Two close trump allies, jim jordan and Steve Scalise announced theyre running for Speaker Of The House. Where this race could go as the house remains at a standstill. Ill talk to one of the eight republicans who voted Kevin Mccarthy out. What does he think about the accusations they were trying to burn down the building with no plan. Congressman ken buck is here. And a motion to vacate of a completely different kind. Nancy pelosi evicted from her private office during the turmoil on the hill. Ill get reaction from democratic Congressman Jason Crow. Our nbc News Reporters are following all of the latest developments. We begin with nbcs Garrett Haake who is on the hill for us. Now we know jim jordan, Steve Scalise both officially running. How is this race shaping up and what are you hearing on the hill . Reporter well, chris, we start with these two candidates, but i dont know that well end with just these two. These are perhaps the most well known members of the republican conference l standing here. Scalise, the current number two behind Kevin Mccarthy, long time member of the conference, a significant support base, and jim jordan, a Founding Member o. House freedom caucus, leads the judiciary committee, a key figure if the impeachment area. Announcing his decision, he says he basically got drafted into this race and made an interesting claim about where he thinks he can draw support. Listen to what he told reporters. I have a lot of members who reached out to us saying and the moderates in our conference. Reporter its going to be that outreach to the moderates, chris, that ill be watching very closely here. That is not exactly been jordans reputation in his time on the hill. He did ally himself pretty closely with Speaker Mccarthy. The other thing im watching, and it will affect any candidates who ultimately emerge to run for speaker is do they keep the rules the same as they are . The idea that any one member can call this motion to vacate. We could be right back in this same situation again. I talked to one institutionalist member, if you change the speaker and dont change the rules, youre just changing the driver on the clown car. How the republican conference decides it wants to be led by whomever it chooses to lead it starting mid next week i think will be just as important as whoever they decide to put forward as their speaker nominee. Let me go back to the speaker race, we have just been told that members of the texas delegation are meeting with speaker candidates or planning to. It hasnt been that wrong, so its all fresh in our minds. What will that look like over the next week . Theyre going to be back next week. Remember, the house has no votes for the remainder of this week and the beginning of next week. A lot of folks have gone home. A lot of folks got on planes last night and this morning, but i think early next week, well, first of all, well see a lot of phone calls behind the scenes, over the next couple of days. When theyre back next week, republicans are going to meet behind closed doors, and settle on a nominee before this ever gets to the floor. Now, remember in january, thats exactly what they did with Kevin Mccarthy. He won overwhelmingly in the private republican only conference vote, but then in a break with house rules and tradition, or republican conference rules and tradition, not all of those republicans voted for him. Whether we see a similar dynamic here or not i think will be the big story. Do they have this settled before they take it back to the floor . Are we potentially looking at another series of lengthy votes on the floor to pick a member who satisfies all 218ish of the republican conference next week . Garrett haake, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Right now, i want to bring in colorado republican congressman ken buck. Hes one of the eight republicans who joined democrats in ousting Kevin Mccarthy from the speakership. Its good of you to come back on the program, congressman. Thank you. Were starting to see the race for the new speaker form, jim jordan and Steve Scalise have officially announced that they are running. You want to make some news here and let us know if you might support one of them . Im not going to announce any support for anybody. I think the worst thing that the aide can do that voted against Speaker Mccarthy is to support somebody. I think that would immediately create a headwind for whoever that candidate is, so i am going to just take stock of whos running, listen to them, and make a decision next week. How would inserting someone more conservative than Kevin Mccarthy as speaker improve the odds that you could work with your fellow democrats. Dont you need someone with a track record of working with The Other Side, rather than constantly fighting with them . The question is, i guess, what are your criteria when youre looking for a new speaker, and should it be someone who has a good working relationship with the democrats . It should absolutely be someone who can work across the aisle. The problem isnt that Kevin Mccarthy worked across the aisle or didnt work across the aisle. The problem is that he didnt have credibility on either side of the aisle. And so the democrats didnt trust Kevin Mccarthy any more than republicans, and thats why they voted the way they did. He made a lot of promises, and didnt fulfill those. One, for example, that he would have a vote on the Impeachment Inquiry. He criticized Speaker Pelosi for not having a vote on that. He then promised that he would have a vote on it, and then he