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Are the calls for his resignation . I will speak live with congresswoman some lee. Then the gops broken priorities, instead of focusing on the looming Government Shutdown, the erosion of our democracy, talking about John Fetterman in shorts, seriously. And two of the worlds most influential men are pushing the world on this good evening, im mehdi hasan. One of the main reasons americans are so fed up with washington d. C. , so distrustful about, government so angry about the state of our public life, is because so many of our politicians on both sides of the political divide seek to be bought and paid for by billionaires, and by big corporations, and by dark money groups. This winter Robert Menendez democrat of new jersey was accused of being bought and paid for by the Egyptian Government who was indicted by the doj on friday, on corruption and bribery charges that he denies. Now lets be clear, corruption is a huge issue for the voters. It is a cancer in our system of government. What happens when it is not an elected politician who is bought and paid for a person you can vote out of office, what happens if it is a Supreme Court justice with a lifetime gig on the highest bench in the land whos accused of being bought and paid for. Yes im of course referring to Clarence Thomas, darling of the conservative movement. A man who according to propublica reporting from this, year accepted luxury chips from republican Megadonor Nfc harlan crow, including International Travel in his private jet, and his superyacht. Not just on mr. Benefited from the billionaires generosity, the justices mother currently lives rent free in a home crow bought from the family. Crow also reportedly paid private boarding School Tuition for thomass grand nephew but the latest Propublica Bombshell piece on thomas which dropped on friday, maybe the most damning, the most shocking, the most outrageous of them all. According to the new report, while on the, bench he devoted a yearlong friendship with Libertarian Billionaire Brothers Charles and the late david koch. Propublica had the details on how the for the sprawling Political Organization the koch network. With attending at least to koch donor a vent over the years. He was brought in to speak with the hopes thats us access to a sitting justices would encourage donations. Of course, thomas failed to report any of this on his annual disclosure forms. To be clear, this time, the justice stands accused not just of accepting gifts worth tens of thousands, Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars from right wing billionaires, but of helping Raise Hundreds of thousands of dollars for rightwing billionaires. It is the kind of conduct that is strictly prohibited from most judges in this country. According to the code of conduct for the United States judges, Lower Court Judges are not permitted to, quote, personally participate in fundraising activities, solicit funds for any organization, or use or permit the use of the prestige and Judicial Office for that purpose. Things get even worse for Justice Thomas when you take a look at some of the cases the court has taken up while his friendship with the koch bloom. Back in 2021, the Supreme Court heard arguments of which centered around californias requirement to taxexempt sureties provide the state with the identities of the top financial donors in an effort to prevent charitable fraud. Opponents argued that such information was a violation of the first amendment. The case was brought by two conservative organizations. New thomas more law, promote Americas Christian Airtight and the aforementioned americans for prosperity foundation. A rightwing Advocacy Group closely associated with them other than you guessed it, the koch brothers. In a 63 decision, the courts right wing majority including cost sided with the two conservative organizations and give wealthy donors like the koch far more ability to influence american politics and secret. But if you think that is, but it gets even worse. Lets go back to 2005 when the court handed a decision known as brand x. And as far as we know he developed that friendship with the billionaire brothers. And that case they sided with the federal communications. Agreement thats decision to not regulate broadband cable providers. It wasnt really a surprise. Four years that showed deference to federal Agency Expertise under the Chevron Deference document. In that Majority Opinion authored by thomas the justice wrote that the fcc was in a far better position to address these questions and we are. And then 15 years later, we now know they have spent years rubbing elbows with the koch brothers. Both fierce opponents of the chevron doctrine. He rejected his previous opinion. In 2020 in the United States, thomas called to reconsider writing that quote its never too late to surrender a better considered position. Was it better considered or better for the coax and between 2005 and 2020. Correlation isnt, causation but as the saying goes. If some thing as a big hint. Thats a big thing of ethics rules. To bind out you