tonight's lead -- right now, we are following reports that u.s. israeli and hamas negotiators are closing in on a deal that would release some hostages in exchange for a pause in fighting in the israel-hamas war. it comes as stark new polling from nbc news shows just how much this conflict has impacted the president's approval rating, which at its lowest point amid widespread dissatisfaction with his handling of the war six weeks into the conflict, and 11 months out from the 2024 election, which according to the new polling, the president could narrowly lose to donald trump if voters went to the polls right now. house democrats assistant -- jim fibrin joins me in a minute with his take on the data. also tonight, 20 of the nation's big city mayors just wrapped up their conference and how to tackle america's urban homelessness crisis. los angeles is the grand zero for that crisis, and we'll talk to the city's mayor. karen bass, about how her administration is tackling homelessness. and a groundbreaking new upright here in new york is reimagining malcolm x and making theatrical history at the same time. the director and star of ex, the life and times of malcolm x, joins me later in the show. but first, the nation is mourning tonight, remembering former first lady rosalynn carter, who passed away earlier today at the age of 96. here's nbc's lester holt with more. >> it's not my pleasure to introduce someone whom i love and respect and cherish. my wife, rosalynn. >> she was jimmy carter's partner, best friend, and closest advisor in an out of the white house for more than three quarters of a century. softspoken, politically savvy, and fiercely determined, rosalynn carter was known as the steel magnolia, and she made the role of first lady her own. born rosalynn smith in plains, georgia, she was a neighbor to jimmy carter, three years her senior. >> i was shy, and found out that he was so easy to talk to, and we just kind of have it off really well. and i think i was already in love with him. >> they married in 1946, when she was 18. >> rosalynn and i have been equally in totally dedicated partners, even when i was still earning a living as a peanut farmer. >> jimmy ran the family farm. rosalynn helped manage the business. they raised the family. three sons, and later, daughter amy. jimmy got into politics, elected georgia governor in 1970, then, running for president with rosalynn's enthusiastic support. >> people got to know him, and when they got to know him -- >> thank you both very much. >> she's completely objective an unbiased. >> >> i love politics. >> the small town girl with a poor family who never finished college thrived on the national stage. >> every day, i see things that i think i could help with. things i need to learn more about. >> jimmy carter won the election with rosalynn playing a key role. >> i was involved with the -- vice president. >> she was front and center from the start, attending cabinet meetings, leading on policy issues, including mental health. becoming the first first lady since eleanor roosevelt to testify before congress. >> i'm here as a concerned citizen. >> there's so many opportunities, and if i don't use the influence i have to help people who need health, i think that's a terrible waste. >> she served as president carter's emissary, taking high-profile trips to latin america and asia. >> i think that i am the first and closest person to the united states, and if i can help him and understanding the countries of the world, that's what i intend to do. >> often more popular than the president himself, she was his advocate in chief. >> i'm proud of jimmy carter and the job he's doing, and he is without a doubt the best person in our country to see us through these times. >> but faced with a troubled economy and a painful hostage crisis, carter lost to ronald reagan in 1980, and the carters returned to win plains. they found at the carter center, and together began a remarkable decades long post presidency devoted to human rights, international diplomacy, eradicating disease, and year after year, building low income housing with habitat for humanity. in 1999, they were awarded the presidential medal of freedom. >> i think that's one of the happiest times of my life. there is life after the white house. >> through it all, she remained her husband's greatest champion. >> it irritates me when people say he's been a good former president. he was a good president! i don't worry about his place in history. >> as for her own place in history, rosalynn carter was characteristically modest. >> i just hope people think i did the best i could. we >> thank you, nbc's lester holt. joining me now by phone is my colleague in civil rights leadership, head of the -- -- with his wife, martin luther king the third. brother martin, thank you for talking with us on such short notice. i know your mother knew rosalynn carter we'll, you're grandfather worked with the carters, you knew them. what's your reaction tonight to the death of the former first lady, rosalind carter? >> well, i think firstly, thank you for the opportunity, and my condolences go out to the entire carter family. rosalynn carter, beyond being an institution, personified this unique partnership between her and her husband, president carter. and when you think about all the work, not just throughout the white house, she certainly -- for the president to have been elected, she was such a critical role. some