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hostages were gathered to pressure the government not to forget their loved ones. amid the fury to attack hamas. elie's daughter is a soldier kidnapped from a watchtower in kibbutz -- all the guards were women. hamas killed 12 of them, and kidnapped six or seven. that is leery in the glasses. >> we received the message that the army released girls. i hope that is my daughter. i hope. >> elie checks to see of maybe the rescue soldier is leery. not tonight. >> not my daughter, but she was there. >> how does that make you feel? >> it makes me happy. even if it is not my daughter, it makes me happy. >> the rescued hostages leary's friends, private ori megidish, captured from the watchtower and freed from israeli troops carrying out the ground defensive in gaza last night. they say she's doing well medically and has met with her family. hamas has plenty more hostages in gaza. israel tonight raising their estimate to 239, including 33 children. hamas is taunting israel with them. they released a video of three israeli captives. israeli prime minister netanyahu under fire for not taking responsibility, for being unprepared for hamas's surprise attack, says there will be no cease-fire, that israel must retaliate for the 1400 israelis killed. >> just as the united states would not agree to a cease fire after the bombing of pearl harbor, or after the terrorist attack of 9/11, israel will not agree to this with hamas after the horrific attacks of october 7th. this is a time for war. >> in gaza, more than 2 million civilians are suffering because of war they did not start, cannot escape, which is escalating by the day. according to the health ministry run by hamas, more than 8000 palestinians have been killed so far. >> let's get right to my colleague, nbc ellison barber, she was at the israel gaza border where it is now just after 6 am. excuse me, five a. m.. alison, good to see you, good to see you there safely. the last time you and i spoke, it was late friday night my time. you were hearing more ruckus, more strikes than you had ever heard before. things were getting intense. would have been like since then? >> it has stayed this. way when we spoke last, massive artillery bombardments into northern gaza. tonight, we're still hearing artillery, but we're seeing a lot more rockets as well as what appeared to be flare bombs fired into northern gaza. there's been a main pocket on the ridge. if you watch as you talk, you might see some of it again. we have seen just a constant flow of rockets, and again what appears to be a flare bombs fired in that direction northwest gaza's were israeli forces first entered the gaza strip. they've been inside gaza since friday. there are reports from inside gaza saying that israeli tanks have been cited near gaza city. remember, israel has said they plan to focus most of their military efforts on northern gaza and gaza city. they say that's where hamas militants primarily operate out of. the orange goes along the skyline have been constant as they just pounded this entire section of northern gaza. you see some flair, something right up there in the sky again. this happens every few minutes, at one point i counted at least four explosions in the skyline within about 33 seconds. , so there has certainly been an escalation from what we heard from prime minister netanyahu tonight. there's no plans to back off from this. you see that landing back there, very strongly said that they do not plan to consider a cease-fire, believing that that would be in their view surrendering to hamas, which is something that an hanyu says he absolutely will not do. report that little bit on this, but another big issue is the hostages inside of gaza, and families, many of them are now calling on israeli government to consider an exchange. they say released a 4000-plus palestinian prisoners in israeli jails, so that 230 people still believed to be held hostage inside gaza can all be returned at once. when asked specifically about that at a press conference with foreign journalist, netanyahu said he would not give any details on what they are talking about, but says he believes ground offensive is going to put pressure on hamas and that hamas will only respond to pressure. there is a lot of concern amongst families about the hostages who are still inside gaza. many are believed to be held in the tunnel systems, underneath gaza, and that is exactly what israeli military has said. they are targeting in their aerial bombardments. again, we expect ground forces to stay in israel. they have told the israeli citizens, the israeli military has that this will be a very long war. while the u. n. says they think at the end of this, stephanie, and this is what the unicef, the head of yourself said when speaking to you are security council, she said the true toll of this war will be measured in the lives changed amongst children. they will be impacted by violence, and those who have experienced it. she said that is true on both sides by their estimates they said they believe about 400 children are dying inside of gaza almost every day. not to mention, children who were killed on the october 7th attack, the children who witnessed their parents and loved ones being massacred on october 7th, and the 33 children believed to be held by hamas militants inside gaza. stephanie. >> 400 children dying every day. there are still children being held hostage. alison barber, thank you so much for your reporting. i want to bring into the conversation ambassador dennis ross. distinguished fellow at washington institute for near east policy. he was a former middle east convoy, and top peace negotiator in the bush clinton administration. surprise winning journalist, senior