just read besides the Supreme Court to avoid the perception that neutral judges are doing the bidding of the rich and powerful. Justice thomas knows that he does here is he delivering a lecture at notre dame in 2021. I think the media makes it sound as though you are just always going right to your personal preference. If they think youre antiabortion or something they think thats the whale always come out. That you for this before that. They think you become like a politician i think thats a problem. Youre gonna jeopardize any faith in the legal institutions. If Justice Thomas does want to be treated like a politician, he should stop acting like. One every day on people to assume he is going with his personal preferences maybe he should let his personal life crossing his professional life. If he doesnt want to jeopardize peoples faith in our legal institutional Supreme Court. Maybe he should resign his seat. Or recuse himself from a major and very consequential case it is about to come before the court. Justice is set which could transform Government Regulation as we know. It the case that has a dispute between Biden Administration and commercial Fishing Companies explicitly asks whether the court should overrule chevron. At this farright cortez but manys expect it will end overall doctrine it could bring about legal and administrative chaos. With a stroke of a pen a group of unelected judges could scale back its ability to implement policy on anything from the environment to drag regulation. Rightwing billionaires are lavishing gifts, favors Luxury Vacations on a rightwing Supreme Court justice. Those rightwing billionaires have an agenda to change the way that regulation works in america. And that Supreme Court justices just coincidentally by chance changing his views and delivering opinions right in line with those billionaires agendas. I would argue its the kind of corruption that we havent seen. American public life, changed our economy in a better way. So, what are we going to do about . What are we going to do to protect the democracy in this country from a rogue reactionary billionaire back Supreme Court. Lets discuss. Senior editor site covers. Associate professor of Political Science at 40 university. Public scholars at the city of new york. Thank you both for joining me. How damning are these new accusations against Justice Thomas. How does this stack up against all the other thomas bombshells that we have seen over the past few months. I think this is the most extraordinary and damning scandal so far. As you said it really helps Connect The Dots and answer some Big Questions that we have had about thomas for sometime. So Justice Thomas loves to say that he doesnt evolve. He is steady as a rock and never changes his mind. The constitution doesnt change. Theres been one anomaly through his presence of the last few years which is the question of Chevron Deference. I know it sounds technical but it really does affect billions of dollars in our economy every federal major decisions. Thomas flipped from believing that differences out to executive agencies to staunchly opposing it and that happened while he was piling around louviers helping them fundraise for Political Machine that then appeared before the court asking them to change Doctrine Ways that Clarence Thomas suddenly approves up. So i think the fact that you can now connect these dots really does raise alarms that this justice is responding to the desires of his ultra wealthy friends and changing his jurisprudence to fit in with what his Social Network approves of. Again we cant prevent those direct causation here but we know that because of the intense lobbying efforts of the coax. Every incentive of his life began to run to overturning chevron. Its funny we cant prove causation partly because we cant ask Claire Thomas partly because he refuses to turn up and take any questions from elected representatives. Thomas has stated that as his jurisprudence is rooted exclusively in his own views of the constitution in the law like based on other factors like his personal lifers friendships. How does a fair minded observer then explain his evolution over the years like an issue on the chevron doctor. Which is happened while hes piling around the coax and gently need to see him before an elected body answer some questions about this. There may not be causation but theres definitely correlation. I mean we dont have a long precedent for these types of things weve only had one supreme justice impeached. Thats up to the house to do so and we know right now if they are controlled by the republicans there is no stomach for this. And then the really thorough layout that you gave the one thing i think is missing is the role of ginni thomas we know that she is also very strong hand in facilitating this relationships in the ways that weve never seen before for a Supreme Court justice in his wife to do so. I should point out that we put out a picture with one of the kochs. Ken burns who is head to distance himself from that picture which i found him using. In response to the latest reporting. Its the bright raimondo