claim provides evidence hamas headquarters is under al-shifa, a claim nbc news has not verified. secretary blinken says the u.s. does have intelligence similar to israel's. >> we have our own information that command and control nodes are located either in or under hospitals. there are several of them. this is something that's really monstrous. >> this as families mourn the loss of two israeli hostages found dead in the last 48 hours. secret talks continue to try to secure a larger hostage release. momentum is building for the house to expel republican congressman george santos after a scathing and unanimous report from the bipartisan house ethics committee. i will speak to anthony deesposito, a leading republican lawmaker who is calling for him to be ousted. bin laden goes viral. propaganda written decades ago spreading across social media. ♪♪ good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. the israeli military is warning it will head south, claiming the idf is close to dismantling the military system in northern gaza. the south is where most took refuge on israeli orderers, and is under another communication blackout. special forces are inside or laying siege to several hospitals in gaza, including al-shifa where the idf claims it found a tunnel entrance. nbc news cannot independently verify that. there's no evidence that a hamas command and control center exists below the hospital, a claim israeli and u.s. officials have been making. hamas and doctors at the hospital forcefully deny. one grandmother was fighting cancer, the second an idf soldier were found. secretary of state blinken telling this to nbc's lester holt about a potential hostage deal. >> we are working this incessantly. i remain hopeful. the less said the better. >> in the west bank, medics were seen running from a hospital where israel says gunmen are hiding after clashes in a refugee camp. we start with erin mclaughlin. erin, you spoke with a doctor who is inside al-shifa. what did he or she say the situation is there? >> reporter: given the extreme fuel shortage gripping gaza strip, impacting the telecommunication system in gaza, it has been very difficult to reach doctors. we were unable to do so yesterday. we managed to get through to some of the staff of al-shifa hospital today. i spoke to the director of al-shifa's burns unit. he confirmed that the israeli military raid on the hospital continued. he said the israeli military seemed to focus on the basement of the surgical unit within the hospital complex, as they are looking or continuing to look for any evidence of a hamas terror cell. he said that the israeli military provided them with water and food. not enough water and not enough food. he confirmed the israeli military's assertion that not a single shot has been fired as a result of this raid. however, he says, there is a desperate humanitarian situation continuing at al-shifa hospital. he said there's a lack of fuel, a lack of electricity and critically a lack of oxygen that over the last week has resulted in the deaths of what he claims were 43 patients in t u because of that lack of oxygen and resources alone. take a listen to what he told me. >> reporter: you could hear him there calling for the evacuation of the hospital. he was also expressing outrage that the israeli military facilitated the visit of a number of journalists to the complex, according to the journalists, including "the new york times," they were not given access to patients or doctors within the facility due to what the israeli military pointed to as a security situation. he was outraged that they are allowing doctors to visit the complex and yet they are not facilitating that evacuation. i reached out to the w.h.o. they are working on it. one constraint is, they nee a safe route out of ashifa complex for some 600 patients. many of them criy ill. they need fuel. they need fuel for the palestinian red crescent ambulances to facilitate that evacuation. the w.h.o. was not able to give me a timetable for either of those things. >> it sounds so dire. thank you so much, erin. jason, the u.n. made a statement at noon yesterday in new york that they will not be able to send deliveries to any of the relief agencies inside gaza because of the telecom problem, the cellphone lack of connection, they can't safely deliver secure deliveries to anyone in gaza as far as the u.n. was concerned. >> the telecommunication blackout is terrifying for the average palestinian family. it's really difficult for the humanitarian workers. if you take the situation of a family member, if they hear of a strike and people need to move and families get separated, they don't have a way to contact each other. i have seen some family members say, it's the most terrifying part of all the military action that they have had to endure, all the difficulties that come with that is not knowing where a family member is, a loved one is. on our part, we do have this team of medical workers inside gaza right now. they have been carrying out operations in one of the medical facilities there. we haven't been able to touch base with them over the last 24 hours. that's not to suggest there's anything wrong. but we have that line of communication cut off. we can't get updates. >> israel said they were doing two fuel delivery trucks today. two is too small according to the needs. i can't imagine that -- the report from gaza that none of it got in. i think that was the report from some of your people, or maybe it was other aid groups. what do you know about any deliveries today? >> i know that we were able to bring in a very limited number of supplies within the last 48 hours. i don't have an update on today. i know that our fuel situation is extremely low. i