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tonight on "the reidout" -- >> you know, if donald trump is elected again, we really don't have to worry because the institutions of our government will prevent the worst that he will attempt to do. nothing can be further from the truth because those republicans, you know, house with republicans like mike johnson, a senate with people like josh hawley and mike lee, they won't stand up to him. >> liz cheney banging that alarm bell with all her might, as her former friends and colleagues abandon democracy for the cult of trump. plus, gaza teeters on the brink of a fullblown humanitarian catastrophe as calls for a permanent cease-fire grow louder by the day. >> and texas goes full handmaid's tale, creating their own dystopian reality where women are forced to beg for the right to safeguard their own health. but we begin tonight with a threat of america's putin. today, vladimir putin announced his candidacy in the presidential election next march that he is all but certain to win. it's a move expected to keep him in power until at least 2030. putin has twice used his leverage to amend the constitution so he could stay in power. he's already the longest serving kremlin leader since soviet dictator josef stalin. it is a cautionary tale because here in america, we face a similar threat. and if you think an american putin can't happen here, you have to understand that donald trump in less than a year could overcome even a majority to become president for life. it has certainly happened before and still does in countries like russia and venezuela, where presidential governments are code for authoritarian regimes. for guys like putin and nicolas maduro to pull it off, they have to first control the bureaucracy. if they say they are going to cancel an election or call for shady constitutional changes, who's going to stop them? the bureaucracy. that is unless it is stacked with loyalists and sycophants, which is exactly what donald trump did during his presidency. when particularly at the end of his term, he raced to stack the pentagon, the department of justice, the courts, and federal agencies with people personally loyal to him. but in the end, there will still enough independent bureaucrats in place in washington and around the country, including republicans, to stop him from successfully waging a coup and staying in office after losing the 2020 election. but if he wins again, expect that to change. a 2025 trump administration would be stripped of normie bureaucrats and stacked instead with maga true believers and trump foot soldiers who would be willing to implement draconian immigration crackdowns or even against american protesters. "the new york times" reports that trump intends to revive an effort from the end of his presidency to alter civil service roles that protect career government professionals, enabling him to fire tens of thousands of federal workers and replace them with loyalists. after congress failed to enact legislation to block such a change, the biden administration is developing a regulation to essentially trump-proof the federal workforce. however, since that is merely an executive action, the next republican president, aka trump, could simply undo it the same way. and led by heritage foundation, something called project 2025 is aimed at creating a government in waiting for the next republican presidential administration. you may wonder why project 2025 is so focused on the federal workforce and its seemingly boring functions. well, it's because these workers are key to keeping a dictator from being a dictator. but if these positions are filled with maga cronies who don't follow checks and balances or the law or ethics, then trump's path is clear. he's then able to stifle dissent and criticism. he can lock up his critics and he can transform government function and maintain permanent rule. and unfortunately, he has a lot working for him. the overwhelming support of white working class americans, many of whom will support him no matter what, then there's the fecklessness of republicans who refuse to fight him even if they don't wantpower. and then there's the structure of our elections based on the electoral college where a small segment of voters in key swing states wield outsized power, and finally, trump is counting on a lack of memory about his atrocities. he's entertaining, they say, he's funny, or maybe they do remember, they don't care, they may like it. that is perhaps the most disturbing part. we have seen the rise of dictators before, and the results are often deadly, and we have seen what calamity, complacency can bring. presidential historian michael beschloss tweeted this, chilling associated press headline that ran in 1933. quote, washington not alarmed as hitler rises to power. 90 days later, in 2023, we risk the same mistake as trump raises new alarms saying he wouldn't be a dictator except on day one. i'm joined by michael beschloss, nbc news presidential historian, and matthew dowd, msnbc political contributor and analyst and chief strategist for the bush/chaina 2004 campaign. you tweeted out that piece so i'm going to go to you first. i have a couple of those old "new york times" articles from the 1930s, those front pages which had these benign articles and columns about hitler, including one about his summer estate in the bavarian hiland, treating him as a normal politician. and the american media did that for a really long time, and look what happened. your thoughts. >> that's exactly right. and you know, going back to the beginning of this country, one of the biggest things the founders worried about is one day there would be a president who would be a dictator. and they were relieved