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risk sweltz the crossing itself. finally that happened and still there was intense diplomacy across the region. president biden's envoy to the middle east, david satterfield was key among the players along with qatar and egypt to try to really get a deal in which all parties involved would be willing to let these civilians go. and so finally after days and days of everyone holding their breath and hoping it would work out, it did work out finally on wednesday. it's just a small fraction of the 7,000 as you said civilians who could qualify to leave egypt. we're just beginning at this point. >> let's talk about the strikes on the refugee camp. israel knows they'd widely criticized and made the calculation it was worth it to get a hamas leader or two. give us a sense as to the reaction from the region, and is there a fear, perhaps, that's really going to inflame what's happening there and could widen the conflict? >> absolutely, john. a lot of outrage across the region, and actually secretary of state antony blinken is getting on plane in just a few hours. i'm going to be with him, in fact, because they're trying to really settle the anger that is spilling across the region and the potential for a broader conflict. now, israel said it hit that refugee camp because hamas fighters were fighting amongst civilian. the u.n. and others citing war crimes with regard to that attack. there was anger even before this happened, and that's just building now. and the fear is that the average person on the street is going to now take that anger and spill into the streets, protest, and potentially violence that could come out from that. and so secretary blinken very much heading to the region with that in mind and hoping that together with some arab partners they could really work together to avoid that. >> vivian, very briefly lastly what's the latest on the northern front. what are we seeing from hezbollah right now? >> so so far it's been pretty steady. you do see sporadic attacks where a missile will cross over into israel and then israel hits back. but we haven't seen any of the full-scale attacks that everyone has been worried and bracing for. and in large part the reason the u.s. sent aircraft carriers and, you know, large ships to the eastern mediterranean essentially to act as a deterrence. so far it seems like that deterrence is working because hezbollah has not launched any type of full-scale operation. now, the fear all along has been if israel, the idf were to launchets full-scale ground invasion into gaza that hezbollah would essentially use that as an opportunity to attack. so far we haven't seen a full-scale attack, but certainly very, very tense on the northern border. very, very tense in the west bank as well. and in the region in general, things are pretty hot right now. >> we'll be warily watching that. >> reportr for "the wall street journal," vivian, safe travels. as vivian just said secretary of state antony blinken will head to tel aviv part of a larger trip overseas. following his visit to israel with vivian in tow the state department confirmed the top diplomat daels while in tel aviv a state department spokesperson says blinken will, quote, reiterate the u.s. support for israel's right to defend itself against terrorism consistent with international humanitarian law. blinken will also discuss efforts to free hostages held by hamas and increasing the pace of humanitarian aid to gaza. in jordan talks will include protecting civilian lives, ensuring palestinians are not forcibly displaced outside of gaza and trying to reduce regional tensions. blinken will be on overseas travel throughout next week and will also include stops in tokyo, seoul, and new delhi. his trip to the middle east comes as we have new reporting at politico about president biden and the white house's view of prime minister netanyahu's political situation in israel. obviously they're supporting netanyahu and his effort against hamas. they believe he'll be able to remain in power during the first phase of the operation, but they can see the poll numbers out of israel. netanyahu is increasingly deeply unpopular there in his home country and being blamed for security lapses and president biden and his team are starting to prepare what a post-israel netanyahu will look like. and speaking of president biden, he was in minneapolis yesterday. while he was there a local chapterp on the counsel on american islamic relations organized protests at the different locations he visited including the airport where air force one landed and a farm south of the city, and as you can see here in downtown minneapolis itself. while delivering remarks in a campaign event later in the day, biden was interrupted by a woman who identified herself as a rabbi and called for a cease-fire. >> mr. president, if you care about jewish people, as arabbi, i need you to call for a cease-fire right now. >> the audio is hard to here there, but the protester called for a cease-fire. president biden in response would go onto say, quote, we need a pause. when he was then asked to clarify, the president said a pause would allow more time to get hostages out of gaza. still ahead here on "way too early," we'll take a look at the other stories making headlines this morning including donald trump jr.'s testimony in his father's civil fraud trial. and republican george santos survives an effort to expel him from congress thanks to some help from democrats. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back. . ah mornings! cough? 