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President of the United States, at a time of grave danger to israel, was introduced to an audience of American Jewish leaders by the jewish spouse of the Vice President of the United States. The Vice President and i are outraged with this horrific Terrorist Attack perpetrated by hamas. With broken hearts we are sending our love, our strength, and our unwavering support to the people of israel. I am honored to be with all of you today as an american, as a patriot who loves this country, but also as a jew. The story of the jewish people has always been one of perseverance and resilience. In dark times we come together, and we fight back. We also seek to build a better world. Last year, before my trip to poland and injure germany, president diamond took me into the oval office. He told me how his father had taught him about the horrors of the holocaust and how he later travel to dacchau with his children and grandchildren to teach them those same lessons. So i know firsthand how important it is to President Biden to preserve our jewish history and to make sure that hate has no safe harbor in america and the world. As an american jew, i am so grateful that in this moment of tumult and pain, we have joe bidens president and Kamala Harris as Vice President. Its not now my honor to announce it to advocate for the jewish community. Please join me in welcoming president joe biden. [applause] the president s comments range from sharing personal grief to sharing what he could about how he is trying to save israeli and american lives. I spoke to Prime Minister netanyahu i dont know how many times again this morning. And already we are seeking additional assistance to interceptors to replenish the iron dome, sending more fighter jets there. And made it clear, very clear, to the iranians, be careful. We want to make it real clear, we are working on every aspect of the Hostage Crisis in israel, including deploying experts to advise and assist with recovery efforts. E pss is going to shout to, me and many of you are, what are you doing to bring, to get these folks home . If i told you, i wouldnt be able to get them home. Folks, there is a lot were doing. A lot were doing. I have not given up hope of bringing these folks home. But the idea that im going to stand here before you and tell you what i am doing is bizarre. So i hope you understand how bizarre i think would be to try to answer that question. In the days ahead were going to be closer with our partners in israel and around the world to ensure israel has what it needs to defend its citizens, its cities, and to respond to these attacks. I have known Bibi For Over 40 years. I am very frank relationship. I know him well. And the one thing that i did say that it is really important that israel all the anger in the frustration and i cant explain it, that exists is that they operate by the worlds of rules of war. The rules of war. There are rules of war. And i believe israel is doing everything in its power to pull the country together, stay on the same page, and were gonna do everything in our power to make sure israel succeeds, and god willing, bring home those americans who are in harms way. The president dispatch Secretary Of State Antony Blinken to israel today before boarding the plane. Secretary blinken said this. Were determined to make sure israel gets everything it needs to defend itself. For the life and security of its people. Already significant Security Experience requested by israel its on its way, on top of everything weve been doing for years, including the memorandum of understanding negotiated by President Obama to make sure that israel as what it needs to defend itself. At the same time, we anticipate there will be further needs for the requests. We have already been working closely with congress on this and we look forward to continuing to do that to make sure israel has what it needs. Second, we will be reiterating, reaffirming the very strong message that President Biden has delivered to any country or any party that might try to take advantage of this situation. That message is, dont. The president has deployed, as you know, the Worlds Largest Aircraft Carrier group to the region. To make very clear our intent to deter anyone not to plan any further aggression against israel. Finally, we are very focused on our own people, our own citizens. We lost 22 americans. That number could still go up. It probably will. At the same time, we have a number of americans remain unaccounted for. We are working very closely with the government of israel to determine their whereabouts, and if they have been taken hostage by hamas to work to secure the release. So all of these things are on the agenda over the next day or so. With israel, but the main point is this. We stand with israel, we will continue to do so. During our discussion now is democratic congressman Daniel Goldman of new york. Congressman goldman, i know you are in tel aviv when the attack started. You are with your family and your young daughters and son. You managed to get back, but as you stand there tonight in washington listening to the president , listening to the Secretary Of State, and given your recent experience being there, is there something more, is there Something Else you would like to hear from them . Well, i do think that President Biden has shown incredible leadership, and really demonstrated the solidarity that the United States has with israel. And also the Blanket Opposition to any terrorist groups around the world, whether it be alqaeda, i. S. I. S. , or now hamas with its horrific brutality over the weekend. I do have some information that i believe the State Department is working