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Word, and he will joined by the great lavar burton. Be sure to watch that and to watch velshi weekend warning 10 am to noon on msnbc. Thats the last of the reidout. All in with chris hayes starts now. Tonight, on all in. Jim jordan was involved, was part of the conspiracy in which donald trump was engaged as he attempted to overturn the election. Donald trump and the magic of case make their pick. Im nominating jim jordan. We trust jim jordan. Im nominating him, and im voting for him. Tonight, jamie raskin on why a Jim Jordan Speakership will mean for the country. Then, the explicit democratic appeal for republicans to join them. We are ready, willing, unable to Work Together for a republican colleagues, but it is on them to join us. Plus, new reporting on Nuclear Secrets shared with customers in Donald Trumps resort. Maralago was a honey pot for the Intelligence Community. Its their worst nightmare. And why the republicans think they can run the dr. Oz playbook again in pennsylvania. Thats 20 for crudites. It doesnt include the tequila. When all in starts, right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Happy friday. When last we left the House Republican caucus, they were flirting openly with the idea of anointing donald trump as their speaker, Speaker Of The House for the entire United States. This is the man, of course, who system of on the same Capitol Building in an attempt to topple the duly look to government, a man who has since been indicted in 91 critical criminal counts on those events quest for jurisdictions. They were talking about choosing him to lead the United States house of representatives, to make him second in line for the presidency. That is until about 9 30 last night, one republican congressman troy nehls of texas said, just had a great conversation President Trump about the speakers race and he is endorsing jim jordan, the congressman from ohio. Next president incel followed up in the middle the night post confirming he does indeed think that jordan will be a great Speaker Of The House and has his complete and total endorsement. Got that along post. To a very small degree, tiny liver, this is something of relief because i think donald trump as Speaker Of The House would be an awful in dangerous situation. But the potential speakership of jim jordan, farright member of the House Freedom caucus, a loyal trump ally, salts absolutely nothing. And in fact it represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party. Jim jordan is a member of congress who is arguably most involved in Donald Trumps coup. Earlier this week january Six Committee vice chairwoman liz cheney lay this out for us again in a speech. Jim jordan knew more about what donald trump had planned for january 6th van any other member of the house of representatives. Jim jordan wise involved, was part of the conspiracy in which donald trump was engaged as he attempted to overturn the election. And if the republicans decide that jim jordan should be the Speaker Of The House, there will, and i, by the way, i dont think thats going to happen, i think he will lose, but if they were to decide that, there were no longer be any possible way to argue that a group of elected republicans could be counted on to defend the constitution. Remember, liz cheney in the january Six Committee subpoena jim jordan. They wanted to know more about what he did know, and what he did in the run up to january six. He flat out nored. It they never got the truth from and they believe to be a key Witness Investigation as vice chair cheney said, at the time. I think that congressman jordan may well be a material witness. He is somebody who was involved in a number of meetings in the lead up to what happened on january 6th, involved in planning for january 6th, certainly for the objections that day, as he said publicly. So he may well be a material witness. Jim jordan is also one of the republican lawmakers who returned to the House Chamber after they were all escorted out, into safe spaces, literally. After the violent sacking of the capitol, when they came back in, who voted in favor long trump school. Five days later trump rule rewarded his loyal foot store soldier with the medal of freedom. Hes not only one of the most devoted members of the caucus, the same group of people that created the situation were in now with the destruction of the ungovernable republican majority in the house, in the words of former speaker john boehner, hes a political terrorist. You close some of these members political terrorists. They are. Jim jordan especially. My colleague from ohio. [laughter] i just never spent saw a guy they spent more time tearing things apart in every building, anything never punishing together. One of the ways Jim Jordan Piercings apart is by fanning the fires of discord on fox news. 565 appearances on fox in a little over six years, and thats just on weekdays. He might as well have his own weekly program. In fact, jordan has made more appearance on fox than any