Transcripts For MSNBCW Alex 20240703

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Of you from Msnbc Roe Headquarters here in new york. Welcome everyone to alex witt reports. We are beginning with this Breaking News. Hundreds on capitol hill as the federal government heads towards a, potential, shut down in just 12 hours. Soon the house will vote on speaker Kevin Mccarthys new plan to keep Government Open. We see those votes being cast, in fact, as we speak. However, mccarthy is leaning on democrats to support it admitting that there is no guarantee that his own caucus would do it. The house is going to actually government will not shut down. We will put a clean Funding Stopgap on the florida keep Government Open for 45 days did you get any assurances from any of the republicans about this . No, i have tried. Well, a senate vote is also expected to get underway in the next hour. The impact of a potential shutdown will be felt foreign right across nonessential federal agcies. For almost 4 million employees and military, it would mean working without pay. Here is part of a report of nbc s tom costello. For the Border Patrol to the postcard to the Food Inspectors to the nation airports yet another Government Shutdown will hit the very people who keep the country safe. Including 50,000 tsa officers who ensure planes are safe to fly. 10,500 air Traffic Controllers. On the hill for that lets go right to nbcs Julie Tsirkin, joining us from capitol hill, of course. This vote is underway. We are trying to read the notes that we get through the screen provided to us by television. We were seeing something about a vote adjourning. Do you know what is happening right now behind you . This is what is happening on the house floor right now. Democrats have asked for a motion to adjourn. They are taking that vote now. It is because they need more time to read the bill. Read the bill that was just dropped the Republican Leadership which would extend the government funding past the deadline tonight for 45 days. It would include disaster relief, nothing for ukraine, nothing for the border included including the conservative border issues a 45 hardliners voted down yesterday. Democrats are trying to figure out the next step. Here this 45day cer bill will need two thirds majority to pass. That means, as mccarthy has a knowledge, they will need democrats to support it in order to pass it to avert a Government Shutdown. Again, the senate will, of course, need to pick it up and pass, it as well. Democrats are having interest issues right now. In the words of drake, the rapper, they dont know if they can believe republicans here because theyve changed plans so many times at the 11th hour, trying to get the most conservative republican bill to the finish line, which they were unable to do for a third time yesterday, as well. The bottom line here is is going to be very hard for democrats to vote against this bill to keep the Government Open. Even though they must have some hard feelings or they might have some hard feelings toward republicans were getting to him to this place in the first place. The problem is, if democrats vote with republicans that threatens mccarthys speakership gavel he talked about that last hour. Elsa spoke of congressman matt gaetz about it. Watch. Ressman matt gaetz about it i do not believe that the American Public should be public. I want to keep Government Open while we finish our job to secure the border. We are gonna do now, because the senate cannot act in time, the government would shut down, the house is going to act for the government will not shut down. We will put a clean Funding Stopgap on the floor to keep Government Open 45 days for the house and senate to get their work done. Why are we gonna stick to your view on this . I think we have to break the fever dream of governing by continuing resolution. That is why we are 33 Trillion Dollars in debt, facing 2. 2 Trillion Dollar annual deficits. Gaetz had told me that here going to huddle with his members about that motion that he has threatened. Which could commence minister day, especially as democrats do you have enough votes to make that continuing resolution pass. All of this republicans are trying to get done before the senate comes in. You saw on your screen earlier that they just open the floor. They are huddling on the other side of this chamber to try to find their path forward at this moment everyone is waiting to see what the house does. Conventional wisdom wise, a couple of questions. First of all, our democrats huddling to decide if they crossed the line in joint Speaking Recovery . You know they are none too pleased for having been put in this precarious position to begin with. On the flip side, with mccarthy, you mentioned it. What is the likelihood that matt gaetz, from whom we heard, and others, will also be huddling today to decide, are we gonna try to propose a vote . We are getting at this corrode for the speakership . Alex, give me one second. Mister speaker . Well the clean sea are passed on the floor . I am determined. Here is an opportunity. It will only fail if democrats vote against a. This is an opportunity to make sure our troops get paid while we finish our jobs. The house has done 70 of all the appropriation dollar figures. The senate has done nothing. The senate cannot move a bill in time for Government Shutdown. I cannot look the troops in the eye, have them worry that here they are defending our freedoms, and whether they can pay their car loan under house payment. Lets keep things open while we finished where we have to get done. How speaker, what is you say to democrats who say that this is rush, that they need more time to read this bill . Are you willing to give them a couple of hours . How is it rushed . Its just a basic cpr. Theyre making things up. Theres only goes 45 days. It has nothing to do with anything else. The only thing that it added into it, it helps the faa. The white house was claiming the faa problem. Again, the house has passed an fa bill, the senate has not. We are trying to solve a lot of problems at the senate has failed on here. We added the Disaster Money for the people in why in florida and california. They