chevron case. In the upcoming Supreme Court term. I think recusal is a very weak source. Should this be grounds of resignation for that senator . Certainly one added to all the scandals that have been piling up for Justice Thomas over the last few months. But i find it difficult to believe that the Senate Democrat take this as seriously as they sometimes claim on tv. You know they have lined up to continue to appropriate the hundred 50 million to the Supreme Court with no strings attached. Even though congress has every prerogative to say that we are going to condition some or all this money on you adopting an ethics code. We are creating enforcement method. Congress couldve said we need you to adopt an ethics code that you would actually abide by before we give you this massive pot of money. It did no such thing and instead were just getting a flurry of letters between Senate Democrats sam alito. It even doesnt amount to much in my book. It suggests to me that theres a lot of political theater here not a lot of action. And of course, christina this is bigger than just one justice. Earlier this year he excess alito that if you are a conservative on the court, you have your billionaire benefactor. We would stand to benefit if the court rules against the Consumer Financial and where the democrats on this . Where the attempts to reform the court. Bring in the ethics code, put strings on money. Theyre ice expand and rebounds the court. Joe biden, nancy pelosi both said theyre against. The past justices have been based on norms in that law. We assume that people do the right thing and weve seen time and time again that the Republican Party and these rightwing justices have zero shame. So we cant shame them into doing the right thing therefore we need to use the powers of congress to make them do the right thing. Democrats seem weak mouth when it comes to these things. There are the majority slim as it may be they need to set a precedent because each year in each justice things get a little more gracious a little more bold in a little more flagrant. Once the horse has left the barn its very difficult to put it back in. Indeed it is thank you for your analysis we appreciate it. Let us continue this conversation with Democratic Summerlea of pennsylvania. Shes been outspoken advocate for Ethics Reform of the high court. Thanks for joining us on the show tonight. What do you make of this new reporting from poll republican. Clarence thomas literally fundraising for rightwing organizational sitting on the bench. How dangerous is it for a sitting u. S. Supreme Court Justice to play politician. . The ign listening to what you said youre the nail on the head. This is flagrant its not runofthemill crafton its corruption that we can directly connect to harms that millions of people have experienced. I think we often talk about these things and legal terms in terms of politics. But we forget to talk about them in terms of the people that are actually harmed. And we think about the gifts that thomas. I sitting justice leading fundraiser rubbing the draw of a fundraiser or billionaires that have business before the court. That Business Doing harm to many people. Thats a trend that were seeing. I see not which is Justice Thomas we see with kavanaugh and alabama. We see it with these landmark cases where we have lost the right to abortion care. We have lost Affirmative Action for black and brown people. We see the erosion of lgbtq lots. There are ties between this and its why we have to be very serious about taking action and not just talking about this. But helping American People understand that its not just about the legitimacy of the court its about the future of our country and our democracy and about our safety. So you are very outspoken or making noise on the show tonight. Ive seen some of your social media posts. Why are democrats and congress across the border making more noise about the ethical crisis on our Supreme Court. Pence promising more substantive reports. Theyve hit record lows. Wouldnt a winning message for House Democrats and your leader Hakeem Jeffries in the next election be give us back the House Majority we will fix this. We like to hope that but thats a twofold problem. Im here with you right now to talk about this and so many of us recognize how important this is but when we see issues like this its almost sometimes page to this is not front page news like it needs to be these are cases of corruption that we are seeing and its getting less attention than John Fettermans outfit. We need the media we need the Democratic Party we need every one of influence in our country to talk about this with the seriousness that its owed and i think sometimes political people can see its easier to talk about other issues we need to make sure that our medias giving air to. It that our donor bases giving space for democrats to talk about this because whether or not its politically the right or wrong thing to do for democracy sake, we have to do it its sometimes front page news but it isnt stanaford page because Democratic Leaders arent interested in the story so they have an excuse