Lawrence. Good evening ali. And i am wondering if Dianne Feinstein looking down from above and heard it Claire Mccaskill saying we only had just one, i wonder what her response would. Be a caveat. Respect they just had one martini over two hours. There you go. If they had more than that, thats fine as well. They were entitled to it. They were ground breakers. Alex, have a good weekend. You too, ali. With 25 hours to go, the countries on the verge of another republicanled shutdown of congress. Kevin mccarthy has no plan. And the snow plan thats likely to stop the government from grinding to a halt. The chaos caucus, not the speaker, is in charge tonight. The house has gone home. Republicans have scheduled votes for tomorrow, but so far none of the votes that they have held have brought us closer to any resolution. So, barring some unexpected innervation intervention, at 12 01 sunday, some important parts of the government will shut down entirely, and essential parts of government will be carried on by millions of federal employees and military personnel, without pay. The shutdown will happen, because a fully republican controlled house has failed in its constitutional responsibility to fund the government. This isnt a debate between republicans and democrats. Its a fight between donald trump and everyone. Donald trump pushed this shut down. If you thought for a second that the extremist republicans who are voting down their own speakers bills are doing so on the basis of some strong moral belief or ideological position, youd be wrong. Donald trump who, by the way,s oversaw the longest shutdown in u. S. History, is, once again, openly rooting for the government of the United States to shut down. 21 republicans, who care more about not getting primary than about serving the american people, are doing his bidding. This week donald trump posted on his social media site, quote, unless you get everything, shut it down. The New York Times reports, quote, a person close to mr. Trump acknowledged that his support for shutdown was providing encouragement to mccarthys adversaries. Representative matt gaetz of florida, a leading supporter of a shutdown, said in an interview that one of mr. Trumps posts on social media endorsing a shutdown may have had an influence on some members of congress. Quote, i think there might have been a few people on the fence persuaded by that statement, end quote. Mr. Gates continued, i view that is consequential. The chaos caucus is following donald trump into another Government Shutdown. They are still following him, even after he made the outrageous comment that the highest ranking Military Leader in america, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the four star general, mark milley, should be executed. The kind of talk, about killing people who are not sufficiently loyal, is a long way beyond lock her up. Its more along the lines of hang mike pence, which Trump Supporters also chanted and donald trump never disavowed. But none of this is a bridge too far for Kevin Mccarthy. None of it is, in fact, enough for Kevin Mccarthy to say, enough or to say what General Milley said in his retirement speech today in arlington. I didnt take an oath to a tribe, tour legend, to a king, or queen, or a tyrant, or a dictator. Or a wannabe dictator. We dont take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the constitution, or we take an oath that this is america and we are willing to die to protect it. On january 20th, 2017, donald trump took an oath to the constitution, an oath he breached when he tried to overturn a legitimate election that didnt go his way. That is why he is indicted on charges trying to overturn the election and to stay in power. But here is the thing. Every single house and Senate Lawmaker also swore an oath to defend the constitution. The republican senator mitt romney announced his retirement and told journalists a large part of my party doesnt believe in the constitution. While biden and milley were at arlington, donald trump was trying to republicans in california and he joked about speaker emeritus Nancy Pelosis 82 year old husband paul having had a Skull Bastion with a hammer by an attacker who had a political motive, an attacker who wanted to, nowhere is nancy . Don trump joked about that. He crossed yet another line, and his audience laughed. And with their laughter trumps power grew. When trumps Agents Of Chaos again defeated Kevin Mccarthys stopgap bill in congress today, trumps power grew. Trumps power goo each time each one of the 14 times Kevin Mccarthy failed to get enough votes to win the speakership. Yes. Congress is rudderless. The Republican Party is rudderless. But on trumps not rudderless. He knows exactly what he is doing. He has been tried many times in fort in history to great effect. Hes made his goals clear. The destruction and elimination of critics, opponents, in those who do not do his bidding. He feeds off of his power and will use it to silence or harm anyone who does not fall into line, anyone who stands in his way. Trumps menace is growing. Kevin mccarthys flounders. Oh trump, twice Impeached Quadrupling indicted defeated fraudulent and failed former president