Encountered that night. Scared. How many times did they come talk to you . 30 plus. Two tantalizing clues, a hand a print. The subject had blood on their hand. And a trail on twitter. Incredibly powerful. You can almost see this happening in realtime. Could she help solve her own mystery . Shes fighting him off. It was so emotional. I wanted to jump out of my seat. Never in a million years would you expect Something Like that. On long island, the fancy cars and the elites of the hamptons is a blue collar beach town some call the poor mans paradise. But life was rich for these brothers and sisters in mastic, new york, filled with the love of a large tightknit family. All that was taken away one warm evening when evil rolled in with the summer tide. Their youngest sister was missing. We just want you to come home safely. And for better or worse, this family would go to extraordinary lengths to find her. Were going to scour those woods right now. We were our own investigators. Heres me and five of the biggest guys you could probably imagine, knocking on your door. Were wanting answers. If you do not have a group, one right here. You ever seen so many people so involved in a case before, nonlaw enforcement . Gratefully, no. Missing person cases, especially missing girls, they always get everybodys emotion because its just so horrible. I always tell her im sorry that it happened to her. 21year old sarah goode was the little one with the big personality. Her older sisters, samantha, lizzy, tabitha, and jennifer, say even though sarah could take care of herself, they still saw themselves as her protectors. Was everyone kinda looking out for her, her being the baby . Always. Yeah. How many children in your family . Well theres nine of us. Nine siblings . Nine siblings. 20 grandchildren. 20 . Yes. Oh, my goodness. How does your mom keep up . I dont think any of us keep up. Every day theres somebody asking, how many of us are there again . Seven sisters and two brothers. Jennifer, who was 12 when sarah was born, fondly recalls that day. I just remember going to the hospital after she was born. And mom let me change her first poopie diaper. So she was, like, your little baby, too, it sounds like. She was. I would wake up with her in the middle of the night and feed her. That is a sign of a big family when big sister is feeding the baby in the middle of the night. Yeah. And she screamed until you stuffed the bottle in her mouth. As sarah grew older and her siblings started to marry, her sistershusbands also looked out for her. Her brotherinlaw, nick giannetto, appointed himself chief protector. He met sarah when she was just 3yearsold. She was very outgoing and talkative and very fun to be around. Whenever i cooked something, she was right next to me and wanting to learn how to do it, or or taste it. You two really bonded . Oh, yeah, absolutely. I was always there for her, and if someone bothered sarah, sarah would definitely come to me and and let me know. I heard a little story about you. About . Big, strong nick would paint sarahs oh, sarahs nails fingernails . Yes, yes, yes. Where does that come from it was just you know some of the sisters would always be painting their nails. And, you know, me owning a Hardwood Floor business, being very particular in how i laid my finish out and how nice and neat everything had to be, i said, you know what, how hard could it be to paint a fingernail, you know. It was just another way nick took care of sarah. But even under watchful eyes, the unexpected can happen. And it did. After a long romance with her high school sweetheart, at 17, sarah got pregnant. Was she excited to be a mom . Yeah, she was. A little nervous, but everybodys nervous the first time theyre a mom. But she had so much experience. You know, her sisters and brothers having so many kids. She was always babysitter number one. Allaura cicero and sarah grew up in the same neighborhood and quickly became best friends. Allaura says she was especially happy to hear sarah was having a girl. I was like, oh, youre going to have a little sarah. Like, shes going to be just like you. And turns out thats what happened. She always put jocelyn first. Everything was always about jocelyn, as it should be. Jocelyns dad couldnt be there when she was born. He had joined the army and was deployed overseas. When he returned home, it became clear his relationship with sarah wouldnt survive the challenges of grown up life. Im not really sure what happened there. I guess they grew apart. Sarah was now a single mom raising a baby girl on her own with the help of her family of course. She was like a natural mother. You know, she knew what to do and how to take care of her and love her up every second. And thats what she did. It had to be easier for her, too, with all of you . Oh, yeah. Uhhuh. And then all this family she had builtin babysitters. Sarah didnt let teenagemotherhood stop her from following her dreams. She graduated from high school. And then she went to college and graduated from there. She landed a job as a medical technician and still managed to be a hands on mom to her now 4yearold daughter. Happy birthday dear jocelyn describe sarah when she would see jocelyn. Her eyes would light up. Even for not seeing her for an hour, like when she, like, held jocelyn and kissed her on the cheek and stuff, you felt it in your own heart. It was amazing. Sarah was a great mother. You know, she really stepped up to the plate for jocelyn. So did nick, who was jocelyns godfather. He was there for her first halloween. Look at big uncle nick, you know, carrying jocelyn to her first house, you know, getting candy. And he helped in other ways. Like when sarah decided she needed to buy a car. Okay. What kind of car you want . I want a bmw. I want a bmw. It just so happened, one of his friends was selling a 1999 bmw. We go over there and look at it. You know, she loves the car. And im like, you know, let lets just sit back, you know, a day or two. Think about it, you know. Because they break down. Its expensive to fix. No. I dont see her sitting around, thinking about it. No, not at that age. She comes over, like, two days later shes like, youre coming with me to get this car right now. I want that car. And so she got it. Did she post her brandnew bmw oh my god all over social media . All over social media. Was that how you could tell sarah was happy . By looking at her instagram, twitter, or facebook . Yes. Besides that, she was just so happy all the time. You know, to get her to be mad was very hard. And on the night of friday, june 6, 2014, nick says sarah was happy. She had recently broken up with a boy shed been dating for two years and was looking forward to A Night Out With Friends. Nick had agreed to Babysit Jocelyn and nothing seemed out of the ordinary when sarah came by his house to drop off her daughter. I had came home from work. And shes like, paint my nails. And i was like, ah, leave me alone. Im im tired. Im going in the shower. She was like, no, i want you to paint them now. So i was like, all right, come on. We laughed and we talked and, you know, she was going out for the first time in a long time. Before she left, sarah posted on instagram a Smiling Selfie showing off her freshly painted nails. Did she have any parting words when she left the house . Ill see you guys tomorrow. I love you. Kiss, kiss, kiss. Jocelyn, kiss. And very happy. Got in the car and left. But nick didnt see sarah the next day. No one did. She was supposed to pick up her daughter at a Family Birthday Party, but she never showed. And all calls and texts to her phone went unanswered. Thats got to be an awful feeling. Yes. In your mind and in your heart your soul youre saying to yourself, this is not normal, you know, this is not sarah. Coming up. The first clues to the mystery, her car near the woods and her messages on social media. Was someone following her . Did someone attack her . Very creepy what she posted. Yes, very creepy. Yes, very creepy. When dateline continues. Rmal. It was time for a nunormal with nucala. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon treatment for Severe Eosinophilic Asthma that can mean less oral steroids. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, Injection Site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your Asthma Specialist about a nunormal with nucala. Chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. 