is scheduled to end at midnight tonight, with a senior arab official tells nbc news, there are hopes for another two-day extension. >> we would like to see the pause extended. its continuation by definition means more hostages would be coming home, more assistance would be getting in. >> potentially devastating news for one israeli family. the hamas military wing saying that members of the bibas family, they have all died, claiming without providing any evidence, it was an israeli air strike. joining me this hour is dick durbin on his proposal to reopen gaza hospitals. in georgia, rosalynn carter will be laid to rest after a private funeral service. ♪♪ good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. today could be the last day for a group of ten hostages to be released, unless the temporary truce between israel and hamas is extended. signs ar hopeful for another two-day extension, according to a senior arab diplomat who spoke to nbc news. hamas says three hostages, the bibas family, have died while being held hostage. israel and the bibas family trying to determine whether that claim is true, the condition of their father who was taken to go saturday is not know. tuesday, ten more hostages were released. none are believed to be nine american hostages, two of whom are women, who had been expected to be released. nearly 158 people are believed to still be in captivity. >> reporter: we spoke to the bibas family yesterday. as you remember, they held a rally here in tel aviv to try and raise their profile, to try and tell the world, don't forget about them. they have become a symbol of this hostage crisis with the husband and mother -- the mother and father taken along with their two young children, a 4-year-old and a 10-month-old. hamas has been under a lot of pressure to release more women and children in order to keep this deal going, in order to extend this cease-fire deal for another two days. in this context, as hamas is under this pressure and hamas wants the cease-fire to be extended, and there's a lot of questions, what about this family, what about these two children, what about this 10-month-old baby, the youngest of all of the hostages, where are they? if you want to extend the truce, produce these people. hamas just a few hours ago now put out on telegram a statement saying they had previously been killed. they just learned this. they were killed by an earlier israeli air strike. the israeli military said that it's aware of the reports but can't confirm them. the bibas family put out a statement. i can read it for you. it ss -- they are with the -- the family is with the israeli military and issued this statement effectively saying, we are waiting for confirmation and hopefully confirmation that they are still alive. >> richard, from all of your reporting, what are the chances of that truce being extended? >> so far, this truce is working. it's very fraught. there was violence -- more violence today in the west bank. a young teenage boy was killed. there's accusations yesterday of violations of the cease-fire. generally speaking, it's working. every day hamas has been releasing around a dozen hostages in exchange the israeli government is releasing three times as many palestinian prisoners. roughly 30 or so palestinian prisoners each day. it has been progressing. now hamas is running low on women and children. but it's trying to collect them. it seems hamas has spread out some of the hostages in other parts of the gaza strip, giving them to other militant groups for safe keeping, to hold them. that is what hamas said happened with the bibas family, they were being held by another faction and that now it learned that during the course of the israeli air campaign, the bibas family were killed. that information still to be confirmed. the israelis and bibas family saying they hope it's not true and they are looking into it. globally speaking, since this deal is producing results, it does seem encouraging and a top arab negotiator directly involved in the talks told me that they are making some progress and they hope to have a two-day plus extension. there are five more hours left. we do have a little bit more time. it doesn't seem like they would have an announcement until the latest batch of hostages is actually in israeli territory. according to numerous reports, that process is in place. that now as we are speaking, the latest batch of hostages is sort of starting the early process to head their way to israel. it's not a quick process. hamas has to gather them. they have to move them. they have to hand them over to the red cross. the red cross then takes them, hands them over to the israelis. the israelis do their medical checks and then make the announcement. it takes several hours. once that process is completed, it's possible we could hear from the two sides talking about a truce extension, or not. the latest information i was getting is that they are cautiously optimistic. >> i know that bill burns, the cia director, the head of the mossad and qatari intelligence officials are trying to negotiate more. burns wanting it to extend to men, including men who are in the idf, men and women. whether or not that happens, that was the hope -- the american hope. what about the americans? there are two women and probly seven men. some of the men could be idf. we don't know. i don't know, i mean. do you have any idea wheer any of the americans might be in today's group? >> there's a report that today's group does include one american. i have been very cautious about going with these lists, with the names of who is going to be released until they are actually released, until they are in israeli territory or at least in the hands of