is, in fact, the Puppet Master for republican extremists in the house, and he is using them for his own purposes, to run sham impeachment hearings, to strengthen Vladimir Putin putin and americas adversaries, to weaken america. Kevin mccarthy could be a hero today if he chose sanity, democracy, and good government, and joined with Hakeem Jeffries to keep the government, even if it cost him his speakership. Because doing so would likely cost Kevin Mccarthy his bigger chip. But to do that, he would have to remember his oath who constitution of the United States of america and to those out there working to defend it for us. If the house fails to fulfill its most basic function, it feels to Fund Government by tomorrow, we will have failed all our troops. Its an absolute dereliction of duty. An absolute dereliction of duty. Joining us now is democratic congressman Eric Swalwell of california, a member of the house judiciary committee, and Impeachment Manager in the second Impeachment Trial of donald trump. Congressman, its good to see you again. Again, under stupid circumstances, though. Theres really no valid reason why you and i should be having this actual conversation. This is not an ideological debate. Its nothing. Its nonsensical, because donald trump has told a bunch of republican chaos agents to shut the government down. Maga republicans tonight are the failures. They have failed to govern. They have failed to fund. And in their failure to govern and fund, they failed to protect. And ali, because their number one priority is donald trump, the cost of that priority, the expenses we all pay, is that the troops will not receive their paychecks, the cops will not receive their paychecks, the border will not be secure, but the house will, again continue to operate on behalf, entirely, of don trump. They are the failures. The country will continue to fail until the keys of govern bitter turned over to someone else. To watch and, Eric Swalwell, to what end of these republicans, who knows how many, maybe a couple dozen, why are they doing this . The bill doing it for donald trump and theyre doing it because they are scared. And frankly, they dont have the confidence in themselves that they could find another job. Its crazy to say. That i would hope that i serve with people who have given up better, higher paying jobs to do this job for the country, but they are afraid that if they speak out on behalf of the country instead of a criminal, donald trump, they would be primary in a reduced their job. They find themselves in this position. Kevin mccarthys individual one in this case because, as you pointed out of the top, Kevin Mccarthy could put a bill forward that could fund the government, one of his 80 votes in the present in the senate in the bipartisan way, we wouldnt see troops lose their paycheck, he could do that with democratic votes. But hes afraid he would lose his job. So he with his own job ahead of millions of others, whose jobs will be at risk in fewer than 30 hours. Lets underscore that. There are ways in which Kevin Mccarthy can make up for his, the two dozen or so, whatever the number it is, it is ranks, who will not, apparently, do anything. They will not compromise on anything by talking to Hakeem Jeffries and getting democratic support. I spoke to members of congress, democratic members of congress, and republican members of congress, who say that is probably a good outcome for the country. As you said, millions of people will continue to get paid for their work, if that happens. Kevin mccarthy will probably be out of a job if he tries that. But who wants a job where you are beholden to these chaos agents . And again, frankly, if you really want to get in the weeds, and i know your viewers, they know the weeds, they know these issues, Kevin Mccarthy, could put this forward as he did when we paid americas bill and lifted the debt ceiling, republicans these chaos agents, they dont have a plan b. They just want to see everything burn. He would be more confident, stronger speaker if he did that, because they would realize there is no plan b. But because he lives in fear, because he sees shadows every day and because he sees his own job as more important than anyone else, is we are going to suffer through this shut down. I have to ask you about what seems to be an escalation. I cant believe were talking about an escalation in Donald Trumps rhetoric. But the talk about General Milley, i think he is called the Parent Company of my employer treasonous as well, and then i dont know if you bought a gun or didnt buy a gun in the other day and then they are talking about paul peluso. I never know that there is another bridge to cross with donald trump, but apparently continues to cross bridges and no one stops. Kevin mccarthy doesnt say enough. He doesnt say, he couldve said this on january 7th. He did say it after january six, but then he backtrack and hasnt said it since. Donald trump and maga republicans prefer violence over voting. Thats because they are bankrupt of any ideas. They just want to own the libs. Thats not a principled approach here. So they just rely on violence. They had a failed insurrection. They are the failures. Donald