Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

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Fired by the Palestinian Militant Group Islamic Jihad that hit the hospital. Islamic jihad has denied responsibility. The idf saying that evidence at the site shows it was not an israeli missile, which would have left a large crater. Structural damage the walls stay intact. No craters. These are the characterized that shows that it is not an aerial munition that have hit the parking lot. They say they have intercepts in which Palestinian Militants acknowledge it was not an israeli missile, while hamas says the idf warned people to evacuate around the hospital before the explosion, and that damage is consistent with an israeli strike. The carnage at the hospital loomed over this critical visit. The president touching down in israel, greeting the Prime Minister. This hugged on the tarmac. A trip aimed at showing solidarity with one of america s closest allies. People of israel people of the world to know the United States stands. Thank you for standing with israel today, tomorrow, and always. After the massive Hamas Terror Attack on israel the Terrorist Group Hamas has slaughtered, its been pointed out, over 1300 people. And it is not hyperbole to suggest slaughtered. Slaughtered. And including 31 americans. The president , hearing the horrors of that day from israeli first responders. Children, little for their parents, murdered in front of their parents and meeting families of hostages held by Hamas Terrorists inside gaza, including americans. President biden facing pressure to bring them home. Mr. Biden making this high stakes trip in the middle of a dangerous war zone with hamas still firing rockets. Less than two hours after he left, Air Raid Sirens sounding in the heart of tel aviv. Meanwhile, inside gaza, the humanitarian crisis entire neighborhoods flattened by israeli retaliation strikes. Tonight, after a request from mr. Biden, israel says it will end its gaza siege and allow badly needed food, water and medicine in across the egypt border, but not across israeli borders, until hamas free the hostages. And late to nay today, announcing egypts president will allow 20 trucks of aid into gaza. Do is open the gate. Now, to the anger that has erupted after that Hospital Explosion in gaza. Heres nbcs richard engel. This is the explosion that has shaken the middle east. New video shows that deadly explosion at a hospital in gaza city that reportedly killed hundreds and sparked protests. From iran to yemen to lebanon, where demonstrators directed their anger against the United States, israels main backer. Security forces in beirut used Water Cannons and tear gas to disperse crowds outside the u. S. Embassy. In the west bank, palestinians today dragged out the barricades and slung rocks at Israeli Soldiers. There were not many. Mostly teenagers. Israeli troops kept their distance, but when the stone throwers got to close the soldiers opened fire. Sending medical crews rushing in. Here is one more injured being taken away. Israelis are them off with what appears to be rubber bowl its at this stage. No one was seriously injured here today. But a new generation of palestinians is taking to the streets, while israel and hamas are blaming each other for the Hospital Explosion, a new Palestinian Uprising could be starting. Iran, which backs both hamas and hezbollah, is working to fan the rage even further. Irans president calling on muslim nations to isolate israel, impose an oil embargo and bring revenge. We begin tonight with nbcs Ellison Barber at the ellison i know you have spoken to a gaza resident. What are you hearing about it . Yeah, we spoke to a couple of people who are inside gaza shortly after President Biden finished his meetings and left israel. One person we spoke to, he said he is not entirely sure if this humanitarian agreement holds. He is not entirely sure that the aid will get to the people who need it the most. He also said he was disappointed that there were not more discussions, more of a focus on what he described as the root causes of this conflict. Listen. Which is extremely scarce ripped apart and most areas of the gaza strip, it was massive logistical and administrative task. Violence to stop. President biden should focus his efforts on that, in particular. The aid into this place. He said, they desperately need aid inside, but even once that aid, if it gets in there, that it would be very difficult, given the situation inside of gaza right now, four to possibly get to the places that it needs to go. In this humanitarian deal that the president announced after meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the israeli cabinet, he says that egypt has agreed, as well as israel, to allow this aid to cross from egyptian territory into gaza through the sole land crossing, there the rafah crossing. We know there are massive amounts of aid at the border just waiting to get in. Egyptian red crescent, they have said their Storage Units in that area are full of supplies. The eu has sent humanitarian aid in, as well as other groups. Right now, it is at that border, not able to cross. But as we are listening to these discussions, i think to keep in mind is that there are other groups involved in this. Its not just egypt, israel and the United States