good to be with you, i'm katy tur. quote, he's toast, he's done. clean out your office. congressman george santos might not be a congressman for long. at least according to republicans on the hill. today the house ethics committee chair filed a resolution to expel him and with a vote expected after thanksgiving, santos does not look like he'll make it to christmas. while the lies he's told as you know have been piling up since the day he was sworn in, it was the ethics committee's report released yesterday that appears to be the final straw. thousands of campaign dollars spent on designer shoes, pricey vacations, and botox injections meaning the third vote to expel might be the charm. as republicans voted to keep santos in two weeks are lining up to get him out. if that happens, what happens next? how flipable is his long island district? and if it does flip, what does that do to new speaker johnson's already teeny gop majority. also, could santos be more trouble even more legally. joining us now, capitol hill correspondent ali vitali, and punch bowl cofounder, john bresnahan. this resolution to expel him again, what are we likely to see next? >> reporter: a little bit of a waiting game first, katy. just because the resolution was introduced today means that they have to wait until the house comes back into session. that means that they're waiting all of next week because they're off for the thanksgiving holiday, and then when they come back, as early as tuesday, november 28th. that's when we will likely see the gears start turning on this motion to expel santos once again from congress. the things we're expecting to see shift on this vote though because this is not the first time the house has taken up or considered whether or not to expel the long island congressman, many members, including republicans said the last time this came up for a vote that they wanted to wait and see what the ethics committee would report out. now with all of these new allegations ranging from botox it ermez, they are citing findings as reasons to expel him if and when this vote comes up again. we're expecting that vote to come up, but of course the thing that would derail that from happening is if santos himself were actually to resign, which is what some people, including congressman ken buck one of his colleagues is saying he should do. but given the tone he's taken over the entirety of his time in congress, the entirety of this scandal, it's not likely we see santos resign. >> the majority for the gop is razor thin, they have a hard time passing anything, hard time electing a speaker because there are only a handful, a couple of republicans that can derail things, what would it mean to lose george santos? >> there's a couple of things here. there is a special election in utah november 21st, so next week. they're going to actually pick up a republican. so if you lose santos, they're going to pick up a republican. that's going to balance it out. but santos has a problem with being in congress. that's a big problem. he has a big problem staying out of prison, okay. so i think that has to factor into this is the resignation talk is pretty serious. santos -- i had one republican tell me santos should really be thinking about a plea deal now, and when we've had indicted members of congress in the past, you know, it's a good thing to trade, you know, resignation from congress as part of a plea deal. we could see something happening on that. so he's got a little window of time. i do think there are members that are going to tell him he's got to go. look, the republican majority is going to be in trouble for the rest of this congress. there's no way around it. they've got a razor thin majority. they've got a bulky house freedom caucus, the conservatives, they don't like anybody who's in charge. so i'm not sure having santos there makes a huge difference for them either way. >> what about what it means for them electorally coming up in '24, and just the ability of democrats to point to him and say this is who republicans allow to be a member of congress for as long as they did. does that hurt him a year from now, john? >> i don't think so. i mean, look, trump is probably going to be their nominee. the election next year is going to be about donald trump. it's not going to be about george santos. i think in new york this plays, this is one of the reasons why the new york republicans have been so adamant about calling for his resignation. you know, new york still has to do redistricting, and we're likely to see the democratic-controlled legislature try to redraw the map in favor of democrats. and remember, republicans had a big win in 2022 in new york. they picked up a couple of seats. it was one of the reasons why they were able to win the majority. now, if you had an empty seat in new york, you could use that a little bit to play around with a map and redistricting, give them a little bit of room. you don't have to worry about santos district, if i'm an upstate new york, republican, or a district who may get hurt, let him take stuff from down state, let him take stuff from santos' district. in some ways it helps him if he's gone, helps them survive on their own, as arcane and weird as that sounds, that's part of the factor going on here. >> it's going to be a special election. what's the likelihood that the democrats are going to flip that seat? >> a lot of election experts are saying that it's likely because this is a district and john is right that the lines will change, but the district itself as it exists right now is one that biden won in 2020 by almost ten points. about eight points, i