trumps best day, ali, was in november 2016, and he has been a loser ever since. He lost the midterms. He lost the white house in 20. And lost the senate in 2020. We kept the house. They lost the chance to have the big red wave in 2022. We have won all of these special elections. So right now people are on the side of competence over chaos. Theyre on the side of community over cruelty. And as awful as this is right now, if we understand we have the ability to organize and mobilize as we go into the next election, we will continue to win, and they will just forever be the failures. Eric swalwell, thank you for joining us, as always. Joining us now is jennifer rubin, msnbc political analyst, host of the podcast jan Jennifer Rubins green room. , and an America Scholar at the American Enterprise institute. Good evening to both of you. Youve been looking at this stuff for a long time. Government shutdowns have happened before. They are usually clearer in terms of ideological differences and things that have to be done. I dont know if you think im overstating the point, but this potential Government Shutdown is actually just chaotic. Its not about anything sensible. Youre absolutely right, ali. I came to washington a 1969 and worked on the hill. In all of those years i have never seen a speaker as craven or week is Kevin Mccarthy, and he has basically been beholden to this group of Nihilist Lunatics since he sold whatever there was of this soul to get the speakership back at the beginning of this congress. There is no plan. I would say, ali, that what hes got to hope now is, either that the democrats bail him out by bringing up a discharge petition, something that people are going to spend a lot of time looking at, and get a few republicans where he can say, i couldnt stop this, or that we have a shutdown that gets so bad that more of his members say, will protect you and hope that he can survive that vote. But we havent seen anything like this. Its not nearly, even, what we saw when Newt Gingrich brought the government to a halt and it backfired on him under bill clinton, or even what happened when trump was president and the republicans controlled things. This is worse. This is an interesting point. Because when norman talks about Newt Gingrich, gingrich still talks about that with some pride. He led something that people believed was an actual revolution. This isnt a revolution. This is literally a bunch of people whose motives were not really clear on. They dont seem to be deeply ideological. They dont seem to be moral. Eric swalwell says im looking to keep their jobs. I havent heard a better argument. Theres really no reason to continue to be thrall to donald trump. There was no reason as of a weekable ago. But given the several things don trump has just done in the last week. Theres an exit ramp every 12 hours with donald trump. This is what authoritarians to, this is what a neofascist party does, which, is they disable democracy, first of all, because democracy is functioning, who needs them, and secondly they deploy violence in the threat of violence. Thirdly they break all kinds of social norms of decency, of respect, of civility. Fourth, they essentially claim to speak for the people, the average person, but of course theyre taking away Government Services that the average person needs. They are taking away paychecks from government workers. But they dont care because they are an anti democratic authoritarian party. And donald trump is their cult leader. They have really given up on democracy. Mitt romney was absolutely right. The only other question i have is why he or anyone else remains in the Republican Party. The only decent thing, the only patriotic thing at this point, is to join with democrats either officially or unofficially to enable government to function and get us Back On The Road to democracy. So i do blame the crazies in the maga caucus, but frankly its the socalled moderates, there are no moderates responsible. It anytime they can pull the plug on this. Kevin mccarthy could pull the plug. They could pull the plug. But they have been manhandled and frightened of their own shadow and they live in fear that they will be drummed out as Congressman Swalwell said. Who would ever employ these people . They are probably right, if they ever got thrown out of congress, would you give them the responsibility for feeding your fish or anything more important than that . These people are absolute lunatics. So we find ourselves in this conundrum because, unfortunately, from gerrymandered districts come these crazies, and from donald trump becomes a party that is no longer willing to govern democratically. So norm, this is the difference between when you got to washington and now. The districts and some of these people come from, there is no danger that if they shut the government down the people in a districts, generally speaking, are gonna be up in arms about that. They have nurtured and Anti Government view amongst their constituents, they are products of, it and for a lot of those moderate republicans that Jennifer Reuben talks about, who she knows very well, whom you know and work with, who i interviewed, this becomes tough. The what