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On saturday, june 7, 2014, single mom, sarah goode, didnt show up to a Family Birthday Party where she was supposed to pick up her 4yearold Daughter Jocelyn. No one in the family could reach her all day. Her sister lizzy says she knew something was terribly wrong when sarah didnt respond to messages that her daughter was asking for her. Jocelyns like, oh, i miss my mom. I said, oh well call her. And we called her and it went to voice mail. Thats when i i just thought something was not right because she would always answer, especially if you mentioned jocelyn. Its heartbreaking when you think that a little girl wants to talk to her mom and you cant find her . Uhhuh. When sarah still hadnt appeared by sunday afternoon, lizzy went to the Police Station to report her missing. I said, i need to report her now. That report set things in motion. Prosecutor Janet Albertson, since retired, was brought on to this missing persons case from the beginning, learned that on the day sarah was a noshow at the party, a woman had spotted a blue bmw abandoned next to a wooded lot. A Police Officer had responded to that location, thinking that maybe this is a stolen car, the plates were were bent. Albertson says the bmw was found less than a mile from sarahs mothers house where sarah and jocelyn also lived. When the officer ran the plate number, it came back to sarah goode with an address. And after that, he went to sarahs home and there was nobody there because as we would later learn, they were at the birthday party. Around the same time lizzy was at the Police Station, that officer noticed the abandoned car was still in the same spot. The Officer Radios it in again. And at this point now, sarahs family had reported her missing. So things were really clicking now. Exactly. And once it came back as a missing person, well now theyve got a reason to really pay attention. And her beloved car was the biggest clue. Detectives needed the spare key, so they headed over to sarahs house. Her sister jennifer was there and she desperately wanted to know, where was the car . I just remember overhearing one detective tell the other detective that the car is in Eagle Estates. And then i was on the phone with nick. And thats when i told him like he said the Eagle Estates. Then we all followed them. You went straight there to where the car was . Right. They told us not to go follow them and i said i dont care if you have to arrest me. Im following you. Eagle estates was a place they knew well because it was so close by. A large entourage of sarahs family headed over there and tried to approach her bmw, but police wouldnt let them get too close. What was that like, seeing her car there . What did that tell you . It was scary. It was hard and scary. They wouldnt let us go to it. They would not let us near it. The police had a job to do, so things got heated. Sarahs sisters say they shouted at detectives and detectives shouted back. We were yelling at them. I was like, open the trunk. Yeah, we were yelling they were like, were not touching it. Is she in there . Were not doing anything until you leave. They were yelling at us, you guys have to leave. But did you say, no, im not leaving . Or did you leave . Yeah. We did, but then they threatened they would arrest us. So obviously we dont want to be arrested. So we we did leave. And we kind of left. Kind of because we kept on circling around in our cars instead of our feet. But i wasnt going to leave her if she was in there. Later that night, the family finally got some answers. Detectives told them, sarah was not in the car. Were you trying to hold onto hope . Yeah. Trying to, yeah. Hope turned to action, and the family got organized in a big way. Everybody came to my house. And then we we just started searching, just anywhere we thought to even just go, we just went. How many Search Volunteers are we talking about . There was at least 200 the first day. Pretty humbling because you can see how many people that she touched and cared about her. Yeah. We just put it together in an hour on, you know, social media and this is how many, how many people we have right now. But theres more people on the way and theres already people searching. Beyond searching, this large family started its own investigation, making calls and combing through social media. Checking facebook, making sure she didnt update anything. The professional detectives were also looking at sarahs online life, piecing together clues from the friday night she went missing. They started with that picture she posted on instagram of her freshly painted nails. They learned she was at nicks house around 6 00pm. And from the picture, they could see what she was wearing. She had on tank tops and this very unique tank top over it with an owl face and her little headband. Police then confirmed that after sarah kissed her Daughter Goodbye and left her brotherinlaws house, she drove to a friends place. She hooked up with a a friend of hers, a Childhood Friend by the name of jason flores. A timeline was coming together. She picked up jason in her bmw. She and jason had referred to each other as cousins because they had been neighbors growing up when they were younger, but they had drifted apart. She had really just kind of connected with jason about two weeks before. At 6 51 pm, a second selfie. Jason took a selfie of the two of them where you can see sarah driving. And shes so happy. I mean, she was just beaming, you know. She just looked like a happy kid, like, for her first night out in a while. They picked up brandon allen, a good friend of jasons and a new friend of sarahs and headed over to a small gathering, a dozen or so young people hanging out in this front yard. Investigators estimate they stayed there about 40 minutes. Before they left, they took this group shot at 10 18 pm. Thats sarah in the Pink Sweatshirt next to jason. Where does she go . Does she go home . No. At that point, she and jason are going to go back to brandons house. And he lives on only around the corner. So, Sarah Drove Jason and brandon back to brandons house, where they watched the hobbit, a movie. Around 1 00 in the morning, jason, sarahs Childhood Friend, wanted to leave. Sarah agreed to drive him home. After she dropped him off, he sent her a text at 1 17 am. Basically saying, are are you home okay . And she responds, yes. And we know thats on jasons phone, jasons phone, because the police have taken his phone to to download the information. All this seemed routine, then something ominous. On sarahs twitter feed, her brotherinlaw nick learned that days before sarah went missing she had tweeted, so, you know i live on a dead end. I see you creepin. and a second one, getting threatened for days now. Is that the new thing to do . The dead end part really was the one that got to me. Like, was someone following her . Did she get to the house and someone attack her . Its a dark, dead end, very dark where she parks. Theyre very creepy, what she posted very creepy, yes. Very creepy. No one had any idea who or what she was referring to. There were so many questions, and sarahs brotherinlaw wanted answers. With the help of some large friends, nick went looking for anyone who was with sarah the night she vanished. He sounded more like a detective than a floor refinisher. Who was she talking to, whod you see her talking to, whod you see her last leave with at the party, who she who she was socializing with. I mean, youre big, strong nick. Did you want to be like, you know what . I want to put this to use and go find out some information here . I did. Were wanting answers, you know, and heres me and five of the biggest guys you could probably imagine, knocking on your door. Was anybody getting you really hot under the collar . No, no. I wasnt getting nothing from anybody. So thats got to be frustrating in itself. Yes. That nobodys standing out. Nobodys standing out. Everybody was really, sincerely telling the truth. But there was someone in particular nick wanted to question, sarahs exboyfriend. Their twoyear relationship had just ended, and sarahs family was getting suspicious. No one can say what was really going on between them, why they split. But we thought we knew him well enough to you know, we thought he was a great guy, and she loved him. You dont know everybody. You dont know exactly what someone is capable of doing. You dont. Its not easy to just trust people that way. And he didnt show up to work the day after . Yeah. She went missing . Uhh, hmmm. Coming up. New questions about the ex. There were a whole bunch of rumors going around about dj and his family. When dateline continues. So, no matter what, im running this kitchen. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. My husband and i have never been more active. Shingles doesnt care. I go to spin classes with my coworkers. Good for you, shingles doesnt care. Because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. But shingrix protects. Proven over 90 effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. Shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. An increased risk of guillainbarre syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. Fainting can also happen. The most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the Injection Site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. Shingles doesnt care but, shingrix protects. Shingrix is now zero dollars for almost everyone. Ask your doctor about shingrix today. Power e trades easytouse tools, like dynamic charting and riskreward analysis help make trading feel effortless. And its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. E trade from Morgan Stanley. With powerful, easytouse tools, Power E Trade makes complex trading easier. React to fastmoving markets with dynamic charting and a Futures Ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you wont miss an opportunity. E trade from Morgan Stanley tourists tourists that turn into scientists. Tourists taking photos that are analyzed by ai. Three days after single mom so researchers can help life underwater flourish. Sarah goode disappeared from her home on the south shore of long island, scores of searchers continued to comb the woods, post signs and follow leads hoping to locate her. Your baby girl cant wait to give you that great big hug when you come home. So far detectives were revealing only one clue to the public. The fact that her car was found unoccupied, she loves this car, something is suspicious here and we want to find this girl. Nicole allegrezza, a reporter for the advance, a local long island newspaper was assigned to the story. It was the biggest story that i had gotten yet. And it also hit home because she was about the same age as me, a little bit younger. What was going on social media, what were people saying . Well, there were hashtags created almost immediately. Sarahgoode. Findsarahgoode. And on instagram her friends were getting worried. And nicole says during the searches, the gossip mill was buzzing with rumors about sarahs recent breakup with her longterm boyfriend. His name was dj. There were a whole bunch of rumors going around about dj and his family. And that