that needs to be on board with the plan to get people humanitarian aid. There is also hassan side of gaza. Theres also Islamic Jihad. And so far we have not heard from any of those groups inside of in terms of this plan to allow aid to cross into southern gaza. There are also, i will remind people there was a moment a week ago where we thought the rafah Border Crossing was going to be open, so that foreign nationals could leave and foreign aid could come in. That did not happen. But there is no doubt, Alicia Menendez, that humanitarian aid is desperately needed the lines of people waiting just to get bread. He also sent us a video showing how his family they are from gaza city, but they have relocated south how they are scooping in buckets water out of what can only be described as a fairly dirty pool that is nearby the area where they are staying, to then port in the toilet so that they can flush it. He said they have no water and they have no access to basic necessities right now. Alicia . Humanitarian crisis. Indeed ellison, it may be The 11th Hour here. Its a little after six a. M. Where you are. Whats been happening overnight . Its been relatively quiet on the section of the border artillery bombardments, we have not seen any of rockets coming in and either this section but we have been looking at the gaza skyline, where you can sometimes see it through the fog from where we are right now, here and there we see pockets of orange glowing, a bombardment strikes taking place inside of gaza. Alicia . What Ellison Barber at the israel gaza border. Ellison, as always, thank you. With that lets bring in our lead off panel, former fbi special agent clint watts. Hes also a consultant to the fbis Counterterrorism Division and in an assembly see Msnbc National Security analyst. Michael mcfaul, former u. S. Ambassador to russia and msnbc International Affairs analyst. Ambassador michael mcfaul, i want to begin with you. This is President Bidens second wartime trip. Your biggest take away from his visit to israel . I am glad President Biden is the president of the United States. This is exactly what we need to be doing. This is super hard work. He is trying to support an ally, and their right to self defense. And at the same time prevent a bigger war and, at the same time, provide humanitarian assistance to the palestinians, as you were just talking about. That is a very difficult multitask that he is trying to pull off. But better him than anybody else. I would also say the same about secretary blinken. What he has done, while everybody else is talking about what should be done, and standing on the sidelines, they are trying to accomplish these goals and, so far they may fail, lets be clear, we are early on but so far, i am deeply impressed with this diplomatic effort. Ambassador, lets talk about the second and third part of your answer. I want you to take a listen to some of what President Biden told netanyahu today. Israel, as they respond to this attacks, it seems to me that have to continue to ensure that you have what you need to defend yourselves. And we are going to make sure that occurs, as you know. And we have to also bear in mind that hamas does not represent all the palestinian people. And has brought them only suffering. It also means encouraging lifesaving capacity to help the palestinians who are innocent, caught in all the middle of this. Its not power our example its the world is looking. Israel has a values set like the United States does. And other democracies. And looking to see what we are going to do. Ambassador, the significance of an american president traveling to israel to share that message. Exact. I just think its spot on. I could not corrected any, way shape or form. Maybe a slight when i correct is, we dont actually know what the palestinian support for hamas is or not, because its a dictatorship. They have not had an election there for a long time. But trying to do both, as he did, we are going to support you, we are going to provide Military Assistance to support you, you have the right to self defense. And at the same time, we need to help you and help everyone limit casualties inside gaza. I think that is exactly the right message. And i would note, i think it is in israels National Security interests to do the same. Its not in their interest to have civilian casualties in gaza. I think they appreciate that. And i think having biden say it as well helps them. And the last thing i want to say, you rightly were talking to you reporter before we got on. What is hamas doing to help palestinians . We have our agreement. We have the agreement with the israelis and the egyptians. We heard nothing with respect to whether they are going to allow this assistance to come in. So, at a time when the people in palestine need help and i 100 support that it is the United States of america that is doing it. It is not hamas, it is not jinping xi jinping alleviate their suffering. Clint watts, nbc reports this just flooding social media with calls for violence. I wonder, as you watch this, what are you watching for. And how concerned are you about what it is we can see yeah, across the board, every group is taking some sort of an angle. Every Extremist Group is taking some sort of an angle based on the conflict and what their positions would predictably be. I think what