and charles blow, in for alicia menendez. we begin tonight with breaking news. former first leader -- first lady rosalynn carter has died at age 96. they say miss carter passed away peacefully in her home in plains, georgia, after being in hospice care on friday. roslyn and the 49th president of the united states -- partners in both politics and philanthropy. former president carter's statement tonight weeding in part, as long as rosalind was in the world, i always knew some wendy loved and supported me. lawmakers from both parties are praising the late first lady's legacy of public service. president biden and first lady paid tribute to rosalynn carter a short time ago. >> -- [inaudible] i was speaking to her grandson, and the family just showing up. they're really incredible family, because they -- wish [inaudible] >> she was well known for her efforts on mental health and caregiving and women's rights. so i hope that during the holidays, we will consider including the carter family in your prayers. >> nbc's lester holt has more on rosalynn carter's pioneering advocacy work, and her path from a peanut farm to pennsylvania avenue. >> it's not my pleasure to introduce someone. whom i love, respect, and cherish. my wife, rosalynn. >> she was jimmy carter's partner, best friend, and closest advisor in an out of the white house for more than three quarters of a century. softspoken, politically savvy, and fiercely determined, rosalynn carter was known as the steel magnolia, and she made the role of first lady her own. born rosalynn smith in plains, georgia, she was a neighborhood to jimmy carter, three years her senior. >> i wish i, found out that he was so easy to talk to, and we just kind of hit it off really well. i think i was already in love with him. >> he married in 1946, when she was 18. -- >> totally dedicated partners even when i was earning a living as a peanut farmer. >> jimmy ran the family farm. rosalynn helped manage the business. they raised a family, three sons, and later, daughter amy. jimmy got into politics, elected georgia governor in 1970, then running for president with rosalynn's enthusiastic support. >> people got to know him. and when they know him, they vote for him. >> thank you very much. >> she's very objective and unbiased. [laughter] >> i love politics. >> the small town girl with the poor family who never finished college five on the national stage. >> every day, i see things like think i could help with. the things i want to learn more about. >> jimmy carter won the election with rosalynn playing a key role. >> i was in love with the -- >> she was front and center from the start, attending cabinet meetings, leaning on policy issues, including mental health. becoming the first first lady since eleanor roosevelt to testify before congress. >> i'm here as a concerned citizen. >> so many opportunities. if i don't use the influence i have to help those people who need help, i think that's a terrible waste. >> she served as president carter's emissary, taking a trips to latin america and asia. >> i think that i am the person closest to the president of the united states, and if i can help in and understanding the countries of the world, then that's what i intend to do. >> often more popular than the president himself, she was his advocate in chief. >> i'm proud of jimmy carter in the job he's doing, and he is without a doubt the best person in our country to see us through these times. >> but faced with a troubled economy and a painful hostage crisis, carter lost to ronald reagan in 1980. the carters returned to plains. they founded the carter center, and together began a remarkable decades long post presidency, divided to human rights, international diplomacy, eradicating disease, and year after year, building low income housing with habitat for humanity. in 1999, there are awarded the presidential medal of freedom. >> i think that was one of the happiest times of my life. there is life after the white house. >> through it all, she remained her husband's greatest champion. >> it irritates me when people say, he's been a good former president. he was a good president! i don't worry about his place in history. >> as for her own place in history, rosalynn carter was characteristically modest. >> i just hope people think i did the best i could. di>> that was nbc's lester holt reporting. with us, by phone, nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell, also with us. and presidential historian, michael beschloss. andrea, you've had the opportunity to speak with mrs. carter. talk to us about the impact of rosalynn as a first lady, as a mental health advocate, and as a humanitarian. >> i can't tell you with how much gratitude and admiration i am marking her passing. she was really the first advocate nationally for mental health care, throughout the nation. did that throughout her life. not just in the white house, but didn't notably in the white house with their husbands full support. she attended cabinet meetings, which was controversial at the time. she was his partner as business, as you pointed out, in the peanut farm business. but they really knew each other all their lives. literally all their lives. because his mother, miss