Where were all going to be together. Tvs dont get turned off this week. Exactly. Ill see you tomorrow, speaking of. I shall. Thanks, jen, appreciate it. And thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. Really happy to have you here. Super tuesday of course is tomorrow, State Of The Union is on thursday. On friday the leading republican president ial candidate has invited to his home the authoritarian dictator of hungary for a visit. It really is going to be a big week. Did you see the movie Black Panther . I heard about that movie in fact, when i saw the trailer for that movie, i thought this is not my kind of movie. Im not into Superhero Stuff at all. Im not into like alternate worlds and Magic Elements and, you know, things that give you superhuman powers and flying and stuff. Like i just its just not my thing, but i watched it anyway, and i absolutely loved it. I watched it one weekend and then i went back the next weekend and i watched it again. Black panther is fantastic. Even if you dont like movies like that. Its the first ever Superhero Movie to receive an oscar nomination for best picture, totally deserved it. I say that as a not superhero person, a fantastic and landmark film. Here is the serving republican Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina on that movie, on Black Panther. He says it is both created by an agnostic jew and put to film by a satanic marxist. He calls it, quote, this trash that was only created to pull the shekels out of your schvartze pocketsment ladies and gentlemen, the republican the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina. Tomorrow on super tuesday, hes actually going to be running in the North Carolina primary to try to become his partys nominee for governor of the great state of North Carolina. Here he is calling survivors of school gun massacres, quote, media prostitots as in prostitutes but prostitots. He calls them spoiled little bastards who need to shut up. This is for kids who lived through a School Shooting that killed 17 of their classmates, they need to shut up. He calls Public School teachers, quote, wicked people, and not for nothing, he says this about the holocaust. He says, quote, Hitler Disarming Millions Of Jews and then marching them off to Concentration Camps is a bunch of hogwash. He is the Republican Partys leading candidate to be their partys nominee for governor of the state of North Carolina. He will be on the ballot tomorrow in that state. Hes already Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina. On friday in florida, republicans in that state Legislature Passed yet another new law to restrict any teaching about racism in the United States. This happened just this past friday just a couple of days ago in florida, and in the debate over this new florida bill, one republican Florida State representative said that while this bill overall will restrict teaching about racism and things like slavery in florida, he said there is one specific thing that he wanted to make sure is included in Public Education in florida from here on out. He said while he supports this bill, he does want to make sure everybodys aware that slaves were paid. That slaves were, quote, paid for their work. And so he wants to make sure thats taught in schools. And then he voted for the bill. This of course comes in florida after the states republican governor tried to claim during his president ial campaign that there were actually a lot of underappreciated benefits of slavery for the people who were enslaved. Now in the state legislature, republicans are saying that slaves, you know, among other things, it seems like they made a pretty good living because they were paid. The chair of the Florida Democratic party put out a statement in response clearly just mystified saying, quote, Florida Republicans are hell bent on teaching our children that slavery wasnt bad. And it is hard to argue. I know, its insane, but it keeps happening. Pop over to oklahoma, in Oklahoma Republicans control the State Government there too, and like just about everywhere, thats true, Oklahoma Republicans have now banned abortion in almost every circumstance, but that apparently is not enough for them. Oklahoma republicans are now moving a new bill that would create a State Registry of every woman who does still find a way to get an abortion. I wonder what Oklahoma Republicans will want to do with a State Database of women who have undergone abortions. Im sure they want it for only the most respectful and responsible reasons. Other lawmakers are warning that the way the oklahoma bill is written, it looks like its also in addition to creating a registry of women who have had abortions, it also seems intended to ban Contraception Including forms of contraception like the iud. Thats what Oklahoma Republicans are up to. In alabama, you may remember the nine republican justices on the Alabama Supreme Court issued a unanimous ruling that effectively outlawed Fertility Treatment in that state, after alabamas Supreme Court republicans did that, democrats in congress, in washington, introduced federal legislation to protect Fertility Treatment and protect ivf. That legislation was blocked by republican u. S. Senator cindy hydesmith. You know, after the Alabama Supreme Court ruling, all the republicans came out and said how much they valued Fertility Treatment, how much they valued ivf. They wanted to make sure theyd protect it, but then they blocked protection for it when it came up in congress while republican judges in alabama are outlawing it in that state. Seriously, do not bother paying attention to what they say. Watch only what they do. They can say all they want about how much they want to protect Fertility Treatments and ivf when they have a chance to ban it, their actions speak a lot louder than their words. There are 219 republicans in congress right now. In the house theres 219. Of that 219 number of republicans, 125 of them are cosponsors of legislation that would ban ivf. And arguably many popular forms of contraception as well. 125 house republicans, more than half the republicans in the house cosponsored that, including the republican speaker of the house. 