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The January 6th Insurrection. This is American Voices. We begin in the southwest, where people are frantically preparing for Hurricane Hilary. The latest update from the National Hurricane center hilary has been downgraded to a category two storm. It is making its way north alongside mack mexicos baja coastline. Heavy rain is expected to impact california in arizona starting sunday. The National Weather service is calling the storm rare and dangerous. And here is why. Parts of the California Desert are forecasted to get three years worth of rain in just 48 hours. Lets get an update from Priscilla Thompson in palm springs, california. Priscilla, how are people where you are preparing right now . Yeah, alicia menendez, folks here are frantically filling those sandbags, hoping to protect their homes and businesses as that rainfall is expected to move in here in the coming hours, really. And this operation has been going since about 6 am local time. Thats 9 am eastern time. And its expected to continue for about the next four hours. You can see there are folks of all ages out here trying to prepare, really taking this seriously and taking these precautions. And the mayor is actually also out here helping with this. And i spoke to her just a short while ago. And i was really her message to folks, that it was good to see that they are actually out here heating these precautions. We also went to the supermarkets earlier today, and we are seeing those shelves begin to empty, and people clearing out the water and bending those non perishable items, bracing for the possibility that they could lose electricity, that there may be flooded roads, and they may not be able to leave their homes for some time. And its interesting. Because we have spoken to some people here, and there are some folks who have lived in the northeast, have lived in places like florida, and understand what might be headed their way. But there are other folks who are saying, i am worried. They have lived in california all their lives. They have never seen anything like this. And so, they are trying to be as prepared as possible. And that is exactly what officials here have been saying all day, is that people we need to heed the warnings, make sure that they are prepared as they wait to see what exactly is going to happen here. Alicia . Him Priscilla Thompson, has always, thank you so much. Now, for a Collision Course of Donald Trumps own making, as his sprawling legal troubles disrupt the 2024 president ial race. Next week, trump must surrender at an atlanta jail. Also next week, the first republican debate, which trump now plans to skip in favor of a possible interview with fired fox news host tucker carlson. Heres what we know about the timing. Three senior Law Enforcement officials tell nbc news trump would turn himself in no earlier than thursday. That is the day after the first debate. Former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie wasted no time working to brand trump is a coward for snubbing the debate, and hes questioning why trump is still in the race. We the voters i want to voters to decide this. The only way the voters of our party and the voters of our country will accept results is if they believe that it is fair. And trump has made himself a candidate for president under the most ridiculous circumstances ive ever seen in my life. There is nothing more selfish than what he is doing. He has been charged with four different crimes. And yet, he still persists, insisting that he has to be the candidate for president. Meanwhile, the Biden Harris Campaign is expected to use the first debate to highlight the gops attacks on reproductive freedom and threats of democracy in the form of election denialism. According to a new campaign memo, four shared with nbc news, the campaign expects the candidates to try to outmaga each other on the debate stage in milwaukee. We cant ignore the biggest threat to american democracy, Donald Trumps hold on the gop. Despite facing 91 Felony Charges across four jurisdictions joining us now, msnbc contributor and former watergate prosecutor Jill Winebanks shes, the cohost of the Hashtag Sisters In Law Podcast and Washington Post opinion columnist Jennifer Reuben rubin. How is this process in georgia going to be different from what we have seen in Federal Court . Its going to be very different, because they have said that they are going to do mugshots and fingerprints, and he will be turning himself in at the Fulton County jail, not in a federal building, not in a clean, nice environment. It is what we hear from the press, a really dirty, dangerous, scary place. So, it is going to be a very different picture. And i think the picture of him there, i think his experience of being in a real jail i can tell you the sum of the watergate defendants jail out move them to a base without being in so that they could cooperate in georgia this weekend. It is a must win state for republicans if they want to take back the white house 2020. Georgia voters, they rejected trumpism by flipping the state blue, and fast forward to 2022, the senate runoffs, senator warnock defeated Herschel Walker by nearly 100,000 votes. Last night, historian jon meacham offered this warning to gop leaders. The only way to fix the Republican Party is to have it continue to lose. And that is really, really hard. But i genuinely believe that it will be the ballot that convinces republicans in the end that they have to do something about this flight from reason, and this flight toward a oneman our way or the highway ethos. I wonder if you agree with that, Jennifer Rubin, the idea that, really, they are going to have