lillian, was the midwife who delivered rosalynn carter. and when she was born with a couple days later, his mom, miss lillian, brought -- they went to school together, and she had a crush on him, she was very close to his sister. she had a crush on him when he was in uniform in the shipment, and they married right after he got out of the academy. she was a navy wife, even a submarine -- through all the ups and downs in their -- the defeat, which was crashing for her, ronald reagan. she was that inside, and always a full partner, and he was so devoted to her and she to him. through the interviews i've done with them, when they were looking at their commitments to africa carrying river blindness and other diseases, all these humanitarian endeavors, which just define their life, it was a spiritual commitment, it was a public service commitment, and i love affair was profound. i just -- got off a phone with a good friend of those who said that she is developed, even in her illness, later years, he and hospice, she just -- days saying she was on hospice -- having announced her dementia several months ago. but you know, still recognizing close friends and family. and she would get up and going into the living room, past his recliner, and give him a kiss every morning. and not just as it was described, a case on the forehead, but a passionate kiss, because that was the passionate side of their relationship, which should not be underestimated. it was one of the great love affairs. >> wow. >> charles. >> michael, rosalynn was named the steel magnolia. what does that say about her power and influence? >> it's not a lot about the time that she was first lady. because that was not said particularly kindly, and the subtext of that was that if you had a strong woman who was an almost equal partner to her husband professionally, especially if the husband was president of the united states, she was a steel magnolia, and therefore, you know, to some extent, to be suspected. but rosalynn carter really changed the way that we look not only at first ladies, but women in general. for instance, eleanor roosevelt is seen as this great strong first lady. she sure was. she was never an equal partner to franklin roosevelt. he was glad to get our help on civil rights and certain issues, but otherwise, he had or marginalized, and they did not have a particularly great personal relationship. contrast that with the carters, who from the time that they had the peanut farm, to the time that he was in the navy, to the time that he ran for the state senate and then governor, and then for president of the united states, and then as president and first lady, she made sure that he was as close to being an equal partner as his wife could be. he looked at his speeches, when he didn't do well, she told him. she had huge expectations of him. and -- mentioning the fact that she was a champion for mental health. that doesn't seem like much, perhaps, in 2023, but in 19 -- politicians were worried about getting identified with the issue of mental health. their handlers would say, if you do this, and might suggest to some people that there is some mental health problem in the background, or the president's family. eleanor roosevelt, for instance, had an alcoholic father and brother and serious mental illness problems in her family. she never went near that issue. in public. rosalynn carter did. rosalynn carter made it easier for all of us to live the lives that we do today. can't think of a better legacy than that. >> so -- how do you see her legacy being remembered and honored moving forward? >> well, i think precisely what michael was saying in mental health. also just enhancing the role of first lady and women in general. her real name, herborn, birth name, was illinois. eleanor rosen smith carter. -- she did fall on the heels of eleanor roosevelt, at least in being -- jimmy carter was. eleanor roosevelt broke a lot of ground there. and rosalynn carter, the way that they were so crushed by their defeat in 1980 to ronald reagan, but almost immediately, that same day of the inauguration, with the iranians cruelly withholding the release of the iranian hostages along with the economy and the energy crisis, which led to the inflationary economy, caused his defeat, i believe, besides from the fact that he was running against such a charismatic hollywood figure as ronald reagan. but the iranians withheld the release of the hostages until just after noon on inauguration day, so it was ronald reagan's achievement and not jimmy carter's -- coolest thing they could've done. but that night, well, while others were at the inaugural ball -- his insistence was leading his first mission as a former president to go to ramstein air force base in germany and fly to meet the released hostages as they were in medical care, as most released americans are. and then escort them back to the united states. and i thought it was such a generous spirit that drove him to that, and has driven him throughout his post presidency for all those decades, reading, writing i think more than 30 books. which were bestsellers, almost immediately. creating the carter center, doing service around the world, the nobel peace prize, but all that completely afforded and accompanied by rosalynn. >> nbc's andrea mitchell and michael beschloss, thank you both. up next, the latest from israel, where there is new hope of a deal to release the hostages. where those negotiations are, and some 30 infants made it to safety today, and speaking of the war, we have new polling on what americans think about president biden's response. and later,'tis the season for quite. the former president's back before a judge tomorrow. a judge tomorrow. 