Congressional campaign committee, congresswoman Susan Delbene. Talk to us about what happens next. And, taking trump seriously, threatening rhetoric and promises of retribution arising in frequency. Miles taylor, molly john, fast and brian closs joined me to discuss why the leading candidate for the republican president ial nomination must not be ignored. Im jonathan capehart, this is The Sunday Show. Today, and a surprising turn of events, the government is open. Late last night, with less than an hour over a potential shutdown, President Biden signed a Stopgap Spending Bill into law. The Continuing Resolution passed by both the house and senateitbipartisan majorities. This will keep the government funded until november 17th. Th bl includes Disaster Relief funds, an extension of federal flight insurance program, and, faa reauthorization. No aid for ukraine, despite widespread bipartisan support for it in the senate. President biden was quick to address the issue, saying in a statement that he, quote, fully expects House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy to keep his commitment to the people of ukraine. An expectation that could prove difficult for mccarthy and the run up to the now averted shut down. They face one embarrassing defeat after the other at the hands of farright members of his own party. Now, after putting a bill on the floor that one support, they face the threat of venus and by that same members. It puts the hands and democrat. And 45 days, we could be right back where we were just 24 hours ago. Staring at yet another moving Government Shutdown as the nation and the world watches in wonder and tore up the messiness of american democracy. It doesnt have to be this way, it doesnt have to be this hard. It will be. As long as Speaker Mccarthy bends to the will of a minority republican majority that came to washington for the sole purpose of burning it down. The American People, an American Leadership around the world be dammed. Joining me now in studio, shalanda, young director of the office of management and budget, director young, welcome back to The Sunday Show. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Lets go back to the middle of the begetting. That is the Debt Ceiling Deal that was struck in early summer. What was in that deal . The deal was that we would keep spending at current levels, so there would be no cuts, and things like nih had started women and children nutrition, this was a head start. The Defense Number would be a budget. As you pointed out in your opening dialogue, they put bill after bill on the floor that violated that deal with deep deep cuts to everything from nih to losing 12 and the eye agents. These bills did not make it out of the house of representatives. Th wldve been devastating. What im wondering about here is that ts wasnt just a handshake agreement, this was a law. This was the house passed. At the Senate Passed it. The president signed into law, and we have heard it going over a cliff at the United States not honoring its debts and obligations. How is it possible that the speaker didnt honor that deal . Im trying to understand why were in this position in the first place. Jonathan, please dont ask me to explain the thinking and not loving by the deal. All you have in this world, i was taught from a young age, is your word. Its not just a word, its the law. Thankfully the speaker decided to work with bipartisan representatives who want to live by the deal, do the right thing, get out of this brinkmanship. Thats what happened. When we lived by the deal, and speaker put that deal on the floor, guess what . Democrats showed up. Enough republican showed up to avert the worstcase situation of a shutdown. So now, the hard part begins. You have 45, or is a 47 days, really, to, everyones saying 45 but its 47 days to now hammer out a deal. Either to get all of the Appropriations Bills passed so that there is a budget, or 45 days to come up with another Continuing Resolution. How hard is your job starting tomorrow . I used to do this on the congressional side. Its not easy. Lets start there. Why wait till the last minute . Every parent in this child tells their children to not wait till the lastminute. Why are you up till minute junior book report . Okay . Lets follow all our parents advice and not wait until the last minute to get this done. The American People dont get this. They do not understand why this town, this congress waits until the last minute, and puts a lot of people on edge. To finally do the right thing. So we are calling on the speaker to let us start, lets start now. Lets get full year bills. Forget this kicking of the can down the road for 45, 47 days. Again, we need to start now to meet our obligations to the American People. Lets talk about some of the things that were sticking points about a Continuing Resolution. There has been talk about Border Security funding, the cuts you were talking about worth 30 cuts. To nondefense discretionary funding. Ukraine age. When it comes to the cuts, is there a willingness on the part of the white house to meet the republicans a little bet who wants more