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Picking up our continuing live coverage of the war in israel, for despite ongoing violence, the Israeli Defense forces say they have regained control their territory. My colleague lester holt is in tel aviv tonight. Tonight, israel bombing the hamas run gaza strip, ordering a complete siege. No electricity, fuel, our food allowed inside, as they the Palestinian Militants responsible for the massive Terror Attack thats left hundreds dead, including americans. Its what israeli officials called their 9 11. Tonight, israels Prime Minister says airstrikes in gaza are just beginning. [speaking in a global language] translator we just started to hit hamas. Meanwhile, the death toll is also growing inside gaza tonight. Palestinian Officials Say hundreds are dead from israeli retaliation operations, including civilians, rescuers combing through rubble. [speaking in a global language] we were sitting peacefully, and then started Feeling Debris falling on us. My dad and sister were killed, this man says. And gaza, hamas is holding over 100 israelis hostage, including young children, elderly, and entire innocent families. President biden warns there ar likely americans among them. Hamas is now threatening to kill those hostages unless israel stops killing civilians in gaza. Our own Richard Engel saw some of the ongoing Rocket Attacks firsthand earlier today. Earlier today, we drove to the town of sderot near gaza, close to where the Music Festival was held. Major spellman, an Israeli Military spokesman, described the hamas Killing Spree here. Started shooting all these vehicles, people standing at the bus stop, everything you see, carnage everywhere, dead bodies. Then came a barrage of rockets from gaza. Everybody in . This is what were up against. This is like a Shooter Situation in the u. S. Imagine the thousand Shooter Situations happening constantly. Do you think were clear . We are. As we left for another part of sderot, israeli troops seemed tense. It turned out, with good reason. [sound of artillery] [sound of artillery] [speaking in a global language] stay down, stay down. [sound of artillery] [sound of artillery] [speaking in a global language] [sound of artillery] so these seem to be mortars. Theyre coming in very close. Thankfully, richard and his team were not hurt. But the question on everyones mind tonight, how did Israeli Intelligence miss an attack of this magnitude . Many tonight calling it a monumental Intelligence Failure. How did israels vaunted Intelligence Network and military and the u. S. Not see this coming . There were a lot of failures that led up to this. Clearly, the israelis didnt have either the human or Technical Resources that give them insight into this. This clearly was a failure of epic proportions. Now, questions about whether israel has been distracted by yearlong protest dividing the country over the Prime Ministers controversial plan to overhaul their supreme court, even prompting many Army Reservist refused to shop for duty. [sound of gunfire] some reporting iran helped plan the attack, but u. S. And israeli officials tell nbc news its unclear what role iran played. I just want to say were examining the exact iranian role in this. We are not 100 sure about their Operations Role in this, and whether or not theyre involved in the operation, the planning, execution of this in israel. It wouldnt surprise me if we discovered it was a complete iranian rule behind the scenes. With that, lets bring in msnbc Chief Correspondent and my partner ali velshi, joining us live from tel aviv. Ali, i hope you got some sleep. It is just passed 60 am there. Tell us whats been happening overnight. Its been one of those environments for my team and i havent slept in 40 hours. But it is i can tell you, stephanie, how heartbreaking this is on all fronts. First of all, just the way israelis are feeling. From the moment we crossed the border from jordan, we encountered israelis who were asking us whether we knew what had happened. They obviously saw we are media and had our gear, and their hearts were pouring up in that moment. The tension, the fear, the grief, and i want to say fear, israelis have been through a lot, theyve since the creation of this country. They feel fearful. Someone told me theyre more fearful than they have been before 1973. The folks of gaza, 2. 2 Million People, they are very fearful. They have seen the wrath of israel as a result of retribution for those strikes. They now are facing siege. Israel has said theyre not allowing food, water, or diesel fuel in. The gaza operates on diesel fuel. Their electrical power plant uses diesel fuel. Theyre going to run out of that in three days. 2. 