125 of them. 195 of them voted against contraception full stop. The right to Contraception Act was introduced by democrats after the republican appointees on the u. S. Supreme court overturned roe versus wade. The right to contraception, only eight republicans in congress voted for that. 195 voted against. And lets just stick with Health Care Just for a second. Florida again, florida they are now contending with a super worrying outbreak of measles. Measles like its the 1800s or something. One of the most transmissible pathogens on earth, and one we dont typically have to worry about anymore in this country because for 60 fricken years weve had a totally effective vaccine against measles, except in Florida Republicans picked a very special state Surgeon General whos now telling florida parents, who am i to suggest that perhaps kids should be vaccinated against measles. Yesterday the Florida Department of health released a letter from Surgeon General dr. Joseph latipo emphasizing how contagious measles is, but did not urge parents to vaccinate their children. He does not which is an interesting letter from a Surgeon General. Beyond who am i to say your kids should be vaccinated, the handpicked handrepublicanpicked florida Surgeon General wouldnt even say that kids with measles should stay home from school, while theyre infectious and symptomatic with one of the most transmissible potentially fatal pathogens known to mankind. Measles in florida. Not to be outdone, now the Republican Partys leading president ial candidate is saying on the stump that he will withhold funding, withhold all funding, not a penny from any school anywhere in america if kids have to be vaccinated to come to school. Kids have to be vaccinated all over the country everywhere against measles and mumps and polio. I mean, its been true for decades. Its been true for generations, but just in case youve been missing, i dont know, iron lungs, the Republican Party is raring to go this Election Year with a new measles and polio for all the kids plan. And you know, what swing state busy mom and dad isnt going to want to get the whole family to lick that doorknob and vote gop this november with that kind of platform on offer to American People. Can we get a smallpox over here, how about some tetanus for the little ones, Whooping Cough like its going out of style. I do want to give the missouri Republican Party a little bit of a shoutout, though, a little salute, a little stiff armed salute perhaps. This gentleman, not the one in the klan robe with a sheet over his head, but the guy next to him, and you can see him also in this photo, he is not the guy with the full klan neonazi uniform on with the tie on the right, no, hes the guy next to him. You can see if you put the images next to each other, hes got the same little thing on in both images, the glasses around his neck. So that guy, the one who with the burning cross behind him is making the roman salute with the clansman and the neonazi uniform guy with the neonazi flag, he is running for the republican nomination for governor of the great state of missouri. And i said i wanted to shout out the missouri Republican Party here and i do because they are now frantically trying to remove him from the ballot so the neonazi klan guy cant be their republican nominee for governor. Once they announced that they were trying to get him off the ballot, he responded this weekend saying, quote, the gop knew exactly who i am. Republicans in missouri including the missouri Secretary Of State are trying to get him off the ballot now fast while also trying to explain away what appear to be themselves taking pictures with that guy, while he says you knew exactly who i was. Do you want one from georgia . In Georgia Republicans there are on the cusp of approving a new license plate, a new official license plate for the state of georgia, and this one comes with a little history. In 1944, right, this is the apex of the allies final push to defeat the nazis and win world war ii when fdr was running for his fourth term in office, the republicans ran thomas dewey against him in the 1944 election, there was also a third party in the mix in 1944. They ran a preacher for president in 1944 who called haims christian nationalist. He ran on a platform that said all American Jews should be forcibly sterilized and we did ported from the United States. That party was called the America First party. Around the same time, there was also an Organization CalledAmerica First incorporated, America First inc. , the leader of that group received a patent for a club that he said was specifically designed to murder jews in america. He patented it in mens and ladies sizes. He called it the kike killer, forgive me. He ran an Organization CalledAmerica First inc. Both those organizations, America First party and America First inc. In the 1940s were trial to capitalize with the notoriety and name recognition of the America First committee, which at one point had very popular in the United States but it started to wobble a little bit after its Chief Spokesman in 1941 Charles Lindbergh gave a big speech in iowa saying the only reason we were going to end up fighting in world war ii is because the jews were going to make us do it. The America First committee, and the America First party and America First inc. Georgia republicans are about to approve a new taxpayer supported Official State Georgia license plate that says America First on it. The Republican Party is kind of amazing right now. No matter where you look, no matter what state you look, heres another, my friend david