im most concerned about is, when do we see specific language around targeting and mobilization. You could think back to domestic events inside the United States, or specific calls to jihad for Osama Bin Laden dating back over the past 20 years. With a typically do, and when their concern should rise, is when they specific targets at specific times and specific dates. And we have not seen that yet. But the first indication that we could be going down that path was the protests that sprung up overnight based on the first headlines that came out about that hospital. So, just looking forward and trying to understand a little bit about how this might go, i think we need to look for how we have incidents popov, how quickly information gets relayed in social media. People tend to believe that which they see firsthand, at which they see the most. There is a lot of propaganda out there right now. And so as the truth thats why Intelligence Community to do what they did today was really put forward information that only they could know about the actual exact and the rocket, the errant rocketed hit a Hospital Area just yesterday. Clint watts, dhs warning of a heightened threat environment for jews, for muslims in the u. S. Up against right now . Yeah, so, a couple components to this. The first one is the organized groups that we are always looking at to see if they are planning upon an attack and picking targets. Thats what we are looking for in the social media space. Do they pick an event . They pick a series of targets . But the other part is the media and terrorism, which is always a big risk, especially in the post ices era and leading up to, it which was, if there is some sort of a call for terrorism, there is someone that maybe has no direct communication with a terrorist group, that decides they are motivated about the doing it on their own. That essentially seems to be what we have seen yesterday in brussels, with two people being shot in the streets and another wounded. The worry is, the pace of those could increase, and every time you have an attack like that, it could be something that inspires another attack that is in a similar vein. Ambassador michael mcfaul, while you had putin front and center with chinas xi jinping today. Im wondering how you see that specific contrast, especially as you have the United States brought in with in the middle east. I would say a couple of. Things they are at the belt and road initiative, the tenth anniversary talking about that initiative. That is a xi jinping initiative, not a Vladimir Putin initiative. Its really his show, not putins. Number two, as i said before, i dont see any initiative from either china or russia to try to do anything to resolve the crisis, to help palestinians. Who is being called as the United States of america . I would just remind you, months ago, where we are talking about how china was going to fill the vacuum that the United States has left in the middle east with the saudis and the iranians. They have not shown up to do that. But number three, putin enjoys this. Because we are talking about a different war. We are talking about a different crimes against humanity, alleged or not. We are not talking about what he is doing inside ukraine. And that is good for Vladimir Putin. Ambassador michael mcfaul, you have President Biden giving a primetime address tomorrow. I wonder what it is you think he will say to the nation, and the congress. One, im glad hes doing it. I think he needs to explain to the American People what our interests are in being engaged, what our values are, and what he has been saying in the middle east he now needs to say to the American People. Number two, i am glad he is bringing together this war and our support for israel with ukraine. I think that is right. I think he needs to explain and using this moment to say, provide that Military Assistance now. And number three, and that is a message to the congress. We cannot have an absent congress right now. There is too much going on in the world to not have a partner with the executive branch. And i hope Members Of Congress will hear that message. I hope american citizens will hear that message and put some pressure on the representatives in congress to get their act together, pick a speaker, and then to support this Military Assistance for israel and for ukraine. Talking about that a little bit later in the. Show clint watts ambassador michael mcfaul, thank you so much for getting us started. Coming up, we are going to talk to congressman Jared Moskowitz about President Bidens message today in israel, and the white houses proposal for billions of dollars in aid. And later, in the middle of this conflict, there is still no speaker of the house. Jim jordan lost a second ballot today. And brendan buck if youre on the gop gridlock and what it all means for that aid to israel as The 11th Hour gets underway on a wednesday night. Y night. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. We are starting to get home of the xfinity 10g network. Details about the kind of funding the Biden White House wants to send to help israel during this war. Three sources tell nbc news that the supplemental aid package would add up to around 100 Billion Dollars between israel, ukraine, taiwan, and the southern border. The numbers are not final and, of course, Congress Cannot Pass Anything until the house elect speaker. Joining me tonight, for the democratic congressman Jared Moskowitz. Congressman, thank you for being with us. You are assessment of the white houses proposal . I think it is an excellent proposal from President Biden. Obviously, the president has been super clear on where the United States stands on our friends and allies in ukraine, with russia invading that country. And now, obviously, with the horrific attacks in israel, and standing lockstep with israel, the president doing a good job of being Crystal Clear on that, and now coming with that aid package that is a that he has been talking about. So, its a historic package for israel and a historic moment. Again, the largest amount of jews peeled on a single day since the holocaust. Congressman, you are one of to take a firmer stance against iran right now. The administration has said there is no smoking gun that links iran to the attack. Can you then explain why, in your view, this is an urgent issue in this crisis . Number one, in a larger sponsor terror in the entire world. Number two they are exploiting the situation right now. So, even though, perhaps, they were only indirectly involved with the usual money they have been giving hamas for the past decade, plus, they are trying to incite this by giving hezbollah the goahead to start doing some attacks here in israel, maybe not full scale invasion, but iran is pushing all of the buttons and moving all of the levers now trying to incite violence around the world and, the arab world, the muslim world. And so, iran is playing in this global conflict. There is no doubt. And the u. S. Needs to step up its efforts by being tougher on sanctions, the fact that they are selling oil to china, which is funding terrorist actions, and obviously with the potential for them to enrich uranium passed that 90 mark, which would give them the ability to answer these are the things that the United States must be super tough on with iran. Congressman, during the president s remarks in tel aviv, he talked about the comparison between the hamas attack on israel and 9 11 here in the United States. I want to play you part of what he said. The scale may be different, but im sure those horrors have tapped into some kind of primal feeling in israel just like it did and felt in the United States. Shock, pain, rage. And an allconsuming rage. But i caution this, while you feel that rage. They would be consumed by it. After 9 11, we were enraged in the United States. While we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. Congressman, i want your response to the remarks writ large, but specifically that last line that he ended on. Saw justice and got justice. We also made mistakes. Look, i think the president is giving good advice, trying to explain to israel that they should be measured and they should be smart, and they should be aware of the double standard that israel has to suffer. Do the antisemitism in the world i think the president is giving wise advice. Listen, there is going to be appeasement. There is not going to be a ceasefire. The president knows this, of course, especially while there is hundreds of hostages in gaza, 1300 people slaughtered in israel, and babies killed, a whole families wiped out. When i was growing up, my grandmother, who escaped the holocaust as part of a germany, we talk to me about things, and it felt like a story. It felt like the history books. What happened in israel was not just an event for israel. It was an event for the Jewish Community around the world that reminded us that there are people that still want to fulfill what hitler tried to do in germany, which is to remove the jewish people from earth. And so this is something that is in our psyche. But i think the president is giving good advice that, look, theres a humanitarian crisis in gaza. We should allow humanitarian aid in their. They are innocent people in gaza. We should make sure we are doing everything we can to make them as safe as possible. But make no mistake about, it the president is well aware that hamas needs to be eliminated from the gaza strip. I have to ask you about the speaker situation in the stakes. Here one of the stakes for congress being paralyzed during such a critical time . Look, jim jordan, apparently likes to continue to take an out. And he will get another one tomorrow and he will lose again if he goes for third now. The stakes could not be higher. The republicans are in complete chaos caused by donald trump and the politics of maga that is taking over their entire caucus. The democrats are ready to work on a bipartisan basis to get congress open, to pass this aid package for israel and ukraine, to make sure the government can stay open, to make sure they are doing the work of the American People, and so, look, i am willing to look across the aisle, as we have been saying. We are willing to help throw our Friends A Lifeline here to get the republicans out of this chaos, but this is something that often they making, and its what happens when you let the fringe run the party. Remember, that rule that was passed to allow one member to make a motion to vacate every single republican voted for that rule and every single democrat voted against. So, this is a manufactured crisis, solely by maga, but democrats are