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We are covering the israelhamas war. Were Tracking Developments late today as republicans are scrambling to agree on any replacement for ousted House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy. We have a report on that and all its implications later in the newscast. Today u. S. Secretary of state Antony Blinken was in israel for meetings with prime Minster Netanyahu as troop amass at the border. Amidst blinkens trip, the Israeli Government today released new graphic Photo Evidence of the mass atrocities. Israel says the photos show how hamas murdered and burned babies, which blinken acknowledged while pledging u. S. Support. He a reiterated bidens views that the destruction is on par with isis. Soldiers beheaded, young people burned alive in their cars or in their rooms. In a litany of brutality and inhumanity that, yes, brings to mind the worst of isis. The first accounts of those acts came initially from israeli soldiers. They recounted what they had just seen after reclaiming areas under attack. Its not a war. Its not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers in their bedrooms in the protection rooms, and how the terrorists killed them. Who could do this . They must have shed their family and whats left of something inhuman to see Baby Carriages with bullet holes in them and blood. Who goes up to a baby and kills a baby . Those initial accounts were later over this week corroborated as journalists reached to same areas and scenes and sifted through evidence of how hamas terrorist killed civilians and burned houses in order to kill the people hiding inside or to force them out so that terrorists could then kill them as they fled the homes they were burning down. Israel made the decision to release these new photographs today. Msnbc has determined that while these images are profoundly disturbing and graphic, journalistically they are also evidence pointing to the atrocities israel says were committed by hamas. On this program we have decided to broadcast the images once today. You can decide whether to view them or to look away. A warning they are graphic. They will be on the screen in a few seconds. Israel says these three pictures show victims of hamas, murdered babies, one bloodied, two others burnt. This is done by Hamas Terrorists. Here are the images. Israel says that is just some of the humanity toll of what soldiers faced as they reached homes and villagers massacred by hamas. Here is more of what u. S. Secretary blinken said in response today. This was just one of hamas countless acts of terror. Its hard to find the right words. Its beyond what anyone would ever want to imagine, much less actually see and, god forbid, experience. A baby, an infant riddled with bullet. Babies slaughtered, bodies desecrated, young people burned alive, women raped, parents executed in front of their children, children in front of their parents. I could go on, but its simply depravity in the worst imaginable way. It it almost defies comprehension. Were joined now by middle east peace negotiator and State Department veteran david miller, and who reported from middle east countries ranging from 9 11 to the arab spring. Erin, we showed those images here once as part of our newscast. What do you see in those images and their role in what israel has released today . You know, the savagery and the brutality, the is discriminant killing of incidence was not some haphazard act. It was a willful effort on the part of hamas to demonstrate not just fear and terror but also to demonstrate to the Israeli Government and the israeli public the helplessness, the utter helplessness of israelis in the face of this kind of terror. I think by and large it had to be isis influenced. It would not surprise me if year of saturation of isis videos, similar tactics the burnings, beheadings, indiscriminant killings, have been adopted by hamas and incorporated into these tactics. And i think it provides extraordinary honest brutal context. And i think will go some way of shaping the direction of what the israelis intend to do in gaza. I would say as a human, despite these pictures, we cannot allow them to crowd out the basic humanity and the innocence of palestinians who are trapped, ordinary palestinians who are trapped in this conflict. But its a terrible reminder the price that israelis now are paying. And i think, sadly, were about to enter, ari, i think, an even darker time. Elise . Absolutely. And i mean, ill pick up where aaron left off. And we have been seeing these pictures not just on the screens, but, you know, weve covered in israel. We have friends in israel. We have been getting these pictures. Were speaking to people in the region, and the shock and there have been comparisons to the holocaust. And they say this is the holocaust the israelis are saying this is the holocaust all again. And the sheer brutality is whats really shocking. We would see during the isis period killings, beheadings. They were one at a time, two at a time. And you would hear stories. But in one day to see so much savagery, so much murder is just terrible. And what aaron was saying about the horror that the israelis are feeling and that hamas brought on then, theyre also bringing it on the palestinians. And as we about to see the incursion and Israeli Military campaign thats about to happen, the palestinians trapped in gaza are going to be paying the price. Hamas will be crushed but the palestinians are really going to feel this, the action of hamas even more. We have some coverage particularly of that scheduled in this broadcast as well. Aaron, youre referring to sort of the the complexity of situation that this is the evidence of these atrocities, war crimes committed against babies. But youre quick to say that shouldnt be used as some sort of effort or excuse to do other things. But what do you see, aaron, in sort of what what israel has chosen to share here . Because it also suggest a kind of a plaintive cry for help and, in a strategic sense, a type of decision to at least acknowledge a type of pain and weakness, in a sense, that hamas was not at all contained, that they were able do this and strike this effectively. Will go through a period it wont happen now. The same set of circumstances and terms of intelligence and operational failures characterize this 1973 war. And a commission was set up which held the security, military responsible and left the Political Leadership untouched. At some point theres going to be an accounting. There will be a National Commission that will review these intelligence and operational failures. And i suspect if theres any good news since saturday, its the fact that you now have a National Unity government with benny gantz, former Chief Of Staff and minister of defense scotty eisencut. I think theyll have a degree of leveling and cooler impact on the impulses of an otherwise extremist Israeli Government. And perhaps they will have some influence in shaping what the israelis are about to do. But again, i think that in view of the context, the government of the israel is going to launch an operation to eradicate hamas Military Presence in gaza. And the price and cost that will be paid in israeli lives, largely in terms of palestinian lives, is going to be a prohibitive one. And when i say were entering a dark time, we have been in a dark time, and were going to be in it for some time, and its its a situation that the u. S. Will try to amile rate and shape, but i think its going to be extremely difficult in the days ahead. Ari, i just want to pick up elise i want to bring you in, i just want to play one item and then your response on this point of what democracies do, but also how they are supposed to govern and limit themselves even or some would say especially during war. This was Secretary Blinken today. We democracies distinguish ourselves from terrorists by striving for a different standard, even when its difficult and holding ourselves to account when we fall short. Our humanity, the value we place on human life and human dignity, thats what makes us who we are. Elise, given your experience i did want to you weigh in on that, because in the highest altitude and with great diplomacy, as they say, people do read that as blinken and the Biden Administration as u. S. Allies with israel still trying to say that there are expectations, measures that democracies sbrul of Law Democracies have even in war. Soy want to you weigh in on that as well as the point you wanted to share. Look, just to finish the point, and it kind of goes into what you were saying you made an important point about that israel is showing It Vulnerability here and its weakness. I think in addition to the pain that theyre feeling, i think this is