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>> yeah, charles, we are just hearing it sounds like it's down to the details. as you mentioned in your introduction, we have come close before. but this sounds like it is the closest we've gotten in the now more than six weeks iverson's this latest round of fighting, ever since hamas launched that terror attack back on october 7th. as you mentioned, the details are pretty crazy. we don't know exactly how many people we are talking. about some of the numbers being thrown around and some of the reporting sounds like it could be around 50. and it would be mostly women and children. and it sounds like the idea so far is that those women and children would be released in exchange for what could be a days long reprieve in the fighting. not a cease-fire. the israelis have been very insistent on that. it's not a cease-fire, but more the kind of humanitarian pause the biden administration and some of the key leaders have been pushing for. this could last for -- and again, we don't have details on this. we don't know how long. maybe about five days, just a number we were hearing. but this would be the release in trenches, this is according to the washington post, over several days. this of course would be done to build trust, to make sure this could continue alongside this humanitarian pause in the fighting. and now again, if this were to happen, and it is still a big if, it would represent the largest amount of hostages that have been released ever since the fighting began back on october 7th. and it would represent the longest single humanitarian pause that we have seen so far. with all of the hopelessness we have been seeing in the fighting in the gaza strip, this represents the surest, brightest sign yet that there could be some success in these negotiations, and maybe these kinds of negotiations mediated by qatar could go further and impose even more quiet on the gaza strip in the front situation there, charles. >> nbc's matt bradley, thank you so much for your reporting. next, president biden not so good news about young voters these days in the new nbc news poll. how he can turn that around now. plus, the bidens have just released an official statement on the passing of former first lady rosalynn carter, saying she, quote, walked her own path, inspiring a nation and the world along the way. richard louis joins us ahead. you loved doing... before your asthma got in the way? 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>> and they are highly concerned. not only, of course, what is happening in the massacre that is occurring but of biden's staunch support of israel when this is happening in gaza, carried out by not having compassion for the loss of life. they are taking what's happening to heart and it's definitely impacting the way that they are thinking about the 2024 elections. >> victor, i think you see this differently. what is your assessment of the problem young voters have with biden's middle east policy? >> yeah, i mean there's no question yonkers feel very passionately and strongly about this issue and it's clear it is something a lot of young voters care about but i personally wouldn't feels so quick to jump to any conclusions about the latest unemployment which we saw this moment morning, there was a recent poll earlier this week that found half of gen zers, more than any other generation, actually supports what this president is doing in terms of the israel and gaza response. i think polls only paint a certain picture. i think what a lot of what we are seeing from this administration is one of listening and centering what a lot of people are concerned about. you saw this yesterday when president biden broke his washington post op-ed, saying that he is ready to impose sanctions on israeli settlers who do attack palestinian innocent civilians and children. he yesterday reported that he is very close to reaching a deal. i think all of those things really matter. on the other side, i think a lot of young voters see the contrast that is apparent from the republican side and from donald trump, where you have someone -- fanned the flames of division and hatred, continue attack jewish people and muslim people, and at home president continues to do a lot. i think the challenge ahead of 2024 is to really get that message out there, really get young people hearing that message and knowing the president -- president biden is doing everything he can to solve this issue and minimize the loss of civilians on both sides. >> moné, victor says young voters see this contrast. but the new nbc news poll shows that trump holds a slight advantage over biden among voters 18 to 34. i should note those results are within the margin of