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together. this is american voices. ♪ ♪ ♪ for instance at, and exchange of strikes between israel and hamas. israel's military says it is a tech new hamas targets in the gaza strip, after a temporary truce collapsed between israel and the terrorist group. this is a look at new era strikes into gaza. the idf shifting focus to southern gaza, or those hamas leaders are hiding amongst civilians after the truce expired. israel says it has hit 400 operates inside gaza. since the end of the season, the idf says soldiers have destroyed more hamas tunnels, including one found in the courtyard of the school. meantime, hamas is launching missiles into israel. new video from tel aviv shows people running and ducking for cover as sirens ring in the streets. israel's defense intercepted the incoming rockets. the score camp during a massive rally, where israelis came together to support families, loved ones, still being held hostage by hamas in gaza. meantime, vice president kamala harris urging israel to do more to protect civilians inside gaza. today into, by harris also spoke about what it will take to achieve peace in that region after the war. >> when this conflict ends, hamas cannot control gaza. and israel must be secure. palestinians made a hopeful political horizon, economic opportunity, and freedom. and the region more broadly must be integrated and prosperous. >> nbc news correspondent david nokia has more on the new round of fighting. >> after a week of respite, the war in gaza has entered a second with full intensity. idf says it struck more than 400 reports across the length and width of the gaza strip. many of the targets are in the southern half of gaza. this is important because about three quarters of this pulation, 1.8 million people according to the u.n., have been displaced. many of them from north to south. the idf is now warning civilians in the south to evacuate, to help instruction of positives are safe to evacuate, hoover residents of gaza, many of whom have already evacuated once one more time, suppressing they believe there is nowhere safe for them to go. gus health country said some 20 people have gotten since the renewed hostilities, that most of our women and children. the idf says they do not target civilians and instead are targeting hamas militants and invite your. they plan civilian deaths on hamas. main, well diplomatic efforts to renew the spark have collapsed with both israel and hamas with iran negotiators from the bargaining table. back to you. >> nbc's david noriega for us in tel aviv. thank, you david. joining us now, in korea, now the carlos kelly clapped she lecturer at stanford university. janine, the temperatures for is now over. explain what we can expect from the israelis, from hamas as a fighting intensifies again. >> i think, a loose, or can seat much of this and over the next couple of days, as you mentioned. as your correspondent, mentioned negotiators withdrawn from the gulf working on continue to exchange israeli hostages held by hamas -- palestinian prisoners and as for materials. with, that now israel has decided to continue the bombardment in the south. that's because that's where -- the mastermind of the october 7th massacre is believed to be hiding with the other top hamas leadership. and the trouble as you noted, is that israel is now controlling the northern part of the gaza strip, and they had people relocate to the south. now they're stuck in the south and now people are looking to other places, but it's a very small piece of territory. >> today, i'm sure you heard vice president harris and by saying that u.s. must work towards that new humanitarian policy. not only to get get into gaza, which remains a priority, but also to rescue the remaining hostages. with, seen in the past few, weeks the role of the united states, it has played specifically, the role president biden has played in peace negotiations. i wonder, what you anticipate those negotiations to look like moving forward? >> it was interesting. vice president harris had a couple of other things, to alicia. chase said, there should be no forced relocation of palestinians in gaza. and there should be no creation of buffer zones. israel was talking in some respects about maybe expanding the distance between gaza and israel, a bit like i did in south lebanon. there is a lot of increasing tension, i'm sensing, between the u.s. and israel about the way the horse going. you also head to feign secretary lloyd austin cautioning israel about the way it is pursuing this comeback in these days the populated urban areas. and a growing frustration on the israeli military side, that the u.s. is trying to tie its hands here. there is definitely a looser interpretation, israel are relaxing, in other words, in the past when they've gone to war against hamas they've been more surgical in their attacks. they've been willing to only attack targets if that were fewer civilian