to be defeated at the ballot box to begin recalibrating and reconsidering what they have done here. I do. I think the denial is so great, the Self Delusion is so great, that even if he is indicted in all these places and even if he is convicted in some of these places republicans are going to insist that he is innocent, that this is all a plot, that he is a martyr, that he is being persecuted. And so he, in all likelihood, will it be the gop nominee, and once he is the nominee, there is very little that is going to dislodge him, even if he were to be convicted on the way there is nothing running from president from jail. So, ultimately, its the American People who are going to have to render their verdict. And i think, in that clip, john is right. Republicans are themselves incapable of making this pivot. But once they see that they have lost and they have lost badly, this would be a series of losses in 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024. At that point, they may, out of self preservation, decide to rejig or their party, and to rethink the entire cult of personality. But until that happens, i see very little sign that they are going to pivot back to reality. Jill, you have a new column for the detroit news, and you argue that each of trumps trial should be televised. And i wonder, as i listen to Jennifer Rubin talk about the way in which this has not broken through with republican leaders, and with republican voters, to the extent to which you believe that transparency might break through to them and, in a larger sense, help preserve democracy. I do think so. It is not guaranteed. Because we have seen they have already lost several elections because of him. And yet, they keep sticking with him. So, it is not clear that they have gotten the message yet. But i do think that there is enough republicans who will watch the trial and will be mesmerized by it and well see that, like richard nixon, he is a crook. And they will change their vote. So, i think it is one of the only hopes we have. And i hope the case is not removed to Federal Court from georgia. Because, we will at least have cameras in the georgia case. But i think it is possible that chief Justice Roberts and the judicial conference, or congress, could mandate having cameras in all of his trials. And i do think it is important to democracy is that we see it, and it increases our trust in the judicial institutions, in the Justice Department, in the special prosecutor. And so, it is very important. There are no good reasons against it. It does not lead to lawyers playing to the jury. It does not make the jurors afraid. Because, like in the George Floyd Murder trial, when he was killed by derek chauvin, the jury was never shown. And that is what we need to do again. Dont show the jury. Show only the witnesses who have all been seen publicly already. So, there is no additional threat to them from being seen again. Jennifer, thats one of the things we are going to be watching for this week. We are also going to be watching this republican debate, the Biden Harris Campaign predicting the first gop debate and we will show how the candidates are trying to, quote, out masha theyre. I dont know that there is any disagreement on that point. We know that they are going to be expressing, in general, their fealty to donald trump, with one or two exceptions. They will try to outmosh other, even on Policy Questions like america first. And so, i wonder, what it is then, what the surprise could be going into this debate . Well, i think the important thing is that for those people who do take a different tack Chris Christie is the one who most candidly has come out to Repudiate Trump and who has said that he did lose the 2020 election. Its important for him to make the case, directly to republican voters, and not only to attack trump, but to put the other republicans on the spot and say, how can you possibly vote for these guys, pointing to his right and left, if they wont even admit that trump lost the election . How can you trust people who will not tell the truth to you. And i think that could be a powerful message. We will have to see if asa hutchinson, former governor of arkansas, makes it onto the debate stage. But he has delivered similar messages that a requirement of being president is the ability to do tell the truth, to defend democracy. So, i dont know that they are going to make any headway visavis trump. But perhaps it will shake some of the republicans once they see that there is a capable person, a capable republican, of making the case that these people are unfit to serve. I dont know that there is going to be a breakthrough. But, it frankly may depress republicans and they decide not to go to the polls in november of 2024. That is another problem for republicans. Because there are those downticket republicans who will suffer as a result. They have shown absolutely no regard for the republicans who are downticket. Jill, constitutional scholars michael luttig, and Laurence Tribe are making the argument that trump is ineligible to become president again because of the 14th amendment, because it states anyone who gives aid and comfort to an insurrection cannot hold public office. Quote, the former president s efforts to overturn the 2020 president ial election, and the resulting attack on the capitol, place him squarely within the ambit of the disqualification clause. And he is therefore ineligible to serve as president ever again. The most pressing constitutional question facing our country at this moment, then, is whether we will be able to abide by this clear command of the 14th amendments disqualification clause. I wonder, jill, if you agree. How could you disagree