also to show and this is something im hearing from the region which is if it happens to us, it can happen to you. And, you know, were talk about these are isislike tactics. This type of terrorism, i think what were hearing from the region is its not just isolated to israel. On the on Secretary Blinken, i dont think it was such a subtle message. I mean, thats definitely the message that hes delivering very pointedly in israel weve got your back. Were going to give you the military ammunition, weapons, everything you need. Were going to give thaw Political Support. But youre going to have to find a way to do what you need to do in a way that does not, you know, completely a, ameliorate the normalization israel is finding in the nation, b, does not come back to hurt the u. S. In term of the Political Support its giving israel, and c, incur more attacks, and d, there is a day after. And how are they going to recover from this and end the conflict that we all that stems from what, you know, hamas and these terrorist groups claim as their reason for going after israel . And so i think there are some very Difficult Conversations that Secretary Blinken is having, but its not just a message from himself, its a message from these arab countries that they took a big risk signing these deals with israel. Dont make us regret it. Its a reminder what youre referring to, thats what the hardliners want. Hamas and hardliners dont want any of the alliance or progress to hold. In that sense, they are its them against everyone, but they welcome the strongest response, no matter who it hurts. Elise, youre coming back, to stay with us. Aaron david miller, thank you. Well be coming to you in the days ahead, im sure. As mentioned we have a report on what is an increasingly desperate humanitarian situation on the ground in gaza as well as an update on that speakers race. Well be back in one minute. Ba. We went through horror, really. Im just, like im 24, and i never imagined Something Like this would happen. And if this is any way to help, like, First Priority First Priority are our friends and family that are now in gaza. Were strong here, were powerful here. We feel that. And this place now in tel aviv and everywhere. [ cheers and applause ] an israeli citizen there speaking with Secretary Blinken and pleading for support. The Secretary Of State was meeting specifically with some of the survivors. You could see her there speaking about some of the ohio state annals. Meanwhile in Gaza Palestinians face another night without water or power. Israel is vowing a siege they say will continue until all the hostages are return. Troops have been gearing up for a potential Ground Invasion. Msnbc News Reporting on the moment tanks were rolling toward the border. Israeli tanks are moving in from across [ inaudible ] thats some of what we saw today. Meanwhile at night you can see these air strikes continue. They have been already measurably affecting a huge part of the region, and again, this is before any Ground Invasion that might occur. Israel stresses it has a right to defend itself. Americans remember the Swift Response to september 11th, where the nation waged war on the entire country of afghanistan with effects on that entire civilian population. The situation on the ground in gaza, though, is already pretty dire. There are clear signs from the footage we have. These are fairly dense and objectively poor residential areas. A very young population. The civilians are facing what is called a growing humanitarian crisis. What you see here is Drone Camera Footage of some of the devastation. We have images from hospitals that show the human toll. Now as we will mention throughout our coverage when we show you things like this, our News Department determined the images were about to show you are part of reporting facts on the ground. We also issue a warning in advance some of these images can be disturbing. Palestinian children in hospitals that are operating now without power, very limited supplies, very, very tough scene for Incident Civilians caught up in all this. Weve seen patients rushed in on stretchers. Reporter this 10yearold girl was hit by shrapnel from a blast. Her brother lies under a tent on the hospital port. They ran out of electricity days ago. The per ferocity of the attack, the number of patients there needs to be a stop to the bombing. Thats some of what were seeing. Elise is back with me. Youve done reporting from this region in roughly 80 countries. This is a scene thats all too familiar, particularly in the way that attacks on densely Populated Areas have all these socalled collateral damages. Some of the words fail, some of the terps dont do justice to whats happening. We showed at the top of the broadcast some of what israel released today that, total savagery. Here i ask you, how do we make sense of what is were told perhaps the very beginning of this new step in this war and a possible Ground Invasion into that battered area of gaza . Well, ari, when you look at those pictures, you get the same kind of knife in your stomach about a palestinian child thats bleeding and, you know, almost maimed that you do of an israeli child. And i think what happens is we tend to, depending on what side were on, we kind of lose the sense of the others humanity. So it can be true that what happened on saturday was a war crime and a crime of humanity where hamas went and butchered these innocent civilians. It can also be true that the plight of the palestinians and the occupation and the violence they suffer as a result of these attacks is also terrible. And i think this is just the beginning. Were going to see a lot more. As we have been talking about, gaza is going to be people have been stockpiling because thats what they do in gaza. Its not like all of a sudden things are running out because of the war. Gaza doesnt get supplies very often, so people stockpile fuel. They stockpile food. They have generators. Thats all going to be running out and the u. N. Is already warning of a dire situation, particularly in the hospitals. And so i think were going to see a lot more of this, and i think what we need to do is, yes, israel wants to take this Military Campaign to crush hamas. Is the campaign really going to crush hamas . It might crush hamas in gaza. We have to think about whats going to happen in the west bank, in other areas of israel. We can go back two years when israelis were afraid to get on a bus because there could be a terrorist attack. I think what the u. S. Is really thinking about is how does this end . And, you know, even as you think about whats going to be done with gaza and those people, thats one of the things that Secretary Blinken is doing on the ground when he goes to israel, gaza, when he goes to egypt, which is on the board we are gaza, when he goes to jordan and these other countries is, what can you do to alleviate the suffering that palestinians are already having in gaza and are definitely going to have as a result of this Military Campaign . Right, and youre speaking to the several layers here. We just discussed Secretary Blinkens call for a Democracy Boundaries in how you wage war, and earlier this week we were discussing that that entire frame work, which comes out of the post holocaust, post world war ii environment, where you have United Nations, the declaration against genocide, you have hamas, groups like isis are obviously against that. The United States says its on this side of that. Israel says its a democracy with a rule of law. Netanyahu criticized for his approach to the rule of law, so its quite complicated. Thats all that. Then this is the tactical level you alluded to, which is even if youre taking operations that, say, dont violate the rules of war, thats not very effective if there are hostages that are in danger and the bulk of it goes at Palestinian Civilians rather than, as you mentioned, hamas. I want to read from one of many reports we have been tracking where, quote, Israel Mt Contemplate the risks a Ground Campaign will post the lives of ohio statages. Gazas a small densely packed strip of land where the hostages will be invariably put in danger by the invasion. Given raw, deep, and tense demands in israel for a response as well as for we just showed footage of a young woman, she described herself at 24, talking to blink deny demands to get hostages back, where does that stand in this . Vuk a wide reaching damaging incursion that doesnt get hamas or bring hostages back to israel. The siege, the lack of fuel, the lack of food, electricity, all of it none of it would end until those hostages are released. And so the question is, at what point look, hamas rules with an iron fist in gaza, but weve seen throughout the arab world, the arab spring, where when