error. but are those voters really being moved by trump? or do you see this as an act of rebellion among young voters who are just dissatisfied with biden or it may be dissatisfied with the political system overall? >> you know, there are young jews and palestinians in the united states who demand long term solutions for people of the whole region. whether they are palestinian or israeli. they are seeking an end to the funding of the israeli military of-ification and siege of the west bank and gaza, and they're also looking for support for people who want to live their lives and raise their families in peace. there are many polls that have gone out in which young voters are strongly disapprove or unhappy. they really want to see biden as a peacemaker in this whole situation. and i think not realizing that we're seeing that on the forefront is definitely having an impact on them. >> victor, you mentioned this op-ed biden wrote for the washington post earlier. i want to read a que from it. biden writes, i have been emphatic with israeli leaders that extremist violence against palestinians in the west bank must stop and that those committing the violence must be held accountable. the united states is prepared to take our own steps, including issuing visa bans against extremist attacking civilians in the west bank. and you believe proposals like this aimed at holding the far-right israeli society accountable will actually help to move voters, particularly young voters, back to biden? >> i have talked to a few young people about this. they both think that it's definitely a good sign. i think it is important for us to realize a lot of what is happening with president biden trying to forge that deal between hamas and israel to stop the fighting for a few days, as we reported before this block. i do think that will help concerns of young voters. at the end of the day, it is still important. the campaign -- biden treats this issue seriously, i think it is important for them to communicate to young voters all they are doing to minimize losses on both sides, while at the same time really drawing that contrast between trump and biden. you mentioned the polls and part of the -- i think we live over and over again before every election is that we see polls painting a certain picture but voting behavior showing a different reality. we saw a few weeks ago in virginia, kentucky, other states where young voters really did turn out and voted for democrats. i think there is a level of connection with the democratic party. but it's going to have to be sustained throughout 2024. >> moné, how can democrats better contrast biden's leadership with the possibility of four more years of trump, who is saying outright all the things that he is intending to do to erode our own democracy? >> i think to reengage young voters, the administration would benefit from amplifying what they have done as a result of the effort and the votes of young people. we start with, of course, the election of joe biden and kamala harris, the first black female in the supreme court, and the first gun prevention legislation into generations, and the largest investment in climate, which are all things young folks, such as people across the united states in general, care about. we have to see the tangibles. what is happening, there's a lot of noise, for a lack of a better term. it is just not visible what has been done and what will be done leading up to the 2024 election and if he is reelected again. e some tangibles and what -- uplifting what has happened as a result of young people making their way to the ballot box would be key for this administration at this time. >> moné holder and victor shi, thank you both. up next, he's back. trump returns to the courtroom where he -- put up or shut up, quite literally. we are following tonight's breaking news, former first lady rosalynn carter has died. humanitarian and fierce defender of her husband in the political arena, how did that come to be? 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>> i think he has limited chances of success here. because this is a very narrowly tailored restraining order. the judge was careful to say that she was not having any intention or any limitation on his rights to engage in political speech. she lets him have broad latitude there. what he cannot do is engage in the kind of comments that could put people in harm's way, folks involved in the court proceedings, or that could impair the integrity of the process. it's a very limited, highly legal sort of restraining order that we are used to seeing engaged in cases like this, where frankly a defendant is incapable of avoiding trying their case in public. cases are meant to be tried in the courtroom. >> now, audio of tomorrow's hearing will be livestreamed, which will create a bit of a public courtroom. how might that fact impact the proceeding, especially how trump's team performs knowing it will be livestreamed? >> right. i'm not in the camp of folks who think making these sorts of court proceedings available to the public impacts them in a meaningful way. we've seen trump's lawyers, we know that they are going to play to their audience of one, no matter who is in the courtroom