very hard and will be able to begin the process of helping americans get home within the next day or two. Thats obviously very top of mind for everyone, especially for me. I have thousands of people from my district who are stranded in israel right now. I think a lot of us have friends and people who have relatives and friends there. Many of us have been on the phone with them since this started. Im sure for you it has just been nonstop with your district, and your own family and friends. I read in your hometown newspaper, the new york daily news, about your time spent during the attacks in the hotel stairwell with your wife and your children, and trying to explain this to your nine year old and two or sixyearold. What have you been able to say to them as they go through what he is, i suppose, in their lives, their first chance, their first full sense of how israel and jews are threatened in this world . Thats the right question, because israelis deal with this from very young ages. It is unfortunately a fact of life over there to deal with sirens, to deal with sheltering, to deal with rocket fire from hamas and its other terrorist brothers and sisters. For us, of course, it was brandnew. I am familiar with how the Iron Dome Works and how the sirens work. But my kids have no idea much about war, much about any of that. Its been a process. Each of them are dealing with it differently. But its not over. Last night my nine year old daughter woke up and couldnt get back to sleep because she was worried that World War Iii was starting. My son is asking me, which team is winning. They all understand it differently, but the trauma remains, and its just a microcosm, of course, of what all of those families in the south that have suffered such brutality and such awful horrific unimaginable devastation to their families, to their loved ones, to their friends. And theyre going to have to deal with that. Not only today but every day going forward. The trauma is under discussed but it will remain for a long time. President biden said today that he cant discuss the details of what he is trying to do to get the hostages back. How do you prioritize what we should be doing at this point . I think you hit on all cylinders. Its not a mutually exclusive situation where you get hostages, you support israel, you either try to get the americans home who get are stranded there. We do it all here. I think this administration has demonstrated its ability to operate on multiple different fronts, and certainly President Biden has ordered the military and fbi and other assets of the American Government to assist israel in getting back the hostages, and i know that returning americans homes a huge priority for the State Department for this government. So well continue to push for everything to be done. We certainly are standing ready, at least in the Democratic Party in congress, to pass whatever legislation is needed to make sure israel has what it needs to defend itself, and hope that the republicans can get their act in order so that we can have an operational House Of Representatives to pass legislation. I think most viewers, or many viewers who have never been to israel, really get the coverage of it in crisis and possibly think of it as a place that isnt permanent crisis all the time, that is always dangerous to go there, i remember when returning for my first trip in israel back to the 1990s, it was a senate trip, i was telling people what i was really surprised about what was what a great Tourist Direction Destination is as long as it is calm, as it mostly was when i was there. Talk about the israel that you were in the day before the attack, and the way life looked in israel the day before. Israel is a country about the size of new jersey but the diversity of its geography and its topography and of course the history that is there, there is one country, there are beaches, there is jerusalem, perhaps the holiest place in the world for many religions. It is also a tech hub. Some of the worlds greatest technology and technological advances have come from israel. Tel aviv is a beautiful beach city. Its a really remarkable place. The difference here, lawrence, and why i think we will need to understand that what happened on saturday is wholly an entirely different than what the cycle of violence that you referred to that we have become somewhat numb to, and its usually minor incursions or retaliations. Theres always tension. But this is one of the worst Terror Attacks in history. Were in many respects the 9 11. Certainly on the level of whatever ices has done and alqaeda. And that is very different in israel. That is not what life is like in israel, even when its unsettled. And so we need to draw a distinction between hamas the Terrorist Organization and the Palestinian People. It is my firm belief that if we can eliminate hamas, especially from the gaza strip, but that will not only benefit the peace and security of israel, but it will also benefit the peace, security, and prosperity of the Palestinian People, and that is what we should be striving for. We must rid israel of terrorism and we must find a way to boost to the Palestinian People so that there can be peace in the middle east. Congressman dan goldman, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Im glad you and your family were able to get out safely, and im sorry are children had to learn such a difficult and immediate lesson about their peoples history that way. Thank you so much, lawrence. And joining our discussion now is michael oren, who served as israeli ambassador to the United States from 2009 to 2013. Hes a former member of the israeli knesset. Thank you very much for joining us on this important night. Really