citizens are disaffected with their government even in the case of syria, in the case of egypt, in the case of libya, they stand up against the government. At what point are you going to see gazans that are losing everything in the wake of these hamas strikes yes, all the anger is at israel right now. I have been waiting for years for the palestinians to turn around and say to hamas, enough is enough. Release these soldiers and let us out of gaza. The problem is these people have nowhere to go. So its pretty obvious hamas doesnt care what happens to these palestinians. In fact, they used them at human shields. So its very delicate, and also, the u. S. Has a number of hostages there as well, and thats another thing that theyre going to be talking about. I suspect that they might know where these hostages are and those real Bombing Campaigns may be avoiding where the ohio state hostages are. But you know with the soldier, the israelis took five years to get him released. Negotiations are taking place behind the scenes about palestinian prisoners for israeli prisoners. I suspect that hamas is going to want to hold on to those hostages until they can get some concessions but look, i think israel has been pretty clear, a ceasefire is not going to be enough. This is not a ceasefire situation. Right, and again, these are complex matters. Were trying to cover all aspects of them. If you said to someone in the United States, if isis or al qaeda or even a criminal group came into their home and murdered children or kidnapped children or burned babies, the next day you dont typically here rational individuals discuss a ceasefire or moving on. You discuss resorting to the Criminal Justice process or the war machine to respond. So were not hearing many folks in the region seriously look at any ceasefire without action. But as you remind folks as well, while we discuss this humanitarian situation in gaza, which is a great problem that may only get worse, the Terror Groups that are hiding hostages in other targets amidst civilians are endangering that whole community. They clearly dont care and intend as you say to rule by fear, that they wont find resistance to. That but theyre endangering other people around that with those measures. Elise, appreciate it. You have background on this. Well be calling on you again if you have the time. Appreciate it. We have been covering this story and well stay on it. But next, big story in the United States. Youre looking at the man who wanted to be speaker, whos projecting confidence, but who may be getting mccarthyd or worse. Stay with us. Stay with us clark. If you haveh medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that youll definitely want to hear. 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The members said in there, you know, i dont think the lord jesus himself could get 217. Theres some validity to that thing. Were very broken. Thats the republican congressman ousted Speaker Mccarthy could end up with a party even more broken that the acrimonious process that got mccarthy the gavel in the first place. Now, potential replacement Steve Scalise squeaked by with more republican votes yesterday, but that doesnt mean he can hold the floor or do any better than mccarthys path to his shortly lived speakership. Trying to project about and a floor vote, there are signs he cant close. That scheduled or discuss vote has now been delayed. One internal critic says scalise is not going to find the gop conference, and no one knows when the vote is coming. Its a big hill, though. He told a lot of people hes going to be at 150, and he wasnt there. We need to elect a speaker. I wish we were not in this situation. Welsh its pretty obvious Steve Scalise doesnt have to votes. If were here to sunday, monday, tuesday, and we dont have someone, weve got come up with another option here. Were join bid anna palmer. Welcome. This is a big story, and it raises the question, is this an mccarthy hardliner thing . Is this a scalise thing . Or is this just the state of this gop caucus . Its a good question. I think it really showcases how dysfunctional the Republican Party is right now. We have had years of just dissatisfaction with republican leadership. Mccarthy being the most recent, but of course there was paul ryan, john boehner before both of them, and now theyve ousted mccarthy but clearly these races are all about momentum, and Steve Scalise does not have the momentum. Unclear if hes ever going to be able to get there. The numbers are really pretty stark when you look at he actually has less support today than he did yesterday. How do you measure that . You know he was at that number to be in a majority, and then public defections . Yeah, theres been some public defections. Hes also had some meeting withes different factions of the conference, and nobodys come out saying, all right, were going to move our support behind scalise. I think thats the big thing here. Its not as if he has to deal with just the most conservative republicans not being for him. Theres also the moderates that arent for him. Theres a bunch of people in this conference that arent for him. 100 people. Thats a lot of folks youre going to have to convince. The fact that hes had multiple meetings, ands the not as if the momentum is moving in that direction. How has mccarthy looked in all this . He hasnt actually been quiet since being unthroned. Thats an understatement. When you see statements like the former speaker has made, the rift between scalise and mccarthy very visible, taking shots at scalise to get that 150 votes that mccarthy said Behind The Scenes Scalise was saying he thought thats where he was going to be. But it is interesting certainly to see the tension and longgoing rift there between the two leaders that worked together for quite a few years. Absolutely. And we have had up some of the memorable images and moments from the voteorama that people do recall with mccarthy. We show those because thats the last time we have had this. This time partly because of how that went, it seems theyre trying to keep this all in the private meetings. As the days draw on, it will become evident theyre doing a version of that, a slowmotion version perhaps, in private while the main power of speakership remain private. Its an important story. Well be coming back to you. Thank you. Well be right back. Thank you. Well be right back. Ven the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. I see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines. Im still kim and i got botox® cosmetic. 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Ofcials warning of peril for bothsides. Israel wants to draw hamas into a quagmire and they need to have a plan for exiting gaza the day after. Im joined by a writer at the atlantic, welcome, david. Your view of what has changed since this weekend. I think something has changed inside israel and something has changed for the world. In the world we are confronting now threats to jewish communities all over the planet, and weve seen that in demonstrations in europe, a little less seriously here. Tomorrow hamas called for a day of jihad worldwide where they hope people will heed their call and rise up and murder jews. I think jews everywhere developed a sense of threat, which is a contrast to the feelings. We know things can happen freakishly, but we all know you can have a holocaust like event and find while theres been tremendous support from governments Around The World, democratic governments in europe, you also discover many of your fellow citizens look at this and say, i didnt happen, and anyway, you deserve it. Its sobering when you put it that way, and when there are changes, when the ground shifts, theres a discussion of shifting of peoples paradigm. Were all observer of society in news and government, they like to plug in whatever narrative theyre comfortable with. So simple narratives about who is the underdog and who is oppressed may not get you to a full deep understanding. You need more than a narrative. I want to play something dennis ross played for us this week, and i was mentioning to viewers ambassador ross that has extensive experience, credibility with both sides. He sat with arafat and middle east leaders. He says something changed. While hes a Card Carrying Member to the twostate Peace Process community, he says there may be no going back. Take a listen. In israel from left to right and we now have a National Unity government in israel from left to right, theres an absent conviction that once and for all we have to remove the threat that hamas poses to us, and were not going to live wit any longer. That paradigm of coexisting and managing a conflict, thats over from an israeli standpoint. One, do you think that is correct . And two, again, with the complexities of this issue, which weve tried to follow, it should be noted that there was a time when some of what are associated as the more hard right figures in israel basically were for a Realist Strategy of containing hamas over there, avoiding a twostate solution, and that was the end of it. And ross is basically saying the socalled left is moving and the socalled right is also over containment. The American Jewish community has overwhelmingly and i include myself in this been in the soft line camp, horrified by prime Minster Netanyahus attacks on judicial independence, appalled by The Drift Of Authoritarian and racist voices. There are jewish racists voices into the netanyahu cabinet. Find a way to live in peace in the middle east. To North Americans it seems obvious, have your faith, your national anthem, have your flag and live in peace with people beside you. If you have disagreements, dont kill each other. By the way, being an underdog proves nothing. Everybodys seen the movie gone with the wind. Remember the Scenet Beginning where clark gable has to explain, you dont have as many railways as the yankees do, as many steamships. The south was the underdog. Does that make them right . Fair points. We talk about all the different ways this affects people, and im moving to something that you shared. I want to be clear its something youre okay with discussing tonight, but its a personal aspect for your family. Your cousins son is among those kidnapped by hamas. We have a photo of him there. In his early 20s, long island native. He was in israel to serve in the military, and there are others and frankly some of our other guests weve talked to as experts with ties to the region were dealing with. Hamas abducted an estimated 150 civilians. Theres footage of some of the people taken from a concert site, elderly people and children pushed into golf carts. What weve seen, as i told viewers from the top of the broadcast, david, much of this material were still going through it, still vetting it, still dealing with that process, still dealing with the horrors, objectively look everyone worse, or numbers, measures get worse as journalistically we go through all this. So i wanted to give you the floor about that experience and anything you want to say about that and the family experience. Well, i want to stress that i normally when you have some kind of disaster like this, you have to look far and wide to find people directly involved in it. But i dont think theres an American Jewish or Canadian Jewish or European Jewish family never mind in israel thats more than one degree of separation here. In my case, these are first cousins, their son who has been abducted, and he was born in manhattan in 2001. His mother was pregnant during the 9 11 attacks and walked across the 59th Street Bridge from manhattan across the river to escape that terrorist atrocity, and omar was born in october. And now this fate has come upon him. Hes not the only person by the way i know. I know parents who have been abducted. This is existential and close to all of us. Its not just abduction. The you watch carefully in those videos you showed, those women have either just been violently sexual by abused or on their way to being violently sexual by abused and their faces show what they know are in store for them. Jews are a contentious community. Spectrum is enormous. You find jews from all points of view, but as with any small Minority Group were kin to one another, and when Something Like this happens, we are all touched. If youre not touched directly, youre touched by one degree. One last thing my daughter lived in israel for a while, and she described she has many friend there is, and described seeing Instagram Pages go dark because friends have been killed and other friends right now in harms way and face life and death situations for themselves in the days and weeks ahead. Yeah. As you say, the human toll of this, and theres the aspect of those who want a religious war and those who want to use the conflict, the state of israel and the lengths that israels has to jews Around The World as a Source Ofsemic attack. You reminded folks were careful how he publicize the calls and threats, but theyre part of the news, calls to do more terrorism to people who are connected to the israel nation state and who happen to be jewish in the world. I think all north American Jews want to get to peace as fast as we possibly no one here is delighting in the prospect of revenge. Many people are going to suffer who had nothing to do with this. Israeli soldiers who are now going to be in harms way, Palestinian Civilians who are going to be in harms way, but there were people who made this happen. Theres a group of people who made this happen. But for that group of people, this war would not be happening now, the suffering would not be happening now, and the whole world would not be watch these terrible images. We have to get to peace but we have to get there via justice. Understood. Its something for people to keep in mind to make sense of all this, the before and after is hamas carrying out a kind of savagery, which we covered tonight and all week, to initiate a chain of events and to take hostages. Its hard to think of any place where any group that would have the means of selfdefense would not respond to that, when we talk about the laws of war and what theyve done. But as great concern for all the civilians and innocents caught up in this. You have one more thing . Yeah, and meanwhile, there are people like my cousins who are waiting for their son to come home. That could happen tomorrow if hamas would release him. Understood. David frum, thank you. Well be right back. I was stuck. 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Now in a new statement, menendez again asserts his innocence and calls it an attempt to wear someone down. The allegations come as congress is also focused on its response to the israel hamas war. Menendez had stepped down from the Foreign Relations committee. He faces calls from most members of his Democratic Senate caucus to go ahead and resign. Its a story that of course involves the law and american politics but now, with evidence that of course predates this week, also tied back to the middle east. A lot of pressure on Senator Menendez who is legally presumed innocent. This is part of our ongoing coverage. Ill be with you with another hour of Special Coverage after this short break. Ill see you then. Medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that youll definitely want to hear. Depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana Medicare Advantage dualeligible Special Needs plan. 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The white house has an update that says 27 americans have now been killed in that heavy fighting which first erupted with the hamas Terror Attacks on saturday. Secretary of state blinken arrived in israel and met with leaders including Prime Minister netanyahu and took time to speak with survivors of the Terror Attacks by hamas, including innocent civilians who were at that Music Festival. First priority, First Priority are our friends and family that are now in gaza. Were strong here, were powerful here. In this place now, in tel aviv and everywhere. Thank you very much. Thank you for thinking of them and trying to do everything we can. The secretary speaking directly, and then he also spoke in public and had the bilateral meeting with netanyahu and addressed some of the evidence of the atrocities committed by hamas. Its hard to find the right words. Its beyond what anyone would ever want to imagine, much less actually see and god forbid experience. A baby, an infant riddled with bullets. Soldiers beheaded. Young people burned alive. In their cars. Or in their hideaway rooms. I could go on, but its simply depravity in the worst imaginable way. United states has said the evidence of that depravity is part of why they made and the president made this week the direct comparison of hamas committing isis level atrocities. Blinken also spoke about the required proportion and Human Rights Concerns that democracies have even while waging war. Now, blinken discussed an area of focus is a potential humanitarian corridor that would try to let some civilians leave the gaza strip if they choose. Egypt is also rejikting any initial moves to set up such refugee corridors. The United Nations has warned gaza could become a complete humanitarian disaster. Conditions described by some as already horrible. Water and electricity supplies are cut off. Israel says theyre awaiting the return of all hostages. Israels path ahead also remains complex. Our correspondent raff sanchez returned where as we discussed, that Music Festival