the red cross. until we know for sure. these lists have been known to change in the last minute. it's possible that we could have an american coming out, a dual national israeli american coming out with this latest group. yes, as you mentioned before, the qataris are at the center of it. the negotiations with bill burns, the head of the mossad, qatari intelligence officials are crucial. they want to expand this truce program which has been only now limited to women and children in exchange for female palestinian prisoners and minors. they want to expand it to men. they want to potentially expand it to military age men and women. if they can -- the hope is if they can start tackling the more complex issues, start tackling the -- getting more to the heart of the matter, that this could parlay into a larger peace deal. the israelis say they are not looking for a peace deal with hamas. they might be open to a larger hostage for prisoner swap. they are interested in that, depend on what the terms might be. israel as this point is still talking about maintaining its core goal of destroying hamas, but it first wants to get as many hostages out as possible, of all kinds of hostages, including men and women. >> it's important context. thank you so much, richard engel. one of the reasons bill burns is so effective is that before he was a russia expert and our ambassador to moscow and a fluent russian speaker, he was in the middle east and he is fluent in arab as well as are you, richard. another reason why you are such a great reporter. thank you. splinter groups. a closer look at the various groups holding the hostages in gaza and the efforts to find them before the israeli military assault continues. e israeli itar assault continues. the subway series is getting an upgrade. the new #33. the teriyaki blitz. with double cheese and teriyaki-marinated meat. it's like a perfect steak spiral in the double cheese coverage. if you say so, peyton. who knew the subway series could get even better? white house says the u.s. cannot assume that hamas has ready access to all of the hostages, including dozens who are reportedly no longer in hamas control but were traded or handed off to other terror groups. netanyahu's advisor told me, israel is holding hamas responsible for the safety of all israelis held in gaza. >> we're not going to let hamas subcontract out responsibility. they are responsible for all the hostages. >> joining me now is a former cia chief of operations in europe. he spent a lot of time in the middle east. good to see you. we had disturbing news,f it's confirmed, the bibas family, among 40 hostages not in hamas hands who are -- they say they have no control over them. there's questions whether they turned them over to groups like the palestinian islamic jihad. give us a primer on who the other groups are and why would hamas hand hostages off to them since they are key bargaining chips, presumably? >> andrea, it's a chaotic situation. tragically, israeli hostages were taken and brought back into the gaza strip, some by hamas, some by another group called the palestine islamic jihad, a terrorist organization more aligne with iran. then there was stories that even individual gaza residents kept -- are keeping israelis hostage. i think that thesraeli government is correct to say to hamas, it's your responsibility to gather these up in terms of the future negotiations. obviously, it is taking some time. ultimately, hamas is responsible. hamas is the entity we must deal with. >> let me go through a list of some of the groups. we are told that according to the state department at least that there's hamas, palestinian islac jihad. the popular front for liberation of palestine, low actors and criminal gangs among those who might be holding people. who would you considerate all reachable if there were to be sidebar negotiations? >> when it comes to things like criminal gangs, we are talking about the intricacies of dynamics inside the gaza strip. this is getting more complicated. hamas is the governing power there. they are ultimately responsible for this. the palestine islamic jihad answers to the iranians. if you see prisoners -- we have seen hostages released who were in their custody. that suggests the iranians almost okayed that deal as well. ultimately, i think while these are the intricacies of what's happening inside gaza, hamas is responsible for this. they are going to have to deliver. if this is to go forward, the hostages traded for security prisoners, hamas is going to have to bring forth additional members. israel has limited patience. we will see more than likely the pause continue. ultimately, israel wants their hostages back. if someone is taken, they will do everything possible. but their patience is limited. there was a poll taken friday by the israeli democracy institute. 90% of israelis want the hostages back, but they also want to see hamas dismantled. there's pressure inside israel for the offensive to continue. we can't forget that. >> thank you very much for your insight. appreciate it. a stunning surge. a new study revealing the spike in anti-semitism on college campuses since the october 7th attacks that left 1,400 israelis dead. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. a mitchell reports" only on msnbc. 