executive editor for national security, and from the hostage himself. ambassador, netanyahu has made it clear, a cease-fire is not happening. the white house has even said it is not the right thing great known. with you think? >> i think the cease-fire will leave hamas intact. it leaves it with its military certainly existing and something we've built. it leaves it with overall leadership in control, not really being challenged. i think there is a difference between a cease-fire, which basically repeats what we have seen before, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, where hamas basically used a cease-fire to itself, and sets itself up to do what we saw on october 7th. that said, i think you can have a humanitarian pause. a pause to get assistance in, a pause that allow certain quarters to be created. there is a difference between a pause that you do for humanitarian purposes, and a cease-fire that basically allows hamas to do what it has done before. >> david, israel is in gaza now. what are the up against? >> so far, they haven't really entered the densely populated parts of gaza strip. once they get into gaza city, i think they will face urban warfare. block to block fighting. expectations hamas will be coming out of the tunnels and ambushing israeli soldiers. the other thing they'll be facing again i think that these hostages. we talked about it earlier, there will be pressure on netanya to try and make deals. it's hard to take track of all this. simmons reported that there was real momentum towards a possible release of more hostages on friday. what tomas was demanding was a humanitarian pause, we are just talking about, for fuel to come into gaza. netanyahu said, no, and there was a very aggressive operation after. that the danger is, this argument that the more military pressure hamas feels, i hate to say this, but i think israeli troops get close to one of these locations where the hostages are going to be held, hamas will kill those captives. i do not see them just giving up and letting hostages go as military, as israeli military approach. a terrible situation hamas's fault, but that is the question. at least humanitarian pause, is the short, deals you get to, six, ten, hostages out of that is something that israel could try. >> ambassador, to all of those people in gaza who are suffering. what is their way out? >> the only way out for them, unfortunately, is hamas is no longer using them as hostages as well. we tend to think of, we focus on the hostages they took. they're holding an entire population hostage. that's been the case. everything they do with human shields is a way of protecting themselves. everybody talks about 300 miles of tunnels. the tunnels are not used to protect any palestinians. i spoke to a friend of mine in gaza and she made the point of her and her family -- hamas leaders are all underground. so, these tunnels are for their fires, weapons, for their leaders, but not the public. so, the public is exposed. israel has said, called on, made telephone calls, had basically told palestinians in northern part of gaza to go to the south. about 1 million palestinians have gone to the south, i think one of the things israelis do need to do is when they emphasize going to the south, israelis also have an obligation to help ensure that when they go to the south, it's safe for them, and be that there are court orders for humanitarian assistance. i think the rest of the world could look somewhat differently with every israelis are doing, and makes it clear that they are fighting hamas. they are not trying to punish palestinian people. i would like to see more of that, that's where i think a pause to allow assistance in is useful. >> we learned today there was another attack on u.s. forces in iran. there have been, excuse me iraq, there have been 24 since october 17th. where are these attacks on u. s. forces coming from, and why? >> it's iran. there is a whole legion of iranian proxies. >> hence why i misspoke. >> they are guarding, us and israeli officials i spoke with on friday said they talked about iran wanting to have terror armies surrounding. it would be hamas in the south, and gaza, and hezbollah in the north. there is iranian proxies in iraq and syria. that is the danger here. i think the u.s. and iran are sort of shadow boxing each other. the u.s. has moved east carriers into the region. they're showing, to not escalate this to not have hezbollah attack northern israel, because the u.s. will use force. the iranians will push back. it's just tit-for-tat. that's the nightmare scenario that this becomes a regional war, that iran engages. nobody knows, i hate to talk on these terms, but what number of palestinian dead. we're at 1000 no, would somehow trigger this sort of response from iran. so, it's a very dangerous situation. , again that's why i sort of agree. humanitarian quarters. it's how israel does this. i think instead of just no cease-fire, no humanitarian quarters, no we have assistance coming in, that is not i think the best raji for israel. easy for me to say, again, they have a right to try and eliminate hamas. but, there's a way to be careful about how they're going about the offensive. >> david, thank. you ambassador, thank you so much. as this humanitarian situation in gaza becomes more desperate, hospitals are more than just places to heal the wounded. they are now on the frontlines in israel's war against hamas. watch this. >> i have run out of words to describe the humanitarian situation. the injuries, the fear, the lack of clean water to drink. the trauma. the lack of food. >> a disaster on top of a disaster. health needs are soaring, and our ability to meet those needs is rapidly declining. >> -- very limited amount of