to move on. I wish we heard more from the president and Senate Majority and others. In terms of democratic silence lets move on to another big story this week related to corruption and a violation of ethics. Robert menendez of new jersey was indicted by the Doj On Corruption charges he denies it but so far only one democratic senator has called on him here is with the number two democrat in the Senate Dick Durbin had to say about the calls for menendez to resign have a listen. The person whos accused is entitled to the presumption of innocence its the responsibility of the government to presume that case this was a decision we made from the people of new jersey. He was one of more than 30 senate who called him to resign from the senate when he had been accused of a crime or indicted by a crime. We why are they insisting menendez step down asap . I think that we need to hear more about this. From leadership to know him, corruption is corruption and we cant on the one hand say that Clarence Thomas needs to be called for his resignation. But then not think about the implications of such a scandal on our body all of our bodies were not reserve or not owe the respect and the trust of the American People but thats why were called to higher standards. And right now we are seeing truly one said the Republican Party descending into unprecedented levels of whatever we want to call this that has been happening since the insurrection to now. We need to be clear about the types of people who should represent us about what they are allowed to do their conduct we need to adhere to our own conduct. Before we run out of time i got to ask you mention the Republican Party, they went barreling closer and closer to Government Shutdown with less than six days to go. Given the hope that Speaker Mccarthy can get his caucus together. . And if the gop farright block him but you and other democrats to be willing to offer him a vote to save his speakership. I dont think he can control his caucus or govern or get folks together and lead this body. Weve seen from january 3rd to the debt ceiling out of this. Its crisis after crisis where he has been held hostage and given into an extreme group of very small amounts of people. So no i have no hope that he can muster the courage and the backbone to do what we need to do for the American People. And that said i would never promised my support for someone who has no backbone and is so selfish in their own ambitions. To keep their seat that they would rather keep their sea thank keep our government running. And that Working Class families, fetterman seniors baby said the things that they need because he cant stand up to his caucus. Thats his problem. It is a big problem and were all suffering as. Result congresswoman thank you for your time, i appreciate. It thank you. After the break President Biden just use his Executive Vow to create a new deal style climate call. My next guest says the Administration Needs to address this Out Of Control climate crisis. Stick around for that conversation. As the world keeps changing, so does covid19. Thats why this seasons covid19 shots have been updated. Theyre one of the best ways to help protect yourself against covid19. Learn more and schedule at vaccines. Gov as the world keeps changing, so does covid19. Thats why this seasons covid19 shots have been updated. Theyre one of the best ways to help protect yourself against covid19. Learn more and schedule at vaccines. Gov Group Singing for Kids Birthday toooo youuuuu sean i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro vid19. jason sean do you mean this one the one with titanium . sean no way i can trade this busted up thing for one. jason maybe stealing wishes from the birthday boy is not your best plan switch to verizon and trade in any iphone and get the new iphone 15 pro on them. sean what . jason yup, and on an amazing network. sean and i dont have to ruin anymore Birthday Parties jason yeah, that ship has sailed. Lets go get you the iphone. Here we go, come on hon. vo trade in any iphone in any condition for a new iphone 15 pro on us. Only on verizon. As the world keeps changing, so does covid19. Thats why this seasons covid19 shots have been updated. Theyre one of the best ways to help protect yourself against covid19. Learn more and schedule at vaccines. Gov some people just know theres a podcast about that. Those are the people who know to choose allstate. Big tea drinker . Yeah. Theres a podcast about tea. He knows and he wants you to know too. I was listening to a podcast on if dogs know theyre dogs theres a podcast about that . Just like hed want you to know about allstate. Theres a podcast about fly fishing. Called why is that person doing that . Its called tearrific. Are you listening to a podcast . Yeah, its about multitasking. Some people just know theres a podcast about that. Those are the people who know youre in good hands with allstate. As the world keeps changing, so does covid19. Thats why this seasons covid19 shots have been updated. Theyre one of the best ways to help protect yourself against covid19. Learn more and schedule at