appreciate it. I want to just give you an open opportunity to react to what you have heard from President Biden over the last two days and the situation that you are living through there now. Thank you, lawrence. Thanks for having me on. This is been an extraordinary broadcast. The remarks by doug emhoff, by congressman gordon, and your remarks, lawrence, im sure they will touch the people of israel during this grim and determined time. Were determined to defend our homeland, to rescue the hostages. It wont be easy. Its an extremely complex situation. From a humanitarian Point Of View, certainly from a military and Strategic Point of view. I have been involved in u. S. Israel relationship for many decades. Both as a historian and as a practitioner, as a statesman. I have lived through many president ial addresses by many president s who we would define as pro israel. I have never heard a speech like the speech given by the president last night. What can i say . We were thierry, all of us. The passion, the connection that he made between his personal suffering. Heres a man we know who has suffered. He has lost a wife and two children. And the suffering of the people of israel. Is categorical condemnation of terror, is unequivocal support for a rate to defend ourselves. And then there were the strategic aspect of it, which i was surprised about, frankly, where he talked about not only was United States going to provide vital munitions to israel, without or even asking for, them by the way. Usually we have to go and ask the United States during conflicts, can we have that type of munitions, he was willing to move naval forces. This is very key, and a time when there is probably only one issue that received bipartisan support in washington, and thats the opposition to foreign entanglements, particularly in the middle east. Here comes the president of the United States and says im moving these naval forces opposite coast of lebanon eye lebanon, which is host to hezbollah. Also the streets of terry moves at the entrance to the persian golf, basically saying to hezbollah and its iranian buses, dont you dare. Even Secretary Of State blinken saying the same thing. Saying dont. Thats an extraordinary move. And quite surprising for me. And yes, the president s remarks to the American Jewish leadership reiterated the caveat, which is, we are going to give you this green light to do what you have to do to defend yourselves and to rig the gaza strip of hamas. We expect israel to act as the American Army acts, according to law. Which is code for saying please do your utmost to limit civilian casualties. And israel is doing it now. We bomb areas that have civilians in it, our pilots they have these knock knock things, these balms bombs that have no explosives. They hit the roof, it lets people in the building know that building could be targeted. They leaflet and they sms as well. Basically saying i think it was kind of a code, saying, im going Out On A Limb here. Im going Out On A Limb in terms of american politics, in terms of my party, and help me help you, he is saying to israel. I got that message. Others get that message last night. We dont actually have to reiterate. So literally to the American Jewish leadership. So its a remarkable moment in our relationship. But again, i have historical inperson likes perspective. I have never seen anything like. And i was very moved by. Having said that, we are poised. We are poised probably to have a major Ground Incursion into Freudian Slip at five in the morning, into gaza, but that could trigger a multi front war. Hezbollah will be hardpressed to remain on the sideline if israel is engaging in that type of incursion. And right now wearing joy in tremendous mode of International Support because of the suffering are people have experienced. Everybody here, lawrence, know somebody. Many people who have been kidnapped, killed, dismembered, beheaded, everybody, including my family. But that could change if there are large numbers of palestinian casualties, the narrative could begin to change. There is already some shifting on the international media. We have to be careful about that. The best we can. Its same time, we have to defend ourselves under utmost to return the hostages. Were dealing with a vicious, barbaras enemy that does not value human life. Not our life, and not the life of its own people. Its gonna be using its own civilians as human shields, and using hostages as human shields. The challenges here are myriad. We have no choice but to beat them. In an article in the forum in the jewish newspaper, i read about some of your own personal suffering. You talked about the rabbi, your daughters wedding, two of his sons were killed on the first day in military service, first day of this war. You have already been to a shiva for a 19 year old member of the Israeli Border police, a woman who was killed. Talk about what it means key in israel now, the closeness of everyone to these events. Im sure there is no one who does not have a story similar to yours or worse, and a Family Member being lost. And how will, in a certain sense, the whole country is sitting shiva now. The whole country is sitting shiva. Now its a very accurate description, lawrence, thank you. This morning my daughter calls up and says that there was a woman who studied karate and she was in her scout troop. She and her husband, three beautiful children, were all massacred. One of my best friends calls up today crying. She is a very strong willed woman. She is not given to expressions of emotion. Because she has an 18 year old son whos fresh in the army and has just finished his medical course, and they sent him to collect bodies. Not collect bodies, to