medication. this is catastrophic and disaster situation. >> i want to bring an icu doctor, she is the medical director of medglobal and currently in cairo leading the emergency response. thank you so much for being here. tell us what it is really like there. what are doctors on the ground telling you? >> in the last 25 days, we've spoken to doctors as much as possible, except for the almost 24 hours that have been. every day we're hearing stories about the moral injury they are facing, about not having the right tools or resources because they've run out of hospital supplies. as a doctor myself, i can say that this moral injury of not being able to treat somebody when i know exactly what they need, they know what these patients need, they know how to treat, and they don't have the resources to do that. that desperation in their voice of pleading with international communities. that is what we're hearing from them every day. every single day. it is just worse and worse. >> i know you're trying to coordinate getting supplies through the border with egypt. what is stopping, what is the roadblock with getting to see through? >> what i want to focus on is the fact that, previously there was more than one pathway into gaza. they were almost 466 trucks going in every single day. right now, we're limited to one pathway into gaza through the rafah border. there are many security checks necessary that have to happen, but i think looking at ways to streamline and cruising capacity at the border, the actual crossing in is not big enough for more than -- so, looking at ways to increase the capacity and just get it in, that's a huge part of it. it's not just what is happening at the rafah border itself, i know a lot of people have talked about fuel. but, without fuel, without a way to transport the supplies, you can only get things across the border. you cannot get them across gaza. to the hospitals where people, while most 170,000 people are sheltering around hospitals. that is just people sheltering around hospitals. 1. 4 million people displaced. if we cannot get to them, getting across the border is almost useless. i think that's the most important part to keep in mind is that just getting across the border is just one part. actually being to safely disseminated, across gaza to the people in aid is an absolute priority. >> what equipment to those hospitals need most right now? >> the list is exhaustive. what we hear is, right now the major thing doctors is dealing with is trauma surgeries. try marie surgery, dealing with wounds, making sure that fractures and things can be fixed with the right type of hardware. making sure that surgical supplies are available and sterilized. we're not putting patients in danger. making sure everything is available. i can go on and on because the list is exhaustive. this is really centered around dealing with trauma injuries, were injuries, that is unable to be contained. if that happens, the long term effects of that is quite challenging. we're learning that in the context of every single war that we have seen. we have seen that in ukraine, we've seen that in yemen, we've seen that in syria. it will happen again here. the yacht long term consequences of proper management of war wounds because we don't have resources. >> are there enough beds in the southern part of gaza? israel has made it clear to those in gaza city, get out of where you are, head south. but, for those who are in hospital in gaza city, is there a place for them to safely go? how to get there? >> to answer your first question. there are not enough beds. there are not enough beds where people are currently located, and to bring entire population of people from different hospitals to the south, that is not possible. the second thing is, as an icu doctor, i can tell you there are books written about this, the danger of transporting people who are unstable. thinking about doing that without maybe the proper amount of oxygen, medications, the kind of support emergencies that might happen along the way. you might not have enough battery power to run a ventilator. that might be necessary to transport babies in incubators from the north of gaza all the way down to the south. when you think about the logistics of transferring people from within a hospital, and we spent hours preparing patients to transfer within one hospital, imagine from one hospital to another part of the country. so, just thinking that through is almost like a death sentence. there needs to be a guarantee or a way to transport these patients in a safe way where they just wouldn't survive. that >> i'm out of time, but i do want to ask you quickly. what is your message to world leaders in the u.s. and egypt and israel? what do you want them to know? >> what i want them to know is that there are 2. 2 million people suffering. our focus as a humanitarian organization is how we can get aid in, aid workers in the how we have colleagues or dr. suffering. they are exhausted. we need a way to provide support. that is what we asked humanitarian organizations are focusing on, and we are pleading to the international war to allow that to happen. >> thank you so much for all the work you do, doctor. i appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. >> when we come back, donald trump gagged again in a federal election interference case. the judges vowed to treat the former president like any other defendant. barb mcquade and mark mckinnon are here. later, antisemitism and islamophobia on the rise on college campuses. we'll be speaking with two leaders who met with top white house officials on the administration's new plan to keep students safe. the 11th hour just getting underway. we'll be very important monday night. attention hearing loss sufferers! do you struggle to hear loved ones? 