think to the point where we make the decision where we can't actually move or we have to be extremely selective if we do move. it's been a couple weeks ago that you saw video of our trucks moving through gaza when we helped with the two hostage releases moving from hamas to the families of the hostages. that, of course, took fuel in order to drive those four women back to their families. unless we get more fuel in, that's to say the red cross won't be able to drive very much anymore. that applies to all the humanitarian agencies working and all the medical staff working and the situations in the hospitals as you mentioned. >> jason, thank you very much for that update. our thanks to erin. the ethics committee report which would spell the end of george santos' end in congress. i will talk to a congressman who has been trying to get him expelled. you are watching msnbc. snbc ers ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? 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(vo) black friday starts now. turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. only on verizon. with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. the push to expel embattled republican congressman george santos is gaining new urgency and support after a scathing ethics report, including that he violated federal criminal laws. a formal resolution for expulsion was filed today. the house will likely vote again his ouster after they return thanksgiving break. campaign money to shop lavishly at high-end stor visit atntic city, go to the casinos, p for botox treatment, even a site known for its adult content, that's on top of the justice department charging santos. what are you seeing, congressman? we were told by ken buck yesterday that likely it would change and our reporting is that -- >> i think what we areg -- he duped all the voters to find -- i know a few weeks ago -- myself and other freshmen from new york put a resolution to expel george santos. it failed. now the ethics committee did this. >> let's talk about what's in the report. was it more than youxpted? worse, better, the same? >> i think it was everything that we had expe i think what's important here is although it focused on the election fraud and utilizing his funds for other purposes than intended, i think what the most important part is -- the one that really strikes us back here in new york and in nassau county is the people of the 3rd congressional district need a voice. that's what's most important here. the stuff that's in the report obviously is a vehicle that's going to get us to that place. for the last ten months, people that live the 3rd congressional district have been calling my offic and others because they couldn't get help when calling santos. we have an elected official -- people weren't getting anywhere with george santos. that's the important part. we are coming to a point, to an end of a time where the people of the 3rd congressional district didn't have a voice. the new year brings new beginnings. we will head into a special election to find someone who will fill that seat and provide that republican conservative voice to the people of the 3rd district in new york. >> you have such a narrow majority. the feeling had been republicans, led by speaker mccarthy at the time, were more concerned about losing another vote. this would put you down until you can hold a special election. >> for me, this was never about politics or a personal vendetta. it was about making sure the other half of nassau county were able to get a voice. i think after the ethics report was released yesterday, we are closer to putting this sad chapter behind us. i was sent to washington, d.c. in a district where democrats outnumber republicans by 75,000. it was a seat that's been in democrat hands for 25 years. they didn't send me here to talk about george santos. every positive piece of legislation that we are able to put on the floor, every positive thing we are able to bring back to the district is unfortunately -- it has been -- we had to talk about george santos. i don't think there's a handful of interviews i have done over the last ten months that didn't somehow wind up talking about him. i'm looking forward to putting this chapter behind us, to ridding the halls of congress and one of our oldest institutions of this fraud and moving forward and electing a republican conservative to serve the residents of the 3rd congressional district. >> thank you for being with us. under review. why social media -- why would allow millions of users to promote a 20-year-old rant against the united states by osama bin laden. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports." this is msnbc. this is msnbc. can be a dangerous [sneeze] for those 60 and older. it's not just a cold. and if you're 60 or older... you may be at increased risk of hospitalization from this highly contagious virus. not all dangers come with warning labels. talk to your pharmacist or doctor about getting vaccinated against rsv today. rsv vaccines, including pfizer's, are now available. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. some facts. i'm a mom from virginia. i work with immigrants in israel as well as palestinians, and five members of my family were kidnaped by hamas on october 7th. two were brutally murdered and three are still being held. all i want, all anyone would want, is to hug them and hold them again. we demand medical care. we demand the release of the hostages from hamas terrorists. these are innocent women and children. return them to us, to their families. demand their release. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day! the power goes out and we still have wifi glucerna. to do our homework. and that's a good thing? 