made an announcement because he didnt have the votes on the floor. Those kinds of things eroded his credibility, and i think the most important thing were going to see in a new speaker is credibility on both sides of the aisle. You say he lost credibility but he got the support of 96 of republicans. They voted to keep Speaker Mccarthy. And they argue that essentially you hurt rather than helped your cause. So let me play specifically what one of them, louisianas Garrett Graves had to say about that. The people that started this whole thing did it under the auspices of the fact that theyre trying to reduce spending, that theyre trying to save taxpayer dollars, something that i and all republicans very much support, yet, their efforts once again have actually thwarted our ability to save taxpayer funds, to reduce inflation, to secure the border or to stop the ridiculous Energy Policies of this administration. He says you have done the exact opposite of what you said you wanted to do. Austin scott referred to all of you who voted against Kevin Mccarthy as anarchists and chaos caucus members. The question is why should such a small percentage of the house be able to determine who the speaker is . Should the rules be changed . Its not a small percentage of the house. The point is we are a majority ruled body. We dont have a very large majority, and so youre going to have votes like this, not just on this issue but on other issues. My point is, and i understand what garrett is saying, and there are a lot of people who are very dependent on speaker Kevin Mccarthy for goodwill and fundraising and other activities. But Speaker Mccarthy promised when he ran for speaker that he would appropriate at the 1. 47 trillion number. He then went to President Biden and made an agreement on a 1. 66 trillion number. Once again, undermining his credibility with the republican conference. He lost 90 votes in the Shutdown Vote that we just had this past weekend. 90 republican votes. So he has consistently told different groups Different Things and thats why the vote occurred yesterday. I heard you say that you were confident that the house would be back at work with a new speaker by wednesday or thursday of next week. Last time it took four rounds. It took four days at 15 rounds of voting to elect mccarthy, and without a rule change, how do we know that the next disagreement with a speaker whether its you and matt gaetz or anybody else doesnt put the house back where it is now . We dont. But we know that the next speaker has learned from the mccarthy situation. The next speaker will not lose credibility, will not tell people Different Things when theyre trying to build a coalition. Im very comfortable that who are whoever the next speaker is will have a Path To Building Consensus on important legislation. Finally there was a conversation this morning in new york with former President Trump when he was asked if he would be interested potentially in being Speaker Of The House. Let me play for you what he said. If i could help during the process, i would do it. We have great people in the Republican Party that can do a great job as speaker. Ill do whatever it is to help, but my focus is being president , and quite honestly, making America Great again. Congressman, would you welcome Donald Trumps involvement in the speakers race, even if its just having conversations, influencing folks . Would you like to have a conversation with him about who might be the best new speaker . I think this is an issue that needs to be settled inside the republican conference. I dont think that President Trump will certainly influence some people, but i think most people know the direction that they want to go. Theyre going to listen carefully, and it will be handled inside congress. I dont think President Trump is going to have a lot of influence on this issue. Youre going to stick with next wednesday or thursday for a new speaker, congressman . Im not putting money on it, but, yes, i think that we will come together and get behind someone fairly quickly. Maybe youll come back and well see. Maybe youll be right. I think for the American People they would love to see this settled as well. Congressman ken buck, thank you for coming back on the program, we appreciate it. Thank you. Up next, the view from The Other Side of the aisle, another representative from colorado, Congressman Jason Crow will join me in 60 seconds. Alkaseltzer plus powermax gels cold flu relief with more concentrated power because the only thing dripping should be your style. Plop plop fizz Fizz Winter Warriors with alkaseltzer plus. Dry skin is sensitive skin, too. And its natural. Treat it that way. Aveeno® Daily Moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. 