might argue that maybe president carter would not have been who he has been had it not been for his wife. >> now, the carters, both in and out of the white house, have become synonymous with global efforts to promote peace. as we watch global conflicts like israel-hamas war escalate, what are your thoughts as a global human rights activist yourself? watching someone like roslyn carter passed away? >> more than anything else, tremendous admiration and respect for what she represented for the nation in the world. for example, so many young girls and boys -- but young girls certainly, have been inspired by what she did when it comes to building houses all over the world with habitat for humanity. when it comes to -- monitor and observer of elections, promoting democracy all over the world, promoting peace. i would say this probably very few on our planet who have done what she and her husband did we as it relates to our world. >> so that would be her legacy. what can america learn from roslyn carter's life and work? we >> perhaps the real learning is the meaning of true service. being a true servant. biblically, it says that he who is greatest among you should be a servant. that's what she personified. you know, raising her for children, helping to raise our grandchildren, our great grandchildren. and now, generations of unborn will certainly always have to stop and pause and say, you lived a woman that not only i admire, that if i had my druthers, i would love to be able to be like her, who stood next to her husband and provided unfettered and tremendous advice and counsel. as i said, they as a couple are one of the greatest -- i think one of the greatest couples we ever knew. it reminds me of the partnership that my mom and dad had, in fact. >> roslyn was the second longest living first lady at 96, and at 99, her husband is the longest living president. how much do you think that faith drove her strength in the last few years? and is still driving president carter now, the fate? >> well, that is unquestionable. that's one of the things that they always talked about. that he and she always talked about. their fate. their foundation. probably one of the things that many americans embraced about them. sometimes, we can disagree, and dad and mom and president carter and mrs. carter told us how to disagree without being disagreeable. but the faith is the foundation. it is what propels one every day. that faith is unshakable. >> all right. thank you for letting me get you one such short notice. i wanted you to weigh in on this. martin luther king the third, thank you so much for joining us by phone. and joining me now is democratic assistant leader congressman jim clyburn of south carolina. i want to start, before we get into the polls in the politics, i want to start with your thoughts about the death of rosalind carter. what can you tell us about how the former first lady distinguished herself, not only in the white house, but through her mandatory in efforts? both with before, during, and for decades after her husband's term in office? >> thank you very much for having me, reverend. she was a remarkable woman. i think -- they in and day out, exactly how a first lady -- [inaudible] she did not. not just threat the country, but around the world as well. she traveled foreign nations, carrying the good news of this great country, and she did that with remarkable skill. and i think we're gonna miss her tremendously. >> now, let's get to the latest news. the u.s. israeli and hamas negotiators are closing in on a deal that would release some hostages and exchange for a pause in fighting. what are your thoughts this evening as we see signs of a temporary de-escalation for the conflict could be on the horizon? >> i would hope that is true. i would hope it would be done. within the next few minutes. but the fact of the matter is, i've been traveling throughout my state in the last -- upstate yesterday, lower part of the state, yesterday evening, and i can tell you people are very, very anxious about what's going on with hezbollah. they want to see it come to an end. they understand -- personal issues are. but they also feel that it's time for us to have not just -- a cease-fire. and -- redirecting their energy is and both these countries to get the same results. >> now, while negotiations are taking place in israel, nbc news has learned, an aid package to israel and ukraine could be passed by congress before christmas. -- president biden explicitly linking the two conflicts -- americans brought our obligation to preserve democracy worldwide. what can you tell us about that effort, congressman, about passing this before christmas? >> well, as you know -- sometimes. we do believe that -- that includes ukraine -- it will also include two other pieces as well that i won't comingle here this evening. but, it should be -- and the president -- around the world is at stake. ukraine is very important. not just to this country, but to our allies. ukraine is very important to our nato friends, and we need to do it. and we need to give israel what it means. we need to protect the palestinians, we need to separate the palestinians from hamas, and we need to do it in such a way that people will understand the celebration. we cannot run the risk of allowing this to foster. because i think -- for our president and our country is that people have not been made to understand the difference between the palestinians and