Im Jessica Layton. Politicsnation with Reverend Al Sharpton will start and just a moment. But first, we begin with a quick update on to war in israel between israel and hamas. Nbcs ellison barber is stunned by from the israel gaza border. Ellison, we know its military. The Israeli Defense forces said earlier today a plan to expand operational activities and gossip was approved. What the latest . Their language in terms of when the next stage of this war will pick and has gotten stronger in recent days. As you said, the spokesperson for the Prime Ministers Office said they had approved plans to move forward, and that would include a Ground Offensive into gaza. So far we havent seen anything to indicate at his started, yet but we were speaking to some idf soldiers in the area. One of them told us they have been told three different times that the current invasion was going to start. And that it hadnt started just. Yet we have seen, in the skull and behind, us that for gaza. Is the glow of bombardments happening inside of gaza, that weve also heard artillery in the distance, fired from the israeli side into the direction of gaza. Throughout the day today, there have been missiles fired from inside gaza towards central and southern israel, as well as the opposite. Israel firing missiles into gaza. They have said that when they to launch this next phase, the current offensive, that they will focus their efforts on the north part of gaza and in particular gaza city. Thats pure, according to the idf, hamas militants primarily operate out of. We have seen massive impact on civilians in that area, according to israeli officials about 700,000 civilians have evacuated from northern gaza. To the south. But there have still been strikes and the south as well. So humanitarian aid finally made its way into closet this morning, 20 truckloads carrying medicine, food, and water. But human rights organizations, that you, and the world health organization, they have all said that was a drop in the ocean. About a third of palestinians were considered food insecure prior to the start of this war, and the situation has only deteriorated and the days since october 2nd, and there is a push, a hope, that more aide will be able to go. And it is pushes at the border with egypt but the area that Israeli Forces have identified as a humanitarian city that city they have said is where civilians can go to get humanitarian aid. But there is not a direct route of a green corridor or a cleared humanitarian route from the rafah Border Crossing to that city. So there have been questions about if this war escalates, as we expect it to, and a current and patient is launched, if that could provide obstacles for getting aid into areas or civilians have been told to go to get that eight. One thing people inside of gaza desperately need is fuel. That is something israel has agreed to allow inside of gaza. Because the courts are afraid that hamas militants will take that and use it to further the terrorist operation. So therefore, they would allow fuel inside. But hospitals inside gaza have said their generators are running out of fuel and they need fuel desperately in order to keep working and keep treating civilians who need help, the same goes for that you and run schools inside of gaza. We were so many people are sheltering and internally displaced. Jessica . I know, ellison, so many concerns about the confusion surrounding the humanitarian aid. Getting to the civilians who desperately needed. So thanks for answering the questions about that. What else can you tell us about the latest on this conflict in other parts of the region . Lebanon, syria . Right. So on the northern border with israel, there has been a lot of back and forth exchanging of fire. The idf said today, they struck what they described as two terror cells, hezbollah terror cells on the border with lebanon. At a Press Conference this evening, a reporter asked, a spokesperson, with the israeli Prime Ministers Office, if they expect for this war to expand on multiple fronts, they said from israels perspective, they dont want that to happen but they said, if hezbollah continues with this, and in there if you make the decision to join this war, they said they will respond with the full force of israels Defense Forces in that area. It is very possible this could become a multifront war and a lot of the focus has been on that more northern border, and whats been happening with hezbollah. Israel has it thickens the state of lebanon responsible for any sort of missile fires, any sort of militant activity that comes from their border, even if it is not directly their government, but they consider the state of lebanon to be responsible for what hezbollah militants are doing in their territory. Jessica . Ellison, you are doing and credible work around there and. Israel ellison barber, in israel. Tonight ellison, thank you. We want to let you know, reverend sharpton is moments away from the studio. But first, joining me now is congressman adam smith i, democrat of washington state. The Ranking Member of the House Armed Services committee. Congressman, great to have you here tonight. Thank you for joining us. Lets start with the israelhamas war, the white house is taking more