things were not going well in their relationship and that they had just broken up, i think, ten days they said before she went missing. So nicole was a bit taken aback when she spotted the exboyfriend while she was out covering the story. She saw him in a crowd of searchers. As a reporter, i felt like i had to talk to him once i knew who he was. But i also was a little cautious to go near him because i was, like, what if he actually had an involvement in this . Investigators, who were working around the clock in hopes of Finding Sarah alive, heard about the exboyfriend. Did he need to be looked at . I think everybody should be looked at. Because when you dont know what happened, you cant exclude anybody. There was an anonymous call on the Crime Stoppers tipline. Detectives learned a strange and disturbing story about the exboyfriend, dj, and his mother. Apparently, the break up with sarah had gotten ugly. Dj had left a threatening a voicemail. Uhhuh, yes. The message that dj left in the voicemail wasnt physically threatening bodily harm to sarah. It was more, take that post down, bitch. That post, albertson says, was a message sarah put on her Facebook Page insulting dj and a member of his family. She says the message upset djs mother so much that the mother called sarah and threatened to kill her. So sarah called 911. What is her complaint in the call . Or what is her concern . I think her concern in the call was just to make a report. And really, the report she was looking to make was that the mother had threatened her about this post. The prosecutor thought this might explain one of sarahs strange tweets. The one she posted just four days before she went missing. Getting threatened for days now. Is that the new thing to do . The tweet was clearly associated with the phone call from the exboyfriend about, take the post down, and the mother being upset that she had put the post up. But she wasnt sure what to make of the other one. Sooo, you know i live on a dead end. I see you creepin. obviously her and dj had broken up. I dont really know what the tweet was about. Detectives questioned the exboyfriend dj and took his prints. And continued their investigation. All right. Lets go. Sarahs family also kept digging. At first, her brotherinlaw nick didnt think dj had anything to do with sarahs disappearance. After all he was one of the first people to volunteer in the search. He was there from day one when sarah went missing. I mean, immediately came to my house. I was getting a bunch of friends together and we were going to go ow looking for sarah. That was until nick heard about djs angry words on sarahs voicemail. Once we found out, he kinda stood away. The detectives really didnt want us talking to him. So were you thinking about him as youre learning this information . At that point i really couldnt rule out dj. The detective did say to me, nick, you really cant trust nobody at this point right now. So maybe you want to just leave him alone. What did you think when he said that to you . You know, a lot of things. You know . A lot of bad things, i guess you could say. You know, hurting himwise. But he followed the detectives request and stayed away from the exboyfriend, for the time being. Nick and the rest of sarahs family had others to question. Anyone who was with sarah the night she disappeared was on their radar. They threw me up against the car and started screaming at me and all that. Really . Yeah. They were blaming anybody who was there that night. Coming up tears were rolling down my eyes. I says, if i find the person who hurt her, i will bring him to you. Pain and rage, a family hellbent on getting answers. They knew i was really serious. When dateline serious. When dateline continues. With less asthma. And can help you breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. Dupixent is an addon treatment for specific types of moderatetosevere asthma thats not for sudden breathing problems. Dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. Get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. Tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. Dont change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. Ask your specialist about dupixent. Icy hot. Ice works fast. Heat makes it last. Feel the power of contrast therapy. So you can rise from pain. Icy hot. [sneeze] astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go bobby my store and my Design Business . With awere exploding. Bly fast allergy relief but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. So, we switched to Verizon Business internet. They have business grade internet, nationwide. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. Think hairsprays stuck in one dimension . Think again. Flex any style. With hairspray that flexes with you. New tresemme hairspray. Hi, im Richard Louis with our top stories. Californias been provided with first Tropical Storm in almost a century. Tropical storm hilary jump to Record Levels of rain on the state. After initially making landfall in the Baja California peninsula earlier on sunday, several counties are under Severe Weather warnings. National Weather Service has warned of lifethreatening flooding. Southern california also hit with a 5. 1 magnitude early on sunday. No significant damage was reported. Now, back to dateline. Ack to dateline. Sarah goode had now been missing for four days and her family was doing Everything Possible to find her and then some. We just stayed up all night going over the same things over and over again. Talking amongst ourselves. Like, what can we do tomorrow. You guys are all in the dark, right, about this investigation . Thats why we had to do everything ourselves. Thats why you decided to start investigating . Right. Yeah. And as for sarahs brotherinlaw nick, police were worried he might be taking things too far. I get called back into the precinct. They tell me, you got to calm down. Youre going to hurt somebody. But nick wasnt ready to back down. As tears were rolling down my eyes, i said, you know, if i find the person that hurt her or harmed her in any which way, i will bring him to you. Almost like nick the bounty hunter. Yeah. Yes, yes. And they knew i wasnt playing. They knew i was really serious at that point. Think you couldve brought that person in alive . I dont. At that time . No. He was determined to get answers. His mission was to find anyone who might know where to find sarah. That included sarahs childhood Friend Jason Flores and her new friend, brandon allen. All three of them had been at brandons house watching a movie the night she disappeared. Luckily for brandon, the police got to him first. Detectives called him in the middle of the night. He came down to the Police Station voluntarily, i think on that sunday night. Brandon was questioned by the police for hours. Any red flags with him . I dont think so, really early on. I mean, he he didnt have that much contact with sarah. He didnt have that deeper relationship with her. Brandon shared his story with us. He says all he wanted to do was help find sarah. At that point im thinking, all right. Theres something wrong here. We got to go and help as much as we can just figure out where she is. What kinda questions were they asking you . Whens the last time you seen sarah . Whens the last time you talked to her . Basic questions like that. And what were you telling them . Whatever they wanted to know. Whats their tone . Aggressive. Did you start to get a little worried . Like do they think i know where she is . Yeah. At some point i did feel like i had to convince them. Detectives also asked him to give a dna sample and Something Else he didnt understand at the time, handprints. He agreed to both. Did you have anything to do with sarahs disappearance . No. Brandon says he had only met sarah a few weeks earlier. He did know her exboyfriend dj though, and had heard about the breakup. He and dj had gone to high school together. Were you friends . We were acquaintances. I would see him around school and outside of school and stuff. He was all right. Was he, kind of known around the school because of yeah his athletics . Yeah. I would say so. Did sarah ever talk about him . No. She didnt really mention him because im pretty sure when she started hanging out with us thats when they first broke up. And brandon says sarah didnt seem worried about her exboyfriend or anyone else that night. Instead she looked happy and carefree as she left his house around 1 00 a. M. She goes on home. And thats it . That was the last time ive ever seen her. The Police Let Brandon Go but told him to stay in the area. He left the precinct, he says, and joined the search for sarah. Why did you feel the need to be there . Just because i felt like i had an obligation. He had no idea his presence would cause such a stir with some members of sarahs family who were also out looking for her. You know, they threw me up against the car and started screaming at me and all that. They didnt know who to blame. So they were blaming anybody who was there that night. They knew that you had been with sarah that night. Yeah. What did you say to them . At that point i was just, like, begging for my life. Like, im sorry. Like, i please dont hurt me. I dont know where she is. You know . Like, let me go. Did you really think they were going to hurt you . Yeah. They were telling me if i didnt tell them where she was they were gonna kill me. Wow. And there were witnesses there who i was with who can back that up. Were you really afraid . Uhhuh. I was really scared. Traumatized. But while brandon was saying he had nothing to do with sarahs disappearance, Police Received puzzling information on the crimestoppers tipline. They heard about brandons brother posting this picture on social media. And the brother also mentioned