with two eminent constitutional scholars like Laurence Tribe and judge luttig . I think that they have made a very persuasive case. They have laid it out very clearly, setting out why they think it is self executing. In the past, people have said, oh, you cant bar him unless he is convicted of a crime of insurrection. They make a very convincing case that, if you give aid to insurrectionists, which, clearly, anyone watching the news has seen, that that is enough to bar him, and that that is south executing. So, i hope it is not just because i like that conclusion. But they are very persuasive. I think they are two great scholars. And i have not heard any great scholars arguing against it. Jill, jennifer, you are both staying with us. Next, the timeline for accountability of aghast from trumps lawyers on starting his federal trial and d. C. And later, a torrent of threats for the judge in that case and the Fulton County grand jurors, and Ruth Benghiat historian says it is right out of the playbook. But first, to Richard Richard lui, on the stories we are watching this hour at msnbc. Richard lui . We alicia, good evening, the death toll from the Maui Wildfire is now at 114. It is now the deadliest wildfire in modern u. S. History. President biden and the first lady are expected to visit maui monday. More than 200 wildfires are burning across canada this hour, forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes in the northwest territories, authorities there evacuated most residents from the city of yellowknife. In british columbia, facials or declared a State Of Emergency as far as threaten the city of kelowna. And ukraine Officials Say a Russian Missile strike on the city north of kyiv killed seven and injured more than 100 people. That strike hit just as people were getting out of church. More American Voices right after this break. Is break lways say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh . Bye, uncle limu. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Rsv is in for a surprise. Meet arexvy. the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. Arexvy is proven to be over 82 effective in preventing lower Respiratory Disease from rsv and over 94 effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. 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And this, week we learned he was also at the with capitol the mob on january 6th. Similarly, wearing a red trump hat almost always near the entourage of infowars host alex post. The January 6th Committee actually asked Kenneth Chesebro about the riot and where he was. Chesebro the fifth. Fulton county georgia, related to trump charges to Jill Winebanks and Jennifer Rubin are back with us. Also joining us, Nbc National Security analyst clint watts. Hes a former fbi special agent. Jennifer, i wonder what it says, a lawyer with the ear of the former president was that close to the mob on january 6th. Well, i think the entire episode, the entire coup, puts a number of lawyers in a very bad light. It shows that they have left their obligations as officers of the court and become criminals themselves, literally part of the mob in the case of Kenneth Chesebro. And i think, in drafting those memos and giving this advice, that they knew was not going to hold, would not be accepted in any court, encouraging the president , and then, essentially, being out there with the mob, they have made themselves into criminal defendants. And he is a defendant. He was not named in jack smiths case, but he was directly in the georgia case. And these people are going to pay a very steep penalty. They are almost certainly going to lose their law licenses. Many of them may go to jail. And just as in watergate, there are a number of bad apples who were lawyers, who knew better. So to hear. I think it is very important that we have accountability, not only for politicians, but for lawyers. Because, without the lawyers enabling them, trump would not have gotten this far. Clint, speaking of accountability, on thursday federal prosecutors recommended a 33year Prison Sentence for the top two leaders of the proud boys. They were, of course, convicted of Seditious Conspiracy in the January 6th Insurrection. These are the harshest harshest penalties requested so far the. Prosecutors argued, quote, no other group of defendants had a bigger impact on the events of january 6th then these defendants, on the men in their command. They also asked the judge to whats known as a terrorism enhancement. And i wonder, as you watch what was requested, what is going down, or extremist groups, clint watts, watching these cases . And, if they are, could it then have an impact on what they choose to do moving forward . I think they are definitely observing this and taking heat from it. Because, if you look through a lot of the and a lot of the cases that have come out, a lot of the defendants have told to go to the capitol this was did execute the plan or so it seems part of assisted estate issues charges very much into account that this was not just some folks that got wrapped up in the excitement of a rally. This was actually the, plan was to get into the capitol. So, when you look at those charges, i think it definitely starts to affect the thinking of a lot of these organizations and how much they want to push up their line of violence. Just watching the landscape across the board, we have seen it, the militia based violence, which we will see director Christopher Wray talk about during his testimony to congress. Its definitely change. Its been muted quite a bit. And i think a lot of people thought they all participated in these things because i think its a just cause. Well, now we find out the cause