were devastated, we asked for this. All we would do is keep the government funded as it is. Make sure the faa can go forward. Make sure the troops get paid. The border returns are getting paid. Lets finish our work this preserve the Spending Levels . I tried to make sure. A try to pass you brought up to see. Are u. S. Questions, you need to let me answer, okay . Mister speaker no no, she asked a question. That means in her question. I tried every different way. You watched me day, after day, after week, a try to pass the most conservative funding bill to keep this going to secure the border. That did not get enough votes. Here we are, hours away from a Government Shutdown. All im saying here is give the office the opportunity to keep the Government Open for fridays as the senate has not on their work. We finish doing our work so we can secure the border. If the Border Agents are paid and we are having all of this russian, what would next month look like . I dont want to do the. What would our military look . Like the secretary of transportation was complaining about the faa. Here we protect the faa because the sun do not do their job but the house did. What we are able to do is keep it funded, keep our work going. I have made sure that the house stays in session. People are not going home. People need to finish doing their work. Hopefully, the senate will start there. We will be able to move forward. What do you say to Bottom Liners who say that this preserves the status quo of spending under pelosi . Its 45 days. What happens here during this Government Shutdown is those things keep going, as well. We are trying to make sure that we get good bills passed, finish doing our job, and we win overall. To be able to secure the border at the end of the day, he cant quit. The one thing you know about me, sometimes there are obstacles. Dont lose sight of where the objective is. Find your way around the obstacles. I dont think the American Public should be punished here, but, if i want to be the adult in the room of the democrats won a vote no and shut the aurora down, and then that is on them. I dont understand. What has the president and to try to keep this Government Open . Are they lobbying against this bill . That is what im hearing. What could they oppose anna . We provided them i wanted to pass the most Conservative Bill where we cut money, secure the border. You know what . We dont have a republican to help us do that. Here we are hours away trying to keep the Government Open and try to keep the work going to secure the border and cut the way for spending. Are you worried about losing your job given the fact that youre bringing this to the floor . Think about that for one moment. I am never in fear of that. If i lose my job over looking out for the American Public, for taking a stance for our troops and our Border Agents, im not quite sure what people want. This allows us the time to get the job done. Why should they be punished because the senate did nothing . I mean, seriously think about that question. If someone wants to remove me for putting americans first, so be. Should americans expect a shutdown . Alex, you obviously heard from Speaker Mccarthy there when he was walking off. He turned back to me and said no if i asked if americans should expect a Government Shutdown. Obviously, he is fired up about this. He tried to book in the curve the bill on the floor multiple times yesterday. It was the third time that had failed with those Border Security provisions. Now he is back with a clean cpr he confirmed to me there. Some democrats have been saying that this may cut spending because i havent had a chance to read the bill. This confirms that it will continue, essentially, the status quo of the Spending Levels that we have seen last year. The Spending Levels of hardline conservatives have argued against because they say that those were put in place by the speaker schumer, by pelosi when she was speaker. You heard there, this is lastditch effort to keep the Government Open. We will see if it works. Yeah, we will see. You certainly see him taking a line in the stand now. This is a perfect setup right now because weve heard the speaker invoking the senate many, many, times. Saying it was their fault. I think that was seven or eight times he blamed the senate for that. Lets bring in right now senator Michael Bennet. Democrat from colorado. Sir, im sure you heard Speaker Mccarthy there in that live interview at we caught him coming out of the chamber with the chairman of the vote. Ball is in your core. He is accusing the senate of not doing its job. How do you want to respond to that . I dont know what he is talking about. We pass to see our with almost 80 votes in the senate days ago. We have been sitting here waiting for the House Of Representatives to act on that c r, which funded our government, as well as extended funding for ukraine. It extended funding for the natural disasters, including why. Here we are on a saturday afternoon after he has tried everything i think he can try, i guess, to satisfy the extremist of his party. Now he is coming and begging democrats in the house to help keep the Government Open. I mean, hes blaming the senate. I wish i was on fox news. Anybody who has watched what has been going on the past few days knows that the senate did its job in a bipartisan way. I dont know what youre talking about. I have no idea what hes talking about. Trying to shift the blame, it would seem, sir. Let me ask you about the democrats, crossing the line to work without republicans to get something passed the ceo for 45 days . Are you hearing anything about that from your colleagues in the house . Look, the bill just came out. The last thing im gonna do, i havent read the bill. Im not in the house. The House Democrats, members of the, house they ought to have a chance to read the bill. Ill be interested to hear what they have to say. We sorry go ahead, alex,. A bill like that, when he described it, again, this is the House Speaker describing it as merely a simple bill. Just extending the time and allow money to Fund Disaster relief in the interim, should something occur, is that something that is going to be super