to do about it becomes tough, because these are the moments when normal republican would have to say this has nothing to do with the ideological underpinnings of my republicanism. It has nothing to do with conservatism. It is nothing to do with government restraint. This is just Something Else entirely. But the question about what to do about it stymies a lot of people. You know, ali, when i came here, and for many decades, there always were a few people who were way off on the fringe. But we have leaders who Work Together in both parties because they cared about the institution and the country to keep things under control. And you had a lot of members who at least understood that they had a larger responsibility and took their oaths seriously. What jim said, i think, is really important. Its not just the weakness of the leadership. It is that there is a complete lack of moral courage or spine among the Rank And File members. I dont think its just about losing a job or losing in a primary. I think it is also fear for their lives and the lives of their families. When trump what trump has unleashed the threat of violence, what we saw with Brad Raffensperger and his family, what we have seen elsewhere, these are people who are scared to death. Liz cheney said that when she was in the house and took that strong position than 100 of her colleagues gave her and said youre absolutely right, but we cant do it we. Fear for our families. We are in a very bad place right now. And even if we skate through this somehow, and i think were gonna suffer a lot of damage along the way, then we are not Out Of The Woods after government starts to function again. We do not have to functioning parties or a functioning House Of Representatives right now, and we all ought to be scared to death of what the consequences are looking down the road. Jennifer rubin, you are a lawyer, and jack smiths team and trump claims anything anybody does is an infringement of his First Amendment rights. And whatever he wants to do, but jack smith wants him not to intimidate people, as norm was just talking about. Earlier this week donald trump talked about general mark milley, not a guy whos gonna try to threaten, people if you can threaten people not a four star general you shouldnt mess with, but in inapplicable case on false claims he demands special, treatment asserting that because hes a political candidate he should have free reign to publicly intimidate witnesses and malign the court, citizens of the district, and prosecutors. On September 22nd grand, on truth social, the defendant falsely claimed that the retiring chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, a witness cited in the indictment had committed treason and suggested that he should be executed. Now, again, not that mark really scared of don trump, but he actually called treason and city should be executed. To norms point, if hes threatening the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, everybodys fair game. Exactly. And this is the one place where he may run out of running room. The courts, so far, have done a pretty good job of at least beginning the process of holding him accountable. He is running around loose rather than in pretrial custody because he agreed to certain charge. He said he wasnt gonna commit other crimes and secondly he wasnt going to threaten and intimidate witnesses or part of the jury pool. He is doing all of those things. And the question is, what is the judge going to do about it . There has been a lot of speculation that she might take a warning, but i think this is so serious shes going to have to take much stronger action to restrain him in some fashion. His campaign implied that he purchased a gun early in the week, which of course would not be allowed after you have been indicted four times. But then they walk that back. What a strange time aryan. Jennifer rubin and norman ornstein, thank you. Where will you be on monday . Donald trump says he will be in Court Manhattan to find out how much money he has to cough up as a penalty for committing fraud. Thats next. Thats next. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. Oh. [dog barks] no its just a bunny only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. From pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dogs food to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its just smarter, healthier pet food. Its amazing what real food can do. Im kareem abdul jabbar. I was diagnosed with afib. The first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldnt do things without losing my breath. I couldnt make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. Every Physical Exertion seemed to exhaust me. 