vaccines. Gov nice footwork. To man, youre lucky,elf watching live sports never used to be this easy. Now you can stream all your games like its nothing. Yes [ cheers ] yeah woho running up and down that field looks tough. Its a pitch. Get way more into what youre into President Biden announcing when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. His Executive Authority to have the climate call. An initiative to have people educated in climbers lane skills. And create good paying jobs to tackle climate crisis. Its first year the climate called vetted clean energy and had jobs for more than 20,000 young people. Its a move many activists are rightly celebrating. But others pointed it doesnt go far enough. Given the existential threat from Climate Change or facing. In Fact Tens Of Thousands of people marched in new york last city sunday to demand that joe biden do more by declaring a Climate Emergency. They skipped a duet in Climate Action summit. And ironic choice given the United States as the biggest country. Biden defenders are saying what can biden do congress to block anything he proposes when it comes to Climate Action. But it turns out just creating this climate call. There are another number actions that he can take executive power. But the miller works for the new york times. He can declare the destabilize emergency and stop the billions of dollars. He can direct Environment Protection agency to establish national limits for Greenhouse Gases under the clean air act. They can end the Fossil Fuel Financing Programs and require that only Vehicle Sales have zero emissions by 2030 and can plastic it polluters for the damage they cause under fraud sus. One person who is willing to go to prison are protesting against the Biden Administration over the urgent access on the climate. Its a progressive organizer epicenter for violent, nonviolent i should say action. The same week that President Biden ma ts big announcement. That is not enough for you am assuming. Thisoesnt go far enough. The american Climate Corps Unimportant victory and we should celebra every movement victory. I have to be clears not enough. Science is very clear that we have to move as fast as possible to stop all burning of fossil fuels. President bidenesque use every power he has like starting a Climate Emergency and keeping his promise to end fossil fuels. Like if you had a loved one who had a lifethreatening illness on a doctors adrift to abc secure them and restore their health and they did a. But then said sorry we cant pnc, you wouldnt thank them and go home you say thank you but we have to keep going. We have to do b and c now to save my loved ones life in this one its a health of our planet thats at stake. We cant stop Fighting Organizing in pushing until we get the job done and restore a safe climate. Thats a good analogy. Youre part of a u. N. Climate ambition summit. It serves a total of 20 arrests. Talk about your demands and what would change practically if President Biden tomorrow more know one quid declared a Climate Emergency tomorrow. I also wanna say most honored to represent everyone who organized and sacrifice in that campaign. Civil disobedience is a Great American tradition is a way for citizens to declare emergency. We used in this case to calm President Biden to declare Climate Emergency which he says in the media practically hes done that. Not practically, actually declare Climate Emergency. To start i think itll be one of the most powerful symbolic messages for the entire world economically politically and culturally that this is indeed an existential threat and an emergency that requires a societywide emergency mobilization. But symbolism aside about practical change tomorrow morning Emergency Powers and ordinary powers. We have to stop all new Fossil Fuel Projects On Public Lands and waters. We cant give out new leases or fossil feeling infrastructures. Itll make it must easier for biden to act on that. We have to start phasing out a managed ingest transition to phase out all drilling in public lands and waters. And third it would enable us to reinstate the expert ban and stop financing falls Fuel Projects overseas. Theres an incredible amount of money thats moving from american banks to starting projects overseas. Biden promised he would stop that. What was out of time 30 seconds left. When you say people that say biden is not going far enough but hes doing where the president s have done before. We have to be clear the Republican Party is a party of time and arson and the fascist arch or democracy we have to stop them but its not enough to elect democrats. We have to push them and we have to keep organizing. People can go to white house climate city dot u. S. To join us because we wont stop at the seven actions. Well be back at the white house. We will continue nonviolent direct action until violent gets the job done. Starting with declaring im urgency and keeping his promise. Moved to end fossil fuels and do it now. Kind of cook thank you for your time appreciate it. Coming, up new details on the wga strike. The end may finally be insight. This week, 46 republican