2 Million People, and theyre going to run out of fuel. Were gonna see a humanitarian disaster there, plus continued airstrikes. Last night, 500 airstrikes. Then we have a third problem, theres problems in the west bank. Thats been going on for about ten months. Theyve called out reservists, and theyve had reservists go into the west bank. Now, theres no army in the west bank. But its individual acts of protest and violence that take place. Those have ramped up tonight. And then theyve got the northern border with lebanon. Hezbollah is there. They lob some missiles in on saturday as a show of support, not ruling anything meaningful, but a show of support for israel. And there was the incursion by some hezbollah militants today. An israeli commander was killed in that protest. So israel is now preparing for action on three fronts. Theyve told israelis, be prepared have three days worth of water and non perishable foods in case this escalates, so that you at least got food in your house. They called up 300,000 reservists. Think about that, stephanie. Theyve never had that many reserves. They dont have the, in fact, in the country. So ella lowe, the, Airline Ascending airplanes to countries where these reservists live, just bring them back into the country. This country is on a war footing. It has declared war. Tel aviv, the city, its six in the morning, but even at eight in the evening, seven in the evening, its a vibrant city. Its sort of a Bit Reminiscent of miami, a mix of restaurants, clubs, things like that. Not today, not yes day, things are closed, restaurants are closed, cafes are closed, the streets are empty. We had fighter jets go bus earlier. Four hours ago, we are the intercepts for the iron dome, the missiles that intercept the rockets that come in from gaza, each of them in a row. And this is tel aviv. And the south, this is happening, rockets are landing all over the place. There are still hamas militants, the israelis say, inside of israel who are not accounted for. And of course, the biggest story of all, the people who were killed in the videos that youve been seeing, but the hostages who are still alive. Theyre in gaza, they believe theyre in gaza. Theyre not sure who they, are not sure how many there are, and they want them out. Benjamin netanyahu as promised that there might be an incursion, a Ground Invasion of gaza. But he cant do that until they figure where these hostages are, because those hostages could end up as human shields. This is a terrible, terrible situation for everybody involved, stephanie. And theres nothing ive seen since ive been here for the last two days that indicates that anything is Getting Better anytime soon, steph. These hostages, children, families, the elderly, an attack on humanity. Ali velshi thank you so much. Please get some rest, stay safe, we need your reporting. Lets dig deeper with our lead off panel, peter baker joined, the chief White House Correspondent for the new york times. Axios Reporter Barack revealed, he just moved to the u. S. From israel to cover Foreign Policy and politics. And jeremy bash is here, former Chief Of Staff at the cia and the pentagon. Barack what have you been hearing from your friends and colleagues in israel over the last 48 hours . Hello, stephanie. I think that, if i can try and explain or describe the way, i think the majority of Israelis Feel, i think 80 to 85 of Israelis Feel right now, its on the one hand, it shock. I think it is still stop shock, even though three days have passed. Its humiliation. Its anger. And more than everything, it is people want revenge. Again, im trying to describe to hear how people feel, not expressing an opinion. And i think because so many Israelis Feel that, if you asked the Average Israeli right now what he wants to see, he will tell you, why arent we going in . Thats what most israelis want to see right now, the idf going into gaza. And this is why i think it is pretty clear, and Prime Minister netanyahu told this to joe biden, president joe biden, on sunday when they spoke, he told him we have no choice. Were not going to have any negotiations right now. Were going in. How is this time different . Put it in perspective for us, barak. Well, i think its, you know, this is the First Time Since 1948, when israel was established, since our war of independence, that israeli villages and towns were occupied by the enemy, First Time Since the country was established. The amount of carnage and killing by hamas was the biggest ever in the history of israel. Just to give you an example, in the entire second intifada, which was between two and three years, we had more than 2000 people were killed in suicide bombings. Now in one day, we have 1000 israelis who are killed in one terrorist attack. So i think people are shocked, people are angry, and i think the result will be that the government will have to go on a massive operation that will take a lot of time, at least from what i hear from senior israeli officials, theyre talking about at least three months. I want to say it again so people will understand, at least three months. This means more airstrikes. This means a ground operation. This means a lot of people dead on both sides. Peter, the amount and killing and carnage of the inset it is almost unfathomable. Help us understand the mission of hamas, the goal of hamas. Well, thats a real mystery here, i think, for a lot of people. Because in fact what they are doing here is not just inflicting harm on the enemy, but bringing harm to their own people, right. They know, they had to have known of course that any strike like this was going to invite a massive retribution by the israeli army, that they were in fact risking the idea of being occupied again by ground forces. And the people who would suffer in gaza would not just be their own hamas forces, but in fact the 2 million civilians