by the fact that the first president was going to be george washington, who gave up power. so they sort of sat on their oars. and the result is if the biggest sanction against a president who wants to be a dictator is impeachment, how has that worked out? donald trump has been impeached twice. he may be elected in 11 months. we could be living under a dictatorship. the other thing that happened, as you both know, is in the late 19th century, there was a civil service movement. presidents can come in, they might try to be dictators or the modern society of 1880 requires experts, not political hacks. so let's have a civil service that is there almost regardless of who is president. donald trump is ripping all of that away. so he can be a dictator, he can tell the doj to indict anyone he wants or go after any political enemy, someone who looked the wrong way at donald trump in the third grade, or the department of defense, you know, just invoke the insurrection act, send u.s. army soldiers into cities that he does not like. blue cities, chicago, los angeles, other places, perhaps detroit, and use it to go after his political enemies. if you have no professional bureaucracy, all that is possible, and actually i'm wrong, it's not possible. it is probable, and it is almost inevitable. >> right, and i mean, the thing is, what matthew, what michael just called the bureaucracy, the political bureaucracy of washington, they have labeled that the deep state. when they say the deep state, that's what they mean. they mean the bureaucratic regular $40,000 to $50,000 working folks who maintain government. what they understand is that what stopped donald trump from doing his worst is everything he did had to grind through the sort of slowing mechanisms of bureaucracy. so it's not efficient. politics is not efficient. that's why people are mad at biden. they have this bure ocacy, the senate, the ability to filibuster. that slows down extreme policy. trump gets back in, he gets rid of all those people, and then he says we're not having an election. i'm staying. who is going to stop him? who is going to check him? if the local bureaucrats don't do it? >> well, i'm glad michael is here because this is such -- i actually think this is a great moment because it provides clarity to the fact that our democracy is and has always been fragile in nature. it is very dependent, not just dependent on the structure of the constitution. it's dependent on good people holding office and good people serving that actually have loyalty to the constitution. and i think what donald trump, if you asked him what his biggest regret was, his biggest regret was putting certain people in certain positions that ended up not doing what he wanted. if you think about this, if there was a different secretary of defense at the time of the end of 2020, what the result would have been. if there was a different vice president, what the result would have been. if there was a different fbi director, what would the result have been? all three of which of those people, donald trump has gone out of his way in the last year to rip on them in the course of this. so it's not only the immense bureaucracy. it's keeping people in positions of power, which actually is such a great lesson for us in democrat, how important the people who occupy certain spaces are in preserving our democracy. i'll add one thing to the hitler analogy. it wasn't just the american media. the german media never took him seriously. they were like, oh, he's kind of a joke. he'll be okay. we have this system in place. there's no worried about it. then the aftermath, where he was elected, he was legitimately elected, then you had people who served in power said we're going to give him these positions because we can control him. that was basically their stance. we'll give him these things because he'll be able to be controlled by us, and that will be a good thing and we'll be able to hold power, and look what happened. >> exactly, ditto maduro in argentina. bolsonaro, same thing. they're treated as a joke, kind of funny, kind of glib. you're like, they're really not a problem. they're sort of entertaining. i want a read a line from a hington post" piece because i think the other piece of it is that the people o the ground don't fear the consequences of this kind of leadership. "the washington post" quoted a vote named arlondo, he's from wisconsin, ainy number of swing states that will decide the election. he said if it's between them, i'm going to say this, trump was hilarious. he was hilarious, said monk. biden, meanwhile, has not delivered the change he expected, leaving monk unsure. michael beschloss, this is the challenge. joe biden is slowed down by politics and bureaucracy by the slowing mechanisms in the united states senate, which means you need 60 votes to get things. people don't understand that. they just know he can't get what he wants, whereas trump says i'm going to ban all muslims, he banned all muslims. trump says i'm going to build a wall, he pretends i built a wall. trump says i'm going to rip babies away from their mothers if they come over the border, and suddenly, babies are ripped out of their mothers' hands at the border. his autocracy is efficient. a lot of people say i would rather have that and he's funny. >> that's right, and i'm hoping against hope that by 11 months from now, even mr. monk and other people who are saying things like this will understand that the choice of november 2024 is most likely going to be between democracy as flawed and faltering as it is, and dictatorship, autocracy that are going to take our rights away. look at the reaction of women and men to the cancellation of roe v. wade. that's what happens in the best of