other sitting member of Congress Since Media Matters began counting in 2017. His main competitor for speaker, steve soliz, has been on less than 300 times. All of which is to say Jim Jordan Speakership would be an air worstcase scenario. He is a destructive force, a political terrorist. In the words of a colleague, john boehner. A guy who is going to destroy American Democracy for donald trump. Anyone who endorses jordan, in any member who votes for him, is affirmatively voting for a coup plotter, an election denier, and if all of American Democracy. That is especially true for the 18 House Republicans representing districts that were carried by joe biden, people like david in arizona, mike garcia, and young kim in california, look lalota, george santos. Remember that guy . Mike lawler, all those pwc up on the screen. Are they gonna vote for jim jordan . A vote for jordan, from any of them, for many republican, but especially from these vulnerablemembers, is a vote for moderate streamersd. Its a proxy vote for donald trump. Donald trump, hey, its a vote for donald trump and matt gaetz, who have both endorsed. And itsnot clear if the Republican Party understand the problem they have. And a Crystal Clear advance example of their total oblivion, earlier today, this is too good, i cantbelieve this, we learned the candidates for speaker were going to have a debate on fox news, on television. Now, keep in mind, fox and the rightwing media ecosystem, is largely responsible for the current state of the Republican Party. They have produced a movement so obsessively focused on trolling and attention that it has no governing vision. Its essentially a media production. A fox news debate for speaker was kind of a perfect idea in that resct, but a terrible idea on the merits. Such a terrible idea, its part of immediate backlash even from within the House Republican caucus. One moderate republican told axios is the height of idiocy. Fox how to delete the Press Release from the website. The Republican Caucus still has the same problems. The same problems they had when they deposed Kevin Mccarthy, when they elected Kevin Mccarthy. The hard right is not going anywhere. The party is still run by donald trump, a uniquely malevolent, dangerous force in American Politics who wants to end the Constitutional Republic as we know it. None of that has been solved. None of it will be solved by speaker jordan or by speaker scalise its ive barra them could get enough votes to earn the gavel. But republicans have to elect someone to run one of the two houses the United States congress and keep government functioning. We just have to wait to see because frankly i have no idea what happens next. Democratic congressman jamie raskin of maryland surgeons jim jordan on the House Oversight committee when hes Ranking Member and he joins me now. Jim jordan, right temperament to be Speaker Of The House, congressman . Well, jim jordan is a polemical and pugilistic and combative in committee. We shouldnt kidder selves, because hes not without talent in a certain kind of rhetorical flair. Hes got a tragic flaw, which is that because of his natural authoritarianism, he loves to cover up and apologize for men in power who abused their power to vicious ends and he did that with the sexual abuse or on the Wrestling Team back in ohio, and of course he has devoted his career recently to covering up all of the constitutional crimes and offenses and outrages committed by donald trump. And i dont quite know what that psychological characteristic is the drives him to do that, but he has a real penchant for defending people who take power and abuse it. And its not a good sign. He is not any kind of real budget deficit hawk. He gladly votes for continue resolutions, and so he really is a rightwing authoritarian cultural warrior, who mirrors donald trump in his basic temperament and political commitments. Yeah. I mean the fact that trump, hes been a door endorsed by trump, and we get some new reporting today that back at the original election of speaker, the one went through 15 ballots for Kevin Mccarthy, trump was 20 with the idea of running for himself, that he saw the power of television, i close trump advisor told me, he saw how galvanizing w, how mesmerizing it, was everybody was watching, it right . Thats what Trump Realizes it. Its t biggest reality show in america. He can be the apprentice with him with a big ask gavel. This catches the problem and its not related to jordans appearance on fox, and not related to the motion to dismiss by matt gaetz, and not unrelated to the entire democratic crisis we find ourselves in, which is the incentives for these folks seem wildly misaligned. Well, yeah, its all about ego for the ones to get into office. Theres no political program, no mission for the country. Trump, according to one republican, who spoke to me about it off the record, was actually deeply interested in being speaker, but he was blocked both by Republican Party rules, which say they cant run if you are currently under indictment for a