believe, and so this is a district already that was tinging blue and the fact that now we've seen over the course of the last almost year reporters and our colleagues going into that district, hearing the anger from these constituents who are angry at santos, the concern among republicans is that that special election would really lean towards democrats, only because there's such a bad taste left in constituents' mouths about the party and the person that they put forward the last time. that special election, though, you got to think about this, from the time that they have the seat vacant, the governor has ten days to announce when that election would be, and t election itself has to be sometime between three and fou months, so this is really middle term play. it's not something that we're going to see instantaneously, we'll get a date on the calendar. >> joining us is former republican congressman charlie dent, along with nbc news legal analyst and criminal defense attorney danny cevallos. i want to start with some legal stuff on this. the idea that he can trade resigning from congress for a plea deal here in new york on these charges, how likely are prosecutors going to be to want to take that up? >> i can't imagine prosecutors are going to find that to be an appetizing offer. number one, it might seem to political. and that's something federal prosecutors are always loathe to do. they don't want to seem they're an arm of a particular political party or the administration itself. the doj considers it independent, and they make their charging decisions independently. that being said, a number of other things may be folded into a package of wanting to offer a plea deal, but i just don't see stepping down from congress being chief among them. federal prosecutors are not very generous when it comes to plea deals. this may be a situation where the best he could do is plead straight up, plead to the indictment itself, and maybe the government isn't interested in a plea deal at this time. >> we're focused on his position in congress because it has political ramifications. the charges that we see more of in the ethics committee complaint, how egregious are they, spending your campaign dollars on personal travel, on botox. creating a shell company they allege to funnel money directly into your own bank account. >> when you combine this with the indictment that came o last month, this looks pretty terrible, and the kinds of things like he's charged with credit card fraud. that kind of false statements to the fec, that's one thing, but taking your campaign donor's credit cards and misappropriating them, that is particularly egregious, the botox, these are the kinds of things that federal prosecutors love. they love to show that the defendant didn't just use it maybe to pay down his mortgage or pay down a credit card, which is among the allegations here, but if they can show that he was using it to buy luxury items, botox, only fans, those kinds of things, if true, and if they come into evidence, though are the kind of things that inflame a jury. federal prosecutors know that. that's why they're so good at their job. >> i can see why that is. let me ask you about the precedent here. the first member of congress to be expelled since 2002. >> that's correct. there have been only five members of the united states house of representatives expelled at all, three for treason during the civil war, ozzie myers in the 1980s. and in 2002. those two were convicted of felonies. what's best for the house is for george santos to resign. he deserves to be expelled. the ethics committee in their report did not recommend expulsion, though the chair of the committee, a goodman, and the ranking member, both good people, they are going to support this resolution to expel him. so this is a rather big deal. i think really what should happen now is speaker johnson should summon santos to his off and see the letter on my coffee table, that's your resignation later. you should sign it now. you're going to be expelled. they're going to throw you out of the republican conference. they're going to do all kinds of things to make your life hell. this guy seems so reckless, i don't know what the benefit is to him to be expelled instead of resign, but this is going to happen. >> i mean, he's taking the trump playbook, calling this whole thing a witch hunt, and trying to gin up anger toward the authorities against him. toward the doj, et cetera. and it might have worked for a little while. i mean, he's still in congress, but it does go to show you that there is an ultimate end to how long that sort of behavior can last. am i right to say that, charlie? >> yes, and by the way, he's called the ethics committee investigation a witch hunt. that is utter nonsense. they have professional investigators, nonpartisan, and they have gone through this, and believe me, this is not in any way partisan, they're just reporting the facts. this guy is in deep, deep trouble, and so he's just flailing about right now, and so i'm just the chair of the committee, i know what it's like to take on a situation like this. and then i'll do this happily. they did their duty, and this man does need to go. it is just so egregious. it's too bad. the precedent is set. there have been plenty of members of congress who have been charged over the years, and they were, you know, entitled to the presumption of innocence, and they were not expelled and they pled guilty or were convicted and they left congress. they all felt shame, and they resigned. santos isn't capable of feeling shame. >> it's a different era. let me ask you about why speaker johnson