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The civil trial, to determine damages that trump must pay, its going to start on monday, and trump says he will be there. Justice arthur and iran ruled this week that evidence showed that donald trump had inflated the value of his assets to score better terms on bank loans. Quote, independents world regulated apartments are where the same is unrelated apartments. Restrictions can evaporate into thin, air and square footage, subjective. Thats a Fantasy World, not the real world, end quote. The questions decided in the damages trial, how much of a penalty will donald trump have to pay, and we dont know if youll testify, but only trump appears on the witness list for both the defense and the prosecution. Jennings knows tim obrien, cnn Senior Editor for bloomberg, and the host of the bloomberg podcast crash coast, and analyst, and adam klasfeld, Senior Editor of. Adam, lets start with you. The judge gave an order that certain or just dont have to be heard by a jury because the evidence is overwhelming. Part of that is because there has been remarkable reporting on this, including by the New York Times. It was the longest piece they have ever done. The evidence out there seems to be pretty clear that donald trump was doing these things. What difference does it make now that a judges act has actually said youre a fraud . Well, on the first immediate consequence is that the judge has now issued what is known as a corporate Death Penalty. He has ordered that trumps key businesses must be dissolved. It was a stunning blistering ruling. That is only part of what is ahead for the former president. Because now, with the trials, we will have a streamlined trial that will focus on the remaining counts and determine how much trump owes in damages. The attorney general has asked for 200 and 50 million. There could be the disgorgement of what the attorney general describes as ill gotten gains. The original lawsuit asked to bar trump. The other defendants, including his sons, eric trump and donald trump jr. , from ever serving as directors of any new york corporation. So it is a remarkable ruling. Lets talk about this, tim, ive been wanting to talk to you about this since tuesday, because youre the guy who understands. When this ruling came down the first people thing first thing people said is, does he lose trump tower . Heres what the Washington Post writes. The decision in a civil case accusing trump of illegally inflating Property Values orders the cancellation of his new York Business licenses, potentially resting from his control dozens of Properties Worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Among those properties are fifth avenues trump tower, The Landmark Where Trump maintained his personal residence for years, filmed episodes of the apprentice, and launched his 2016 president ial campaign. Like i said, you know the details about trumps holdings and what this all involves. So tell me how this all connects. Is trump tower actually part of the trump organization, or is it separate . Its owned by one of the trump llcs. Its this gigantic yarn ball of llcs that have some real assets and some arent. Remember, trump tower is mostly condominiums. He doesnt know knows anymore. He controls a commercial space on the few first few floors. He doesnt even own the land under the building. For reputational reasons its very valuable to him but its not his most valuable new york property. It hasnt been for sometime. But collectively everything that he owns in amounts to his most, the most significant component of his wealth is represented by several buildings in new york and another one in california. So if you have to sell these things under a fire sale situation, in which a court of telling him he have to get rid of his assets because he is a fraud and he is a serial grift or, that is real financial pain for him. And i think that that is going to be the hardest thing for him to deal with, beyond just the finances. I dont think the Court Penalty for damages here is going to be the thing that hurts him the most. As adam mentioned, theres a corporate Death Penalty issue at play here involving having disposed of these properties that hurts and both financially and reputationally. Trump was born and bred in new york. He built everything that he has on the back of his furthers hard work. His father was an authentic entrepreneur. That all came from new york. And its not only donald but its his children who are all going to be shown the exit door. I think one of the interesting things, watching this case, we already know because of the ruling that the judge believes that trump could committed fraud. The martin act, which this is based, on gives the attorney general in the state of new york enormous power to act unilaterally if someone is found guilty of fraud. But historically its been used where consumers have been harmed. In this case theyre saying that trump harm the banks who loaned him money. So what were going to see next weeks evidence introduced in court that shows the banks were harmed. Thats going to be a hard standard to meet, actually, because i dont think the banks willynilly relied on Donald Trumps evidence to decide whether or not to give him alone. Be that is it may, thats just determining damages. I think its a Fait Accompli at this point that hes going to lose control, a lot of his most precious assets in new york. Adam, does he show up in court . He says hes going, but whats going to do . Hes been called as a witness for both. Is he going to testify . He is going to testify is if he is being called as a witness. The reason we know that hes going to show up in court is that