is not just and they are being held accountable for it. So, it really changed the calculus i think it will really play out in terms of what we might expect in terms of the trial when we hear talked about as well. Speaking of those trials, jill, on thursday, you had trumps lawyers file a motion to delay the federal trial for election interference scheduled in january 2024. The date that they want okay, remember, january 2024 they want april 2026. A lot has been made about just how laughable that is. And i wonder, if you think that ask could actually backfire with the judge. I think it could. My new favorite word is reasonable risible. It is risible. If they asked for 2025, you have a legitimate negotiating position. But if you ask for that far out, well after the election, well after the events, it just does not make sense. And there is no legitimate basis. I mean all their arguments about, we have so much work to do it is true that they have to coordinate all of his trials because he committed, or is at least alleged hes entitled to the Presumption Of Innocence but he is charged with crimes in multiple jurisdictions. And they are going to have to work out which trial can proceed. They cant all go at the same time. If he wants to campaign, he can absent himself. It is his right to be president. But it is also his right to waive that right. And so, if he wants to go out campaigning instead of being in court for his trials, fine. But he cannot ask for a trial in 2026. So, i think it will backfire, and that the judge will not take that as a serious request. Jennifer, i want you to listen to some sound from Capitol Police officer harry dunn. He was at the capitol on january 6th. Of course, he was on deadline white house just yesterday. Here that is. If he has his way, it will be until 2026. Lord forbid that happens. Michael fanone uses this line often. I went to hell and back only for people who tell me that hell does not exist. So, all these different defenses that people are going to use and different defenses that people are going to use to its kind of lace like a gaslighting us, that what we went through did not even happen. Jennifer, i would add to that gaslighting, the fact that you have this push for accountability for january 6th among Law Enforcement, among capitol officers. You have people in the fbi. And then you have the Republican Party denying that this all happened, and continuing, wanting to continue to sell themselves as the party of Law And Order. It could not be more transparent that that is in name and not in the league. Thats right. From their threats to the fbi, which some people have acted upon in actual attempts to harm fbi agents, to their assaults on verbal assaults on the judges in the various cases, the threats now made against the grand jurors in georgia they have shown utter disregard for Law And Order. You cant be for Law And Order and before a law lawless president who oversaw the kind of violence that you are now seeing from the screen. The two are incompatible with one another. And his arguments for delaying the case well, the government has had three years to have the case. First of all, its only been two and a half years. Secondly, it takes a long time for the government to investigate. It does not take that long for trump to lead what they have found. And frankly, trump has all the money in the world, we keep hearing. So, he can go out and high road bunch of lawyers to read through all of this. There is a right to a speedy trial, both for them, but for the American People as well. Jill winebanks, Jennifer Rubin, think you both so much for getting us started. Clint, you are staying with us. Next, the threats are not stopping after a fourth criminal indictment, trump supporters, they are going after those who go against trump. And later, lifethreatening and potentially catastrophic we are going to get to the latest as Hurricane Hilary it gets closer to making landfall. Game today . hero fan uh, yea. I have to watch my neighbors Nfl Sunday Ticket. josh allen its not your best plan. But you know what is . Myplan from verizon. 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California is threatened by what could be one of the most devastating storms that we have had Hit California in more than a decade. Make no mistake. This is a very, very dangerous and significant storm. We will continue to bring you updates throughout this evening. This week, the grand jurors in georgia who voted to indict trump are facing a barrage of threats. The address is of the jurors were posted on Social Media Platforms and farright forums. State police are now investigating. Also this week, a texas woman was arrested and charged with threatening to kill federal judge Tanya Chutkan in washington, the judge overseeing a criminal case against trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election. The texas woman left a racist message at the Federal Courthouse where she said, in part, you are in our sights. We want to kill you and, quote, if trump doesnt get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you. Trump has publicly attacked judge chutkan on line, calling her biased and unfair. Clint watts is back with us. Also with us is Ruth Benghiat, she is a professor of history and author of strongmen mussolini to the president. It is good to see you both. Clint, first, talk about what the investigation into the threats on judge chutkan what role does the fbi play in addressing the dangers there . Yeah, in the case of the fbi, their National Jurisdiction and the fact that they can also piece together with these online threats with on the Ground Activity meaning they can quickly since those in a much broader and more