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right now on "ana cabrera reports", five candidates trade fire in the third republican debate. >> leave my daughter out of your voice -- >> adult daughter, the next generation of americans are using it, and that's actually the point, yeah, her supporters propping her up. that's fine. here's the truth -- >> you're just scum. >> ahead this hour, the contentious moments, the key takeaways, and did anyone emerge with momentum to take on trump? plus, defending don donald. trump's team presents its case in the fraud trial, and we'll break down ivanka's hours on the stand. and breaking in the middle east, the u.s. launching more retaliatory strikes for attacks on u.s. troops, what we know about the iranian linked targets inside syria. and later, ready, set, action. one of the longest labor strikes in hollywood history comes to an end. so when will our favorite shows be back? ♪♪ hello, thanks so much for being there. it is 10:00 eastern, i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york, and we begin with the scramble for second and the war of words exchanged in the third republican debate. the five candidates on the stage trading fire in a debate largely dominated by foreign policy, but punctuated by moments of personal jabs as we showed you there between haley and ramaswamy. now, rivals are duking it out on the stage, the front runner in the race meantime donald trump holding a rally just miles away, so joining us from that debate site in miami is nbc's maura barrett, vaughn hillyard is standing by with the latest from that trump rally, and shaquille brewster in iowa hearing directly from the voters. quite a show last night. walk us through the big moments. >> reporter: well, ana, like you mentioned, foreign policy was e definitely a top point of conversation. this was the first time these five candidates were together on stage since the israel-hamas war broke out in early october. they all voiced similar opinions on how they would handle hamas. i want you to hear directly immediately about how they addressed the question and how they would be handling it if they were in the white house. >> i would be telling bibi finish the job once and for all. >> the first thing i said to him when it happened was i said finish them. >> wipe hamas off of the map. >> reporter: so a lot of agreement on stage about how to handle that conflict, but there was a lot of differentiation in terms of funding towards ukraine, whether that should be tied to funding to israel because nikki haley made the point that there should be a larger goal of shoring up alliances in terms of the larger goal of global democracies, but you did see some differentiation where ron desantis said that he would actually not send u.s. troops to ukraine. he would rather focus on the issues down at the southern border with mix coe, ramaswamy also disagree, and overall there was an agreement on china being a national security issue. and so this debate compared to other debates gave a lot of runway for candidates to get into the nitty-gritty of issues like these, especially as we're getting into the last two months leading up to the iowa caucus where these candidates are really trying to differentiate themselves. >> maura, thank you so much. vaughn, what happened at that trump rally last night? what did we hear from him? >> reporter: yeah, good morning, ana. donald trump by and large almost completely ignored the debate last night and his five republican rivals. this was the third debate he chose to skip, making the case as to why would he give any credence to any of his republican rival when is he is leading by such significant margins in the polls, nationally but also in these key early states. i want to let you listen to donald trump, though, and his quick acknowledgment of the debate happening ten miles down the road. >> somebody said, one of the dumber ones, oh, he doesn't have the courage to stand up. well, listen, i'm standing in front of tens of thousands of people right now, and it's on television. that's a hell of a lot harder to do than a debate. [ applause ] >> reporter: ana, i'm told that donald trump intends to skip the fourth debate in alabama here in december as well. a senior adviser to donald trump, when i asked him, you know, where does this go from here? does donald trump want these other candidates to drop out? he said, of course, he feels like the republican primary is over and that the republican party should coalesce its money and support around donald trump to focus on joe biden. sarah huckabee sanders, the current governor of arkansas formally endorsed donald trump last night at the rally. don jr. was there as well. i asked one of those advisers to donald trump after the rally about those who are waiting on the sidelines. of course this comes just days after iowa governor kim reynolds endorsed ron desantis, and that adviser's response to me about those republicans who are waiting on the sidelines to endorse donald trump and his response to me was, quote, tiktok. donald trump intends to put the pressure on republicans nationally to get on board now or perhaps face the perils of not having donald trump's support were he to get in the white house again. ana. >> all right, vaughn, thank you. shaq, how are republican