casualties, and never seeing with more than 15,000 dead palestinians and gaza, they are not a viscerally able to take the same amount of precautions because, they are basically gone after tucker to get one or two commanders wherever they can. so this is the problem. i'm curious why, though, there is still not a reluctance -- okay, you don't want to force people to relocate, but give him the option to live through rafah crossing rather than to be bombarded. i just understand water is not low pressure on egypt to open up that border. >> i notice the same thing you notice and the vice presidents remarks, which was, in as much as there is a focus on the current moment, you are seeing sort of a longer tale view and vision of how it is that this conflict not only comes to resolution, but what it will look like on the other side. i want to ask you about that recording that was in the new york times -- and israeli official familiar with the matter of government to nbc news, it is really military analysts flags hamas or plans before the october 7th attack, there are supporters ignored those concerns. the new york times obtained a step-by-step blueprint of the attack. nbc news has not independently confirmed this. all right, hamas follow the the document called for aition. barrage of rockets at the outset of the attack, drones to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border and gunman to pour into israel of mess in paragliders, of muddled michaels, and on foot. all of which happened on october 7th. i wonder, how this then impact that dynamic, that knowledge that this was known a here ago, still an open question whether or not just how high up in the government these warnings reached. but how it impacts that the dynamics in israel when it comes to the public's trust and netanyahu and his government? >> the last poll i saw, alicia, of jewish israelis, remember 20% of jewish -- israeli citizens are arab. this poll of jewish israelis put the trust and netanyahu regarding statements, regarding the israel-hamas war at 4%. that gives you a sense of how unpopular he is at the moment. it was interesting, that little inside baseball, prime minister netanyahu held a press conference tonight. and he wanted the defense chief there, and he didn't go with him. so there is a lot of tension going on within the israeli leadership, certainly the question of who knew what, when, will be tulsa later, when there is, i'm short, huge investigation of this unprecedented deadly failure. but right now, the focus on israel's on rockets falling and tel aviv, 136 colleges help hamas. and every day not you're getting names of people murdered in hamas captivity, rather than a list of people who are being released. and we've had a few days of ten or some people coming out. israelis are very focused on how is this government and the military going to proceed with such extensive bombardment and at the same time rescue these hostages. there is a concern they won't be able to do both. >> i'm sorry to interrupt, you janine. we'll note later the growing potential of clashes with hezbollah. >> from the north, reports israel struck inside syria today. that northern front. remember, yes there is massive displacement of palestinians within gaza. but you also have more than 100,000, 140,000 israelis no longer living in their homes along that gaza border, because that were destroyed by hamas. also, people who look at that south israel border with lebanon amid the uncertainty there. for, now it seems like houston as rolla, hezbollah are just sort of keeping the border hot. and you do. you have a situation where you have the u.s. carrier still in the eastern made, dealing with threats from iranian proxies. so the whole situation is so volatile, and dangerous. >> janine zacharia as always, thank you so much for your time and they want. that's coming, up we'll take a deeper look into some of the hostages just released by hamas and what it is like for them to return home. but first, with a string of defeats in court for the former president, the effect it could have in that new year. barbara mcquade and michael steele are with us. but first to richard lui with the other big stories we're tracking this hour on msnbc. richard? >> alyssa, i want to bring yours. from paris. police confirming one person is dead and three others hurt and an attack near the eiffel tower. according to friends officials, witnesses are saying the suspect spoke of muslims being killed around the world. that suspect stabbed a german tourist and his wife. police say the suspected attack to other people with a hammer, before officers arrested them. that just and us. new video also this, every moment a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the philippines, so the evening. officials issued a tsunami warning, but say now there's no longer a threat. first responders are still assessing the damage as awful folks and you. and vice president kamala harris announced -- at that cop28 summit in dubai. harris mentioned u.s. leadership on the climate after congress funded new investments and the inflation reduction act. more american voices right after this break for you. 