felony that would land you in jail for two years or more. Which is a nice touch, i like that. Hes also barred by Section Three of the 14th Amendment Of The Constitution which says if you have sworn enough to uphold and defend the constitution and violated it by engaging in insurrection or rebellion, you shall never be allowed to hold federal or state office again. The speakership, although its confined amend rears of congress, is nonetheless the federal office. I think you would be barred from. But the problem is exactly what you were saying, chris, which is that, look, what do you have in Congress Today . Weve got 212 democrats who are unified, focused, and weve got a program for the country, and then youve got an extreme maga wing which matt gaetz exemplifies, which is literally taking orders on the phone from donald trump, like shut down government, shut down my prosecutions, and weve got 185, hundred 90 rightwing republicans, many of whom call them selves maga but they basically are willing to do whatever the mega terrorist wing, as you put it, is demanding, and so theyre willing to go with it. But theyre still about a dozen moderate Critical Thinking republicans left, and those are the people that we are desperately trying to reach out to to say, can you support hakeem jeffries, who is a principled, effective, efficient leader, for speaker . And we will put the house and the country back on a firm course. And if they cant do that i dont know maybe we can talk about liz cheney, we can talk about some other people who would be republicans that they cant bring themselves to vote for democrats. But we know that theyre around a dozen republicans who are appalled by the authoritarian direction of their caucus. Again, i think, to me, the disqualifying vote, although Kevin Mccarthy took the same oath vote as Steve Scalise, is that vote on january six. To be in that chamber, to watch what happened, to watch what the president did, and everyone was there, you guys were all there. The cops getting their heads bashed, in the president painting a target on his Vice President , not sending the crowd home, to be taken to safety and then come back into that building that had been so desecrated and rampaged and vote for the coup, as a majority of those members did. That, to me, is a disqualifying vote, to be Speaker Of The House. Thats what was so astounding about mccarthy. He literally placed a call to donald trump from his office, which was being besieged and ransacked, begging him to call off the mob, and Everybody Knows trumps response was, well maybe they just care a little bit more about a Fair Election than you do, kevin. And yet, even though he knew to call donald trump, who was the mastermind of the whole thing, to call it a, the could not bring himself to join liz cheney, who was the number three person in the republican hierarchy to vote to impeach donald trump, even though he said on the floor that trump was responsible. And then of course his caving into trump only intensified after that. He went down to maralago and Kiss The Ring and after the gavel changed hands he turned over the Security Tapes to fox news so they could continue to promote whatever their Conspiracy Theory detour was. Kevin mccarthy, jim jordan should talk, she plays a call, should 90 Kevin Mccarthy, he placed a call to Jeff Sessions tonight. See how it went, to hitch your wagon to the trump train. See how he ended up at the end. Just make a call. Jamie raskin, congressman from maryland, thank you sir. Thank you, chris. As the congressman just mentioned, there is a way out of this mess. There is a possible solution to the problem. One thing that that very small magnet caucus showed everyone this week is that the very narrow majority, justght members, our pivotal. Eight members brought down their own Speaker Of The House. So italy take five republicans, along with all the unified democrats, to elect a speaker o can make the house run. Someone maybe like minority leader hakeem jeffries. House republicans can vote for whoever they want for speaker. And if they really care about the institution, if they care about not elevating someone who played an active role in an attempt to undo the american experiment, they do have an option. And, as Congressman Raskin said, if Hiking Jeffries is not a starter, then they can bargain. I dont know. Agree that youre gonna vote for a clean cr, take impeachment off the table and democrats support, someone like tom cole of oklahoma . Just throwing it out. Theyre opening bid. In fact, leader jeries laid out that in the Washington Post saying at this point we simply republican partners willing to break with maga extremism, reform the highly partisan house rules are adopted and beginning of this congress and join us and finding Common Ground for the people. Brendan buck served as Press Secretary of speaker john boehner, and has counseled speaker john ryan, Luke Broadwater is congressional reporter for the new york times. They both join me now. Brandon, let me start with you. Lets talk about those 