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>> it's pretty bad. >> reporter: this woman is jewish. she says she's been avoiding pub lech spaces. >> by virtue of being a jew or an arab or muslim or israeli, there's a feeling that you are so hated by so many people no matter what you do or say. >> reporter: this woman was arrested during a pro-palestinian sit-in earlier this month. >> it's not jews against arabs. >> reporter: the university dropped all charges. >> those of white house have been organizing really see this as the culmination of the university and the american government's refusal to stand up for palestine and for palestinian and arab members of our community. is there anything that givs you hope? >> it feels like people are listening. it's a tragedy that it took a university student getting shot. >> reporter: hope despite tense. >> shaq brewster joins us live. shaq, what's the latest on the investigation and on the students' recovery? >> reporter: the investigation continues. we got a warning earlier this week that this will be an extensive investigation. authorities are not calling it a hate crime at this point. they say that it was clearly an act of hate. they want to do more investigating before making that designation, if one is to come. you talk about the recovery. he is in the hospital right now. his parents are saying that he might not be able to walk again. there is some good news. one of his classmates, one of the other three students who was shot -- he wasn't a classmate, his friend who was shot, he was released from the hospital just yesterday. his parents saying that he was scared to leave the hospital. that's just a sign that while you may have these students having that physical recovery and improving in a physical condition, there's still a lot of trauma and there's work until they are back to being 100%. >> shaq brewster, a great report. thank you so much. joining us now is jonathan greenblatt. thank you. 46% of jewish students feel safe on campuses around the country. i know you are concerned about all ethnic groups. you expressed that often enough. with this study zeroing in on the anti-semitism and jewish students, is enough being done to protect the kids? >> i want to talk about that. i would be remiss if i didn't note the tragedy of the young men getting shot in vermont. there is no excuse for people being shot because they are speaking arabic or showing up at a rally in support of palestinians, just like there's no excuse for jewish -- an elderly men to get bludgeoned over the head because he was jewish. none of this is normal. no one should think had is okay. the truth is, to your question, no, the colleges are not doing enough to protect their jewish students. when three out of four jewish students tell us that they have either seen or experienced themselves an anti-semitic incidence, when i hear students tell me from ivey league universities that they are being harassed on campus, that they are hiding in their dorm rooms or that they are considering leaving campus all together, something is profoundly wrong. i gotta ask, why are these university presidents so weak? they seem to lack a kind of moral center that they have had for so many other incidents, and appropriately so. why when jewish students, why when israeli students are being targeted and victimized is their response an acquiescence or silence? >> there's the faculty responsibility. on many of the campuses, presidents are administrators, but the faculty have an enormous amount of power over whatpendin university. >> look at cornell or columbia or so many places where faculty, who are protected by the system of employment, somehow literally the students there are supposed to be responsible for in teaching, instead they terrorize and they taunt. we saw it at stanford. we saw it at cornell. let me say something. although there's tenure, these presidents do have the authority to remove people from committees, to prevent them from getting promotions. there are ways you can tell a professor that you don't want him or her to teach all together. i do think that these presidents have hid behind the tenure system. they are the onesho are responsible and need to be accountable to their children, to their students and to the parents like me who send our kidso these places. >> another part of your study found that after october 7, only 39% of jewish students felt comfortable with others knowing that they are jewish. we are talking about basic facts of their identity. are these students hiding that they are jewish to avoid any discrimination or repercussions? >> they are. i heard directly from students at elite institutions who are not wearing their jewish stars, who are again wearing hats over their heads. we are talking about ivy league institutions. we are going to start acting. we launched a call-in line to make it eay for students. next week, as you probably know, a number of the university presidents are being subpoenaed by the house. it's time to hold them accountable once and for all. >> i know there's a house hearing that's going to be held on tuesday with several of the presidents. jonathan greenblatt, let me talk a bit about the arab and muslim students, too. they can be singled out, identified, arabic or clothing as they were in burlington. they shouldn't be hiding as well. they should not be hiding behind any kind of false screen. >> no question. the idea that students need to be protected while they walk across campus, whether you are muslim, whether you are jewish, this is america. our pluralism has always been our strength. we cannot allow extremists, right wing extremists, hard left anti-zionists, we can't let them tear us apart. it's got to start. >> jonathan greenblatt, thank you, as always. can congress agree on the budget battle other israel, ukraine, and the border? 