This morning we are an indictment watch, possibly gianna times for fourth indictment. Fulton county d. A. Fani willis who is investigating the former president s efforts to overturn georgias 2020 Election Results is expected to present her case to the grand jury this week. They were running from the Atlanta Journalconstitution spreads streets like on the timeline. Former georgia Lieutenant Governor jeff duncan and independent journalist George Cheeky conform to the newspaper that they will testify before the grand jury on tuesday. Put that news with the knowledge of this coming friday as the last day most of the air williss staff is expected to work remotely. Plus the heightened Security Measures around the Fulton County courthouse, and it could mean that we are in the final stages of a twoyear investigation that could result in criminal charges against trump and his allies, very soon. Nevertheless, we are still learning new details on the sheer scope of the a williss investigation. For charging multiple allies to trump, multiple allies of trump allegedly involved in breaching Voting Machines within the state, and meanwhile we are made on the Campaign Trail in the twice impeached twice twice indicted former president had to say when asked by nbcs Vaughn Hillyard about georgia and the possibility of a plea deal [inaudible] joining me now is the director the Policy Program at Hunter College and democratic strategist. Tim mitchell, washington correspondent the Atlanta Journal of constitution. And matthew dowd and founder of country over party and author of a revelation on the river, healing a nation and healing ourselves. Thanks so much for being here. You are the reporter here, so bring us up to speed. What charges could trump face in the georgia case . So, there is a lot of leeway that the District Attorney could move towards as she meets with a grand jury. But looking at a few different categories. Number, one guy to charge him with that big kind of all Encompass A Charge which is kind of conspiracy of a bunch of folks to commit a crime together. Li trump places. All people know it is being used against the mob but in georgia its being used against teachers in achieving scandal for example. So weve got the Report Charges but then you have got just to the more specific whether she may try to charge you with a former president or any of his allies with trying to obstruct the outcome of an election. Perhaps could today be charged with something that has to deal with tampering with Voting Machines . Could they be charged with something that has to deal with spreading lies and misinformation . During those legislative hearings . There is a lot of material she was seeking through. Again, the lies and misinformation about Election Workers. Which trump or any of his allies be charged with harassment or something of that nature relates to abuse of Election Workers . There is a lot of material there and we believe shes going to go through all these sections with a grand jury on monday and tuesday. To, you report on the heightened security around the Fulton County courthouse. What kind of scene do you think officials are preparing for . I think the preparing for worst case scenarios. They are preparing for what happens if people who are aligned with trump feel like they need to defend him. What happens if they show up in masks . What happens if there are crowds and there are protests and counterprotests. And what happens if there is just a lot of curious people who want to know what is going on and kind of come to see a spectacle. Particularly if the former president is indicted . I think they are taking a precautionary standpoint. We are not sure for example, over the circus like atmosphere in new york. It was noted the air and i was there and they were not necessarily a lot of trumps allies there but in general the media, trump defenders, trump protesters wanted to make sure they controlled that in a new york. Florida, not so much. Georgia wants to make sure that whatever happens, they are ready. And matthew, here in washington and the judge involved in the special counsel jack smiths january 6th case, judge chutkan, has already warned donald trump about making inflammatory statements that could take to the jury pool. In that case. Any chance donald trump will listen to that warning . Zero. Zero right now. I think she by saying what she signed was faced actually signaling that she knows whats probably coming. As why she did in such a way as to sort of push the envelope to say there is going to be accountability. Because we know what is ahead here. In the difficult part for her i think would be when he does do this, what does she do in the course of that . Dont you give us another stern warning in this . Are those who actually finds him in contempt or do something much more stark in the manner of this . We know what hes going to do when he continues to do it in the attacks everyone, he cant help himself. Donald trump is who he is in those but i think that she is going to try the rain doesnt as much as possible. Lets bring in former federal prosecutor and former Southern District of new York Criminal Division deputy chief. Kristie, thank you so much for being here. Here come all the legal questions. What does the news about two witnesses are set to testify on tuesday signal about today fani williss timeline . Should we also expect to see charges brought on tuesday . It depends on whether or not those two individuals were given a 48hour notice, which would suggest that things are wrapping up. There is not the public recording to suggest whether not that has occurred. Plenty of other appointing that is suggesting that we could be looking as soon as tuesday at the indictment. Remember she sent a letter to the court in various charges. Local law enforcement. That this last week and this week of august is going to be the weekend we shouldve ramped up security and her employees are going to be working remotely. All of that suggests that if an indictment is coming this week. What is the significance of the guardian report that the a willis has evidence of Voting Machines breached in georgia . Now she is looking as many of our reporters, here she is looking at bringing rico charges, racketeering charges, you do have to have qualifying crimes, at least two qualifying crimes under the george or eco statute. Among those qualifying crimess Computer Trespass. The reach of those Voting Machines in the georgia county by trump opera, those sensitized voting day that, available for