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[ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. welcome back. as we turn to some of the morning's other top headlines we begin here. donald trump jr. took the stand yesterday as the witness in the new york state's $250 million civil fraud trial against his father. in his testimony that lasted just under an hour and a half, he insisted he never worked on his father's financial statements and that he relied on other staff members to verify the accuracy of documents. trump jr. is an executive vice president of the trump organization and acted as the trustee of a trust setup from former president trump's assets while he was in office. the associated press is reporting at least one of the annual financial statements bore language saying trustees are responsible for the document, but donald trump jr. said he didn't recall ever working on any of the financial statements and had, quote, no specific knowledge of them. don jr. was the first of four members of the family to testify, and he will return to the stand today. eric trump is also scheduled to begin his testimony today. ivanka trump and former president donald trump will take the stand next week. trump, the former president, was not in attendae for his son's stimony but did react where else on his truth social page, calling -- calling out again the judge in case saying, quote, leave my children alone, you are a disgrace to the legal profession. meanwhile in washington senate republicans have finally apparently reached their limit with fellow senator tommy tuberville as hundreds of military promotions remain stalled. last night the alabama senator faced backlash from members of his own party who angrily challenged his monthslong blockade. they attempted to unanimously approve 61 military promotions by voice vote for more than four hours. tuberville rejected each nomination as his colleagues' frustration grew. here's how that extraordinary scene unfolded. >> no matter whether you believe it or not, senator tubeville, this is doing great damage to our military. i don't say that lightly. if this is the norm, who the hell wants to serve in the military when your promotion can be canned based on something you had nothing to do with? >> sits simply in my opinion an abuse of the powers we have as senator tuesday say if there's something we vehemently disagree with, we're going to use that power to hold up the promotion of over 350 men and women in our military. >> these are the people kicking in doors in fulugea, shooting terrorists in the face. and we have people saying they're desk jockeys and they're not warriors? that's ridiculous. it's ridiculous, and it's insulting. we're going to look back at this episode and just be stunned at what a national security suicide mission this became. >> long overdue, but tuberville says he has no intention to change course, insisting that the military does not have a readiness problem. >> i have to respectfully disagree with my colleagues about the affect of my hold on readiness. my hold is not affecting readiness. the biden administration, i've been saying this for months, but nobody has an explanation, nobody. >> elsewhere on capitol hill, the effort to kick out embattled congressman george santos out of the house of representatives has failed. last night santos survived the vote, which was led by his fellow new york republicans after the resolution fell short of the two-thirds majority that it needed to pass. the final vote was 179-213. now, 31 democrats voted against expelling santos along with 182 republicans. some of those democratic lawmakers say they opted to with hold punishment while both santos criminal trial and a house ethics committee investigation proceeded. here's what the embattled freshman congressman told reporters after surviving the vote. >> the bottom line is i'll continue to fight to defend myself, i'll continue to serve the third congressional district of new york until the people choose to not have me. i'm not claiming a victory, i'm just saying this is a victory for the process. due process one today, not george santos. >> santos went onto add his gop colleagues from new york did this in the first place because it was politically expedient for them. he has since maintained his innocence citing he's done nothing wrong. coming up here on "way too early," the texas rangers are world series champions for the very first time. we'll bring you the highlights from last night's title clenching victory when we come right back. copd isn't pretty. 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over the arizona diamondbacks in phoenix last night over game five. now, the rangers held for six innings until that, cory seeker's little dribble through the left side of the infield. in the seventh following the double and gosher broke the scoreless lie. and then the rangers finished with a remarkable record 11 and 0 on the road this post-season. 11 and 0 on the road. and they finished off their world series title journey with three straight wins there in the desert. rangers starter nathan uvalde finishing on the playoffs. in the first season with texas he earned his fourth season title. seager was named world series mvp for a second time joining hall of famer sandy cofax, bob gibson, and reggie jackson for any player to win twice. congratulations, again, to the texas rangers. but, we now have some sad news to report this morning. college basketball coaching legend bobby knight has died. the hall of famer got his start at army back in 1965 but he's best known for his 29 seasons at indiana university leading them to three national title. the first of those championships came in 1976 when indiana went undefeat, a feat that no team has accomplished since. he'd go onto coach at texas tech for seven seasons before retiring back in 2008. knight was the big ten coach of the year five times and a four-time national coach of the year. he's also one of three coaches to have won an ncaa title, an n.i.t. title as well as an