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repeated bouts of gmp inviting a freshman representative being kicked out of congress after a blistering ethics report revealing campaign money was funding his lavish lifestyle. democratic congresswoman jasmine crockett from the great state of texas joins us live with her fiery takes on it all just ahead. plus, dictator déjà vu -- the most indicted one term ex president in u.s. history openly embracing and echoing hateful rhetoric used by hitler and mussolini amid growing fears of a second trump presidency solidifying a dictatorship. breaking news in the israel-hamas war -- nbc news has learned negotiators are reportedly closing in on a deal to release some of the hostages in exchange for a pause in fighting. we will go live to the region for the latest. a good sunday morning to you all. i am katie phang. we begin today's show on capitol hill where lawmakers may be home for the thanksgiving holiday but face a hectic schedule when they return. on thursday, president biden signed the stopgap funding bill pushing the threat of a shutdown until at least after the new year. house speaker mike johnson was able to pass his so-called ladder continuing resolution through the house thanks in large part to help from democrats. that see our only extends funding for parts of the government there january 19th and the other parks through february 2nd, setting up future deadlines and more drama. also on the to-do list, a vote to expel new york republican congressman george santos following the scathing and revealing house ethics report. santos, who has already announced he will not seek reelection, plans to hold a press conference on november 30th. the defiant truth challenge congressman is already facing a criminal charge trial in 2024. will he have more trials on his plate? joining me now, capitol hill correspondent julie tsirkin. good morning. it's always good to see you. lawmakers have left those halls of congress where you are. they have left for the holiday. what will they expect when they return? >> it's nice and empty and quiet here now, but this will be the case about a week from now. they have a very full plate, no fun pun intended, after the thanksgiving dinner. that is why they have those two deadlines in january in february. republicans want to make sure they can pass those individual spending bills. they want to force democrat so they don't end up with a massive spending package. the only problem is they are on completely opposite pages. republicans want to steal budget cuts in the house. senate democrats, that's pretty much dead on arrival there. the other piece of this is that national security supplemental that we have been talking about. my colleagues kristen welker and i just reported this morning that they really have to pass aid to ukraine, eight israel, aid to the indo-pacific, and those border security proposals by the end of the year. sources we spoke to told us that it seems like a dynamic the house republicans in particular are going to contend with because so many of their members don't support aid to ukraine. israel aid was conditioned with those offsets, the irs cuts that the house was able to pass them with. it's really a big climb when congress returns in a week. they don't have a lot of time to get all of this done. >> george santos is facing an expulsion vote again. do we have any sort of timeline on when that vote could happen? >> again, another thing to add to their to do list when they come back the week out of over 27th. they could potentially take the vote to kick their colleague george santos out of congress. i cannot overstate how rare this process is. only five members have only been kicked out by their colleagues during the civil war. the allegations laid out in the ethics report found that george santos spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds and he disgraced and discredited the house according to this bipartisan report. it could lead lawmakers and his colleagues to kick him out. this is beside the fact that santos had already said that he is not going to seek reelection. his colleagues, especially from new york, the new york republicans, want this process to happen sooner than later saw republicans have a shot on the very competitive seat that president biden won in 2020. this is going to be a showdown for santos. like you mentioned, he's going to have that press conference at the end of the month. it's not clear what he could say to sway his colleagues not to vote to kick him out. we are already hearing more and more of them saying that is the step they are going to take because the report is so damning, katie. >> julie tsirkin, thank you so much for joining us and getting us started. i appreciate you as always. joining me now for more, texas congresswoman jasmine crockett. it's always so good to have you on the show. there's a quote from the times that i read. santos was not the cause of the house shamelessness but a symptom and warning. let's be clear, santos drops his crown, marjorie taylor greene and lauren boebert were quick to pick it up. do you think having someone like george santos out of congress is necessarily going to make that much of a difference in terms of the chaos that the republicans are pumping into congress at this time? >> absolutely not. i mean, george santos was not involved in any of the brawls which almost took place. seriously, this is a guy who they removed from his committees very early on. santos is not necessarily the one who is the catalyst for the chaos, but he definitely is a symptom and an outcome of who the