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He said that whoever gets elected has to be able to work with the democrats. The House Majority leader Steve Scalise, congressman jim jordan who as you know was coleading Impeachment Inquiry into the president , both confirmed they will be running to be the next house eaker, and im showing six people who could be contenders, five of them voted to overturn the 2020 election. So given what looks like the lay of the land, do you see someone who you think democrats could work with, congressman . Chris, first of all, i think its important to say that, you know, this narrative that democrats refuse to give a lifeline. Thats not true. Kevin mccarthy didnt ask for a lifeline. Didnt reach out. Didnt ask for support. The days leading up to the vote, he repudiated democrats, good riddance, there was never an olive branch, never an opportunity for us to have that discussion in the first instance, which frankly is what happened the last nine months, over and over again, pushing us away and refusing to work in a bipartisan way. When you have a congress thats so closely divided as we have right now, and last congress, by the way, under speaker nancy pelosi, we had a fourseat majority. It wasnt that different last congress, yet we still passed six major pieces of legislation because we did it on a bipartisan basis. Nothing has changed. Democrats are still here. Were still willing to work on a bipartisan basis. We just need a good faith partner to do so. Do you see a good faith partner among those who are likely candidates here . Well, that remains to be seen. All the candidates havent jumped into the race. There are prospects, there are possibilities. But we have to see how this plays out, right . This is going to be the republican conferences decision. Its going to be very telling. Time and time again, the republican conference the last nine months has chosen extremism, has chosen to placate the most extreme voices and elements of the Party Instead of choosing bipartisanship in governing. They have a choice to make right now, are they going to continue to do what they have been doing the last nine months in which case we have no reason to believe that the outcomes will be any different than they have been the last nine months or are we going to change things, actually try to create a governing coalition, a Bipartisan Congress that can get things done . That is the choice thats before the republican conference right now. The president spoke during the last hour about this, and he said we have to change the poisonous atmosphere in government. Its something everyone says. Its what youre suggesting. Youre also a realist. What do you think the chances are that happens, and what will this Speaker Fight tell us about that possibility . Well, what this is going to take is leadership, and heres what i mean by that. You dont change atmospheres. You dont change cultures within an organization, unless people within the organization stand up and force it to happen. What you need is moderate republicans. You need those republicans who are willing to do this project, stand up and take that stand, and until that happens, were just going to keep on spinning our wheels with the same result. They have to show some courage. They have to lead, and if that doesnt happen within the republican conference, we have no reason to believe that the outcomes will be different than the last nine month, under the chaos, thats typified the republican controlled house. The other thing the president said that made news is hes going to give a major speech. Hes concerned about aid for ukraine, as youre well aware, last weekends deal to avert the shutdown did not include that. There were reports circulating about whether mccarthy had some sort of side deal with biden on the issue, but in any case, what do you see now happening to that aid . Well, im going to be very clear that there is an overwhelming majority of the House Of Representatives that supports ukraine aid. Over half of the republican conference supports it. Every single democrat voted to support it. Just last week when we held the vote. We know people stand on this because we had a vote on it a week ago and the overwhelming majority, 3 4 of the House Of Representatives voted to stand by ukraine. The problem is not what happens in a vote. The problem is getting a vote. And the conditions that Kevin Mccarthy created and the republican conference faces right now, they have created conditions where a small majority of their Party Controls what gets voted on and what doesnt. If we had the vote, it would pass. We have to figure out how to get the vote, and thats what republicans have decide, whether theyre going to put a leader in place that will have overwhelming support. There are extremely huge issues that need to be decided once the speaker is in place, from funding the government to funding ukraine. I want to ask you about this news that nancy pelosi and the former majority leader steny hoyer were asked to immediately vacate their private offices in the capitol after the Interim Speaker took over. Some people have said this was petty. Some have said this was payback. How do democrats and republicans Work Together right now when even in the smallest things, it seems like this is what happens . First of all, Speaker Pelosi and mr. Hoyer have said very clearly they dont care about offices. Neither do i, for that matter. We have people struggling to pay their mortgage, struggling to pay their bills, 100,000 troops stationed in europe that is at war right now, troops around the world, fighting, making great sacrifices away from their family to keep us safe. I have no time, no patience to have petty fights about offices. Speaker pro tem wants to do that, thats their decision. We have greater things to do than to have night fight that is bear on the American People. Congressman jason crow, its good to have you on the program. We do appreciate your time, thank you. New ethical questions surrounding congressman matt gaetz and his political future. Was vengeance the motivating factor to oust Speaker Mccarthy . But first, any minute its at 2 20 eastern time. Your phone is going to start beeping very loudly, and so will every other phone in america. It is a nationwide Emergency Alert test. 