there, right. We already heard the Israeli Defense minister today saying that he is for imposing an entire siege on gaza, that they are cutting off supplies of food and water and fuel to gaza, thats 2 Million People there who are going to be, in theory, affected by this, and many of whom who are of course not hamas importers or anything to do with this attack. And hamas do knew that going in, and obviously it did not stop or deter them from doing that. So why did they do this . Its a very good question. There is speculation that this came at a time when United States, biden administration, had been negotiating an agreement between israel and saudi arabia to finally establish normal diplomatic relations. If that were to happen, they would transform the dynamics of the region, they would really be a gamechanger for the middle east. And obviously, are on, which is hamass patron, is against that. So well see if it turns out to be a motivating factor according to any investigation or intelligence. But obviously, a lot of people are looking at that and thinking it cannot be a coincidence. Well, people who are looking at that, are they seeing this as an attack on israel, or an attack on jews, peter . Well, its a good question. In some ways, its obviously both. You cant separate the two. Its motivated obviously by many things. Obviously, there are many palestinians who have longstanding grievances about what israel does in terms of its protection of its own security, in terms of blockading gaza, and so forth. But remember, the israelites pulled out of gaza in 2005. They said, fine, you want to be in charge, there you are in charge there. But its been a nightmare situation there ever since, largely because hamas has been in charge. Hamas has never accepted responsibility for making gaza a better place. Instead, its chosen to repeatedly and periodically launch much smaller scale attacks, nothing of the scale and scope were seeing today. Now, weve seen it obviously raised to a far different light barak to, said something we havent seen in israel in decades, if ever. Jeremy, whats the important thing that you think we need to understand tonight . I think this is much worse than 9 11 for israel, stephanie, for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, just in terms of proportion, obviously a country of 9 Million People suffering 1000 dead on a single day is like if in the United States 25,000 people being killed. The second is after 9 11, we didnt have rockets raining down our entire Tr Country Wasnt living in Bomb Shelters. And hezbollah in the north, with 200,000 rocket pieces, hamas with another 50,000 rocket, artillery, and mortar pieces in the south, they can suppress the entire population of israel and force them into Bomb Shelters for weeks at a time. We did have that after 9 11. We didnt actually fear that america was would be under attack from all sides and our borders were going to be breach and that our way of life has gone to fundamentally change. But we knew that we would fundamentally survive. I think israelis at this hour are questioning exactly what their Security Looks like over the next days, weeks, and months. And i think its very difficult for americans to palpably understand that fear, that trepidation. Jeremy, how could an Intelligence Failure of this magnitude happen . Well first of all, i think its a failure on multiple levels, not just intelligence. We dont actually know what the intelligence said or did not say. It might have been a failure of collection. It might have been a failure of analysis. Might have been a failure of border security. Might have been a failure of technology. It probably was a systemic failure on all those fronts, including on civil defense, on the idea of force posture. I think in the history of this is written, were going to see a perfect storm gathering. It took the United States three years, not until july 2004, to fully analyze and appreciate the lessons of 9 11. I think its gonna take israel a very long time to focus at this hour isnt why it this happened, its how to secure the border, how to get hostages out, and how to ensure that there arent rocket artillery, murder and Terrorist Threats that essentially suppress the entire country for the coming days and weeks. Barak, you want to weigh in . Yes, i think that lets try to maybe broaden the scope a bit. In the last nine months, since this Israeli Government assumed office, it went on a campaign against israels judicial system and try to push this judicial overhaul that the result was the weakening of Israeli Society, israeli economy, and the Israeli Military. And i think that Israeli Intelligence did not give a warning of that specific attack, but Israeli Intelligence told the Prime Minister and the Israeli Security cabinet for months that israels enemies are looking at whats going on in israel, they see that israel is weaker, that its more vulnerable, that there will also be that they will wake up one morning and say, you know what, were going to do something. So strategically, i think the intelligence was right. Operationally, tactically, there was a failure. But strategically, i think if you ask the why did hamas decide to do it, i think they decide to do it now because it saw how weak israel is because of the Israeli Governments judicial