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they said with help from egypt and the united states, they were able to bridge those gaps and to get this deal on the road. >> the thing i your help in understanding is what we have watched transpire over the past 12 or so hours, what does it tell us about where the future waves of releases is headed? >> the main thing that it tells us is this is a very hour by hour, minute by minute process, with a lot of moving parts. it's extremely fragile, especially after today, everyone understands it to be extremely fragile. the moment that israel accused o hamas of not abiding by the deal, it showed us the extent to which we really cannot reach any conclusions about this process until we watch those conclusions take place. that said, within the framework of the agreement, what we can ee expect is that over the next two days, we will see the remainder of this group of 50 s israeli hostages be released from the gaza strip and the 150 palestinian prisoners be released. mostly in east jerusalem. there is the possibility that the cease-fire will be extended, day by day, during each one of those days, hamas is expected to release an additional 10 israeli hostages and israel is expected to release three palestinian prisoners for each of the israeli hostages. >> i have less than a minute left but i have to ask, what are you hearing from these families? >> we just heard earlier from the he turned released yesterday and we are hanging from a relative about his experience inside of gaza. donald trump, back togaza. attacking his new york judge deals before an appeal court refuses his gag order. in a two-way and post on thanksgiving, yes, two a.m., trump called the judge, quote, psycho. accusing his clerk of corruption. trump has been targeting court staff since the fraud trial started. the judge has already received thousands of threatening messages. trump claims, it's his first amendment right to harass members of the court. new york judges, putting that to the test on monday when they meet, potentially, to reimpose trump's gag order. joining me now, former federal prosecutor, christopher matty. he is the attorney of a law firm in connecticut, and msnbc political analyst. he is the host of the strange days podcast. the president of amandi international. i wonder when you expect in new york appeals court will make of trump's two a.m. thanksgiving comments? >> the most significant development here is that the new york district attorney is likely to present evidence that, following that tweet, the threats, and harassing behavior directed to him escalated in seriousness. so what you really have is a case study, showing, quote, the effectiveness of the gag order in protecting court staff, and also, trump's willingness to go ahead, and to direct his supporters to attack these people in the absence of a gag order. i think the appellate court is, likely, to side with the judge because no criminal defendant has a legitimate interest in attacking court employees. there may be first amendment issues with other types of speech, but not this. i expect the appellate court to reinstitute the gag order. >> you can draw direct line from his comments to the way his supporters, and fans, come out to harass public people. what strikes me is that trump claims the new york gag order could harm his presidential bid. it is though he is telling on himself. >> he is right, it will harm his bid at. he won't be able to spew to a, six of, am and 24/7, unhinged tweets, the way he does. the difference here is i think trump is looking to get the gag order. he wants the gag order. anything to continue the grievance campaign that he can tell his base that the deep state, or in this case, the courts, are going after him. and, to unleashes maga supporters to then say, in spite of the gag order, what he would otherwise think. so, i think we need to look at trump acting here, cynically, in bad faith, to get that gag order. i think it will come on monday. >> chris, i need not remind you, you had a d.c. appeals court on trump's federal gag order. reminder, again, multiple gag orders here. there are so many cases that would go to the supreme court, and would go there specifically on the federal gag order. do you think, actually, that ends up at the supreme court? then >> i think it is unlikely. we will probably see an appellate court mirroring the judges order. if they do that, i think the supreme court, will probably, take a path over the supreme court. then there is a court balance staying on the interest. donald trump argues, he has a first amendment right to attack his prosecution, to build a claim that is politically motivated, to assail the motives of the prosecutors. the prosecutors say, look, we have a justice system that relies on witnesses being frequently intimidated. that once you are arrested, certain rights are curtailed. the appellate court will probably mirror this to order that trump is not allowed to court employees, or witnesses. many say with jack smith, and the prosecutors and his office, that those people, to the extent that trump wants to criticize them, are following thin trump's first amendment rights. the first thing is going to be enforcing it. it is where the rubber meets the road there. it is what judge chutkan tries to get to do. >> take a big step back here, and the reason why we are talking about all of this is because we are talking about a former president, who is running for reelection, and continues to undermine the rule of law, and the institutions across this country, writ large, to say nothing of democracy. former white house staffer, cassidy hutchison to's still share warnings after this one. if donald trump