it actually came up during the scheduled deposition of his lawsuit against his former fixer michael cohen. He was scheduled to testify on october 3rd and of course trial starts monday and it wouldve been a tuesday deposition. He said he couldnt do it. He needed to reschedule. And that was the reason he said it. He said he had to be there next week. Whether he follows through on this promise to a federal judge remains to be seen. But he will be in court and we know that the new York City Court system is bracing for his arrival. Thanks to both of you for analysis. Tim obrien and adam klasfeld. Coming up, 151 days ago the Writers Guild went on strike for fair pay and conditions. This week they won. Were down to a writer who is in the room for the negotiations along with actors jeri ryan, still on strike with the screen actors guild. Shes been on the picket line for months to make sure everyone gets a deal, allowing all the actors and writers to live long and prosper. Thats next. Per. Thats next. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Yay woo hoo ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. theres something going around the gordon home. Good thing gertrude found delsym. Now whats going around is 12hour cough relief. And the giggles. The family that takes delsym together, feels better together. Way back in 1982 we took care of about forty kids thand had to turn away overm two hundred and fifty. Its the emotion of that moment that said man that just isnt fair, and i think it was at that moment that Operation Smile was born. Every three minutes a child is born with a cleft condition. 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Listen, your deodorant just has to work. I use secret aluminum free. Just swipe and it lasts all day. Secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. And hours later, i still smell fresh. Secret works ohhh yesss. Travis, did you know you can get this seasons covid19 shot when you get your flu shot . Huh. Two things at once. Two things at once two things at once. Ill have the. Two things at once, please. Now back to two things at once. Two things at once. Thats not two things at once. Moooom you deserve the significant travis . Ask about getting this seasons covid19 shot rain wage you need. The. He [applause]. Prison bide made history this week, joining striking auto workers, urging them to stick with their fight for better pay and benefits, and sticking with it they are. Today the United Auto Workers expanded the strike to 38 more facilities across 20 states, another example of the growing power of organized labor. In nevada, Tens Of Thousands of members of the Culinary Workers Union voted on tuesday to authorize the strike and their negotiations with Las Vegas Casinos and resorts. That fall is a trend with other groups negotiating for better pay and benefits, including American Airlines Flight Attendants and Southwest Airlines pirates, who also note voted this year to authorized potential strike. The Writers Guild of america when a key victory this week with the studios, ending its strike in heralding the return of late night talk shows next week. What our next two guests, eric a, would help negotiate that deal. Now sagaftra, the actors union, remains on strike and our other guest, the actress jeri ryan, remains on strike with a message to the studios on reaching a fair deal. Resistance is futile. Joining us now is the writer and director eric haywood, a board member and 2023 negotiating Committee Member of the Writers Guild of america and actor jeri ryan, a local board member and Convention Delegate for the actors union, sagaftra. Before i start, full disclosure, i am a sagaftra member who supports the strike. Im not currently engaged in any project as a member, including my work for msnbc and nbc universal. Welcome to both of you. Thank you for being with us. Eric, i want to talk to you about how this all got wrapped up, but i want to start with you, jeri, because it is important people to understand, the strike as it relates to hollywood and artist and actors and writers, the whole, the Umbrella Thing is not over yet. The Writers Guild part of it is over. People like you are still out on strike. Tell me about that. Yeah, we are still fighting for a fair contract. We have been out on the picket lines since the beginning of may with the writers, when their strike began, supporting them. And it has been amazing to see all the right are still out there on the lines with this every day supporting us. This is a critical existential point for our industry, and i think the studios have seriously underestimated the unions strength and our resolve and our solidarity. They certainly did with the rioters, and they have with the performers as well. Its finally starting to feel like we might be on the home stretch. Eric, they totally did with the rioters. There were comments made by Studio Executives that said, we can wait these guys out. We can wait until they start losing their apartments. Then theyll get off the picket lines and go back to work. What happened . How did this change . Because, unlike the teachers strike that didnt happen against u. P. S. In the uaw strike which has gone the