voters reacting to last night's debate? >> reporter: well, ana, we are here in iowa. this, of course, is the first place where voters will get to have their say in this republican primary process, and we kind of crashed the party last night that was being held by the iowa chapter of the americans for prosperity just to see how folks were reacting to the debate in realtime. i want you to listen to one of the conversations i had after the debate because this really shows you how dynamic this race is where, yes, former president trump if you look at polling is ahead, but you have voters in realtime still making some of those decisions. >> trump is a different person than he was in 2016. so he's more focused on his own issues, and then saying that they're going to come after you after they come after me, but he's actually more focused on his own issues instead of keeping that private and focusing on joe biden's failed policies. >> despite that, you're still considering voting for him in the caucus? >> i love what trump did. i said i was stuck between tim scott, ron desantis, and donald trump, but i'm probably going to vote for ron desantis in the caucuses. >> reporter: i'll tell you, there was a mix of voters there, and you really also saw the divide in the republican party in that room as maura was describing the conversations over israel and the war overseas, you saw some people really liked the more hawkish tone from some of the candidates, and others said, no, we like how some of the candidates were talking about, no, we don't want to have any american involvement or troops overseas. this is iowa, when i asked folks in the room to raise their hands if kim reynolds endorsement earlier this week or last week at this point played a factor or would play a factor in who they would support, nearly everyone in that room raised their hand. that's good news for ron desantis, but again, things are very fluid. there's still a lot of time until they go into those caucus rooms. >> so interesting, shaq brewster, thank you. we're joined by the former chief of staff mike pence who dropped out of the republican race for the presidency. so mark, we heard maura tick through some of the issues discussed. i want to dive into one of the other top issues last night. we saw what happened this week with the issue of abortion and the elections in ohio and virginia, here's what we heard from candidates about that last night. >> i trust the people of this country state by state to make the call for themselves. >> we need a 15-week federal limit. >> here's the missing ingredient in this movement. sexual responsibility for men. we live in an era of reliable genetic paternity tests. >> we're better off when we can promote a culture of life. i think of all the stuff that's happened to the pro-life cause, they have been caught flat footed on these ref ren da. >> no republican president can ban abortions any more than a democrat president can ban these state laws. so let's find consensus. >> mark, do you think any of these candidates got the message tuesday night? did any of them have a good answer on abortion given what we saw in the election? >> well, ana, i actually do think that tim scott gave a good answer on this question, and i'm not convinced that it's a losing -- >> the 15-week answer you think is the winning way to go? >> i think the reality is that we shouldn't talk about a number of weeks. i think the reality is the polling shows roughly 75% of americans agree that once a child can feel pain that it should not be aborted. that's where our party can be. there's no doubt that our party were now organized on this ever since the dobbs victory. i think for a lot of republicans they feel like the supreme court made that decision and after 50 years of fighting they won. whereas i think democrat activists are far more engaged and active right now. i think we're clearly being out organized on this issue. i think there's a bigger fundamental problem inside our party when joe biden's numbers are candidly at historic lows and we're losing states like kentucky. it shows that our party is not as organized as it should be. >> mark, we heard some criticism of trump, but honestly, not a lot. he is the front runner by far, not only in iowa but nationally when you look at the polls. listen to last night. >> and donald trump's a lot different guy than he was in 2016. he said republicans were going to get tired of winning. what we saw last night, i'm sick of republicans losing. >> i can tell you that i think he was the right president at the right time. i don't think he's the right president now. >> anybody who's going to be spending the next year and a half of their life focusing on keeping themselves out of jail and courtrooms cannot lead this party or this country. >> do you think we did the right thing by not participating? [ cheers and applause ] >> so without trump on that stage, i got to wonder, how much can these debates even move the needle? >> it's a good question, ana. i think the reality is it would be great if donald trump were there to have a conversation with republican voters about their vision for the future. i think governor desantis's answer is right, the donald trump today is not the donald trump of 2016. he's taken starkly different positions than he did