ready to help them and bail them out and make sure our congress can work for allies and show democracy still working in the United States. Congressman, ive got about 30 seconds left, but i do want to ask, you you told my colleague ryan nobles that speaker mchenry get vaguely reference that they are, after two failed votes for jim jordan, ive got to know. Do you think that thiss where this is heading . Listen, i think so. I think there is enough moderate republicans that realize they have got to get it open, and they need more time. Republicans need more time, obviously, to figure this out. Look, Henry Mchenry is a republican, he republican whatever you but right now weve got to get the i am open to that. Obviously, the devil is in the details. We have to sit down and they have to present that. But i think Democrats En Masse are ready to get the house of representatives working for the people. Again congressman Jared Moskowitz, thank you so much for your time tonight. Coming, up the hardworking stories of the hamas hostages and when the news The 11th Hour continues. Ontinues attention Hearing Loss Sufferers do you struggle to hear loved ones . Do you have trouble keeping up with conversations . Do you listen to tv on max volume . Hearing loss makes you miss out on important moments. You feel alone. Start hearing better today, with rcas all new micro hearing aids. 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For me, as the american president , there is no higher priority than the release and safe return of all these hostages. During a visit to tel aviv today, President Biden made it clear promise to hundreds of families of hamas hostages. They are not alone, and there is no higher priority for the u. S. I am joined by udi goren, whose cousin at his Coutts Kibbutz , thank you udi have you heard from since your thank, you alicia, for having me on and being able to tell my cousins story. In the past few days. And actually, we dont really know what was happened since he was part of the emergencies what of his kibbutz he was one of the first people to tackle the terrorists and, did he work in pairs, so him and his brotherinlaw were pair that went to confront the terrorists and at some Point Connection was lost and ever since then we, nor the other people, have been Emergency Squad know what had happened. Our hopes are that, since his mobile phone was traced to gaza, that he is alive and captured. So, right now, we are at the point where, the bestcase scenario is that he is alive and being held hostage. Your mothers family were living on that kibbutz. You texted with him during the hamass attack. Just talk us through what that was like. It was gutwrenching for us. Because we were texting with them as they were in the Bomb Shelters, as they were two of my uncles were actually Arm Wrestling with terrorists on inside their home in, when they are in the bomb shelter, they are Arm Wrestling to keep the handle closed so they would not break in. We did not know that this was happening at the time, but we kept texting. We knew that things were going on. They are very tough people and so as we were left the details out, also, for reasons of security, you know, god knows what else hamas was doing on social media or Tracing Whatsapp messages. So, we did not really know what was going on. The same as most people in israel were not aware of what was going on and several hours. But they were in the Bomb Shelters for at least 12 hours. Udi, you have been critical of these raley response, the Global Response to this attack, writing, quote, seeking revenge is understandable. But it is not a policy. Tell me more. I think that what should be leading us, israel, is to think what is in our interests. And i think President Biden put it very well. You played several of his clips, stating that he cares for the hostages, he cares about human life. In his first speech when this occurred, he said, the that we place human life dignity, that is what makes us who we are. And i could not agree more. Because we and i speak also for tahls family. We dont seek reaction, we dont seek revenge not responsible for their governments doing. And i want to ask the question, every day, is what we are doing right now, that we keep bombing gaza is this in our interests . Does this provide as more certainty of our lives . Does this provide us a way that would bring the hostages back alive . We have suffered israel has suffered 1300 losses. It really is the worst day of the nation of israel. The worst day we have ever known. And we still have a chance to keep that number at 1300, and not turn it into 1500. Because we have about 200 hostages. Elderly, people who are sick with chronic diseases. Children, young children. Infants. And it is right now still in our hands to bring them back home. And if we all agree and i think we all agree that hamas has completely disregard for human lives, ours and gazans, we should be the one proactively advancing the return of the hostages. And i want to plead President Biden to keep promoting this message, and to keep stating that human lives matter. All human lives matter. As far as i am concerned, there are 200 more tragedies that are still preventable. Hes reals right now on the verge of taking a major decision. Are we going to go into the Ground Invasion . And i am certain it has value