war in gaza with democratic congressman jim albumin. plus mary trump is here to preview her uncle's big day in court tomorrow as the ex president gets ready to testify at his own civil fraud trial. and gaza suffered another communications blackout amid intense israeli bombardment. i'll talk with a top israeli official who resigned citing quote genocide of the palestinians. good evening welcome to the show i'm mehdi hasan. it's november 5th,, 2023 which means exactly a year from now, november the 5th, 2024 americans will go to the polls to pick their president. it looks almost certain that they will be picking between joe biden and donald trump. the choice that americans are saying in poll after poll that they do not want a rerun of 2020. they don't want dramatic democratic and republican candidates with names biden and trump. but here we are. and here's the bad news for team biden in particular. if the election were held not a year for now but today, the twice impeached four times indicted indicted donald trump would win the electoral college with 300 votes easily defeating president biden. that's according to a new poll out today from new york times and siena college which shows biden losing to trump and five of the six keystone battle states. i was on a georgia michigan developmentally and wisconsin, the president's headnlin west continentally by two percentage points there. it's worth noting that joe biden carried all six of these states back in 2020. but that's not all. the new poll also points to several other glaring liabilities for the president, including his age. 71% of voters surveyed say that biden who will turn 81 later this month, is too old to be an effective president. that includes a remarkable 54% of his own supporters. the same doesn't apply we early to 77 year old donald trump. over 39% of the electorate say that he's too old to hold office. another issue hitting biden is the economy. voters by a 57% margin trust dump trump over biden on economic issues. that's the largest gap on any issue survey in that poll. that's despite the fact that last week we learned that strong consumer spending drove the geo dp do its biggest rise. now unemployment is at its lowest rates in nearly 50 years. people don't seem to care in the polling. it is also growing concern that president president biden's mental fitness. according to the poll, 53% of the voters say the president does not have the mental sharpness to be effective. and yet believe it or not only 44% of voters only believe the same of donald trump. how are trumps declining mental acuity is kind of hard to ignore. here is just last night in florida delivering another incoherent rambling mad speech. >> many, many terrorists are coming in. thousands of middle aged men are coming in, young men are coming in. everybody saying, how can they are all so young and so strong. and they are coming from china. everything is a lie. the whole thing is a lie. the whole election was a lie. [applause] why would i do a debate when christy sir i'm sorry he is not a fat pig this man. he is not a fat pig! [applause] it's true. you can't use the term fat. you are allowed to use the word pig but not fat. >> he sounds totally mentally fit to be president for it to me. but perhaps we will start finding from that new poll from the times is this. biden trolls trump by five points naturally but when voters were asked about hypothetical resin involving biden but a generic democrat, that candidate actually leads trump by eight points. that's a 13-point swing. so to call these poll results other than anything than savage for the president of the united states of the democratic party, and let's face it for the future of the democracy would be an understatement. to pretend things will be fine and will be fine is mad. having said all that and let me say again tonight as i've said many times before on this show. we do need to calm down a bit, get some perspective, especially historical perspective. yes, the polls are bad for the sitting president but we are still one year exactly one year out the biden campaign for reelection hasn't yet fully launched. the crew trump criminal trials, four of them haven't yet started and we know the incumbent president elect barack obama and ronald reagan also trailed their opponents at the stage as well. only to emerge victorious a year later. we also know that biden's poor approval ratings didn't help hurt democrats in the midterms either. they held on to the senate and, prevented a red wave in the house. they did it by focusing on abortion rights and voting rights, which they can't and presumably will in the next year. and in the meantime, trump is giving democrats ame amount to use against him almost daily. according to reporting from the washington post out this morning, trump and hiallies have already started mapping a specific plans for his second term revenge ssion. the post reports that trump wants to exploit the power of the federal government to punish the parliaments in critics, using the department of justice to investigate longtime officials, and previous allies who become critical of him. but he doesn't want to just take over the doj. advisors for the ex president of suggested deploying military to quell possible unrest of day one on his presidency. his associates have been come invoking -- >> the insurrection act on encouraging day to target civil demonstrations. so it is very clear exactly what is at stake in this next election. still, the democrats probably want to find the right balance between calm and complacent. let's be clear. it would be crazy for the biden and the democrats to ignore the age issue which just won't go away for him. would be crazy for biden and the democrats to ignore how their message on the economy backfired, yes actual facts and figures are still not getting through toe. would be crazy for biden in the democrats to ignore theive ruptures in the base, especially the young people of color and muslims who, are opposed t administration's unconditional support of israel's bombardment of the gaza strip. according to recent ting, among democrats his approval rating has tumbled 11 points in the last month. he's now at 75% which is the lowest it is ever been during his presidency. the truth is, as much harder for the democratic party leader in charge of a party whose base is actually diverse that is actually a coalition of younger and older white and non white voters, quote unquote moderates and quote unquote progressive's. it's much harder for a democratic party leader to keep that relationship intact, and energized in an era of political polarization and yes war. a war in the middle east, i want to be very blunt with you. because of the backlash we are seeing from young voters, arab american voters in swing states like michigan and pennsylvania, a war that could end up costing joe biden reelection. the republican base on the other hand, rather conveniently for donald trump is pretty white, pretty old, pretty universally conservative. in the era of trump, it's become pretty cultish. so the gap behind him, crimes and all. the only thing we can say for certain is once again, everything is riding on the next election. and once again, it's just too close to call. joining me now to discuss all of this, democratic congressman jamal bowman of new york. congressman thanks for coming back in the show. let's start with that paul. it's no secret that joe biden was not the first choice for you and your progressives back in 2020. you have endorsed his reelection, yet today's poll shows that even a nameless democrat fares better against trump in 2024. is it time for democrats such as yourself to consider an alternative for joe biden. even former advisor from obama david axelrod is suggesting that. today >> it's time that we have to remain calm, because we are one year out from the election. i think it's time for us to be anything but calm. i think we have to get to the business of urging, organizing boots on the ground, really engaging voters in a direct an authentic way and not just people like myself. the white house needs to do an exceptional job of this because as you mentioned in your open, people of color are disengaged. muslims are disengaged. the arab community is vehemently excuse me upset at the presidents handling of what is happening in gaza. so there is a large part of the democratic base that is struggling to come around to continue to support president biden. so urgent organizing has to be number one on our agenda, so we can hopefully turn this around by next year. because i at the moment do not see another candidate rising up from the ashes and coming to oppose trump. i do not see that happening right now, so we have to support what we have. >> so you suggest that the white house needs to be doing much more. or come back to gaza in a moment but just on domestic politics, i want to get your reaction to that new reporting from the washington post about trump's plot for revenge. she's already planning to use the doj to punish his critics, he wants to deploy the military against demonstrators if he wins, and despite these terrifying and i might say fascist accra ports, he still leads against biden in all the polls. on specific issues like national security and mental fitness. surely the democrats have to own some of that, the failure to properly hold trump to account, to message about him. this biden white house wants to stay above the fray and not talk about trump, yet here you are a year out from the election and donald trump is leading? >> well, trump has a very loyal base. he has a base that no matter what he does, they seem to continue to support him. and he has a base that wants to see transformation of leadership and they think he's the leadership that can provide that transformation for them, especially if they are white nationalists. this is a president who attempted a coup d'état, and thankfully was unsuccessful. i'm very worried about what is going to happen in our country and to our democracy if he gets back into office. i've heard many people say, they don't think he's going to leave, he's going to figure out a way to stay in office. and in terms of policies coming from the republican party, they don't have a chance when you compare their policies to what's happening in the democratic party over the last several years. and to your point about the economy, that's a big point, because no matter how much we are seeing the job growth and all of that, people are still struggling with affordability, and that's an issue that we have to hold the republican party accountable for. how do you make life more affordable for the