was elected president again in 2024, i fear it will be the last election where you will be voting for democracy. if he is elected again, and i don't think that they'll be voting under the same constitution that we would be if joe biden was elected in 2024. >> it's cassidy hutchison. it's bill barr. it is general milley. the list goes on, and on. at some point, you need to ask yourself, are there enough republicans? clearly from just his own administration, who could come out, could issue the warning? does the warning land differently for them, then it does for other messengers? >> alicia, it is the question that one has to ask. who is this warning for? is it for the trump, the maga base? no it won't have any impact on them. it will land with assad. however, for independent voters, those who might even call frustrated democratic voters. by the time we get to the election in 2024, i think these are the most effective messengers. these are the january 6th hearings. it is the trump appointed, trump selected, handpicked members, and what many others have been saying for years. trump is that existential threat to democracy. he is a fascist, authoritarian, who will govern, like a fascist authoritarian. in essence, and many of the liberties for the last 246 years. i think for those voters, that is what it will be most effective to. sadly, i do not think this has any impact, whatsoever, on the maga base. >> on the maga boy's. to your point, it doesn't need to have an impact on the bay, so long as it is reaching the otherwise persuadable voters. chris, other big legal views, all week were the various cases of the 14th amendment it was -- we are on a very tight timeline. whether you talk about -- where the secretary of state has said, by january 5th, whatever is the ruling, she is going with that. she will, or won't, put him on the ballot, because of that. i wonder, if you think given the timeline we are under, if any of these cases, have the possibility of, actually being in place by relevant deadlines? >> certainly, and colorado, the supreme court has scheduled an expedited hearing schedule, in order to meet that deadline. you may recall, last week, we anticipated the appellate court review the, colorado judge determination that, even though donald trump engaged in insurrection against the united states, he was not within the 14th amendment because, as a former president, he was not considered, by this judge at least, an officer of the united states. i think they are likely to view that conclusion with some skepticism, as most of us would. if anyone is an officer of the united states, it would seem that the president would be. with that ruling with this insurrectionist sound, in the supreme court of colorado, we look very hard at he's eligible to be a candidate for president in colorado. they wind up through various states in which they have been brought, and with at least to some respect to colorado, it seems that there will be a decision for january 5th. >> a big week of legal news, and political news. crister, thank you for walking us through all of this. next, it may come as no surprise, the party of trump's, well, barely functioning. texas lawmaker on what it will do to do the peoples works in the months and years to come. breaking news, 39 palestinians, released from three prisons, after hamas released 17 hostages today. stick with us. stick with us. 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(fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. a happy thanksgiving message from donald trump, showing he is doubling down on attacking anything he perceives as being against him. taking advantage of a pause, a pause, in the gag order, the new york civil trial, to attack new york attorney general letitia james, judge, and the judges clerk, and more. ignoring that his words have consequences. before trump's rant, or his online rant, court officials, wednesday, were arguing in favor of reimposing a gag order, citing a listf threats against the law clerk and trump civilial, and it complained about her on social media. according to the filing, the clerk receives 20 to 30 harassing calls per day. but that behavior won't stop some republicans from doing the most to show that they are on his side. including house speaker, mike johnson. he went down to mar-a-lago this week, fully aligning himself with the former president. he is all in on trump, and says he is one of his closest allies in congress. let's unpack that. democratic texas congressman, congressman crockett. putting a fine point on how dangerous all of this is. up it was telling the new york times, quote, it is going to prepare the nation for war against another nation. donald trump uses war rhetoric, domestically. he has only ramped up his attacks on everyone he thinks is against him. yet, you have speaker johnson visiting him. your take on the message that the speaker is sending to trump, to members of congress, including yourself? >> yes. so, basically, what we understand is, obviously, if there is a circus taking place in congress. we do not have adults that want to govern. instead, we have a bunch of clowns who have decided, they want to bend the knee to a twice impeached, 91 indicted. i'm going to say, most likely, soon to be found guilty, criminal. one of these many cases that he has pending. it is, absolutely, anti-democratic, what we see going on. the fact that we are ignoring the will of the people, and instead, doing everything we can to appease someone who, literally, does not have our benefit at heart. it is disheartening. i understand why people are frustrated with politics when they see the showmanship taking place. >> i need to ask, because you are an attorney. you