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, who took the opportunity to inspire the future generation of American Students by railing against abortion, covid19 lockdown, and pride month before even the female graduates this aspirational advice. I want to speak directly to you briefly because i think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all of the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career . Some of you may go on to the successful careers in the world but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. In response to that backlash to Harrison Butker speech, the nfl. This speech saying his views are not those of the nfl as an organization. The nfl is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger. Lets bring back Michelle Goldberg and wajahat ali. Who are you going with four worst of the week . Im going to go with gomez, who i think is a representative of what the Republican Party has become. I had a column this week where i wrote about a tiktok video that johnny mcginty, likely to be the gatekeeper for jobs if there is a second Trump Administration, he used it to be Donald Trumps body man, the person who carried his bags, rose up to become very, very powerful in the last days of the Trump Administration pd made this video where he talked about driving around with fake money that he gives to Homeless People so that if they spend it, they will be arrested. This kind of stupid, vulgar cruelty has become sort of the currency, if you will, of Donald Trumps Republican Party. Wajahat ali, who do you have is your pick between the two and then we will break it down. My pick is samuel alito of the Supreme Court. But then, too soon . I second pick would have to be valentina gomez, only because Harrison Butker isnt running for office and he won a Super Bowl Ring and i could maybe blame a concussion. With valentina gomez, she is followed in the footsteps of donald trump. I dont know if you saw, she also says she is a huge christian. This is apparently these christian values on display, marking the week, picking homophobic, pretty much being war your jesus with your machine gun you know, wearing the bulletproof vest, cosplaying as duke nukem and burning books, which is the nazis data. She knows this role of being hateful, vindictive, vulgar, ugly, cruel might bring her a seat and might win her favor with fox news and the base. Michelle, i struggled about this one, which is do you talk about what people like her are saying and doing in Campaign Videos the way they are using hate to try and promote themselves and then recover it and they get National Attention or do you try to ignore it and then these people in the small circles in which they run still win, still get platforms, still get awareness and come into power and everyone then says oh my god, how did we not know that this person was so hateful and homophobic, how do you, what is the right thing to do here . I dont think that you ignore it. I think of that, you know, i think the fact, donald trump, there was a moment after january 6 where donald trump was taken off platforms, people thought if they stopped sharing the things that he said on social media, reacting, letting him drive the news cycle, that that would somehow diminish his power. I think we saw pretty clearly that that doesnt work. It is just not up to liberals, i guess, or people who want to preserve some vestige of american democracy to kind of close our eyes and hope that these people go away. It is true that you make a video like that because you want earned media, you want people to talk about it. You are feeding on the outrage. Nevertheless, i think the Republican Party has to answer for the incentives it is creating. Im glad you said that because i was kind of torn about it. I didnt want to platform it but i want people to know that these are people running for important positions in state and local offices and this is the kind of hate they are spewing to get elected. Theres a Double Standard here as well because it is funny how the same right wingers who had a problem with black athletes kneeling or discussing politics, whether it is Colin Kaepernick and others suddenly love Harrison Butkers political speech. Im going to give you none other than laura ingram as an example. Watch this. It is always unwise to seek political advice from someone who gets paid 100 million a year to bounce a ball. Keep the political commentary to yourself. They are singling out a player for expressing his constitutionally protected views on family, faith, and parenthood. Does anyone have any idea why she might be coming lebron james and others to shut up but Harrison Butker, he has free speech . Any ideas why . The remarkable 180. That is a good example and i was going to quote her and im glad you have good researchers and producers that brought the clip. I think it is a perfect example of the bad faith of these right wing hypocrites. They claim to be free speech defenders but it is free speech for us and not for you. Civility for me, not for you. Safe space for me, not for you. The popculture analogy i will give is the Charlie Brown episode where Charlie Brown says lucy, you wont pick up the football and lucy says no, i wont, guess what she does, she picks up the football, Charlie Brown falls flat. The majority is Charlie Brown. Right wing is lucy. We keep falling for it, which is why i think it is imperative to expose it, to call it out, to name it and so the Double Standards. The more and more you do it, i think the majority will become more aware and we will be done with this both sides fallacy, which is complete nonsense. Certainly hope so. Michelle goldberg, wajahat ali, thank you so much for sticking around. Thank you. Up next, a lowkey Republican Group quietly dismantling all of our rights. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. Thats great. I know, ive bee telling everyone. Baby liberty. Oh baby liberty. How many people did you tell . Only pay for what you need. Jingle liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Baby liberty. 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The Attorney General returned home, she told local reporters no Taxpayer Dollars were used for the trip. If taxpayers didnt foot the bill, who did . According to berts campaign, the Iowa Attorney general invited, attended the trial at the invitation of the Republican Attorneys general association, also known as raga. If you are not familiar with raga, youre not alone. Justice correspondent for the nation, eli mystal done it one of the most dangerous groups of never heard of. The raga helps identify candidates, support their efforts to win elections, works to impose National Republican priorities at the state level. That is not all. As Attorneys General, these elected officials wield immense power, acting as their states top Law Enforcement officials. It is a power raga is using to wage a nationwide legal war against not just democratic priorities but our democracy itself. Right now, the association represents more than half of the countrys Attorney Generals who have banded together to file countless the baseless lawsuits against the Biden Administration, challenging everything from Background Checks to protection for lgbt q students. The group also recently sent a letter to the federal Aviation Administration suggesting that the ei measures were put in american passengers at risk. According to a recent report, rightwing Attorneys General have used their power to stall and stifle liberal ballot measures, preventing voters from having their say on important issues like arkansas Republican Attorney general tim griffins efforts to undercut a Ballot Initiative that would require or transparency from Government Officials by Guaranteeing Voters a right to public information. Attacking democracy isnt anything new for raga. Before january the sixth and the insurrection on that date, the groups went missing on sent a robo call inviting people to march onto the u. S. Capitol. Prior to that in a late 2020 Texas Attorney general ken paxton joined by seven other Republican Attorney general filed an Emergency Motion with the Supreme Court to overturn joe bidens victories in four states. Raga members have come under fire for what some describe as running a pay to play operation. The group has been caught Filing Lawsuits in support of business interests that help fund the organization, including fossil fuel companies, opposing Climate Change roles. Raga ricks and millions of dollars from the concorde , a Nonprofit Funding Vehicle Run by none other than conservative activist and former head of the federalist society, leonard leo. Yes, that is of the same leonard leo responsible for the conservative takeover of todays Supreme Court. It is the same leonard leo who is currently being investigated by the democratic washington, d. C. Attorney general for his alleged shady tax dealings. Shortly after the probe was announced, 12 Attorney Generals from across the country questioned the d. C. Attorney general standing in this case. As you may have guessed, all of those Attorneys General are current or former raga members. As bleak as all of this sounds , as eli mystal points out, there is a reason to have a little bit of hope. Unlike Supreme Court justices, Attorneys General are not reported to their post or protect the buying left and tenure, meaning they serve at the will of the people. With major Attorney General races in north carolina, pennsylvania, indiana, missouri, even west virginia, come november, voters will soon have their chance to actually rein in raga. Thank you for making time for us this evening. Make sure to come back tomorrow night at 7 00 p. M. Eastern on msnbc. Congressman jamie raskin will join me to discuss the firestorm surrounding Justice Samuel alito after reports surfaced and inverted American Flag was flying outside his home in the days following the january 6th y it. Until then, im Ayman Mohyeldin in new york, have a good night. Night. Were still going for that nice catch. Were still going for that perfect pizza. And with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,. Were going for a better treatment than warfarin. Eliquis. Eliquis reduces stroke risk. And has less major bleeding. Over 97 of Eliquis Patients did not experience a stroke. Dont Stop Taking Eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an Artificial Heart Valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking, you may bruise more easily. Or take longer for bleeding to stop. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. 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