and who has access to the proceedings. but this sort of audio insight into what is going on in this case is very important for the public. it lets us understand firsthand what transpired in the courtroom so that we get to see it through our own lens and not simply through the lens of the former president's comments when he comes out of the courtroom and approaches the cameras. >> joyce, let's turn to trump's other election interference cases. george's prosecutor has requested an august 5th, 2024 trial date. here is where fulton county district attorney said about that timeline. >> i think the case will be on appeals for years. >> okay. >> but i think that in terms -- i believe, in that case, there will be a trial. i believe the trial will take many months. i don't expect that we will conclude until the winter or the very early part of 2025. >> she doesn't expect that it will conclude between -- before the winter of 2025, that's well after the election. what do you think this means for trump's presidential run and for broader accountability? >> right, i think it was sobering to hear fani willis say this. but she knows her case, she knows her court. she's probably in thees position to makethis assessment of the timeline. and it should be, but charles, you and i both know likely is, not a wake up call for republican voters. this notion we could have a president who would be fighting a criminal case while in office, if trump is reelected. you know, this case, the georgia case, unlike the federal cases, he doesn't have the ability to terminate, he doesn't control the fulton county district attorney's office. that doesn't mean he won't try. the country could be engaged in a very ugly struggle to see trump try to intervene in the criminal justice process in a sovereign state if he's elected, while all of this is ongoing. >> let's take it to georgia for a little bit. india fani willis quickly secured a protective order from the judge after trump's codefendants leaked several testimony videos. why doesn't the fulton county d.a. want that kind of evidence to become public? >> yeah, so, this is a technical legal explanation. i will try to keep it brief. the way criminal trials proceed, there is no set amount or type of evidence that will be introduced in front of a jury. the prosecution proposes evidence, the judge makes a ruling. sometimes that's happening in court but out of the presidents of the jury, while the case is ongoing. in other words, you can't really say in advance what evidence will come in. here is the problem once these takes are made public, they are played widely, potential jurors are exposed to them. what happens if the judge decides down the road to exclude them from evidence at trial? we'll jurors at that point be able to forget what they've heard? we try to avoid all those problems by making sure that there is no pre trial exposure of evidence to the public. that is not usually a problem. no one is interested in the nitty-gritty of the multitude of criminal cases that are tried every day in this country. l cases this case, though, is different. that makes it incredibly important to make sure potential jurors are not tainted by exposure to evidence in advance of trial. >> joyce vance, thank you very much for your time. next, a love story that lasted nearly eight decades. richard lui on rosalynn and jimmy carter's incredible relationship. but before the break, a look at what else you will see tonight here on msnbc. >> hey there. i'm ayman mohyeldin. tonight nine eastern on ayman, i will speak with the ranking member of the house budget committee, brendan boyle, on how democrats once again saved republicans from a government shutdown. senator chris van hollen will join me as pressure grows on president biden to call for a cease-fire in gaza. that is tonight nine eastern right here on msnbc. 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[laughter] >> former carter white house white -- says the couple has always worked together as a team. >> they treat each other as equals and they always have. >> the 39th president also sharing this marriage advice. with judy woodruff on pbs. we >> will make up and give each other a case before we go to sleep. >> the carters celebrated their milestone 75th anniversary together in their hometown of plains, georgia. >> my wife, rosalynn, i want to express a particular gratitude for being the right woman that i chose for my life. [applause] >> it has been a really wonderful 75 years. >> andrea mitchell, nbc news, washington. >> joining us now, msnbc anchor richard lui who spent time with the carters over the years. richard, first talk to us about this incredible love story. >> as andrea was saying here, we look at charles's a great love story. and we saw some of the pictures in the video of the past and how they would kiss each other in public. i think what people may not know is this particular presidential couple may be the most, have the most pga of any. let's say the times i saw them at the habitat builds in haiti or what have you, they would be holding hands, they would kiss in the open all the time. in fact, when i was down there for her birthday, the oldest son, chip, it was not too shy about telling me that