understand the way the first amendment, actually, functions. it was going to argue to his supporters, and not only is his first amendment right being attacked, but there is is that it doesn't logically follow. >> it doesn't. i want to be clear about something. it is something that i feel like the maga crowd, i don't know if should be attributed to all republicans with the constitution, but it isn't that your constitutional rights reign supreme over any, and everything else, it is a balancing act that takes place. it is things like the first amendment, it still has limitations, just like when it comes to guns. second amendment, there is still limitations that are supposed to take place. trump is the very reason why we need these limitations. he exhibits the heart that we will all experience with someone who has this much influence is allowed to say, and do, whatever he wants to do. perfectly honest, i have represented my fair share of people in court, and there is no way i could have a client who could be half as ridiculous as donald trump, and not to tell that client, you are about to go to jail because the judge will not play with you. he has not been locked up. they have everything they need to lock him up, as far as i'm concerned in contempt, you can have a contempt action against you when it comes to a criminal case, and a civil case, and in a new york situation, it is a civil case. he is, absolutely, violating the courts orders over, and over. because the maga crowd believes in nothing but harm and violence, he is inciting this violence. now, it is coming down on public servants, and is absolutely deplorable. >> congresswoman, i know you have been part of the effort to ensure that new york congressman, george santos, is held accountable. i wonder, as a spin look forward to this week, it could be a pivotal week. he thinks that they have the votes to force expulsion and, that's where it stands right now. >> on the democratic side, not every democrat voted to expel george santos the last time they are with you. now that he's made clear that what they would have due process. it doesn't mess necessarily mean a criminal case. it's a process in the form of what is being available as it relates to his options on how to proceed. it was going to completely understand, to be perfectly honest, he has prison hanging over his heads. he believes that they will stand united, and to expel george santos. i listen to him on twitter space yesterday, and george santos, himself, believes that he will be expelled. obviously, he has been able to have conversations on his side of the aisle, and he believes that the man was looking pretty stark himself. you never know, but i will say, this is more hypocrisy from the republicans because the fact that they are so upset, and indignant when it comes to george santos, but they are, constantly, as you mentioned in your opening, going to bend the knee to donald trump. listen, george santos doesn't have anything on trump, as far as i'm concerned. they would like to say, look, we did the right thing, we got rid of this bad guy, so obviously, we know right versus wrong. it is a farce, it is a lie, they are afraid of trump, they will not do what they need to do, and they will be in a better position if they put anybody up but trump. but, you know, they have decided they are going to continue playing the ignorant card on this one. >> texas congresswoman, jasmine crockett, thank you for taking the time to be with us. next, hamas to release of 17 hostages after threatening to delay the deal as 39 palestinians from three prisons also were released. more ahead. plus, the power of poetry. our conversation with bestselling author, and poet -- power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools make complex trading less complicated. custom scans help you find new trading opportunities, while an earnings tool helps you plan your trades and stay on top of the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. dove invited women who wanted their damaged hair trimmed. yes, i need a trim. i just want to be able to cut the damage. we tried dove instead. so, still need that trim? oh my gosh! i am actually shocked i don't need a haircut. don't trim daily damage. stop it with dove. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved 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>> the first forum was so successful, it led to a second one. attended by 1300 in-person, and over livestream. many students say, the open dialogue defused tensions seen on other campuses. a jewish senior said, the discussions made an impact. >> the presence of professors in the discussions has helped to reduce the intensity of a lot of students feelings. >> reporter: muslim sophomore, ramsey, the son of a palestinian refugee, was also at the forum, taking a class on israel's history. >> what was the first day of class like after october 7th? >> there was a silence. we talked about it, we unpacked it. it was something. >> reporter: there have been no publicized attacks on public campus. though to pro palestinian students were recently arrested for threatening, quote, physical action against the administration. they deny that they were threatening violence. dr. hassel says, dartmouth's president encourage students to attend the forum she held. >> it is an extraordinary achievement that we have universities. we need to preserve them. they are fragile right now. it's not just a question of october 7th. >> reporter: now, she says, she is hearing from other colleges, who are interested in creating academic forums on israeli palestinian relations on their campuses, to. julia ainsley, nbc news, hanover, new hampshire. next, the power of poetry in an