republican party as a whole has become. as far as i am concerned, the chaos starts at the top. it starts with donald trump. we know we have maga mike is the speaker who basically is doing everything he can to make sure that he shows his loyalty to the twice impeached 91 count indicted former president. it actually starts with donald trump. it doesn't start with santos. >> it's a rare sign of bipartisan action which could happen. it sounds like there are about 60 more members of the house who are now willing to vote to expel george santos. look, that guy has nine lives. he has a live to fight another day on prior expulsion votes. do you think this report, and i appreciated your tweet, i traffic in facts and evidence -- this ethics committee, 37 subpoenas, 47 voluntary requests for information and a review over 270,000 pages of documents interviewing 40 witnesses. this was a thorough thing in terms of an investigation. do you think it's enough for santos to be out? >> there are those who think that due process means you have to go to trial and be convicted. you and i both know that that is not necessarily the definition of due process. not everyone ends up with a criminal proceeding. due process is giving someone an opportunity to face allegations and defend themselves. this report outlined how frustrated the committee was with the father they were giving him an opportunity to provide some sort of proof for the allegations that he was saying were false. help us out, guy. he was nonresponsive. when he was responsive, he was evasive and attempting to actually thwart the investigation. i do applaud the committee. this is probably the only thing that has been bipartisan. we had something done unanimously in the house. that was determining that george santos is a fraud. i don't think that the people at home had any questions about that. i think we didn't have all of the dirty details. where did we go? how much did he pay for the botox? we didn't have the dirty details. we knew that santos was a fraud and was doing a lot of ridiculous things. i think it was quite alarming that there were $240,000 with the withdrawals that they literally cannot account for. they don't know what he did with that. i don't see santos deciding that he is going to step down from his post simply because this report revealed that he had terrible credit. he doesn't have any money. i think he needs to continue to get it checked. i don't see him resigning. if we don't kick him out, i think santos will continue to serve. the last point that i will make is that when julie was talking about these biden seats, santos sits in a double digit biden seat. new york, i need you all to just show up. show love and vote. we won't have another george santos situation. >> at least they could find a bank account for george santos versus maggot mike johnson who doesn't have bank accounts. congresswoman jamie -- thank you so much for being here, i appreciate it. i will add allegedly for you. turning now to breaking news on the ongoing war between israel and hamas, efforts to secure the release of or hostages. a source confirmed nbc news that the u.s., israeli, and hamas negotiators are closing in on a deal to release some of the hostages in exchange for a pause in fighting. this comes as president biden and an op-ed in the washington post called for a two-state solution, calling it the only way to ensure the long term security of the israeli and palestinian people. joining me now live from tel aviv, israel, we have nbc news correspondent erin mclaughlin joining us. thank you so much for joining us at the last minute. it's important news for us to learn. what can you share with the viewers about the efforts to secure the release of more hostages? >> hey, katie. these negotiations have been going on for weeks now. today, we are hearing from qatar. qatar is significant because it is seen as this important conduit to hamas. this morning in doha, the qatari prime minister said he is confident, has growing confidence that a deal could not be reached, showing that the outstanding issues at the negotiation table are practical and logistics oriented. this comes as a diplomatic source tells nbc news that they are nearing a potential deal but also noting that nothing has been finalized and that this could collapse at anytime. there seems to be progress at the negotiation table. we are also getting news from the al-shifa hospital complex, the hospital complex which is now being searched by the israeli military. they are looking to substantiate the claims that there is a hamas command center underneath the complex itself. we are hearing from the w.h.o. that they managed to make their way to the complex yesterday. they painted a desperate picture of the conditions inside the complex itself, saying they saw mass grave at the entrance of the complex and waste in the hallways as well as evidence of gunfire. they are working to evacuating the hundreds of patients and doctors who are still inside of the complex. you may remember yesterday that they had the partial in valuation where they -- they have managed to evacuate more than 30 of the premature babies who had to be taken off of incubate or's last week due to a lack of electricity inside the hospital. the w.h.o., palestinian red crescent, reported that they managed to move the babies to a hospital in the south to get badly needed medical treatment. katie? >> erin maclachlan, thank you so much. she is live from tel aviv with the latest. we appreciate it. coming up, an appeals court is set to hear oral arguments tomorrow morning over donald trump's intimidating and