just earlier in the day on her birthday, as he was sitting in the very yard of her childhood home, he was saying, richard, you know, it was pretty messy, i must tell you. early this morning, when i got there to celebrate her birthday and she turned 96, she got up and walked over to jimmy, if i may, and gave him a big wet kiss. i had to look away, richard, is what chips ed. and they were always a group, a couple that cher -- showed so much physical love for each other. i think that is what is not necessarily seem. everywhere, when i was at those habitat builds, there were no cameras on, and there they were. if there is a question about what keeps great mayor just together, potentially that is one input. >> one of the other things they are known for is how much a role religion played in their lives. >> yeah. >> tell us about what that relationship to religion was like for them as a couple. >> this is a very difficult moment for the carter family. you know, the children, the grandchildren, the great grandchildren. it's also a difficult time for the team members that have been there for many, many years, if not decades. both the carter center, at the rosalynn carter institute for caregivers as well. what they've seen throughout the years is that the former president and the former first lady would always be there for sunday morning church services. teaching, he would often be teaching sunday school class. and then at the habitat builds around the world, he would lead morning worship every single morning. i think during this difficult time for them, as we think about the former president and the loss of his great love, right, is that he does have his fate. that he is certainly leaning in on. and they, have we've seen it throughout the recent decades. they were the primary caregivers for each other, if you think about it. he, battling cancer, she, battling dementia. and still, he's been in hospice for months, but they were there for each other and their fate has been a big part of this. they don't wear it on their sleeves, but they live it every day. certainly their mantra. >> we talk about them as a unit a lot. i think it is important to also talk about the individually, she is known individually for her humanitarian work. >> exactly. >> talk to us about her life's work. >> one of the stories when i first heard it in the last five years i, said this is a beautiful story of but rosalynn carter. when she was out on the campaign trail to support her husband, then candidate to be governor, she had actually learn from a certain couple in one of the great streets of georgia that they were under -- down on their luck. the spouse was going through a bit of a mental health challenge because she couldn't take care of her disabled husband. so rosalynn carter was so taken aback by, this she got in line to speak with the candidate for governor, that happened to be jimmy carter, her husband, and she waited in line, mind you, and when it came her turn, she said, excuse me, sir, what will you do about people like esther and john? he said, well, i don't know, we've got to do something. she says, who is going to do it? he said, i guess it is you. and that began decades ago her focus on mental health and caregiving, something that affects 50 to 100 million people in america today. she was certainly the first major voice at the top of the mountain, if you will, saying we've got to pay attention to this. >> i have a minute left, but i have to speak to this question. i heard something about a unique story about butterflies. but what is this butterfly story? >> she is a lover of monarch butterflies. and the reason being is she found they were in danger. what she did, true to form, as i've been telling the story so far, she said we better do something about this. so she began to say, if you have a butterfly farm or butterfly garden, this will help the monarch butterflies to survive. and so begins the rosalynn carter butterfly trail. you can look at up and see how she has affected people, monarch butterflies included, to keep them moving. that is certainly the magic of her, looking for those in trouble. the two of them were an amazing team, as you were saying here, charles. i want to finish with this really quickly, i remember i was interviewing them and i was talking about the middle east. they were sitting side by side and he said something. i could tell that rosalynn is going, that's not right. she doesn't do anything. she's very proper and sitting there. she puts her hand over her mouth like this. i can't hear her. i can't hear her. but she's telling him what the actual date is regarding his statement about the middle east peace process. he goes oh, hang on a second, it's actually 1967, 1968, whatever it was. they were a true partner not only in life but in the political walks together. >> remarkable. msnbc's richard lui, thank you so much, sir. appreciate it. that's all the time we have for today. thank you for joining us. i am charles bloke in for at least menendez. at least it will be back next weekend for more american voices. after a quick break, it's insight with jen -- jen psaki, sorry, jen, have a great night. great night. 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