might be saying what he's saying today, which is a version of vote your conscience, vote however you want. is it because, as john bresnahan laid out, there's likely going to be a republican pickup in utah, which means it will cancel out losing santos? >> i think speaker johnson has to protect the institution. you know, he knows he must go. republicans do not have a functional majority in the house to begin with, and so losing santos really won't make much of a difference. you know, they need democratic votes to pass anything of consequence on the debt solutions, continuing resolution, omnibus bills, they need the democrats. it won't matter whether santos is there or not. they might as well just get be rid of them. do their duty, protect the institution. >> charlie dent, thank you so much. danny cevallos, thank you as well. and one of music's biggest stars is being accused of rape and abuse. hip hop mogul, sean combs was sued by former partner and singer cassie. we're going to have that story coming up. we're also going to talk a little bit about what's happening in israel, and there is some breaking news on roslyn carter who has now just entered hospice care along with her husband jimmy carter. jimmy carter has been in hospice for some months now. so far still doing okay. but this is now the news that first lady rosalynn carter is entering hospice care as well. don't go anywhere. we'll be right back. where. we'll be right back. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 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(vo) black friday starts now. turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. only on verizon. we will forgive our friend john carl for not bringing this to us yesterday when we had him on. he has audio of donald trump telling him he wanted to go to the capitol on january 6th. donald trump wanted to go to the capitol, and that it was, in fact, secret service who did stop him. so donald trump says he knew how much power he had over the rioters. listen. >> but if you look at the real size of that crowd, it was never reported correctly. there were -- it's the biggest crowd i've ever spoken in front of by far. >> really? >> by far. that went down to the washington -- that went back to the washington monument. >> you told them you were going to go up to the capitol. >> i was going to and secret service said i can't,y e time i would have. i got back,ted to go back. i was thinkin about going back during the problem to stop the problem. doing myself. secret service didn't like that idea too much. and you know what, i would have been very well received. don't forget, the people that went to washington tyn my opinion, they went because they thought the election was rigged. that's why they went. >> joining us now, former fbi general counsel and former senior member of robert mueller's special counsel that investigated russia, russian interference in the 2016 election. andrew weissmann. all right. him saying, andrew, that he wanted to go back to address the problem, stop the problem, does that lend anything to the special counsel in the election interference case in d.c.? >> i think there's sort of pluses and minuses. i think the initial statement that he wanted to go to the capitol and the secret service stopped him is going to be very corroborative of what cassidy hutchinson heard that he essentially wanted to be part of the protest, and that would be sort of egging them on. you know, he, in the second part where he said i wanted to go up again in the secret service stopped him, he did add that he wanted to do it to stop what was going on. the problem with that story, which strikes me as, you know, very problematic for the former president is with the secret service stopping him, you would think that if he was really committed to stopping the violence that he was seeing, which this, by the way, shows that he was watching very carefully what was going on. he was really committed to that. there was an easy way to do that. which was to immediately issue a tweet, make a statement saying stand down. so i think his false statement will be argued by the government. it's a false statement to jonathan karl is going to be something that the government is going to use in their case. >> one of the things that we haven't gotten any further confirmation on is the testimony that cassidy hutchinson gave in front of the january 6th committee that donald trump -- that she was told by men who were in the car with him that donald trump lunged at the secret service agent's driving his limo, and tried to grab the steering wheel to get them to go to the capitol. they tried to force them to do that physically. we haven't gotten confirmation beyond cassidy hutchinson on that. here is donald trump confirming at least that he wanted to go, but the secret service wouldn't let him. does that do anything? >> yeah, i mean, that to me was notably missing from the indictment. it's just the whole about what cassidy hutchinson heard in the beast, where she said she had heard from the secret service that the president wanted to go, the secret service stopped him, that wasn't put into the indictment, and it doesn't mean that it wouldn't have come into the trial or it may not still come into the trial, but it did suggest that there was some reticence on the part of the government in going down that road, but now, you do have the president in -- former president in his own word on tape saying that he, in fact, wanted to go there. i think that is going to be something that if i were the prosecutor, i would want to use that tape recording, what we just heard in the case in chief for