olympic gold medal. knight was 83 years old. >> and finally, we want to mention week 9 of the regular nfl season kicks off tonight in pittsburgh with the steelers hosting the tennessee titans. it's time now for the weather. let's bring in meteorologist angie lassman. angie, we've been talking a lot in the north east. we have had rain 187 weekends. is that streak in jeopardy this weekend? >> is that a technical stat or -- the good news is, yes, we're going to see that broken this weekend and see plenty of sunshine. we'll have to deal with the chilly weather between now and then. here's the deal right now. 20s for a lot of folks across the midatlantic and stretching down to the south. we've got 30s. jackson, mississippi, this morning sitting at 29 degrees. we'll see some potential record lows across this region and by this afternoon barely making it into the upper 40s. a lot of spots like rich mrnd, new york will hit mid-50s and a couple of 60s out there. for now running way below normal this time of year not just today but tomorrow in some spots. we will start to see it warm up back to those normal typical temperatures for early november. then by the weekend cherk this out low 60s for sunday, monday. richmond get back to the mid-70s and see cleveland so the weekend looking a lot better. one heads up, we do have a whole lot of rain expected across portion of the pacific northwest the next couple of days as far as an atmospheric river is concerned so flooding will be a concern for folks there. there's that weekend forecast, cool and crisp for friday andsnipe across the north east, a dry weekend. you see i highlighted that for you, jonathan, because i knew you'll ask saturday and sunday mild highs. >> to be clear i'm going to ask you again tomorrow. >> what do i get for this? i've been harassed for weeks about the weekend rain, now i deserve a gift. >> my fingers are still crossed. deliver and we'll talk next week. here we go on "way too early." we'll next turn back to the israel-hamas war and bring in fbi special agent clint watts. he'll join us to break down the state of the ground operation as well as the challenges of israel's warfare in an area like gaza. we'll be right back with that. ae gaza we'll be right back with that. welcome back to "way too early." it is 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this thursday morning. i'm jonathan lemire, and we want to turn back to the situation in the middle east where a deal brokered at the rafa border has seen the first foreign nationals and some injured civilians make it out of the gaza strip and into egypt as israel's ground offensive continues into the enclave. and let's bring in former fbi special agent clint watts. he's a national security analyst for nbc news and msnbc. he's over there at the big board with a map of the region. clint, let's start your assessment of the ground offensive to this point. where have the israelis reached? how's the fighting going? >> jonathan, it's interesting they have systematically done this entire maneuver over the last seven days. up here is where they started last thursday creating a brief point across that barrier fence and they followed that up very quickly friday setting up an assembly area in this northwest corner of gaza. then by monday morning you saw them advancing here, intense combat. you saw a lot of the videos online. they then moved to what we call a blocking position with armored formations on the main north-south road that cuts gaza by half. by tuesday, wednesday you saw them advancing. this was a lot of the combat you'll see today with armored columns with artillery strikes, air strikes going after bunker systems with intense air strikes in and around jabilya and this section. they're going through at a fast pace. >> tell us about urban warfare particularly in a region as densely populated as this. as best as we can tell and hard to get information out of the region, what has this fighting been like? >> yeah, from what we can see so far, and remember this is competing perspectives on the gaza side with the palestinians and with the israelis. what's remarkable is how densely packed this area is in here. you can see it and outline it almost exactly where there's intense fighting going to be. these urban areas here are so intense and vertical that is fight is as much up and down as it is what we would say left to right and moving forward and back. this is the site of those two air strikes, israeli air strikes on the jabilya refugee camp. look at the buildings around it. even if the idf is pursuing any kind of a strike on a hamas target, they claim they were hilting hamas targets in underground bunkers, command centers, even if that's true, minimizing civilian casualties in the area is almost impossible just due to the nature of the urban terrain. >> and we've been talking about the first refugees and injured being able to get out of gaza. show us, if you will, where they went -- how they got out of the region and where they went in egypt. >> jonathan, just towards the south what we've been seeing is movement over the last two weeks. and israeli government basically said everybody needs to move south of the zone, and you're seeing refugee camps pop up here. there are two gates down here on the southern border. if you look at videos this morning you'll see very small numbers of people coming through. one gate principally used for supplies. we've seen supplies coming in, not enough supplies but some supplies coming in from egypt. but suddenly you're seeing a few hundred refugees, a lot of foreign nationals from other countries starting to make their way across the border. i think everyone is hoping this process will accelerate in the coming days. >> terrific stuff at the map for us. clint watts, thank you for joining us this