cuts. Jonathan, we negotiated, you pointed out that its a, lot were going to follow the law. I will never forget that this deal was long and tortured and we also did is we set the budget top lines, that by the, way saved a trillion dollars over ten years. It was fiscally responsible but it set a path so we did not have the brinkmanship. We negotiated. Well negotiate the details to carry out the plan why would we violates the deal that weve already struck . One of the things, one of the complaints of Speaker Mccarthy was that, yeah, there is this deal, but the senate is putting and more money over these limits that were in that deal for the debt ceiling. Whats the response to that. Why is it good to add more money, but not good to cut . Then we tell you what a hallmark of the deal in the summer was, bipartisanship, both votes from both sides of the aisle. Look at what the senate is doing versus the house and spending bills. Bipartisan votes to get the spending bills out of committee, on to the floor, bipartisan, bipartisan, bipartisan. The senate is doing its business in a way where there is a path to actually getting things done. I appreciate, you, know the speaker saying they need to do this, i can do that. The only way to get these bills to the president s task is to do the work in a bipartisan manner. The senate is doing that. The word there is compromise. Not everyone gets what they want. One of the complaints that the speaker, this go around, it was kind of a repeat of what was going around last time. That is that the white house is involved. The president needs to be a part of this. Given what you just said in a previous answer, should we expect the white house to now, and hes 45 days, be more visibly active . Let me tell you, this is a 47day Continuing Resolution. A stopgap measure. What is there to talk about . Literally, stick by the deal we struck the summer. Set top lines. This isnt the vast amount of details that come in for your bills. There was no negotiation needed. We just needed people to honor the deal, honor the law, and basically do the bare minimum. Keep the government open for 47 days. Provide Disaster Relief as the president requested. We finally got it done. Disaster relief. Ukraine aid. We are committed. There are bipartisan members of congress committed to keeping our word to the people of ukraine. By the way, the speaker has been on record saying this is the right thing to do to provide american support. We expect the speaker, you saw the president statement, to keep his commitment to the people of ukraine. Weve seen votes in the house that show commitment on a bipartisan basis. This is there for ukrainian aid. We will keep the pressure on. This is the right thing to do. Its about what do you stand for . Democratic values, protecting those democratic values. The sovereignty of a nation. Helping ukrainians defend against a dictator and russia. The director of omg, Shalanda Young. As, always thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show. Next, we will continue our coverage of the lastditch bipartisan deal that avoided a Government Shutdown. When i speak with the chair of the Democratic Congressional campaign committee, Congresswoman Susan Del Benny of washington state. Her take, when we come back. Dont go anywhere. Dont go anywhere. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Breaking news on the future home of the xfinity 10g network. Speaker mccarthy as congressman matt gaetz says that he is following through with his threat to remove the speaker. I do intend to file a motion to vacate against Speaker Mccarthy this week. I think we need to rip off the bandaid. I think we need to move on with new leadership. That can be trustworthy. Joining me now, congresswoman Susan Delbene of washington state, chair of the Congressional Campaign committee. Congresswoman, welcome back to The Sunday Show. Before we talk about why you are really here, your reaction to congressman matt gaetz. Saying that he is going to follow through on a starts to remove the speaker. Hes been talking about this constantly this entire congress, so i guess thats not surprising. It kind of adds to the chaos and dysfunction that weve seen from the Republican Caucus this congress. Folks want to see us govern, and unfortunately, this is the republican party. Chaos, dysfunction, and dissent. Thats unfortunate because weve got a lot of work to do. The reason why Congressman Gaetz is threatening the speaker now, saying hes going to follow through on his threat, is because not only is there a Continuing Resolution put on the floor, one, and two, it passed with democratic votes. Now that this threat is, it looks like he is going to follow through. Will democrats . Will you vote to knock down that motion to vacate . To help Speaker Mccarthy hang on to that gavel . First, were going to see what happens this coming time and session. See what he files. We want to govern. We have important things that we need to get done. We need to fund the government. We may not be shut down today, but we need to make sure this is funded for the full fiscal. Yeah were not there yet. Theres a ton of work to