when he appealed to conservatives in 2016. to your question, i think the reality is that it's not moving the needle, and that donald trump is from a political perspective is actually benefitting from the republicans having debates without him. if more and more court trials happen, more and more republicans rally to him, and the debates are sort of like an undercard. >> do you think vice president -- or do you know whether the vice president mike pence has decided to back one of his former rivals? >> i'm going to leave that to him. i wouldn't anticipate seeing any endorsements anytime soon. >> who do you think has the momentum coming out of this debate, if any, and did anybody fade? >> you know, i think again that the endorsement from governor reynolds was a big boon for governor desantis a couple of days ago. we'll see whether or not that generates as much of a boost in iowa. i'm not sure the debate itself generated that. i do think the debate was the most policy oriented so far. it was better than the previous two and gave voters more to think about, but i don't know that there was a moment or something that would have catapulted a candidate. i think probably the bigger event during the week was the endorsement from jim reynolds. >> thank you so much for offering your perspective, marc short. when we're back in just 60 seconds, the u.s. military launching new strikes against iranian-linked targets in syria. plus, secretary blinken maps out the u.s. post-war vision for gaza as 50,000 palestinians flee incoming israeli forces. also ahead, the hollywood actor's strike reaches a dramatic conclusion. what we know about the deal and what it means for your favorite shows. plus a new weight loss drug has just been approved by the fda and some analysts say it could become the best selling drug of all time. f all time only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard - one simple member card that opens doors where it matters for you. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? ucard gets you in with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. how 'bout using it at the pharmacy? yes - your ucard is all you need. huh - that's easy! can it help keep my smile looking good? yep! use your ucard at the dentist. say cheese! get access to what matters with the ucard only from unitedhealthcare. we're back with breaking news out of the middle east this morning. the u.s. military launching second series of retaliatory strikes on iranian linked targets in syria, in response to attacks on american troops and bases in that region. now, the u.s. says it targeted a weapons storage facility reportedly used by the iranian revolutionary guard. this as pentagon officials warn that the attacks on americans in this region are growing larger and more dangerous. nbc news senior white house correspondent gabe gutierrez is with us now. gabe, what more are we learning about all of this from the white house? >> hi there, ana, good morning. the defense secretary says that president biden ordered this air strike in response to recent attacks against u.s. personnel in iraq and syria and another defense official says that it's meant as a warning to iran that the u.s. will hold it accountable. this morning tensions escalating across the middle east and the united states increasingly involved, responding after u.s. bases have come under attack from iranian-backed forces. two u.s. fighter jets conducted an air strike on a weapons storage facility in eastern syria that the pentagon says was being used by iran's revolutionary guard. is the u.s.'s second retaliatory strike amid the ongoing israel-hamas war as concerns mount that iranian-back groups could widen the conflict. >> we have been very clear to countries in the region that we are incredibly keen on ensuring that this conflict does not spread. >> since october 17th, the pent gone says there have been about 41 attacks against bases housing american troops in iraq and syria and iran is continuing to use its influence in other countries to target the u.s. just yesterday off the coast of yemen, a u.s. defense official says an unmanned u.s. reaper surveillance drone was shot down by iran-backed houthi forces while in international air space. the houthi forces released this video and claimed the drone was carrying out hostile spying activities. while the war between israel and hamas rages, the united states aiming to contain the conflict. and as for that air strike in syria, a senior u.s. military official says that it's not clear yet whether there were any casualties, but that the u.s. military is certain that no civilians were killed. the official also says that there will be increased air patrols around u.s. bases to deter further attacks. ana. >> gabe gutierrez at the white house, thank you. now to the latest in the israel-hamas war. we are learning an estimated 50,000 people fled northern gaza just yesterday headed south as fighting between israel and hamas intensifies in gaza city, and wherever they flee, they are finding dire humanitarian conditions. the world health organization warning that diseases are surging in the territory with the palestinian health ministry saying this morning most gazan hospitals have stopped functioning. those conditions as secretary of state antony blinken continued