collect body parts. Limbs, heads, the head of chopped off. And she said, i have lost my son. I sent him off is an innocent little boy, he has come back even Something Else. Even his voices changed. The psychological damage here is incalculable. The physical damage, yes, 1200 people, that is roughly 15, 16 times, proportionally, What America Lost On 9 11. Equivalent to 40,000 americans been killed over the course of that 24 hours. Just that type of magnitude. But its a psychological impact. Already, its a blame being passed around. Theyll be a time for blaming. Not now. Well be investigative committees and find out okay, what went wrong. Right now we have to focus on uniting. Good news is, if theres any Silver Lining to this, weve experience now about nine months of very severe schism in this country. Political schism,s opposition to the governments judicial reform, left, right, jews from eastern backgrounds versus jews from western backgrounds, very deep schisms. All of a sudden everything is coming together again. We rediscovered our selves as a nation. And we have an actual unity government tonight where the principal opposition party, and blue and white of benny gantz has that and joined with the likud coalition. That is a Silver Lining. The terrorists have forced us to come together again and remember who we are. Ambassador oren, could you stay with us across a commercial break . That he has known Bibi Netanyahu for 40 years. He has also known you for 40 years. I would love to get your assessment of how these two people, these two men, can Work Together in this crisis. Were just gonna take a quick commercial break here. Were going to be back with former israeli ambassador to the United States, michael oren. Well be right back. Youre replacing me . 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Youve known Bibi Netanyahu over that same period of time. How do you expect these two leaders to Work Together . On the basis of candor. There are policy difference. There are sharp difference on the Iranian Nuclear issue. At the end of the day you have joe biden who has israel in his heart and he has immense legitimacy, a mans trust of the israeli people in. Him netanyahu now is a leader in crisis. He just is. I think on the basis of the longstanding relationship, that candor, in spite of the policy differences, and there are many areas of confluence of interests. They can Work Together. They can show that over the last 28, 48 hours. Former ambassador michael oren, thank you so much for joining us on this important night. Your voice is so illuminating on this subject. Our breaking News Coverage continues, right after this break. Break. Tech vo you can schedule in just a few clicks. And well come to you with a replacement you can trust. Man looks great. 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The president and i take very seriously our commitment to israel and to the people of israel, to support them, and in particular to give israel what it needs to defend itself. One of our highest priorities, of course, is the safety and wellbeing of american citizens, and that will continue to be among our highest priorities. It is also critically important that as we have been, we will stay in constant communication and contact with our allies, with our israeli partners, which members of congress, as we have been doing these last few days. In fact this morning, i was on a call with president , with Prime Minister netanyahu, now one of many calls that have taken place to restate our commitment that his unwavering to stand with israel in the israeli people. Today israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached an agreement to form an emergency governing coalition with his top political rival benny gantz the Emergency Coalition leagues agreement is set to expire when hostilities are completed. In the meantime it gives Gantz Power Akin to that of another Prime Minister. Joining our discussion now from jerusalems journalist thank you very much for joining us from jerusalem tonight. Thank. You what does this Emergency Coalition government mean for israel . Thank you. It means two things in the immediate sense and one is its basically an acknowledgment on the part of netanyahu that he did not have legitimacy by himself to lead israel to war right now. It is a very controversial Prime Minister. He has been the subject of a Massive Public polemic for months because of his attempted judicial overhaul and he has been critiqued very harshly for his handling of these first few days of war. The other one, for the Point Of View of Israeli Citizens is, they will now have much more confidence that people with experience are making the decision related to where their children are sent as soldiers in battle. Is there likely to be agreement in this Emergency Coalition . I think its really challenging. Netanyahu is trying to ride two horses. He has kept his extremist coalition together, and he has added to this war cabinet, with limited power, benny gantz the Opposition Leader who said as much in his statement. He said its not a political unity government. Its we are in time of war, and in a time where we have to come together. This is a war cabinet that will last only during the period of war and wont really have impact beyond decisions that have to do with combat. What has been the reaction to this announcement in israel . I think there has been a sigh of relief, obviously, honestly, because the government has been so absent for all israelis, that just the site of a former Chief Of Staff of the Army Standing up and saying i have your back has been really important for israelis. I want to point out in this statement that was made last night by the Prime Minister, the