senators signed a letter to it is an incredible amount of movie moving from american banks and so on, and two projects overseas. Biden actually promised to stop that. Quick last question, almost out of, time 30 seconds, left what do you say to people who argue biden is not going far enough, yes, but hes doing more than president s have done before. And he is on the Republican Party which doesnt even accept nuclear change. We have to make sure the Nuclear Party is the party of democracy, we have to stop them. It is not enough to elect democrats. We have to push, do we have to keep organizing, that is what we are going to do. People can go to white house, to join us, because we are not going to stop those sudden actions we will be back at the white house, we will continue to monitor action until biden gets the job done starting with declaring an emergency and keeping his promise. A move to end fossil fuels, and to do it now. Thank you for your time. Appreciate it. Good to be with you. Coming up, new details on the wga strike, the and may finally be in sight. But here i am. Being me. Keep being you. And ask your Healthcare Provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment, biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in many people whether youre 18 or 80. With one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to undetectable and stay there whether youre just starting or replacing your current treatment. Research shows that taking hiv treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting hiv through sex. 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Good evening richard. Good evening to you. The other stories we are watching this hour for you. Senator bob menendez, he will hold a press Conference Monday in new jersey. A source tells that menendez is expected to say that he does not intend to resign from office. Menendez and his wife were charged with bribery over their alleged acceptance of Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars in turn four helping three new jersey businessmen advance egyptian interest. Hollywood writers and producers could be near a deal day. The Writers Guild of america strikes sunday is the fifth straight day that the two sides have met. Sources say they have made significant progress. But they are said to be finalizing language over the use of artificial intelligence. And remnants of Tropical Storm ophelia are expected to bring more rain and wind gusts to the northeast tonight. Whether they say flash floods event ability in the midatlantic up to new jersey. More than 85,000 were without power. North carolina on saturday. More on this show after the break. Power e trades awardwinning trading app makes trading easier. With its customizable options chain, easytouse tools and Paper Trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. E trade from morgan stanley. My asthma felt anything but normal. It was time for a nunormal with nucala. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon treatment for Severe Eosinophilic Asthma that can mean less oral steroids. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your Asthma Specialist about a nunormal with nucala. Your record label is taking off. But so is your sound engineer. You need to hire. 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Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. Liver problems may occur in crohns disease. Ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohns with skyrizi. Control is everything to me. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Power e trades awardwinning trading app makes trading easier. With its customizable options chain, easytouse tools and Paper Trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. E trade from morgan stanley. This week, 46 republican senators signed a letter to majority leader chuck schumer, demanding the reputation, and integrity of their can be protected from the reckless actions of a single democratic no, they werent writing to demand new jersey democrat bob menendez be forced to resign, after being indicted on corruption charges. They were writing to inject to pennsylvania democrat John Fettermans, shorts. Which the majority leaders now allowed in the chamber, by revising and relaxing the bodies formal dress code. Republicans, and more conservative democrats like joe manchin and dick durbin, were really worked up about the new, informal dress code. Maine senator Susan Collins said, she may as well where a bikini to work. And it wasnt just lawmakers who Wrist Arthritis with their furious pearl clutching. The senators shorts, and americas decline, the Wall Street Journal bemoaned. We want to be respected, but no longer think we need to be respectable. The new york post, another murdochowned property, got in on the action to, scoffing, we tried eating at nycs finest restaurants dress like John Fetterman, see how it went. And fox host jim pirro sneered multiple times this week, that the junior pennsylvania senator looked, Quote Like A Car Mechanic and, quote, like hes in a gang. Whats so ironic about this seething eliteism on the right is