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[laughter] we have got there. it's been a while. it's slowly amping. as i've noted before, we watched the court system contort itself into all sorts of shapes and sizes to try not to run afoul of donald trump's first amendment free speech rights as a presidential count the a private citizen versus being a former president. part of these two to listen, i think, are very telling and very compelling. and that really do make the case. that i'm sorry, you are not above the law. and i understand that you think that your presidential immunity and privileges follow you all the time, 24 hours a day. but it doesn't. and that's the unique thing for me in the decision, it says, you are not in that bubble all the time. and that you do act sometimes without that presidential authority. and so, i thought particularly when you're running for office, when you're campaigning, there is a big difference. from campaigning and running and being in office. so i thought it was a very important ruling and a very important moment for the court to say, okay, enough of this. >> enough of this and date. and to hear it so resolutely from multiple parts. barbara, i want to ask about fulton county. trunks legal team are basically arguing he can't be trial he's a candidate. he also convey tribal his president, in an attempt to delay this trial until 2029 or beyond. what would be at stake if those state charges were postponed? >> imagine a scenario where donald trump is elected and we don't get this trial until 2029. it gives a second trump administration without ever holding him accountable for the activity on january 6th. it's a strange son hour, because georgia is the one place he likes the pardon power and the power to dismiss that charges. if we don't get complete confections with sentencing and final judgments in the federal cases, donald trump could be elected, appoint an attorney general who just misses the federal charges against him or he could try pardoning himself. that is certainly a questionable call, it would have to go before the supreme court. and without holding him accountable in georgia, that one plays a conviction is pardon proof, we could see a donald trump administration all the way through 2029 before he's ever held accountable. >> that timeline is terrifying. michael, a former january six committee member jamie raskin had something to say and our team heard it. he says, democrats are the real conservatives when you compare them to trump. take a listen. >> where the liberal party because we stand fort liberty. we are the progressive party because we've done for progress. we are also the conservative because we want to conserve the constitution, that bill of rights, that land, the air, the water, the social security system -- everything they want to tear down is what we want to conserve. so at this point, if you are a four american democracy survive in your for us and not the party of trump. >> i wonder, michael, what do you make of that? >> okay, i hear it, i see what he's trying to do there. it's an amazing -- the two parties and some stands argument past each other in taking opposite corners on things. so he's right in that the democratic party has been arguably the conservation of democracy entanglement. but that's not how people hear that term and understand. it's a witches say were the conservative party, there are not thinking in terms of constitutional principles and preserving the rule of law. there are about policy and they're thinking of various other positions. social and otherwise. and that's where it comes a little bit of a stretch. >> i do want to ask you, barb, about new york. trump already finding ways to threaten and intimidate without violating the specific parameters of these gag orders. i wonder it -- what it is you are watching for? >> it is very tricky to have an effective gag order against someone who is determined to find loopholes and ways to validate. in that latest instance, donald trump going after the wife of a judge and the gag order only applies to the staff of a judge. at some point, one of the georgia is going to have to say enough is enough and fines are certainly within their ability to assess. we've seen it with judge engoron in new york. but the real question is going to be, at what point will someone have the nerve to actually jailed donald trump. because that's what happens when most people violated gag orders repeatedly and with impunity. >> it is the big question, right? i've only got a minute left. but it is what we keep looping back to because in his much as it plays out legally, it of course plays a politically. >> course it does. look, the reality of it is, the politics have been driving and dictating this process for a while now. again, back to how