do. Were behind. We are behind because of republican dysfunction. We want to understand what its going to take to edge or to folks are governing, and frankly, we need strong leadership. That is a big part of my job to make sure that we have strong leadership. I think Hakeem Jeffries would be a great speaker. And reading up on the machinations of dramatic ive yesterday, this question came up to a member of the democratic minority where the question was, would you vote when democrats vote to safe a car the . The person quoted saying, well, we have to extract the thousand pounds of flush. What would you want to see from Speaker Mccarthy in order for democrats even consider helping him in the mess that season . We want to govern. We havent seen any ability for republicans to govern, so what is going to take place so that we can govern . So we dont go through the games that we just went through where we ended up on the brink of a shutdown. We finally did what we couldve done. We couldve passed a Continuing Resolution many, many weeks ago to ensure that we could continue to negotiate. Frankly, the fiscal year always starts on october 1st. It turns out it does every year. We shouldve been pasadena bills in a bipartisan way along, long time ago. The key is, we need leadership that understands that the only way that we get anything done is in a bipartisan way, through the house of the senate. We need to pass bills in the house and the senate to get over the president s task. Whats going to happen to make sure that we have that leadership . Im going to get you to react to something that shalanda on just said and the previous segment. When i asked if the white house in the president would be now in this 45, 47day period, more involved in trying to get these bills, get these bills passed. The director, i think rightly, said that there is not much to talk about. The top lines were already agreed to earlier in the summer in a law. Is that the right stance . Is that a stance that democrats will take . What is there to talk about if the top line figures and things are a matter of law . There was a deal. There was a deal that Stephen Mccarthy negotiated with President Biden. There was a deal that we voted on in congress. Almost, theres just a few days after that deal was put in place, Speaker Mccarthy backed off. So the only way were really going to get things done is to have leaders keep their word, and to Work Together to collaborate. That is, again, get things done. It has to be bipartisan. There is no way were going to get anything done. We have an opportunity in the house working with the senate to put together funding bills, to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year. Its gotta be bipartisan. So i think that its on congress right now, but particularly on House Republicans because theyve been the one who have been blocking everything so far. The minute that we have left, im going to come back to where we started this conversation and that is, Congressman Gaetz say that he is going to follow through and is that to remove the speaker. Since you are all in town, have there been any emails or conversation about the Democratic Congress meeting to have a conversation about what to do once this happens . Once a motion to vacate is filed. We are going to go back into session monday evening. There will be medians called, no doubt, as we look at what the legislative business will be for the week we meet regularly anyway. Not sure well have a discussion around this. As well as what we need to do to make sure that the government is funded, and we dont end up on a break again in the future. And the, end were going to hold, facets why were not shut down today because we did hold fast. We need to make sure that republicans are doing their part. Unfortunately, they havent been, theyve been dysfunctional, and i worry that were going to see more dysfunction here in the coming weeks. Chair of the Democratic Campaign committee, and congresswoman from washington state. Susan del benny. Thank you very much, congresswoman, for coming back to The Sunday Show. Thank you. Up next, alarming rhetoric. Why we should be concerned about Donald Trumps threat of violence in retribution as he runs for president again. You dont want to miss this important discussion next. Important discussion next. Hey little bear bear. Im gonna love you forever cmon, bear. You dont. You dont have to worry. Be by your side. Ill be there. With my arms wrapped around. 