morning. we'll talk to you again soon. and still ahead here on "way too early," we'll turn to our friends at cnbc for an early look what's driving the day on wall street. we'll be back with that. wall street. we'll be back with that. i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. . time now for business. for that let's bring in cnbc's julianna tatelbaum who joins us live from london. great to see you as. as we previewed federal chair jerome powell yesterday might, might delay raising interest rates for now. give us a little what he had to say and how is wall street responding. >> well, john, that signal was enough to get markets moving. u.s. stocks rallied, and that rally has filtered through to other parts of the world. we've seen asia and now european equities rally as well and futures this morning are positive. the fed kept rates unchanged as you said in its latest policy decision yesterday. but jerome powell said the central bank is keeping its decision open and isn't even thinking about rate cuts as at all. but the market clearly interpreting this as the fed potentially being done with its rate hiking cycle. and now the conversation likely to turn to when the fed may cut interest rates. it was enough to get markets going. the s&p closed more than 1% higher and the tech heavy nasdaq climbed 1.6%. now with the fed behind us, attention in the u.s. is going to turn to u.s. weekly initial jobless claims due later today, and then on the earnings front look out for apple and starbucks numbers. >> juliana, we've been talking about potential farm gedden, and ccs is posting stronger than expected third quarter guidance but did cut profit guidance for the full year. >> cvs yesterday delivered third quarter results which topped expectations lifted in part from strong revenue from the company's services and $90 billion from the quarter up nearly 11% from the same period a year ago. they have been working on cutting costs, and this speaks to the conversation we had yesterday here on "way too early," and then on "morning joe" as well that cvs has been working to improve profitability, and the impact -- one of the side effects of that has been a reduction in staff, and that's precisely what's at the heart of these protests, the three-day walkout that's taken place this week, cvs impacted as well as rite-aid as well, and the pharmacy staff involved not really pushing for more pay but pushing for staff and resources to do their jobs more safely. shares of cvs stock are down about 26% for the year. >> lastly and briefly turning to interest rates this time across the pond where you are, the u.k. central bank expected to leave them on hold. what's the sense as to how the impact it may have on what frankly has been a pretty weak economy over there. >> it certainly has been a weak economy, john. inflation at the same time has remained pretty high. the u.k. inflation picture continues to be a lot hotter than what we've seen elsewhere. 6.7% inflation in september, unchanged from august and considerably higher than what we're seeing in the other g7 economies. but as you said the bank of england is expected to hold rates steady today and held rates steady after its last meeting as well and much like the fed, the focus today is likely to be on the communication, the commentary out of the bank of england. >> all right, cnbc's julianna tatelbaum live from london, thank you as always. still aheed or on "way too early," democratic congressman seth moulton, he's our guest. we'll discuss the stand alone aid bill for israel that's being put forth by house republicans as well as some of the other big issues on capitol hill. the congressman joins me next. ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company. nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and b-complex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. try nervive. and, try nervive pain relieving roll-on. 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>> supposedly this guy is a super conservative, and he wants to and not to mention politicizing the aid package in the process. th is enabling tax cheats. this is what the speaker of the house thinks he should do to fund israel is enable tax cheats. and just as someone who actually pays his taxes every year, i think that's a bit ridiculous, and i think most americans should agree. >> and certainly this is also -- this bill has no chance of getting through the senate, but it also includes no funding at all for ukraine, something the white house wants in there. they want a much bigger package. how concerned are you that even if israeltop funding eventually gets through, the congress may not provide much of what he needs? >> our ally security is connected to ours. when you look at ukraine right now, i know people are frustrated this is taking so long. i understand that we all wish this were over, but, look, xi jinping is the number one observer here. he is watching what we do with ukraine to see if allies of the west will stand together and stop this murderous dictator, his buddy vladimir putin from invading a sovereign country, and, you know, he's going to take a cue from that as to whether he decides to invade taiwan and risk starting world war 3 in the pacific. so we have to setup a bulwark around the world against dictators, against terrorists. that's why the national security of ukraine, the national security of israel are fundamentally important to us here in america. and i don't understand why speaker johnson doesn't get that. when he politicizes these aid packages he delays them because you're right the israel package isn't going to go anywhere in the senate. he's ultimately impacting our security here at home. >> on the security of israel, you recently wrote an op-ed which has the title "netanyahu needs an end game," the