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"the new york times" is reporting that more than a dozen jewi tiktok creators and celebrities confronted tiktok executives wednesday night in a private meeting and a zoom, think it was. they wrot the meeting held in aideo call for 90 minutes, joined by more than 30 p in all, including actors, and was led by tiktok's head of operations and the global head userutives wanted to know what they xperncing. the celebrities and creators described sometimes with rhetoric htiktok's tools did not preve a flood of comments like hitler was right and i hope you end up like anne frank under videos posted by them and other jewish users. how does this get spread? how does the spread of propaganda increase the threat level? we heard that the fbi is seeing it's off the charts, the most since i.s.i.s. >> let's start by calling this what it is. it's a failure of education. the u.s. education system is reflected upon poorly here. as a former college professor, we used to read terrorist writings. i think it's important to read primary source documents. you have to know your enemy. that goes back to the fundamentals of studying warfare. not once did i have a student come to me showing admiration for this. the fact that our kids are learning history through memes, through social media apps and algorithms, in the case of tiktok being controlled by a country like china, is very worrisome. it only takes this radicalization process to push somebody over the edge, people that -- the so-called fence sitters thinking about doing something dangerous. it only takes one person, a lone actor, to go over that line. we are in some dangerous territory here. i also think it speaks more to the failure of education. it's really something that we need to address in this country. >> the viral content as well, and the failure to control it. just this week, we had the conviction of the man who attacked paul pelosi, who had been radicalized and had wild conspiracy theories and ited him to violence. the whi house wrote a statement about all of this saying that there's never a justification for spreading the evil and anti-semitic lies the leader of al qaed issued after committing the worst terrorist attack in american history, highlighting them as direct motivation for murdering 2,977 innocent americans. this is perhaps a generational issue. young people who were not alive during 9/11. >> that's right. i think it goes to show that we never can forget. whether you go to the site in new york city or that we have to teach the youth what happened on that day. the incredible response from the united states, frankly, from the intelligence community, the military that ensured we were not hit again. to me, it was an appropriate statement from the white house. it does go to show that i think a lot of us thought in the back of our minds that bin laden, who we knew was evil, it seems that we are still not teaching this enough. it has to do with the education system and the idea of never forgetting what happened on that terrible day. >> thank you both. trump unleashed. the former president attacking a new york judge superviing the civil trial and the law clerk hours after a limited gag order had been lifted by an appeals judge. you are watching msnbc. judge. you are watching msnbc so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. have fun, sis! ♪♪ can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. a new york appeals court judge has lifted the limited gag order on donald trump that prevented him from verbally attacking the judge in his civil trial or the judge's law clerk. the appellate judge went further by questioning why that clerk had even posted a photo of her along with democratic leader schumer. it was that photo that was the center of donald trump's initial attacks against her. joining us now is catherine christian. the judge in the civil case said there were threats to his staff after donald trump and his team went after his law clerk. why was the gag order lifted? i'm curious why the appeals court judge flagged that she had posted a picture of herself with chuck schumer. is that against some ethical code i don't know about? not a code that applies to supreme court justices. >> no. as i said and anyone who lives in new york knows, anyone can get a photo of chuck schumer. it's not like she has some in with chuck schumer. it's not unusual for the judge -- what happens in the appellate division, attorneys will apply for a stay for all different reasons. that one judge will rightly say, i'm not going to be the one who will make this decision. let's have the entire panel do that. that's essentially what justice freedman did. he said, i'm granting a stay. have briefs on this due right after thanksgiving. then my colleagues, five of us, will decide the issue. a stay -- donald trump is saying he won. he didn't win. he did win now that he is ungagged because there's no gag order now. it could be temporary. it might still -- the entire panel of appellate judges in new york, the first department, might say, the judge was right and reimpose the gag order. it's a very limited gag order, by the way. it's only, don't talk about my court staff. that's it. it's very limited. his first amendment rights -- he has been trashing the judge, the new york state attorney general. he has not been in new york for a trial gagged. he has been saying everything he wants to say. it's not too much to ask for him to leave the judge's law clerk alone. >> apparently it was. is he being treated differently than another defendant because he is a former president and running for president of the united states. >> i has four open criminal indictments. he has this civil fraud trial. the behavior