corn at mother jones pointed this one out to me. I had not seen it before. This was last week at cpac. It was a man named steven moore speaking who is a trump adviser. One of the most evil Left Wing Organizations in america is the aarp. Right. And i want to make sure that we have were going to make a pact here today. I want to make sure that nobody joins the aarp. Whats the most evil organization in america . The retired people . The aarp. The American Association of retired persons, right . Thats the true evil that must be destroyed. What did he call it . One of the most evil organizations in america. Left wing, i want to make sure nobody joins the aarp. We must make a pact. The American Association of retired persons is the true evil that must be destroyed. Contraception, youre trying not to have a baby, thats over. Ivf if youre trying to have a baby, thats over too. The Holocaust Deniers should be the republican nominee for governor, the sterilized the jews and deport that movement should be memorialized on Official State Georgia license plates. We want really, really, really small government thats nevertheless big enough to make an Oklahoma State registry of every woman whos ever had an abortion, and well tell you later what were going to do with it. Slaves had it great actually. Slavery wasnt so bad. Let Florida Republicans tell you about it. Its retirees, its the aarp thats the real evil in america. Tetanus and measles, honestly, theyre kind of cute when its for babies. And did i mention that on friday the leader of the Republican Party, the next republican president ial nominee is going to host at his home the authoritarian dictator of hungary because dictators are kind of a thing for those guys right now, like polio is. Were back. I mean, the Republican Party is going through some things right now, right up to the top, and in every state in the country. And today we received another reminder that theres nothing magic that will fix it. Theres no magic wand. Theres no, you know, full stop legal remedy that is going to stop the Republican Party from being this way or that is going to stop them from ascending to take The White House again with donald trump at their helm. The United StatesSupreme Court ruled today, as expected, that the part of the 14th Amendment that says you cant hold federal office if you took part in trying to overthrow the government of the United States, the court ruled today that Donald Trumps role in the january 6th insurrection isnt enough on its own to trigger that constitutional protection, perhaps nothing is. So even the states can keep candidates off the ballot for lots of other constitutional reasons like being too young or not being a citizen or whatever. With this one, with the trying to overthrow the government and being banned for life from federal office because of it, like the constitution says in its plain language, on this one hes fine. Thats what the Supreme Court said today because, of course they did. And if youre a trump fan, if youre a republican, if you are hoping for a return to power for donald trump in this Republican Party, todays Supreme Court ruling was of course great news. The bad news on the other side of it is that everybody can see what the Republican Party is like right now under donald trump, and he doesnt just get the presidency, thanks to the court trying to help him get it. He still does have to run for it. We are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will will be er. Er. That was this weekend. Did you just see maduro, ven its unbelievable. He also slipped into admitting or thinking or positing once again that he is running against president obama rather than president biden, he does this all the time, and you can hear from him making that mistake, making that same error again, you can hear from the crowd as theyre listening to him that they have no idea what to make of this. Theyre just silent while he keeps going with it. Putin, you know, has so little respect for obama that hes starting to throw around the nuclear, you heard that, nuclear, hes starting to talk nuclear weapons. The crowd is like, do we cheer for Him Pronouncing Nuclear . Should we just agree that hes running against obama since he keeps saying obama all the time . Should we clap . When the republican front runner remembers that its a man named joe biden who hes running against and not barack obama, the whole basis for that campaign against biden, as you know, is that bidens out of it, that bidens old and stuff. Trumps 77, bidens 81. A new ap poll out says six in ten voters has worries about the mental capacity of each of them. 57 of voters have that worry about trump. 63 say they have that worry about biden. The margin of error in this poll is just over 4 , and so yeah, its kind of a tie. I think the headline here in the ap story about this today is about right. About six in ten voters in america have worries about both of these old dudes maybe being too old and out of it. But thats who the two parties are running, so pick one. Right . Pick one. Thats your choice. Pick one. You have lots of grounds on which to choose. They have also, you know, both been president , which is a rare thing you get to choose from among president ial candidates. But that lets us compare them. In the past three plus years that joe biden has been president , weve got unemployment below 4 , best job market since depending on the count, the 1960s. Violent crime at nearly a 50year low. The United States has had the best economic recovery since covid of any large country in the world. The stock market has hit record after record, more americans have Health Insurance than ever before. Hes standing up against putin, whos one of the least Popular Figures in the world with american voters. Hes fighting for reproductive rights, which is something even Red State Voters say they want, while republicans are stripping