in another post that sarah had been at their house the night she went missing. So brandons brother had posted his bloody knuckles on facebook and said that sarah had been there . Well is that odd . There were there were two different posts on two different days. The posts, she says, were not related. The picture of the knuckles had nothing to do with sarah. He was not there the night that this occurred. Hes not at the party with these kids. And he wasnt at the house with them watching the hobbit. Detectives chased down more tips and questioned more people. But so far nothing was bringing them closer to Finding Sarah. So they pressed on. Along with her exboyfriend and her new friend brandon, detectives were looking at someone else. They asked him to come to the station. He goes from mr. Nice guy to we know you know where she is. Smacking me, choking me, spitting on me. Coming up the last known person with sarah that night. In jail. I was crying myself to sleep. Did you feel like you were enemy number one . Most definitely. When dateline continues. Nondrowsy claritin knocks out symptoms from over 200 allergens. Without knocking you out. Feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. Live claritin clear. After advil. Feeling better . On top of the worlddddd before advil. Advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. When pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liquigels. Chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. With up to 13 camera views. 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We were everybody was there. We didnt even sleep. You heard the helicopters. We went back out to search. Oh, yeah, we were out. We were out all hours of the night. If we heard a helicopter, we all jumped in our car to follow it. Or if we heard a police car, we were going. We were going to find it. They were relentless. Using the hashtag findsarahgoode, they organized a Massive Search Effort covering miles and miles. How grueling was the search . It was horrible. It was bad. It was raining. Some days it was steaming hot. Even it was hot, you were still in layers because you were in woods and you didnt want the ticks all over you. And every day, no answers . No sarah. Family and friends searched places like the Smith Point County Park sarah loved. And the tick infested woods near where her car had been found. For three of her six sisters jennifer, tabitha, and samantha the search was especially difficult. All three of you were pregnant during the search . That must have just added to how hard it was . It was hard. Probably worse because i know by the end of the day my feet were so swollen, i didnt even want to move off of the couch but i knew i had to because i wanted to find her. You feel sick to your stomach, but you couldnt tell if it was sickness from pregnancy or sickness because youre afraid youre going to find her and shes going to be dead. In what seemed like parallel investigations, Everyone Detectives talked to, the family tried to talk to as well. One person her sisters hadnt been able to reach was sarahs Childhood Friend, jason flores. He was the one sarah dropped off before going home that night. Since he was the last person known to be with her before she vanished, they called his cell phone. We tried to, but no one ever answered. Did anyone worry that he couldve been involved or know something . Yeah. We dont know how or why but we just thought he was there with her. We just speculated that he had to have something to do with it. Not about to sit around and wait for jasons call, sarahs brotherinlaw nick and his large posse went out looking for him. You couldnt find him . No. Do you think that was on purpose, on jasons part . I think at that point, the word was out that, you know, we were out looking and we were going to do whatever it had to take to get answers. So whoever got the word were hiding pretty good. Do you think jason was nervous, worried that you were out looking for him . I would yes, yes. Absolutely. Because he wasnt making himself readily available, did that say anything to you . You have to say to yourself, does he know something . Obviously she was with him. Hes got to know something. What nick didnt know was the real reason jason was mia. He was behind bars. Detectives had brought him in for questioning and discovered he had an unrelated harassment warrant, so they were able to detain him. Two days jason was with investigators . Yes. He spent a significant amount of time with 6th precinct detectives. Did they feel, like, hey, if you know we have to find sarah uhhuh. If you know something, tell us. Oh, absolutely. Hes the last person that she drops off. So, you know, at this point, you have to look at these people very seriously. And you have to make sure that theyre telling you the truth. Prosecutor albertson says jasons story was consistent, and he was adamant that he had no idea where sarah was. Did they take his dna as well . They did. He consented. And he gave them his handprints. Again handprints, not your typical Police Request in a missing persons case. The Reason Police were collecting them would soon become clear. Jason also agreed to turn over the clothes he was wearing the night sarah went missing. His encounter with police all seemed very cooperative. Everything is not what it seems. But when jason flores sat down to speak to us, he says his visit with detectives at the 6th precinct was like a scene out of a bad cop film. The detectives call me. And i willingly went there, obviously. Because why would i not go . You know what i mean . To the Police Department . Yeah. So we get there, this and that. He goes from mr. Nice guy to we know you know where she is. Smacking me. Choking me. Spitting on me. Wow. And, i was scared. I was scared. Even though i knew i didnt do anything, they still had me, like thinking in my head, like, what the bleep is going on right now . I didnt get no phone call, no one read me my rights. What were they asking you . What kind of questions . It went from how do you know sarah to where the bleep is she . You bleep little bleep . We know you know where she is. Yeah, you were in Eagle Estates . Where the bleep were last night . Like just ripping my mind apart. And he says it didnt get easier when he was left alone in the jail cell. Make me go crazy and cry in the cell all night. You actually were crying . Yeah. I was crying myself to sleep. On a roll of toilet paper that was my pillow. What were you thinking about, as far as sarah . I was worried. I was concerned. Because she had a lot to lose. Beautiful baby, beautiful family. Nice job. Good career going for herself. Did you have anything to do with sarahs disappearance . Not one bit. After two days they let him go but warned him to stay close. Did you feel like when you were walking out of that Police Department that they werent done with you . That they still felt like oh, i knew. I knew they werent. How many times did they come and talk to you 30 plus. The police declined to comment on jasons claims of how he was treated by detectives. As for sarahs family, they had their own suspicions. Her family was convinced it was me. They were . Yeah. How did you know that . The cops made it seem like that. Did you feel like you were enemy number one . Most definitely. I felt so targeted. And it wasnt a good feeling. Sarahs family and friends were becoming more and more desperate. They didnt know who was behind her disappearance, so they kept digging and finally hit a solid lead. Coming up it was so many unanswered questions. I just had to find stuff out. A best friends hunch and an eagle eyed neighbor. I was wondering what is he doing . Helped put someone new on the radar. When dateline continues. In my ozempic® trizone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. And you may lose weight. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. 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Thats where her car was found and thats they were actively investigating her disappearance. And so were her friends. You decided to play detective a little bit. Yeah, i guess. Sarah had left a trail of cyber clues. And her best friend Allaura Cicero was determined to follow them. What was it that made you decide i need to do something more here than just search . There were so many unanswered questions. Like, i felt like i just had to find stuff out. And she had an idea of where to start. Turns out sarah was on allauras family cell phone plan. That meant allaura had access to sarahs Phone Records. So she pulled them up on her cell. What did you find . Anything that jumped out at you . Just random numbers that ive never seen before the same numbers over and over again. Like, back and forth. Did you start calling any of the numbers . I did. And . What kind of response were you getting when you would call . Last we seen her was at the party. Thats about it. Nobody knew anything. As Allaura Scrolled through sarahs call log, there was one number that caught her attention. It was a number that kept reoccurring. So we wanted to figure out who it was, you know. So we called and then who answered . Dante. Just the same response as everyone else. I dont know where she is. Havent seen her. Dante taylor was a friend of jason floresand was part of the group sarah was hanging out with that friday night. His name wasnt familiar to her, but alluaras boyfriend had heard of him. My boyfriend was like, oh, i think thats the kid up the block. So thats when we realized that that was the neighbor. Did your boyfriends family want to keep an eye on dante . I guess we were looking out for him. Looking out for everyone, you know. Its just like, when youre in a situation like that, Every Little Thing that happens, youre paying extra attention to at this point. Her boyfriends mother, dehlia