narrow focus in some ways. And then they can go out and do those contact previews. We have seen that in utah, whenever President Biden was going after just a couple of weeks ago, when they had to actually go and visit the gentleman who then showed up with a weapon that they ended up, unfortunately, killing him but in the same point, you are seeing them again pick up on another one of these. You see the fbi do a lot of, these imagine i imagine, over the next few weeks, and my hope is that this kind of violent rhetoric, if it is interdicted dive fbi, which is got much better at this, especially since the isisk of about a decade ago hopefully that sends a signal out to these online communities that it is not okay to make threats of violence, and also some sort of damper on actual inperson sort of physical mobilizations. The ones that are worried about more or the state and local environments, particularly georgia, with all the names of the jurors already being put out there. That is a bad sign for the future. And i am sure the federal entities will have to really step up the pace to try to help local Law Enforcement. There to that point, ruth, what we are watching out of spreading around the phone times names the ages, the ages, the being called a target list. How does someone like donald trump plant the seeds for that kind of behavior . Well, trump is a chaos agent. And he welcomes violence, particularly violence that benefits him. So, of course, he is going to be going after judges and anyone who can harm him. And what he is doing when he issues the threats like, if you go after me im coming after you, he is setting an example, something autocrats are very good at. He is giving others permission to take his words and do what they must in their minds. And indeed, this woman, who threatened the judge said shes a kind of a leader called follower. And she said, if anybody goes after trump, i am going to kill them. And its a very dangerous moment. Because he has groomed to these people to be his devoted followers. And when the leader is in distress, theyve become very volatile. And we saw this on january 6th. That was a cult leader rescue operation. He summoned the faithful. He was in distress. And they were going to do their violent thing. And so we have now lone actors and others who are taking the words seriously. Clint, i want you to take a listen to what Georgia Election official Gabriel Sterling said back in 2020, calling out trump, calling out republicans for their silence after Election Officials face to Death Threats amid all of the election pushback. Take a listen. This is elections. This is the backbone of democracy. And all of you have not said a dam word are complicit in this. Death threats. Physical threats. Intimidation. It is too much. It is not right. They have lost the moral high ground to claim that it is. Someone could get hurt. Someone is going to get a shot. Someone is going to get killed. And it is not right. Clint, that was december 2020, one month before the january 6th attack on the capitol. Talk us through why those threats those trying to hold Trump Accountable are still so relevant today, and how institutions like the fbi are working to prevent actual violence from happening. Well, its remarkable looking at the data that, just a month later, we saw the January 6th Insurrection there was widespread violence on that day. Fast forward now. Instead of seeing the sort of group mobilizations like we do on january 6th, what we see is what we call stochastic terrorism if leaked online in georgia. It could be a judge that is trying a case in washington d. C. But we dont know who the attackers are, necessarily. And i always worry that, when we see these online threats, such as the one we were starting this segment off with, that under the surface, there is somebody that is taking a threat and actually executing it. Theyre thinking about mobilizing, moving to those targets. That is very difficult to defend against. Imagine going to georgia, having to focus on 20 3 23 jurors and then going to d. C. , trying to protect a Legal Process there. Another one in florida. They can become very taxing and exhausting on Law Enforcement to coordinate all those threats and try to attack them. And just a lot of these to try to protect over all the time. Remember, these trials are going to go im not just for months but probably four years you. Also well have appeals, i would imagine, in One Direction or another. This is a very, very long time. It is going to put some stress on all of the Law Enforcement units in these areas, these jurisdictions, and particularly on the fbi to try to catch all the little pieces that might be clues of a potential in Person Attack that might serve as against any one of these individuals. Ruth i, dont have a lot of time left. But i do want to ask you, its like me that the zones are canada circularity to what we are watching out of georgia, we had election workers like ruby freeman and her daughter jay moss named as for the threats they were face 2020 and people just call to serve on the grandeur. A day did their civic duty. And they are facing the same type of threats. Yes, this impacts institutions. It also impacts individuals, and in doing that, it undermines the entire nature of our civic order and our democracy. That is the endgame. That is one of the endgames, is to destabilize society. These people and im including City Lawmakers like representative matt gaetz who says we are only going to bring change to washington through force these are people who continue inciting violence. And they want to have a destabilization of society. They want people to be threatened, or they would not be doing. This they are making