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[ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into >> donald j trump has been when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. gagged again. judge tanya chutkan who's overseeing the federal election case reinstated a gag order, telling him to stop targeting potential witnesses, prosecutors, or courts staff. trump's also under a gag order in new york civil fraud trial, which he was resign 10,000 bucks for violating. -- former u.s. attorney mark mckinnon former advisor to both george w. bush and mcquade. he's a co-host for the circus on showtime. barb, let's start with this federal election case. what does chutkan's gag order do? does it matter to donald trump? >> i think it does. you know, he makes a living with his words. and by targeting people, with this gag order. now, she carves out an awful lot of room for him. he can criticize the justice department. he can criticize the biden administration. he can criticize the case and he can even criticize the judge herself outside of court. but what he can't do is to go after, she uses the word, target individual parties, individual witnesses, or anything that would compromise the safety of those people in this case. so, it is a pretty narrow gag order. but he has demonstrated over this little hiatus, while it was being suspended, while she considered whether there should be a stay or if we'll, why is it so necessary when he targeted people like mark meadows and then william barr. it's back in effect, and the real tricky part will be how she enforces it. >> mark, this weekend on the circus, you solely focused on donald trump's legal issues. what is your big picture take? >> well, we looked at the morass of all the legal entanglements that are facing donald trump, and really talk to get down to the fundamental question of is he gonna be held accountable for anything. and is it gonna be held accountable before the election? that is the key question. >> if it's not before the election, then it won't happen. >> if he is elected president, first of all, all the federal stuff goes away. and then, the state stuff gets delayed until he's done his presidency. so, the only way it's gonna be held accountable, if he's gonna be held accountable, and what seems clear is that it's the federal case with tanya chutkan that is likely to happen. she has held firm to this march 4th date and despite lots of motions and a lot of arm-waving from the trump team, she is really solid. and so, we talked to some people who are very familiar with this. she's at 31 january 6th cases come to her court. all 31 have been found guilty and sentenced -- >> sent to jail. >> not only sentenced, but in many cases, she's got above and beyond what was recommended for sentencing. tougher. >> barb, an alabama man was indicted for threats against fulton county d. a. fani willis and the fulton county sheriff. is enough being done to prevent these threats? >> it is a challenge, stephanie, because, you know, one of the consequences of the kind of reckless talk that donald trump engages in is that you never know who might be taking the bait and acting out on it. threats are bound, as we saw. there was an instance after the mar-a-lago search when he accused the fbi of planting evidence, when a man went to an fbi field office with an assault rifle and was killed in a standoff. there is also the pipe bomber who was dubbed the maga bomber because he was a fan of donald trump and was sending pipe bombs to his perceived enemies. we live in really dangerous times. so i think a guy order, it's one way to prevent all of this. but it's really impossible to stop all of it. i am pleased, the oh, to see law enforcement take aggressive steps, do all they can, that this kind of violent rhetoric will not be tolerated. >> mark, donald trump is still the front runner. there's a new poll out that shows him up by 30 points. do you think it is anybody's game? >> i think there's a lot of time before the election. and i talked to different analysts -- just asked president howard dean about iowa. they are very deliberative. 75% of iowa voters are still open to voting to somebody besides trump. they made up their mind late, fast, and in large numbers, it can move in and i really wholesale fashion. >> they know that's the power. >> yes, they do. and they take it really seriously. momentum is key and nikki haley has got some out there right now. and i think that voters are gonna look at this and they are gonna, if they are open to somebody who says trump, they're gonna say, who's got the best shot? maybe desantis, maybe nikki haley. but as haley starts to get some one votes, a lot of people peel off of desantis. so, haley runs even a strong second. i think the only shot that where trump is threatened as a halle surge in iowa. she maybe ran second. she does well and she's doing really well in new hampshire so she does well in iowa and then it's the man who would be king, if he believes, and the former president, then it collapses. unlikely but possible. >> he could collapse in new york this or next week, barb. this week in the new york civil trial, don junior and eric are going to testify. and next week, trump himself and ivanka are rolling into town. what do you expect from this? >> i think it will be very interesting. one thing i would be looking for, stephanie, whether any of these witnesses chooses to invoke their fifth amendment rights against self incrimination. they can be charged criminally in a civil case, of course. anything they say in this civil case could be used against them in some other criminal case. so, sometimes, witnesses chose to invoke that right during testimony in a single case. but