that, insofar as the Republican Party continues to be competitive in nationwide races, its core base is, and increasingly will be, bluecollar, high school educated white voters. Precisely the type of hardworking, average joe car mechanics, that republicans are showing Spiteful Disdain for. One might think they would learn their lesson, after a hoodie clad John Fetterman one over part of exactly that electorate, and trump noted uproot a connoisseur, suit and tie wearing millionaire mehmet oz. But they havent learned that lesson. Clearly still, in fearless to the senate republicans, none of them offered up a response nearly as disgusting, deranged, and just dumb, as conservative commentator eric ericksons. Quote, dems who were outraged by january six rioters stormed the capitol because of the violent wrought against that great temple of democracy are okay with a man at war with the english language and pants getting to wear a hoodie and shorts on to the senate floor. Just no bison helmets. I have no words. Actually, yes i do. This, mr. Ericsson, is what you are comparison a senator wearing shorts too. A violent mob of armed fascists, who attacked and maimed police officers. A horde of thugs, who said their desire to hang the vice president. Who sought to kidnap members of congress, who desecrated the speakers office. Who ransacked the Senate Chamber itself. Who smeared blood and feces along the Capitol Building walls. Who ultimately cost u. S. Taxpayers more than 30 million in property damage. But in the unhinged mind of the modern conservative pundit, that is all the same as John Fetterman wearing a hoodie. Two of the most powerful men on the planet are engaging oldschool antisemitism. 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Enter the 10,000 powered by protein max challenge. Old school antisemitism, is sadly back. From blaming jews for the collapse of civilization, to throwing unfounded accusations of juul loyalty. Antisemitism is back with a vengeance, and this coming from some of the most powerful man on earth. The leader of the Republican Party, and the richest man in the world. Former President Donald Trump spent Rosh Hashanah on his failed social media site, a clue accusing, quote, liberal jews are wanting to destroy america, and israel. Saying they believe in false narratives, and make better choices, he. Set x. Com owner elon musk, that same day, posted on his failing social media site, quote, the Source Organization appears to want nothing less than destruction of western civilization. Have we gone back in time like, 100 years . How is old school, brazen, Conspiratorial Antisemitism reared its ugly head again, and been mainstreamed by such influential and powerful individuals. Joining me now, molly jongfast, host of the past politics and then a very special correspondent and author of the new book, jewish space lasers, The Rothschilds and 200 years of conspiracy theories. I should point out, that Mike Rothschild is not related to the rothschild family. I should also point out that, tonights discussion with Mike And Molly is not a cbs sitcom its, a very serious discussion we are having tonight. Monika, let me start with you and this book, why did you write it . And did you think, when you started writing it, i assume many months, ago more than a year ago, that it would get this bad, by the time he published it . Well, antisemitism is always bad, but it cycles up and down, in just exactly how bad it is. You know when i started writing about conspiracy theories, i got a lot of comments about oh, rothschild, writing about conspiracy theories, how stupid do they think we, are the matrix what must be broke again. I really wanted to understand, who this family, is why theyre name has so much power, and i think most importantly, who this family is not. And unfortunately, who this family is, to a number of very powerful people over the last two centuries. This family is nothing less than the gangs of jews, and the Global String Pullers who have manipulated every world event since 1812. But also mike, its not just like they are a family of people with The Rothschilds, they are a stand in for the powerful jewish public masters. If its not rothschilds, its soros. Right, there is a need, among conspiracy believers, to have somebody be in control. There needs to be a dark room, with men sitting around watching what is going to happen to the world, and somebody has to be funding the men in that room. And that someone is usually a group of jewish families, that has been given a bunch of different names. The council of 13, and things like that. But at the top are The Rothschilds. They are the String Pullers Of string pullers, they are seen as owning the british empire, funding both sides of every war, and having 500 trillion dollars. And that name is passed down, from generation to generation of cranks, who often write extremely lucrative books about who this family is not. So, molly, republicans love to accuse democrats of being antisemitic, if they criticize israel. While some of the most prominent members of their own party, donald j trump, Marjorie Taylor greene, are