he has been getting away with just would not happen in any courthouse anywhere in this country. he is getting special treatment because he is the former president of the united states. that's my opinion. that's an opinion of many other of my league colleagues. whatever side you are on. it's so clear if you are familiar with the criminal justice system in this country that he is being treated specially. he is not being treated worse. he says selective prosecution. he is being treated very specially. >> is it partly because the judges, they don't want to be -- they don't want the case overturned, so they are trying to prevent a first amendment appeal of the rest of the trial? >> no judge -- ever wants to be reversed on an appeal. they are trying hard to not let mr. trump or his lawyers -- that's all of the cases -- get their goat. say things they shouldn't say. they are being very, very, very careful. there does come a point when they have to treat him like the criminal defendant that he is in four separate cases. not make him become this person that other people who say, why aren't i getting this treatment, why is my son put in jail and this person wasn't because he is the former president of the united states? yes, they don't want to be reversed. yes, they are being careful. there will come a point where the shenanigans will stop, hopefully. >> catherine christian, it's great talking to you. thank you very much. campus security next. how a top cyber agency is helping keep colleges safe as threats continue to spike since the october 7th attacks. this is "andrea mitchell reports." you are watching msnbc. black fra . turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. only on verizon. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. 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>> it's scary. it's very hard. >> reporter: this woman is a junior. >> i had my star of david because i feel more secure that way. >> reporter: while members of pro-palestinian groups at uconn are worried. a recent graduate says she received this threatening voicemail. >> reporter: how did you feel? >> what else are they capable of doing if they are going out of their way to get your number? >> reporter: administrators say the school condemns islamaphobia just as it condemns anti-semitism and is investigating. now the nation's critical infrastructure agency is offering to put stronger security plans in place. >> we have seen an uptick in requests for our support. >> reporter: do you have enough people to do the work? >> the demand will always outstrip the supply. >> this is a scary time for jews. certainly on college campuses. >> joining me now is julia ainsley. it's a scary time for people, both muslim students and particularly jewish students, because there's been such a rise in islamaphobia and anti-semitism. >> there has. being on the campuses, that's where i got the gravity, the enormity of this situation, talking to students from both sides. some of these jewish students are talking about the fact that there are flyers that say that palestine is justified. they see that as an attack on their personal security. some muslim students, pro palestinian students would say, we don't see it that way. we see it as free speech. having these conversations you realize how scared people are and what a tough position it is for college administrators and for the federal government when they want to protect the safety of students while allowing for free speech. some people say this is almost the third front in the war, what's happening on american college campuses. these students start to form their opinions about the war and whose side they might be on. that's going to have an impact on where u.s. foreign policy goes as the college students become leaders. >> part of this is a lack of historic perspective. very few of the students know the history of either the palestinian refugees and how much they have suffered or the creation of the state of israel and how it evolved and how it evolved from colonialism, from >> i heard a guest of yours say it's a failure of our education system. so many people are learning about history via tiktok and memes. that's scary. i sat down with the executive director of cisca. it's not their job to educate people on history. it's their job to secure campuses. they go in and try to say, here is a place where you might be vulnerable to attack. it's free and up to campuses to take them up on that. they say -- i have heard from people they are up to their eyeballs, so many people reaching out. not only have colleges been afraid of mass shootings, now they have this threat to deal with. in trying to inform yourself about global affairs in the middle of fear, that's really hard. >> many of the schools, the faculty have rights that have been embedded in constitutions of the state of the public and private institutions, where faculty rights, free speech trump what the administrators can do. they are now re-visiting that. administrators in some of the cases were not as proactive. >> right. we have seen threats against faculty members as well, even when they are practicing free speech. there's a real questioning about the way things are done on college campuses and how far people can go. one other thing that was interesting as i was talking to some of the muslim students about whether they wanted their college to work with dhs more to keep them secure. no. we have a bad history with dhs. why would we want their presence on campus? it's something we have to watch. i don't think the story is going anywhere. >> the department of education has now opened an investigation in their civil rights division to possible title 6 violations at a number of schools, elite universities. i think we have -- >> they are looking at a number of schools, cornell, columbia, a lot of these places you have seen clashes. the federal government getting every tool they can, whether from title 6, whether critical infrastructure because they consider universities critical infrastructure, trying to figure out what they can do about this problem without overstepping and violating free speech. also, trying to keep the campuses safe. a lot of the campuses that have their own security but they also might need more help now than they previously did. >> julia ainsley, thank you so much. so helpful. boiling over. frustrations within pro-palestinian and pro-israeli groups leading to protests across major cities and violent exchanges. that's next. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. can't stop adding stuff to your cart? 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>> well, i think, andrea, you know, we are really struck by the almost exact split screen timing biden giving a press conference, having this very important super power summit, the first time that biden and xi have met in more than a year face to face, and the leaders of his own party are literally being blockaded inside the democratic national headquarters at that time by young, left-leaning protesters, pro-palestinian protesters. this is -- the energy on this, it is a domestic u.s. political issue as well as an international issue and a foreign policy issue. that's clear, and i think that, you know, for democrats, it's also kind of a belated reckoning. biden is very much, it seems to me, kind of liberal internationalist of the 20th century, and support for israel was a core bedrock of the party. i'm not sure that that's really the case going forward. this is a different democratic party. for years there have been warnings to netanyahu that he had pursued a very partisan strategy of align with republicans in the u.s. and that it would come back to bite israel in a crisis. well, we're in the crisis now. >> indeed, and in fact, joe biden was one of those who was warning netanyahu most forcefully in 2009 when he was first vice presiden to israel and netanyahu was expanding the settlements. layla, you've been talking to displaced gazans. i want to play part of your report last night from the pbs news hour. >> today in their leaflets, they're telling us to evacuate the south. early today the idf dropped leaflets over the southern city of khan yunis, but many don't know where to go. >> translator: they asked us, the citizens of gaza to go to the south. we went to the south. now they're asking us to leave. where do we go? we want to understand where exactly we should go. >> and that's the problem. they were told go south, that it would be safe. well, it wasn't safe. the corridors weren't established, nor was it free of attacks, but many of them did go save, and now they're being told today to leave the south because that's next after they finish with, you know, with what they're doing in the north. >> absolutely, and the problem is for so many gazans, palestinians in gaza, where do they go? they've been told to leave the north at the beginning. they said no, they then did start moving, and i was there inside gaza a few days ago with the israel defense forces watching streams of helpless people with bags of clothes, plastic bags, one by one being searched as they went along. they got nothing to their name anymore. they're carrying wounded people in makeshift wheel bar row, cheel they already live in tent cities. where can they go? there have been this one tiny strip by the beach. it's incredibly hot outside. they don't have water. they haven't had water for weeks. what are they going to do? live on the beach? >> and now they don't have cell service either. you've spent so much time there. we wanted to talk to you about your ground, the lack of cell service is causing huge panic where people are displaced already and can't get in touch with relatives. >> absolutely. and it really makes them feel useless, the last message someone sent out is they're going to kill us in the dark, and of course the problem is that western journalists can't freely operate in gaza. we are able to go in with the israel defense forces. so palestinian journalists are risking their lives, they are dying. 37 palestinian journalists have died in this war trying to report on what's happening. so people feel there completely urge siege as they are, and as though more and more frequently they can't show anyone the truth of what's happening to them. >> susan glasser, finally, this is an intractable problem, and it is unlikely to be solved in any substantive way as this campaign season heats up. >> you're right, andrea, and thank you for that really powerful report from the ground. i have to say, the problem here as it looks in washington is what is israel's play? what does success even mean in this campaign? and i've heard that again and again. what is a victory? how would we define it to the extent there is a plan for after hamas, it's not a plan that anyone agrees on. there seems to be real tensions merging between the biden administration and the israeli government on what that would be. i think five weeks into this horror, it doesn't look any clearer what some kind of meaningful resolution would be and tragedy obviously on the ground. >> we're going to have to leave it there, thanks to all of you. and that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember to follow us on social media @mitchellreports. "chris jansing reports" starts right now. good afternoon, i'm chris jansing live from msnbc headquarters in new york city. the israeli military is combing over every

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