what is going on -- >> now, let's talk politics. a new nbc poll today has president biden's approval rating at its lowest point since taking office at 40%. the president also nearly trails donald trump for the first time in a hypothetical matchup. biden has seen his support erode significantly since the israel-hamas war began, especially with young people. do you think a pause in the conflict, broken by this administration, can begin to reverse that trend? >> absolutely. a pause might be a prelude for a cease-fire. -- [inaudible] negotiate a cease fire as well as the future of the palestinians, and others living in gaza. i was over there last year, august of last year, and i could tell you, things are not good there. the last election in israel was catastrophic consequences, and i do not believe will be able to get this thing done the way it ought to be done until there's new leadership and israel. >> now, the washington post was out with the story todaabout the biden team's efforts to reassure democrats who are concerned about the presidents sagging poll numbers. the presidents supporters argue there is no alternative candidate, and point out obama also showed weakness in the poll before winning reelection in 2012. you attended an event in charleston yesterday where one democratic challenger, minnesota congressman dean phillips, made his first south carolina appearance. are you confident president biden has made a case to his party for the nomination, and what's your response to those who are concerned about the reelection efforts of president biden? >> we all are concerned. [inaudible] we're concerned about the world. we know that things are very -- domestically, and internationally. but, this president has done the things that are necessary to get our economy back on track, to get our children back in school. the fact of the matter is, we are all affected by our international relationship. and when you ask people, are you satisfied with what is gone on? there is some dissatisfied over it -- other people to decide is find -- the price of food, the price of gasoline, and if you put all those things together, then you are gonna get these low numbers. but, i do believe as these things get resolved, and they are being resolved, and when people begin to compare this president -- the record of a former president who seems to be his major performance at the moment, there is not gonna be a closeness in the polls. i think it'll be a runaway. >> all right. thank you, as always, congressman jim clyburn. still ahead, we're gonna have more on the extraordinary life of former first lady roslyn carter. stay tuned. stay tuned c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? 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>> well, i think true partnership. i mean, marriages are a little different, and a lot of them are not necessarily all -- professional side, they try to not share anything. but i get the feeling -- i remember watching her down in tijuana, and in the weather in tijuana, nobody knows this, but it's fabulous. it's really nice. and we slept out all night getting ready for -- but she had the apron on, she was hauling two-by-fours around, it wasn't a pr stunt. those people really did build houses for poor people, and she helped build houses with their help. and within a week, they gave them a house to live in. it was not a pr stunt. all the stuff, in africa, they would conquer disease, actually conquer disease, and i think so much of it was -- i remember when i had my 20th anniversary, she's on zoom with her husband, both sitting in the kitchen like regular people, because that's what they were back to being at that point. and she was just as friendly as hell. he was totally with it back then, two years ago. here's what i think, reverend. i think she's gone, i think he'll be gone soon. i think that's what he was been waiting for. to look out for her, because it was a partnership, but i think jimmy carter loved rosalynn carter, and she loved him. and it was as simple as that. and they're gonna go pretty much together. i just feel that. >> wow. you think they pretty much forgot together? he was waiting to take care of her? >> so much so. it was a heartfelt thing. the sad part was, i think it took her very long time to get over the defeat in 1980. when they lost to reagan. she was sad. you could see it on their face. you see the pictures of her face, and you could see the sadness in her face. -- she was really sad about losing a presidency, and she was rooting for jimmy. jima. and they were a couple to be adored, really, to be cherished. and we were very lucky people to be together all those areas. >> thank you for jumping on short notice. i know you, as you have, would share some things the nation needs to hear. >> after mr. clyburn, great man to be on after. thank you so much. >> thank you. after the break, america's growing homelessness crisis. and the mayor of one of the country's biggest city is said she is going to handle them. right after this. right after this the subway series is taking your favorite to the next level! like the #20. the elite chicken and bacon ranch. built with rotisserie-style chicken and double cheese. i love what i'm seeing here. that's some well-coached chicken. you done, peyton? 