15 members of seoul who were in biden carried district. I dont know if we want to put this graphic up again, if we do. This speaker vote, again, its not the biggest vote in the world, youre gonna vote for jim jordan if your mic lawler . If youre young kim . In a very highly watched thing after donald trump and matt gaetz endorse this guy . What do you think about that vote for those folks . Terrible vote for them. But i think the problem for Steve Scalise, who i think probably count on a lot of those people, is that those arent the people who are necessarily going to stand in the way of jordan. If thats what the rest of their colleagues twos. This is a twostep process. There is a vote behind closed doors, where you just need 51 , 50 plus one, and youre the nominee for speaker. And then thats where you need to get 218 votes. Theres been all this talk about moderates. Ive never seen moderates standup, block anything on the floor, say were not doing this. So i expect that if jim jordan does a merge, and i think its possible he will emerge as the nominee and go to the floor. I have really hard time seeing those people who are moderates, ideologically, but just temperamentally, theyre not the type to break things. Standing on the floor and doing a Matt Gaetz Style blockade to stop him. I dont think you can count on him stopping. And it is a really bad scenario, both for those moderates and also for democrats. Baylor was saying how much risk in the next guy . Be i dont think they contemplated the jim jordan could potentially be the next guy. Oh i think they did. Youve got to expect, and i talk to adam schiff about this, youve got to expect that its always gonna get worse. Thats but the trajectory of the trump era Republican Party. Its not gotten any better. The guys running around calling for the former joint chiefs of staffs to be executed while talking about the immigrants poisoning the bloodstream, like, everyone knows which way this ship is headed. The big question, i guess, luke, is, to brandons point, i agree with him as a descriptive matter that those moderates dont have the temperament, i was gonna say the stones, to do what needs to be done. But you do have the numbers. If they got together, remember, it was just eight of these folks that brought down the speakership. Ed of them could just be, like, you have to go through us. You can or you can be the speaker. The mass is very clear and simple, am i wrong . Yeah. It has always been a conundrum in congress, why the moderates dont wield their power the way the farright those. They have, by some count, more votes. I would assume most of those people end up with scalise during the vote and im not sure that jordan would necessarily beats colleagues at the vote. I think its pretty close right now, from what i can tell. Theyre each piling up dozens of endorsements throughout the caucus. I guess well have to wait to see until next week. I think this is pretty close. From what i can tell, trumps endorsement hasnt helped jordan all that much, that some of the moderates are kind of turned off by it. And i dont think its necessarily picked him up a ton of seats were a ton of votes. So this is going to be very close. Im not sure whats gonna happen. Wait, lets go back to you, brendan. Let me play the scenario again. Donald trump comes in and he says, i want change origin, the guy who helped me plot january six, and matt gaetz says, jim jordans my guy. The guy who just brought down the speaker, who everyone is mad at. And started talk about what a horrible person he is. If georgia loses, what is just talk the gates crew from being, like, no, were taking a ball and going home. We dont care if you didnt vote for or of jordan gaetz last in the internal we are not voting for scalise for speaker . I think thats a very real possibility. And thats why i actually think jordan stands the best chance to actually, i hate to say, this unified conference. It drives me crazy to throw this out there. I work for john boehner, from paul ryan, he the entire thing was to make our life hell. He compromised. He rejected everything we try to do, and the idea that he now can bring everybody together is crazy. Heres how i think he could actually bring people together. I think he is the only person who could get rid of or change the rules on the motion to vacate. I think Steve Scalise tried to do that and ran into a brick wall. I think jim jordan probably has enough credibility with those folks, where he could go to, them you probably already seen a couple people say they would do this, so i would get rid of the motion to vacate rules. Not just one person can take out the speaker. But moderates love that. They want to have theyre a little speaker to have more flexibility, to have compromises and democrats to get something done. No other give jordan will actually do that, i dont know, but i think that would be a very healthy in a car and he could play to win moderates on the floor. I, by the way, i have watched versions of this in 1 million different factional disputes in my life