mckernan, heard about sarahs connection to dante, so she decided to pay extra attention to him. He lived with his mom, a few houses away. What kind of things were you seeing . Anything suspicious . You know, at the time, i wouldnt know if it was suspicious. Like when she says she thought she saw Dante Cleaning Out his car. Yeah, on two different occasions i noticed that he had all of the he had the car doors open, the trunk open. He was in and out of the vehicle just unusual behavior. You know just wondering, i was wondering what is he doing. Did you feel like, i should tell sarahs family what im seeing . Oh, well, i was always in contact with them. Not content to sit back and just watch delia became dantes parttime shadow. You actually followed him . I actually on occasion . I did. I actually did. Because, honestly, i really, really thought he would lead us to sarah. Werent you nervous . I mean, if he really did have something to do with her disappearance, then that would make him very dangerous. Ah, yes. And you know, sometimes you think with your heart. And you really hope for the best. And you think that this if this could lead you to sarah, then yeah. Youre following him where, then . So what kind of places are you ending up . He went to an Auto Parts Store on one occasion. He stopped at a hero shop. He stopped in the parking lot of a shopping center. I just kept thinking, okay. Sooner or later, hes going to make his way back to sarah. Did you feel at all like kind of an amateur private detective . I felt like a mom. And it was extremely personal because of the connection and the history that we have with sarahs family. Delia had known sarah since she was a little girl. Who was the sarah you knew as a child . And beyond . Feisty. Independent. Loving. She had a beautiful smile. She was very familyoriented. She loved, adored her daughter. When nick, who was running out of patience, heard about dantes number showing up on sarahs call log, he started following him. Nick had heard the Police Wanted to talk to dante, so when he spotted him outside his house, nick called 911. This is about the sarah case, the girl thats been missing. Okay. And that kid dante is on the corner, sitting in his car. But nick didnt wait for police to arrive. He was about to take matters into his own hands. Coming up, a dramatic turn in the case. You felt helpless. Its a big pill to swallow. Big pill to swallow. When dateline continues. F. Enough was enough. I talked to an Asthma Specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. Now, fewer Asthma Attacks and less oral steroids thats my nunormal with nucala. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for Severe Eosinophilic Asthma. Nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. 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You cant ask for better evidence than the bad guys print and blood. I just wanted to rip his heart out of him. Sarah goode disappeared after A Night Out With Friends and her brotherinlaw, nick, learned more than what they were telling. He soon learned that a partygoer called sarahs phone that evening and Police Wanted to talk to him. So did nick. Ultimately, nick finds him and tails him like in the movies. Nick called 911. Nick went right up to dante and confronted him. I was like, get against the car, you every curse word and seemed pretty confident like. You must have wanted so badly to get this man to tell you where she was. Yes. But the police show up . And there was nothing i could do. As the detectives approached dante, nick continued yelling. Im just cursing at him and, you know, vocally being nasty to him. He wasnt saying nothing bad to me. The police respond. More family down and it got chaotic. The police worried about his safety. Mr. Taylor was ultimately transported to the local precinct and subsequently he was interviewed by detectives. Was Daunte Taylor giving them anything . Was he helping . Sfle provided the police with his palm prints, his fingerprints, he gave a consent to search his phone. And when detectives confronted daunte with Phone Records showing he had been talking to sarah the night she had been missing, he had an explanation. He was calling not to speak to sarah, but to speak to jason and sarah picked up. And they confirmed daunte was telling the truth. Sarahs Childhood Friend, jason, had been used sarahs phone that night to communicate with daunte because his own phone didnt have cell service. Mr. Taylor was released and he was free to go home while the investigation continues. Did that Say Something when he was willingly giving his you he fingerprints and samples . Sure. It was a real who done it. Six days and no sign of sarah goode. Her brotherinlaw, nick, ran out of people to question. So he did what others do when they start to lose hope. He went to church. I get on my hands and knees and i say, you know what, lord . You could not give me anything else in this lifetime. Let me bring her home. You know . I want to find her. Later that day, nick met up with a search party. By now he and the rest of the family had exhausted every possible lead. So they decided to retrace their steps and went back to the woods not far from where sarahs car had been found. I park. I get about a halfablock over. I get a phone call. They think they see a body in the woods. So we all start running and now theres i couldnt tell you. Maybe 15, 20, 30 people at the end of the woods. And the smell was really bad. Then you knew it was a body. Nick and sarahs Brother Frankie took a closer look. You know, everybodys screaming and yelling and crying on the floor. Was something telling you it was her . The sweater, it was a total indication. So me and frankie look at each other and say, were going to tell them its not her. Why . We still wanted hope that she was alive. Nick and frankie left the woods. And later ran into one of sarahs sisters. And i just remember screaming at him like, like, you have to tell me if its her or not. And i just remember my brother was like, its not her. And he just kept walking. Like, they just didnt want to talk about it. And he just kept walking. Like, they just didnt want to talk about it. Did you believe him . I didnt believe him. I know it was her. Sarahs family and friends had never stopped looking. Their tireless efforts had finally paid off. They had found sarahs body. Any last bits of hope were gone. One of the searchers called 911. When sarahs Sister Tabitha heard the sirens it became all too real. There was like a white noise, like, you just felt go through your body, that you knew something whether it was sarah or something of sarahs, it was found. How do you get that official confirmation that it really was her . They made us all go back to my moms house because it was around the block. He just stood us all in a circle and just said that they believe it was sarah. But they couldnt confirm it yet. Yeah. They wouldnt say it really was her. As chief of the Homicide Unit for the Suffolk County d. A. s office, Janet Albertson headed straight to the scene. Unfortunately, you know her body had decomposed a significant amount in that short sixday period. Its just sad. You know, youre just standing over this what was clearly six days before, a beautiful, young girl. And what you had left was a horror. Albertson says she didnt need to wait for test results. She knew it was sarah. She recognized her clothes from these pictures. Did the shirt match the photos . Yeah. And when the medical examiner removed the garments and she laid them out on the gurney to be photographed, you could visualize each of the tank tops including the owl shirt and the Pink Sweatshirt. The same crowds of family and friends who had searched for sarah had now come to say farewell. Nick was back at church. This time for sarahs funeral. How is everyone handling the news that this part of everything has now very tragically and sadly come to an end . It just really you know, a punch in the face. Its just youre mad almost. Youre mad at yourself almost, you know . Because you couldnt do like, you felt helpless. And youve always been sarahs protector. Yes. Thats how i felt. Like i failed. And you were the last member of her family to say goodbye. Yes. Its a big pill to swallow. You helped her get ready. For her night out. And i painted her nails. Yes. You never could have known. You never know. You should always tell your loved ones you love them. You really dont know. His deep sorrow was clouded by anger and suspicion. Now that the search for sarah was over, it was time to find her killer. So far detectives had made no arrests, but nick had his eye on someone. He was the only one. That i just wanted to rip his heart out of him. Coming up thats a big deal . Tremendous deal. A telltale piece of evidence. Its almost like it was the killers calling card. It was his signature. When dateline continues. Ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin . For softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free gentle. Downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. The towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. Try downy free gentle. How do i love thee . Is softer, and gentler on your skin. Let me count the ways. Love can get a little messy. Good thing theres resolve. Love the love. Resolve the mess. Sarah goodes family and friends walked the beach in mastic, new york, to say their final goodbyes at a place that had always brought her such joy. But as they tossed flowers into the ocean they felt no peace. Weeks had gone by with no word on who killed sarah. Youre trying to grieve the loss of your sister and theres the realization that theres a killer on the loose . We werent told anything, basically. We were just told that they were looking into people, and they have people in mind. Yeah, i think we called almost every day to see if they found somebody or if they were questioning more people and we just got the runaround. Thats got to put the whole community on edge. Uhhuh. What the family didnt know was police were getting closer to finding her killer. And now sarahs body gave investigators more clues. They could tell it was a brutal murder. She had been stabbed more than 40 times. This young lady has six Sharp Force Injuries to her forehead, a broken nose, a stab wound that went through and through the front to the back of her shoulder. Shes a Got A Stab Wound into the clavicle. Shes got two stab wounds to her lower leg. The prosecutor had a theory as to what started this vicious attack. The killer wanted something from her she didnt want to give up and he was pulling her towards him. Albertson believes sarah had resisted a sexual advance, so her attacker raped her before stabbing her to death. Its very clear when you looked at it that he landed on her from behind, pinned her down, and inflicted those injuries because she had bruising on her legs, front and back, inside the right and left thigh that were inflicted while she was alive. Semen was found in sarahs body and leaves and twigs had been stuffed between her legs in an attempt, the prosecutor surmised, to cover up dna. This is brute force. This is an animal. And when they looked at the forensic evidence, the Prosecutor Says it was clear the struggle began inside sarahs bmw. There was a significant amount of blood and a large clump of her hair in the door jam. Its a frightening discovery, finding hair and blood. It is. And the amount of hair that was out hanging out of that door jam was significant. Sarahs bmw had been towed to the Police Departments impound yard where Forensic Experts went to work. They spent quite a long amount of time going over that car. Besides blood and hair, Something Else caught their attention. They noticed almost immediately on the hood of her bmw was redbrown staining. Karen oswald, a fingerprint expert, worked the case. She says once investigators visually inspected the staining on the hood, they dusted it for prints. There were a few handprints that were developed on the hood. And were you able to get prints off of them . Was it usable handprint . They werent usable the way they were with just the white fingerprint powder. There werent enough characteristics to compare it to somebody else. Then they did a second test using a chemical called amido black. And this time, there was enough detail. One of the handprints was useable for comparison. And the test told them Something Else. So if theres blood on this palm print its going to now show up with this chemical . Hopefully, yes. And what happened when you put the chemical on it . It did develop. So the palm print turned blue . Yes. Blue. Which means that there was very likely blood in that palm print. Correct. And thats a big deal. Its a tremendous deal. While oswald and her team examined the prints, other investigators tested the blood to see who it belonged to. The blood came back to sarah goode. Oswald believed the killer had attacked sarah, got her blood on his hands and then carelessly left his prints. So thats why detectives had been gathering handprints from every potential suspect. The Prosecutor Says they knew if they could find a match, they could likely solve this crime. Its almost like it was the killers calling card. It was his signature. The Print Specialist was able to compare that bloody signature with those of potential suspects detectives sent her way. You dont always know homicides level of interest in somebody. Youre going to compare these prints to anybody they ask. And one by one she checked for possible matches helping police cross names off their list, like sarahs exboyfriend, dj. His prints did not match. Neither did brandon allens. It was his house sarah had been at that night. He says once he was cleared, detectives started treating him differently. They just wanted to know what we knew. You could feel that. Yeah. Theyre not really looking at me. They just want me to help. Uhhuh. And someone police had kept in jail for two days, the last known person to see sarah alive, jason flores was also cleared by his palm print. And they come to my house and tell me. Who came . The detectives . Yeah, because they know how much i went through and this wasnt easy for anyone to go through. Especially someone youre accusing of it. I just thinking, like, wow, i just really feel sarah, like, with me right now. As oswald crosschecked palm prints, Delia Mckernan had been keeping a close eye on her neighbor dante taylor. Remember, hed been with the group sarah was hanging out with that fateful night and his cell number showed up on sarahs Phone Records. Were you glued to your window . Absolutely. As crazy as that might sound, yes. Even though dante had been questioned by detectives and let go, delia continued to watch him. Using her highpowered binoculars, she kept an eye on his house. And then one night coming home from dinner, delia said the street was blocked off. A Police Flatbed was towing dantes car. We were unable to access the street because the tow truck was blocking it and the officers not allowing anyone even if you lived here not allowing anyone down the street. We thought, okay, this is really serious. This could be it. Weeks passed and nothing happened. Police didnt arrest anyone. Meanwhile, from the time sarah had gone missing, dante had been hanging out with brandon and jason. They had been friends for years. What kind of guy was he . He was definitely a ladies man. He was very jealous. He was a jealous type of man. Did the ladies like him . Yeah. I guess it was his eyes. Thats what i always heard, was that they liked his eyes. And did he like the attention from women . Yeah. He liked to be the center of attention all the time. Anywhere we were he would try to be on the spotlight. And brandon says dante was trying to make something of his life. Why did he want to go into the marines . I dont know. Probably just like anybody else though. Serve their country. But dante dropped out not long after basic training and had recently returned home. And while sarah was missing, brandon says dante seemed off. Its hard to explain. You know, you would have to see for yourself. You know . Like, being around him and getting vibes. It just wasnt right. Something wasnt right. Talk about those vibes. Creepy. Like, like, hell just stand there and just stare at you. Did that make you uncomfortable . I would just look away. But yet, you all kept hanging out with him . Yeah. And jason thought maybe dantes short stint in the marines had changed him. We were actually good friends at one point and then he went away. Came back and then he was just weird. Jason remembers a weird incident one day when they were at a barbecue not long after sarah went missing. Dante got into an argument with another one of their friends and pulled out a shotgun. So dante popped his trunk and started pointing the gun at him. And then Brandon Ran Up To Dante and pushed him back with the gun. And dante put the gun back in his trunk and that was that like. What did you think when he pulled out a gun . I was just on the roof, like, im staying over here. Im not going near that gun. I dont like guns. He had just bought it . Yes. To his friends, dantes behavior seemed erratic, but there was Something Else to consider. Just as jason, brandon and the exboyfriend had done, dante willingly gave his handprints. If his prints had matched wouldnt police have arrested him . There was more to this story, so much more. Coming up if you follow it, its amazing. A deep dive into sarahs cell Phone Records reveals a secret, earlymorning rendezvous. You see sarah is home and all hell broke loose from there. When dateline continues. Rsv is in for a surprise. Meet arexvy. the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. 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Present that involve tour maui, devastated by the recent wildfires. Officials in the state are warning that the death toll could surge in the coming weeks. At least 114 deaths have been confirmed so far. Now, back to dateline. To dateline. On the night sarah goode was murdered, detectives already knew she had dropped off her friend jason at around 1 00 a. M. And a few minutes later, texted him that she had made it home safely. But it wasnt until they combed through sarahs Phone Records and checked Cell Tower Data that they started to figure out what happened next. Those cell Phone Records were really telling you a story. Its incredibly powerful. If you follow it, its amazing. You see sarah is home. Lawrence opisso, an assistant District Attorney with the Suffolk County d. A. s office, worked the case. And jason texts her, are you home . Are you home safe . And she says, yes. And all hell broke loose from there. He says after that text, sarah got a call from someone else. Somebody is speaking to her and theres conversations going back and forth. When detectives tracked the cell phone movements, they could see whoever was talking to sarah started off in mastic, new york. Then traveled about ten miles north to where sarah was living near Eagle Estates. Shes home. But we see this phone number, this Cell Instrument with this phone number move very deliberately right up to sarah goodes home, where the phones come together. Once the Cell Phone Pinged near sarahs house all Phone Communication stopped. Prosecutors believe thats when sarah and her caller started communicating in person. She receives a call from a young man and at 1 30 in the morning, you know, she went out to meet him. Albertson theorized sarah, who was 21 and a single mom, wanted to make the most of this rare night out. So when she got an offer to keep the party going, she took it. I think her decision was just kind of naive and foolish. And unfortunately, you know, it turned out to be fatal. So who was this person sarah met up with on the night she was murdered . Police traced the number. It ultimately was identified to dante taylor. 