than 14 Billion Dollars in aid for israel from congress. As part of 105 Billion Dollar National Security package, which as we know, also includes 61 Billion Dollars in aid to ukraine. That request comes as the house has gone 18 days now without a speaker, which were going to talk about in a moment. But first, are you optimistic at all that congress can deliver on this a package . I think its going to be very difficult. Optimistic not the right word i think the president took the right step [inaudible] the speech he gave a couple of days ago meeting the case for why it was important, very well stated. And working closely with the senate. Both republicans and democrats to agree on the package going for. So youve got that going for you. The main road block, as she pointed, out is the house. Both the fact we could have a speaker and effect that republican majority, the speaker we had, was not inclined to put out this package, despite the fact there is overwhelming support for it in the house. We have got over 300 votes consistently to support ukraine, the problem has been the small group in the house who have the stranglehold over Kevin Mccarthy and wouldnt allow these issues to come up. So its going to be tough, but there is a path. I want to stay with israel for a moment. The u. S. State department and various Media Outlets are now saying it was a rocket from gaza that appeared to a stray. Likely collusion that deadly Hospital Explosion and not an israeli missile, and it was reported earlier. With all the misinformation going around, we want to talk about how important it is to wait a bit before jumping to conclusions, to set blame on any side before all the facts are clear. Yeah, completely agree. Youre right. This is a theory, very difficult situation. Things are flying and happening fast. We could be more accurate about the information that gets put out. Theyre at none of that is to play down the humanitarian crisis going on in gaza. I also think President Bidens absolutely right to be working as hardy as he has egypt and others in the region to try to get humanitarian assistance into that gaza population. Thats a crucial part of this. Look, israel needs to degrade hamas. But thats not just a military mission. They need to make sure that they dont make hamas more powerful, and the way they handle the situation. So its really complicated to achieve that objective, which we all support. Hamas is unquestionably a horrible terrorist organization, but weve got to be smart about how israel goes in there and tries to we condemn. So we know that Homeland Security and the fbi are warning of a heightened threat environment in the u. S. Because of this israel Hamas Conflict right now. They were saying, lone offenders inspired by the war of the most likely to threat to americans, especially jewish, muslim, and arab communities. This, week we know, sadly a sixyearold Palestinian American Boy it was laid to rest after being stabbed 26 times and what is now being investigated as a federal hate crime. Congressman, how concerned are you about the tension and the anger over this conflict boiling over here in the u. S. . Im very concerned. Extremists on both sides have really stepped up their efforts to basically hold the rest of us hostage to that extremism. You also have the teacher, i forget, in france . Who was killed by someone on the other side. I think we have to really be diligent to tamp down the hate that comes from this conflict on both sides. Weve seen jewish people in america targeted. We have seen muslim people and america targeted. Look, we really need to turn all of that down, and if i may say, so the House Republicans are not exactly helping. Winter issuing Death Threats to try to push people into voting for their chosen candidate for speaker. I think we should sit a better example about having a robust but polite debate that makes it clear that violence is never acts acceptable. Robust and polite, something that may have gotten away from us in recent years and months. Congressman adam smith, thank you so much for joining us today. Good news everyone, Reverend Al Sharpton has arrived and at little later in the show hell be speaking with a brother of an israeli man taken hostage by hamas about how his family is holding up and whether they are feeling more hopeful after the release of those two american hostages last night. And a little later, our friend and colleague rachel and it will be on politicsnation talking about the latest on humanitarian efforts in gaza and her new look at the long american fight against fascism. Well be right back. Well be right back. They switched to google tools for education because theres never been a reported Ransomware Attack on a chromebook. 