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And proffered by his old backup qb. And if we proffer it, we know youll proffer it too. Have you been behind me this whole time . Yep. Ma, ma, ma clears throat for fast sore throat relief, try Vicks Vapocool drops. With two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. Vicks vapocool drops. Vaporize sore throat pain. Rachel maddow often said during the trump candidacy, watch what they do, know what they say. As trump makes another round for the white house, id like to amend rachels insightful ammunition. Look at what trump says because thats exactly what he will do if he wins the presidency again in 2024. With his threats just as fast weve gotten everyone from prosecutors and judges, to the media and military leaders, trump continues to promise the president s event on retribution, and is gaining support amongst republicans for his malevolent vision of the day. This is the nightmare for american democracy. President biden warned about in an important speech on thursday in arizona. We are concentrating in power, abusing power, for jane e. Constitutions. Spewing conspiracy theories. Spreading lies for profit, power, to divide america everywhere. Inciting violence against those who risked their lives to keep america safe. Weaponizing against the very soul of who we are as americans. This threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. Its also a threat to the character of our nation. Joining me now, brian closs, soc a professor of Global Politics at University College london,. Contributing writer at the atlantic, an author of the despots apprentice. Miles taylor, former Chief Of Staff, cofounder and Senior Adviser of forward. Author of blowback, a warning to save democracy from the next trump. Molly john fast, Special Correspondent a vanity fair, and host of the fast politics podcast. Thank you all very much for coming to The Sunday Show for what i hope will be an incredible conversation. The amount of threats that weve seen from donald trump this past week, its breathtaking even for him from the threat to General Milley, now the former joint chairman of the Chief Of Staff, to threats against American Media with a specific social media post focused on the owner of this network, comcast, and the continual threats against prosecutors and judges in the various cases against him in the jurisdictions where he has 91 counts. Brian, let me start with you. Talk about this moment that were in with the leading candidate for the republican nomination making really incredible antismall d democratic threats. Its the biggest story of the 2024 election, but its not been treated as that in the process. I think thats a real feeling. It has become the banality of Crazy Incitements of violence, the sort of normalcy and 14 of trump say things that could get people killed. You have him, you, know suggesting that you could execute americas top general. On friday night, he joked about paul pelosi been attacked, the crowd laughed when he was referencing, you know, sort of an 82 year old man being hit in the head with a hammer. He called to execute people who shop left from store, as a very minor crime. One we need to take seriously, but not one where theyve execution. He has demonized a number of people in his outlets on truth social, and in front of crowds. This is related to a term called scholastic terrorism. Its an academic jargon term, what it basically means is that when someone is very powerful and influential targets or demonize this individual groups in the public, at least a small number of their followers will take them as marching orders. What is highly likely, going into the 2024 election, a small subset of trumps very well armed extremists base will try to kill people. You have to remember that this extremist in 2018 that sent by pumps to people trump threatened on twitter, the only reason he did exceed us because he was bad at building bombs. Not because the radical wasnt it important. We are gambling peoples lives and democracy on the idea that this rhetoric doesnt translate to real world violence. That is a very bad bet for america to make. Miles, more to the point about general mark milley, the former chairman of the joint Chief Of Staff who donald trump said basically said should have been put to death for doing his job in a way that the then president did not like. In his retirement ceremony, General Milley, apparently, went off script, and had this to say. Im taking over from a king or queen, or a tyrant, or dictator, without taking us to a want to be dictator. We dont take from individuals. We take an oath to the constitution. We take an oath to america and the people who are willing to die to protect it. Miles, i mean, that, on the way out the door, you have a member of the military talking about the importance of their job and their oath to the constitution, and not one person. You know, jonathan, ill tell you about whats really remarkable about that. Millies remarks were not the first time this is been said. In fact, i was witness to one of middle east here is telling that in front of donald trump himself. Back in 2017, when the first year of the Trump Presidency we were in the oval office, and kelly was getting sworn in. He so fear trumps impulses that instead of praising donald trump in the white house, he tried to everyone assembled in the white house and said i want to make one big clear before us where this oath. I do not swear this oath to a man. We dont do this in this country. We dont swear an oath to akin, we swear an oath to the constitution. It was not lost on anyone in that room what john kelly meant. Weve got mark milley here saying the same thing. What are they trying to tell us . Theyre trying to tell us that the men they serve is a want to be despot. He is a want to be carrying. That is the concern we have. Donald trump has made it very, very clear while hes been out on the campaign trail, that in a second term, he wants to weaponize the levers of government across the constitution on fire. He will continue to promote political violence. One thing that i want to know, jonathan, is that brians point, the numbers are off the charts, the risk of assassination in this country is higher than its ever been in the modern era, and we see that with threats to members of congress, which having increased tenfold since donald trump became president of the United States. With threats to judges that have increased 400 in recent years, and threats to local officials. 