age of short attention spans. our conversation with author, and poet, young pablo, after this. we were times helping -- millions with his poems. no different, in the midst of turmoil around the world. he's encouraging people, through his latest book, at the way forward. i sat down with young pueblo to see how that path works for him. take me back to the way you realize the way i'm surviving on the world is not serving me. there is a whole other way to live. really -- >> it is just one big moment of realization where i almost lost my life. i have been running away from my emotions by intoxicating myself in different ways. drugs, alcohol, trying to, basically, run away from my emotions as fast as possible. i had taken my way's body so far to the edge, where i almost lost my life. in that moment, i realized, how did i get here? i got here by lying to myself. by repeatedly not admitting that i have this tension, this anxiety, the sadness arising in me that i had to deal with. >> a lot of us have accepted stress, tension, just a part of everyday life, and is entirely normal. what does it even look like? where you question that as a given? >> it takes the courage, the strength, to sit with the uncomfortable emotions that rise. that was a big turning point. i knew that lying to myself had gotten me to that point. so, if telling myself the truth, as if it had to be the avenue to get out, i think at the very beginning, i would challenge myself to set myself, even before i started meditating, to just be with the uncomfortable -ness. i was surprised to be so afraid of it. when i sat with these emotions, they weren't as daunting, or is terrifying, as i thought they would be. >> one of the reasons i wanted to talk to you is because we live in a moment where everything feels so heavy, so consequential, and i think we are being talked about to hold that truth. people are reminding us, if we do not take care of ourselves, we are not of use, or of service, two others. i wonder, how do you square those two things? both the state of the world, the need for advocates, and advocacy. the need for those advocates to practice self care. >> my background was in activism. as a young person, i was in the organizing world, and i saw how powerful. it would be when people are coming around a common cause. i think something special is happening in this historical moment. they are being available worldwide, different forms of therapy, different forms of psychiatry, different things that people can actively used to heal their inner hurt, and to heal whatever it is that they have been carrying. this makes a historical moment are trying to change the world for the better. this time, you can change the world, and simultaneously change themselves. >> how do you think the world would be different if leaders, prioritized vulnerability, and connection? >> i think that is what is missing. it is self love. it is literally the missing piece. if more and more people got to know themselves, got to know their emotional history, dealing with what's inside of them. then they are going to be less interested to harm themselves, and others. intentionally, or unintentionally. when they transform, and heal themselves, they want to not harm others, they want to find better solutions. >> you are the author of three books, and most familiar that you through the work you share. i wonder, if given the fragility of the social media platforms, as you watch the unraveling of x, formerly twitter. it was for those of you who share your message, harnessing platforms that you don't own. >> we are in the sort of transitional phase realizing these platforms, undoubtedly changing the world. the social media platforms, allowing humanity to have a conversation with itself. that's when powerful, but at the same time, it has been detrimental and with depression, with anxiety, it is a creation of the mental health crisis that we are actively dealing with. the new companies arising, my favorite one is substack. you own everything you write on substack. everything you create. a platform, like that, only takes 10%, and you keep 90%. i think that is a model that more, and more companies are going to put forward. >> you call yourself an explorer, not a teacher. what is the difference? >> i feel like the only way that people believe they're generally growing is that my ego is getting smaller. i do not try to give myself unnecessary titles. first and foremost, i meditate or. i've been meditating for 11 years. it has helped me so much. i genuinely just feel like a student. i want people to know that healing is possible. what shocked me into writing is saying -- i didn't want to fool myself. it was going to go with a transformation what that's happening, and with the intensity of the reactions, and to develop a better relationship with my parents, with my friends. i felt that it was a message to get out there. >> our thanks to young pueblo. his book, the way forward, out now. this is all the time i have for today, i'm alicia menendez, thank you for spending part of your thanksgiving weekend with us. be sure to follow the show across social media. the handle, at alicia on msnbc. i will see you back here for more american voices. more msnbc, after this quick break. into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium, and ipad, and apple watch se, all on us. only on verizon. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? 