the government. >> makes you wonder what other tape recordings are out there that reporters have and have not released yet. let me ask you about the other case, a new york fraud case, the stay that was put on the gag order that judge engoron had over the trial, can you just explain to me why another judge would put a stay on this considering the environment that we live in, and also considering that it was a pretty limited gag order that said you can't talk about my staff members. you can talk about me, you can't talk about my staff members. >> i agree with you that this gag order, which was really very limited. this is not saying that he can't speak about anything having to do with his running for office. this is literally don't issue statements about my staff that could lead to violence. it's less a gag order and really saying, i don't want you to do anything that could incite violence intentionally or unintention that willy. -- unintentionally. getting to your issue about why there would be a stay, this is something donald trump has appealed the gag order, the same way he has appealed the gag order in washington, d.c. it's pretty common in the situation where the first amendment issues are at stake where the court in d.c. and now in new york says at least pending the appeal we're going to put a stay on the lower court decision. you know, this monday we have the argument in d.c. as to whether that stay will be lifted, whether it will be completely reversed, and i would imagine the new york courts will be looking very closely to see what the federal d.c. judges do. >> all right. andrew weissmann, thank you very much. appreciate it. and coming up next. >> you're welcome. after fleeing south for safety, israel is telling gazans to flee again. where can they go, and what is israel offering to help? plus, the latest on the hostage negotiations. what president biden just said. d , but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ looking for a bladder leak pad that keeps you dry? 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(vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. israeli officials say their mission to dismantle hamas military capabilities in northern gaza is nearly complete. they are also claiming to have found more evidence that hamas was operating in and below the al shifa hospital complex. video was released of heavy artillery and an opening to a tunnel. nbc news was not there and has not been able to verify those claims but the u.s. says israel is right. here is secretary of state antony blinken with my colleague lester holt. >> we have our own information that command and control knows are located either in or under hospitals. there's several of them. and this is something that's really monstrous. >> joining us now from tel aviv, nbc news foreign correspondent raf sanchez. so raf, there is a little bit of news on the hostage negotiations. what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, katy, a senior official saying president biden spoke earlier to the amir of qatar, that small persian gulf state that is absolutely at the heart of these back channel negotiations to try to get these hostages back. and it was very interesting, katy, on monday night when the president was in california doing that press conference, he mentions that he was speaking regular to the qataris, which you would expect, but then he started to elaborate and seemed to suggest that the israelis had agreed to some kind of pause as part of this qatari mediated negotiation. he didn't go into any detail, and then he abruptly stopped himself because secretary of state antony blinken who was sitting in the front row of the press conference was shaking his head and the president said i'm going into too much detail. the secretary of state is shaking his head. the qataris remain at the heart of this back and forth. there has been grim news about the hostages in the past 24 hours. the israeli military says they have found the body of two women, noah marciano, and 65-year-old mother ya houthi weiss. there was a funeral held for marciano in israel earlier today and the families of many of the hostages are on day four of a five-day march from tel aviv to jerusalem, and they say when they get to jerusalem they're going to demand answers from the israeli government. >> please give us an update of what the israelis say they have found at the al shifa hospital. >> reporter: they are saying that they have found a hamas tunnel on the grounds of the al shifa hospital. they are saying this is the beginning of evidence which they claim will eventually prove there is a hamas command center under there. nbc news not able to verify that this is a hamas tunnel. we have been able to geo locate this video. and it does appear the opening, whatever it is, is on the grounds of the al shifa hospital complex. earlier today, palestinian civilians who had fled from the north of gaza to the south to the neighborhood got flyers dropped from the air by the israeli military warning them that israel was planning military activity in the south and they needed to leave the homes that they had fled to. and this just really underscores, katy, that nowhere in gaza is safe for palestinian families. if you're a parent trying to figure out where to keep your child safe, it is basically a desperate race from one neighborhood to the other trying to stay one step ahead of the israeli military and of the fighting going on. the only good news, if you can call it that, is that there is some aid coming through the rafah crossing from egypt earlier today including several house liters of fuel, which border authorities