violent rhetoric in his d.c. election interference case. this as the twice impeached, quadruple indicted, one term disgraced ex president continues to threaten opponents. much more to discuss here on the katie phang show. don't go anywhere. the katie phang show don't go anywhere. don't go anywhere. i'm not just accomplished. i am accomplishing. so i'm doing all i can to help lower my risk of breaking a bone. for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture taking calcium and vitamin d may not be enough. adding prolia® is proven to help strengthen bones and reduce spine fracture risk by 68% with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen with prolia®, or about pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. talk to your doctor before stopping, skipping, or delaying prolia®, as spine and other fractures have occurred. serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain have occurred. i have so much more to accomplish. talk to your doctor about prolia®. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? 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michael, my friend, it's good to see. let's start with what's going to happen first thing tomorrow morning. an appellate court in d.c., tooo i'm going to ask you to read the tea leaves, maybe look into the crystal ball and predict what you think is going to be the outcome from the oral arguments. >> i guess the big question here, katie, is how restrictive or broadly they read the language of the supreme court case in brandenburg versus ohio. in that case, the leading first amendment case, it says that people are protected by the first amendment even for incendiary rhetoric unless there is an imminent likelihood that it will incite violence. the american civil liberties union and trump has said that these gag orders, both new york and d.c., are too broad. they have to be limited to the insight imminent violence language. i tend to agree. i think that the court order said that you can't target or can't say disparaging things. that's not really consistent with the first amendment imminent incitement of violence. i think the court of appeals in both cases should say that gag orders are appropriate if nicely tailored to the language of brandenburg. otherwise, i think they are going to have a problem sustaining the gag orders. >> yeah, michael, isn't this a tried and true concept? we have seen evidence that when donald trump speaks, sometimes directly, sometimes in code, violence does ensue. i understand and respect the first amendment, obviously, but chutkan was careful. she was careful in the way that she tailored the gag order. on the other hand, maybe not so narrowly tailored the gag order. i think the crux of the purpose behind it is to provide protection for not only witnesses but perhaps some of the parties in this case. shotguns gag order, michael, is applicable to all of the parties, not just donald trump. don't you think that the something -- there is evidence of prior violence incited by the words of donald trump. >> yes, for sure. this is why it is going to be an interesting argument, katie. there are cases where people say things that are incendiary and unexpected by them or not intended by them, third parties go out and commit crimes. we saw that with the shooting of congressman scalise. he said that the language of democrats incited him to shoot scalise. he would not want to bring a charge against those democrats who said that they need to fight against the republicans in the third party goes out and acts. it has to be very tailored to the actions and words of the individual to incite imminent violence. you really cannot control what third parties, how third parties will interpret your language. so, bernie sanders, probably similar to donald trump in his fight, fight, fight language, which i support, actually. >> michael, for our viewers to understand as well, in the new york a.g.'s situation and appeals court, the gag order was lifted temporarily while an appeal is going to be down, on the briefing is going to be done in the new york appellate court system can. can you explain how those two gag orders would travel in parallel or maybe not at all? you have one from a federal judge, assuming the argument is upheld by the d.c. appellate court, and let's just say the new york a.g.'s office says that the judge was too broad. it was not specific enough and it violates the first amendment. >> right. the issues, katie, that play are similar. what are the first implications of a gag order? court, state, and federal are free to interpret the gag order language as written. like you said, judge chutkan's language in the federal case is narrower than the new york case. each appellate court is going to independently look at the language of the gag orders and say yes or no to either or both. one or the other would not necessarily impact the results of the other. you have to narrow it. it's too broad. otherwise, that's okay. they all informed the same exact question of what the first amendment rights are of the speaker. how does that impact a fair trial? that is the fair trial that both of the unions have to decide independently of each other. >> i have one second. i want to ask you to lean back into your professional experience and explain as council, special counsel, counsel to special counsel jack smith, how does special counsel deal with these delays, these appeals that happen which might derail trial deadlines that we anticipate we are going to see not only in the case of judge cannon for the classified documents but also with judge chutkan in the d.c. election