the tricky part for them in a civil case is that unlike a criminal case, the judge may draw an adverse inference against the witness. that is they may assume that the answer would have been unfavorable so the witness who invokes that privilege. and so, that makes it to have some consequences. but there's also some risk they don't invoke. that's something to be interesting to watch when these witnesses take the stand. >> we will be watching. brab mcquade, mark mckinnon, thank you both. when we come back, don't go anywhere. you need to be here for this next conversation. a shocking antisemitism since the start of the israel-hamas war. we're gonna get into the divisions happening around the world, and especially on college campuses, when the 11th hour continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ with cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero calories. and cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. try cirkul. your water, your way. now with even more flavors. available at walmart or you deserve better than that. i'm hungry, i'm in a hurry, i don't have time to make anything healthy. you could if you had a blendjet. blendjet? 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>> thank you, stephanie. it is exactly a what in the hell is happening. it's insane. we have seen more than 1000% increase in antisemitic incidents during the period since the horrific slaughter of innocent israelis on october 7th. and this includes 15 physical assaults, more than 60 cases of vandalism, and to your point, this is not about free speech. this is about hate speech. this is about vitriol. and this is about harassment. in the piece, you talked about cornell, where the message to jewish students at cornell was the following, if i see another knew in campus, if i see a new, i will stab you and slit your throat. if i see a female jew, i will write you and throw you off a cliff. this is what jewish students are hearing. the hearing that in classrooms, they're hearing that on the clock. we've got to do something to stop it. >> but why is it happening, jonathan. as that's happening, a six year old child was stabbed to death by his mother's landlord for his heritage! where does this come from? we are so many of us so naive to the fact that we did not realize antisemitism around the steep and islamophobia was this awful. are we in a fog? >> i don't think so. i mean, we have been on your show talking for years about this surge of hate, this normalization of antisemitism, specifically. and antisemitism is the canary in the coal mine. it starts with the jews, stephanie. but it never ends with the jews. look, our hearts break to hear that other americans because of their faith are being targeted and victimized. it is wrong to blame palestinians, americans, or muslims more broadly, for what the terror organization hamas is doing to israelis and palestinians, right? the massacre on october 7th that claimed the lives of 1400 israelis, that led to the kidnapping of hundreds more. and then, of course, it led to this terrible military configuration. i saw the earlier interview with a doctor. and i saw and appreciate her humanity. but the way to end this tomorrow, it's not a cease-fire. it is a surrender by hamas, a return of these hostages. that would end this conflict like that. and in the meantime, what we are seeing here -- >> but, jonathan, i agree. but we know that's not going to happen. >> well, look, i think we have got to have a rational optimism here, stephanie. you have got to, in the face of this kind of horrendous attacks -- and i'll tell you something, as adam talked about, we are not talking about complaints here. we are talking about actual documented cases, assaults all over the country. by the way, jewish businesses are being vandalized in new york, in california, not just kosher restaurants, although that would be bad enough. i am talking about generalized businesses and retail stores that simply happened to be owned by jewish people. jews have seen this before. we sought in germany. we saw in the middle east. we never thought it would happen here. and it is time for our leaders to lead at the universities, in companies. and i will tell you, stephanie, thank god for the leadership of this administration because they realize that hamas his i. s. i. s.. hamas is al-qaeda. and, you know, again in the second before about that riot in dagestan, let me be clear, that was not a pro palestinian riot. it was an anti pogrom. they were trying to come at that. none of these people for the liberation of palestine. none of these people are for a two state solution, stephanie. they are for a final solution. they are looking for jews to capture and kill just like the hamas terrorists on october 7th. it is stunning and it demands moral clarity. all of us need to call this out with conviction, without hesitation, because these clips right here, right now, stephanie, this is what evil looks like, from charlottesville to this airport in darkest on, it is the same, pure, and alternated hate and evil embodied. >> that's what we are looking at right there on the screen. the airport in russia where a flight came in from tel aviv. and it was met by an angry mob. adam, i want to ask you, you did go to the white house today. you both did. what did you learn. what happened there? >> i want to say in a positive level, we at hillel are really pushing the commitment of the administration, the biden administration, to take on these issues of antisemitism. the plan they have put together to do so. that said, this is a time we need action and we need results. today was a meeting with the senior members of the department of education, with secretary to combat antisemitism. and the second gentleman. and