say is heading for palestinian telecom companies to try to get their services back up so that people can once again use their phones and use their internet. for more than 24 hours now, most people inside gaza have been in a communications blackout. katy. >> raf sanchez, thank you so much. let's go further on the topics. senior adviser, to benjamin netanyahu. the news that israel is dropping leaflets and telling gazans to move again. where can they go where they will be safe from bombing, from missiles? >> i can appreciate the difficulties of people who have relocated. my own father was a refugee, and so i know what they're going through is not easy. but it's better to be in a safer place than in a place where we know there's going to be combat. and unfortunately has numerous hamas targets including underground tunnels, bunkers and so forth, and as part of our effort to destroy hamas, we have to operate there. so we're asking people to move westward. they don't have to go back north. it's a shorter distance to move westward. there are areas there which are designated as safer areas. we're asking people to relocate. i know it's not easy for many of them. we don't want to see civilians caught up in the cross fire. we ask them to make the effort. please move. this will be over, but until it is over. we're asking civilians to get out of harm's way. we don't want to see them in the cross fire. >> is there aid as they move west, is there water, food, fuel, medical supplies? >> as your correspondent said, we've managed to expedite the number of trucks coming in through the rafah crossing, the crossing with egypt in the south, it's not far away. as dislocated people move to the area to the west, that aid is very close by. it's close to that crossing and we can get the aid to them as quickly as possible. >> can you say once they move west, they won't be asked to move again? >> i'm pretty sure they won't have to move again. it's important to remember that hamas has built up its military structure underneath urban areas. we're asking them to move to an area where hopefully there will be tents and a field hospital and so forth but because it's not an existing build up area, hamas has created an enormous infrastructure. >> let me ask you about the tunnel that was found at al shifa that israel said was found there. has the idf been able to get into the tunnel to see what's beneath the hospital? >> i can't get into ongoing military operations, and of course things are still ongoing. there we discovered another tunnel just today, and i should say another shaft going down to the tunnel. obviously we're only going to invite people to see it when it's safe. maybe that will be tomorrow or the day after. obviously we know it's there. there's no doubt about that. and if people want to see the proof, a little bit of patience today or tomorrow, i'm sure we'll be showing much more. >> can you tell us how the two hostages died? do you know? does israel know? >> we don't know exactly. we know specifically about the older woman, we know 67-year-old, if i'm not mistaken, a grandmother. she was taken alive. and she died during her captivity or, i'm not sure if captivity is the right word, being a hostage. we can't talk about how she died, but we can only presume. she was in captivity. she shouldn't have been in gaza in the first place. hamas is responsible for her death. >> hostages, where does the negotiation stand? is there going to be a trade? will we see women and small children released? >> so for the first time we sense that hamas is under pressure. and we sense there's a chance, and i choose my words carefully. we sense there's a chance for a release of our hostages. obviously we want that to happen. because hamas and their leadership is under a very strong military pressure. the fact that we have entered the epicenter of hamas's military command, which is the subterranean terror kingdom underneath gaza city. there's a chance because they're feeling the pain that they will be willing to make this sort of deal to get the hostages out. i hope it's possible. i hope we can get our people out. it won't happen because hamas has suddenly become humanitarian. we've got no illusions. if they're feeling the pain, feeling our pressure. if they want a temporary cease fire, we're willing to do it for the release of our hostages. >> mark regev, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me, katy. coming up, what social media users are doing with a resurfaced osama bin laden letter to criticize the u.s. and israel. rael oh, hello! hi! do you know that every load of laundry could be worth as much as $300? 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>> reporter: well, at this time, katy, of intense passion around what is happening in the middle east and the efforts of young people to make sense of it, we are seeing this strange resurgence of a more than two decade old letter from the ring leader of the 9/11 attacks. a journalist on twitter posted a small compilation of a handful of accounts on tiktok that had been essentially talking about this in very glowing terms. let me give you a little taste of what those sentiments sound like. have a listen. >> oh, my god. >> i need you to stop what you're doing and go read a letter to america. >> the way this letter is going viral right now is giving me the greatest sense of relief. >> reporter: now, ever since that initial post on x went live, suddenly we had this enormous amount of interest across tiktok, and then the rest of social media. you saw a 4,300% increase to references of bin laden on x, formerly known as twitter. when it comes to you