those rights aggressively everywhere. Hes cutting Student Loan Debt while republicans are trying to stop him from doing that. He has brokered and signed the biggest bipartisan infrastructure deal ever in the history of the country. Unions have never been more popular in my entire lifetime, and im old and hes the first president ever to join the picket line with striking autoworkers who then won their strike and then endorsed him. His Democratic Party has outperformed the polls and outperformed history in the midterms and in all of the off year elections since he has been president. While on the other side, his opponent has been indicted 91 times, and dont forget that his opponent was just president right before this, which we remember. And even if we dont, in the threeplus years that hes been gone from The White House, we have learned some really doozies about what exactly was going on there. The new photos released showing boxes of documents stashed in a ballroom, even a bathroom at his maralago home. Indictment saying among the classified documents found in the boxes information about u. S. Nuclear programs. I overheard the president Say Something to the effect of, you know, i dont effing care that they have weapons. Theyre not here to hurt me. Take the everything mags away, let my people in. They can march the capitol from here. Let the people in, take the effing mags away. A 2 billion investment that president trump, former president trumps soninlaw Jared Kushner secured last summer from a fund led by the crown prince of saudi arabia has raised questions about the ethics of postwhite house business dealings. We are back with cassidy hutchinson, what was mark meadows burning every day . Yeah, i wish i knew, nicolle. There were several times i would walk into marks office and i would see him putting papers into the fireplace. Eventually it culminated, the long simmering break between he and myself in june of 2020 when he wanted to deploy active duty troops on the street of washington, d. C. , and suggested actually that we Shoot Americans in the streets. He suggested that we deploy active duty troops in washington and Shoot Americans in the streets says his defense secretary, and white house Chief Of Staff was regularly burning documents in The White House fireplaces and the soninlaw mysteriously getting a 2 million l present, and hes stashing classified documents about Americas Nuclear programs at home in a bathroom and then refusing to give them back, and hes explicitly asking for armed people to be let into the crowd he was going to direct to go to congress to overthrow the government to try to keep him in power. Those are just those are just thats just a sprinkling of the things we have learned about his time in office since he left office. Today theres actually another one, new reporting from Rolling Stone, look at this headline. Trumps white house was awash in speed. And i dont mean speed as in efficiency. I mean speed as in everyone was on drugs. Who wants those guys back in The White House . Because the two major parties are going to nominate someone, and you got to pick one, which would you prefer . You have to pick one. Were actually going to speak with the lead reporter from that Rolling Stone story in just a moment. But i will just leave you with this. Theres no magic spell. Theres no solution that is going to come, say, from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court did the favor of reminding us all of that today when they ruled that trump will stay on the ballot all over the country. They gave us that reminder today after last week they made sure we knew it in the first place when they somewhat inexplicably took action to delay all the trump criminal trials except the one they couldnt stop until after the election. Theres no magic wand coming to stop this thing. Theres no, you know, magic beans that you can grow here that make some bean stalk take us away from all of this. Theres only one way out of this, pick one. The Democratic Party has picked its nominee. Yes, its an old guy who is doing practical, normal, and popular things as president and who has a lot to show for it, particularly in terms of how well things are going economically since he has been at the helm. The Republican Party is pretty obviously picking their guy as well, also an old guy who, for example, cannot say the word venezuela, and who has no idea who is the current president of the United States. Currently riding high on his partys Abortion Bans and measles curious viral Oj Cal Denialist free associating, hes trying to warm the American People up to the idea of Just A Little Bit of dictatorship from him, and hes getting us ready to, you know, Start Building camps to hold millions because his advisers say the deportations start at noon on day one. The courts are not going to help. The law will be a side bar to the main decision. You will make this decision. The only way this decision will be made is by you picking one, by you a volunteering and donating and campaigning and deciding it matters enough to you to not only vote but to help, to help your candidate try to win. The Republican Party really, really is amazing right now. But the only thing that will stop them is democrats winning instead. Period. Full stop. Thank you United StatesSupreme Court for the clarification in the campaign, if we didnt know it already, the Campaign Starts now. We are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will be oh. Tech cracked windshield . Schedule with safelite, and well come to you to fix it. Tech vo this customer was enjoying her morning walk. We texted her when we were on our way. She could track us and see exactly when wed arrive. Woman i have a few more minutes. Lets go tech vo we came to her with service that fit her schedule. Woman you must be pascal. Tech nice to meet you. 