that ive covered, in a lot of them have left, its the guys gonna be able to get the hardliners to operate. It often doesnt work out the way you think, because the trail only get tightened. And i think, luke, in the end, whoever this is next week, all the problems are the same. Theyre gonna need to see are taking the government open. A bunch of people in the caucus arent gonna like it. Absolutely. Thats one of the arguments the majority votes are making against scalise, is that if you elect scalise its gonna be the same things mccarthy. The same situation, and only jordan has a credibility with the far right, that if he comes back to them after Negotiating Somebody Budget Cuts or whatever and says this is the deal that he has a better chance of getting them to accept it. Thats one of the pitches that the jordan crowd is making its are making recalls to the republicans. They have to get these spending cuts, but will he be able to come to the conference and say, heres my bipartisan compromise that doesnt actually kennedy thing. Heres my sierra gain. Can bring to Jim Jordan Ramsey of to get people to vote for a democrat supported bill . That will be the funny thing that i will get a lot of humor out of. If ship jordan is the speaker, i predict a Mike Lindell Rudy Giuliani Jeff Sessions Type Trajectory for him. My own little advice. Brandon back, Luke Broadwater, thank you both. Coming up, theres an old slogan, remember this one . Loose licks sink ships . Well, don trumps got some very loose lips. So what did he tell an Australian Billionaire whos a member of maralago about Americas Nuclear arsenal. But first, the disgraced ex president tries to stall his trial with Insider Testimony that should have trump squirming. Thats next. Thats next. Built with titanium, and featuring the most Powerful Iphone Camera yet. Get it with boost infinite and transcend to a wireless utopia. The new titanium iphone 15 pro. On us, no tradein needed. Enjoy unlimited wireless and the latest iphone every year for 60 a month. Woman whos that, who is that . Cole this is my puppy woman cancer. Its different in a child. Because your child is still growing. Charlie i had 14 rounds of chemo. Theres thousands and thousands of kids All Over The World who need help. Girl it is my first time having cancer. 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Fraud trial in new york, damning testimony from jeffrey mcconney, former controller for trumps family business, hes the guy that was in charge of attacking grossly inflated values under trump properties, admits to perpetrating the fraud in another trump case, the one that put former cfo Allen Weisselberg behind bars. Today prosecutors got him to admit that weisselberg asked for help in committing years long tax fraud, and mcconney kept helping with his legal conduct because if he refused to probably lost his job. Weisselberg himself is expected to take the stand tuesday. Lisa reuben is an msnbc legal analyst who has watched all this inside the courtroom, including todays to modi, and she joins me now. And lisa, it was your account that i was following today. Obviously no cameras in, theyre alive feet event, and you said the attorney generals lawyers did a very good job hallucinating a series of damning admissions from mccauley on the stand. Chris, they were really trying to use mcconney to show that the most egregious examples of the valuation of fraud were ones that were done with that chant and with knowledge. So they took mcconney through as a series of examples of representations, for example, the remain in the statements of Financial Condition, and compared them, either to emails or other information that he had, or in some cases, compared them even to the backup data that they prepare to underline those statements. My favorite example is probably from maralago, where the backup data shows that maralago was valued based on an individual purchasing it as a private residence. The only problem with that is that trump, in a series of legal documents, committed that he would never use maralago for anything other than as a social club. And that matters, because as a social club, maralago is worth a whole lot less than it would be if he sold it to some billionaire to use is a private residence. And so because of that they asked mcconney, you were aware that maralago eta number of restrictions on its use, werent you . And at first he tried to squirm his way out of it, but ultimately they established that Mcconney Intact had that died in his possession. It was in his files for years. It was attached to an appraisal that he himself had used before and then discarded. And so go ahead. This has been an essential point. Trump is out there saying, maralago is so heres the statement of Financial Condition that they said, showing the value of assaulting individuals worth over 400 million. Theyve been thank half a billion, a billion and a half for maralago. But all thats preposterous. But again, all of it means you could take the land and develop it, right . You dont actually want maralago