download, all of which was reported to be paid for by sydney powell, though is actions could qualify as Computer Trespass as one of the qualifying crimes under the statute. Is there a possibility we could see charges against trump allies and not trump . And georgia onto the Rescue Stature you have to charge a criminal enterprise and it does not need to be an actual legal entity, it could be a person or an individual associated. The individuals associated working for a common purpose. That purpose would seem to be to overturn the Election Results in georgia. Looking to effectuate their scheme and not charging the person who was benefiting from. It so i expect that you will see charges against donald trump, as well as his allies. We know she sent over a dozen target letters. Target letters means shes got the goods on you. So expect to see a Sprawling Conspiracy Charge here with, i think, donald trump multiple allies. Given, that kristie, in response to the Interference Indictment by jack smiths grand story, trumps team and his allies are pushing east free speech defense. Smith argues a Great Lengths in the indictments that trump was indicted for what he dudes. Not what he said. With the First Amendment Defense Holding up in georgia, especially with india willis brings rico charges. There is no First Amendment exception for committing criminal conduct for agreeing to commit a crime or conspiring or attempting to commit a crime or actually doing so. Against conspiracy even if you enter into agreements is not enough. You have to take an overt act inference of that conspiracy to be guilty of the conspiracy. Its putin is not going to qatar no need to be acts here in furtherance of that and First Amendment is not going to be a defense to criminal conduct. All, right let me bring you new before we go to the brink. We are seeing trump go up in the polls with every indictments. And he has even said during a Campaign Speech that if he gets one more indictment who will win the 2024 president ial election. You have any concern for their being truth to that . If you think about it one of the reasons that the georgia impact is so important, or the potential indictment is so important is because even if he becomes president , he cant pardon himself for that. The reality is that in order to escape any charges of the federal level, he has got to become president of the United States and the colleague said when i was on our show last night, that is an extraordinarily high bar to have to reach. To get yourself out of trouble. So thats the target for him. Where the reality is you teased earlier, he has been in iowa. Has not even been talking about this issue. Effective Members Of Congress from florida introducing them to voters in iowa. Seems to focus more on Rhonda Santos and he was on any of his legal issues. Its become so he needs them. He needs to be a great with supporters. And eating that up. Hes going to continue to ride that wave in the polls. Among his supporters. While i do think it is incredibly a perilous time for him, the reality in his eye on how much will show up currently. Because whos voters want to do that, its what it will continue to support him. As we move forward. Michael junior matthew dowd are going to stick. Around christine, green beret mitchell, thank you both very much for coming to The Sunday Show. And later, ill speak to why governor josh grain, live about the latest on the deadly wildfire in maui. Dont go anywhere. Dont go anywhere. wheezing asthma isnt pretty. Its the moment when you realize that a good day. Is about to become a bad one. But then, i remembered that the world is so much bigger than that, with trelegy. Because one dose a day helps keep my Asthma Symptoms under control. 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Eligible Xfinity Rewards Members can get up to 100 off Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtube. Sign up for Xfinity Rewards now. Basil michael tenure Matthew Tatar back with me. Lets get into yyz politics in the gop 2020. For matthew, weve seen a few of trumps rivals speak against him. And actually, weve not seen any of this. Very few speak against him or all his indictments. Well that change if and when a fourth is indicted . A fourth indictment comes down . I mean the only one ive seen actually speak against him are Chris Christie and isa hutchinson. And willock her to a degree in then says all of whom are at 3 or below in the polls and i think a fourth indictment it has led in to giving a vulnerability and the republican primary and in the course of this after the game will continue to consolidate. The only time that donald trump was a vulnerable in this race was in the aftermath about 90 days in the aftermath of the 2022 election. After that hes only seem to increase as polls aretha me is indicted in the republican primary. And, so i i think is different, much different than New Hampshire. I actually think a candidate like Chris Christie could have some impact on him because of independents being able to vote there but i analyze a series of very strong gop voters, who are heavily supportive of donalds how small number maybe 100,000 120,000 caucus goers in this and i think its very difficult to get him vulnerable in a situation like that. But, New Hampshire i think, could be slightly different. That is all, lets talk about Governor Desantis. He wasnt eyewear yesterday, got tackled by Trump Supporters with one shot in quote, be more likable. This comes after he replaces Campaign Manager the third reshuffling of his campaign. Why is Governor Desantis struggling . Well, i get to use one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies. Later on. Are there is a great quote in it that says the link that burns twice as bright prints half as long. That rhonda sense came into the gate and seems to be so focused on antiwokeness and so focused on using the states bureaucracy to implement that and codify at. And then i have this extraordinarily terrifying but he seems to be picking fights and even within their contracts he didnt need to take on and take on disney and lost. In many ways that contributes to a sense that hes both unlikable and perhaps unstable. But hes sort of approach to it. If youre trying to beat trump light its vote for the regional not the copy. We found that sort of way to distinguish himself as someone who was an alternative to donald trump. Really just the way hes come across, the way he has approached us from the very beginning. It just seems there is a chaos to it. There is a