Defense Minister, and the new coalition partner, the only one who mentioned the hostages, the only one who really spoke, sort of with heartbreak to israelis, was benny gantz the former army Chief Of Staff, who acknowledge the pain and agony people are going through. Neither the Prime Minister nor the Defense Minister had the ability to do that. Noga tarnopolsky, thank you very much for joining us from jerusalem tonight. Joining our discussion now is democratic representative sara jacobs of california. Member of the Armed Services committee and happens to be the youngest jewish member of congress. Thank you very much for joining us tonight, representative jacobs. One of the issues, i know you are facing, is the questions from your constituents about relatives and friends that they have in israel, about their safety. Some of them attempting to come home. What can you tell us about that . I myself have family who lives in israel. My aunt and uncle and my first cousins. My one cousin sent me a picture, a video of a building half a mile from where she lives that was bombed on saturday and my other cousin has an 18 month old and this is the third time in her short life that she has had to spend multiple nights in a bomb shelter. This is personal to me like it is to so many people. Its why i think it is so important that we continue to assert israels right to defend itself and its people. And it is why we are working closely with the Biden Administration to make sure that we are doing everything we can to support israel and to make sure that we are promoting the rule of the law of war. And were here to make sure that we are getting help that we need to civilians who are there, americans who are living in israel and americans who are in the Palestinian Territories in gaza in the west bank. Im lead an effort to make sure that the State Department has arabic speakers, they are getting information out to americans in gaza in the west bank, in addition to helping to make sure that we are doing everything we can for americans living in israel proper and there are State Website so they can go to. They can call the state Department Embassy in jerusalem and also reach out to members of congress and we are helping many families, including my own, who are trying to get to the United States right now. In normal governing times you are perfectly positioned as a member of the House Foreign Relations Committee and member of the house Armed Services committee, to be in the thick of this issue. But is the dysfunctional house getting in the way of how you want to be doing your job right now . Absolutely. We cant do anything on the house floor until we elect a speaker, a and it is time for republicans to come together and pick their Speaker Candidate and come to the floor. Democrats are ready to come to the floor to vote for us. Our Speaker Candidate. We are all excited to vote for Hakeem Jeffries for the 15, 16, 17th, 18th time if its necessary and as Leader Jeffries has publicly said, publicly and privately, we are open and ready for a bipartisan way forward. Unfortunately republicans have not even come to the table to have that conversation with us. This means we cant pass important resolutions around israel. We cant pass funding and other authorities where you might need for the conflict in israel. This is a Real National security issue. Its time for republicans to get their act together and elect a speaker. We heard earlier in the program, from your colleague dan goldman, about being in tel aviv with his kids, aged 9 to 6, three of his kids, his wife, hiding in the stairwell, consider the most protected part of the building, and then him having to explain to his kids, aged 6 to 9, about what they were going through. When, in your youth, when you were growing up, when did you discover what those kids discovered this weekend, the threat that israel faces and the threat that jews face around the world . Unfortunately it is something that i remember learning very young. Every other summer we would go spend the summer in israel with my cousins, my aunt and uncle, and every summer my cousins would come to san diego and spend the summer with us. Surely get, of the community on the border with gaza, is san diegos sister city actually. So i spent a lot of time there with the community there, actually with the Israeli Arabs and palestinians from the neighboring region. And i remember there were really scary times in the 90s, for instance, when we were sure what directly steely it cares of israel, and things got scary. And unfortunately its not only in israel. Just going to synagogue, this past month for the high holidays, it was more security to go into synagogue that i have to go into that to go into the white house. We are seeing this Horrible Antisemitism Playing Out In Israel but also for jewish communities around the world. Representative sara jacobs, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Our breaking News Coverage continues right after this break. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. Is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms. Better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be lifethreatening, or uncontrolled Muscle Movements, which may be permanent. High blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. Movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. Stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. I didnt have to change my treatment. I just gave it a lift. Ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. [man struggles] i need some sleep. [man relieved] if you struggle with cpap, you should check out inspire. Inspire. Sleep apnea innovation. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com this is a live look at gaza, where the local time is 5 47 a. M. The Israeli Military spent the day positioning troops at the border, nbc news chief foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, has more. This really military buildup in Southern Israel is continuing and intensifying throughout the day weve been seeing israeli tanks, and troops, and jeeps heading down in this direction, lining up along the border with gaza. In some places, digging in, digging in artillery. You definitely get a sense that a military offensive, a Ground War Into Gaza could be imminent. The Defense Minister here says that a ground war is coming. He said that israeli troops will go in. That theyve been attacking from the air, and that they will soon attack on the ground. He didnt set any date, but from what we could see, it does not seem like it is very far off. Obviously, the exact timing is a state secret in this country. But you cant hide the fact that all of these troops are heading in the direction of Southern Israel. Troops are getting ready for some sort of battle. This will be a hard fight. Because hamas is ready. We saw how prepared hamas was when it launched that brutal assault into israel, killing 1200 israelis. Going house to house, using paragliders, using boats to get around the israeli defenses. So this group has improved, and hamas says it is welcoming a fight on its territory. It says it is ready for it. Gaza is full of tunnels, hamas knows the terrain very well. So, israeli troops could find themselves in tough, street to street, or been battles in gaza. It will be very dangerous for the people of gaza. Already, around 1000 people in gaza have been killed by the airstrikes over the last five days. Once troops go in and they start battling with tanks in these narrow streets, many thousands could be killed. Thanks for that, joining us now from tel avivs ronan bergman, staff writer for the New York Times magazine. Hes the author of rise and kill first, the secret history of israels targeted assassinations. Thank you very much for joining us once again, tonight. You have been reporting for the times about the Intelligence Failure certainly at the beginning of what is now a war. How has that affected the response since israel became very much aware of what was going on . Has it slowed israels response since they had a failure of intelligence at the beginning . Does it make them reluctant to trust the intelligence they have now . The effect of what hamas has done, especially getting its perpetrators to cross the border, to crash defense and conquer, for sometime, significant parts of the Southern Hemisphere of israel, put the Israeli Military leadership its something i could not describe readily. Otherwise van shock and awe. They were confused, they did not trust the early enough. People got killed. We saw nothing but some kind of a fog of battle coming from that place. But as time passed, we see the military regrouping, sending their forces, which we Richard Engel just reported about. Starting to shell gaza, finding new vocabulary for this shelling. They will pay a price, they will never forget, the words Prime Minister netanyahu is using. They will never forget our response. The world will never forget our response for this atrocity, i think everybody understands the gravity of these words. From confusion, i think with the israeli public, and israeli leadership, and the soldiers, those i met by gaza yesterday, going from town, demolished town to demolished town, you hear anger. You hear frustration. You hear sadness. And you mainly hear determination. If just two weeks ago, the country was torn because the political crisis, because of the leader legal overall now you see unity. You see one common enemy. And you see a common goal, which is to pay back, and payback hard. I think we are, if Ground Invasion is declared, as richard said, theres not a conclusion. But seeing this massive air military build up, nothing of its kind in the history of israel. When you see it, when you travel in the south, and also the north, preparing for the possible second run. You know that we are heading towards difficult days in the region. I think the world thinks of israel, and i think historically, correctly, as one of the most military ready countries in the world, if not the most military Ready Country in the world. An Intelligence Failure is Something Different from actual Military Readiness for active combat. What is your assessment of israels readiness for active combat . Israel has been throughout the year, since they realized you cannot have all the military, which is based on reserves, stationed on your border for 365 days. It was based on the need to have exact intelligence, and warning of at least 48 hours. The full preemptive strike. Then the ability to organize the reserve quite fast through the border. This warning did not come exactly 50 years and a day before the attack, last saturday. This was the Yom Kippur War of 1973. And that morning didnt come this saturday. In both cases, there is no warning. There is no reserve color. Call up. And saturday, it was only just the warning could have could be enough to stop the perpetrators. But now, i think after a week, from some kind of a sleepy mode of the military, especially in the south, you see a military that is ready, and determined. And needs a very short lift to launch a Massive Avenge ronan bergman, thank you very much for joining us from tel aviv tonight. We very much appreciate it. Thank you. We will be right back. We will be right back. Headache . Better now. 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Msnbc headquarters in new york city. Israel is

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