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As the country prepares for another election, year, her new book out this week, prequel an american fight against fascism, offers a lens to view the current Political Landscape in the United States by tracing back the history of american democracy, parallel to global fascism. Rachel maddow joins me now. I am delighted to have you here, and that i got here to be able to have this date. Thank you for coming on the show today, rachel. Of course, i dont think that my name has ever, ever been used to get around traffic, or around an accident with Police Officers ever before. So if you did it, you win some sort of world record or something for that, al. If anybody can do it, it would be you. Ill take that. Before we dive into your book, i want to get your thoughts on the war in israel. In the past 24 hours, weve had at least a few hopeful signs with the delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza today from the past for the first time really since the conflict started. And the release of two american hostages. We have a lot more to go, but we had to released yesterday by hamas. What have been your thoughts as youve covered these Historic Events over the past few weeks . Well, as you know, as all of us know, its an impossible story. It is just morally so difficult. Its something that i think all of us feel a lot of emotion covering the Terrorist Attacks were so statistic, and so cruel. And the fact that people are still being held, and the fear, and the terror, and what we know is the treatment of some of the people who we know how they were treated in that terrorist attack, its just overwhelming. I dont even think we can observe it. And, we are also very, very, very concerned that the death toll in gaza and what may lie ahead in terms of whether civilians can get out of the impossible position they are in, can get the safety. Its morally overwhelming. And theres also this big problem of disinformation, as you know. Theres so much propaganda and disinformation being circulated that it makes, for those of us who work for established News Organizations with literally standards departments that control our sourcing, and were able to talk about things with commitments that, to do corrections when we get things wrong, which everybody inevitably does. It makes it all the more important for those of us at big News Organizations to make sure that we are providing credible information as best we can, in a sea of disinformation that is out there. Its just really hard. On the other hand, the glimmers of at least positive movement that weve had, seeing those 20 trucks cross the rafah crossing from egypt into gaza feels like its a drop of water in the ocean, but it is at least drop of water. You have those two hostages at least. Well, theres still 200 more to go. But to released is the first. I just pray that in both those instances, thats the start of something much more significant, and much larger along those same lines. Yeah, a drop of water, i think, is the right way to say. But it is a drop of water. You and i both mourn the civilians killed in israel, and those suffering and killed in gaza. Yeah. We cannot not deal with both. But lets switch gears now to your book, prequel. Its a look at how america fought against fascism, not only overseas, but here at home. At a time when it wasnt a sure thing that democracy would come out on top, what drove you, first of all, to write this book . You you know, rev, i was interested in the rise of trumpism, this variety of the rightwing that weve got ascending right now in conservative politics. I was interested in, just something that seemed like very much an open question to me did not seem to have an open answer. Which is why are we seeing this type of ultra right ascendance in conservative and republican politics alongside a big upsurge in antisemitism . Particularly in holocaust denial. Its always been such a bizarre toxic thing to me. But just strange, in addition to being bad. I started looking into the origins of american holocaust denial, and american, very robust antisemitism, and how it has linked to rightwing groups, and to American Politics probably in the past. I really didnt intend to tell this story. But i stumbled on the story of dozens of americans being put on trial for sedition, for allegedly trying to violently overthrow the u. S. Government in a conspiracy with not see germany. There is all these paramilitary groups, it was some of the most influential people in the country, both in congress, and just in the culture and in business who were involved with it. It was a story that i had never learned. As soon as i got that far, i realized, oh, this is the story i need to tell. That led to the ultra podcast, and that then has led to this book, which is about american fascism as we were gearing up to fight the not sees. These were The Americans who wanted us not to fight the not seize, or who in fact, themselves, worked for the not seize, who were trying to bring about an american form of nazism here. A lot of americans associate modernday fascism with trumpism, and you mentioned trump. This week, the former president , and current republican front runner, by the way, was fined by a judge for trashing a law clerk online. Trump has tried to undermine the institution of the courts during his various trials. Just as subverted the Justice Department, and the media, while the president and even the election. In your view, are these the tactics of a fascist . Thats a very good question. I feel like a lot of people get their hackles up when you apply terms that were more comfortable using in a historical context, or terms that we are more comfortable using about other countries to our modern politics