81 of them say it in the past year they have felt threatened or harassed. We are in a particularly dangerous moment for this country. Molly, you wrote a column in vanity fair of picking up on a point that brian mentioned, i believe, in his answer at the beginning of this block, that, is you know, the we are in danger of repeating a mistake in 2016, which is basically not taking the guy seriously. We didnt take him seriously in 2016, and i think in 2024, a lot of the American People should colleagues in the press are numb to it. Tell us why this is dangerous. Briefly, well take a break and come back. But start. I think its an interesting phenomenon. In 2015, trump got Two Billion Dollars of free media, the media sort of swung at every pitch, right . We really saw that. Now, were in a situation where the media has gotten sort of exhausted by covering it. So how many times can you have some guys say im going to burn the constitution, and fire, you, know everyone who is sort of a normal bipartisan working in the federal government. So i do think that there has been less coverage. The problem, is when theres less coverage, you miss things like trump threatening General Milley with execution, which is a really, really important data point, and should not be lost, again, last week, we saw a number, things and i think that whats striking to me is that there is so much coverage of biden, anytime biden makes a gaffe, or trips, or even when he wore sneakers, there was a whole article about that. Last week, trump confused with h. W. Bush, and no coverage was done of that. Hes not been covered much. When he, is hes not covered for the right things. I do think thatll be a problem. Were going to take a quick break. Molly, miles, brian, well be back to continue this discussion after the break. Ussion after the break jitterbug [ Giggles Loudly ] jitterbug [ Giggles Loudly ] jitterbug [ Giggles Loudly ] jitterbug [ Giggles Loudly ] [ tapping ] you put the boomboom into my heart intuitive sittostart in the allelectric id. 4. Its the little things, its a vw. Welcome back to The Sunday Show. I want to pick up on one of the things you were talking about, molly. The fact that the way the press is covering the 2024 campaign, theyre not pain as much attention as they should be on what trumps up to. You know, miles, one of the stories that has been reported, and then kind of disappeared, and the president brought it up in his arizona speech, and that is this whole schedule f business. That apparently donald trump put in place before he left the white house. Talk about how that schedule f, but that is, and how, why that is so dangerous if he is reelected. Jonathan, towards the end of the Trump Administration, there was a concerted effort among lawyers to figure out if they could merge the socalleds deep state. What they wanted to do was fire federal employees en masse. Non politically appointed people, so they could got them, and replace them with individuals who are more favorable towards donald trump and the maga movement. Of course, he was not reelected president s, but the tool they were going to use was what i can tell, you, jonathan after talking to dozens of ex Trump Administrations on the subject, right now, theyre putting together symptomatic plan to be able to do this with the Trump Administration and to do a bigger than they had planned at the end of the first term, which is to know, especially the science agency, the security agencies, agencies tied to a lot of horsemint, or donald trump viewed opposition that would potentially stand in his way from implementing his agenda and nancy constitutionalist agenda. This is something that has been put together as we speak. Its a huge concern. One other concern i have, jonathan, after talking to so many my former colleagues from the administration, they are trying to look at powers they didnt utilize previously for the Trump Administration, one of those that i cited in my book, something called the president ial emergency act. It documents the doomsday book. There are extraordinary president ial powers that the American Public do not know about that donald trump and his team are intent on using in a second storm, because they know those powers will help them get overt democracies guardrails. Then implement an agenda thats contrary to the constitution. Thats House Speaker brian, given what miles just said, this conversation is taking a terrifying turn. I did not know