we started the conversation. with the court asserting itself by saying, i'm sorry, your argument is not within the bounds of what is not only constitutionally correct but just in terms of how this process works. i think it's like a turning point right now, so we'll see how it ultimately plays out. but the politics got to check in these rulings. and that's an important step. as we get ready for what will be a wild 2024, both politically and judicially. >> barbara mcquade, your commitment, to justice, to democracy, and msnbc when you would join us tonight when you should be into in the game. thank you for taking the time. i see you wrapping so horrid. she is ready. all right, michael steele, you don't get to go anywhere because next new dose of gop and sanity, trying the same thing over and over expecting, you know, a different result. obamacare, once again in trump's crosshairs. and later, the texas senator who wants to limit the use of pronouns and nicknames. do you know senator cruz's real name? spoiler alert, it ain't ted. stay with us. stay with us r your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough, cough) flare-ups that 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that north carolina republicans rejected the federal funding up until now. that expansion comes the same whip former president trump argued, again, to appeal -- repeal and replace the affordable care act. riding on truth social, i don't want to terminate obamacare, i want to replace it with much better health care. obamacare stocks. and no one surprise, he offered no details on an alternative plan. the former president has been pushed into and back here for nearly a decade. joining me now, california congressman raúl ruiz. many americans rely on obamacare -- you come to this not just as a legislator, also as a doctor. set the stakes for us if the former president more to get his way. >> as a frontline emergency physician, taking care of the uninsured and the underinsured, i've seen firsthand patients coming in and a coma do terrific diabetes that wasn't taken care or respiratory failure, heaven to be put on a breathing machine because they couldn't afford their medication to take care of their pulmonary illnesses. this is catastrophic. and president trump should be taken at his word. we should all raise the alarm. this would lead to 40 million americans haven't their health insurance taken away, including five points for latinos and it could raise the uninsured rate of latinos by up to 30% of the total population. so this is very alarming for the american people. >> when i saw this headline, part of what occurred to me, congressman, is that there has rightfully been so much emphasis on all of the promises former president trump has made shortly come to power again. a desire to use the power of the federal government to go after his enemies, authority slippery slope into autocracy. behind all of that there is also a reminder, given that he has no real unified ideology of an apparent for power, that there are systems in place like the aca that are working and servicing americans that he owes it wants to dismantle. what has to imagine, that aca is not the first and the last piece of working u.s. government this meant would want to do away with. >> agree with that. and what is right for us is you get 150 million people in our country who have chronic illnesses, he'll be discriminated against which you have a pre-existing illness if the affordable care act was repealed. and that will be charged more. the cost of care would increase because premiums would go up. you would have junk planes that wouldn't cover anything. and therefore you have higher out of pocket costs, in addition to that you can say goodbye to old is as angel health benefits like mental health care that's mandatory health insurance. and they would slash the protections from catastrophic medical bills. i mean, this would really hurt the american peoples bottom line. and their pockets, especially when the cost of living as a high right now. in contrast, prized and biden has decreased the cost of premiums by expanding the affordable care act. he's also decrease the cost of insulin to $35 a month. half the cost of medications for seniors to pay thousands. year and allowed medicare to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies for the first time ever, which will lower the cost of medication in our country. so you have a clear choice, this year. the extreme agenda based on politics or pragmatic, putting people above politics, lowering costs and protecting and expanding health care for. all >> california congressman raul ruiz, as always, thanks so much for taking the time to be with us. i want to bring back in former rnc chairman michael steele. michael, help me brittle this out politically. because health care is actually one of the few issues we're voters are willing to give democrats credit. it is higher ground for democrats, especially in this commission about