president out there and all that, this Writers Guild strike, a lot of people thought it was just gonna carry on until the petered out. Yeah. Our brilliant Negotiating Committee cochair, chris kaiser, told us, numerous times, hes a veteran of these types of negotiations, and he told us, once the companies actually get serious about making a deal, the actual Negotiation Process will go very quickly. He said this months and months ago, and some of us, like myself, who are new to the Negotiating Committee, are, like all right chris, were gonna believe you, but its looking stressful now. And he was right. Once the ceos decided to get involved, they got engaged, the actual final negotiations were wrapped up in about 3 to 4 days after almost five months of rioters having to be on the picket line. Jeri, the teamsters managed to not have a strike and u. P. S. They got the concessions they needed. The uaw is on strike, and theyre asking for, among other things, for the Companies Call outsized wed increases. And what the union comes back and says is, you all get these wage increases, the shareholders get, it the ceos get increases. The interesting thing is, americans are supporting this. Support for unions is very high in america. Absolutely. For striking workers support is also very high. Absolutely. Its throughout every industry. As you said. I think the corporate greed are the very very top has just gotten to such a point where its not sustainable in any industry anymore. And so, yeah, autoworkers, it sounds like its a lot, but when they asked for a 40 raise, thats with the ceos have gotten. So the people who are doing the work and making the money for these companies deserve to share in the rewards. And youve got that on your shirt, eric. Even at w g a and sagaftra and afc, and part of whats happening in americas unions have gone out and supported each other. Jeri is out there on the wga lines when they were wga lines. The Teamsters Heads were out there. The teamsters of supporting the uaw. Everybody supporting the Flight Attendants were supporting the pilots. So workers seem to be having this collective power outside of the unions as well. Yeah. One of the things that made this, that makes this moment so different, is that there is a recognition that whatever line of work you are in, and this is something i talked about with a lot of people on the picket line over the months i was on the sagaftra picket line. The actors, were there for us from day one. The teamsters, i had seen, members are their labor unions refused to cross fire picket lines. Everyone or who denies that if theyre coming for one of us are coming for all of. Us its very difficult for a ceo to give an interview talking about how labor unions demands are unusual unreasonable when hes talking from a billionaires retreat or from the deck of his yacht. That information travels via social media very quickly, and everyone begins to realize, okay, this is not about spoiled hollywood writers who are already rich and want more. This is about workers the same way its about workers and Flight Attendants and actors and baristas and teachers an audit on and on. We saw, we had i actually, we had Hotel Workers, we had animators, we had all of them. That was my question, my point is now that rioters have subtle i suspect that a bunch of them are going to come back and say hey thanks for your support on our line, here we are on yours. Ive already heard from a lot of them on the line saying in one of them came up to me today and said this is a lefty on the picket line because they wanted they have to go back to work on monday, but he wanted to thank me for being. Their support has been incredible. And the solidarity between all of these unions and all of the iatse out there supporting us, the Hotel Workers out there supporting us, its pretty amazing. Im gonna invite you both back to mark the occasion when the sagaftra strike is worked out as well. Thanks to both of. You eric haywood and jeri ryan. Coming, up 25 hours and 15 minutes left to avert a Government Shutdown, but the chaos caucus is pushing america to somewhere truly dangerous and irreversible right now, and Kevin Mccarthy is proving he may be the most ineffective speaker in american history. Thats best. Thats best. Now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. uplifting music nothing is everything im celebrating my clearer skin. My way. With skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. In another study, most people had 90 clearer skin, even at 5 years. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. 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If mccarthy doesnt succeed his unlikely venture, 4 million americans who work for the federal government will miss their paychecks, including 1. 