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He hits his mark center stage and is crushed by a baby grand piano. Youre replacing me . Customize and save with liberty bibberty. He doesnt even have a mustache. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Is the house in chaos over a personal vendetta . Theres no love lost between the ousted speaker and the man who got him out, matt gaetz, and mccarthy believes its payback because he refused to stop a long running House Ethics Investigation against gaetz. You all know matt gaetz. You know it was personal. It had nothing to do about spending. Speaker mccarthys time is over. I wish him well. I ha npersonal an imus to him. Gaetz has been cle he thinks the investigation is the work of mccarthy and friends who want to smear his reputation. Joining us now, nbc sahil kapur on capitol hill. And former republican congressman david jolly of florida, an msnbc political analyst. First of all, for folks who havent been following it, where does the Ethics Investigation into gaetz stand. Reporter its a little bit murky, the House Ethics Committee does not comment on investigations. They declined to comment when asked about the status of the gaetz investigation, but heres what we do know. This goes all the way back to at least april of 2021, when we reported that the Ethics Committee had been investigating matt gaetz for Sexual Misconduct and improper use of funds. Gaetz was subject to a lengthy investigation that included those matters, as well as possible connections, and allegations to a trafficking scheme. Gaetz for his part has denied all wrong doing and in february of this year, nbc news reported that he was told by the Justice Department he wouldnt be charged. But in recent days and weeks, this has come back up because mccarthy himself as well as mccarthys allies, this is all personal for gaetz, that gaetz in their argument wanted mccarthy to step in and make this Ethics Committee investigation go away. And that is why gaetz decided to make this move to overthrow mccarthy. Lets have a listen to what the speaker had to say about that. It all was about getting attention from you. Were getting email fundraisers from him as hes doing it. Join in quickly. Thats not governing. Thats not becoming of a member of congress. And regardless of what you think, ive seen the texts, it was all about his ethics. Reporter mccarthy maintains that he was never going to do anything to meddle with that, if he tried to do that, it would be illegal. Gaetz denies this is about anything pirnl, that this was simply about Policy Matters and not liking the way mccarthy had governed the house. Gaetz remains defiant, just in the last couple of hours, i saw a new Fundraising Text he sent to supporters saying that ive got more enemies than ever just because i wont bend the knee, chris. Thats gaetz maintaining his posture. I think like the president , david, thats something he feels works for him. On sunday he reposted a social media post. There were a bunch of guns that were pointed at his head. There you see it here. When it comes to the Ethics Investigation, and again, sa hill just said this, the Justice Department looked into this, didnt have enough evidence, does that Give Credence to his compliant that the Ethics Investigation is nothing more than a smear campaign. Not within the four corners of the law. I understand this was in the simply wasnt going to be Strong Enough testimony against gaetz. That was a prosecutorial decision they probably couldnt bring a conviction. The standard in front of the Ethics Committee, did Matt Gaetz Travel with an underaged girl. Was there money involved . Did he break the law, and the Ethics Committee has a different standard, and they could actually recommend expulsion. Matt gaetz might have some serious issues in front of him with the house. However, does that mean that what Kevin Mccarthy said is exactly right, and the answer to that is no. Because matt gaetz by himself did not cause Kevin Mccarthy to lose the speakership. Seven others went along with Kevin Mccarthy, and those seven others have nothing to do with matt gaetz Ethics Investigation. Kevin mccarthy lost the he overpromised and broke the promise. Matt gaetz might have filed the motion, but it took more than matt gaetz to evict Kevin Mccarthy from the speakers office. I mentioned that the way matt gaetz talks about being a target, the way he fund raises, very similar to the former president , and so matt gaetz was actually asked, has he been in contact with the former president , and heres what he said. I have spoken to President Trump over the last several days. I would say that my conversations with the former president leave me with great confidence that im doing the right thing. So nbc news reports that multiple trump advisers and supporters have expressed skepticism of gaetz comments, i wonder what you make of that first of all, and do you think that donald trump had some influence in what happened yesterday . Is that to me, chris . Yeah, sorry, david. I certainly think donald trump is paying very close attention to this. Perhaps he doesnt like the fact that the cameras are off him though hes sitting in a civil trial in court. At the end of the day, this will turn out to have a more favorable speaker likely to donald trump than Kevin Mccarthy was. Donald trump had to use and play Kevin Mccarthy, but he might actually get, donald trump might get a trump loyalist, a true loyalist in the speakership chair, particularly if it ends up being jim jordan. So, look, matt gaetz, his allegiance is clear. Kevin mccarthys has