case? >> yeah, it's a hot mess, katie. when i was an independent council member, i was one of the guys investigating george herbert walker bush's administration back 100 years ago, it seems. we had many motions pending in the district court which we needed to get resolved before we could move forward in deciding whether crimes had been committed. you could only wait for the courts to act. you continue to prepare your case as you have done and i have done what we were trial lawyers. you continue to prepare. in the end, you are stuck. you have to wait for them to act and then decide what you do in response to the act. both of the guys, smith, in both cases, the one guy with two cases, all he can do is keep preparing and hoping that the judges act expeditiously and that there are interlocutory mediate appeals which come as the result of these orders. keep your head down, keep working, and hope for the best. >> michael is zeldin, as always, it's good to see you. thank you for being here and for the analysis. we really appreciate it. >> my pleasure. anytime, katie. >> tomorrow on msnbc, my colleague ana cabrera will host a special coverage of the appeals court healing over former president trump's gag order the federal election interference case in washington, d.c.. watch tomorrow morning beginning at 9:30 a.m. right here on msnbc. next, the gop's presidential front runner continues to run a campaign on autocracy. why his incendiary remarks, interestingly, like we talked about with michael, should worry all americans. plus, we are going to preview a new msnbc documentary giving an in-depth education about women's menstrual health and the bucs harmful mid. you don't want to miss that and more. you're watching the katie phang show. u're watching the katie phan show show ( ♪♪ ) growing up, hughes and cowboys were one and the same. my daddy's a cowboy. i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers, for generations. this life is in our blood. and we ain't stopping no time soon. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. the subway series? 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. >> we are less than a year from the 2024 presidential election. donald trump remains a clear and present danger to democracy. a recent fox news poll shows the twice impeached, quadruple indicted ex president leading the republican primary race with 62% of those polled preferring him over many dictator ron desantis who is only at 14%. we already know a second trump term would be even more dangerous than the first. he has vowed to demolish the so-called deep state, plans to weaponize the doj to go after his enemies, and he wants to implement terroristic immigration policies. historians warned that trump is running as americas first dictator after his divisive rhetoric took an alarming turn recently echoing authoritarian leaders like victor and mussolini. here's what he said last week on the campaign trail in new hampshire. we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, mark, says fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. the real threats is not from the radical right. the real threat is from the radical left. it is growing every day, every single day, the threat from outside forces is far less sinister and greater than the threat from within. arthritis from within. >> joining me now, anne applebaum, staff writer at the atlantic, author of twilight of democracy. and, thanks so much for being here. this is such an important conversation. i think we have to have it over and over again to underscore what is at stake. i hate to actually play trump sound. i hate giving him any space. i think it's important for our viewers to see, it's his words. to hear the people cheering, frankly, too, while he says them. why does trump use words like rmin to describe his opponents? >> the word for, men which has indeed been used in the past, famously, it was used by hitler to describe jews. it was actually, i'm speaking to you today from poland. there was a famous poster here during the second world war put up by the germans that showed jews as lice. we understand very deeply what this law expression means. with vermin, what it implies, these people are in human. they're not people. they're not, we don't have to respect them. they don't have any rights. you, know vermin are something that you crush. like wheat. any dictator, any leader, any collective leader that uses language like that is saying that i have a right to lead, and my opponents do not have a right to live, let alone have human rights or respect for the rule of law. what trump is doing is setting up a mood, or an atmosphere that will allow them to break laws, and will allow him to go after enemies. >> and, let's talk about how that environment has persisted. in january 7th, 2021, you wrote that what trump and he taught america. this is a day after january six happened. i think you and i both thought, and the world at large, because of what happened on january six, we would never see donald trump again be a serious contender. yet, here we are again. almost four years later. on the eve of the presidential election in 2024, and it seems, situationally, to be the same. is it because people are just not paying attention? is it because people have fatigue over the alarm bells ringing? what do you think is the reason why we find ourselves almost in déjà vu, in the same situation? >> i think the primary reason is that trump's party decided to accept his anti-democratic language, and his behavior, and they refused to impeach him. they refused to condemn him. they allowed him to go on