the club, except heres the other document that shows that trump had released to the National Trust all rights to develop the property for any usage other than club usage. So sitting in the courtroom today, if you werent necessarily a lawyer, you didnt have a legal background in understanding how valuation worked, this might not strike you as dramatic, but i nearly gasped when i saw that, because here is mike mcconney, saying the statements of Financial Condition was always predicated on a lie that was contradictory to representations donald trump had made to tax assessors, to the county of palm beach, and to the National Trust for Historic Preservation to whom he granted all rights to develop or use the club other than for club use. Not so, i think this goes to the heart of the whole thing, that he is basically essentially kind of keeping two sets of books. The ultimate example of business fraud. Youre telling one group of people one thing, one Group Another thing. Now before this trial, the judge had ordered his Business Certificates canceled because he found him guilty of some of that fraud. That decision, to cancel the Business Certificates, and we dont know what it means, we dont know what it for his business, that has been appealed and currently stay. An Appellate Court has stayed it, pendintheir own review of the orr cancel its actually Justin Interim terms day so they can review the application for a longer stay of the cancellation of Business Certificates. What i want to make clear for our viewers, is that judge anger on ordered a bunch of other and that stuff beside chris cases Statement Today continues. And chiefly what is most important to there is an independent monitor on a permanent basis. This means that dame trump, for example, cant transfer assets any cant modify Loan Agreements without the results or the involvement of the monitor. And that stays right now. That is not stayed, but that stays, just to be clear. Its confusing. Lisa rubin, thank you very much. Still ahead, those loose lips spill valuable national secrets, but first, its a return of the daughter of strategy for republicans. Another rich guy in the keystone state, why do they keep doing . This next. This next. Fisher investments is different than other Money Managers. other Money Manager different how . Arent we all just looking for the hottest stocks . Fisher Investments nope. We use diversified strategies to position our clients portfolios for their longterm goals. other Money Manager but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right . Fisher Investments no, we dont sell commission products. Were a fiduciary, obligated to act in our clients best interest. other Money Manager so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money . Fisher Investments yep. We do better when our clients do better. At Fisher Investments, were clearly different. Are you tired of clean clothes that just dont smell clean . Downy unstopables inwash Scent Boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. If you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have Downy Unstopables inwash Scent Boosters. There are about 13 Million People living in the state of pennsylvania, so i cant republicans find one of them to run for senate . Regular viewers of this program will no doubt remember last years Pennsylvania Senate election between the states band Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman and tv doctor mehmet oz. From the beginning was a big problem with ozs campaign. He has lived in new jersey for years. The video you are watching on the screen right now, that is a campaign ad for Pennsylvania Senate seat, that oz recorded from his mansion in cliffside park, new jersey. Now, at this time, then fetterman was recovering from a stroke, so much of his campaigning was relegated to online spaces, where his campaign absolutely bludgeoned oz with jokes about his carpet bagging. Including this video which is Campaign Commission from smoky, star of jersey shore. I heard you went from new jersey to pennsylvania, to look for a new job. I know youre away from home, and here in a new place, but jersey will not forget you. I just wanna let you know. I will not forget you. And dont worry, because youll be back home in jersey soon. This is only temporary. That proved prophetic. In a desperate struggle to assimilateable, oz released this because fancy crudites platter is getting too expensive. Grocery shopping, and my wife won some vegetables for crudites. So heres a broccoli. Thats two bucks. Theres an asparagus. Thats 4. Carrots, thats for more dollars. Thats 10 a vegetables there. And then we need some guacamole. Thats for dollars more. And she loves salsa, so heres salsa. 