his push overseas for more aid and laid out the u.s. vision for gaza after the war. >> it must include palestinian-led governance and gaza unify with the west bank under the palestinian authority. and it must include a sustained mechanism for reconstruction in gaza and a pathway to israelis and palestinians living side by side in states of their own with equal measures of security, freedom, opportunity, and dignity. >> i want to bring in nbc's raf sanchez from tel aviv, israel, and former assistant defense secretary evelyn farkas. raf, you just spoke with israel's president. what did he tell you? >> reporter: well, ana, we sat down with israeli president isaac herzog just after he received israel's latest intelligence about the hostages, and he told us that despite weeks of back channel negotiations involving qatar and other countries, at this time israel has received no substantial offer from hamas that could lead to the release of the hostages. take a listen to a little be the -- bit of what he had to say. >> i can say up to now there's no real proposal that is viable from hamas's side on this issue. many, many people are third parties are sending optimistic messages to their newsreels, i'm saying outright according to my knowledge, up to now, there's no real substantial information that is showing any real offer of any process on the table. >> reporter: now, i asked him if there's no real progress on negotiations, does that mean the only real chance of getting these hostages back is through a military rescue. he wouldn't go into that. he did say there are thousands of israeli officials, soldiers, spies, working around the clock to bring those hostages home. he said there would be no cease fire without the return of the hostages. i also pressed him on the growing number of palestinian civilians being killed by israeli air strikes inside of gaza. he insisted israel is doing everything it can to minimize civilian casualties. he blamed hamas for hiding its tunnels underneath residential areas, but we are hearing a growing international outcry over these civilian casuacasual more calls for a cease fire, and overnight, the secretary general of the united nations saying something must be going wrong with israel's military operations to have this level of civilian loss. ana. >> raf, really appreciate your courageous reporting there, thank you for bringing us that interview with the president of israel this morning. evelyn, there's a lot to discuss. i want to go back to what we heard from secretary blinken regarding sort of the u.s. vision for gaza after this war with perhaps the palestinian authority in charge. do you think israel's on the same page? do you think israel has a plan for what comes after this war and what would that look like? >> yeah, i mean, ana, i don't think that the israeli government has articulated a clear plan. we've heard, you know, benjamin netanyahu say that israel is going to have a presence in gaza. you know, initially it sounded like they were going to try to reoccupy gaza. he walked that language back yesterday, i believe, and so we haven't heard them commit to a two-state solution and to reinvigorating it, and i think we need to remind viewers that it was actually netanyahu's government that really implicitly walked away from the two-state solution, with the new settler -- new jewish settlements that were created in areas where palestinians were living with his decision to give the gaza enclave, you know, jobs. but again, no political future so i think -- i don't expect that much necessarily from him, but he's now in a unity government and i think the israeli people need to understand that the future has to include security not just for them but also for the palestinian people, and again, that security will mean a state for the palestinian people as well. >> meantime, the big focus currently is the dire humanitarian crisis continuing to unfold inside gaza. the u.n. says that the amount of drinking water being brought in is only enough to serve about 4% of gaza's residents. we know there's a lack of food, a lack of medical supplies, the world health organization saying doctors are having to do some complicated surgeries, even amputations without anesthesia. what's preventing more aid from getting in right now? and what is the tipping point, do you think? >> well, the answer of what's preventing more aid coming in is complicated because i don't think it's just the israeli government in this case, it's also the egyptian government. certainly all of these states want to make sure that there's no weapons, no ammunition going into the gaza terrorists. they also, of course, on the israeli -- sorry, the egyptian side wanted to make sure that they can control the crossing. if they were to lose control, they could have a real refugee problem, but all of this is absolutely doable, ana, we should be able to bring assistance in. you've seen ambassador cindy mccain, the head of the world food program pleading -- the international community, pleading, begging saying you guys have to broker some kind of agreement. and frankly t is incumbent upon all of us, and it is great that the media is showing this to provide humanitarian assistance. it doesn't solve the problem, but at least it can keep some people, some more people