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>> i remember her as first lady, and what she did, and her impact on the confident of africa. but also, what they did after the presidency in terms of habitat for humanity. they're such an exemplary a couple in terms of public service. they set a standard that all of us could look to live up to. >> mayor bass, you are the chair of the homelessness task force within the conference of mayors. what have you been hearing from your feather -- fellow mayors around the country regarding the homelessness crisis? >> absolutely. cities around the country are dealing with this, and housing has become more and more expensive in so many places. but i think that one of the main things that mayors need and cities need is a way to house people on an interim basis while housing is being built. what is happened in l.a. is that basically, people were left to language intense while housing was built. but what we're doing is getting people off the street now, having them be in motels while we are expediting the building of housing. >> now, you and the visiting mayors discussed potential solutions -- more federal assistance, what are your top funding priorities? >> thank goodness for secretary fudge, because she has made an absolute world of difference. there's a lot of bureaucracy that stands in the way of getting people housed. for example, people have to prove their poor. if you've been in a for years, what proof does anyone need? there needs to be more vouchers. and some of that is gonna require congressional action. but i don't just say leadership -- went so important for leadership at the top, the administration. because secretary fudge has been able to waive some of the bureaucracy, which has allowed us to get people off the street. one of the things that so important for people to understand, or have, is there's this myth that people on the street do not want to leave the streets. like they choose to live that way. it's just not true at all. >> now, mayor, today, you are joined by vice president kamala harris and callow then -- california governor gavin newsom to announce that a crucial section of the ten freeway in downtown los angeles, which was severely damaged by a fire, will reopen tonight. can you talk about why this reopening is so crucial, and how were you able to repair it so quickly ahead of schedule? >> let me tell you, it was wonderful to have the vice president and the governor here. los angeles, i would love to say we are a public transit city, but we're not. where a car city. and the segment of the freeway, we hundreds of cars travel on the segment every single day. you can imagine our city would be landlocked with traffic for this freeway to not be an operation. but fortunately, the damage was not as expensive as we thought. it was a terrible fire. and so, they're able to repair it in record time. we thought the freeway was going to be down at a minimum for a month, and it turned out that it was really just a week. thank goodness, right? >> i know how bad traffic could be there. i was -- the only time i was late on the show and los angeles was about four weeks ago in this traffic. as you just mentioned, anybody who has been to southern california nose los angeles is heavily reliant on its freeways. do you think this incident makes the case for more infrastructure investment? like the 33 billion dollars in funding for california from the infrastructure bill? perhaps even more resources for public transportation. >> absolutely, that's the case. but once again, i have to tell you. thank goodness for this administration. the last administration had infrastructure -- i don't even know how many times, and they were never able to produce one nickel. this administration has produced billions of dollars, and frankly, in part because of the, we were able to get the freeway up and running so quickly. >> all right. so grateful to have you with us, mayor karen bass of los angeles. thank you, and happy holidays to you. after the break, the life and times of malcolm acts in opera form. i'll tell you about i show that you cannot miss that the metropolitan opera, right after the break. the break. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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>> yes. first of all, i have to say it's a great honor to have this time with you, reverend. yeah, you know, it's a daunting task when you look at a man who, when you're at school, you learn about malcolm x as a part of history year after year, filed a very limited perspective. and you know, it wasn't until i took a deep dive into this role, and reading and i don't biography, watching documentaries, of course the iconic spike lee movie, countless other things. to realize just how powerful this man's life was, from how he came up, and losing his father, getting murdered, the system driving his mother mad, going to prison, all these things in his life, what he was able to accomplish, and how we continue to transform his ideas, which i think is a brave thing to do, to keep changing your mind. if i had a better way, i think that's one of the things i admire most. >> this production of x is at the math, it follows that staging of fire -- composed by the jazz mediation terry blanchet, who he had on the show -- the first written by a black composer to be presented at the met. the opera was based on the memoir by msnbc contributor charles blow, and its election was seen as the mets responds to our cultural climate after the murder of george floyd. robert, do you get the sense that more major u.s. theater companies an opera houses are