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i have been doing a lot of reporting on the hospitals, the pediatric hospital in the north, al-shifa hospital. the equipment has been broken. they don't have staffing. they have been told to evacuate. i don't know how an outside group would reasonably take over and staff these hospitals with the lack of fuel and the lack of supplies and all the rest. >> what i'm looking for is credible reports on these hospitals and looking for a third party that the public and the parties involved will accept. that's not an easy thing. in fact, some organizations have told me pointedly, they don't want to get involved. it's too political. it could backfire. what i'm trying to establish is the fact that, number one, it's a legitimate hospital. it's not a command and control center or a place of military importance. number two, to give us an assessment and inventory of what they are lacking. i have heard stories and you have, too. amputations of limbs of children without anesthesia. the only pain medication, tylenol. trying to clean wounds with vinegar because they have no disinfectant. these are outrageous situations that will be worse if the fighting resumes. i pray it won't, but if it does. i'm searching for a third party. i will reach out to the u.n. to give me guidance. >> doctors without borders have lost some personnel. they have had terrible losses, even where they are in gaza. i was hearing from nurses at the pediatric hospital, when they were accused of being hamas based or hamas in the basement. the nurse was saying, i go to the basement all the time. there were families on the floor. you could barely walk to pick up diapers or supplies, because there were so many people there. where were these hamas people? since they have been evacuated, who knows who is in there now. how do you get rid of the tunnels? >> i understand that it's a complex situation. hamas has used these hospitals as a veiled effort to continue their military operations in a safe way. i do not want to in any way support that. the bottom line is the hospitals that are real hospitals, that have real needs, should be identified and protected. we should let it be known to both sides that these hospitals have to be kept out of the conflict. that's not unreasonable. it's basic and it's consistent with international law when it comes to humane treatment of individuals in wartime. >> you are absolutely right. one other thing that without enough fuel for phones and for the generation of cell coverage as well as for people to charge their phones, 80% of the population has been displaced, they are in the south, israel has not agreed if they resume hostilities that they won't attack the south, as far as we know. the u.s. has been pressing for that. a lot of the people can't communicate with each other to get out. there are pediatric cancer patients. 32 have gotten out on a list of 52. people don't know how to get in touch with them to assemble to get them out through rafah. >> one other element that there's been a promise for weeks from the israeli ambassador and others of hospital ships brought to the scene to try to provide relief from what you described. i'm still waiting. i hope it's today it happens. it's been promised for a long time. that kind of supplemental medical care could be critical. >> let me switch to what's happening on the border negotiations, which could become a poison pill for both ukraine and israel aid. you along with the majority of your senate democratic colleagues are calling on the white house to better explain how israel is using taxpayer money. some conditionality. what's the progress on either of those issues? >> the conversation is underway. there's been no agreement on language or process at this point. i would just say this week that among my democratic colleagues in the senate, they have said, we support israel's right to exist. we support their right to defend themselves. we believe what happened on october 7th -- i saw the video yesterday. what happened october 7th was an atrocity. we ask israel and any military action be sensitive to the collateral damage of innocent individuals. i think that has been the message consistently this week. it's the same message when it comes to protecting the hospitals moving forward. we have not reached any agreement as to any conditionality. >> what are your concerns about the republican language in these negotiations on southern border and asylum issues and refugee issues? >> let me tell you something. my mother was an immigrant to this country. i haven't forgotten immigrants have made america. sadly, some of the republicans that are wanting to sit at the table only view immigration in negative terms. i agree that we have to have a new process at the border which brings order to the situation which has been overwhelmed by the numbers of refugees from all over the world that has to be done. it has to be done thoughtfully. the idea of eliminating the president's authority to allow people to come to this country is people to come into this country is absolutely unacceptable to me. the emergency situations like ukraine make parole absolutely essential in times with those dire situations. and i would just say my biggest concern is there are people sitting at that table negotiating who are opposed to any new immigration in america. if we need new medical personnel to come to america, doctors, nurses to keep our hospitals open in illinois both down state as well as the city, obviously immigrants are needed. we certainly need them in our agricultural sector. we've got to take a balanced view towards immigration. don't overdo it, don't abuse it, but don't ignore the fact that it's a critical part of our history and our economy. >> senator dick durbin, thank you very much. >> thank you. and a final farewell, family, close friends, in the plains, georgia, community paying respects to rosalynn carter. that's next, you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. ♪ if you struggle with cpap... 