alive. the bigger problem, of course, is the war that israel has found itself having to wage, but it's one that we also have to help israel resolve because they're not going to be able to kill every hamas fighter, and if they try to do that, of course, there will be increased civilian casualties. so a political resolution to this also has to come and can't some soon enough, frankly. >> nbc news is reporting that u.s., israel, and qatar are discussing a pause in gaza of up to three days. quickly, if you will, what can be done in three days considering how dire the conditions are right now on the ground. >> right, you can get food, fuel, medicine, all the humanitarian assistance in in three days. you can maybe get some of the israeli hostages out. i mean, it's shocking, let's remind people there are infants and children and elderly holocaust survivors being held by these hamas fighters. i think everyone can get a better sense maybe perhaps of the state of the hostages, their health, how many there are, who they are, and of course any pause can allow an opening for diplomacy, can allow for a conversation about what comes next because there does need to be, you know, your opening question, there does need to be a strategy here. >> evelyn farkas as always, thank you so much for joining us and providing those insights. up next here on ana cabrera reports, quote, i don't recall. ivanka trump's hours on the stand in her father's fraud trial, and what we know about donald trump's defense as his lawyers begin to present their case. plus, what's happening right now on capitol hill as senate democrats eyeing new subpoenas tied to their supreme court ethics probe. to their supreme ethics probe (husband) no way they'd take this wreck. 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>> well, so as to the valuations and saying, well, these can be subjective, they're not necessarily false. the magnitude of error here is really an issue. they're just so off from the other appraisals, from, you know, objective things like the size of an apartment being triple what it was. i think they're going to have a hard time making those arguments that there is not a clear valuation. as to the banks not relying on them, they scored some points on that yesterday showing that actually the bank relationships were important and part of why those loans were being given out. but at the end of the day, i think that the banks and the insurance companies you would need the defense to put on those witnesses to say we didn't rely on any of these financials, and i don't think they're going to be able to do that. it seemed like the net worth and various other aspects are things that the banks actually did care about before giving those loans. >> what more did we hear from ivanka's testimony yesterday? it's really just getting going as we came on the air here. >> stylistic issues totally different from her father. the atmosphere was very tense. it was more relaxed yesterday, some more joking with the judge. we saw a little bit of that with don jr. during his testimony. she really tried to distance herself from the trump organization saying she stepped down from her role as executive vice president in 2017 to be a senior adviser to her father in the white house and that, you know, she often said, as you mention instead your intro, i do not recall to a lot of these communications that were ten or in some cases longer years old. and so the a.g.'s office was able to show -- or they attempted to show, i guess, christie can tell us if they were successful, that even though she's trying to distance herself, she was very much involved, and she profited from some of these deals. and so remember, she's no longer a co-defendant. she was just a witness at this point. >> and speaking of witnesses, the defense has said it may call up to 100 witnesses, perhaps more. that sounds like a lot, but they have laid out a pretty lengthy time line to wrap up the trial, i think mid-december is what we're talking about. so who would you expect to hear from? i have to wonder will donald trump himself be called back to the witness stand because he sure had a lot to say when it was his turn on the prosecution side? >> i do think members of the trump family will be back for the defense case, and i also think they will be bringing in other real estate experts, people to say this is just how real estate works. this is subjective. there are no objective values. i think you'll have that. i think you'll also potentially have others saying in commercial real estate deals, you don't really look at these financials. you always do your own due diligence, send out your own appraisers. i think that expert testimony is going to come in as well. >> given the judge in this case already found there was fraud, where do you think things are headed now in terms of the penalties? >> so they're looking at a monetary penalty of up to $250 million. then they're looking at a five-year ban of not being able to apply for loans in new york, and you know, not being able to do business, commercial real estate transactions in new york. and then you're looking at the big one, which is a permanent ban on having there being officers or directors of companies in new york, and that's the one that i think is really at issue here. that's the