that the president ial doomsday book, i mean, even without that, this whole schedule f business, talk about why that is so dangerous between that and the president ial doomsday book. Why these two things that miles just talked about is so dangerous in the hands of a president who has promised retribution if reelected. The idea of the constitution is not something that is set in stone. Its something that is upheld by people. If an individual is willing to coop individuals who work in the government, in use the levers of power, they can violate the constitution. We see that around the world when democracy dies. I think the most extraordinary thing about this moment is that trump is not pretending, hes not hiding, he is telling us that this is what hes going to do. At the same, time hes telling his rallies, you know, we should celebrate violence. So you have an authoritarian figure whos facing 91 Felony Charges. He was been found liable for sexual abuse, and has basically telegraphed that he is going to use the full power of the government to go after his enemies on baseless charges. That person is being covered as though there are of a similar level of problem as a mainstream democratic official who is 80 years old, while trump is 77 years old. This is the problem with the narratives that have been constructed around this. We have one story in this country. The story is that a dangerous authoritarian is facing massive Felony Charges is about on the cusp to retain power, to use that power against his enemies to promote democracy. That is 2024. Thats the story that should be on every newspaper, and every press outlet, until the election. Its the most important thing. We cant chase novelties like joe bidens dog biting someone, or biden almost falling over. This is absurd. This is a total failure of magnitude bias. Dont chase the shiny objects, focus on the important story. That is the job we have until november of 2024. Molly, youre going to be with us in the next block so im going to pick up this conversation with you on the other side. Brian class, miles taylor, thank you both very much for coming to The Sunday Show and having this conversation. When we come back, the federal government is safe from shut down. For now. Can we say the same for Kevin Mccarthy and his hands on the speaker gavel . Well dive into that in a little bit of the conversation we were just happen, after the break. Fter the break. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. But im protected with arexvy. Arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. But im protected. Arexvy is proven to be over 82 effective in preventing lower Respiratory Disease from rsv and over 94 effective in those with these health conditions. Arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. I chose arexvy. Rsv . Make it arexvy. When you smell the amazing scent of gain flings. Time stops. and you realize youre in love. Steve . With a laundry detergent. gain flings. Seriously good scent. With the Senate Voting to pass a Continuing Resolution three hours before a 12 01 am shutdown, questions still linger about the repercussions regarding this near shut down, and whether Speaker Mccarthy is equipped to handle his job. Joining me now, host of a more Perfect Union podcast. And back with me, Special Correspondent at vanity fair, host of the fast politics podcast, molly jongfast. Thank you both very much for being here. Molly, i just want to give you a chance. The last two blocks, we were talking about the threats that donald trump is making to american democracy, and how he is making the moves to fulfill the promises he is making. And one of the things is, you know, how the press is covering this campaign. Let me get your final thoughts on that before we talk about the mess that is the speakership of Kevin Mccarthy . Just quickly, i think theres a lot of false equivalency is in the way we are covering trump and the Mainstream Media. This is more true for people who are just great reporters on the opinion side. But, you know, conservatives have worked the rafts when it comes to media. And a lot of Mainstream Media worries that they are appearing to liberal by stating the actual facts. And so, you see situations, like, you know, i saw a headline the other day, bidens age is a big problem, and trump has some problems too, right . That should never happen. And i think we just have to be so much more careful. Trump needs to be covered as an autocrat. He is, and we know he will be. All right, lets talk about what we just averted for the next 45 hours. Its 47 days, and that is the shutdown. We know from this morning, congressman matt gaetz said that hes going to file a motion to vacate the speaker when they come back into session tomorrow. Also, congresswoman from new york, alexandria ocasiocortez has said that she will vote in favor of that motion to vacate. Where Does Mccarthy Go from here . Well, i think Speaker Mccarthy has the honorable thing, and i think with Shalanda Young sharing this warning, honoring the deal that was previously made, get that done as soon as possible so they can move on to other things. But, you