pretending that he had really been elected presidents. you know, that the election was somehow stolen. i think that's one of the reasons. another reason is that a lot of americans don't pay much attention to politics most of the time. a lot of them believe the propaganda that the election was stolen again. also, that there are, you know, evil vermin on the far left to are trying to destroy our country. it is a conspiracy theory that people have fallen into. i can't stress enough, again, how much what i wrote on the day after january the 6th still applies. you, know the rest of the world watches the united states as the leading democracy, and a reelection of trump would be, you know, a real statements. that democracy in america is dysfunctional. we're not able to get rid of a potentially autocratic leader, that we weren't able to resist that kind of rhetoric. that we won't be playing the role of leader of the democratic role in the future. you, know repeatedly, magazines, newspapers, politicians, all over the world, they're listening. it's not just about, you know, america's support for this or that cause, it's america as a symbol that's really in danger of crashing. >> and, i don't think donald trump is competent enough, or capable enough to pull off any of this on his own. my greatest fear is not trump itself, it's the army of loyalists that he intends to install. the ones that have been through round one. they saw a kind of where the achilles heel, isn't figured i do a bigger and better and round two, in that second trump presidency. i look at people like bill barr, kenneth chesebro, i look at the lawyers, also. the lawyers in the judges that perhaps are the loyalist that he wants in place. what can be done to ensure that the american public understands that is not trump operating in a vacuum, that he actually has people, including the heritage foundation, for example, that are orchestrating this trump presidency. >> i would say that first of, all there is a phenomenon of leaders who have lost power, who returned to power, and who are much more autocratic and their second term, or the second attempt to power. putin is an example of that. the president of russia. he was out of, power he came back, you know, much better prepared to repress his country. to build a much more powerful dictatorship. there's a version of that in viktor orban, who's an autocratic leader of hungry. you're absolutely right to point to the fact that because it's the second term, because there are people who are prepared and ready, that we're in a different situation. i, mean i think the best thing we can do is what you are doing now, which is talk about it. talk about it calmly. explain to people what the consequences are. talk about what the stakes of this election, of not just who's winning and losing, who's up, who's down. it's very important to prepare people to understand what kind of election it's going to be. >> and, i've gotta go. it's always so great to have you here. the following, to your last point, the heritage foundation with this plan has decided that it's plug and play with nick haley and ron desantis or donald trump and so democracy is in peril. even if it isn't donald trump. thanks for being, here i appreciate it. >> up, next to the scandal the supreme court adopts a new cota of. ducked my some see it has weakened unenforceable. we'll discuss all of this after the break. e break. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. 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what are we doing with us? >> it's essentially a stack of pre-existing rules and statutes. if you remember, katie, last april, when the court was under the same tremendous amount of pressure to do something about it's completely lack of ethics rule, they pulled out the same stack, and they said, here. here is all the stuff we had here to. they all signed it. this is no different from that. this is the same move. it's just kind of cut and paste it in a different documents. it comes with a little preamble that, and here's the chill for me, it starts with the proposition that the absence of the code they write has led, in recent, years to misunderstanding that the justices of the court, unlike other jurist, regard themselves as an restricted. then it goes on to say, that's because your confused. we felt like we were never confused. we have this stack of rules that we promise you, pinky promise, we had here to. because your confused about the rules, here they are again. so i completely agree with you, this feels like -- it also feels like an attempt to gaslight us into saying, oh, maybe these rules are buying, dane and we were just confused. that is just insulting. >> i'm so glad you said gaslighting because that's exactly what's going on here. the senate was supposed to vote on subpoenas for people in karlyn cuero, those who are financing lifestyles, apparently, up the rich and famous on scotus, but the vote was postponed. do you think the introduction of this 90 voted upon code of conduct is actually going to have a chilling effect on any moves by congress? i will give flowers to sheldon whitehouse, hang johnson, and others, who are doggedly trying to make sure that we are protected as americans, but do you think there will be a chilling effect now that this code of conduct is in place for federal investigations and other things? >> i think it's fair to say, katie, that was the intent. the reason why this came out just a few short days after those subpoenas were supposed to be voted on. it's because the hope was that it would chill the effort. we've heard from dick