corporate death penalty. that's the one they're really concerned about. >> i do want to pivot before we go. i want to ask about a development in another trump legal case, this one actually is a battle in minnesota, and yesterday the state supreme court established that trump's alleged role in the insurrection cannot keep him off the primary ballot in that state. so this is one of those 14th amendment cases, lawsuits that have come up now across several states. so if he's not on the primary ballot, could this come back up again in the general election? could he be on -- could he be kicked off the general election ballot? >> i don't know that it will get there. i mean, there's so many of these different lawsuits in different states, and they're all -- even if any of these states have different conclusions, it's going to get appealed. it's going to go up to the supreme court, and i just don't know that they'll be successful in the supreme court trying to keep him off any of these ballots. >> right, thank you so much. kristy greenberg and lindsey reiser, good to see you ladies. the search for a former national guardsman wanted on charges related to the january 6th attack is expanding. federal authorities are searching for this former new jersey police sergeant, gregory yetman, the man you see there using a sprayer on law enforcement apparently during e capitol attack. in a statement, the fbi field office in new jersey says accuse me, they're asking the public with information on his whereabouts to call fbi newark. so far about 1,200 people have been arrested in connection to the january 6th attack. next here on "ana cabrera reports." intensifying investigations on capitol hill. this hour senate democrats consider subpoenas related to their supreme court ethics investigation, who they're eyeing and house republicans subpoenaing hunter biden and president biden's brother james in their impeachment inquiry. . ♪♪ fastsigns. make your statement. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. 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>> i wish the house would just get to work. it's not a political statement. the idea we're playing games with a shutdown at this moment just is bizarre. and i think that we ought to be able to combine and train and israel ought to be able to -- i'm open to discussions on the border, and i've already made some proposals. there's no need for any of this. >> would you be bringing up the issue in endorsement, mr. president? will you be bringing up the endorsement if you need him? >> issue up an endorsement, the uaw has an endorsement. >> they're going to be fine. >> mr. president, are you frustrated with prime minister netanyahu that he has not listened more to the things you have asked him to do? >> taking a little longer than i hoped. >> take ago little bit longer. >> do you support the uaw's efforts to unionize tesla and toyota, mr. president? >> absolutely, thank you. >> those were live remarks from the president, he's headed off to illinois for an event related to the uaw strikes coming to an end. but we were also just learning from a different briefing by john kirby that there are these pauses that we're discussing that are going to be implemented in gaza to allow people from the north moving south four hours a day for at least the next several days it sounds like. what more can you tell us about that, and let me just get some clarify, if you will, gabe, on whether this is, in fact, the humanitarian pauses that have been called for? because i guess i was under the impression that the humanitarian pauses were to be -- to allow people to escape altogether, to get in and out of that rafah, egypt, border crossing and allow a lot more aid into gaza. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. certainly a lot happening there. you're looking at live pictures of the president boarding air force one and joint base andrews, and actually, the president did speak briefly with reporters as he left the white house. that tape has not played out yet. but certainly the president in a very talkative mood this morning on several topics. again, he is heading to illinois to tout his economic agenda out there. but back to the subject of the humanitarian pauses that we just heard from, again, john kirby, spokesperson for the national security council talking about four-hour pauses to allow people in northern gaza to head to southern gaza. he also mentioned that there will be two humanitarian corridors, one in the north and a second one against a coastal road that will allow people to move into southern gaza. i also am looking at a readout of what the president told reporters. i don't believe that that tape has played out just yet. he took several questions -- >> gabe, stand by, we have that tape. let's listen. >> reporter: there we go. >> battleground states? >> no, i don't. what are the -- of a gaza cease fire? no possibility. >> still optimistic. >> the hostages -- what's your message to families of the hostages in gaza? >> we're not going to stop until we get them out. >> how confident are you that you will get them out? mr. president -- >> mr. president -- >> mr. president -- will celebrate the day -- we are celebrating 48 years of -- would you like to send a message of the angolan people? >> yes, they should