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Behavior , Seriousness , Development , Tweet , Evidence , People , Supporters , Case Study , Effectiveness , Showing , Willingness , Absence , Appellate Court Is , Appellate Court , Interest , Court Employees , Defendant , Speech , Issues , Types , Way , On Trump , Bid , Fans , Line , Difference , Tweets , 24 7 , Six , Case , Anything , Base , Courts , Campaign , Deep State , Grievance , Appeals Court On Trump , Spite , Faith , D C , Chris , Cases , Supreme Court , Gag Orders , Reminder , Appellate Court Mirroring , Claim , Prosecution , Court Balance , Path Over The Supreme Court , Witnesses , Justice System , Prosecutors , Rights , Motives , Jack Smith , Say , Office , Employees , Rubber , Thin Trump , Road , First Amendment Rights , Chutkan , Wall , Reason , Democracy , Nothing , Step , Reelection , Country , Writ Large , Institutions , Rule Of Law , Election , Warnings , Staffer , Cassidy Hutchison To , White House , 2024 , Constitution , Voting , Cassidy Hutchison , Joe Biden , Republicans , Point , Warning , List , Administration , Son , Milley , Bill Barr , Impact , Question , Messengers , Alicia Menendez , Warning Land , Voters , Democratic , Others , January 6th Hearings , Appointed , Handpicked , 6 , January 6th , Authoritarian , Liberties , Threat , Many , Essence , 246 , Doesn T , Bay , Maga Boy S , Timeline , 14th Amendment , Views , 14 , Whatever , Ruling , Secretary Of State , Won T , January 5th , Ballot , 5 , Colorado , Deadlines , Hearing Schedule , Appellate Court Review The , Order , Insurrection , Most , Officer , Conclusion , Anyone , Would , Skepticism , Supreme Court Of Colorado , Candidate , Insurrectionist Sound , News , States , Crister , Decision , Respect , Big Week , Palestinians , Texas , Peoples , Breaking News , Party , Surprise , Lawmaker , 39 , Prisons , Stick , Hostages Today , 17 , Control , Operations , Production , Fashion , Level , 5g Network , Efficiencies , Agility , Ella , Jen , Marquis , Reactions , Crohn S Disease 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Speaker , Mar A Lago , New York Times , Congressman Crockett , Attacks , Nation , Speaker , War , Domestically , War Rhetoric , Him , Adults , Bunch , Circus Taking , Clowns , Knee , Likely , Guilty , Criminal , 91 , Someone , Fact , Will , Who , Heart , Amendment , Politics , Benefit , Showmanship Taking , Functions , It Isn T , Something , Crowd , It Doesn T , Things , Balancing Act , Limitations , Guns , Client , Influence , Half , Share , Jail , In Contempt , Action , Contempt , Situation , Violence , Courts Orders , Harm , George Santos , Part , Servants , Spin Look , Congresswoman , Votes , Expulsion , Due Process , Form , It Doesn T Mess , Options , Prison Hanging , Heads , Space , Twitter , United , Conversations , Hypocrisy , Aisle , Oman , George Santos Doesn T Have Anything On Trump , Opening , Indignant , Lie , Farce , Wrong , Guy , Texas Congresswoman , Position , Anybody , Card , Power , Poetry , Plus , Next , Conversation , Author , Poet , Trading , Market , Top , Tools , E Trade , Paper Trading , Skills , Options Chain , Power E Trade , Earnings Tool , Morgan Stanley , Scans , Trading Opportunities , Women , Trim , Hair , Haircut , Dove , Trim Daily Damage , Don T , Dog Barks , Money , Car Insurance , Hundreds , Dog Walking Business , Bunny , Liberty Mutual , Pill , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Feeling , Psoriasis Treatment , Chance , Kind , Skin , Outfit Psoriasis , Swimsuit , Primetime , Dad , Cancers , Lymphoma , Muscle Problems , Tb , Changes , Labs , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Risks , Liver , Kidney Problems , Find , Jak Family , Triglycerides , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , On Sunday , Cease Fire Agreement , Nationals , Israelis , 13 , Seven , Tensions , College Campuses , Campus , Students , Dialogue , Protesters , Julia Ainsley , Home , Wars , Dartmouth , Nbc , Discussions , Reporter , Professors , October 7th , 7 , Voices , Questions , Organization , Which Isn T , Antisemitic , Muslim , Jewish , Forum , Campuses , Livestream , It Led , Senior , 1300 , Ramsey , Intensity , Presence , Feelings , Class , History , Silence , Hassel , Threatening , Dr , Universities , Achievement , Academic Forums On Israeli Palestinian Relations , Hearing , Colleges , Age , Spans , Nbc News , New Hampshire , Hanover , Young Pablo , Times , World , Pueblo , Book , Millions , Path , Poems , Midst , Turmoil , Emotions , Life , Realization , Ways , Drugs , Alcohol , Body , Edge , Tension , Anxiety , Stress , Sadness , Courage , Strength , Given , Rise , Turning Point , Truth , Avenue , Meditating , Weren T , Terrifying , Ness , Reasons , Advocates , Need , Care , Use , Service , State Of The World , Background , Advocacy , Activism , Self Care , Person , Eforms , Something Special , Psychiatry , Therapy , Common Cause , Better , Carrying , Inner Hurt , Connection , Leaders , Vulnerability , Self Love , Piece , Solutions , Books , Social Media Platforms , Work , Fragility , Unraveling Of X , Harnessing Platforms , Sort , Platforms , Phase , Humanity , Depression , Companies , Favorite One Is Substack , Creation , Mental Health Crisis , Substack , Platform , Model , Teacher , Explorer , 90 , Lego , Titles , 11 , Student , Healing , Writing , Saying , Relationship , Transformation , Parents , Happening , Thanks , Friends , Forward , Spending , Break , Show , Handle , American , Iphone , Ipad , Titanium , Soothers , Honey Medi , Robitussin , Apple , 15 , Voice , Medicine , Cough , People Skills , Sore Throat , Relief , Robitussin Lozenges , Arthritis , Settling , Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms , Rinvoq , Tnf Blocker , Enbrel , Humira , Some , Psa , Swelling , Stiffness , Fatigue , Nra , Heart Attack , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Stroke , Gi , Tears , Blood Clots , Fatal , Death , Rheumatologist , Ice ,

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