occurred and hamas targeted the civilians peacefully gathered there. This is our first time inside the Supernova Festival since that attack in the early hours of saturday morning. This was a place of music, a place of dancing, a place of joy. Now there is just a deathly silence here. This was one of the artistic tents at the festival. You can see people here were painting, they were expressing themselves. And this is just one of these many scenes we have seen all across southern israel, a place that is frozen in time. We dont know the person who painted this, are they still alive . Have they been kidnapped . Are they inside gaza . Over here is one of the parked cars. This symbol is spray painted by the Israeli Military, can it shows this car has been searched, theres no explosives in it. If you come around, you can see as in every one of these cars, there are the makings of everything you need for a fun weekend at a Music Festival. It looks like this person has paint, theres chocolate in there. Theres kleenex, extra water. Now, we turn to msnbc correspondent ali velshi who is in ashkelon, israel. Ali, i know youre working hard. Working your sources, and have been reporting throughout all of this. We thank you for your time. And tell us what youre seeing tonight. Reporter well, were hearing an awful lot. Were 2 1 2 miles from gaza, and the sounds have definitely changed in the last 40 minutes or so. Its a lot more the Missile Attacks have increased dramatically and theres sort of a lot more noise, and its getting a lot closer. This is a rocket or a mortar came in here, this is typical, ashkelon has been hit very hard over the last few days. This is debris from a rocket. The rocket hit over there about 20 feet away, and this is the kind of thing that happens. Take a look at the damage it does. Imagine if you were sitting in this car, anywhere near it. This isnt close to a direct hit. You can take a look at the debris even in the back seat, the damage that gets done, and this whole area has been damaged a great deal, and nobody is here. Were in the gaza envelope, the place where the military has decided this is where all the military has to be, the reservists they have called up. Theyre ready to go in on that Ground Invasion. It has not begun yet as far as we can tell. The issue here is the hostages. The families that have hostages are very worried once the Ground Invasion begins, hamas leverage decreases dramatically. The only piece of leverage they have right now is what might be 150 hostages. About 100 have been informed by the government the government knows their Family Member has been taken away by hamas. Theyre there, about 50 more who think that their family might be hostages and thats where the tension comes in right now. Much of israel wants to hear what im hearing, the pounding of gaza, regardless of what happens. The people with Family Members in there are saying hold on, do whatever you have to do to get my Family Members out without doing that. Now, that said, the Israeli Government has theres no power in gaza anymore, so phones are running out of battery, communication is bad. They dropped leaflets at peoples homes or the streets to say were coming for you. For your area to get out. Theres nowhere to go if youre in gaza. The people are amassing, about 300,000, the last report, are said to be without shelter, either because their homes have been destroyed or theyre fearful their homes will be destroyed. On the israeli side, there are those troops coming in here. There was activity on the north, the Israeli Government took out two runways in syria, aleppo and damascus. A little unimportant because the Syrian Military doesnt work out of airport, commercial Airport Runways but it was a message from the israelis to the iranians basically who control syria, dont get involved in this war, ari. Understood. And really interesting to give us that larger context, including why where you are looks the way it does. I understand that we also are going to hear from the Family Member of someone who was taken hostage. Can you tell us about that . Reporter yeah, you know, the kibbutz that people live on are right around the gaza strip. Theyre all over israel, but there was a woman, a 74yearold canadian woman, and she was taken hostage. Her name is vivian silver. The family doesnt know where she is. They were able to get into her house at the kibbutz, and her body is not there. That gave them hope that she is a hostage. The interesting thing about her is that she was a Peace Activist. She worked not only as a Peace Activist but in terms of reconciliation with the palestinians. One of the problem in gaza is advanced medical treatment is not available because the equipment required for it, particularly for cancer, cant be taken into gaza. If somebody has to come out for treatment, its a complicated ordeal. She would meet them at the border and take them to the Treatment Center or hospital for treatment. I caught up with her son today who grew up on this kibbutz but is now in tel aviv. Listen to what he told me. She was obsessed with peace. You know, violence was always wrong in her mind. So she would say now, even though our communities are wiped out, all my friends lost, either i lost my friends or they lost their parents, she would say we dont need more dead babies. We need to stop the violence now. Vengeance is not a strategy. Reporter thats a complexity of life in israel today, six days after this began. Yeah, and its appreciated. It reminds people of the reporting, youre there in the overnight coverage live right now and thats some of the source reporting you were doing during the day. My final question to you there, given that youre on the ground and speaking with these people, that cuts both ways. On one hand, its a reminder of diversity and all the views. Israelis who dont endorse what netanyahu is doing or potentially the Military Plans that emerge. On the other hand, a reminder about the complete Whatten Savagery of hamas, that the people who might be on the ground there to help people inside the territories, to help the palestinian society, those people are also targets for hostage taking, for war crimes, for murder. Reporter yeah, and in a place, by the way, like ashkelon, which is not a kibbutz. This is sort of a fairly hard line town in israel, the things we were hearing from people all day today bore more resemblance to get in there and flatten them. The question, of course, is, again, this is a conversation for another day because its a really long one. What do you do with dpauza if you get rid of hamas. Its intertwined and enmeshed with everything that happens in gaza. Theres no other game in town. Thats the complexity. Do you take out their leaders . Its more complicated than that. What the goal is of the israelis once they get in there, beyond getting hostages outs, remains complicated. Theres a range of views as to what actually israel needs to accomplish there. Some people saying doesnt matter what you do, this keeps coming back. The problem is, how do you get the roots out of a place where hamas has been enmeshed for a long time, and the people of gaza dont know, half the population is under 18. They know of no other government than hamas. As you say, extremely complicated. And the work here, part of the work is doing the reporting and hearing from everyone. We want you and your team to stay safe and thank you tonight, ali velshi. Appreciate it. We turn to nbc news Foreign Correspondent matt bradley for another perspective on this out of a different part of the region. Hes in lebanon. That is a place that has been pulled into conflict in the past as both of a proxy, sort of Intermediary Ground and in times in direct conflict, the lebanese government with the Israeli Government. What are you seeing up there at a time where many people dont want things to spiral out into another part, another border . Reporter yeah, ari, im in southern lebanon. This is the heartland of shia lebanon, where hezbollah is based. Hezbollah not unlike hamas is a militant Political Party, a Political Party as well. Its backed by iran. It like hamas has been able to sustain muskural assaults against israel, and the real concern here both for lebanese people and israelis right across the border right behind me is hezbollah will be drawn into this war. In the past several days we have seen tit for tat firing using drones, air strikes, tanks. Thats killed four hezbollah fighters on this side of the border and four israelis, including a commander. So this fighting pales in comparison to what were seeing where ali velshi and raff sanchez are in israel and around the gaza strip, but in a way, its almost more concerning even though its so much less violent because if this fighting increases as it has in the past, it could break out into an allout war. It would internationalize the conflict, and hezbollah, if it fought against israel, it would bring to bear weapons and training that would dwarf even those of hamas. And hezbollah, like i said, its a Political Party. It has seats in parliament. It holds a ministerial post. Unlike in the gaza strip, its leaders and soldiers enjoy freedom of movement. Theyre able to leave the country. They can practically travel Around The World. Just today, we saw the Iranian Foreign minister arriving in beirut, presumably for meetings. He took questions on whether hezbollah would enter the war, but this is an ominous moment. If they enter the war, it could be a disaster. The links back to iran where the intelligence is still out, jury still out on exactly what their level of engagement is, but all of the different ways this could get a lot worse if you had more parties involved. Matt bradley, stay safe, and thank you. We have a lot more coming up in the program, including a voice from the Biden Administration, john kirby. When we return. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. I got the power of 3. I lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Im under 7. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. Im lowering my risk. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. 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Much of that air campaign is focused on the northern part of the gaza strip, around gaza city, outside gaza city, and the situation in gaza is extraordinarily dire. We have been speaking to people you can see some of those air strikes right now. If you wait a few seconds, you will hear the shockwave, the blast, usually takes about ten seconds for to reach our position here, and the blasts are loud. That was one of them. There will be more in the course of this conversation, because it has been very intense, and its intensifying. According to Health Officials inside gaza, there are already around 1500 palestinians who have been killed. 6,000 injured. And this is in an area that is sealed off. Many people when they see areas under attack, the people who are being bombed, they also expect to see streams of refugees leaving the area, like we saw in ukraine, when the bombings started, people headed for the Train Stations and headed out. Thats not the case in gaza because gaza is sealed off. Its sealed off by israel in the north where i am, egypt in the south, and by the mediterranean sea. People in gaza have been making appeals. Theyre saying theyre under attack, they are penned in. Israel, of course, says it has no choice, it is carrying out this intense Bombing Campaign and may soon be carrying out a Ground Invasion, which it is certainly prepared for, in order to disarm hamas, to deter hamas from ever launching another series of terrorist attacks. But for the people in gaza right now, the situation is absolutely terrifying because they cant go anywhere. Theyre under attack, and they also have no supplies because the water has been cut, israel has cut the electricity, and hospitals say theyre also running low or out of supplies. Understood. And we can see and hear what is behind you, what youre observing. What is the scale and size of what is publicly provable or available to understand about the israeli, the plan, the potential israeli incursion. How does it compare to past such operations . Reporter well, we will see when it happens, but israel says that its air strikes so far, the most intense they have ever carried out against the gaza strip, and that these are only the opening phases. If you listen to what Prime Minister netanyahu has said, all hamas leaders are dead men. You listen to what the army Chief Of Staff said, that these people deserve to die, the hamas leaders. They are talking extraordinarily tough, and they say they want to go in and change the situation. Change the dynamic forever, to make it so that hamas is never able to carry out attacks, and they want to remove hamas from power and have been comparing hamas to isis and saying just like the Isis Caliphate was destroyed, hamas leadership in gaza also needs to be destroyed. But absent in that conversation is what happens to 2 Million People who are in gaza, many of whom have no interest in supporting hamas, feel penned in by hamas, feel theyre being punished because of actions that they did not support that were carried out by hamas in their name. Understood. And an important point, as you cover this story and have been out in that region a long time. I want to remind people about those differences, even within territories as well as the great risk that those many innocent civilians face. Richard engle, wishing you and your team to stay safe. Thank you very much. We turn now to another guest as mentioned, very newsworthy guest, quite clearly, from the white house, john kirby, the coordinator for strategic coordinations at the National Security council. Thank you for joining us. First in terms of the latest, what do you think the Biden Administration expressed or tried to achieve in that round of meetings in the region today . Well, first of all, it was sending a strong, strong signal to the people of israel that the Biden Administration stands with them and will continue to provide Military Assistance and support as they deem appropriate, and what they need. So it was a very strong showing of support. It was also important for Secretary Blinken to have a chance to meet with Family Members of those who have been killed and or are missing, unaccounted for, or maybe held hostage. The message to them was were with you. Were going to do everything we can to support you. For those that have Family Members that are being held hostage, were not going to stop working, night and day, to figure out how we can get them reunited. Were with them for the long haul. And he meant that. Secretary blinken was on the same page as President Biden, who emphasized this week what he called the, quote, pure evil and isis level tactics of hamas. What does it mean and what is the Biden Administration trying to achieve as a matter of Foreign Policy by equating this to isis . Is that rhetoric or is that a literal claim . And what does that mean when people who follow this know the isis level atrocities, war crimes, murder, televised executions are considered sort of the worst of the worst. It means that we agree with israel, that this is a serious threat to peace and security, certainly there in israel but to the region, and again, that were going to do what we have to do to help them beat back that threat. Now, the comparison to isis is really more related to the tactics. The sheer brutal, visceral violence that were visited upon so many hundreds of israeli citizens. It is reminiscent of what isis had proven willing to do. Theres a difference in that isis was after some geography. They were trying to occupy land and govern it. Hamas has no such aspirations. They just want to kill. They want to maim, they want to torture, they want to wipe israel off the face of the map. But what the comparison is, is to the utter depravity and brutality of it. We also saw the Israeli Government, as you know, release those photos of babies, they say burnt and murdered by hamas. Were not showing them right now. They have briefly been on our air previously in todays coverage. What is the u. S. Response to the release of those photos . We just discussed sort of the assessment of what hamas is doing. And where does that stack up against what, as you know, people are saying in criticism of both current and potential future operations in gaza where there are also disturbing photos, videos, and images of attacks that are of a different nature that may not have targeted babies, im not suggesting that, but that are also disturbing images . I think the images themselves, and the stories, the stories, too, just speak of the horrors of war here. And the fact that civilians, innocent people, have already now fallen victim. And the difference here is that on the israeli side, they were victims of a direct effort to murder and take life. That is the whole objective of what those Hamas Terrorists were after. It was all about just killing israeli civilians. We all dont want to see a single other innocent life lost by this. Not one. And its tragic that in gaza, there have been civilian casualties. And we continue to talk with our israeli counterparts about that, and about the law of Armed Conflict and about how operations are conducted. But its also important to remember that hamas is deliberately placing those palestinian citizens in harms way by sheltering themselves in command and control headquarters, in hospitals and schools and residential buildings, using the palestinians as