america when you take freedom away. we can hope that that is what's going to happen. but i shudder to think that after all the decades that our american soldiers fought fascism in italy, naziism in germany, soviet dictatorship for 46 years, we're going to throw all this away so gingerly. i can't bring myself to believe that's going to happen. >> right, and i think people should remember, when you're speaking of abortion, one of the first things these guys do and threaten to do is take away the rights of women. because controlling women is always part of the plan. banning abortion is always part of it. it's a signal. and you know, to go back, matthew, to the minutia part. i say this all the time to my poor beleaguered teen. how do elections happen? they don't happen because there's some giant machine that turns on and elections happen. they happen because individual people at the bureaucratic level in the states begin the process. it's an honor system. they just believe there's supposed to be an election so they begin the process. what if they don't? these are the 19 states where 25 election deniers hold state-wide positions with election oversight power. in other words, if they believe that donald trump cannot be returned to office by an election, and they just say, you know what, we ain't doing it. trump is in. we like him. we don't want him to be replaced. he stays. who is going to stop that? nobody. who is going to stop it? >> that's been the most nefarious, one of the most nefarious parts of this, the attack on our election infrastructure. the secretaries of state in michigan and in wisconsin and in illinois that have been physically, physically and violently threatened in the course of this. not only them, but local people who volunteer to serve at the polls. and so you put those states up where you have election deniers in office. then you overlap that where states where all these massive amounts of threats that occurred where it's difficult to recruit people to actually man the polls. and this is a recipe, as michael has alluded to or said, this is a recipe for not only an infrastructure in washington, d.c. but a threatened infrastructure in the country that actually holds the elections, done by little old men and women around the country who, do they want to be visited by maga people at their home and threatened by the point of a gun in the course of this? which is what has happened. you saw what happened in georgia in the course of this, people jug trying to do their service and fulfill a civic duty. those people are now under threat, and now they have to ask themselves, i love america, i believe in america. do i want to put myself and my family at risk just to hold an election? >> yeah, there used to be a senator from the state of mississippi who used to say the best way to keep a black person -- he didn't say black person, from voting them is to visit them innight before with a gun. michael, let's talk about the other things. there are fundamental anti-democratic aspects to the structure of our elections that also work against democracy and work for trump. he only has to really carry a majority, 50 plus 1 in ten states, basically. because of the electoral college, it's gone down from 26 states that used to really be swing states and matter to like ten. you know, neither party will probably contest florida this time. it's now seen as deep red like alabama. you're talking about maybe ten states that decide who wins. the rest of the country is just stuck with the result. >> that's exactly right, and a system, i love what matt said, i agree with everything he said. go on to take a look, we have citizens united, we have corporate and private money pouring into the system in a way that you can't imagine. that is not progressive money. for the most part. those are people who would be perfectly content to acustom themselves to a donald trump dictatorship if it comes to that, they're already showing they are. and the other thing, joy and matt, you know, take a look at, we have thought in the past when americans were confronted with the loss of our liberties, you know, that would be a deal breaker. it doesn't seem to be yet. we're on the verge of a situation, look right now. donald trump, i'll ask both of you. why is donald trump in public saying i will be a dictator from day one and presumably afterwards? i will use the defense department in a way that hasn't been done before. i'm going to talk about terminating the constitution. i would expect, matt has this history as a campaign genius, of knowing that usually you would expect a candidate who intends to do those things not telling you until election day. this is the beginning of the intimidation we're talking about. i think he's making these threats to get people to be quiet and to knuckle under even 11 months before his possible election. please, everyone who is watching, all of our friends, beware. >> last word to you, matthew. please answer, where are the republicans in all this? >> i was going to add, one of the reasons he's doing it is because a majority of republicans accept it. so if a majority of the republican party found this unacceptable, he wouldn't be doing it. but he understands the republican party as a whole has moved in the authoritarian way. i'll add one more thing on the electoral college. in 1976 when jimmy carter was elected, 85% of the voters in the country lived in a swing state. 85% of voters lived in a swing state. today, 11% live in a swing state. that's the problem. >> mississippi used to be a swing state. michael beschloss, matthew dowd, thank you. up next on "the reidout," antony blinken calls on israel to do more to protect civilians but stopped short of calling for a permanent cease-fire. "the reidout" continues after this. ter this woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. if you have this... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. he hits his mark —center stage—and 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gaza that can be called by that name anymore. the u.n. secretary-general is also sounding the alarm, warning of a complete breakdown in public order. meanwhile, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken is calling out israel for not doing more to reduce civilian casualties. saying there's a gap between the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we're seeing on the ground. this comes as over the past day, videos and images have been circulating showing dozens of palestinian men kneeling on the street, stripped to their underwear and blindfolded while being detained by israeli soldiers. in one photo shared on social media, a group of men can be seen wearing what appears to be nothing but underwear, as they kneel in a line, surrounded by armed soldiers in full combat gear. nbc news has not independently verified when these videos and images were taken. joining now is hani, director of philanthropy. it's good to see you. and i'm glad that you were able to come on. i know you have been through a lot and lost a lot in this war including many family members. but we were alerted that perhaps someone in that group, and we're going to show that picture again, is a member of your family. can you tell us if that is accurate, and if so, who he is? >> yeah, joy. this is my little brother, my baby brother, mahmoud. he is 32 years old. he was taken from his home. he was playing with his two daughters. and he is 100% a full-time civilian. a lot of people in the image there, they're family members. and they have also taken my nephew that you see him in a different picture, and the only reason we know this is because the idf released this footage to show the world how to humiliate palestinians. domestic consumption to show israelis, hey, we're arresting palestinians. sadly, they're dubbing them mass combatants, and this is a sad shock, because none of the folks in this image have nothing to do with fighting. they were taken from their homes with their spouses and daughters. they're sheltering, seeking safety. and sadly, that's my little brother, and it's shocking because he's not involved in anything. he can't run two meters, unfortunately, but they still dubbed him as a combatant and it's sad because you feel violated. this is your baby brother and you have been meeting with people high in our government in the u.s., and somehow i feel like i failed him. >> well, you certainly did not. you're doing your best to try to get the information out about what's happening there. where was your brother and your cousins, et cetera? what part of gaza were they in? >> they were in northern gaza. this is the third home my family have moved to. our other home was destroyed an hour and a half before the truce that killed my younger brother, may his soul rest in peace. last time we spoke, i had three brothers. now i have two. i miss him, i try to send him messages in whatsapp now and then, and he's gone, an hour and a half before the truce, the home is gone. four story building go with him. my family is now homeless. they found shelter inside my great uncle's home, and even then, the troops came looking for the men, humiliated them in front of their families and kids. this is insane because this is like meant to humiliate the palestinians and somehow the israelis are convincing themselves that buys them safety. i doubt our history shows this has ever worked and i'm broken for my brother. he was stripped in the cold, they put him on the beach for a few hours. you know, just insulting them, taking pictures of them, and mocking them to insult their manhood and showing their buddies images of those civilians. it's unfortunate. it really is. >> i want to read, i'll read part of this statement from the idf. they have said over the past day, idf and isa forces apprehended hundreds of wanted suspects throughout the gaza strip in combat. idf troops apprehended hundreds of terror suspects. these suspects were transported to security forces in israel for further questioning. they're saying the people they are detaining are terrorist operatives and suspects. what do you make of that? >> that's if they were really suspects these people were released within ten hours of their detention. if they have a grain of truth in the statement, those folks would not be released. i'm happy my family was released. they have grabbed people as old as my dad, 72 years old. as young as alma, 13 years old. it feels like what can we do about this? this is really unfortunate because our family members are not involved in anything. i vouch for every single one of them, our neighbors, that particularly area where this is, i know a lot of these young men, they're trying to make a living somehow. my nephew tried to go to europe to find a better job. he almost drowned in the mediterranean. his mom pushed him to come back to gaza and now she regrets the decision. can you imagine being my mom? she buried a child, took her a week to get the bodies and now they round up her kid to an unknown place and humiliate her husband, a teacher of 40 years. we stand to tell their stories. >> i cannot imagine, and i'm so sorry. and my deepest condolences to your mom. we just had a u.n. vote recently again, calling for a cease-fire. the united states vetoed it in the security council. great britain abstained. what do you make of these votes in the united nations? the efficacy of them, the point of them at this point, knowing that the united states will veto them regardless? do