overhaul. Jeremy, how is Vladimir Putin reacting to all of this . It sure seems like a plays right into his hand. Yeah, undoubtedly, he wants the United States and the west to be distracted. Obviously, our support for ukraines what hes trying to fight against. So every moment that we focus on another region is sort of a big day for putin. I mean, there is a important strategic dynamic happening, which is that putin has supported iran, iran has supported hamas. So, you can kind of see these things lining up. And i think its very important for the United States, for western countries, including our nato allies, to continue to stand for square behind israel. Actually, i think probably other arab countries, including gulf countries, are also supporting israel, although maybe not as loudly as other countries. But i think stephanie your point is right, which is that we should analyze this also the context of the Russia Ukraine war. Peter, you worked in moscow and covered putin for years, how do you think hes reacted . I think what germany said is right. Anything that takes the american focus away from ukraine, from his perspective, is a good thing. But its a complicated thing as well. Remember, a lot of russians live in israel, a lot of russians are currently living in Bomb Shelters and afraid for their lives. A lot of russian israelis have been killed, no doubt, as part of this attack in the last few days. So its a little bit complicated for russia in that sense. But he has been very neutral in his reaction, putin has, since this attack. He has not spoken out in favor of israels right to defend itself. And i think that whats interesting to see is what it doesnt washington and lee little bit. Because right now were having this big debate that republicans in the house have blocked additional military aid to ukraine. But theres obviously going to be a real motivation here to do what they can to provide aid to israel in the days to come, assuming the house can get its act together, pick a new speaker. And if thats the case, what does it do in terms of ukraine aid. Does it change the nature that debate . Could you see something on a spending bill, for instance, people saying lets give money to both these peoples that are fighting aggression against them. Its interesting to see how that might change the dynamic here in washington. Barak, you mentioned it earlier, you mentioned that netanyahu told biden weekend that we have to go into gaza. How big a deal is that comment, especially when you think about the hundreds of families who are praying for their families who are Hostage Members tonight . I will tell you something that might surprise many of our viewers right now, but i think something is dramatically changed inside Israeli Society in the last three days. And i think that the Hostage Issue, as dramatic as it might be, and im not saying its in the backseat, but it is definitely not driving the car. This is not the main consideration, that the Israeli Government would take his decisions. I dont think that the Hostage Issue will prevent a ground operation. In many ways, i think the Israeli Government will continue with this operation, almost regardless of the Hostage Issue. [sighs] have to take a deep breath on that. Peter baker, barak ravid, jeremy bash, thank you all for starting us off tonight, its a lot to take in. When we come back, we want to speak to a woman whose sister is currently beinheld hostage. It is not in the backseat for her. She will share her message to the world tonight. And later, reaction here in the United States. What we are hearing from the Jewish Community as security has increased and antisemitism is on the rise. Plus, the roadblocks for congress, handling the crisis with no speaker of the house. The 11th hour just getting underway on an important monday. Into every sip and sign. Fastsigns. Make your statement. Ive never been healthier. Shingles doesnt care. But shingrix protects. Proven over 90 effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. 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She called him to say goodbye, to say that she loves them, and do not think of her in sorrow. Her family saw a video on telegram and identified her as a kidnapping victim. You can see here with the blood on her face. The next day, senior idf officers confirmed that she was indeed kidnapped. And with us this evening, her older sister, sasha. Sasha, first i want to say i am so very sorry for what is happening to your family, your sister, we are all Thinking Of You and praying for her tonight. Can you give us any updates, have you heard from the government . Nothing, we havent heard nothing since the people who came to our house to confirm that she is killed. We dont know anything, in the only thing that we hear on the press, israeli, is that the government wont consider the hostages there. And theyre just going to mom gaza. And were trying to address them and to say that we understand if we think rationally are not from our hearts and emotions and feelings that we need, we need to go in gaza, our soldiers need to get in there. But together with it, they must be discreet, and few of them, they must take or confirm the status of life of the hostages. What do you believe happened to her . How exactly was she kidnapped . Where was she . She was in her base on the border. She called us from there, she was in the bomb shelter, because gaza started firing missiles. We could hear them from the phone when she was speaking with us. She spoke with us a little bit on the phone, just to say goodbye, that she loves us. And then afterwards, we were texting her a little bit more on whatsapp. And her last message was the terrorists, they are here, they are near the bomb shelter, and they heard them, we heard, them we heard the guns firing. And the next thing that we know they threw grenades into the bomb shelter. So youve heard nothing from the authorities. How are you getting information . Were you speaking with right now . We are speaking with the other parents who are trying to pull some connections and know a little bit, any piece of information, all the information we get is from the news. And we dont know if it is confirmed by anyone. Maybe, all they say is its a psychological war with a terror organizations. We really dont know anything. There are a lot of families, not like ours, that are sleeping in their homes. And they didnt get any message that somebody is looking for their loved ones or doing something. They do not know anything. I do not know if they have identified their loved ones as i identified my sister. They are adjusting and theyre seeing on the television that our government wont take into consideration the hostages in gaza. We need to pull every government in the world to put pressure and send the red cross her other humanitarian organizations to the border, or to get in gaza and confirm where are the hostages in and if they are treated well. Because when, if they negotiations start, we need to know that they are safe and sound. If they want us to be good with their hostages in our country. What would you say to those kidnappers, those terrorists, right now, if theyre watching, what do you want them to know . I want you to know that as you have families, we also have family. And it doesnt matter who are we, my religion, my nation, ivory one knows the feeling of family, the love between father and daughter, mother and daughter, siblings, grandparents, other family. You also have the same thing, everyone in the world, have the same thing. It doesnt matter who we are gods, or who are gods, and the political status and what everyone is. But you need to remember that there are someones loved one. Please treat them with the minimum, i dont ask without conditions right, but the minimum humanity to keep them alive and safe. Treat them if theyre wounded, give them water, give them food, talk to them. Do not insult them or abuse them or other things that i dont want to think about. Please the you are there now more than their family can be with them. Remember that. I want to think, i dont want to lose my hope, that you are also human beings. Although after all the slaughter and the desecrated corpses that i have seen, i still want to believe and not to lose my faith. Sasha, i am truly amazed by your strength, resilience, and composure tonight. Thank you so much for joining us. Im thinking you and your family and of course your sister. Thank you much stephanie, and thank you for contacting us. [sighs] you are looking at a live shot of the white house late in blue this evening, blue and white, in support of israel. The president will be giving remarks tomorrow. But when we come back, were going to look at what is happening in d. C. And how d. C. Politics are affecting what is happening overseas. When the 11th hour continues. I have Type 2 Diabetes, but i manage it well. Jardiance its a little pill with a big story to tell. I take oncedaily jardiance, at each days staaart. As time went on it was easy to seee. Im lowering my a1c. Jardiance works 24 7 in your body to flush out some sugar and for adults with Type 2 Diabetes and known Heart Disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. Jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and Genital Yeast or urinary tract infections. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. 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Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or Muscle Weakness may be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. Side effects may include allergic reactions, Injection Site pain, headache, eyebrow, Eyelid Drooping and eyelid swelling. Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. See for yourself at botoxcosmetic. Com. Over the weekend, u. S. Ambassador u. N. Ambassador deborah lipstadt, the special envoy for monitoring and combat antisemitism, called hamass attack on israel the most lethal attack against jews since the holocaust. Now in the aftermath of the attack, thousands of miles away, werseeing Law Enforcement in major u. S. Cities ramping up security around jewish communities and synagogues, as well as islamic mosques. Back with me tonight, former florida congressman ted deutch, hes now ceo of the american Jewish Community, and my dear friend jonathan greenblatt, ceo and director of the anti defamation league. He wrote the book, it is a must read, it could happen here, why america is tipping from hate to the unthinkable, and how we can stop it. I am so sorry to you both. The last 72 hours are unthinkable, but youve been on