israeli prime minister. tell us what you're suggesting. >> we had a military plan, but military plans aren't enough. you have to have a plan for the day after, for what happens after you achieve military victory. now, simply getting to military victory is going to be hard here for the israelis, this urban combat is brutal as i experienced myself in iraq. but after that, they have to have a political plan for the future of gaza because otherwise they'll just be right back where they began. and even worse if they leave gaza a smoldering mess, they may actually recruit more terrorists to hamas' cause than they kill. that's a huge risk for israel. they need to be able to paint a political future for the peace loving people of gaza. that's different from hamas. otherwise they'll be right back where they started potentially with even more terrorists threatening israel. >> and congressman, before you go, we've been covering all week how president biden recently signed an executive order on artificial intelligence. you've been outspoken on the issue and said if a.i. is left unchecked it could be more dangerous than the atomic bomb. explain what you mean and what you think needs to be done. >> yeah, absolutely. a.i. is going to transform the world and be fundamentally a huge force for good. but they are what we call edge cases, these cases where our fundamental security as a society could be threatened. and the risk doesn't really come from bad actors here at home, it comes from places like the chinese communist party. while these guidelines are a great first step, what we really need to do is enter into some sort of international treaty. this is like time for the geneva convention's time on a.i. to prevent the use of a.i. in warfare. if we use a.i. in warfare, we'll have a lot of guardrails. the administration made that clear. our troops are going to use it morally. but we can't expect that of people like xi jinping in china, vladimir putin in russia. that's where this risk comes from. so while these a.i. guidelines here in america are a good place to start, what we actually need to do is have serious treaty negotiations with with our adversaies around the world. >> democratic congressman seth moulton of massachusetts covering a lot of ground this morning. great to see you, congressman. >> good to see you, john. up next on "way too early," we have an nbc news exclusive. new details about donald trump's efforts to poach support from ron desantis in his home state. we'll talk about that before the florida governor himself joins us on "morning joe" a little later this morning. the latest also ahead on "morning joe," the latest in the ongoing israel-hamas war as more foreign nationals are expected to leave gaza today through the rafah border crossing. plus, congressman dan goldman will join us on what congress is going to send aid to israel. 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>> she's the only one who has seen real movement. she's the only candidate who has been able to build out a base from the low single digits a couple months ago to now hitting high double digits in places like new hampshire. new hampshire and south carolina, early key states. she's seen movement, part of her team's pitch as to why she should be the alternative to donald trump. she's the only one who has shown the ability to grow her base. the end of the day, the consolidation around trump has remained solid. even if all the other candidates were to drop out and all support would go to nikki haley, there's no sign she'd be able to beat trump in a primary. it is an incredibly narrow path for anyone not named donald trump in the presidential primary. >> can't be said enough. elena, you had an interesting story this week, "lose by less, biden tries in middle america." what's the game plan here? >> rural voters has long been a challenge for the democratic party. they'vestituency larger and larger since the '90s. in 1996, 1,100 were won by clinton. less than 200 rural counties were won in 2020. there is a long-term problem democrats have with this constituency. the key is to lose these counties by less. it's to key these margins a little closcloser, at least in minds of biden officials, so they can build the lead in urban and suburban areas, and not get blown out in rural areas. michigan, pennsylvania, north carolina, all these states have pretty significant, if small, but nonetheless significant rural populations that donald trump has been able to pull out new voters from. he has been able to, you know, run up his score in the rural areas that offset whatever edge democrats build in suburban and urban areas. there is an awareness within the biden campaign they need to focus on these parts of the country, though they won't win them, but maybe lose them by less. >> lastly and briefly, we had congresswoman debbie dingell of ichigan on the show yesterday, sounding the alarm of muslim americans who may be abandoning support due to the israel-hamas war. is this a problem? >> they're aware they need to keep their coalition together, which is a tenuous, you know, group of constituencies that they all have to deal with. arab-americans and young voters are deeply concerned about what is happening in this conflict in the middle east. i think that this is something that they are aware of. even last night when we saw president joe biden call for a pause, that was sort of a calibration, the way he's talked about this. i think in some ways, to acknowledge this is a very complicated issue. even people within his own party are really upset. >> the margins expect to be slim in states like michigan. if voters stay home, that could be the difference. terrific reporting this morning. politicalreporter elena schneider. thank you. thank

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