6 . Must be a shortage of salsa. Guys, thats 20 for crudites. Thats gonna move the tequila. The Fetterman Campaign was quick to note that right off the top, ours bungled the name of the pennsylvania based Grocery Store, red nerves. Npi call this a veggie tray. If this was anything other than a veggie tray to you, then i am not your candidate. Im serious. Dr. Oz doesnt even know the name of the Grocery Store that he is ian. Fetterman ended up winning that race by about five points, despite suffering a stroke the nighttime of the campaign trail. You would think Pennsylvania Republicans would have learned their lesson. But apparently not. Right now another republican millionaire, dave mccormack, has announced he is challenging incumbent pennsylvania democrat senator bob casey. Nothing about David Mccormack is, he lives in connecticut. [laughter] this is so perfect. Accordingto reporting, it sure Looksli Mccormick announces campaign in pennsylvania last month and employees back to connecticut on a private jet the next day. Now, mccormick tried to justify his connecticut residents by complain but explained he was just a good family man, his daughter was, theyre good for him. But im not sure pennsylvanians are buying. It is not the pennsylvanians, get one of them. Senator fetterman got back in on the option with his mean today marking the second straight Republican Senate candidate who does not live in pennsylvania. It is genuinely downright bizarre. And in a state with millions of people and lots of republicans, they really cannot find a single republican who actually lives in pennsylvania to run for senate . It went disastrously last time they did this. I guess well see how it goes this time. Time. Hi. My name is kim and i am 41 years old. Ive been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. I see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines. Im still kim and i got botox® cosmetic. 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Government, up the top, is information about our nuclear capabilities, specifically Nuclear Submarines, which were among the most clandestine. Thats because our Nuclear Submarine fleet is part of a complicated calculation assurances calculated to keep the world out of the nuclear holocaust. Youll never guess would on trump was apparently blabbing about to one of his buddies and his Retirement Home in florida. According to a fear of new reports, first by new york times, special counsel jack smith looked into allegations that months after leaving the White House Trump trusts discuss seite information about Nuclear Submarines with members of his cl, including an Australian Billionaire, who share the Information Scores of others, including more than a dozen foreign officials, several of his own employees, and a handful of journalists. He represented before serving as Secretary Of Defense under president clinton. He joins me now. Mr. Cohen, according of this this reporting, the ex president got pretty specific about the capabilities of our nuclear subs, including how many warheads might be on them, how close they could get to other ships without being detected. How secret is that kind of thing . Its top secret, actually. It depends, ive tried to summarize our defensive posture with three words, deter, defend, defeat. Deterrence is key to our national security. Part of that deterrence is the that we have. We have lambasted, air base, and we have sea bass. The sea bass ones are the most hard to detect, and therefore the most in other words the russians cant easily strike us on a preemptive strike undersea. So this becomes critical and crucial in terms of defending us by deterring our enemies, having entered event against of the attack us and then defeat them if necessary. So its part of the triad. Its something that is very top secret. And its another breach of the part of the former president to those he committed before. I want to just read more from the reporting, because its pretty stunni, d then i want to ask another followup question. According to pratt, the guy who was a meerf the, club this Australian Billionaire, his account as, describes s, trumpy believes australia should start buying its subs two from the united stas, to which an excited trump, told him to information about the submarines. The supposed exact number of Nuclear Warheads they which reallyarry, and exactly how close they can get to a Russian Submarine wiou being detected. And email conversations after meeting th trump, pratt described trumps remarks to at least 45 others, including six journalists, 11 of his companies employees, can australian officials, three former australian prime ministers, the sources told abc news. I mean, what would be the normal Standard Operating Procedure around the breach like this, when you were, say, Secretary Of Defense or involved in the Nations National security . Get as much information as possible. Try to make damages testament that is real. And then track down all of the sources to see what action we have to take to restore our deterrent capability, if it has been compromised. Part of the problem here is, there has been a war within the Intelligence Community versus President Trump. He has shown disrespect for our intelligence capabilities. You may recall that he gave his daughter and soninlaw access to top secret information, over the objection of the Intelligence Community. He