today. Certainly when it comes to nazism, theres no analogy at all. Nobodys killer but hitler. Nobody is the not cease but the knots. Theres no modern analogy to that whatsoever. But fascism and authoritarianism are ideological concepts that applied and lots of other countries, and other times in american history. I sort of feel like your mileage may vary, as to whether or not thats the word you want to apply here. But authoritarianism always has the same tactics. They bring violence to bear on the political process, so it squeezes normal people out of politics, because they get intimidated. They use scapegoating, and crazy Conspiracy Theories about minorities. Particularly about jews, to make us think that theres some secret cabal whos controlling everything, and we need a strongman to lead us. They tell us not to believe journalism, not to believe science, not to believe experts, just believe what the leader tells you. You cant trust anything else. And they make it so it seems like our democracy doesnt work. That they make it so your vote doesnt count, or you believe your vote doesnt count, or you believe all voting is rigged. If you start getting all those four factors together, call it whatever you want, but weve seen it happen in country, after country, after country. In the 20th and 21st centuries. We know that it leads towards abandoning democracy, and installing a strongman instead. I dont think whatever you call it, i dont think anybody would argue that that is the model that trump is offering to the United States. I, alone, can fix it. Ida presses the enemy of the people, congress should work for me, the Justice Department should work for me to reward my friends and punish my enemies. Business should work for me. Those are all the hallmarks of a strongman leader. Its easier for us to see it abroad, but we should also see it in our own history. Now, what trump is, while he sowing chaos outside of government, in congress, farright members of the Republican Party have brought the work of the House Of Representatives to a halt. Forcing out a speaker mccarthy, and triggering a leadership crisis. That still hasnt been resolved. Is this legislative dysfunction perhaps also a symptom of something more troubling under the surface about politics right now. It is a very good question, and very well put. I am troubled about this. Because, on the one hand, there is a way to look at this with a, sort, of cynical, ive seen it all, news person view. Which, is oh, the republicans are in disarray. You get a little schadenfreude, you get a, so these guys can fight their way out of a paper bag. Its easy to see it in those terms. Maybe that is all this is. Almost every republican speaker in my lifetime has either ended in disgrace or scandal, or some sort of chaos. Orit happens. On the other hand, weve got a rise of authoritarianism Around The World, weve got when President Biden went to go visit the region of the israel Hamas Conflict, when he went to israel this week to go shore up our allies and try to rally came homed and tried to rally the world to support ukraine, and to support israel in this fight against hamass terrorist group, and to have compassion for the people of gaza. While President Biden was doing, that Vladimir Putin was in china, meeting with victor or block. Shes greeting them, he is the leader for life, putin is in his 24th year of power. Viktor orban is in his 14th year of power. None of those guys ever plan on relinquishing power in their lifetimes. Theres no such thing as an ex dictator. Thats a job title that doesnt exist. You have this real pressure Around The World to get rid of democracy, to get rid of anything other than the singular leader being in charge. Here, while thats all happening, our congress, it might look funny, but we effectively dont have a House Of Representatives anymore. One thing that happens in Strongman Rule is that you have a legislature that becomes pointless, its just decoration, its not really there to function and do anything in government. The closer we get to that, the closer we get to a form of government which is not what we are supposed to have. Which is not what our constitution lays out. Last question. I might say that im told it was a stall cut not an accident, but im glad that all the fellas helped me get around it to you wrote in your book, i have a copy of your book, you are in your book, you talk about the Warning Signs of fascism. And it does seem as though some of the signs are flashing red right now. How concerned are you about these trends, and what can be done to push back, rachel . Well, i feel like the first thing we need to do is recognize the threat, and get real about it. And recognize that, as the phrase goes, it can happen here. As i think for me, everybody likes to learn about these things in different. For me, its helpful to learn history. For me, its helpful to learn the stories of americans, when they were up against a fascist movement in the 1930s and 1940s in this country, that want today hitler style government here. That wanted to overthrow the u. S. Government by force, that was working with the not seized 24 members of congress were involved with a not sea agent propagandizeing the American People against our democracy. What