american people? they are really not doing anything on that front. >> no they are not, and yet as i say they continued to lead in the polls in the national level. i do want to talk about gaza. before i get to that, when i ask you about the recent guilty plea to a misdemeanor after you pulled a firearm at the capitol in september. at the same time you say you pulled the alarm by mistake on the way to a vote. but now you're pleading guilty. do you think that what you did was wrong or wasn't a mistake? which one? >> both. it was a mistake and it was wrong. it was in violation of d.c. law, so i had to take responsibility for that which i did. i look forward to paying a fine. i look forward to it being dismissed in three months, so it was both a mistake, both from, i take responsibility for what i did, and looking forward to moving on and continuing to serve my district. >> let's talk about gaza congressman. how much damage is joe biden support for israel doing to the democratic base, and how much is that going to cost him in places like michigan where younger voters, arab american voters. thanks to that new poll from the times, we know he's struggling before this war. could this war cost him reelection? >> yes it could. and let me just be very clear. it's one thing to support israel which the u.s. has always done and will continue to do. it's another thing to never hold israel accountable for their behavior, whether it is relayed to the occupation, the ultimate prison that is gaza, or the war crimes that are taking place right now during this siege. israel is very clear from the beginning, we're gonna cut off water, food, electricity. they have used white phosphorus. in terms of collective punishment, that is what is happening right now. moving half the country, excuse me half the strip to one half of the other strip, in 24 hours. these are things that president biden has not been strong enough in holding israel to account. and the muslim community, the arab community and palestinians hear that loud and clear and receive as erasure and further receive it as the immunization. that's where this president has to do better, but this is where the united states has to do better as well, because it's not just this president or this war. this is historical. historical just continuing to support israel without the proper peace and accountability lettuce to what happened on october 7th but also what is happening now. >> congressman, you say could cost him reelection. could this war cost you reelection from the other direction? because you're hosting an event against antisemitism and you have condemned timeouts, you are still facing massive blow back for a call to a cease-fire. jewish leaders in your district have denounced you. they've called for a primary challenger against you. are you willing to lose your seat again for your stance on gaza? >> my job and why i ran for office and why i was elected twice was to provide moral leadership and moral clarity to this district. and while 26 rallies did write a letter to someone to encourage into primary me, 50 individuals who are part of an organization called jews forge amount wrote a letter opposing the rabbis letter in support of my reelection and so as we know jewish communities the community is diverse but i think it's important at this moment to recognize the pain in the trial of the jewish community is experiencing as a result of the hamas terrorist attacks on october 7th, while also doing the work on the ground to fight against antisemitism and anti-hate in a real way. not political pandering, not virtual signaling, not passing resolutions in congress that are gonna do anything, but the pandering i am talking about, we've got to do the work in the ground and make sure we deal with antisemitism and ideation all those forms. >> well said. last question. you're one of the 20 or so members of congress who have called for a cease-fire. there's clearly a moral case for that. but what do you say to critics who argue that a cease-fire would allow hostages to regroup, re-arm, and attack israel again? >> you know, when you look at how we caught osama bin laden, we were surgical, we were strategic, we used special forces to get osama bin laden. we can do the same to get a hamas. because it is crystal clear that hamas needs to be dealt with and deconstructed. but indiscriminately bombing innocent civilians, 10,000 dead, 4000 children, any conflict that leads to the death of one child tells us that we need to take a different approach. and so, this approach right now is killing tens of thousands of civilians, injuring tens of thousands more, and is not the approach we need to take. finally, at the end of this, not even at the end, right now, we need to be pursuing a diplomatic approach. not just ending this conflict, but finally developing in building and creating a palestinian state. because service to that issue also has been something that has contributed to the violence that's been ongoing for decades. >> congressman jamal bowman, on that note, we'll have to leave it there. thank you for your time. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> after the break, i'll speak with a top u.n. official who resigned after accusing the united nations of failing to address what he calls a textbook case of genocide in gaza. gaza - bye, bye 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to vote at the time of election held in gaza back in 2006. 