you think there is a point to the continuation of the united nations process or do you think it is effective in any way? >> you hear the secretary-general call for article 99, because this is a desperate humanitarian situation, the organization i support and traveled the country to generate resources for. it's a very desperate situation, they're running out of funds. they can not safely deliver aid. if they have fuel, it's a very chaotic operation. they're asking for a cease-fire, a durable one. they're asking for more aid for funding. they're saying everything is collapsing, hospitals, you know, this is not sustainable. this has been more than two months. unfortunately, the case of politicians here in the u.s. looking at the middle east and telling us, hey, we know what's good for you, despite the fact more than 17,000 palestinians are dead, 7,000 children of whom are children, it's just heartbreaking because it's like these politicians here, they love this country, i love america, but the politicians here have failed us, and they have not heard our pleas. we try and try, but we feel we somehow overnight are told we don't belong. >> hani, you're always welcome here. we appreciate your willingness to talk about so many things that are personally painful for you and your family and the work you're doing. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. and coming up, imagine a world where you have to hire a lawyer and stand before a judge to beg for the right to have a necessary medical procedure, and a doctor willing to carry out that procedure are threatened with prosecution. if you're a woman living in texas today, you don't have to imagine it. we'll be right back. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ i was on a work 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genetic abnormality that usually results in miarage, death, or stillbirth after death. reproductive rights are no longer a freedom afforded to women in the united states, and texas has some of the most restrictive and vague laws in the country. texas's abortion laws ban abortion except to save the life of the beige. if cox were to carry this to term, she would have to undergo her third cesarean section which could jeopardize her ability to have more children, which again, she said she and her husband wanted. cox burst into tears when the district judge granted her a temporary restraining order giving cox's doctor the case specific opportunity to perform the abortion without criminal or civil -- criminal or civil penalties. here's what her lawyer said ahead of the hearing. >> i want to emphasize how unforgivable it is that kate had to beg for health care in court. no one should have to do this, and the reality is that 99% of people cannot. >> almost immediately, ken paxton, the republican attorney general for the state, who recently survived an impeachment vote in the state, fired off a letter threatening to prosecute any doctor or hospital involved in providing the emergency abortion. paxton, who is not a doctor, but who does know something about prosecution given that he faced federal security fraud charges with a trail slated for next spring, claimed the judge had no authority to grant the restraining order and had the gall to claim that cox had not shown that she qualified for the medical exemption to the state's abortion ban. according to the texas tribute, however, paxton cannot direct law appeal the order since it's a temporary restraining order. in a twisted perversion of power, packten asked the supreme court to weigh in. it's pretty horrific to think a woman has to plead with a judge to do what is best for her own body. but that doesn't seem horrific enough for missouri republicans. they're acting on donald trump's promise to punish women. they're pushing a pair of bills to allow women to be charged with murder for getting an abortion in the state. can guess a near total ban is not enough for them, under his eye. meanwhile, here in washington, the supreme court met to discuss where they need to review another texas case, one that could result in a definitive decision on federal approval of the drug most commonly used for medication abortion, known as mifepristone. even the court's decision on whether to takep the appeal is practical importance. because if the justices decide not to intervene in the ongoing litigation, an appeals court ruling that limited the availability of the drug by mail would go into effect. closing yet another access route to abortion in this country. the way this country is heading, you gotta wonder what comes next. menstrual cycle inspections, honestly, at this point, there seems to be no end to the possibilities. when we come back, i will discuss all this and more with my exceptional friday panel. ona. ! 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77% of 493 third and fourth year medical students say abortion restrictions said it would affect where they apply for residency. that was one of the things that came up, a generation from now, states like texas will have very few ob/gyns willing to practice there. what are the implications of that? >> thee long term effects frankly are what anti-abortion advocates have been trying to make happen. they want to make sure that even if we are able to push better policies forward, that the field of experts and practitioners that can actually perform abortions, that keep women safe when abortions are performed, that create spaces that are safe for reproductive justice and reproductive health care, are actually restrictive in and of themselves, that we won't have the people and places and spaces to take care of those who want to exercise autonomy over their bodies. i think it's going to be really important