lengthy . What would your experience be with . That would be a couple pages ago . Over 25 pages . Im sure its super lengthy. Everything around here is super lengthy. I dont have any idea whether the money for ukraine, for example, is in the bill. It sounds to me like it is not in the bill. One thing i would worry a lot about is if we come back here 45 days and there is no way to get the right wing extremists in his party to support the continued funding for ukraine. The whole world is watching this. Vladimir putin is watching this. All of our allies in europe in asia are watching this. Xi jinping is watching this. These guys cant even do the basic work of governing. This is the guy who took 15 votes, something like, that to promise his most extreme parts of his party. Now he has gone through that nonsense, again. Here we are. I dont know. We will see what the democrats in the house to side. We, obviously, want to keep the house open, alex. We want to Fund Disasters. We want to fund ukraine. We want to behave in a responsible way without all of this chaos. You look at the party here that cannot pull itself together enough to be able to stand with the brave people of ukraine and zelenskyy, their president. We have had a, in the senate, a guy, tommy tougher ville, who has made it impossible for us to just come Firm Appointments to the department of defense, promotions of the department of defense, because of his rightwing extreme agenda. In both cases what they have done they have brought our government, our exercise in self government, to its knees. I hope that the American People hoped that when they put donald trump out that the chaos that came with donald trump would be a thing of the past. For a while it was. Under this president we passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill. The best the bipartisan chips act. We pass the most significant climate legislation in American History and kept drug prices for seniors. Together, mostly, with democrats and republicans working together. Now they just cant avoid fumbling the football. They cant avoid the kind of chaos that the American People or so sick and tired of. Putin wins, shesing paying wins, no one here winds as a result of what they are doing. Let me ask you, senator, about the talks of the Border Security in the stopgap bill which appeared to have failed to produce something that both sides can agree on i know sir that you were a member of a gang of eight that helped create this bipartisan comprehensive Immigration Proposal back in 2013. Migratio do you see room for compromise on Border Security that might help and this impasse on that front . I think that you cannot, quorum for, fix the border in a ten minute conversation on the house floor when you have a Shutdown Bearing down on us. That is just ludicrous. Yes, i do think that there is a path forward for the United States of america. I am deeply dissatisfied that the Obama Administration didnt solve this. That the Trump Administration didnt solve this, and the Biden Administration has not solved this. We cannot sustain a situation where we have a criminal syndicate organizing people from all over the planet to come to our border, 10,000 15,000 people a day, and expect that to be sustained for a long. That wont work. The gang of a bill in 2013, there are still elements there halfway to citizenship for 11 Million People. The most progressive dream act. Over 40 Billion Dollars for Border Security. A rationalization of our visa process and our asylum process. We have to have i wouldnt even call to compromise, but just a path forward for this country that honors our traditions as a nation of immigrants that is committed to the rule of law. I think that we can do that. But it wont be done as i said intermittent conversation we just saw the fall representatives. We need a thoughtful approach to go after the people the only way you can get into this country and work as if you cross the border illegally that is not the way it should work we should have an orderly we should create a pathway to citizenship as we did in the a gang of 18 bill. We should pass the dream act. We can do this, i think, if we work together. Listen to you. It all makes sense. One more question for you, sir. What is the motivation of the republicans who are pushing for a shutdown . Are they not concerned that this will impact their constituents, as well . You know what . I dont think they care. I think its chaos. This started with the tea party who ran for office with a Cartoon Version of what the Founding Fathers were doing. If you listen to these people talk, you would think the Founding Fathers were in philadelphia to dismantle a country, not found a country. Not put a country together. You saw donald trump was the most extreme version of this. My state of colorado, which is a purple state, there was a lot of worry about whether chaos was all we could expect. Chaos, chaos, chaos,. That is what we had out of donald trump. We passed the most significant bipartisan bill on infrastructure since eisenhower. We passed the first bill since reagan was president. We announced to the southeast and shayna could bring the industry back here. The most significant climate bill that any government in the world has passed. I think people are relieved. You see senator tuberville do what he does to make it impossible for us just to confirm generals and admirals to the positions that theyve worked for all their lives. This craziness in the house. I think it is the chaos caucus over and over again. I can tell you, the American People are sick and tired of it. They know that they dont have to put up with the. They are not gonna put up with it. Im reminded of philadelphia, which you just mentioned. I happen to be there yesterday at independents. All it was both inspiring and utterly frustrating and depressing to think about that which was accomplished to an hutu you to go, compared with what we are unable to accomplish now. One way to think about that, alex, i thought about that too. For better or for worse, we are founded right now. Youre a founder, im a founder. The teachers in my old School District superintendent, their kids and founders, they have that elevated