picked Vladimir Putin to be more along reliable and then our own Intelligence Committee in helsinki. He has used intelligence. He is the other ironic thing. It was reported that our intelligence officials were dumbing down the information being given to him because they were feared he would give it over or give it directly to the russians are some other country. So here we have our own Intelligence Committee, and if thats true, commanding a breach of their duty because the commander of chief is the person who is in charge of protecting our national security, and if hes not getting information, the Intel Committee is fearful hes going to give it over, now we have a threat from an without a threat from within. Its a double threat to our national security. It also speaks to me is the first example we have of a sort of Nightmare Scenario people have worried about, which is maralago, as basically a sort of just open garage sale for american secrets. Whoever pays a Membership Fee and can get into the maralago bathroom and sneak through the boxes. They dont even have to pay a Membership Fee, they can range with some employees to be janitors, caretakers, mowing the lawn, whatever. They would have access to that information, which is one reason why this is so important, when trump held on to classified, highly classified documents, putting them in his basement, putting them in his restroom, and people have access to that. We spend billions of dollars trying to gather information from All Over The World, and this is someone as pointed out earlier tonight, this is a honey pot for them. The russians, the chinese, and other countries to get access to that information. All right, former defense secretary william cohen, thank you very much. Still to come, were going to keep the streak going, last night we ended with some good news last night. Were gonna do it again tonight. Thats next. Thats next. When you smell the amazing scent of gain flings. Time stops. and you realize youre in love. Steve . With a laundry detergent. gain flings. Seriously good scent. [music playing] subject 1 cancer is a long journey. Its overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. Subject 2 it doesnt feel good because you cant play outside with other children. Subject 3 as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. But here is something that i cannot do. I cannot fix this. I dont know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. I dont know if shes going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. Jude childrens research hospital. Families never receive a bill from st. Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. Subject 4 Childhood Cancer, theres no escaping it. But st. Jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. Interviewer please, call or go online right now and become a st. Jude partner in hope for only 19 a month. Subject 5 those donations really matter because were not going to give up. And when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. Interviewer when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, well send you this st. Jude tshirt. You can wear to show your support to help st. Jude save the lives of these children. Subject 6 st. Jude is hope. Even today after losing a child, its still about the hope of tomorrow, because. Childhood cancer has to end. Interviewer please, call or go online right now. [music playing] we got new jobs numbers today, and they are standing. The economy gained 336,000 jobs in september, blowing expectations out of the water. Its really big, good news. The economy, under president joe biden, has been surpassing all expectations, despite pundits and wall street analysts predicting, almost with certainty, a recession since near the beginning of his term, not only have a job gains been high month after month, but inflation is coming down, real wages are rising, crucially. And the u. S. Currently has the lowest Inflation Rate among similar countries. The president came out to take a bit of a victory lap. He was asked why people continue to have a negative outlook on the economy, and he said, pretty possibly, that the consistently negative press play some role. Not the happiest people in the world, which you report. I mean it sincerely. It gets you get more legs when you report something that is negative. Now, both reporters and the Republican Party rushed to criticize him. But this is the literal headline and one publication after the stellar jobs report, kind of making the point. Heres why the shockingly good jobs report is going to cost you. Theres a lot going on in the economy, lot of totally rational reasons that many, many people feel squeezed and feel on certain. But it is also undeniable that coverage of this recovery has been unremitting lee negative. So, as the economy turns out strikingly positive numbers, month after month after month, we will see if that tone continues. That is all in for this week, Alex Wagner Tonight starts right now. Good eveningex

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