know, look, democrats really did Speaker Mccarthy a solid thing. They saved the speaker. They saved this country from having our full faith and credit called into question. And so, the question is, you know, what do democrats want from the speaker in exchange for saving him yet again. And, you know, molly, i cant help but think about the chaos that we are seeing in the house majority, where two Doctor Quarteys point, the democrats keep saving Speaker Mccarthy they saved him during the debt ceiling mccarthy ceiling over the summer. They did it again yesterday in terms of voting in favor of the Continuing Resolution that led to averting a Government Shutdown. But how long can this chaos last . Well, the problem is now, you have a question of, like, will they keep him speaker . Right . So democrats keep him speaker, or will they vote for this motion to vacate . By the way, if they vote for this motion to vacate, matt gaetz does not have the votes to install a new speaker. So, what will happen . When we have no speaker again . I mean, this is like, look, matt gaetz is acting on the behest of trump, its the important topic here. Trump avoided, wanted a Government Shutdown. What i think is pretty interesting, you know, an alltimes, three 2020, Kevin Mccarthy would have shut down the government just because donald trump told him to. And this time he did it. I think that is and really important data point. Again, democrats are gonna have to decide whether they want to save him, and the question is what they can get from Kevin Mccarthy. Or should they, Doctor Quartey . Should they save govern coffee . Well, in saving Kevin Mccarthy, were also saving a lot of the priorities that democrats cherish a lot of priorities that democrats who are sent to congress to champion. So, theres a distinction that we know, and theres a distinction that we dont know. And so, without a Speaker Mccarthy in place, who knows, you know, who might muster enough votes to become speaker . And who knows how much more beholden they might become to the most extremist faction of House Republicans . I mean, its important to note, just to connect the dots, jonathan, that political extremism is on the rise in our country. And i think what we have seen with this game of chicken related to the Government Shutdown is just another example of extremism. Shutdown is just another right. You know, molly, thats why, you know, i call them, the house majority, the chaos caucus. Its one thing to have a ram faction of your majority wreaking havoc, and saying all sorts of things. Its another to bend to their well. And so, you know, with the debt ceiling bill deal set, i thought, wow, Given Mccarthy was able to get this done, avert the nation going over a financial cliff, and he was going to emerge stronger than ever because he stared down the far right of his party. And yet, here we are, looking at a speaker who is even weaker than he was during that nonsense. And with this motion to vacate, even if he survives, he is, he will be even weaker still. So what does that say about the governance of this country Going Forward . Well, and i think more importantly, what does it say about Kevin Mccarthy, right . Hes just not that good at this. And if you think about nancy pelosi, she had a smaller majority, or maybe slightly larger. And she never had promises like this, problems like this. The problem is you cannot have a House Speaker who cannot count, right . He keeps taking votes, rules votes, votes that are not supposed to ever fail. And i think that his inability to do the sort of small, granular stuff that is the job, that has really undermined him. Again, i think you are right. There is this chaos caucus, this group that wants to bring it all down. And Kevin Mccarthy really has handed them the keys to the kingdom. And they are really just running and that is matt gaetz, Marjorie Taylor greene, lauren boebert. And i think we will see more of that. To put a finer point on it, nancy pelosi, when she was speaker of the house last time, she had a five seat majority, exactly what Given Mccarthy has right now. Also, i want to point out that when Kevin Mccarthy was the whip Majority Whip in the house, he couldnt count and, because he sent lots of bills to the floor that did not pass, and in parents and their speaker boehner. So thats that. Doctor niiquartelai, molly jongfast, thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show. And before we go, we want to wish a special happy birthday to the 39th president of the United States, jimmy carter. Today, he turns 99. And it is officially the longest living u. S. President. Here in washington, d. C. , the white house honors his legacy with a wooden cake, topped with 39 candles on display on the north lawn. Meanwhile, in georgia, the jimmy carter president ial library and museum in atlanta will host a celebration for the public. And the former president who celebrate with his wife, roslyn, their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren in his hometown of plains, georgia. Happy birthday, president carter and that will do it for me today. 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