dorman, senator whitehouse, and others, they have no intention of pumping the brakes. for exactly the reason that we know about these attics violations, not because the court has been forthcoming. in fact, a lot of the justices could, they were caught out in the reporting from probe public a and the washington post. they still haven't disclosed things they've done that they should have disclosed. the only thing that works is pressure from journalism, pressure from the public, pressure from the congress. to, me the fact that the court was willing to say, and this is a significant thing for the first time in history, wow, people are really mad at us. we should do something, even if it's fundamentally a toothless thing. it's all the more reason to press, on say, we would really like to hear what harlan crow and leonard leo have to say about why it is that some justices guest flown on salmon fishing trips with people who have cases before the court. this issue is not gone away. let's be clear, there is nothing in this code that precludes those trips in the future. >> you know, dahlia, one ethical stopgap that we always look to his lawyers when we're looking at judges is the ability for them to recuse themselves when they know that there is going to be an appearance of impropriety, let alone an actual impropriety that's going to take place. this new code of conduct, i want my viewers to understand, it talks about recusal. it is a very obvious terms. you should be presiding over case where there is a beneficial interest to you or a loved, one or family member. it doesn't actually provide for a refusal mechanism. at the same time, it says, dahlia, be careful the supreme court justices, only nine of. us there's no one above, us although god, apparently. you shouldn't be recusing yourself because we can't replace you. >> yeah, i can't say it any better than you just said. first and foremost, it's nice to say that the same justices who got to make up their own minds about recusal, it didn't have to explain why, didn't have to tell us when they failed to accuse, and let's remember, clarence thomas failed to recuse in a case in which his own life, ginni thomas, had a material interest in the outcome. that hasn't changed. clarence thomas still gets to be the arbiter of whether or not he has to recuse. there is a huge thumb on the scale, as you know, that says that, now, there's only nine of us. people are going to be pushing for us to recusing, that's fundamentally political. overwhelmingly, err on the side of not recusing so that we don't have 44 splits. the minute you have created a resumption against refusal, all the recusal roles in the world, even if they were clear, and as you say, they are not clear here, go away. the presumption will always, be well, there's only nine of us, i guess that to stick around. >> delia left, white house, always it's been spectacular analysis, thank. you thank you for being, here we appreciate it. >> thanks, katie. >> ahead, we're going to preview a new msnbc documentary ending the stigma around menstruation and menopause. you don't want to miss it. stay with us. stay with us before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough, cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? 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>> they try to period cramps stimulate or. >> they had my first hot flash the other day. >> i'm sick of keeping it secret. let's get rid of stigma. i would say, you know, closed for business, open for pleasure. >> periodical, a new empowering documentary that debunk some of the myths about women's menstrual cycles. from a first period to our last. it airs tonight at ten pm eastern on msnbc. it will also streamed on peacock. two women that are featured in the film are here to talk more about this amazing documentary. joining me now is a new just saying, actress and medical student, and medical students and activists at the carrie school of law. so nice to have you here. i loved this documentary. i think everyone should watch it. not just women, women and men should watch this documentary. i want to start with you, a new russia. you talked about some of the societal stigmas around menstruation in this documentary. how to some of those centuries long myths continue to negatively affect women across the world? >> that's a really good question. i think not talking about periods, you know, our whole lives, we grew up in aware about the stigma. i learned about it in the fifth grade when we learned about periods for the first time, and gender segregated classrooms. it wasn't until i started college that i realized, wow, not talking about periods can be really dangerous for society. it can lead to really bad policies like a tampon tax, for example. we talk about this in the movie. that is a tax product, a luxury item. nothing about menstruating is a luxury, right? the absurdity of that really catapulted me to take action. i didn't have a crazy policy background, and, fact i was on the pre medical tracked. but i felt compelled to say something about this, take action. so i started a group of my school, ohio state university. together, we made it our mission to take down the tampon tax in ohio, and from there, the rest is history. >> madeleine, a new russia talks about the tampon tax. explain quickly to my viewers what that is. i can tell you, 21 states that currently have the tampon tax make $80 million of profit off of women's periods. let me be clear, they don't tax condoms or viagra. talk about the tampon tax. >> yes, there is no gendered comparison for men. the tampon tax is a state imposed sales