my mind. What is it like for you tonight . One of the last two days been like . Look, i havent gotten any sleep. I feel both saddened and exhausted and angry. But first and foremost, my hearts go out to these victims, the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of families who lost grandparents, who lost husbands and wives, sons and daughters. And the stories are more and more barbaric. And so, yeah, i mean, its been, its been eviscerateing to be here watching this. And i know you said something in your league that we need to talk about, the reality is weve seen time and again that incidents in israel cause antisemitism at home, right . The pathology of blaming the jews, it explodes. And were seeing rallies right now in america, again, blaming the jews, blaming israel for the rape and utilization of its citizens. So yeah, there are Security Corridors around synagogues. There are police stationed outside jewish day schools. They are rj ccs for fine. Think about, that a Jewish Community center has to fortify itself like a fortress because of fear of attacks from people and jews. All of this while theyre still counting the bodies in israel. Its a terrible situation. Listen, what weve seen since this started is the most barbaric, the most brutal assaults, attack, by terrorists against israel. Its the most lethal attack against jews since the holocaust. Terrific. And this is a moment that requires the world to stand together. There arent two sides here, there is the side of morality and decency humanity. And humanity, and the side of evil. And what we saw and continue to see, and what your last interview so powerfully showed, that poor woman whose last contact was the terrorists, they are here, there are over 100 israeli civilians, a Holocaust Survivor, babies, senior citizens, who are hauled into gaza by these violent terrorists. The world needs to stand together against that. The Statement Today from the president and the leaders of the uk and germany and france in italy reasserting their commitment as friends of israel to israels right to defend itself is an important statement of where the Civilized World Stands and where we all must continue to stand with israel and against this kind of horrific terrorism. What do you think about the fact that were not actually seeing we are seeing support from our government, other governments, we are not actually seeing full throat its support for israel against these attacks, from all sorts of institutions in the last 72 hours. Look, i have talked to so many people who say where is my president . Why hasnt he or she issued a simple statement to say we stand with israel against this barbarism . We have Members Of Congress who have not yet said the obvious, which is that these crimes against israel were crimes against humanity. I want to show them the videos on my phone of Hamas Terrorists who murdered a babys parents and then took this child maybe 15 months old to gaza and humiliated her and mocked her. Its all right here. I want to introduce it to my friend six members of his family were slaughtered. I want to introduce them to the family of the Holocaust Survivor who was burned to death in her home. These arent like dramatic flourishes. Stephanie, we have the videos, because these barbarians videotaped themselves committing the most grotesque crimes. So this is isis, this is alqaeda, so this is taliban. So to the people protesting in front of my office tonight, telling me resistance by any means necessary, that happened, to the people marching in cities saying that zionism, is racism, or whatever, antizionism isnt antisemitism, stephanie, its a genocidal ideology that objectifies jews and creates the conditions with which people so dehumanize women, they drag the bleeding from the crash through gaza like trophies, hauling bodies from the backs of jeeps. Like, this is what we have the footage of. Imagine a world in which people think this is permissible, and the people around them are hooting and hollering. This is actually, it is alqaeda, it is isis, it is nazi. Because i love the stories of how the nazi white house to house in warsaw and liquidated the ghetto. That is what happened in israeli towns. They killed friends of mine. Like, this is personal for all of us here. And its really important, jonathan made such an important point. And people need to understand how small a country israels. There are 300,000 civilians who have been called into military duty. The woman who runs our office in jerusalem was called to serve. Only 9 Million People live there. Right . Her son was called to serve, her husband was called to serve, three different parts the country, we see that everywhere, multiple generations of the same family coming to defend their country against, what . Against hamas. Those people who are protesting, who are standing and screaming against israel, theyre standing on the side of an organization whose charter is devoted to making clear their goals of killing jews, of eliminating the state of israel. The charters 35 years old. This isnt new. There is nothing there, there is nothing that weve seen from hamas that leads anyone to conclude that their interest is anything other than mayhem and bloodshed and murdering and massacring jews. This is a pogrom against jews. The massacre. And its an ongoing massacre. Thats the way theyre approaching this. The world needs to see that. So for who stands up on the sides theyre gonna protest, there thats who theyre standing with. And if their kids or their cousins or their neighbors were being dragged out of the beds, or their kids were at a Music Festival were 260 young people were gunned down, if thats what theyre supporting, then theyre on the wrong side, not only of this issue, but of history. They are accomplices, when you rationalize rape, when you legitimize mass murder. 