tube, and so suddenly we have this letter being spread everywhere. it's important to note here that young people putting this out don't seem to have have read the whole thing, and haven't gotten to the parts that involve terrible anti-semitic sentiments, the part squarely focused on palestine, or the palestinian people, that they seem to be focused on. it seems to have taken on suddenly a life of its own in a few days here. >> we need to teach history better. jacob ward, thank you very much. coming up next, what do they want? hundreds of starbucks workers walk off the jobs and on to, they hope, the pro union wave that is sweeping the country. first, though there is a new msnbc documentary called periodical debuting sunday at 10:00 p.m. here's a sneak peek. >> i started getting vocal of being in menopause at 50. closed for business but open for pleasure. iness but open for pleasure type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? 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>> it's a small scale effort in a very big company, and certainly starbucks making the point that there wasn't really a big disruption in their business yesterday but the organizer say it was 200 locations at least, more than a thousand people, and it doubled in size from a year earlier. they certainly are energized by that progress. what they were fighting for yesterday in particular was this idea that on these big promotional days, katy, they can be pretty overwhelmed and that they need more help, more staffing on those days. and in particular that sometimes some of these employees told me that the customers can be pretty cranky on these big promotional days. they don't like to wait and they just need more staffing to manage it. >> talk to me about the moment we're in though, now, because we have had a number of successes among unions pushing back on big corporations. you have the auto workers, again, just ratifying the contracts today. sag-aftra. and you had ups workers that did not have to go on strike but certainly threatened it. what is change something. >> they won concessions, the up drivers got air-conditioned cabs. teachers striking in portland, health care workers who threatened to strike. pharmaceutical workers, people at pharmacies who had been staging sick outs and walkouts because they want better staffing as well. it's a moment we're in where workers feel like they have leverage. one thing labor experts have told me is inflation is part of this story. their wages are rising in a lot of industries, quite frankly, but inflation for the past few years has been rising faster, and housing is expensive, too, so people feel nickelled and dimed all around, and they look at a decade of stagnant wages and corporate profits that have been quite robust in the last couple of years, and now is the time they feel they have leverage to ask for more. >> is the uaw hoping to expand after this, not just have the upper midwest any longer but expand further south where there are no unions? >> certainly they would like to see union membership rise somett is interesting. honda and toyota, both non-union u.s. shops stepped forward and said they're raising their wages starting next year as well. so certainly union leaders will say, look, by us standing up and demanding more and getting this big contract, that helps all autoworkers. >> christine romans, great to have you. thank you very much. >> nice to see you. coming up, what sean "diddy" combs' long time girlfriend says he did to her. did to her. 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would the nypd start investigating this or new york state police start investigating this? the allegations are pretty heinous. >> assuming for the moment that nypd had no idea that any of this had been going on, that the plaintiff this made no complaints to them beforehand, because it is possible they may have already investigated and decided not to prosecute, we don't know, but surely if they think there is grounds to investigate they will, but one of the chief things they have to look at is whether or not the statute of limitations, the criminal statute of limitation has expired on any of the allegati allegations. if they see viable claims that could be criminal, they may investigate and this civil case could potentially lead to a criminal case. normally it is the other way around. criminal first, and then the civil suit is filed. >> how steep is the burden for cassie? >> it is only preponderance of the evidence in civil cases. that means more likely than not. it is the only burden that can be expressed mathematically. 51% or 50.001%. whatever gets you over half is the burden in a civil case. much less than a criminal case. good example is o.j. simpson was found liable civilly for the killing of nicole brown simpson. >> this is civil. if it turns criminal, that would be jail time. with civil, it is probably a financial penalty if it remains civil. >> the only remedy in civil court is monetary damages and that's likely the only remedy that the court or that the plaintiff is even interested in. >> again, the allegations are pretty serious and certainly disturbing. sean combs does deny all of them. thank you for coming on, coming back at the end of the show for us, we appreciate it. that does it for me today on this friday. "deadline: white house" starts right now. hi, everyone. it is 4:00 in new york. i'm lucia menendez in for nicolle wallace. a startling admission by the ex-president that could very well end up being a critical piece of evidence in the cases against him. we're talking about newly

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