3 million active Military Members who will have to protect this nations security without pay. Tonight, Kevin Mccarthy decided to pin the blame for the impending shutdown on ukraine. I think if we had a clean run without ukraine we could probably move that through. I think if the senate put ukraine on their own focus is ukraine over america, i think that could cause real problems. That would be, at best, and misrepresentation. Lead last night the house voted 311 to 117 to approve an additional 300 million in aid to ukraine. Thats good news, right . Except that every no vote came from republicans. More than half the House Republican Congress Caucus voted against ukraine funding. That gaetz put on the floor to an aide to the ukraine, and it got 43 of the republican vote. Which means america helping russian help bring ukraine to its probably not a Donald Trumps interests is now becoming a partisan issue. Joining us is a democratic congressman adam smith, Ranking Member of the House Armed Services committee. He met with ukrainian president Zelenskyy In Kyiv Last year. Congressman, good to see you. Thank you for being with us. Tell me how this became the wedge issue, how this became the thing that is Holding Republicans back. As you describe perfectly in your opening, were talking about two separate things. Lets be perfectly clear. Ukraine funding has nothing to do with the Government Shutdown. Nothing. Its a separate issue that we are debating. But if Kevin Mccarthy wanted to pass a c r that would keep the government open without ukraine funding, i guess he could do it if he was the speaker of the house. Oh but wait, he is the speaker of the house. So if he wanted to put that bill on the floor he could put that bill on the floor. Look, the republican plan here is to shut down government and then try to make their way to blaming everybody else for it. The house has not passed the cer. The senate is trying to pass a bipartisan crm, mccarthy and his allies are recruiting pumped republican senators to try to undermine that effort and drag it out past the deadline. They will do any everything they can to shut down the government. Thats one. Two, on ukraine, you described it perfectly. The Republican Party doesnt exist anymore, there is the cult of trump. The cult of trump, heard from their leader, that they are not supposed to support ukraine, so theyre not supporting ukraine. Now why trump is doing that, we could speculate. But the Republican Party is caving into what trump wants, and they are going to help putin Slaughter Ukrainians as a result. One final point on, this there are a lot of republicans, and i think of mike mccaul, don bacon, michael turner, who say they support ukraine. So why dont they force a vote on ukraine supplemental . I mean, matt gaetz didnt just pull the Puppet Strings and make the house to whatever he wants. Hes one person. All these people who claim they support ukraine arent doing it. We have the votes. We have over 300 votes to support ukraine. So those are the two issues. You identified them perfectly. I want to ask you about this. Russia is a major adversary of the United States. Its an expansionist country. No good reason russia has to be an adversary, but russia has chosen a path that has caused it to be an adversary. But they were spending 40 Billion Dollars a year and every one of those missiles that worked to intercept the russian hypersonic missiles on American Made missile, they are founders on americas working three shifts to try to keep everyone supplied with the stuff that they need and not a single american soldier needs to be on the ground. Someone else is putting their lives on the line to hold off americas Chief Adversary right now. Where are republicans on this . Where is the National Security concern . Russia is looking to take over another country, and, by the way, they look to take over another country if this doesnt go ukraines way. And republicans are sitting there thinking, we dont need a piece of this . Youve got two groups. Weve got the pro putin caucus that liz cheney memorably described is the putin wing of the Republican Party, and then you get the cowards, the ones who agree with everything you just said but are unwilling to stand up to trump in Marjorie Taylor greene or any of these people to defend the principles and interests of the country in the world. The pro putin wing is really interesting because people like trump, they sort of see putin as he presents himself as sort of a White Nationalist autocrat. They are sympathetic to that, which is really frightening. But then youve got all the other people who know this is wrong but dont have the courage to stand up to the trump cult in their own party. Thats why we are where we are. The House Armed Services member adam smith. I hope we can avert this shut down, congressman. Not hopeful, but help we dont give up hope on these things. Tonights last word is next. Nights last word is next. When moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis takes you off course. Put it in check with rinvoq, a oncedaily pill. When i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid Symptom Relief and helped Leave Bathroom urgency behind. Check. When uc tried to slow me down. I got lasting, steroidfree remission with rinvoq. Check. And when uc caused Damage Rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. Check. Rapid Symptom Relief. Lasting steroidfree remission. And the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. Check, check, and check. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. 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