17 years ago. second, i must didn't even get a majority of the vote back in 2006, and in fact, even this year, prior to the current conflict, one survey found only 27% of gazans, barely won in four, picked hamas as their preferred party. and that, even if everyone in gaza had voted for hamas, supported hamas, there are still civilians, protected by internatio humanitarian law. they still can't be targeted. the kind of people who think you can target peoe for death because they voted the wrong way are people like osama bin laden. that's literally what he claimed in his open letter to america back in 2002. casualties, however, and gaza continue to mount, according to the gaza health ministry, at least 9770 people have been killed in total since october the 7th, including 4008 children. in washington, d.c. on saturday, huge crowds of protesters turned out to demand the biden administration call for a cease-fire and an end to the fighting. and last week, a senior u.n. official in the new york office of the high commissioner for human rights quit the organization, denouncing the u.n.'s feelings stance on the conflict. and his resignation letter, human rights -- who worked for the u.n. for three decades referred to the, quote, wholesale slaughter of the palestinian people, and described it as a textbook case of genocide. in a statement to the guardian, united nations respondeto his statement, calling them his personal views, and saying in part, quote, the position of the office on the situation and the opt to pride palestinian territories and gaza are as reflected and our reports and public statements. craig mccabe or joins me now. craig, thanks so much for coming on the show. you left the one last week, and then your last letter to your boss, the u.n. high commissioner for human rights, you attacked the u.n. for failing to stop the war in gaza, and you called what israel is doing a textbook case of genocide. you know that's an explosive accusation for many. it's been a lot of pushback. people say it's hyperbole, it's a misuse of the term. you're an international human rights lawyer. you are -- making the case to our viewers for what you believe were seeing in gaza right now meets the legal definition for genocide. >> first of all, my critique was not of the entire yuan. i want to be very clear that i'm not criticizing those heroic humanitarian -- represent the frontline, dozens of workers who've been killed under israeli bombs in the last few weeks. in fact, people who work for the one all over the world who are very serious about the norms and standards of the organization. my critique is about the political side of the house in the win. i really believe they have abandoned those workers, as well as abandoning people on the ground. i know that genocide is a very politicized term. i know it's often abused. because of the politics, it is sometimes denied where it exists, and it asserted where it does not exist. but for international law, there's a few exceptional things here. one is the number of specific acts in the u.n. but genocide convention that have been perpetrated by israel against the civilian population of gaza, including potentially causing serious harm, including bodily harm, imposing conditions of life that are designed to bring about their destruction. we know about this. the closure of the siege on gaza -- specifically designed to do so. and, you know, a number of other acts we could talk about. but what is remarkable here is how explicit israeli leaders have been about genocidal intent. normally, the difficult thing to prove, and matters of genocide, is intent. here, we've had the prime minister, the president, cabinet ministers, a senior military official, all explicitly declaring genocidal intent on the record and in public. so there's no question that there is at least a -- case of genocide that is being perpetrated here. i think the context is also important here. because this is just the latest in a series of ethnic purges of areas of historic palestine that started in 1948 and have continued to this day. incrementally in the west bank, to be sure, and in jerusalem, but in a very wholesale way now in gaza. i think it's really important that the u.n., which is the guardian of these international norms and standards, calls a spade a spade. and when you have such a clear cases this, the term genocide needs to be applied. >> craig, what would you say to defenders of israel who say were attacking hamas, not the palestinian people, and if it was a genocide, we would've killed 100,000 people by now, not 10,000. we won't be calling people telling them to live their homes before we strike. we wouldn't be dropping -- what's your sponge to that line of argument, which i'm sure you've heard? >> first of all, that is not a legal defense, to be clear. we can talk about the degree to which it's a moral defense, even less so. but the idea that you're pursuing an enemy does not give you carte blanche to use massive weaponry in a disproportionate way without distinguishing between civilians and combatants, as israel has clearly been doing. you have to be incredibly naive or mendacious to think that when you have this number of civilians being killed