response of citizens in the republic. We can be terrible founders or we could be good founders, you know . Some of those guys, at the beginning werent so great themselves. Some were pretty amazing. Reatpeople like frederick dougl, the women who fought so when we could have the right to vote in this country. I think they were founders just like the people to beginning. We are being called on the same way here. These guys are failing that test. The American People deserve better. We better save this republic from those guys or we are never gonna fulfill the promise that people that came before us that expanded freedoms and rights in this country to make sure this country became more democratic, more fair, more free. They did not just turn it over to us. They turned it over to us on the theory that we would continue that work. That is what the people need to see. I hope our viewers have been listening very quickly, is there. Our give you a bullhorn to repeat everything you just said it had an opportunity. Senator Michael Bennet, good luck today. I know it is a busy one. Good luck to all of us. Well, lots of breaking developments involving donald trump to talk about. How this picture from earlier this week is having an impact on prosecutors. Plus, why the former president is expected to be in court monday for the start of his new york civil trial. The first guilty plea in georgia from a codefendant of the ex president. Are there more to follow . We are back in 60 seconds on this busy news day. Is busy news day mptoms . It may be time to see the bigger picture. Heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome. Shortness of breath. And Irregular Heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attrcm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. Sound like you . Call your cardiologist and ask about attrcm. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. Oh. [dog barks] no its just a bunny only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. My frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 23 past the hour with Breaking News. The doomsday clock, of sorts, for the federal government. Mission done looming less than 12 hours. The senate just came into session at noon eastern with a vote that could clear the way to pass a continuing resolution, known as a cer, in that chamber. That would happen at 1 00. It would also have to pass the house. The house, you see, it is in session. Has been so since 10 am this morning with no Shutdown Evolution insight as factions within the gop battle leadership. Meanwhile, the days other big Breaking News, donald trump now expected to attend the civil trial against his businesses in new york. That is the case for the judge has already determined trumps Financial Statements were fraudulent. Joining me now New York Times chief White House Correspondent and msnbc political analyst, peter baker. Hello, my friend. Lets get into this. Are you surprised that donald trump is expected to be in a new york cat both monday and tuesday . Is this some kind of a strategy on his part . It is a little surprising. It is not going to go. Well the judge that he made the key ruling in this case. The former president of the United States, as a businessman, had basically defrauded banks and, within these Financial Statements, he made overstating the value of his assets to try to get loans. That is pretty key to this lawsuit at this point. But tissue janes, new York State Attorney general, brought a civil Court Lawsuit accusing him of fraud. Now the question really is, what to do about it . Infact, she got fortune and 50 Million Dollar penalty for the former president s business. That is what i think the judge is going to be focused on. Seeing him in court is a little surprising. This is a lot of staying for him. His whole empire based in new york is in jeopardy in a fashion. The court could, basically, rule that that is it for him. He is not entitled to do business. That is what laetitia james bike. There is another big headline, this one coming from friday. Special counsel jack smith submitted the new filing on his proposed gag order in advanced and more mustnt marked by trump. Notably accusing joint Steve Mark Milley of treason and suggesting that merely be executed. Peter, that order is granted, this gag order, how effective it obeah preventing trump from maligning witnesses or making any kind of incendiary comments in the future . That is the real question, right . What will the court do about it if he ignores this gag order. How do you enforce it . Yeah, if she as a judge in that case the size youre gonna penalize him in some way, find him money. Which even take the rather remarkable step of ordering the former president of the United States go to jail other people who violate a gag order might be. That is a question. It is a real test to power here. In fact, we do not know what will happen, obviously. One president is any kind of gag order would be a position against refuses and rights, especially as hes running for the president of the United States. The courts have, in the past, could be a great deal of latitude to decide whether or not it is politically protected speech. Is the judge able to tailor gag order specific enough to not allowing him to can you speak in a way that he feels the need to do as a candidate. Whether he abides with it if he didnt come up with a gag order. This week in arizona President Biden delivered his most dire warning about the consequences of a second trump presidcy. He accused have predecessor of inciting violence and plotting to undermine the constitution if elected again. Here is what some of what he said on thursday. Take a listen everyone. Donald trump abused power, purging unpacking institutions. Skewing conspiracy theories, spreading lies for profit and power. Dividing america in every way. Inciting violence against those who risk their lives to keep america safe. This maga threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. It is also a threat to the character of our nation. You wrote indepth about this. Is this an effective way to remind voters of the contrast between joe biden and donald trump . Is this going to appeal to disenchanted