always been temperamental to trump. This is a maga conference. I dont think that dynamic changes too much. Former congressman david jolly, sahil kapur, thank you so much. Another day of fireworks in court with former President Trump returning for day three of his fraud trial at least for the morning session. Were live outside the courthouse with the latest next. But first, tributes today pouring in for the late democratic senator, dianne feinstein. Shes lying in state at san franciscos city hall. The public invited to come pay respects until 7 00 this evening. Her Funeral Services are scheduled for tomorrow afternoon right on the front steps of city hall followed by a private burial with the senators family. And well be right back. Family and woell be right back. Its a nail fungus infection. Thats gross its nothing, really. Its contagious. You can even spread it to other people. Mom, come here dont worry about it. 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Totally absorbed you feel no wetness. Oh my gosh are you a believer now . Im a believer i got to get some always discreet moments ago in manhattan, new York Attorney general Letitia James did not mince words in a strong rebuke of the former president. Heres what she had to say as she entered the courtroom for the third day of the states fraud trial against donald trump and his company. Trumps comments were offensive, they were baseless. They were void of any facts and or any evidence. What they were were comments that unfortunately fomented violence and comments that i would describe as racebaiting, and comments unfortunately that appeals to the bottom of our humanity. This case was brought simply because it was a case where individuals have engaged in a pattern and practice of fraud, and i will not sit idly by and allow anyone to subvert the law, and lastly, i will not be bullied, and so mr. Trump is no longer here. The donald trump show over. This was nothing more than a political stunt. I want to bring in msnbc anchor, Lindsey Reiser from outside the courthouse. Lindsey, whats going on . Reporter well, the former president has left. We just confirmed that hes wheels up, away from here, lower manhattan, chris. The attorney general is still in court. You just heard him basically calling this a Campaign Stop for him. Things got really fiery, chris, before the break for lunch, with donald bender, the former president s former accountant on the stand. The judge getting frustrated with the repetitive nature of the crossexamination from trumps attorneys going property after property, year after year saying cant we lump this all together. Also saying how much longer is this going to take. At one point joking, bender is not the one on trial, someone else is, but then yelling, saying this is ridiculous, and pounding on the bench. Trumps Defense Attorney saying that these charges were brought. This is his opportunity now to defend his client, saying hes never had to negotiate on how to question a witness and bender was seeming only to recall what the government wanting him to recall, all the while the former president was in the courtroom watching this, essentially shaking his head as the drama was unfolding in front of him. At times today in court, he held his arms up in the air. At one point during benders testimony, he even said, i cant hear a word hes saying. Bender seemed to hear him and was talking louder in the microphone. He has left for the day. Unclear if hell return. This is what he told reporters during one of the breaks today. The bottom line is this is rigged. The judge knows whatever hes going to do. He said that maralago is worth 18 million, and its worth 1 1 2 Billion Dollars or thereabouts. He said it was worth 18 billion. So they defrauded us because he called me a fraud. He called me a fraud. Reporter so it was actually the Palm Beach County assessor who appraised the maralago value between 18 and 27. 6 million, not the judge, not the attorney general. But, chris, we know that bender will return to the stand, but for now we are going to talk to witness number two. Were going to hear from him, rather. This is Cameron Harris of whitley penn, another cpa firm. We know that the former president will be back. He says that he will testify at the appropriate time, that is if the ags office doesnt call on him first. Thank you for that. The Largest Health care strike in u. S. History is officially underway. More than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente workers walked out of hospitals and medical offices in california, colorado, oregon, virginia, washington, d. C. , and Washington State today. Nbcs david is outside a Medical Center, what did you hear from workers about why theyre striking . Reporter by far the biggest grievance is staffing. Theres a severe Staffing Shortage across the health care industry, and kaiser is no exception. Thats why the workers are out in force. We have seen about 2,000 picketers at this one Medical Center in l. A. They say theyre having to rush from patient to patient, that forces them to make mistakes. They have been burnt out for years, theyre quitting in large numbers which makes the whole problem even worse. Kaisers side of things, they acknowledge that this is a serious problem but they say theyre already doing everything they can do. We spoke to one of the top executives in l. A. , and heres what she had to say. In my market in southern california, for example, we are 20 higher than the market. If our employees left us, they take a 20 pay cut and wouldnt have the same