americans stood up against that, they did amazing things. They infiltrated those groups, there was incredible journalism exposing what they did. They were powerful forces that were trying to stop the Justice Department from going after these guys, and prosecuting them for crimes. But there were brave prosecutors who nevertheless stood up against those forces and blocked criminal cases. It all has to happen, journalists, and activists, and regular citizens, and yes, the government, all have to work on this, all at once. Theres no silver bullet, we need to take it seriously as a country. Maybe with this history, learn how other americans have faced it before us. Well, let me thank my dear colleague, and i might say, we were dear colleagues before it either one of us had an msnbc shoe. My dear colleague, rachel maddow, thank you, rachel, for being with us. For more on rachels new book, prequel an american fight against fascism, and to get tickets for her book tour appearances, go to msnbc. Com, slash prequel. Up next, two key elections next month. Could be a preview of who black voters will rally behind in 2024. 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Gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest Stuff Smelling fresh. we have generations of low riding in our family. were not sworn in, were born in. and thats important to me because the Serrano Legacy continues. welcome back to politicsnation. Im Jessica Layton in new york, reverend al will be back in just a moment. But first, here are the stories we are watching for you at this hour. A 40yearold detroit synagogue president was found stabbed to Death Outside of her home this morning. Police are investigating a crime, and have not yet found a motive. And spacex is hoping to ace its second falcon 9 Rocket Launch of the day. First rocket took off early this morning in california, tonight at the Cape Canaveral state for station in florida. This will be the first time spacex has launched 23 of its starlink v2 mini satellites in just one batch. Now, back to politicsnation. And Reverend Al Sharpton. Rough . Thank you, jessica. Now, lets bring on my Political Panel. Michael hardaway, a democratic strategist and former staff staffer to House Minority leader, hakeem jeffries. And senator dick durbin. And brendan buck, an msnbc political analyst, and former press secretary to former house speakers, john boehner, and paul ryan. Brendan, on tuesday, House Republicans will try again to put forward yet another speaker nominee. New candidates are emerging, including House Majority whip, tom emmer, but according to politico, former President Trump has told allies he doesnt support emirs bid, because he wants more of a maga loyalist, even after his friend jim jordan lost three votes last week. Where do you see the speaker Fight Candidate headed next . Well, at this point, i think it would be done to make any predictions about whos going to be the next speaker. I honestly have no idea. I wish that we had sort of avoided all of this. I wish that we had decided to just go ahead with patrick mchenry, the speaker pro tem. And worry about a speaker later. Its very clear right now theres nobody who can really unite republicans. Tom emmer can throw his name in the hat, as you flagged, hes got serious issues hes going to have to work through. But this is basically an open call at this point. Theres as many as nine or ten people who are likely going to run for speaker this time. What you are seeing is a bunch of younger members, newer members, people who havent been around very long. It seems like what we are looking for at this point is someone who is respected enough, but hasnt made a lot of enemies yet. Because as you know, it only takes four people to block somebody. We are going to see if anybody in this entire conference doesnt have for people that hate them. Brandon, you worked with two republican speakers, john boehner, paul ryan, both of whom were forced out of the position that they were in. In your view, has the job of uniting the House Republican caucus become an Impossible Mission . It is a very, nearly impossible job. Paul ryan resigned on his own, i dont think he got pushed out. But to your point, its almost impossible to keep these people together, when you have a normal sized majority. When john boehner and paul ryan were speaker, we had 20, 30 seat majorities. Kevin mccarthy was dealing with a four seat margin. Weve only gotten more conflicted. Theres a Big Trump Split right down the middle of the party. People want to get past trump, and people who are very happy to be in the middle of trump. They dont get along very well. Plus, its really hard to get things done in any circumstance, as speaker of the house. So, whoever, thats the issue, whoever becomes speaker right now, still has a huge problem ahead of them. Theyve got to fund the government, theyve got to pass it for israel and ukraine. All of those things could end up being fireable offenses, we might be right back here again trying to figure out another speaker. Michael, switching gears, former President Donald Trump was fined 5,000 yesterday, and threatened with jail time for violating a gag order in his new york fraud trial. Meanwhile, in georgia, two of trumps