with each attack relative to whatever minute number of presumed combatants are being hit, that this is just an effort to reach those combatants. the massive destruction that we are witnessing and gaza is clearly intended to clear gaza, to move gaza at, at least large portions, if not all of gaza, southward, and to make it uninhabitable. and if there was an intent, for example, to hold to account perpetrators of war crimes on the 7th of october, there are ways to do that under the rule of law that don't involve wholesale massacres of civilians. there's an obligation of distinction. there's an obligation of precaution under international humanitarian law. and none of those obligations have been met. and when you pair them with statements of intent, it's very clear that there is a preacher. and by the way, a breach also by western countries like the united states and the united kingdom, that are actively facilitating israel's onslaught. because they too have obligations under international humanitarian law and not just to respect what's in the geneva conventions, but to ensure respect vis-à-vis other parties over whom they have influence. and rather than trying to ensure respect, we've also seen complicity demonstrated by the funding, the army, the provision of intelligence support, the provision of diplomatic cover all the way up to the security council with the use of -- to prevent even a cease-fire or the protection of civilians and gaza. so this really is -- my appeal to the u.n. was to move away from amorphous political approaches and return to international law. and that's what international law says, mehdi. >> last question for you, craig. your critics would y, as i'm sure you've heard, you are biased against israel. the guardian reported this week that the u.n. was reviewing your social media po apparently, after a pro israel group complained about them. some people might say you didn't -- u.n.'s failure in yemen, or failure in sudan, or syria, but you did over gaza. what do you say to them? >> well, i did in my letter express my frustration with previous failures by the united nations. and i think it's fair enough to lodge that could talk if someone only spoke about one country. i've been 32 years at the u.n.. i've dealt with dozens of countries on all continents. i've criticize human rights violations by all of those countries, i've never been attacked for those critiques. in the u.n., the only time you get criticized is when you dared to raise israeli violations of palestinian human rights. and of course -- israeli lobby groups who are constantly bringing complaints to the u.n. about human human rights officials who dale to criticize israeli violations, even taking it sometimes to smearing you as an antisemite. we've been making the case over and over again -- i think it bears repeating, that criticizing israeli human rights violations is not antisemitic, just as a criticism of saudi violations is not islamophobic, criticism of myanmar violations is not anti buddhist. if any of those are true, then there's no place for an international human rights framework. if it only applies to israel, that, i have said, is a racist proposition to suggest that only palestinians cannot have their human rights defendant. either one of those propositions is unacceptable, and i think we see very well that there are, with these accusations of bias, we see people all over the world standing up to reject this, to not be intimidated by it. we see jewish protesters standing alongside muslim, christian, and other protesters, saying that this is a question of international law, of international human rights, and of human dignity, and not being intimidated by these kinds of smears. neither are my, mid mehdi. >> craig mokhiber, we'll have to leave it there. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me. >> after the break, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy has a new message for donald trump. don't forget, you can listen to the mehdi show for free every time you -- everywhere you get your podcasts. we'll be right back. right back. ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, 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after all, the former president has told us all the time just how good his memory is. >> i have a very good memory. ed other things. one of the great memories of all time. >> based on his own words, you'd have to assume donald trump has a best memory, a best of all time. but then again, this is the same donald trump who said i don't remember, it 35 times during his deposition -- when donald trump becomes the first former president to testify in court tomorrow, i have a feeling we'll be seeing that version of him all over again. i don't recall. and then, there is ivanka trump, whose own memory problems we don't quite know about yet, but who clearly has a case of bad judgment. she actually tried to avoid taking the stand by arguing she would suffer, quote, undue hardship if he was forced to testify, quote, in the middle of a school week. yeah. can't do it during a school week. fortunately, new york attorney didn't buy that bit of ridiculousness and denied her request. she's not scheduled to testify on wednesday of this coming week. we'll see if her and her father followed don, and eric, and comes up with a case of i don't recall-itis. coming up next, who better to ask about the trump memory problems than mary trump. she joins me next. s me next. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about switching to dovato. 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they can't seem to recall anything. it's a real problem for them? >> it's very or rescind since alzheimer's doesn't run in my family. but i think a simpler, less scary explanation for what is going on. donny and eric think i had three choices going into their testimony. they could either plead the fifth, which is as we know in a civil case is -- very different from pleading the fifth in a criminal case. it can be used against you in a particular way. they could lie, commit perjury or they could tell the truth. and i think they chose a version of the first one, which is simply to say they remember absolutely nothing because lying in a courtroom is very different from flying outside of the courtroom and telling the truth for these people is never a good option. >> so on that note of telling the truth, inside a courtroom versus outside where they constantly lie, what is donald trump going to do tomorrow? how do you put donald trump understand? and he put him under oath. the man isn't walking perjury trap. if you were his lawyer, when you just have your head in your hands tonight sunday night? >> well they should be, but when i found interesting that his lawyers behavior in the last week certainly is that they seem to be acting as if they are not in a courtroom either. they seem to be goading the judge. the judge expanded the gag order that applied previously only to donald to include his counsel. and i am wondering if they actually have forgotten that the judge is not donald's pace. he cannot be spun, he is going to be looking at the facts and evidence. and i think that they would be putting themselves and their client in a very difficult position if they cannot impress upon him that he needs either to tell the truth or keep his mouth shut. i don't know how much control they have at this point because again they seem to be feeding into donald's own desires about how this case needs to be going. >> i would pay to be a fly on the wall when the lawyer for donald trump tells donald trump you need to tell the truth about pe herself. let's talk about your cousin ivankaho had a pretty amazing excuse for not being able to testifto try to avoid testifying in this civil fraud case. she said she would do undue hardship if he was meant to testify in the middle of a school work. it's kind of amazing if she thought she would have a chance for that kind of argument is it not? >> well as you said, it's very difficult to be a member of a founding crime syndicate. but i think it just speaks to the breathtaking entitlement of these people that they don't even think that other people are going to look at their past behavior to realize that they leave their kids home all the time. plus, they probably have lots of help that most people with young children don't have. she also seems to have forgotten that she has a husband who can presume presumably take care of their children. >> that of the year, jared does this go around. let me ask you this, a set of new york college police found that 62% of registered voters in battleground states think that biden doesn't have the mental sharpness to be president. just 44% said the same about donald trump. we are only three years away from the trump presidency and then, that car crash, from the ptsd that many of us suffered. but apparently americans, not just the trump kids have real memory problems. i'm just memory hold on how bad it was and how unhinged your uncle was and is. you are a psychologist, we make that pull funding? >> i think it has to do with what takes getting exposure. for accepting zap, we been hearing endlessly about joe biden's age not just from right-wing media that are in the tenth for donald, it everywhere. we see it on the headlines of major newspapers. what we don't hear about is donald's increasing inability to remember where he is or who is president of where or whom he ran against in the last election, because i think that the greatest danger we are facing in this particular contest is that donald's agree just behavior from his criminality to his mendacity, to his lack of intelligence and his total unfitness, it's just baked in. so it's not news, it's not pointed out, it's just a given. so people don't even pay attention to it anymore. that's very concerning. >> so let me ask you this, quick last question. i have been saying for a while that there will be violence at the next election because trump will either lose, in which case his supporters will not take it well as we saw last time. or he winds and he deploys the state against his opponents, we are seeing washington post reporting saying he might use the military to quell a protest on election day. how early are you about? violence >> i didn't think it was possible, but i'm much more worried about it than i was in 2020, and i was extraordinarily worried about in 2020. because what we have learned, what some of us were saying at the time, when many more of us have learned and the interim, that donald will stop at nothing. if he feels like he is going down, he will take all of us down with him, he's going to burn