be very proud, very, very proud. become one of the leaders in -- their economy, we've got to get the economy -- >> and when are you -- >> so just wanted to give you a samping of what we're hearing from the president this morning. obviously it's hard to hear because of the background noise there as he was leaving the white house about to board the helicopter for this event in illinois. now he's arrived at joint base andrews. gabe, you also have a readout from that little pool spray that we heard just moments ago. we did hear the president say we're not going to stop trying to get the hostages out. that was one of several topics he discussed. >> reporter: it is difficult to hear with marine one in the background. i can tell you, yes, he did say had will not stop until he gets those hostages out. he was also asked -- again, difficult to hear, he was asked about those retaliatory strikes that we learned overnight with the u.s. conducting an air strike in eastern syria after dozens of recent attacks against u.s. personnel in iraq and syria. about 41 attacks, actually, since october 17th. the president was asked about that, and he was asked why he struck the weapons storage facility that the pentagon believes was used by the iran revolutionary guard. the president responding because they hit us. he was also asked whether he believed that those retaliatory strikes were working. he said, yes, his administration has faced some criticism from those on the right saying that those strikes aren't enough. they haven't been enough to deter iran. the biden administration has repeatedly said it is walking a very fine line and offering a stark warning to iran and other actors across the region to not get involved in the israel-hamas war. we're learning that breaking news overnight with those retaliatory strikes, the second such strike in the past several weeks. the president responding just a few minutes ago, again, as he was leaving the white house en route to illinois that he did so because they hit us, referring to iran. so again, i go back to the breaking news, ana, though, just a short time ago. national security council spokesperson john kirby saying that israel has agreed to a four-hour humanitarian pauses each day with a three-hour warning. the idea being to be able to get people from northern gaza into southern gaza. ana. >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. lots in that discussion just now. thank you so much. i'm going to bring back evelyn farkas to get your reaction, evelyn, to this announcement about the four-hour pauses that are going to be implemented in northern gaza to allow innocent civilians to escape to safer areas in the south. >> right, well, i think it's long overdue, and you heard the president also say it took a little longer than he had hoped, so conceding there that the u.s. government indeed was behind the scenes urging the israeli government to, you know, basically make it possible to have these kind of cease fires. it's really important that civilians be provided with their basic humanitarian needs. that is, you know, a key -- a fundamental premise of the laws of war. the israeli government knows that, and i'm sure that our government has been communicating that, and of course, you know, at the same time as you also mentioned in this story and i guess the president commented on the attacks that we have conducted against the weapons -- the munitions depot in syria, we are signaling to the iranian government that they should continue to stay out of this conflict. >> evelyn farkas and gabe gutierrez, again, thank you both. up next on "ana cabrera reports, new developments in the capitol hill investigation into supreme court ethics. stay right there. ht there s-a-da. smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? 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Everybody , Can Of Worms , Move , Screen , Supreme Court Justice , The Sun , Sonia Sotomayor , Brother , Chambers , Chamber , Family Associate , Inquiry , House Oversight Committee Chairman , Governments , Business Dealings , Trace Back , Impeachment , Entities , Nine , Sham , Credibility , Nothing , Oversight Committee Yesterday , Jamie Raskin , Rob Walker , Movies , Curtain , Dripping , Sneeze , Style , Dude , Fast Cough Relief , Plop , Alka Seltzer , Hair Repair , Hair , Pro Vitamin Formula , Cost , Pantene , 0 , Treatment , Resilience , Bonding , Softness , Price Tag , Help , Huh Hey , 24 7 , Chances , Finances , Chair , Ohhhh , Reality Tv , Reruns , Actors Union , The End , Hollywood Studios , Picket Lines , Work , Details , Hollywood , Chloe Melas , 118 , Studios , Streamers , Amptp , Movie Premiere , Parent Company Comcast , Octavia Spencer , Kate Walsh , Social Media , Dancing , Excitement , Amazing , Posted , Sister Unions , Term , Awe , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Consent , Programs , Wages , Compensation Protections , Increase , Compensation Structure , Paradigm , 40 , Fran Drescher , Artificial Intelligence , Union , Use , Meetings , Sag Aftra , Greed , Work Stoppage , Industries , Fallout , Transportation , Productions , Halt , Kraft Services , California S , 13 , Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , Operations , Pacific , 11 , 8 ,

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