democrats and independents and inspire them to support joe biden . Weve seen in the last few months the president of the United States have gone out on the road repeatedly trying to talk up his achievements, bidenomics even calling his economic program. Hes made the point that the country is headed in a better direction. Unemployment is near record lows. Inflation has come down. A lot of jobs are being created. Americans havent felt it, they have not worded him in the polls. His Approval Ratings have not moved despite the speeches. The democrats feel the need now to remind voters of the stakes. You may be disappointed in President Biden. You may think he may be too old to run again. Polls show the lot of people think. That as former president trump, as a return to office, is rather stark. That is what the president is arguing. In fact, youre right. I think he is appealing to disinfect democrats and independents who voted for him last time. Maybe feeling down about him right now. Look, as bad as things are right now, think or get worse if, in fact, on a trump gets in there. He has no respect for the constitution. Peter, did you hear Kevin Mccarthy at the top of the hour . He had just come out of the House Chamber and he was talking about where things stand. Im curious if you have any sense of, is Kevin Mccarthy now going to pivot . Is he pulling away from the hard time extremist republicans . The maga republicans, to whom he was appealing for . While now he describes himself as the only adult in the room. He is gonna have to work with democrats, democrats are gonna have to work with him to keep this government for shutting down. Do you have any sense of the tail winds are blowing . Well, the democrats are trying to figure out their position on this new Stopgap Measure that he has performed, he would need democratic support to pass and require the two thirds, but that means you cannot do it with just republicans. , Hakeem Jeffries in the House Democrats are saying well wait a, second you just drop the 70 somepage bill on us, we need a few minutes to read it and make sure we feel comfortable with it before we decide what our position. Is thats why that motion to, adjourn its going. On parliamentary delaying to give the democrats time to decide on whether or not this is unacceptable measure or. Not that does not mean that Kevin Mccarthy is not in fact working with democrats up until this moment. This is the last ditch efforts to try and get them on board, and if they dont go with, it to try to blame democrats thats been among republicans for now. Thanks for clarifying, as you do pretty much with everything my friend. Thank you. Peter life is about to drastically change 4 million americans, and not just because of the little onghut down, it involves children too. We are going to show you exactly how. Next later, Stephanie Grisham, former White House Press secretary response to this. [inaudible] absolutely. I think thats how a lot of the Trump Administration played outs, and i think that sometimes i think is lost that there is a lot of hair on fire moments, we are swimming to sway stay afloat, and a lot of times we are drowning. Dell technologies, tourists take photos. Take photos. So researchers can help life underwater flourish. Are you guys watching . This is my favorite part. Youre watching . Are youre watching . Hank, shh okay, time to get your own bed, hank. 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To avoid the surgery, i had to make a change. So i decided to go with golo and its changed my life. When i first started golo and taking release, my cravings, they went away. And i was so surprised. You feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. Golo has improved my life in so many ways. Im able to stand and actually make dinner. Im able to clean my house. Im able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when youre extremely heavy theyre not so simple. Golo is real and when you take release he made a very close eye on and follow the plan, it works. That vote right, now that is a motion to adjourn, they are extending that vote right now, its all in an effort to buy some time, democrats want to at least take a look at what was described by peter baker, about a 70page identity to the current resolution, it would be a continuing resolution to extend. Were gonna keep a close eye on this and see what happens with all of that. Understood matter of hours, as part of all this life is gonna become more difficult for many americans, and it has nothing to do with the pending shutdown specifically, because tomorrow marks the end of three major covid era Safety Net Programs that have been helping tens of millions of americans for the past three years plus, joining me now is the big, board nbcs news correspondent, brzeski will talk about these government programs. They are expiring tomorrow. What does this mean in terms of changes for americans who are depending on them to get by . I guess to the question, is could they be resurrected eventually . Theyre alternatives, but the thing we should reiterate here is this is irrespective of whats happening in the capital right now. These were already scheduled years earlier to expire on october. First three of the big Safety Net Programs expiring this weekend, and a student knows policy probably heard, about about child care subsidies, and suffered a. Systems dive into these one by one by one here. So the most pot t po the Biden Administration wants you to know though, if your student loan borrower, there is a new program introduced in january called the safe program. It is income driven, if you are low income you may not have to make any payments at all, including access restarts. However, based on your, income 4 Million People have signed up, but if you can see, that is far below the 40 plus million who might be eligible by the administration, they want to get the word out by, that but the other big one here, the childcare cliff, for two and a half years, since the Biden Administration passed this bill democrats in early 2021, there have been subsidies going into communities to support childcare. Parents who get back into the workplace, but what is expiring, 3 million