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. in a crisis caused by a terrorist massacre. warning civilians to clear out, while hamas forces them back. allowing in food and water, which hamas steals. that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. [upbeat music] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) in plains, georgia, today, jimmy carter and the carter family have been saying their final farewells to the family matriarch, rosalyn smith carter, at a private funeral and burial, the service at their beloved congregation around the baptist church where the carters prayed and the former president taught sunday school for decades that has now concluded. you can see there was a procession making its way through downtown plains to a burial at the carter home. that's where we find nbc's blayne alexander. blayne, this has all been so touching, culminating an emotional three-day celebration of mrs. carter's remarkable life of service. >> reporter: absolutely, andrea. there have been a number of poignant moments over the past three days of tributes but i think really what we saw today, the former president at the end of the service being wheeled out right behind the casket of his wife of 77 years. watching them essentially moving together out in front of the church, her being placed in the hearse, and him getting in the car was really one of the most moving images that we've seen from this entire three days of tributes. you know, i think that today's service was truly a poignant one. what we saw yesterday, a host of dignit dignitaries, today really was about their close community, about their family, about close friends. what we heard from the pastor was talking about how much this church meant to mrs. carter. he said that the pandemic took something from her. it took away the church. it took away the church family. it took away the people, and he called them by name that she loved so dearly here and saw every sunday. so that was certainly a very moving part of the service. of course we heard from family, family members playing a role in this service just as they have throughout the three days of tributes. let's listen to what her grandson josh had to say about her impact in his life. take a look. >> she spent the rest of her life improving the lives of people across the globe, to free them from oppression, eliminate crippling diseases, and to help people with mental illnesses live healthy, fulfilling lives. and she knew that was the best time of her life. she always closed her story there. >> reporter: so andrea, in addition to those personal tributes, i think one thing that really has stood out with all of these over the past few days is how you've just seen so many personal touches from mrs. carter herself, from the music selection, songs she truly enjoyed, the pianist who was a personal favorite of her and president carter. and one other thing you may have noticed today is that many people were wearing lays inside the ceremony today. i spoke with a representative from the carter center, and he told me that's actually twofold. it's a nod to their early days of living in hawaii many years ago. also that they have a close personal friend who lives in hawaii, they wanted to do something after her passing so in the days after her death, they sent a number of lays from hawaii here to georgia and the family wore those today. >> and i think we have some of the video of former president jimmy carter who came, he's in that wheelchair with a blanket, as the family is walking after her, and he came out of hospice, as you know, blayne, for this service. you see the children. >> reporter: if i could say something about that moment too -- >> yes. >> reporter: you know, it was so remarkable because we saw the motorcade pull in. we saw a number of people gathering around, but before he was wheeled out of his vehicle, the family surrounded it, almost like in a protective sort of way, and it was so notable because, of course, as you can imagine, there are a number of cameras here, and so to see his family walking with him slowly and very intentionally up that entire walk and into the church was a moving moment as well, andrea. >> blayne alexander, sad but so meaningful there in plains, georgia. thank you very much. and we have breaking news on the hostages potentially being released from gaza today, which could be the last day of hostage release, we don't know. nbc news is now confirming that an american citizen could be among them. according to a u.s. official and a diplomat, both with knowledge of these fast-moving events. the officials are cautioning that the situation is still very fluid, nothing is final until these hostages are turned over tohe red cross and they're actually out of gaza. we expect more on all of this coming up of course at the top of the hour and throughout the day on msnbc. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." follow us on social media @mitchellreports. "chris jansing reports" starts right

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,77 ,Church ,Images ,Hearse ,Poignant One ,Car ,Dignit Dignitaries ,Host ,Pastor ,Pandemic ,Church Family ,Family Members ,Role ,Lives ,Take A Look ,Grandson ,Globe ,Diseases ,Illnesses ,Oppression ,Touches ,Addition ,Songs ,Music Selection ,Pianist ,Representative ,Favorite ,Ceremony ,Carter Center ,Lays ,Nod ,Living ,Hawaii ,Wheelchair ,Blanket ,Hospice ,Blayne ,Sort ,Motorcade Pull ,Vehicle ,Walk ,Cameras ,Citizen ,Knowledge ,Gaza Today ,Hostage Release ,Top ,Nothing ,Events ,Tohe ,Chris Jansing Reports ,Social Media Mitchellreports ,Eedition ,

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