everything down to the ground to stay out of jail, to stay out of trouble, to stay in power, what have you. we cannot pretend that that is not the road we are on, and honestly, i think things will be at much worse if he does get in the white house which we need to prevent at all costs. >> mary trump, always a pleasure, although dark note to an. thank you for your time, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> coming up at the top of the hour with ayman moyer dean will join him to about donald trump began cornell taste his legal system. but first we will talk about some dangerous rhetoric that palestinians mean pedal by right wing pump republicans. that's next. that's next. here are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ take a moment to pause and ask, why did you get vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia? 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(crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. thank you for watching we'll be righback here. next sunday a pm eastern cannot find the show of msnbc, on peacock thursdays now it's time to hand it over to my good friend ayman mohyeldin. but ayman before i go i'd just like to talk to something that's really been bother me notes been bothering you to. if you look at the numbers the palestinian health ministry, the gazan health ministry that a child in gaza is being killed every ten minutes since the start of this conflict. that's six kids killed since i began a show tonight. and yet we have right-wing politicians in the united states, forget israel suggesting that kids in gaza, women and children are not innocent civilians. they are not seize. republican congressman brian mosque speaking in the house. have a listen. >> i would encourage the other side to not so lightly throw around the idea of innocent palestinian civilians as is frequently said. i don't think that so lightly to throw around the term innocent not see civilians during world war ii. >> ayman ayman you and i have discussed outrageous statements made by donald trump, ron desantis, marie taylor greene, lauren boebert on a show in this hand over for years now. i cannot think of a more outrageous statement from a republican statement politician than what i've just heard, saying that civil have seen because i have no right. saying they are like civilians like not cease. i think it's so much time we have spent this week, looking at college campuses, and protesters placards, and what phrases are used. and yet, this guy i haven't heard anybody denouncing him from the top of the democratic party. >> the comments are not fully abhorrent they reflect a deep ignorance for this congressman who we should note showed up to congress dressed in an israeli military uniform in the early days of this war. but as you said, this is a reflection of where the republican party is in this country, where the discourse is in this country at the moment. and it's troubling and it's scary. it reflects an anti palestinian sentiment that's not just in words. you actually now have a member of the republican party representative, ryan zinke who introduced this bill to basically ban palestinians from this country, to strip palestinians who are in this country and have them deported. and it goes to show you the grotesque level of anti palestinian sentiment that now has plagued the republican party, not only words but an actions as well. i am not surprised that it is disgusting it is shameful as you say. it goes unchecked and it goes without any condemnation from the highest levels of the republican party. >> and no condemnation from the highest level of the democratic party which really upsets. we >> absolutely. we'll see where this goes, i would not be surprised we keep seeing more of this hateful rhetoric come out of republicans. many, it was great to see you. thank you my fr

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Arm ,20 ,Osama Bin Laden ,Crystal ,Special Forces ,Civilians ,Conflict ,Approach ,Death ,Child ,Deconstructed ,4000 ,10000 ,Killing Tens Of Thousands ,This ,The End ,Injuring Tens Of Thousands More ,Violence ,Something ,Palestinian State ,Building ,Service ,Genocide ,Textbook Case ,Note ,Break ,United Nations ,Top U N ,Cough ,Coughing ,Chest Congestion ,Type ,Gaza Bye ,Relief ,Mucinex Dm ,Hashtag ,12 ,Pneumococcal Pneumonia ,Others ,Mask ,Comeback Season ,Don Jr ,Doctor ,Risk ,Conditions ,Lung Disease ,Pharmacist ,64 ,19 ,65 ,Pneumonia ,Family ,More Delicious ,Doesn T ,Best ,Eggs ,Cage Free ,Eggland ,Classic ,Superior Nutrition ,Non Small Cell Lung Cancer ,Everyone ,Wants ,We Care ,Artist ,Outdoors ,Biktarvy ,Keytruda ,Types ,Cancers ,Breast Cancer ,Chemotherapy Medicines ,Fda ,16 ,Parts ,Immune System ,Lead ,Body ,Surgery ,Headache ,Diarrhea ,Nausea ,Breath ,Chest Pain ,Eye Problems ,Stomach Pain ,Irregular Heartbeat ,Constipation ,Appetite ,Light Sensitivity ,Shortness ,Fainting 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,End ,Feelings ,Senior U N ,Fighting ,Statement ,Quote ,Human Rights ,Resignation Letter ,Guardian ,Slaughter ,Statements ,Position ,Craig Mccabe ,Palestinian Territories ,Views ,Reports ,Opt ,Pride ,Situation ,Respondeto ,War ,High Commissioner For Human Rights ,Boss ,Lot ,Human Rights Lawyer ,Viewers ,Accusation ,Pushback ,Hyperbole ,Misuse ,Critique ,Dozens ,Definition ,Yuan ,Frontline ,World ,Workers ,Standards ,Norms ,Side ,House ,Bombs ,Win ,Number ,International Law ,Genocide Convention ,Destruction ,Bodily Harm ,Closure ,Matters ,Genocidal Intent ,Intent ,Military Official ,Cabinet Ministers ,Prime Minister ,Public ,Record ,Question ,Context ,Latest ,Series ,Least ,Purges ,Areas ,West Bank ,Jerusalem ,1948 ,Defenders ,Cases ,Spade A ,Argument ,Sponge ,Homes ,Line ,We Wouldn T Be Dropping ,100000 ,Idea ,Defense ,Degree ,Weaponry ,Enemy ,Combatants ,Doing ,Clear Gaza ,Effort ,Portions ,Hit ,To Move Gaza At ,7th ,October ,Example ,Perpetrators ,Southward ,Rule Of Law ,7th Of October ,Obligation ,Obligations ,None ,Distinction ,Massacres ,Precaution ,Countries ,Breach ,Preacher ,Onslaught ,United Kingdom ,Parties ,Complicity ,Respect ,Influence ,Geneva Conventions ,Respect Vis A ,Intelligence ,Provision ,Protection ,Appeal ,Security Council ,Funding ,Army ,Use ,Cover ,Y ,Amorphous Political ,Social Media ,Group ,Yemen ,Po Apparently ,Sudan ,Syria ,Failures ,Frustration ,32 ,Human Rights Violations ,Violations ,Critiques ,Continents ,Course ,Dale ,Antisemite ,Lobby Groups ,Complaints ,About Human Rights ,Criticism ,Myanmar ,Saudi ,Proposition ,Human Rights Defendant ,Buddhist ,Human Rights Framework ,Propositions ,Accusations ,Bias ,Kinds ,Human Dignity ,Smears ,Mid Mehdi ,Christian ,Are My ,Everywhere ,Podcasts ,Ukrainian ,Volodymyr Zelenskyy ,Craig Mokhiber ,Back ,Ga Farxiga ,Ketoacidosis ,Kidney Failure ,Dialysis ,Urinary Tract ,Dehydration ,Infection ,Symptoms ,Yeast Infections ,Blood Sugar ,Skin ,Perineum ,Stop Taking Farxiga ,Medication ,Astrazeneca ,Chronic Kidney Disease ,Trelegy ,Story ,Isn T ,Picture ,Copd ,Medicines ,Airways ,Inhaler ,Flare Ups ,Lung Function ,3 ,1 ,Breathing ,Tongue ,High Blood Pressure ,Breathing Problems ,Heart Condition ,Won T ,Rescue Inhaler ,Mouth ,Thrush ,Osteoporosis ,Problems Urinating ,Swelling ,Vision Changes ,Eye ,What A Wonderful World ,Limu Emu Doug ,Save ,Liberty Mutual ,Car Insurance ,Baby Grand Piano ,Center Stage ,Doug ,Bell Ringing ,Mark ,Guy ,Bibu ,Pay ,Mustache ,Liberty Bibberty ,Limu Emu Squawks ,Herbal Essences ,Ingredients Matter ,Collections ,Plant Ingredients ,Hair ,Stuff ,Hair Touchably ,Stand ,Niece ,Fate ,Business Empire ,Oath ,Headlines ,Stories ,Richard Louis ,Shooting ,Meet The Press Exclusive ,Pandas ,Police ,Victims ,Bystanders ,Arrests ,Dot Bar Into Coma ,30 ,Time ,Nationalism ,Panda Discipline ,Atlanta ,1972 ,Healthcare Provider ,Contracts ,Efforts ,Treatment ,H I V ,Pill ,Stay ,80 ,Liver Problems ,Buildup ,Lactic Acid ,Kidney Problems ,Transmitting ,Research ,Breastfeeding ,Stop Dovato ,Kidney ,Hepatitis ,Rifampin ,Dofetilide ,System ,Glucose Level ,Confidence ,Diabetes ,Libre 2 ,Fingersticks ,2 ,It ,Freestylelibre Us ,Honey ,Symptom ,Flu ,Life Doesn T Stop ,Honey Licious Taste ,Dayquil ,Dayquil Honey ,Medicine ,Cold ,Stuffy ,Aching ,Trump Family ,Attorney General ,Display ,Civil Fraud Trial ,Condition ,Vice Presidents ,Junior ,Eric Trump ,Fraud ,Properties ,Assets ,Value ,Sons ,Memory ,Father ,Company ,Fraud Case ,Finaial Condition ,Run ,Accountants ,I Don T Recall ,Trustee ,Understanding ,Company Accounting Practices ,Curiously ,Emails ,Memory Loss ,Prosecutors ,Fellow ,Trump Org Executive ,Memories ,Bed ,Words ,Deposition ,35 ,Version ,Ivanka Trump ,Feeling ,Didn T ,Hardship ,School Week ,Middle ,Judgment ,Don ,Request ,I Don T Recall Itis ,Ridiculousness ,Dovato ,Coming Up ,Adults ,Me Next ,Hiv Pills ,4 ,Help ,Ingredients ,Baby ,Tiredness ,Pregnancy ,Anxiety ,Trouble Sleeping ,Husband ,Iphone ,Carolers ,Wife ,Verizon ,Plan ,Wreck ,15 ,Apple ,Titanium ,Pro ,Apple Tv ,Mhmmm ,Vo ,Tv ,Aaannnnnddddd ,4k ,Care ,Therapists ,Principal ,Benefits ,Lessons ,Parent ,Spirit ,Too ,Nonsquamous ,Gene ,Chemotherapies ,Egfr ,Talk ,Treatments ,Combination ,Book Title ,Family Member ,Author ,His Civil Fraud Trial ,Problem ,Cousins ,Don Junior ,View ,Doesn T Run ,Alzheimer S ,Fifth ,Choices ,Testimony ,Explanation ,My Family ,Donny ,Perjury ,Courtroom ,Nothing ,Option ,Courtroom Versus Outside ,Lawyer ,Lawyers ,Head ,Man Isn T Walking Perjury Trap ,Judge ,Gag Order ,Counsel ,Space ,Evidence ,Client ,Feeding ,Mouth Shut ,Fly On The Wall ,Desires ,Tape ,School Work ,Cousin ,Excuse ,Testifto ,Ivankaho ,Ryan Zinke ,Entitlement ,Founding Crime Syndicate ,Lots ,Set ,Battleground States ,Biden Doesn T ,Mental Sharpness ,62 ,Car Crash ,Ptsd ,Psychologist ,Exposure ,Pull Funding ,Zap ,Media ,Inability ,Newspapers ,Tenth ,Where ,Against ,Contest ,Danger ,Criminality ,Mendacity ,Unfitness ,Black ,Given ,Attention ,Estate ,Case ,Election Day ,Protest ,Interim ,More ,Trouble ,Jail ,Road ,Costs ,Pleasure ,Top ,Ayman Moyer Dean ,Rhetoric ,Pump Republicans ,Take A Moment ,Dawn Powerwash ,Dish Spray ,Sore Throat ,Drops ,Grease ,Grime ,Cleaning Products ,Mucinex Instasoothe ,Crowd Cheers ,99 ,Babyyy ,Dow ,Righback ,Ayman Mohyeldin ,Numbers ,On Peacock Thursdays ,Politicians ,Ten ,Listen ,Women ,Congressman Brian Mosque Speaking In The House ,Outrageous ,Ayman ,Marie Taylor Greene ,Ron Desantis ,Lauren Boebert ,Politician ,Comments ,College Campuses ,Phrases ,Anybody Denouncing ,Protesters Placards ,Guy I Haven T ,Discourse ,Reflection ,Military Uniform ,Ignorance ,Sentiment ,Representative ,Bill ,Condemnation ,Levels ,Actions ,Republicans ,My Fr ,

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