kids could lose access to that care the top economy that could be impacted, according to the century foundation, miss texas. It does not have the same State Safety Nets as other big states like new york or california, 300,000 kids could lose care, starting this week. 70,000 childcare programs across the country could close. One poll last year found that 43 of programs so that you would have known what to raise prices on. Parents the other one here is food assistance. Formally known as food stamps, now known, snap these chances it will restart work requirements, those go back in the place, and the thing thats near here is that 50, plus there will be new restrictions on some recipients over the age of 50. Previously it was only up to the age of 14, and one of the stipulations that was agreed upon between house senate and the white house, to keep them open with the debt limit earlier this, year was to add new requirements for 50 to 54 years. All those will be good facing immediately this weekend, for some people they wokeness requirements they had before, Million People could lose food assistance, starting october, first add it all up, 44 Million People, across america will see these changes in addition to whats happening, with the shutdown, the Silver Lining potentially, according to some economists out of the economy, might help with the ongoing inflation problem. Alex . Wow, it is, complicated and thats depressing, but thank you nonetheless for ironing it out for. Us its less than ten hours and the blame game has already started over with a looming Government Shutdown, you heard at the top of the, hour weve got an update on where things stand for you next. But first, 27 years after the Violence Death of robert tupac shakur, las vegas authorities make an arrest in the case. Selfdescribed gang member twain davis, who claimed to have witnessed the killing from the, car indicted by a grand jury for murder with the use of a deadly weapon. Shakur was 25 years old when he was gunned down, and 1996. 1996. Suddenly lifes feeling a little more automatic. Like doors opening wherever i go. [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me yall seeing this . Wild and i dont even have to activate anything. Oooooohhh. Automatic sashimi earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] you know that unwelcome guest everyone wishes would just leave already . Almost 11, hours level change thats covid19. So i got this seasons shot designed to keep up to date with recent variants. [thwack ] got it . Drastically for millions of americans if the government shuts down. Millions of Federal Americans will be furloughed, and many others forced to work without pay until a deal is reached. Among those impacted, air Traffic Controllers. You cannot not pay your mortgages, you cannot not pay your car, payments you cannot not pay your utilities, but the government is giving us zero balance paydays. Also, 2 million Military Families will go without pay, lets be joined right now by nbcs marissa in florida, that is congressman matt gaetzs district, marisa thank you, welcome. There are 65,000 Military Personnel there in florida. How could, diane of their Government Officials there be impacted by the shutdown . , yeah the impact would be far reaching. We want to lay this all out because its not just active duty military that would be impacted. The impact in the millions, so laid it all out for you. , 150,000 of those workers could be furloughed. 1. 3 mli active duty members, would continue to work without pay, and as you just mentioned, nearly 65,0themere in, florida this is onofhe states that has the highest population of active duty military members. Social security, medicare, those checks will continue, but Benefit Verifications and Medicare Card replacements would stop. But assistance, benefits wrc benefits would continue for quote, a day or. To snap benefits could continue for up to 30 days. Remember how many millions of people rely on that. Wrc alone, 7 million women, children, infants rely on. That air, travel were talking about air Traffic Controllers and tsa agency jusd fr. They would continue to work without pay, and the national parks, some could remain open, we know from previous shutdowns it kind of just depends on how things way, but those facilities would. Close as, we know its not just does working for the agencies, but depending on if this happens, how long it lasts, this would somehow affect every Single Person eventually. Talk about a domino, effect more so, particularly so much for. That will come back to washington, joining me now is Congresswoman Sarah Jacobs who is a member of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committee. Congresswoman, i hope, we dont have you quite ready. I know thats because weve all been witnessing whats been happening in the house. There is that resolution on your way to adjourn, so that the speaker and those people who were looking at this new resolution there would be able to see if it could continue resolution would extend for 45, days and what see right now, i believe we have sirica jacobus. We do. Lets go to you right now. Sorry for you the drama there and getting you connected. I was just setting it, up what House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy, he has this new proposal to 45day short term extension, a continuing resolution, he is calling on democrats to support. At first, of all do you think its going to pass . What is happening right now that might indicate, yes were gaining support. Are you seeing support from both sides of the aisle for this . Right now we are looking to make sure that it is in fact what Kevin Mccarthy said. You can imagine we have some trust issues with Kevin Mccarthy. He has broken his word, before including to get us to this position. When he made a deal with the president , with the president of the United States, and then went back. On we are looking over the continuing resolution, and making sure it is in fact. Clean when having conversations on a caucus on what we want to do moving forward. How long is this continuing resolution, and how long will you have to look it over . Some suggested peter its 70 pages long . Lets go through, its a