the economy and about affordability. why then go after it's? i have to imagine there is a more strategic gop minds, like, pick something else to go after. >> there is nothing else. what is something else? that's the problem. to your first point, remember, americans were against it before they were for it. that was part of the argument and success that i had in running against obamacare into detain, and making the case. difficult though it was, because we still even at that time, with 14 republican doctors and the house caucus, couldn't put together a solidified agreeable plan, even though the obamacare plan was the heritage, the original heritage plan from the 1990s. and of course route -- mitt romney's massachusetts plan. so you say the iteration of this policy. and in the midst of all of that, in those arguments, alicia, there was no plan put forward. it was just got to run against. back what happened was wildly won that battle in 2010, speaker pelosi ultimately won the war. because she got it passed. and it became law. and now it is in the political and economic bloodstream, not to mention the health care bloodstream, of the american people. and you can't extract. yet the congress man laid out the points. what? because if you want to repeal and replace, you've got to take into account pre existing conditions. you've got to take into that new cost of this program, it segura, it's ibarra. so, obamacare is here tuesday. but for a certain part of the base, it's a good argument to make. they get old juiced up inside. people outside start screaming about it and nothing is going to happen. >> i have to mention, that part of the base is with him, with or without this specific outcry. i want to come back with you to the question i was asking the congressman about. we talk so much, again, rightfully so, about the promises donald trump has made as it relates to using the federal government to go after his enemies. this slippery slide into autocracy. but, if he actually got around to policy work, to, which is a big, if there was the infrastructure week and month that never happens, that could also have really disruptive consequences. given that he has no unified ideological view of what that change should be. >> yeah, where do you see the policy pace play outs? on top, and i'm thinking about a post-mitch mcconnell senate. i'm thinking about, lord knows what the house will look like, but as human speaker johnson is in place. and donald trump is the president. so what is the policy? the point, is the party is what out that particular anchor, because since the 2020 election, it has been without a grounding ideology with respect to policy. it has no platform, so it can't tell you the things it would articulate in terms of policy and. why so understand, or at least as i understand it, the real thrust of the next trump administration is not about public policy. the policy is going to be the bank and of retribution. and so that league play will be, using the instruments of government to get his political enemies out of the way, to further deconstruct the administrative state, and layer on top of that policies like what we saw on immigration, where he wants to run everybody up, put them in the state of texas, process them out of the country, and that is the first of many policy steps i think you see coming out of an trump administration. so the question for the american people's take put deceit your family member burned up and sent some place because donald trump decided they don't belong here? so those are the types of policy questions that are going to be very much on top of mind for voters going into next year. >> the effect that is even a question. my friend, michael steele, thank you so much for spending part of your so that it with us. next, elon musk and the broader impact of free speech on american democracy -- and later, coming home. a report on some of the last publicized hostages now returning home to their families far from israel. stay with us. stay with us biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to 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there is public exchange, of course, very revealing. her, think this is bigger than musk. bigger than x. they were up and put. here it's part of a national debate over whether free speech made speech without consequences. washington post national correspondent philip bump writes, this was the core of the backlash against preet musk twitter's efforts to police abuse and misinformation, they have the right plan to things. and winter had no right to keep him from doing so. philip joins us now, also the author of a book, the aftermath, also with us, angelo khorasan, front media matters. phil, expand on that a divorce. >> i think it's really important to recognize when elon makes these comments about the importance of twitter and how it's the passion of free speech, really what he's doing is he's being the most obvious manifestation of this very prevalent idea