a choice. And it is quite astonishing that, in a superpower which only has two major parties, one of those two parties, the sitting lawmakers our inciting violence, practically, on a daily basis. Clint watts, Ruth Benghiat, thank you both so much for talking us through this. Plus, we are going to come back after another court weighs in on the nations most used abortion drug. Its now up to the Supreme Court to decide whether mifepristone should remain legal and available. And we continue to follow Hurricane Hilary as it makes its way towards southern california. Stay with us. Irresistible scent. Huh, huh, so did their dog roger. Gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest Stuff Smelling fresh. Power e trades easytouse tools, like dynamic charting and riskreward analysis help make trading feel effortless. And its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. E trade from Morgan Stanley. With powerful, easytouse tools, Power E Trade makes complex trading easier. React to fastmoving markets with dynamic charting and a Futures Ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you wont miss an opportunity. 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If the justices side with the Court Of Appeals, mifepristone will only be available up to seven weeks into pregnancy instead of ten. Abortion providers who do not have a medical degree will no longer be able to prescribe the drug, and it will no longer be accessible by mail. Now, lets not forget, Medication Abortion accounts for the majority of terminated pregnancies, and 98 percent of those specifically use mifepristone. The good news is that until the Supreme Court stepped in, the pill will remain available without restrictions. To help us break us it all down is michelle a good win, professor of law at georgetown university. Also the author of policing the womb the criminalization of motherhood. Michelle goodwin, remind us what it is at stake here. What could Supreme Court ruling mean for Abortion Access across the country specifically when it comes to Medication Abortion . Well, he set the record straight, which is to say that right now, that the circuits ruling has no effect, essentially, nationwide because we are waiting to hear what is going to happen in court. But we are a year in after dobbs with a very conservative Supreme Court that has a majority and that already undermine roe v. Wade and planned parenthood and wiping it away, and even though they said in dobbs leave matters to the state, voters can go and vote and determine what they want in terms of abortion, right . This is a case that has implications nationwide. This is not statebystate. It means that if the Supreme Court issues a ruling saying that we must roll back mifepristone access to seven weeks or get rid of it all together, that is a nationwide, essentially, ban on abortion. So, these are very perilous times given this case. That i think, probably, there has been not enough attention paid to in terms of what the National Implications can be. One of the judges on the Court Of Appeals wanted to ban mifepristone outright. He was overruled by two other judges on the panel. Is there still a possibility that mifepristone could be removed from the market entirely . Well, see, what is dangerous about this case, and why there are pharmaceutical manufacturers that are very interested in what is happening here is that you could have any random group that is aggrieved by they are being a particular drug in the marketplace. Maybe they dont believe in covid. Maybe they believe that there should not be vaccinations for covid or anything else, who could find a particular judge that agrees with them, that has similar proclivities in terms of thinking along the same lines. You know, a judge that could say, yeah, we believe that you have we believe you are aggrieved, and we believe that your grievances have been caused by this drug being on the market. And that you potentially have to serve people. Well, if that is true, then we have any number of drugs that could be implicated and yanked from the market. And what is so important about this is that it is unprecedented. The food and drug administration, which has been approving drugs for nearly a century, and this is the first time that we have a ruling like this. I want to make sure i get your thoughts on this case. In texas, a State Prison Guard forced to stay at her post for hours, and she was experiencing labor pains at seven months pregnant. She says that delayed access to medical treatment cause her baby to be stillborn. She is now suing the state. And what is particularly shocking here is that the state is pushing back by saying, a fetus has no rights. But texas, of course, has a near total abortion ban in place under the pretense that fetuses do in fact have rights. And i wonder what that tells you about the republican agenda in texas and beyond. There are grave inconsistencies within the space. I mean, lets be clear. For all of the claims that there is care about fetuses, we see that there has not been Medicaid Expansion in many of the states that have banned abortion. We know they have had incredibly high rates of Maternal Mortality and morbidity. We know that they have cut back with regard to food stamp access, welfare, and so on. So, there is showing with regard to true care regard to fetuses. Thats for sure, or children after they are born, or people who can give birth. There is not a real showing for the care and humanity capacities of women and girls. And so, what you are pointing out is a hypocrisy. And i think americans have been seeing that, certainly, within the last the year. And for people who have been paying attention beforehand, where black and brown women wear the canaries in the coal mine, we have hypocrisy. Indeed michele goodwin, as always, thank you for taking the time to be with us. Coming up how Children Reading a book together is giving us all a little bit of hope. 