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Now, earlier this year, you might remember in january the pentagon found in an inspector generals report that during the Trump Administration the white House Doctors office routinely provided opioids and other controlled substances to white house staff who were not sort of eligible to get them, who shouldnt have been getting that stuff. As part of that report, the pentagon included a document that showed basically an order form for medications that were ordered by The White House medical unit, that it was doling out and it was stuff like fentanyl and ketamine and morphine and ambien and a lot of an upper called porvigil, provigil, this is something they give to Fighter Pilots so they dont fall asleep when theyre making war. According to interviews with four former Senior Administration officials and others with knowledge of the matter, the stimulant provigil was routinely given to staffers who needed an energy boost after a late night or just a pick me up to handle another day at a uniquely stressful job. As one of the former officials tells Rolling StoneThe White House at that point was, quote, awash in speed. And it wasnt just speed, quote, The Antianxiety Medicine Xanax was also a popular, easy to get drug during the trump years three sources tell us, one unnamed source telling Rolling Stone, quote, it was kind of like the wild west. Things were pretty loose, whatever someone needs, we are going to fill this. Theres one other detail in this report tonight from Rolling Stone that i feel like we should point out. Besides the Prescription Medication stuff that is outlined here, The White House medical unit also provides counseling services. They have Mental Health staffers. They have a team of therapists. What happens in a Counseling Session is typically protected as you might guess by patient confidentiality, apparently not in the Trump White House. Rolling stone reporting that therapists working in the Trump White House were, quote, pressed for information about what they were told by white house staffers immediately after therapy sessions. The implication being that whatever they told their therapist, it could be used against them at work by their bosses in the Trump White House. Joining us now is noah shactman, hes a contributing writer at Rolling Stone, the outgoing editor in chief at roll stone. Hes one of two by lines in the story. Did i get any of that wrong or the wrong way around . No, i think thats pretty much it. You know, look, on the therapist, which is a shocking, shocking revelation, when i found first of all, i couldnt believe i found, but like a Trump White House therapist and i couldnt believe this person would talk to me. Their boss told me on the record that it was just for military screening. We were just trying to make sure that they were okay with their top secret clearances. But heres the thing, this Therapist Saw Civilians too. So there would not be a military issue. Right. And this therapist said that, yeah, the questions started out general and started out pretty basic, but this person felt like it went down a Slippery Slope into betraying confidential patient information, and when you pair the looseness with which they handled the drugs with the looseness with which they handled patient information, you get a pretty bad picture. One of the things that you do in the reporting today is describe the fact that in other white houses, people have described particularly when it comes to long foreign trips being doped by the White House Medical Office, getting either uppers or downers depending on what people needed to be able to get through long, grueling overseas trips through multiple time zones. But thats something thats not unique here. This is described as being sort of not just quantitatively but qualitatively different, people getting effectively for, you know, high grade pharmaceutical versions of speed all the time, not only directly from the White House Medical Office, but also circulating it amongst themselves as staffers. Thats exactly right, and that wasnt all, right . If you do a stimulant enough, its really hard to get to sleep. Its really hard to calm down. So then you need the xanax. Then you need a sedative, then you need this antianxiety medication to kind of cool down, and several staffers were then mixing xanax and alcohol, which is packs quite the wallop. Mmhmm. You also and you describe having been sort of inspired to do some seeing those handwritten ledgers from the inspector generals report. It is striking to see ketamine and fentanyl and morphine and some of these other talk about pack a wallet kind of drugs. What are they doing with ketamine and fentanyl . We could find no evidence that ketamine and fentanyl were prescribed in the way that provigil and xanax were handed out. With the caveat that the recordkeeping with what was handed out was pretty lousy. It was crazy, it was handwritten, in fact, the ledger you showed there, it was from 2014, they didnt have current ones. They crossed out 2014 and put 2019. Theres lots of illegible stuff. Its super sloppy recordkeeping, so we didnt find anything that said Trump Staffers got ketamine. What they seemed to do was stockpile the stuff in case of a very odd emergency, like as if trump was maybe like in botswana or someplace nowhere near a hospital and suddenly got shot and they suddenly wanted to do an Emergency Procedure on him. Youre giving me a skeptical look because it seems like a remote, remote possibility. Mmhmm. In terms of the White House Medical Office, theres been continuity. We had a very Controversial White House medical office chief with Ronny Jackson who behaved strangely when it came to releasing information to the public about trumps health. Hes now a controversial republican congressman. Is there a sense in which this is sort of seen specific to his time period at the helm . Is this something that has been a