on the right, that you are not allowed to face any consequences for the things that you say. we see this in a lot of different formats. we see anytime there is any sort of attempt to moderate social media competitions, the response is, i have free speech. you can tell me what i can and can't. say you have this idea about cancel culture, that people are facing consequences for things they say. all of this is about having people, who've and abroad saints, often feel as though they have status anxiety. they're worried about their position in american culture. this is a way in which that manifests. that people feel as though, now even twitter is keeping me from being the real man i want to be, saying the things i want to say. when the reality of course is twitter is a private company, elon musk in particular, was allowed to do. that was a lot of, that you can't be abusive on our platform. you can't say antisemitic things on our platform. that's not okay. it was an example of contracts being applied to speech. but now that here is framed in this broad argument -- where the for this xfinity exists and people, you can't tell you i can't do, because that the position. >> andrew, i have to imagine throws a corollary there, with mosque trying to say he's being blackmailed, or referencing this idea of being blackmailed. this is how a free market works. companies get to choose how they spend their dollars. >> exactly. he -- obviously it's a total inflation. the idea of blackmail, which is as you point out, what a marketplace. is the whole point, for a company like this in for most commercial companies, is to produce a product. so you get an audience. and advertisers want to reach that audience. his response i think reinforces that, to say you must support these ideas otherwise you are the bad guy. and beyond that, -- you are then going to activate your audience is to not just express outrage and condemnation, but increasingly jammed them up to take more of trump means because they feel like they're on the margins. it's this and justifies that means, might means might approach, advocating for -- reinforcing that the next, day he talked about the fact advertising partners need to really align the values of what x is trying to be here. even count once and for, they're suggesting, those remaining are really buying into this world view. that's never been the idea behind advertising. it's never meant to endorse the program. it's meant to align with, try to get to the audience but also to avoid basic controversial extremes. >> i want to sort of zoom out. and i want to think about the conversations we're having. we have viewers that don't use x, they might not be thinking about elon musk. it's all happening in the border environment, as you said, the conservative movement is trying to make the first amendment something it is not. it's also happening against the backdrop of the very real possibility of the second trump term, we are trump is telling us exactly what it is he'll do, and is part of his effort is to undermine the institutions that would be there to hold him to account. >> that's exactly right. the pace of work this week, and looked at all the warnings, searching for doj against his enemies, taking over the military. he tried to do those things. he had the investigation spurred by william car, the durham investigation, trying to get dirt on people who -- it's important. to contextualize, that when we talk about the elon musk, think these arguments are incredibly stupid. the very stupid arguments. but while they depend on is, you are on team musk. your own team right side. your own team, we are the conservatives. it depends on this fostering of a sense of, we are the opponents of the bad guys on the left, which is a really what donald trump has done. elon musk is donald trump but in the business world, instead of politics. that's what donald trump has done. you're on my team, or drove the enemy. that's what musk is the with a twitter fight. that's how donald trump frames his politics, in increasingly obvious ways. when we think about the prospect of him becoming president again in january 2025 and implementing those things, he's now more prepared even than he was in 2020 to deploy federal power against his enemies, which is what his base has been inculcated to watch. >> angelo, i've got less than a minute left, but you find yourself in these crosshairs. >> without a doubt. i think, one of the things that's so clarifying in this moment, we had this impression that when -- this started with the birth of fox news. the idea of -- fear balance. everything else is the left in the enemy, and will balance its. now it's okay if you fit a little bit, because the ends justify the means. now that's taken to extremes. their way of claiming they advocate for free speech is to get one step further and use the actual institutions of government power to punish all of those they identify as the enemy, so then they can purify it and have clarity. so we are identified as the enemy, but we're not going to be the only ones. anyone engaged in any kind of reporting and criticism -- it's because it for a reason, but it's true. the paint is supposed to be money that this, and this is in an area worth a try to take away the pain from the critics. especially when you increasingly start to slide into authoritarianism. it's a real dangerous time. >> indeed, thank you for this context. next, some hostages released this week by hamas war every lot way from home. we'll show you their emotional return. plus, say it again, ted. what senator cruz showed his hand by introducing legislation against preferred pronouns. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 50 years or older? ask your doctor about shingles. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. 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,Diabetes ,Respiratory Failure ,Wasn T ,Heaven ,Breathing Machine ,Uninsured ,Coma ,Underinsured ,Illnesses ,Word ,Americans Haven T ,Alarm ,40 Million ,Latinos ,Points ,Population ,Uninsured Rate ,Five ,30 ,President Trump ,Headline ,Desire ,Emphasis ,Enemies ,Ideology ,Reminder ,Autocracy ,Authority Slippery Slope ,Systems ,Daca ,Servicing ,Country ,Illness ,150 Million ,Cost ,Premiums ,Pocket Costs ,Junk ,Mental Health Care ,Bills ,Goodbye ,Addition ,Protections ,Angel Health Benefits ,Peoples ,Contrast ,Thigh ,Pockets ,Prized ,Bottom Line ,Drug Prices ,Medications ,Insulin ,Medicare ,Seniors ,35 ,Companies ,Time ,Agenda ,Choice ,Costs ,Voters ,Issues ,Nothing ,Commission ,Minds ,Affordability ,Economy ,Pick ,Success ,Something Else ,Obamacare Into Detain ,Doctors ,House ,Couldn T Put Together A Solidified Agreeable ,14 ,Heritage Plan ,Massachusetts Plan ,Iteration ,Mitt Romney ,1990 ,Arguments ,Speaker Pelosi ,Back ,Plan Put ,Midst ,Battle ,Bloodstream ,Health Care Bloodstream 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,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Vomiting ,Depression ,Thoughts ,Weight Loss ,Movie ,Ting ,Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ,Crowd Gasp ,Pay ,Baby Grand Piano ,Save ,Mustache ,Mark ,Center Stage ,Liberty Bibberty ,Design Business ,Store ,Internet ,Business Internet ,Business Grade Internet ,Pwe ,Bobby ,Exploding Need ,Show ,Bouillon ,Collection ,Deliciousness ,Broth ,Sauces ,Varieties ,Sodium ,Organic ,Twitter ,Musk ,Meltdown ,Social Media Company X ,Africans ,Blackmail ,Bob Iger ,Conference ,Fire ,Efficacy ,Disney ,Advertising ,Antisemitic Conspiracy ,Somebody ,Advertise ,Black Man ,Money ,Bleep ,Speech ,Philip Bump ,Debate ,Washington Post ,Plan ,Abuse ,Backlash ,Winter ,Core ,Misinformation ,Aftermath ,Book ,Musk Twitter ,Author ,Preet ,Phil ,Passion ,Comments ,Divorce ,Importance ,Elon ,Front Media Matters ,Angelo Khorasan ,Idea ,Right ,Doing ,Manifestation ,Obvious ,Formats ,Response ,Social Media Competitions ,Sort ,Culture ,Position ,Manifests ,Saints ,Status Anxiety ,American Culture ,Company ,Particular ,Example ,Xfinity ,Andrew ,Free Market Works ,Corollary ,Mosque ,Dollars ,Being Blackmailed ,Blackmailed ,Audience ,Product ,Marketplace ,Inflation ,Advertisers ,Bad Guy ,Condemnation ,Outrage ,Margins ,Fact Advertising Partners ,Values ,Advocating ,Extremes ,World View ,Zoom ,Viewers ,Conversations ,Conservative Movement ,Happening ,Don T Use X ,The Border Environment ,Institutions ,Backdrop ,Effort ,Possibility ,Work ,Space ,Doj ,To Contextualize ,Dirt ,William Car ,Team Musk ,Right Side ,Sense Of ,Fostering ,Enemy ,Opponents ,Guys ,Fight ,Prospect ,2025 ,January 2025 ,Angelo ,Doubt ,Impression ,Means ,Birth ,Fear Balance ,Ends ,Fox News ,Government Power ,Clarity ,Paint ,Criticism ,Reporting ,Ones ,Area ,Kind ,Anyone ,Try ,Critics ,Context ,Authoritarianism ,Return ,Legislation ,Hand ,Dog Barks ,Dog Walking Business ,Car Insurance ,Bunny ,Liberty Mutual ,Card ,Weeklong Space ,Reporter ,Timelines ,Dozens ,Story ,Welcome ,Receiving A Hero S ,Friends ,Uncle Didn T Say A Word ,Heroes ,Relatives ,The Village ,Torture Anusha ,47th Day ,Tie Farmworkers ,Thailand ,Earth ,Go Home ,Russia ,17 ,47 ,Israelis ,Support ,Being ,Hamas On Israel Communities ,Workers ,Truck ,Several ,Videos ,Nine ,Government Officials ,At Bangkok Airport ,Bittersweet ,Joy ,Motion ,Patient ,Didn T ,Migrants ,Northeast ,Ceremony Believe ,So ,Trauma ,Daughter ,Moxie ,Janis Mackey Frayer ,Odor Protection ,Melanie Stanbury ,Colleagues ,Offer ,Ayman ,Hunter Boston ,Eight ,Contra Costa College ,Stage ,Expressive ,Bold ,Daring ,Voice ,Tools ,My Story ,Canvas ,Future ,Romeo And Juliet ,Employees ,Legislation Last Month ,Agencies ,Identities ,Arcia ,Government Workers ,Individuals ,Legislating ,Quote ,Rafael Cruz ,Government Police ,Given Name ,Cruise ,Because ,Hypocrisy On Parade ,Bill Cruz ,Cruz ,Him ,San Antonio Express News ,Paper A Lion Hack ,Whatever ,Me Ted ,Waco Board ,Saturday ,Fish ,Handle ,Social Media ,Expulsion ,George Santos ,Chapter ,History ,Clause ,

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