engaging in old school, not see style antisemitism. I mean, the jewish space lasers, rothschild thing. That again, came from Marjorie Taylor greenes social media, before she was elected to congress. What is driving all of this on the right, right now, do you think, molly . I mean i think, there is always a desire to blame the jews, that is a good one. But i think with trump, whats interesting to me is that, he sort of thinks of jews, you know, he thinks, he will use us if we do what he wants. And he thinks that way about a lot of minorities to. You know, he will say well, if you are a good republican, if you are a black republican, then i like you. And they are allowed to exist in his world, if you do what he likes. So he likes jews who are these one issue voters, who support israel over everything else. And he believes that those voters, he believes, i believe he truly believes. Again, i dont know whats in his heart, but i believe he truly believes that if you are jewish, you should vote for israel, because you are sort of a one dimensional character. And he is the best, he says. And again, i dont believe this to be true, that he is the best for israel. So we have this, we are given a pass if hed we do what he wants. And i think that is sort of how he feels about many minority groups. Yeah, and of course, this is a guy who, on more than one occasion, referred to American Jews, and told them that is what was their country. And he thought he would sing it in a good way, while that is a classic antisemitic trope. Mike, you spent a lot of time analyzing what is going on with social media. Twitter was always bad, when it came to antisemitic conspiracy theories, but under elon musk, it has gotten really bad, with musk himself not just amplifying at a summit, but saying antisemitic things. In your view, do you believe elon musk is an antisemite himself . In terms of the stuff he says, and the stuffing amplifies, or is he just doing this stuff for clicks . Or, even kind of worse, maybe, is it just his conspiratorial and Credulous Mine spent, which inevitably need some down antisemitic rabbit hole . Well, as molly said of donald trump, i dont know what is in his heart, and i cant tell you if he is personally an antisemite. But i can tell you that he fluently speaks the language of antisemites, the codes, the ciphers, the cutesy little references. When you are not saying jews, but you are blaming jews. You blame twitter losing half of its value on the atl, there is nothing edgy or cool about that. He was doing something that many, many governments, many pundits have done for centuries. The knots is blamed the failures of the Rothschild Bank in 1931, on the familys hair. A nazi demanded person to make good on all of so nothing musk is doing is new, and i dont know what he believes but he knows how to get through to the people who do believe that jews around the world. Well, what an analogy but it certainly rhymes. Molly, where, on earth, are the democrats on all of this . They have been quick to throw progressives in their own party, like ilhan omar, under the bus, when they are accused of Antisemitic Behavior or rhetoric. But they are pretty silent on some of this. Where are chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, steny hoyer, when donald trump is likely accusing American Jews of being disloyal . I didnt see democrats lining up on monday morning after he said the seven sunday night, to denounce the president , and demand that republicans denounced the former president. Well i mean, there is so much to denounce in trump world, i thank. If i know, but this is really bad. Right, it is really bad. And look, the guy is and i think that antisemitism should absolutely be denounced. And i agree that they are, they need to be on it in both parties, 100 . You know, there has been a sense, from a lot of democrats, the more establishment democrats, that they shouldnt shoot at every, they shouldnt swing at every pitch, because trump is constantly pitching crazy stuff at them. And again, i dont know that thats right. Look, the reality is that the people who are going to vote for donald trump are, in their own orbit of earth to, where they dont mind the insurrections, and the impeachments, and the indictments. So, i dont know how you, i dont see that voter being like oh, antisemitism, that is a bridge too far. I guess, that is a fair point. I guess, i just want people to know more about the stuff, its horrifying. Mike roth trial, thank you for writing your book, molly, please stick around. There is a special, second hour of the mehdi hasan show, right after this. We are going to be talking Government Shutdown, gun violence, and hearing from doctor anthony fauci, stay with us. Liminate odor, instead of just masking it. And hours later, i still smell fresh. Secret works ohhh yesss. You founded your Kayak Company because you love the ocean not spreadsheets. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best . Egglands best. The only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. Plus, superior nutrition. 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