allies, lawyer sydney powell, and can chesbrough, chuck plea deals in the election interference case. Complicating the former president s defense not only in that case, but in the federal special counsel investigation. Now, trump has brushed off his legal entanglements for quite a while now. But now, he seems to be suffering some serious setbacks. And we are even seeing him show up in court rooms voluntarily. Is trump starting to feel the heat, michael . I he is not. I think Donald Trumps worldview as a Trust Fund Baby from new york city is the rules dont apply to him. If you look at his life over the past 40 years or so, thats exactly how he has comported himself. This is just an extension of that behavior. I dont think theres ultimately affects him in a voting capacity, and in a legal capacity, i think we will see. At a state level, but i dont really think this will affect him and his behavior. Michael, i want to get your take on some data cited by politico. On Democratic Research firm found 88 of black voters in 2022 elections voted for the democratic the democrat in their congressional district. Down from 91 two years earlier. Those numbers are adding more fuel to the black voter enthusiasm is falling heading into the 2024 election cycle. Democrats will face a test next month, with elections in mississippi and virginia. To Southern States with large black populations. How concerned are you about what the results will show . The Democratic Party and black voters have a marriage. There are ups and downs. The party does not do enough to engage black voters. I will admit to that. I think, if you look at our options, as Black Americans who are voting here, i dont think republicans are a real option. Right . So what needs to happen is the Democratic Party needs to step up, and deliver more, and engage more with black voters. And give them a reason to come out and vote. Instead of just assuming they are going to vote. All that being said, i dont think that this particular rough patch that we are in means that we lose a significant number of those votes to republicans. But democrats do need to step up, as a party, and really invest in black engagement. Michael hardaway, and brendan buck, thank you both for being with us. Coming up as the Israeli Defense force continues to battle hamas, families are desperate for information about their loved ones taken hostage, and held in gaza. We will speak to the brother of a captured israeli, next. This is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. But the same aipowered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. [stomach growling] its nothing. Sounds like something. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion upset stomach, diarrhea pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. Have Heart Failure with unresolved symptoms . It may be time to see the bigger picture. Heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome. Shortness of breath. And Irregular Heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attrcm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. Sound like you . Call your cardiologist and ask about attrcm. Welcome back to politicsnation. We learned last night about the release of two american prisoners, who were held in gaza by hamas. For the last 11 days. Earlier today, the Israeli Army Published new information on the status of hostages, and ssg persons. The numbers show that about 200 hostages are currently held in the gaza strip. Er 20 of them are children, under the age of 18. Beee 10 to 20 of them are over the age of 60. The majority ofhe hostages are alive. There were also some dead bodies that were taken to the gaza strip. Joining me now is amit shem tov. His brother, i omer, went to the Music Festival that was held near the border on the day of the attack, that is now a hostage by hate hamas. Amit, thank you for joining us. Tell us what is the latest information you have on your brother. The latest information was on monday, two weeks ago. Some Government Officials came over to confirm that omer is being held by hamas, and that hes alive. And ever since, we know nothing. Now, tell us about your brother. What was he like . What is he like . What does he like to do . And how close are the two of you . I want to know about him, because i want people to understand these are human beings. I remember when people in my community were killed on 9 11, in the world trade center, and people get on either side of these issues. We talk about human beings that really have nothing to do with the political issues that are involved. Tell us about your brother. Well, my brother is usually the center of the house. Hes the funniest guy alive. He has so many friends. All of his friends, he told them, come here, every day. Spent time with us. And hes really into music, thats why he went to the festival. He goes to all kinds of festivals. He wishes to be a music producer, and i really hope to see that dream come true. Our relationship is also very good. We do have a little fight every now and then, but its just like brotherhood fights, kind of fights. Hes a great cook, hes a great listener. I talk to him every now and then. Not just every now and then, a lot. Yeah. Its been two weeks. Your mother met with