for democrats, not only to make the message very clear, that it can and will get worse with studies like these, with actions like the texas attorney general, that it can indeed get worse, but then, democrats have to do the mump harder thing of making sure that they communicate clearly that they are the party that will make it better. and they can start by committing to enshrine protection to the access of abortion in the federal statute. >> right. because the thing is, if you get a national abortion ban, brian, this happens everywhere. i want to point out bunn of the things ken paxton is doing. he's going back to the supreme court. he can't stop this abortion from happening but he wants to close off access to the next woman who essentially has dead tissue inside of her which could cause sepsis, which could kill her, or she would give birth to a baby that is dead. they want to force a woman to have to do that and not be able to go to court. if the supreme court goes his way, no future woman in this situation could even go to court to get relief. essentially, what they're telling women in texas is you will give birth to something living or dead, but you will give birth. shows me it's not about babies. it's about controlling women. >> controlling women and also, if this is what they're willing to do in the lead-up to an election, an election, by the way, where it's been preceded by so many other elections where this issue has been such a loser for republicans, if they're willing to do this now in the lead-up to an elengz, imagine what they're willing to do in the aftermath when they don't have to face voters. by the way, i want to read just one sentence from the hill that kind of summarizes everything. and you alluded to this at the top of the segment. the district court judge said she would grant a temporary restraining order that allows the 31-year-old woman to get an abortion and to allow her husband to not get in trouble and to allow her physician to perform the abortion. this is control over every single person in this equation and there's no autonomy, no freedom, because it's coming from the party that likes to beat its chest as the party of freedom. >> right, and the thing is, the fact that republicans are doing things like this in texas, in florida, they threatened to do a thing where they wanted to examine girls and get their period records to find out whether they should be able to participate in sports, to try to catch trans kids in the act, they could also use to try to restrict abortion. this is clearly not about babies. they don't even want to fund preschool. this is an attempt to get control of women and they want to take this idea national. >> i have had a miscarriage. i had a miscarriage right in the middle of doing an interview on that podcast you were talking about earlier. it's devastating. it is life-changing, and for plenty of women, it can cause long term health impacts and cause further infertility. this is certainly not about the women, and as you already said, it's not about the babies. if it were, we would have universal pre-k, universal child and family care. we would not be seeing women and babies who depend when republicans can't get their stuff together in congress. and we wouldn't continue to experience childhood poverty in the way that we do. this was never about women, this was never about children, it was never about justice. it has always been about control. we have to make sure that this november, or next november, rather, and every single day before and after, we remind them that it's not their power to hold. the people hold the power. >> yep, let's go to washington d.c.. here are a couple of republicans who have problems. here's kevin mccarthy talking about the republican party. >> it's an interesting take, i became leader when we took the minority, this was a turning point for me. i go into the state of the union, and in the state of the union, one side stands up, then the other side stands up. i just become a leader, i'm excited, president trump is there. i look over the democrats, they stand up, they look like america. we stand up, we look like the most restrictive country club >> brian, what do you make of his truthiness? >> yeah, i don't know how restrictive it is if marjorie taylor greene is standing up. there i think other than that, it does put on full display the fact that once you are out of the republican party, you suddenly find your tongue. all of these people can finally managed to tell the truth and only after they are out, only after their finished kowtowing to the party leaders and toeing the party line. suddenly they find their ability to tell the truth and speak freely. >> yeah. let's now roll ramaswamy. i regret sometimes putting him on television, because he's so ridiculous. this is so bizarre it has to be commented upon. here's ramaswamy trying to say that a known crime, we know about, was all made up and was the feds. here he is. >> the mainstream media is completely ignored the footage of mike johnson released on january 6th. it's the same way they dismissed the idea that the gretchen whitmer kidnapping was somehow an inside job. >> it's all an inside job, brittani, the attempt to kidnap gretchen whitmer, as well as january 6th, for the guy who claims he wants to be president, your thoughts? >> it's all an inside job. there is a ufo saying in my frontline. aliens are ready to take me back. lots of wild things have been said by this man. and yet, there have been wild things being said by republican candidates all across that stage. there were wild things said by the last republican president, including ones that led to january 6th. despite how many people wanted to deny that it ever happened or that it was some