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When pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liquigels. It aint my dads razor, dad. Ay watch it its from gillettelabs. This green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. Gamechanga . While the flexdisc contours to it. So the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. For the ultimate gillette shaving experience. The best a man can get is gillettelabs. Remember when you were a kid, you would grab a from your favorite series, find a cozy spot, and just read . Well, it turns out that experience is becoming more and more rare. A National Assessment of Educational Process Progress reports that only 14 of students say they read for fun every day. That is down from 27 in 2012. It turns out, while we are having a National Conversation about what kids are reading, we should really be more focused on whether or not they are reading at all. In some republican led states, libraries at the front lines in the fight over banning books. In missouri, lawmakers threatened to cut State Funding for local libraries that did not impose strict standards on what kids should be reading. Texas well, they tried to do the same for libraries that allow dragged story hours. All this is happening while americans are relying on their libraries more than ever. According to the institute of museum and library services, more than 1. 3 billion americans visited libraries in 2015. That was more than that is because libraries can be a great resource, not just for books, but for access to the internet. And they can be a fantastic source of community. I want you to check out the story from Librarian Michael Freitz outside sacramento. Runs over to a grownup who is working on their laptop and says, dad, i found a book can you please help me read it . The dad looks at the book and says, im really sorry, i dont know any spanish. What if you give me just a couple minutes, i promise we will find another book together. They do, another kid runs up and goes, i think i know spanish. Can i help you read this book . Both kids walk over to a little tiny couch, start reading the book, and the other kids go up to the dad and goes, im really sorry. My kid doesnt know a single word of spanish. I just really like people. Im so sorry. The dad Start Slapping in the grownups engage in conversation, both kids are over there reading, slash not really reading the spanish book. I know the kid, who has been watching the whole time, appears to be slightly older than the other two kids, goes over to them and says, i, i know spanish. Can we all read the book together . The two kids scoot over. The third kid sits down and then that kid, who know spanish, starts reading the book to the other two little kids. After a few minutes, they finish their book, they all go their separate ways. The kid who knew spanish goes up to the grownup and says, grandma, did you see me . The grandma puts their arm around the kid and they are both just smiling big gigantic smiles and they both leave the library. And i love it. Im now confident that library kids are going to save the world. Yes i love it too. Go to a library. You might just save the. World theres more American Voices after this. And at the top of the hour Ayman Mohyeldin well talk to the attorney for the Marion County record that is eight pm eastern, right here on msnbc. Game today . hero fan uh, yea. I have to watch my neighbors Nfl Sunday Ticket. josh allen its not your best plan. But you know what is . Myplan from verizon. Switch now and theyll give you Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv, on them. hero fan this plan is amazing josh allen another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. fan 1 that was josh allen. fan 2 mmhm. vo for a limited time get Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv on us. A 449 value. Plus, get a free Samsung Galaxy z flip5. Only on verizon. My most important kitchen tool . 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It have got to be honest, im really looking forward to the republican debate, not because you are going to expect like, a deep, sophisticated conversation about Foreign Policy or Economic Policy or any of that, but because i think it is going to be a race to the bottom and to see who is going to defend donald trump faster than the next candidate on the stage. So, it will be some fun slugfest to watch with the exception, maybe, of Chris Christie. With the exception indeed. I am eager to watch it as well and see if anyone has figured out if they want to differentiate themselves from donald trump. The way to do that is to actually go after donald trump. That would take some courage between now and then. Yeah, that is that wishful thinking, to expect these guys to show up with and nikki haley as. Well alicia menendez, great to see you as always. Enjoy the rest of your evening off. And we will see you tomorrow, my friend. Thanks, Ayman Mohyeldin. Good evening, and welcome to ayman. Tonight, new developments in the Georgia Election case. Our first indication of when trump might surrender to authorities. And as trump always push to move that case to Federal Court, legal experts are actually saying that would be a huge mistake. One of them, former Deputy Attorney general joins us live to explain why. And in a landmark victory, 16 young people sued the state of montana over the climate, and guess

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