260 unarmed teenagers shot in the back while they ran. I heard stories about people who were shot in a legs and a mobilized, and then raped. So look, i saw the prior segment, and jeremy bash its someone i deeply respect. He said this is an Intelligence Failure, it was a technology failure, it was a military failure. Stephanie, this is a moral failure, on our part. Because what ted said is right, ted had it exactly right, the charter says, doesnt say a two state solution, which i happen to believe in, it doesnt say a palestinian nation, which i thought was a good idea, it says to destroy the zionist entity. And to those Policy Makers and their accomplices who launder their hate and allow and permit their bigotry, listen, we can make a detente with them. The blood is on their hands. And you know, please, i will say one blast thing to your Script Writers and the people know back, like, stop calling them fighters, stop calling the militants, theyre barbarians interests, stop saying this is a retaliation can i interrupt you, we are not saying that here. Thank you, thank you. I spent the day today speaking with my former colleagues in the house and members of the senate about what they are going to do and how quickly they can get it done. And we dont know in the house, obviously because were at a moment no one has ever experience where they kicked out a speaker. We dont how quickly it can happen. But the commitment from all across the political aisle, democrats and republicans alike, to again standing with israel, which is standing, not only for decency, its standing for peace. That commitment is strong and were going to continue to do all that we can to make sure that what we see coming from washington tracks what we hear coming from Thoughtful Dedicated Americans who recognize that it a moment of crisis for our allies when israel is under assault by terrorists, there is no choice but to stand with our democratic allies. Gentlemen, thank you for being here. Well be right back. Right back. He nerve. I recommend sensodyne. 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Thank you for everything youre doing. Tell us what the last two days have been like for you and your team. Thank you stephanie for so ever since Sunday Morning israel Emergencies Services system has been responding for thousands of coles, mortar shell attacks, Rocket Attacks, and shooting incident attack. Arriving to different scenes, very rapidly, providing immediately a medical care and taking the wounded into the hospital. Now stephanie, its very important to understand that this is something we have never encountered before. Ive been a medical professional for the last 30 years. I have never encountered a situation where you go and try to help somebody who is in need, and the eminence is being shot by terrorists. I never encountered an emt who has to fear for his life because its being shot in the back by somebody who is soul goal is to prevent him from saving somebody elses life. Now when the israelis are obliged to go into the shelters and protect themselves from rockets, again, the medical teams are going out of the shelters to help those people. And as i mentioned, the fact that now they dont have only to fear from shrapnel or another rocket that is falling, they have to fear from terrorists hiding in the bushes or staying in the streets of an ordinary city. They are not in a difficult war zone, but what has become a war zone for the last three days for them. This is something that weve never encountered. What resources do you need . What do you want the world to know . We want the world to know that stand for the people of israel. We are there for them, and well provide them with everything, with any medical attention they need. But we need more ambulances. You probably heard that hezbollah may also be part of this war that will have a this is why we need more ambulances, we need more medical equipment, and we need to be able to spread our teams and our medical profession throughout israel. If somebody wants to support, please go to red star for israel. Org. Thats red star for israel. Org. Its something thats very important for us. Uri, and thank you for being here tonight, thank you for all that you do. Please, please stay safe, uri shacham. Then you. And on that note, i wish you all a very safe night. From all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. I will see you at the end of tomorrow. [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing neds plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. Otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned . ] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. With no routine blood tests required. 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