at the strategic level. But if we do this, what would be our chances to bring these people back home . In whenever how long it takes . Are they going to still be there. Are they still going to be alive . Are they going to stay unharmed. Again, i think President Biden was just spot on with saying that, following 9 11, the response that the u. S. Had had made some mistakes. And i will say, i want to add to congressman Jared Moskowitz s where mark and say that the actions that hamas took he mentioned his holocaust surviving grandmother. What hamas did is touch upon every basic fear that it is really has, or that jew has. Its very true that their actions were as horrendous as the stories that we heard, in ancient history, that we thought would never, ever happen again. And they have been able to spark this fear. This is their very primal fear in us, and this means that we feel, many israelis feel that we are under a risk of annihilation. They are coming for us again. But israel is strong. Israel has one of the most powerful armies in the middle east. We have the u. S. Backing us up. We are not under threat of annihilation. This is the time to make conscious decisions, to make rational decisions, and to put human lives first. The lives of the hostages, the lives of the israeli civilians that are still suffering from shelling, from gaza, and we will continue to suffer as long as this war continues. The lives of gazan civilians, and also, i would say, the lives of the soldiers that the Israeli Soldiers that are going to go into the Ground Invasion. The last few times we went into the palestinian cities, that we went into gaza, ended with horrendous tragedies. There is going to be more loss of life. There is going to be hundreds of soldiers that would suffer from post Traumatic Stress disorder. That israel is dealing with daily. And i would, again, stress this message. Four tahls family, for myself, we dont seek revenge. We dont secretorily a shunt. We want to press the point that human lives matter and there is still a decision to be made. Udi goren, i want to thank you so much for your time as you process your own grief. Thank you. Coming, up Getting Congress back to work is proving a lot easier said than done. Jim jordan loses a second House Speaker vote today, when The 11th Hour continues. We planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. You think those two have any idea . That they can sell their Life Insurance policy for cash . So theyre basically sitting on a goldmine . I dont think they have a clue. Thats crazy well, not everyone knows coventrys helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. Even term policies. I cant believe theyre just sitting up there sitting on all this cash. 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Right now, the world is focused on israel on how it is flaming tensions across the globe. President biden made a historic wartime trip to tel aviv to show u. S. Government support for israel. At home, the lawmakers, who control the power of the purse, there are paralyzed. The republicancontrolled all still without a speaker. For a second day in a row, congressman jim jordan failed to win the gavel and lost support in todays vote to elect him. Jordan says hes not giving up, and the next vote could have been at noon eastern tomorrow, but the temporary speaker Patrick Mchenry said that the timing is not set in stone. Here with me tonight, brendan buck, former Chief Communication Adviser for both Speaker Paul Ryan and john boehner. What are the realistic ways out of this, brendan buck . I think for jim jordan 17 or so votes, that seems unrealistic at this point. Ultimately, this is in the hands at the entire house. They will come to a point pretty soon that jim jordan is never going to get there, and he realizes that. The second that there wasnt a towel, they have to do something else. I dont see that there is a person who can get 270 votes in the republican congress, so then what do you do . You have two options really. They both revolve around Patrick Mchenry, the speaker pro tempore. One, the house can take the action to empower the speaker, a temporary speaker, that would require a bill of the house, a majority at the house. I think that is unlikely to happen just with republican votes. I did there are a lot of jim jordan supporters that are sore about what is going on, so theyll be looking for revenge. Thats where you enter the bipartisan governance scenario, you talk to with the congressman before. I think there is a chance that democrats and republicans vote together to support Patrick Mchenry for some period of time and give him power as speaker. That may fall apart, so that leaves you with the last option. If the house cannot vote to empower a real speaker or temporary speaker in Patrick Mchenry, Patrick Mchenry could potentially just move forward without any other powers to bring legislation to the floor. The way he can do that is, he can make a motion to call up anybody, to bring up a bill. That may be challenged, they may say, you dont have the power to do that. Ultimately, it will be up to the house of representatives to vote on whether he has the power to do that. Do you believe on how this is changing dynamics for the political caucus . This is really interesting. Its an important question. The rules that have