benefits. Fair wages for sure. Our employees deserve that, and were committed to that but we have to balance that with the affordability of health care, which is its own crisis. Reporter now, the unions response is that the entire industry, workers in the entire industry are under paid and under staffed. Better than average from kaiser is still not good enough. They also say, i have spoken to several negotiators with the union. They say that kaiser is not bargaining in good faith. Sometimes they havent showed up to the bargaining sessions. This threeday strike is a warning shot to the company that the union wants them to come back to the table with a more serious proposal. If that doesnt happen this time around, theyre prepared to walk out again next month. Chris. David noriaga, reporting from los angeles. The man accused of killing tupac shakur, he asked the judge for more time to retain a local attorney. That hearing is scheduled for october 19th. In the meantime, davis will remain in police custody. While we wait to find out how davis will plead, nbc news spoke with a retired lapd detective who says he was in the room when dwayne davis confessed to being involved in the murder back in 2009. Here is from that interrogation. So orlando sho him across dre . He leaned over on the window, we rolled down the window, popped him. Who was they would have drove on my side. I would have popped lu, you know what im saying, but they was on The Other Side. Davis has publicly admitted to being involved with shakurs murder, comments that revived the Police Investigation that ultimately led to his arrest last friday. Conservative fire brand jim jordan become the next Speaker Of The House . Who is showing their support, and who might try to challenge him all of that after the break. Because the only thing dripping should be your style. Plop plop fizz fizz with alkaseltzer plus cold flu relief. Also try for fizzy fast cough relief. 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I love it. We have two official candidates for speaker. Steve scalise who Just Announced and jim jordan to replace Kevin Mccarthy. Matt gaetz himself, but scalise and jordan are not likely the only options. Were keeping a close eye on at least four other potential candidates for speaker. To break it down, lets bring in ali vitali from capitol hill and Becky Woodruff swan, great to see you both. Walk us through where this all stands. Sort of handicap what it looks like right now in these early hours of the speakers race. Its still pretty much a mess, chris, no one has made decisions in terms of who theyre going to support. My colleague were able to report that overnight, Congressman Scalise had been making phone calls, trying to make initial inquiries to some of his colleagues about how they would feel about him as a speaker, of course hes been getting a seemingly positive reception to that because in the last few hours, he made it official. Sending a letter, filing to his conference he is going to be putting himself up for speaker and in many ways thats unexpected, given the fact that he is the current number two republican, he has served in leadership before. He has been in Congress Many years. And hes someone whos well known to this conference. Thats not to say that hes not going to have numbers problems, especially when you consider the fact that hes far from the only one running. Congressman jim jordan, the chairman of the judiciary committee, leading the oversight charge, along with several other chairmen has put his name forward. He was the first to do so. I caught up with jordan this morning. He was trying to talk about the hard focus that he has on immigration, on oversight, the work that he has done against the biden administration, all of those meant to appeal to the conservative parts of his conference. Nevertheless it might not make him the only one. I also spoke with kevin hern, the head of the Republican Study Committee weighing his own run here. So they are going to have a lot of options in terms of who they could turn to next. Really this will come to a head early next week, chris, because starting on tuesday, theyre going to do some closed door pitches to their colleagues, the people actually running for speaker. Then come wednesday, theyll do a vote behind closed doors. Weve seen them do it before. They did it with mccarthy and the Leadership Slate before he officially was voted in the 15 ballot rounds to actually be speaker. This is actually, as far as you can say, about these unprecedented times, Business As Usual for how they should select a new speaker. Ening i think its going to be slow, chaotic, and messy too. Betsy, i talked to ken buck, tried to get him to commit. Most people arent. Theyre waiting to see what the lay of the land is. Clearly jim jordan is gathering support. What would a jordanled house look like . Jordans biggest assets or one of his key assets is his relationship with donald trump. Hes viewed by other members of the House Republican conference as the one whos closest to the former president , and theres even an assumption amongst some House Republican members that trump is already supporting him, so if jim jordan were to become speaker, that would be an asset to the pro trump faction of the Republican Party which, in fact, of course dominates it. Scalise, one of the biggest things he has going for him, hes been in leadership. He has been dealing with members throughout the entire House Republican conference. Not predominantly members of his committees, and house conservatives, the way jim