problem with the White House Medical Office that precedes him and has been a problem after he left . Do we know anything about this being worse or better over time . Yes, we do. So pretty much every source that we talked to traced the problems back to Ronny Jackson. Wow. And to his tenure, but the thing is even when Ronny Jackson left, his people were still around for a while, and even when Ronny Jackson left, this kind of anytime, anywhere wild west attitude towards handing out Prescription Medications, that lasted for quite some time into the Trump Administration. Noah shactman, contributing writer, outgoing editor in chief of Rolling Stone magazine. Super creepy reporting. Thanks. Thanks for helping us understand it. Weve got much more ahead here tonight, stay with us. Yikes. Here tonight, stay with us yikes. is he . Confidently Walking 8 Long Haired Dogs and living as if he doesnt have allergies . Yeah. Fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. We all know that words have power. They set things in motion and make us happy or sad. But theres one word that stands out, because when people say it, lives are changed. Its not a big word. Its itsy bitsy. Its only three little letters. But when you say it, the life of a kid like me can be changed. So what is this special word . It may surprise you. Its yes, yes, yes, yes to becoming a monthly supporter of shriners hospitals for children®. 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Lets go win this thing then we hit the road and never stopped. You shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. Your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. It is not too late to realize those dreams. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. This election is about who shares your values. Let me share mine. Im the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. When they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. When trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. I fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Im evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. Fore warned is fore armed supposedly, right . When you try to use fraud and intimidation and violence to overturn Election Results what we learned from the United StatesSupreme Court is that that does not despite the plain wording of the constitution, preclude you from holding federal office or running for federal office again. It does, however, preclude us from being surprised if you try to do the same thing again. And that is what is sort of looming over some very ugly new reporting from the New York Times, under this headline, trumps Allies Ramp Up campaign targeting voter rolls, quote, a network of right wing activists and allies of donald j. Trump is quietly challenging thousands of Voter Registrations in critical president ial battleground states, an all but unnoticed effort that could have an impact in a closer, contentious election, calling themselves Election Investigators the activists have pressed local officials in michigan, nevada, and georgia to drop voters from the rolls en masse. They have at times targeted democratic areas. And on one level this sounds like a story weve heard a lot of times before, right . Every election under the guise of Fighting Nonexistent voter fraud, Conservatives Push for purges of the voter rolls in democratic areas. Heres whats new about these right wing voter challenging efforts this year, and what we should consider ourselves forewarned about. This year the purpose of them getting all these people thrown off the voter rolls is not just for republicans to disenfranchise voters on the front end to make it harder for people to vote. That is its own reward. They like that, they want that, but they are also trying to lay the groundwork for republican challenges on the back end, to give them fodder for challenging Election Results they do not like. Quoting from the times, quote, right wing Media Outlets have promoted the Voter Roll Challenges casting Public Officials as corrupt and creating fodder that could be used in another round of legal challenges should mr. Trump lose again. The Chief Executive of the nonpartisan States United Democracy Center tells the times today, quote, it really is aimed at being able to cast doubt on the votes after the fact. Step one, you file all these bogus challenges to Voter Registrations in democratic areas in swing states. Those challenges make it harder for people in mostly democratic areas vote which hopefully helps trump win. But if he doesnt win, proceed to step three, oh, my goodness, look at all these voters whose eligibility has been questioned. It must be voter fraud. Must be a stolen election. Democrats being ready for this election season means not only getting real about the fact that this election is about picking joe biden or picking donald trump and there isnt any other way to get through it. Democrats getting real about this election season also means getting real right now about what trump and his allies are setting up to contest the election if and when they lose it. Stay with us. And struggling with underwires . Meet knix, makers of your new favourite wireless bra and lifechanging leakproof underwear. Knix undies can absorb about 57 regular tampons worth. For protection from periods, Bladder Leaks and sweat. And for the ultimate in comfort and support, knix Wireless Bras come in styles and sizes from 32a to 44g. Join the millions of customers whove changed their underwear to knix at knix. Com. Ma, ma, ma clears throat for fast sore throat relief, try Vicks Vapocool drops. With two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. 