tax on any sort of menstrual products. the way that you take away a sales taxes to deem that product unnecessary item. right now, pats, tampons, menstrual underwear, that's old enough luxury items. they're allowed to be taxed under the sales tax mechanism. >> a new, chicago, sorry, i have less than a minute left. i did want to ask, you can you explain what period poverty is? everyone's going to tune in to watch the documentary tonight, they're going to learn more, but period poverty is very serious. i want people to understand what that concept is. >> yeah, period poverty is when people don't have access to menstrual products, and they're forced to make on hygienics methods of maintaining their periods, like using trash or toilet paper. that can lead to really dangerous infections, toxic shock syndrome, over wearing to tampons, for example. it's a really serious issue. bad policies like the tampon tax perpetuate the cycle of period poverty. that's why it's so important to solve this from a very systemic angle as well. >> i want to leave you brilliant women with the statistic. in 2019 survey of low income women and st. louis found that 64% were unable to afford menstrual products, nearly half of them sometimes had to choose between buying food or menstrual products. my viewers, i would love for you to share the word. tune in tonight to watch this documentary, periodical. it really explains why there is a stigma, why there shouldn't be a stigma, and as my good friend who has interviewed by me as one of the local florida parent said, it's biology, folks. it is biology. it is a human function. it is really important for people to be able to understand that that's what's happening in. and you just saying, i'm madeleine morales, it's so good to have you guys here. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having us. >> don't forget, periodical where tonight at 10:00 at msnbc, streaming peacock. i want to thank all of you for joining us this morning. i'll be here next saturdaynd sunday at any of eastern. remember, you can keep up with us during the week by following at katie phang show on instagram, tiktok, an x, formerly known as twitter. stay, to the sunday show with my friend jonathan capehart is coming up next. to those of you who are going to celebrate, happy thanksgiving. thanksgiving -it's a nail fungus infection. -...that's gross! -it's nothing, really... -it's contagious. you can even spread it to other people. -mom, come here! -don't worry about it. it'll go away on its own! -no, it won't go away on its own. it's an infection. you need a prescription. nail fungus is a contagious infection. at the first signs, show it to your doctor... ... and ask if jublia is right for you. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. its most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness... ... itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters and pain. jublia is recognized by the apma. most commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 copay. go to now to get started. ♪ students... students of any age, from anywhere. students in a new kind of classroom. ♪ using our technology to power different ways of learning. ♪ harnessing ai to plant new beginnings. ♪ so when minds grow, opportunities follow. 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Statutes , Pressure , Ethics Rule , Stuff , Amount , Proposition , Paste , Chill , Preamble , Absence , Led , Restricted , Jurist , Gaslighting , What S Going On , Dane , Buying , Karlyn Cuero , Effect , Moves , Lifestyles , Financing , Introduction , Rich And Famous On Scotus , 90 , Others , Sheldon Whitehouse , Investigations , Flowers , Hang Johnson , Intent , Effort , Dick Dorman , Intention , Violations , Brakes , Haven T , Reporting , Journalism , Washington Post , Probe Public A , Press , Say , Time , Issue , Salmon Fishing Trips , Leonard Leo , Ability , Stopgap , Recusal , Interest , Loved , Family Member , Shouldn T , Recusing , Refusal Mechanism , Above , God , Didn T , It Didn T , Minds , Thumb , Material Interest , Hasn T , Scale , Whether , Arbiter , Ginni Thomas , Resumption , Side , Refusal , Splits , Overwhelmingly , Err , 44 , Presumption , Roles , White House , Delia Left , Stigma , Menstruation , Stay , Msnbc Documentary Ending , Menopause , Flare Ups , Cough , 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Background , Pre Medical , Group , Mission , Ohio , My School , Madeleine , Ohio State University , States , Condoms , Talks , Viagra , 21 , 00 Million , 80 Million , Products , Sales Tax , Comparison , Sales Taxes , Tampons , Product , Item , Items , Sales Tax Mechanism , Underwear , Pats , Chicago , Poverty , Concept , Trash , Toilet Paper , Methods , Toxic Shock Syndrome , Cycle , Angle , Half , Statistic , Buying Food , Louis , 64 , 2019 , There Shouldn T , Tune , Biology , Human Function , Parent , Folks , Madeleine Morales , Saturdaynd Sunday , Streaming Peacock , Eastern , 10 , Jonathan Capehart , Tiktok , Twitter , Instagram , An X , Nail Fungus Infection , Jublia , Infection , Ingrown Toenail , Prescription Medicine , Prescription , Signs , Nail Fungus , Stinging , Blisters , Itching , Age , Jubliarx Com , Apma , Copay , 0 , , Technology , Classroom , Ways , Iphone , Carolers , Learning , Harnessing Ai , Husband , Plant New Beginnings , Opportunities Follow , 15 , Condition , Titanium , Ipad , Apple , Heart Failure , Loved One , Music , Irregular Heartbeat , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Shortness Of Breath , Attr Cm , Cardiologist , Red , Flags ,

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