held the conference together were not together, seem to throw the book out the window at this point. Moderates, for, once you start to stand up from cells. And the Freedom Caucus now has got so much bad blood and theres the lack of goodwill, lets really i think completely shifted the power dynamics. I think for, once the Freedom Caucus cannot just assume that the moderates are going to fold. So you may have a lot more tension within the conference that could play itself out in a lot of interesting ways. But what it may do, finally, is open the door for a little more bipartisanship. But you have right now these people blocking jim jordan saying i want to govern, i want to do things, i want to start acting. The only partners willing to do that are democrats. I can tell you how much of a change that is. I sat in so many Conference Meetings where just the idea of working with democrats inflames people. Its what Got Can Mccarthy fired, working with democrats to pass a shortterm spending bill. But the idea that this is now theoretically on the table, and dont get me wrong, and could still very much blowup and not work out as well, just because the tension there. I like the constant caveats, because we actually have all been watching whats been happening. Ive got two questions that i want to get in. One is what do you think American Voters are thinking as they watch this debacle . My second question is if you have republicans and democrats come together on some type of compromise candidate, what then do you think is the narrative in the mind of the American Voter . Well, it would be remarkable they can pull it off. And i think it would be its not a sustainable model. Just understand that those two teams, he may have different priorities. The democrats wanted to Feet Republicans and republicans want to defeat democrats. So you cant do that forever, at least in our system. I am thinking and look at our country right now think that we are in a position for kumbaya politics. However, i do worry that people are watching, that republicans just have no confidence in him whatsoever. Its not a question of whether the soldiers sort of blends together, we have these showdowns in the shutdowns and everything comes together. Were so far from any lecture, i dont know necessarily if its doing for republicans. But if they want to get we can support israel, if you cant support ukraine, if we shut down the current simply because we dont have, speaker to be huge crisis. Pay rob, you landed on the stakes, incas sometimes i think its easy to seem like political machinations, but its political machinations with big consequences. Brendan buck, thank you so much for being with us. Coming up, home once meant safety, w that is forever changed the children of war. We will look at their new lives through their eyes on The 11th Hour continues. Continues occasional heartburn wont let you sleep. [sfx game controller] get fast relief with tums heartburn sleep support. Love food back and fall asleep faster. Tums tums tums tums heres why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. 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My son, four years old, he just started talking with the Terrorist Bodies that he saw. Her volunteers like Nursery Teacher shot her, the trauma is plain to see. I can see many kids not willing to move away from their family parents, speaking about many kinds of things he wouldnt want small children to speak about. Anthonys family hid for hours and their safe room, reading about the horrors on their phones, leaving a father of three considering the unthinkable. I one point i thought i was gonna have to kill my own kids. Mira entered teenage daughters came face to face with the terrorists. And we just said to them please dont kill us. Please, we didnt do anything, dont kill us. A spared her and her daughter, spent took or husband and daughters boyfriend. Too much sadness and too much on that nobody is crying, its like no contact between my heart in my mind era. A Community Heartbroken and now, their children changed forever. They just want to be kids. They want to be kids again. But first, they will need to find a way to feel safe again. Kelly colby a, nbc news, the dnc, israel. They just want to be kids again, absolutely heartbreaking. And on that note, i wish you a good night. Im Alicia Menendez in for stephanie ruhle. From all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news thank you for staying up late with us. Tonight on all in. The honorable jim jordan of the state of ohio has received 199. The honorable Hakeem Jeffries of the state of new york has received 212. [laughter] trumps pick to lead the house goes down again. No amount of election denying is going to take away from those vote totals. Tonight, the excruciating failure of the maga candidate, the democratic push for a bipartisan solution, and what we know about a timeline for a resolution. The time for democracy in our country that an insurrection was rejected by the republicans again, as their candidate for speaker. And tensions soar in the middle east after that deadly hospital blast. There is new hope for humanitarian aid flowing into gaza, as the president meets with families of hostages in israel. The call for caution continues. Justice must be done

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