little bit over 70, pages they gave it to us about 15 minutes before they call the vote. Kevin mccarthys own rules say he supposed to give 72 hours for a vote. We asked for 90 minutes to read the, Bill Republicans did not agree to that. We are trying to do what we can to give ourselves time to get through the, bill and make sure that it is actually. So, you tweeted this yesterday, that we are only a few days away from a Government Shutdown, and republicans are making no efforts to stop the infighting, and pass a bipartisan solution it feels like congressman matt gaetz is the face of this potential shutdown, and hes touting it as being fiscally responsible. Im asking you, is this more about his personal issues with speaker Kevin Mccarthy . These two were like this all the time butting heads. Are there not good faith efforts right now under on capitol hill . The senate is about to vote on a closure on a bipartisan c r that has disaster and, that would if it were to be brought up to the floor right now on a vote, democrats would be very comfortable voting for it. Weve had time to review, what we know its an. Its there is a bipartisan solution. Right now the question is if met Kevin Mccarthy will take. It we are looking at his proposal to make sure it is actually clean. The fact of the matter is, we should have never gotten to this point. I represent say, diego one of the biggest military communities in our country, Service Members are starting to plan for not getting their paychecks, mothers and children are starting to plan for not cutting wic, weve if Kevin Mccarthy somehow is able to get this done, this is not something for him to celebrate, this is the bare minimum of making our government work. He should be ashamed that hes even putting these families through this much uncertainty. Let me ask you, you talk about the senate bill that you have been able to go through that you believe democrats would vote for. That includes provisions for emergency funding, disaster relief, and also funding for ukraine. Its my understanding based on what Kevin Mccarthy was telling a reporter at the top of the hour, and at this other, bill that you are looking over right. Now democrats are reviewing. It it does not have funding for ukraine. It only has funding for emergency disaster relief. Is this something that democrats can get on board with . Thats her understanding to, and its one of the things were looking to verify in the text at the bell. I think one of the things thats really important to note is that when we say ukraine funding, its not actually for ukraine. The administration will still be able to so that the United States can replenish our own stocks of weapons, it matters for our own National Security, if we dont pass, it and someone or to attack, us we would not necessarily have the weapons that we need without this funding to be able to replenish your own stocks. Its a Conversation Democrats In The House are having right now, on what were going to be able to support, and i wish i could tell you unanswered, right now but its a Family Discussion thats ongoing. I want to be clear, that was in the senate, bill its really about the funding our own needs to be there at home, domestically. Its about replenishing our own stocks of weapons, so that we can rebuild those talks because weve seen so many of them to ukraine. If that lost right now on these conservative republicans . They are all about protecting the military all the. Time do they not understand thats that fact . I dont, know they also call themselves fiscal conservatives, and yet im shutdown will cost billions of dollars the loss shut down i think what so i cant tell you what they are aware, of or not. They are certainly not doing what they would espouse themselves to be in favor. Lets try to get anything on what is going on right now, as i mentioned Kevin Mccarthy was caught by our reporter Julie Tsirkin leaving the House Chamber about 40 minutes or so ago. Lets take a listen to what he had to say. Mister speaker, will the clean sea yard pass on the floor . Heres an opportunity, it will only fail if democrats vote against it. This is an opportunity to make sure our troops get paid, while we finish our job. So the house is to serve 80 of all of the appropriations dollar figures, the senate has done nothing. The senate cannot move a bill in time for governor shutting, down but i cannot look at the troops in the eye, and then worry here they are defending our freedoms of whether they can pay their car loan or the house payment. Lets keep it, open while we finish the work we have to get done. I may say that i had Michael Bennet on at the top of russia, a democrat from colorado, and all the references to the senate not getting their job done, he said i have no clue what he is talking about. We have, that said, when you listen to this, are you given any sort of hope that Kevin Mccarthy is indicating he wants to work with democrats to avoid shutting down the government . If Kevin Mccarthy really wanted to work with democrats, he wouldve come to the table before we had less than 12 hours to the government was going to shut down. And put all these families through the center. Decency he would make sure that the bipartisan agreement that happened in the senate came to the floor. We are looking right now e he did not talk to us ahead , time he gave us 15 minutes to look over a 70page bill, so im hopeful that we will be able to avert this Government Shutdown, but lets be clear, this whole crisis on Kevin Mccarthys own making. California congresswoman zero jacobs, thank you for your time on this really busy day. I really appreciate you sticking out in talking with. Us in the, meantime former trump insiders Stephanie Grisham joins me, next to her reaction to all of those things Cassidy Hutchinson said in her new book, including a story about mark meadows, and a fire. And a fire it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. Oh. Stuffed up again . 