human shields. The palestinians are victims here. They did nothing wrong. Thats another reason why were working closely with israeli and egyptian officials to find a safe passage route to get people that live in gaza that want to get out, to get them that ability to do so, to do so safely. And certainly true, as you remind people, it is, of course, a war crime to take civilian hostages as well as to use them for military or strategic goals that endanger other civilians. If were tracking it, those are ongoing alleged war crimes. We dont have a total transparency or informationoon the hostages but based on what is known. The other question i have for you is about the historic relationship between the United States and israel. Its long been a bipartisan and strong relationship. And President Biden has reiterated that, for sure. Having said that, as you know, the United States has also taken a position at times in private and in public that there are lines, there is a backstop, that it will sort of basically make sure that israel doesnt go quote unquote, too far. Is that still the case, when you mention the law of conflict, is that conveyed more starkly in private than it might be in public . Thats sort of the trauma of this week. I wont detail the private conversations were having with israeli leaders, but the president has spoken to this, we are stronger together. When we respect human life, and we do, and when we respect the laws of war and the law of Armed Conflict, were always stronger and better when we can rest on those shared interests and those shared values. Were obviously going to keep having conversations with the israelis as they go forward. Right now, though, obviously, we understand that israel is conducting aggressive operations against hamas, basically they suffered a toll here that is the equivalent of our 9 11. We all know how it felt on 9 11, that day, the fear, the anxiety, the outrage. Theyre conducting these aggressive operations, and we want to make sure they have the tools they need to do so. Understood. Last question, i dont know exactly if or how youll answer it. But viewers may know you have a military background. You also have an extensive comunt communications background. In the days ahead, theres a Communications Aspect to all this where the president who has been quite forceful across the week can sort of pull back and go back to governing, busy with trying to find out who the new speaker is going to be and deal with a lot of other priorities at home, or sort of double down or extend this with the communications approach. Im curious, can you tell us anything about whether there will be any other formal address to the nation, to congress, Evening Address to the nation, as you know in other past Terror Attacks including on allies, over time there either is an ebb where people say, that was last weeks news and its that countrys problem, or sometimes theres more of a priority of summoning the u. S. Sustained attention. I know you guys arent going to break any secret news tonight, but can you speak to any of that in the days ahead and whats on the mind of the communicators in the white house. Sadly, we dont think this is going to end anytime very soon. Certainly in coming weeks for sure, if not longer. I think you can count on hearing from President Biden in the future about this particular conflict and what were doing tosupport israel. I have no doubt youll continue to hear from him. I also think youre going to continue to hear from him on a range of other issues that are important to governing. In other places Around The World such as ukraine, such as the indopacific. Im sure hell continue, as he did this week, to talk about economic issues, junk fees. Youre going to continue to hear him talk about issues that also matter on the domestic scale as well. Thats what being president is, thats what being Commander In Chief is. You have to handle it all. Hes more than equipped and ready to do that. At the white house, john kirby. Thanks for taking a break from some of your work to speak with us. We appreciate it. Well be right back. You should check out inspire. No mask. No hose. Just sleep. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn you more cash back in your top eligible spend category. Hi. You dont have to keep tabs on rotating categories. This is the only rotating i care about. Or activate anything to earn. Your cash back automatically adjusts for you. Can i get a Cucumber Water . 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We showed earlier in the program some of the supply issues there. One doctor telling the a. P. That without fuel, the hospital will be basically become a, quote, mass grave. Cut off has also caused a water shortage, a shortage of water for over half a Million People. Thats a u. N. Estimate. Im joined by a permanent observer to the United Nations for the International Committee of the red cross. Thank you for being here. You look at this, and it reports are that its already a brewing humanitarian crisis before the incursion even begins. What can be done if there is going to be a war, if you say the war is not going to stop tonight, what can be done . Well, the situation indeed is preoccupying for many years now, but eventually, theyre bringing the needs to a very critical level. First, impact, first decision we have of a very strong impact will be the respect for International Humanitarian law. This is important. Parties need to exert restraint, respect civilians. Allow humanitarian goods to enter the gaza strip and also be distributed. Assessment to be made and people to find safe shelters, this will be a game changer for the lives of civilians right now at risk. We hear the talk of a corridor. What would a corridor look like and who needs to be involved in that if it were to happen . A corridor would certainly allow goods, essentially goods that are really lacking right now in gaza to be brought in, fuel, medical items. All sorts of items that can help support the indispenable services to the survival of the people. Its also important to realize humanitarian space needs to be given inside gaza. Access for people to services, so this is also as important. People need to be protected where they are. And not just being give one option to get out of gaza. To be safe. We hear reports that many people there say youre warning us about a bombing but we have no place to go, no safe place to go, and this is a problem thats not unique actually to gaza, israel, or that pocket of the region. There have been rising Refugee Crises Around The World. But couldnt some of those people go, for example, into egypt, if egypt would allow it . The important thing is that people are given the choice if they want to leave, to find safety or any support of need. They should be allowed to do so. At the same time, this is not just what would bring safety to 2. 2 Million People in gaza. You mentioned the situation. Its a densely populated area. A Battle Happening in areas, open areas as well where distinction needs to be made between civilian objects and military objects. I guess im asking, would it help if egypt let in Palestinian Refugees . It would be an option that would allow people would it be a helpful option . It would, absolutely. It would also help us to bring supplies. We have hundred colleagues deployed in gaza ready to help. We have started already, but we need more supplies to come in. We need fuel, supplies really urgently, to avoid systems to collapse, and also making sure that people can feed themselves. Yeah. I want to thank you for giving us that perspective. We have been talking to different people, and i should note, sometimes we have had a hard time getting certain people who are on the ground in gaza into the coverage because of whats mentioned, the electricity and other limitations. Were endeavoring to get reports and Human Rights Perspectives where we can. Thank you for joining us. When we come back, we turn back to america, where we also have another big story. A vacancy in the line of succession of speaker of the house. A report on that next. No. No. Nuhuh. Yeah. Oh. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Isnt this great . Yeeaahhhh yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. Oh hey would you like to join us . 