19yearold dante taylor, the handsome marine corps dropout. When police had questioned him, back when sarah was missing, he told them he and sarah never got together after the group split up that night. He maintained that he asked her to hang out and that she said, no, she wasnt going to hang out. And he was confronted with Phone Records and cell tower information that said otherwise. And, you know, he basically said those records must be wrong. So the records are not wrong. You know, people are liars. Records arent. And even though sarah and dante were part of the group hanging out together the night she went missing, their mutual Friend Jason Flores says the two barely interacted. He didnt make any comment, oh, shes cute, or any he came up to her car, and we were sitting in her car. He says the three of them had a short conversation. And then he walked away. And that was the only thing. The family had also been suspicious of dante. When they called him while looking for sarah we talked to him twice. Once at night, when we first started. And then in the morning. I think he just switched that either he did or didnt see her. I dont remember. He might not have gotten his story straight . Yeah. Police already had cell records linking dante to sarah. So what about his palm print . Karen oswald remembers when dante came in to give his prints. He was a regular guy. He was polite, helpful. He was a nice guy. When someone acts like that do you think, oh, it probably wasnt him . I dont make a determination on whether i think it was them or not. Ive seen enough people who have done really bad things, and to your face theyre nice, theyre polite, theyre respectful. But demeanors change. Oswald carefully compared the ridges from the bloody palm print to dantes. Finally a hit. It matched to dante taylor. How did that feel to make that match . That now youve potentially caught the killer. In one instance it feels great because you always want to be part of that team that gives the evidence that catches somebody whos done something this awful. But the reality is you never actually want to work a case like this. You never want to hear the story of what happened to sarah. You immediately think, you know, she met this guy at a party. That could have been me or any of my friends or my sister. But even with the palm print and the cell Phone Records all pointing to dante as sarahs Killer Police didnt arrest him. There was a problem and a brand new lead. Coming up we received information that there might be another victim out there. Another victim . He had a knife. He had it at my throat. He just kept saying ill kill you. When dateline continues. Nues geri i smoked and i have copd. My children are really worried. My tip is, send your kids a text. It may be the last time that you do. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. He snores like an angry rhino. Youve never heard an angry rhino. For free help, baby i hear one every night. Every night. Okay. Ill work on that. Save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add a base. As detectives built their shop now only at sleep number. Case against dante taylor, the prosecutor worried about a key piece of evidence. The bloody palm print dante left on the hood of sarahs car. She wasnt sure shed be able to use it in court. Remember when Police Brought dante in for questioning back when sarah was still missing . You have all the Family Members screaming and yelling and the potential for a weapon. That was the time when nick had called police, and when they showed up, they handcuffed dante, brought him to the precinct, questioned him for hours, and got his handprint, but they never read him his rights. Because the detectives believed theyd made it clear to him that he was not under arrest, that he was, in fact, free to go. But albertson knew there was a strong possibility a judge might not see it that way and could suppress dantes palm print, meaning the most damning piece of evidence linking him to sarahs murder would be thrown out. Because police never read him his rights, for now, dante walked free. His Neighbor Delia continued to spy on him, and one day as a car drove past her, she saw something alarming. He was hiding crouched down in the backseat, and so, i made it a point to slow my vehicle as i passed, and i looked into the vehicle, and thats when i saw dante hiding in the backseat. What did you think of that . I thought, wow, hes going to get away. Hes going to go on the run. Hes going to leave. Did you tell someone immediately . I did. Thats how albertson learned dante was leaving for florida on a oneway ticket. We were grateful for the observations that she made because thats what led us to the oneway ticket. Since detectives werent ready to charge him with murder, they couldnt stop him from leaving town. Instead they kept working the case hoping for a plan b, and then we received information that there might be another victim out there. The information came from sarahs Friend Jason Flores. During one of his many interviews with police, jason told them about another girl who said dante had attacked her. This girl, she messaged me, like, a couple months after me and dante hung out with her. She was like, oh, how can you let him do that to me . I was like, what are you talking about . Shes like, he put a knife to my throat and tried to rape me in the room. Did you tell the police about that . Yeah, i showed them the messages. I printed them out for them. The girl was nicole lukas. He just kept saying ill kill you. Dont bleep with me. The incident happened about two years earlier in dantes house. Jason says she told him she was so afraid of dante, she never reported it to police. Now the police went looking for her and what she told them sounded like an eerie echo of what they believed happened to sarah. He kept trying to touch my body, and he opened the zipper to my shorts, and then he had a knife above his bed, and he had it at my throat. He was like waving it around. Nicole shared her story on video with a reporter from newsday, a long island newspaper. And he said that he would kill me, and he said, are you scared, and i said, no cause i was just trying to like i didnt want to show him fear. And then he got he actually touched my throat with the knife. Nicole says they struggled, he punched her several times and then she panicked and hit him in the face. That was my chance to run cause he was like he was like on his side. He was just in shock that i smacked him. She escaped and for years tried to forget it ever happened. I didnt want to talk about it. I just wanted it to be left alone, but what happened to sarah goode, i wanted to help them in a way. Nicole was now willing to press charges and detectives hoped her case might give them a second shot at dante taylor. If they could get a warrant to arrest him for attempted rape, they would be able to take his palm prints again. This palmprint could hold the key to this whole case. Correct. So detectives tracked down people who corroborated nicoles story, and this, the Prosecutor Says, gave police what they needed. Was this kind of like a doover . In a way, yes. Now they could arrest dante on the attempted rape charge and use his new palm prints in sarahs case. It helped protect case. It helped protect the integrity of the evidence. Hey, dante. How you doing . Why did you do it, dante . So more than a month after sarah had been brutally murdered, detectives flew down to florida armed with a warrant and brought her suspected killer back to new york where he was charged with rape and firstdegree murder. Whyd you kill her . Sarahs brotherinlaw nick heard about the arrest from police. The detectives called at night, very late, and said that they were bringing dante taylor back. He was the one who murdered sarah. What was it like to hear that . A lot of emotions. Just want to get a hold of him, really. You know . Just give him to me. Dont even, you know, worry about anything else. The court of nick . Yeah. Yeah. He wasnt surprised to hear who it was. He was the only one the only person that when i got to him, face to face, like me and you, i felt something that i just wanted to rip his heart out of him. It was just real bad. Sarahs sister lizzy will never forget hearing the news. The detective called me and said that, we arrested him, and then my body just i guess it went into shock, cause just felt like the blood drained out of my body. I dont know why i was freezing cold and then i was sweating, and i didnt know what to do. The familys rage against dante taylor would slowly simmer during the two years before his trial. And when they finally entered the courtroom, it would take all their strength to keep their anger from boiling over. You had to hold yourself in the seat cause he was right there. If you just picked up your hand every time he walked in, the smirk he had on his face. Want to jump over and deck him. Coming up an explosive claim in court. From the very beginning, you cant trust the police or the District Attorney in this case. And one haunting detail her family never heard. I wanted to jump out of my seat. When dateline continues. When dateline continues. 