jordan has focused. Thats an asset to scalise. That said, of course, this is very unpredictable and theres a ton of fury that persists in terms of what matt gaetz did yesterday. I spoke to a House Republican member today who said there are many mccarthy allies in the conference who just as a Knee Jerk Reaction are going to want to oppose whoever matt gaetz ends up supporting because they dont want it to look like what matt gaetz did was successful. They dont want there to be a precedent for that ever happening again. And that tension between, of course, gaetz and his small group of fellow travelers, and then the much larger portion of the House Republican conference that supports Kevin Mccarthy has not gone away. In fact, its only gotten more intense, and its very difficult to see what person could emerge who would be able to reconcile those two factions. So going back to ken buck again, i asked him, betsy, if he was still confident as he seemed to be this morning that a new speaker could be in place by wednesday or thursday of next week. He seemed to maybe backtrack on that a tiny bit. Is it clear what kind of time line were looking at here, betsy . Thats a good question. Theres certainly not an immediate deadline, though there needs to be a Government Funding Bill passed in less than two months. I just find it almost inconceivable that House Republicans would be able to coalesce behind one speaker by wednesday of next week, and the fact that theres not a Stopwatch Hanging right over their heads, i think is going to make this really challenging. The friction and the level of hostility, and frankly, the raw emotions and to an extent, the fury that persists are a real existential problem, and ultimately, part of the reason the problem exists is because of the 2022 midterms being far less successful for republicans than they could have. Part of the reason those midterms were a red hiccup, rather than a red wave is because of the view of republicans, donald trump decided to focus on the relitigating the 2020 election, had republicans been able to pick up more seats in those midterms, we would be in an entirely different universe right now in terms of the House Republican conference. They barely squeaked past the line of flipping the house, and now a group of republican members of congress that you could fit into a quiznos is able to have a Determinant Role in deciding who leads the House Of Representatives, and that dynamic is not going to change by wednesday. Thank you so much. Opening statements underway in the criminal trial of Disgraced Crypto king Sam Bankmanfried, what happens next as he stands accused of whats being called the biggest fraud in history. In history honestly . I couldnt afford to get sick. I want to be there for this one. I cant if im sick. 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And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. at any moment in new york, the prosecution is expected to call its first witness at the criminal trial of former crypto king turn accused conman Sam Bankmanfried. Prosecutors began the trial by saying the fallen ftx founder was once on Top Of The World before his historic 10 billion fraud or alleged fraud was exposed. Cnbcs kate rooney is outside the courthouse for cnbc on msnbc. What are you watching for . So we did make some progress today. They selected a jury. Were moving on to the witness testimonies. Were going to hear from Sam Bankmanfrieds parents. The parents are expected to testify. Sam bankmanfrieds brother, Family Members there, high profile investor, and his inner circle. The group of executives that lived with him in the bahamas. Based on what the prosecution laid out in their Opening Statement were some of the few people who would have been aware of Sam Bankmanfrieds alleged fraud. We are expecting to hear from caroline ellison, in particular, the ceo of another Sister Company and was also Sam Bankmanfrieds girlfriend so its likely to be a more personal account. A lot of interest in that testimony. Were going to hear from her in the coming weeks. There also was cold water thrown on the potential witnesses by the defense. They talked about some of their motivations for maybe testifying, the fact that they had already pleaded guilty, and so both sides were kind of talking a lot about the witnesses and trying to tell the jury on one side, these people pleaded guilty, and they might be looking at some facts. In hindsight, while the prosecution said these were some of the few people that would have known about the alleged fraud. Weve got about 30 seconds left. You said Jury Selection wrapped up this morning which wasnt expected to be an easy task, considering how controversial hes become. Whats the jury look like . Reporter the jury is mostly women, nine women out of 12. Ranges from retired nurses, to train conductors and they picked that this morning. The questions ranged from things like have you heard of this case, do you have opinions on cryptocurrency, and what are your thoughts on adhd which Sam Bankmanfried has. His recommendation was electric quarantine, cant read any newspapers around us. Kate rooney, thank you for that. That is going to do it this hour. Joining us for Chris Jansing reports every weekday from 1 00 to 3 eastern right here on msnbc. Our coverage continues with Katy Tur Reports right now. Good to be with you, im katy tur. I keep turning on my tv at night hoping this has all just been an elaborate lead up to an infomercial. Cant get a wing of

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