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I struggled with my weight for a long time due to my thyroid issues but since being on the golo plan and taking release, the weight has not come back. upbeat music turning back to big story in washington. House representatives is without a full speaker and House Republicans did not have a floor vote even though earlier in the week they suggested one was coming. Its been over 24 hours since majority leader Steve Scalise got his nomination narrowly from republicans but hes 20 votes short of what he would need on the floor to get the gavel. There was a Big Closed Door Meeting earlier today where apparently were told they did not bridge many divides. The house is functionally not at its full power. Theres a search on for Whether Scalise will make it or whether to find someone else or whether to come up with other measures to empower a substitute right now. Im joined by Senior National political reporter sahil kapur. Welcome. Were told there is now a kind of hastily added new meeting tonight. What do you know about that and what comes next . Reporter thats right, House Republicans are meeting again tonight. That meeting, we understand, is just getting under way now. It dms after an earlier meeting that lasted several hours among House Republicans for the conference that didnt yield much in the way of progress toward a new speaker. Remember, Steve Scalise, currently the majority leader, was nominated by House Republicans in a secret ballot vote yesterday. Its been a day and a half, and he still does not have the votes to be elected on the floor. Republicans have a narrow majority. They need 217 to secure the election of a speaker, not expecting any democratic help on this one. Theres a lot of angst within the republican ranks about this. Theres one member of the House Republican conference, mike rogers, who chairs the House Armed Services committee, who was furious with his fellow republicans, the eight who voted to evict Kevin Mccarthy from the speakership. He called them treaters, saying they paralyzed the house. He raised questions as to whether republicans can ever get 217 votes for any speaker. He said it might require some democratic help. If you placate those eight, theres another eight who will pop up and cause more trouble. Very pessimistic he is about the idea that his conference can come together and do this most basic thing, elect a speaker. Very interesting. Although some have forgotten the supposed sin of Kevin Mccarthy was working with democrats. But the eight had to work with democrats to oust him. Now were hearing talk again about working with democrats to fix it. How quickly things change. Sahil, thank you. Youll be busy on this store. Want to turn now to a member of Democratic House leadership, Katherine Clark of massachusetts. Good evening to you. We have been covering a lot of different news, obviously, but this matters, and whether or not the speaker is in power or picked matters for Everything Else that Congress Might do in its time. What do you think it says that scalise both had enough votes to get what were told was the nomination, but not enough votes for them to confidently hold a floor vote . Yeah, thank you, ari, for having me on and for your coverage of everything that is going on at this moment in our country and around the globe. And in particular, in israel. And it is very related to the chaos and the civil war that we are watching here in the Republican Party in the house. And the world is watching. Is this house going to be able to elect a speaker . Are the republicans going to be able to do this fundamental duty and get back to work for the American People and help our allies, like israel and ukraine, in this time of urgent need . So this is way beyond just who is going to be speaker and sort of the inside politics of this. This is really about the house gop and the maga extremists are hurting our ability to stand strong with our allies and to keep making progress for the American People. You mentioned whats going on in the middle east. And of course, thats been the bulk of our coverage. They did put together in israel, for example, are you calling some active conversations about that . We have always been saying, there is a bipartisan path forward. And we put that into action back in june when we had a maga create a default crisis, put our economy on the edge, and we came together and formed a compromise with Kevin Mccarthy. 314 house members approved that compromise in a bipartisan way. Why . Not because it got everything we wanted, but because it was the responsible way to put a voice of the American People back into it. So the republicans need to take yes for an answer. But im only jumping into push you a little bit. I think, fact checked, true, what you said, and there was reliance on that issue, but i dont know if you can tell me about it, but what im asking specifically, are the actual conversations going on with scalise or anyone else to say, if you guys got xyz, you throw your votes behind him because heck, once you get the gavel you have power . If he can do that and not worry about losing 15 or 20 of the whomevers . Listen, i can tell you this. There are informal conversations. You quoted mike rogers, chairman rogers. But we have not had formal members of house leadership or candidates. Scalise, come to us, and say, lets get this done. Lets get to governing. So we are here saying we are here to work with you. Our hands extended. Thats interesting, when youre telling us is you are people who spent years if not decades of their lives thriving trying to get Something Like the gavel in here is some math. If theres willing to compromise, thats part of it. But they would soon are not even get the gavel and make what you are saying, a formal overture to democratic leaders. Thats exactly what we saw with Kevin Mccarthy. He would rather lose the gavel and come to us and Work Together on behalf of the American People. This is a civil war among republicans. We are here. We are anxious to get back to work, to get the house to function so that we can get back to the critical things we need to do. And we have a blueprint for that. The republicans have to take and act on the agreements they have already made and help us return to a form of governing here that isnt about chasing the most extreme parts of their party, but is putting those voices of americans who want us to protect social security, protect our public schools, create great jobs and protect our planet, back into the conversation here. And with what is occurring occurring, the atrocities the world is witnessing in israel, we more than ever need to be here and functioning so we can act responsibly and strongly as a country, defending our allies and our own homeland. And finally, understood, and finally theres this report that maybe the answer is no answer. Politico says republicans are discussing maybe just they would empower the acting speaker, who was sort of like the substitute teacher over their, patrick mchenry, to at least deal with the pressing questions of spending and foreign. Of course congresswoman, ive got 40 seconds left, if you give powers of the speaker to the substitute, theyre not become the speaker . I dont know. It has. Matt there is a way to actually elect a speaker pro tem. It could be for a such period of time. Thats an option. We are open to options. But all we have seen so far is internal fighting, chaos, a circus like atmosphere, with lots of finger pointing by republicans after publicans. Who is left out of this whole conversation . Who is hurt . Its our allies and the people of this country. It is time for them to im only jumping in, im told that, from our control room, that Steve Scalise just emerged and said he is withdrawing his name from consideration. Your reaction . I hope that they will come to us, get back to governing. Theres a bipartisan way forward. All right. Well, the news has been breaking, right here out of washington. House minority whip Katherine Clark, thanks for joining. Ill tell viewers again, theres been a lot of moves in washington. Steve scalise there, he just emerged and he made these relatively surprise announcement that will further up and this process. Nothing is final, as we know. Kevin mccarthy said he would not run again after being ousted. And then walked back in the last couple of days. He will be a dark horse to help. They dont know what theyre gonna do next, but this is live footage here. Steve scalise emerging in things withdrawing his name from consideration to be the next speaker of the house. Well be right back. Well be right back. At bombas, we make the comfiest socks, underwear, and tshirts that feel good, and most of all, do good. Because when you purchase one, we donate one to those in need. Visit bombas. Com and get 20 off your first purchase. Bombas. Thanks for spending time with us here on the beat with ari melber tonight. Ill see you tomorrow at six pm eastern. Our coverage kids continues. All in with chris hayes starts now. Ts now. Good evening from new york. And chris hayes. We have some breaking news. We are following developments in the israel hamas war, but breaking news in the u. S. Capital

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