kind of promising freedom fight. we know better. we have to make sure that they know we know better. i really wish that comments like these were further on the extreme of the republican party than they currently are. but right now, it seems like it's pretty in line with how they are operating, and that should terrify us all. >> yeah, any thoughts on ramaswamy and his attempts to -- atone he's trying to. brian, is he trying to make trump love him? i don't know what his goal is. get a podcast? you have a great podcast, he wants one too. what is happening? >> i think the more you spout conspiratorial nonsense in the republican party, the higher your stock becomes. i should probably know that in this whole january 6th truth or conspiracy theory, over 1000 of these trump supporters were charged, a lot of them in court said that they where they are because donald trump incited them to be there. they didn't say they were incited to be there by the deep state or the fbi or joe biden or the democrats. they were there because of donald trump. that's right out of the horse's mouth. >> there you go. brian and brittany are going to stick around because it is friday, and you know what that means. who won the week history to head. don't move a muscle. fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. my family is sacred to me. it truly is all that matters. i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i had the factor 5, which showed i had the genetic mutation, because i was aware of that gene, that saved my life. i would not have been able to meet my new granddaughter. i truly believe i'm here because of 23andme. (ring door bell) happy holidays! we're going to need a bigger tree. hey honey are you ok? everything's fine. hey, did i set the alarm? >> oh, we know what it is. yes, you did. shop holiday deals at it's time to play our favorite game. there's the music. who won the week? back with me, brian tyler cohen and brittany packnett cunningham, if you has two names. i don't know who to go first. let's go with you first, brian, who won the week? >> okay. i'm going to give it to -- i've got a twofer here, i'm going to go with jared moskowitz, jamie raskin, and the house oversight committee on the news that republicans are yet again moving forward with their doomed impeachment effort. every time they have the opportunity to move forward and either -- every time they have the opportunity to stop this and save the bleeding, they continue to move forward anyway and just continue to embarrass themselves. the second one is going to be george santos, hear me out on this one. for reaching peak republican in the year 2023, which is ending up on cameo, hawking personalized videos for 200 bucks a pop. i don't know how much higher on top of the mountain you can get for a republican dan that. >> i kind of want to buy one. i do, low-key. okay, brittany, who won the week? >> black filmmakers. it would duvernay's origin, we've got a book of parents, we've got american fiction. i just saw the color purple, which is so, so brilliant. beautiful, captivating. innovation, it brought me so much joy. which reminds me, the other winner of the week is you. because it is your birthday, joy reid. we are so grateful for you. we are all smarter, more thoughtful, more compassionate, and more educated people because you are in that seat. we love you and we need you. so, happy birthday. >> happy birthday. >> thank you my sister, that is so kind. my winner of the week is the fda approving to gene therapies for anyone 12 and order suffering from sickle cell disease. science won the week.

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, Appeal , Importance , Commonly , Approval , Mifepristone , Whether , Appeals Court , Effect , Litigation , Availability , Mail , Closing , Route , End , Menstrual Cycle Inspections , Wonder , Possibilities , Panel , Ona , Vyvgart , Myasthenia Gravis , Participants , Adults , Activities , Positive , Clinical Trial , Study , Headache , Muscle Weakness , Respiratory Tract Infections , Vyvgart Treatment Schedule , Gmg Treatment , Infections , Reactions , Subcutaneous Injection , Vyvgart Hytrulo , Injection Site Reactions , Neurologist , Doesn T Matter , Slip Ins , Skechers , Ooo , Shoes , 10 , Brian Tyler Cohen , Podcast , Roundtable , Lie , Council , Host , Britney Packnic Cunningham , President Obama , 21 , Students , Residents , Physicians , Development , Wired , Want , Train , Tt , Abortion Access , National Survey , 493 , 82 , 76 , 77 , Generation , Restrictions , Residency , Implications , Bob , Gyns , Advocates , Field , Effects , Practitioners , Forward , Abortions , Justice , Care , In , Women Safe , Actions , Texas Attorney General , Message , Studies , Access , Protection , Mump , Statute , Everywhere , National Abortion Ban , Bunn , Birth , Baby , Tissue , Sepsis , Loser , Issue , Elengz , District Court Judge , Sentence , Summarizes , The Hill , Physician , Trouble , Autonomy , Equation , Chest , Records , Girls , Sports , Control , Idea , Attempt , Miscarriage , Preschool , Fund , Life Changing , Infertility , Interview , Middle , Impacts , Family Care , Pre K , Childhood , Stuff , Poverty , Single , Problems , Let S Go To Washington D C , Yep , State Of The Union , Leader , Minority , Kevin Mccarthy , Side , Country Club , Truthiness , Display , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Leaders , Tongue , Party Line , Kowtowing , Ramaswamy , Television , Crime , Feds , On January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Guy , Kidnapping , Inside Job , Brittani , Gretchen Whitmer , Candidates , Frontline , Ufo , Oman , Lots , Aliens , Ones , Freedom Fight , Last , Comments , Extreme , 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