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How many people did you tell . Only pay for what you need. Jingle liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Baby liberty. This is from a member of the board of elections at dekalb county, georgia, quote, despite no evidence to support their claims, we unfortunately are preparing for the onslaught of significantly more Voter Challenges by certain groups attempting to remove voters from the voter roll ahead of the november general election. Despite no evidence to support their claims. Protrump stop the steal activists are ramping up efforts to kick people off the voter rolls in a whole bunch of swing states. According to reporting of the New York Times to create fodder for conservatives challenging the Election Results if trump loses the election again. Thats new reporting from the New York Times, including Reporter Nick Course knee tee and alexander bra san, nick joins us now here in studio. Thanks very much for being here. Thanks for having me. So i feel like its been a lot of years that ive been covering what i would call Voter Suppression efforts, effort to clean the voter rolls, meaning purge people off the voter rolls. It always seems to happen before elections. It often seems to target democratic voters. It often seems to be done by conservative leaning groups. This feels not just technologically different, it feels sort of tactically different, theres a new element to it this year. I think one of the things thats new is just how coordinated this is, both on a very large macro level and then at the state level. Weve seen these Loose Networks of people who are stop the steal who are either Election Deniers or people who are just very conservative on issues of voting all kind of coming together and uniting under some leaders, collie ta mitchell, the lawyer who helped trump overturn some of the Election Results, mike lindell who believes that machines are corrupted, hes another leader and what theyve done is kind of established this loose connection where they meet on zoom, they meet on calls in states like michigan and georgia and arizona, and theyre talking and Trading Tactics and theyre building software. Theyre actually building new software now. In georgia theres two new pieces of software that are about to roll out for this election specifically. Designed to target voters who they want to get kicked off the rolls. Yeah, one will be looking exactly at the national Change Of Address form and trying to identify voters that have changed, and another is this database that is basically like a couple million voter files, and then they try and match that to other databases, kind of like what eric used to do until they got rid of eric. Those are being developed by a conservative leaning organization to help facilitate Voter Challenges. Its a much more sophisticated effort, and theyre also getting much more savvy in some of these tactics. Like, in michigan, for example, they discovered a law on state books from 1954 that said that if you if elector challenges another elector, singular, then theres a process that begins and they attest to it with a signed affidavit that that voter must be removed from the rolls if theyre not if they dont respond within 30 days. Thats very different than the federal statute, which is two federal election cycles. So they found a loophole. That lets them move more aggressively. They started sending these notes directly to municipal clerks saying you have to follow this law. We found these voters, sometimes it was dozens, sometimes it was just four, saying we checked. Were attesting to this, and due to this law on state books you have to follow the law. And some clerks were like, okay. In general about 100 were removed. In water ford there were about a thousand removed. Now, the Secretary Of State stepped in once we actually noticed this, my colleague ali berson on the story was the one who found this in the first place so just the fact that they were able to find the clerk didnt know about it until you called and asked for comment. The Secretary Of State. Yeah. But let me stop you there for just a second. Do the clerks and the local officials who are being targeted by these efforts, obviously its voters who are being targeted but theyre being targeted through local officials, do the local officials kind of have the wherewithal to deal with this . Do they know what theyre up against . Are they being pushed into this . Theyre being told theyre breaking the law. I think some are very much afraid of breaking the law. Theyre under a microscope like theyve never been. Theres Poll Watchers everywhere who are trying to catch a mistake, to seize on or either challenge or change the election. I think so many Election Officials are over taxed. Theyre under paid, you know, Election Offices across the country dont have enough money to simply carry out elections, and theres been numerous laws recently preventing them from getting other sources of money, and congress isnt passing the bill or part of the budget in congress to give elections more money. So they have a lot of on their plate, and if they see an email that they just have to follow the law, some think i have to follow the law. Others are more familiar with this, if you look at georgia and the 2021 Senate Runoff elections. There were 360,000 Voter Challenges. Thats a massive amount of challenges. They hadnt seen that forever. Theyre more familiar with the statutes and theyre ready to assess these, how valid they are. They do have a process they have to follow. Georgia passed a law in 2021 that expanded what you can do to challenge a voter, but theyre a little bit more prepared. If theyre getting Blow Torch Attention from one side, thats going to have an effect in terms of how they react and theyre going to need support among other things to know the right thing to do and to be able to stand up against pressure. Nick course knee tee from the New York Times who along with alexander berson, who did this crucial reporting. Thanks so much for helping us understand. 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