taking from the mets lead in promoting diverse voices? >> i do think so. i think it's a long time coming. i mean, the math is 140 years old, and i'm only the second black directed to direct their. and this is the third operate with a black story. so i think not only is the met leading, but there is several theaters around the country that have gotten the message, and i hope they continue to get the message. >> as we mentioned, this is sending -- certainly not the first adaptation of malcolm x's life. you mentioned the spike jones movie. i -- speaking in the streets, even though i was only nine years old, when malcolm died, so i was honored to have a chance to play that role. talk about how denzel washington, he starred as malcolm in that film, whether he or anyone of those past performances and portrayals of malcolm and liked and sell, who was nominated for and kavanaugh wired on that. how many of them may have influenced -- but i've seen them, but you put your own unique spin on the character. >> yeah. that's a great question. and i really admire washington's acting in that movie. i love how he was able to embody the spirit and character of malcolm x without imitating malcolm x. like, it was him, but it was clearly done cells take on malcolm x. -- making milken ex an every man, finding my way into this role and embodying the character to the best of my abilities, and not imitating him, because that's impossible to do. >> can we make productions like this more accessible and gain more broad support, robert? because -- i mean, i was really taken back going, but i admit, i'm not one that goes to a lot of operas. how do we start expanding peoples knowledge and support of operas like this? >> well, i think it's the theater's job to open their doors, and not only invite you in, but to make it easy for you to come in. and so, one of the things that we did at the math is, i had them to an all day reading of the autobiography. we got a lot of people to read parts. but we sat there, and we read the entire book, and we open the doors, and we let anyone that wanted to come in come in and listen to the words of malcolm x. i think that's part of it. telling the communities that this is a place that you can come and not just a place that you can come spend your money, but it's a place you can come and enjoy yourself, and be a part of a community here as well. i think that's part of the way that we open, and we allow people to come to see new shows, and different types of shows. >> well, i've not been a huge opera fan, but i was absolutely touched, and i will now be very open minded about going to operas after seeing this. robin o'hara, will liverman, thank you for being on the show tonight. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. stay with us it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? 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(upbeat music) at bombas, we make the comfiest socks, underwear, and t-shirts that feel good, and most of all, do good. because when you purchase one, we donate one to those in need. visit and get 20% off your first purchase. bombas. >> tomorrow morning, i'll be on morning joe early in the morning, and then rushing to jackson, mississippi, where i will be doing the eulogy for dexter wade, 37-year-old young man that was killed by an off-duty policeman driving a car, who never reported to his family that he in fact had been hit by him, and was dead. in fact, wade was put in the morgue for three months and then buried unceremoniously and unnamed, in an open grave in the prison area of potters field in jackson, mississippi. his mother had filed a missing persons trying desperately to find him, not a peep from this off-duty officer or the people in the police department. and then, when an autopsy was done last week, by his money and attorney ben crump, they found that he had had a state i.d. and his pocket, with his address on it, and also, had a credit card and prescription medicine. so they knew the address, they knew where to go. why didn't they go there? i will raise that in that eulogy tomorrow. something is terribly unjust, and i want to understand what that mother and this mr. wades children at this hour with many others to say his life meant something, and whatever the circumstances, i cannot see a justification for burying a man without telling his family when you knew who he was, and for acting in a way that you never sought to even seek to tell the community that there was a man that was killed by vehicle conducted and driven at the time by an off duty policeman. we'll be in jackson. and i want to wish all of you this week a happy thanksgiving. we started the week last thursday giving out hundreds of turkeys at our headquarters of the national action network. i presided over it, as i will be speaking to unilaterally tomorrow. and many came to get free turkeys. we gave turkeys i, as we will be doing hot meals. i spend the day in harlem, on thanksgiving day, meeting with people that are homeless an elderly and don't have a family. so i have a thanksgiving day, happy thanksgiving to you and your family, but remember those that will not be as happy as you. let's make them happy to. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here, next weekend, at five pm eastern, at the top of the hour. it's american voices with guest host charles blow, msnbc will be back after a short break. 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