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They sat quietly in the courtroom while the prosecution laid out its case. With all the strong evidence was this a slam dunk . No. You never say its going to be a slam dunk. Prosecutors took the jurors through the timeline of the night of the murder. No detail was too small. They began with sarahs selfie showing off her red nails. Its amazing if you look at the social media in this case and the instagram and the twitter, you can almost see this happening in realtime. To further bolster the timeline, prosecutor Lawrence Opisso also showed the jury sarahs cell Phone Records and Cell Tower Data. They illustrated that not only was dante taylor the last person to be with sarah, he had also returned to the scene of the crime. The records tell really a story of a killer who went from his home to her home and returned there several times in the course of the next few days almost to see what was happening and how the investigation was developing. Their theory, after dante taylor lured sarah out of her house, he savagely beat her in the car, then dragged her into the woods, raped her and stabbed her more than 40 times. The jury saw photos of the blood and hair found in sarahs bmw. And to support the theory of rape, a crime lab expert testified that dantes dna sample was a Perfect Match to the semen found in sarahs body. This was about complete domination of that young lady because she ends up in the woods face down, the way the jury saw her, with her legs slightly splayed out. Shes naked from the waist down. Her upper garments are on but pushed up. And her little black sandals are zippered and strapped to her feet still. The prosecution painted a portrait of a brutal killer who had carelessly left his calling card. Albertson showed the jury dantes handprint covered in sarahs blood. And there was Something Else investigators had discovered that albertson also believed was irrefutable evidence. A drop of blood in dantes car. One small blood stain. That bloodstain came back to sarah goode. A fact Janet Albertson ended with in her closing argument. One bloodstain from a dead girl is one bloodstain too many. Coming up dantes defense team drops a bob shell. You think the police made mistakes from the very beginning . The stake is being generous. There is no mistake. It was intentional. Will the jury believe it . Families are getting more and more upset and anxiety ridden. It is nerveracking. When dateline continues. N dateline continues. ,. Something he found especially hard to hear. He was the one who had lovingly painted sarahs nails right before she went out that night. When janet said to the jury, we have no more of her fingers no more, but we have her fingernails that were painted. And i wanted to jump out of my seat and strangle him. But according to Defense Attorneys john lewis and debra buxbaum, nicks rage was misplaced. They claimed Daunte Taylor was innocent. Theres no direct evidence that links Daunte Taylor to this crime. I felt like this really was a case of classic tunnel vision where from the getgo this seemed to be targeted at dante taylor. Everybody thought it has to be dante taylor. And any information that they came across or that they uncovered during their investigation that didnt point to dante taylor basically got swept aside or kept or got ignored. His attorneys acknowledged to the jury that sarah and dante did meet. But they said it was simply a sexual encounter between two consenting adults and dante left her unharmed. They called a former medical examiner to the stand who testified there was no physical evidence on sarahs body that proved she had been raped. There is no evidence that that semen was placed there as part of a forcible compulsion. And then an explosive claim. Lewis told jurors not only had detectives botched the investigation, but he believed they were unethical. You think the police made mistakes from the very beginning. Mistake is being generous. It was no mistake. It was intentional. You believe he was framed by detectives . I believe that the evidence, okay, is questionable. And thats the issue. The issue is i dont know what the truth is. And if you dont know what the truth is, then thats problematic, dont you think . The defense accused the police and prosecution of withholding information for a year and a half about other possible suspects. Like the crimestoppers tip about sarahs exboyfriends angry words. Why do you think they were withholding all this information from you . Because thats the way they operate. As for the drop of sarahs blood found in dantes car, lewis questioned how it got there in the first place. I dont think that was competent evidence to begin with based upon the fact that four detectives searched that car for over an hour before releasing it back to dante taylor and never found any blood in it, sarah goodes or otherwise. He says it wasnt until days later, when police searched the car again that they found the blood. And that bloody palm print on sarahs car . The defense didnt deny it was dantes print. Instead they disputed whether or not it was actually a bloody print. There were discrepancies in the testing. The first sample from the print came back positive for blood. The second, done more than a year later after the print had been chemically processed, came back negative. But wasnt it red . Or brown . I dont believe that thats the case. Its going to be hard for the viewers to understand, like, what else could it be . Okay. So nobody nobody owns photoshop . None of your viewers know what photoshop is . Well but now youre accusing the police of changing the color of the photo. Im saying from the very beginning, you cant trust the police or the District Attorney in this case. There is no proof that they planted blood or photoshopped pictures of the palm print. I mean, these are just allegations by you. Im not saying they did or they didnt. Im saying ill never know whether they did or they didnt. And thats the scary part. Police and the prosecution unequivocally deny photoshopping or planting evidence. They say this was all part of the defenses smokescreen. And as for withholding evidence, they say they turned over everything in plenty of time for trial. The defense attorney just kept saying, you cant trust the police. You cant trust the prosecutor and its really the only argument he made. After more than four weeks of testimony, the case went to the jury. There was not a seat in the courtroom for deliberation. There were lines of people outside. The familys getting more and more, you know, upset, and anxiety ridden. So its really nervewracking. Three days went by before the jury reached a verdict. Dante taylor was found guilty of rape and firstdegree murder. I felt like sarah was just right here, and i could see her and picture her saying, we got this piece of bleep . Is this closure . I mean, whats the emotion . I wouldnt say closure. Shes not coming back. Its never going to bring her back so but we got him. Family and friends poured out of the courtroom and gathered outside to show jurors their gratitude. Then they visited sarahs grave as if to let her know justice had finally been served. The ways of truth and love have always won. Stand up. A month later, in front of a packed courtroom, dante went before the judge to hear his sentence. Dante taylor, for your conviction for murder in the first degree on count one, your sentence is life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Your punishment will be the maximum, the only appropriate punishment for the evil man that did this. You may make chalk marks on the cell block and your walls in the cage in which you will live, and they will have no significance. You may circle dates on the calendar but they will mean nothing because there is no date for you to get out. Since dante received a maximum sentence, the days office decided to drop the attempted rape charge. Sarahs family said the judges words were exactly what they wanted to hear. It was nice to know that hes on our side. He wasnt on his side. And he was emotional, too. You could when he started reading what he was going to say, he was trying to hold back tears. You could tell. A little more than a year into serving his life sentence, dante died by suicide in an upstate new york prison. His family is now suing several prison staff members. In the lawsuit, dantes family claims, shortly before killing himself, he was brutally beaten by Corrections Officers and, they argue, medical staff neglected to monitor dante despite his history of suicide attempts. The new York Department of corrections said it does not comment on pending litigation. For sarahs family, there is little comfort in dantes passing. They say her death has left a giant hole in the fabric of this tightknit family, one that can never be mended. I would trade places with her in a heartbeat if it meant that she could come back. We were supposed to be her protector. I always said that the older ones were supposed to go first, not the younger ones. What you just said is something that a parent would say. She was like our baby. She was our baby sister. Cause i was older than her you know, try to protect her anyway that we could. You know all, everybody. Do it for each other. And now theyve focused their attention on sarahs baby. Her Daughter Jocelyn is being raised by their mother, but like everything else, its really a family affair. We find comfort going to moms house when jocelyn is there and, you know, her spirit is just like sarahs. So its like sarah growing up all over again so i believe sarah, you know, left us this gift. Shes our other little angel that was given to us from sarah so her spirit can live on. Give me a kiss. Thank you. Can i have another kiss . Can i have another kiss . Hello, im andrea canning. And this is dateline. Manson has come to represent the side of humanity. These people enjoyed killing. Things that police had never seen before. They begged her, please dont kill me, please dont kill me. Average kids, from average american homes, they turned out to be the killer. They widows them with lsd. Charles manson stole loves. Grief like you couldnt imagine

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