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He told mark this is, embarrassing i dont people to know we lost. Former Trump Administration aide Cassidy Hutchinson making headlines right here on msnbc, promoting her new book, enough, and a tel aviv have had spinning chaotic moments, she said she experienced in the Trump White House chaotic moments, sh stephanie , stephanie also served in that administration, and told her take your questions, now stephanie my, friend welcome, before we get to this, that quickly the Breaking News today is that trump will be in new york and may indeed be attending a civil trial on monday, potentially tuesday as well. He does not have to be there. What do you think is going on . That would not surprise me, im thinking that this latest case has really gotten him pretty nervous and scared, and i think if he does show, up its going to be to make a show of, it and continued to say that if its, new york its, liberal everybodys against, me im a victim. This is the woman hits his business, it hits his bank account, his pocketbook. More so than, its a civil trial. More so than something that can potentially put him behind bars and a criminal trial, you think this is the thing he cares most about . In miss highs, Mind Trump Tower is the most recognizable building beyond the Chrysler Building or anything else, so that kind of thing being taken from him has got to be a huge blow to his ego. Thats his, home he lives there, theyve got family who live in trump tower. Absolutely, i cant imagine whats going through its head right now, and i have been talking about the last couple of, days ive got to say i feel bad for any staffer who was around that man right now. Yes, i lets talk about Cassidy Hutchinson who could emerge as a key witness in the criminal trials against donald trump. What are your general impressions of her, and what has struck you about her revelations . So, i did not work with cassidy. Sure came in with mark, meadows and as i said publicly many times, mark and i did not get along, and i went back to the east weighing. However, she was definitely idolized in, here she was definitely with him all the time. This was talked about in the white house actually, and so i believe everything she, saying she literally was there with the Chief Of Staff all the time. Talk about how the, was it appropriate . Was it inappropriate . The people think that he was defending to marchand, her that she knew too much . What was the scuttlebutt on that . The scuttlebutt was, anytime somebody knew came, and they were all. Spies nobody trusted anybody. You have to remember. That she is just with him all the, time which people talked about in the way of, okay this is who the new people watching us. Our who is this girl . That type of. Today its pretty normal to have a staffer with you if you are the white house Chief Of Staff. Thats a very very big job. It was not unusual that he leaned on hair is hard to see. Did he worked with her for a, while so i know he trusted her. To answer your, question the revelations in her book did not surprise me at all. Its funny because, to everybody else its like, whoa are you kidding me . Heres more stuff. For may, i kind of sit back and say, yes thats right. How many people have to, who actually were in the building have to say these things before people were actually starting to believe us . Heres something that she wrote. This is written about former trump Chief Of Staff mark meadows quote, i would sometimes find him leaning over the fire, feedg pers into it. This line, she claims is a direct quote. Here, it is kass, if i can get through this job and managed to keep him out of jail, referring to trump all have done a good job. A spokesperson fo an purposefully omitting context to sell books. Do these claims sound plausible to you . How do you interpret murdaughs reaction to what shes saying in the book . , well the reaction is of course just out of the trump playbook. This is what they, do crawlers, were all telling of, truth were all just trying to sell books. Thats just par for the course. What else are they gonna say . An insurrection i had with mark meadows was absolutely the most depressing and horrible interaction i had. I, it does not surprise me to think that he was at a fireplace which he didnt of his office burning documents. The fact that he took a job thinking, i just have to keep this guy out of jail. Think about. That thats amazing to. May i dont think i would take the job of wife cheat white house Chief Of Staff, with the thought ive just got to keep this guy out, jail it does not surprise me that he came in and was talking behind the back of his, if boss because he talked out of both sides of his. Mouth hes always, tonight he didnt, capitol hill we certainly did it at the. White house perhaps he will learn his lesson and speak up now and speak the truth. Always giving things from your experience. We very much appreciate. That im very sorry, a little shorter, today theres stuff going on In Washington we have to deal. With whats so the clock is running out. What washington is doing to avoid a Government Shutdown, well go there next. There next. Urists that turn into scientists. Tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. That can be analyzed by ai in real time. So researchers can identify which areas are at risk. And help life underwater flourish. To finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. And help life underwater flourish. Ive been maintaining. The weight is gone and its never coming back. With golo, ive not only kept off the weight but im happier, im healthier, and i have a new lease on life. Golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. Who loses 138 pounds in nine months . I did golos a Lifestyle Change and you make the change and it stays off. A very good day to all of you soft music from Msnbc Headquarters here in new york, welcome to were beginning with the countdown to potential shutdown, not just about 11 hours. Away was a flurry of lastditch pleadings and negotiations that comes with a shutdown, millions furloughed, millions working without, pay milley services unavailable. Heres whats going on in the house and senate right. Now democrats are huddling ahead of an expected house vote on a republican plan to keep Government Open for at least 45 days. The senate is also right now incentives, session and

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