we are asking them not only for white papers, not only for partnership, but we are asking for action. that means holding universities accountable to enforce title six of the civil rights act. and eliminating hostile and discriminatory environments for jewish students, just like all minorities. and it is about having consequences for the bad actors who are poisoning their campuses. we should not have a higher education system in america today where students do not feel safe because of their identity. and let me tell you, if you were a jewish student, you do not feel safe wearing a symbol of your jewish identity, or god forbid, an affinity to israel. it is a situation that we are looking to the administration to partner with us on, and addressing it again, it has to be through for action, not just through words. >> adam lehman, jonathan greenblatt, thank you both for beg i appreciate it. when we come back, a risky move by sam bankman-fried. we get to what happened when he took the stand today in his own fraud trial. his words were used, thinking how to eat them. when the 11th hour continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ (man) mm, hey, honey. looks like my to-do list grew. 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[laughter] are they suggesting this is a good idea for you to be speaking? >> they are very much not. the classic advice is don't say anything. i, you know, receded into a hole. at some point, it's not what i want to be. i didn't get the duty to talk to people, or even explain what happened. >> and those explanations he was giving, like on that day, november 2022, they are exactly what's coming back to haunt him right now. yes? >> this is really wow. so before he was indicted and after the bankruptcy, he was talking all the time. in that interview, he talked to george stephanopoulos -- >> i spoke with him on the phone a couple of times. >> he couldn't stop talking. when we were wondering the first trial, when is that evidence coming out? and today it came out in a torrent. so all that he's had there contradicted stuff that he said before. we thought elements of testimony given to congress, things that he said on twitter, just really striking to see those contradictions and really stark relief, five hours after this cross-examination, two and a half hours to go to war for the prosecution. so it will continue. there will be a brief rebuttal and then the prosecution says it's gonna present a rebuttal case. additional case after this happens. >> i am dying to hear what happens next. before we go, i do want to ask you quickly, it sounds like uaw has a tentative agreement with gm. what can you tell us? >> i don't all the details. i'm in the courtroom all day. so i don't know a ton about this. but i will say having followed this generally, i think this is good for the workers and for the country itself, because this is a strike for the long time -- we've seen these workers have made strides. look, i think the white house hasn't been shy about saying that it once the auto workers to get what they've been asking for. there is this question home might this mic last, and indication for these workers and for the country itself. >> huge positive for if this happens, for the white house, for the president, who's made it very clear, he is a pro labor president. it's his huge priority. and this will be a huge win for these workers. >> he is certainly embracing labor. this is a moment when labor is making a lot of victories. so, yes. i commend him. >> you must, must come back soon. i want to hear every single thing that -- >> i'll bring my sketches. >> i'm gonna need some because that drawing, that doesn't look like the guy i know. david gura, always, always good to see. you thank you so much. and on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. see you at the end of tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, ♪ ♪ ♪ i've got my life and my health back. >> right now donald trump is continuing to test our legal system and unprecedented ways. after temporarily freezing a gag order against them, judge tanya chutkan just reinstated, ruling that the order should stay in effect while his lawyers pursue an appeal. while you may ask, even in the very short window when it was on hold donald trump continue to attack people involved in the case. he took to truth social to stand with prosecutors called a threatening message about his former chief of staff, mark meadows. i met so that judge chutkan wrote in her decision with quote almost certainty would violate the order. to be clear, the gag order isn't prohibiting trump from talking about the case,

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Humanity , Surrender , Return , Conflict , Complaints , Optimism , Face , Businesses , California , Stores , Germany , Thank God , Companies , His I S , Palestinian Riot , Al Qaeda , Dagestan , Pogrom , None , Terrorists , Solution , Liberation , Clarity , Two State Solution , Airport , Conviction , Hesitation , Clips , Charlottesville , Pure , Flight , Evil , Screen , Angry Mob , Russia , Commitment , Level , Hillel , Action , Meeting , Members , Secretary , Gentleman , Papers , Results , Actors , Higher Education System , Identity , Partnership , Symbol , Campuses , Student , Title , Environments , Minorities , Civil Rights Act , God Forbid , Sam Bankman Fried , Partner , Fraud Trial , Beg , Move , Affinity , Jonathan Greenblatt , Bath , Bathroom , Looks , Honey , Baxter , Form , Information , Life Insurance , Fast , Colonial Penn , Hm , Health , Health Questions , Sounds , Exam , Name , Boxes , Colonial Penn Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life Insurance , Need One , States , Options , 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