the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, a few days ago, as part of a delegation representing the hostages families. What is the sense she got about the efforts being made to release the hostages . From what i understood, the First Priority are the hostages. This is pretty much my knowledge. She told me there were a bunch of families, each family told their story. And then, netanyahu told them that the First Priority is to get back the hostage is safe, with the least amount of casualties. One of the things that i have found that a lot of people Around The World do not understand, in america, doesnt understand, is that there are those in israel that support or oppose netanyahu. There are those in palestine, many who it dont support hamas. There are people that are just ordinary people on both sides of this. And i think that people need to understand with the hostages, we are not talking about people who were in the military, or supporting hamas either way. These are regular people that were supporting netanyahu, some of them were against what was going on there. Theyve been captured. What do you want the world to know about the situation, you and your family, and your brother, find yourselves in . First of all, i wish no one in the world to feel the way we feel these past two weeks. Of course, theres left and right, but theres no time for this right now. We are in a situation that we need to be together and unite, in order to bring back all the hostages back home. Today, we read a rally, it was very exciting. Its not to say, but we stood together, and we sang and i heard a lot of stories. I was blown away. Theres 200 families that are missing their loved ones. Its truly, truly horrific. Well, amit shem tov, tank you for coming on, and putting a human face on this whole crisis. I hope you received some good news soon. Thank you for coming on. Thank you. Up next, im offering inspired by young people 21 days of prayer. I will explain during after this next break. After advil. Feeling better . On top of the worlddddd before advil. Advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. When pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liquigels. Oh. Stuffed up again . So congested you need sinex saline from vicks. Just sinex, breathe, ahhhh what is wow sinex. Breathe. Ahhhhhh no. No. Nuhuh. Yeah. Oh. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Isnt this great . Yeeaahhhh yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. Oh hey would you like to join us . No. We would love to join you. I was very touched when my younger daughter, ashley sharpton, came to me with some of the young people from now shacks network and said they wanted to have 21 days of prayer for peace, and on both sides, and all sides, in israel. After what had happened on the first day. And we started that this week. Every day at noon, for 21 days we are praying for the hostages, we are praying for priests on both sides and the stopping of killing on both sides. This must be a moral side where we see all lives as something sacred and we see civilians as something that should not be used as collateral damage. Im proud of those young people, i did the first day of prayer, reverend w. Franklin richardson and other leading ministers have join them on a daily basis. Whether you join us or not, and you can go to w w w dot National Action network. Net, and what other way you worship, whether your christian, jewish, muslim, buddhist, whatever it is, let us put in our minds and hearts a prayer for peace in this situation. I know at this point it is still a lot of turmoil, a lot of back and forward, but somehow, we must break this cycle of pain and respect citizens in both sides. I have always advocated a two state solution, but right now, i would settle for just stopping the suffering both on the gaza side, and on the israeli side. For regular people who have to live, and some unfortunately dying as a result of peoples who make decisions, when their family and them are not the one on the battlefield. Which it used to be regular communities. Lets have a two state solution, but lets have prayer for life right now. Well be right back. Ht back. His allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. It looks like nutritious food, and it is. Im investing in my dogs health and happiness. Get started at longlivedogs. Com my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Have you ever considered getting a walkin tub . F well, look no further. Rn relief, prilosec otc. Proudly made in tennessee, a safe step walkin tub is the best in its class. 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. That does it for me, thanks join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. For watching. I will see you back here tomorrow at five pm, eastern. For another live hour of politicsnation. American voices with Alicia Menendez starts right now. Thank you so much, reverend sharpton, hello everyone, im Alicia Menendez. At this hour, Israeli Forces are preparing for a ground invasion. Today, israeli combat soldiers at the boulder were told they would enter gaza to, quote, destroy hamas operatives and hamas infrastructure. This, as aid finallbe

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