costlyness to it rather than the searingly real thoughtful strategy. On the facts on you Members Of Congress and florida going with donald trump, that tells you everything you need to know. I was gonna ask about Vivek Ramaswamy grabbing the mic and wrapping to eminem with the governor of iowa. Weve got less than ten minutes left to ask dot to ask you both about ohio. Voters in ohio in a state trump won by eight points in 2020 joined those in kansas and kentucky and montana and wisconsin who pushed back against attempts to our candidates who would limit or ban abortion access. , matthew. Everest you are publicans comprehend the message it is being delivered by the American People . I dont think they do. They keep getting Warning Signals and pilots set up at all. That and they keep running right into the same hole over and over and over again. They seem to be ignoring this. I would actually think this is what ohio. Did yes it was important about reproductive freedom. But it was actually a statement by the voters that says, we still wants democracy in our country. And wisconsin is saying the same thing. Michigan is saying the same thing. Kansas is saying the same thing. The idea that Majority Roles and we have one person and one of, out and its not going to be caused by a small tribal people in this country is what americans i think, including in ohio, are standing up to. The idea that we still believe in democracy even if the republicans dont. And, basil to matthews points, i mean we talk about what is happening in the states because abortion is the focal point. At issue it really adds support for democracy and freedom. Which emerges for the benefit of the present and the Vice President. I really just want to amplify matthews point. It really is about, yes it is about the piece of specific races are being aggregated but the larger point is our democracy is dying. One day at the time. By so many people who had time to attack it. Oh make this point. President ial elections could live a tension and a pretty high turnout. But if you work at a state party, you are focused on trying to get people out to the state and local elections. One of the things that we are seeing is all of this, all this attention on the state and it would help turn out and help people focus on who they are State Legislators are. As we see that the states are becoming more and more important in these battles. Michael junior, matthew dowd, as always thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show. Thanks. And coming, up the president is seeking a second star. And bidenomics is a cornerstone of his pitch for reelection. We will talk about that and more with white house Senior Advisor steve benjamin. Thats next. In thats next. I learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Thats why i switched to dovato. Dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. No other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. 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Joining, me now white house Senior Adviser and director of the office of public engagement, steve benjamin. Welcome to The Sunday Show. Thank you, jonathan, im glad to be with you. Lets talk about that poll. Why is their disconnect . Think about the age we grow up and were 6 30 and three different people and the so much noise coming at people right now and were gonna people treat the president the Vice President of the entire team, getting out across the country showing them the proof is in the pudding and bidenomics. Talk about 3. 5 record lows under 4 for 18 months in a row. Thats the longest stretch in 50 years. Jonathan. 187,000 jobs. 30 million new jobs since they present his taking office. The infrastructure, bills i may have 40,000 projects across the country. I always say this im aging broker in American Manufacturing because of the Inflation Reduction Act on the chips bell. Thats a long way of saying that we have got to spend more time getting out there and telling people and trump about the purpose of the. Putting amazing transformative effect of these major pieces of legislation. The president let. On bipartisan support, congress on most of the time. Even those who go to get the bills are definitely there for the groundbreaking were just going to keep pushing. We are the point right now where we have emerged from nowheres ocean into the greatest economic recovery of modern history. And we have to keep telling them and spreading the message. Well expand this to go below their issues. After ohio voters overwhelmingly rejected the republican backed efforts to change that states constitution. President biden said in a statement, democracy won. Why do they feel it was important to comment on a state matter . We see this incredibly troubling trend of quite frankly republicans all across the country trying to take away the right to vote from the most sacred of our rights. The right to the franchise that people died in the bleachers of normandy for. Certainly people marched and cried. It is sacrosanct who we are as a democracy. With the great federal. Republic weather replace that we see, people attacking the right. Especially something as critical as a womans right to make our own Health Care Decisions as we are sitting in this attack on roe v. Wade, it is important that the president and the Vice President have been speaking out and the people of ohio are delivering a good strong. No just as a success of number of voters in red states have done. Over the last couple years. Were gonna continue to do as the president has. Voting act. Fighting for the reforms. And certainly theyre thankful for doing the work theyve been doing to protect Voting Rights. It is sacrosanct who we are as a people and it speaks to our soul. This all of the country. Were gonna not stop speaking at supporting. Issues two quick questions before you before. Legault how concerned are you about low enthusiasm for the president his accomplishments. Among the democratic base. Especially young black voters . Yeah. Some of the major issues compared to black voterss economy. How do i see generational wealth and Development Opportunities . We make sure we continue to connect the dots. Certainly issues on climate, and why this week with wildfires. Realizing this part of the Inflation Reduction Act and connecting the dots again. This is the largest climate bill in history that we present to tell. People 110 Billion Dollars in investment to try to help us meet some incredibly important Climate Change rules. Important people like my young 18 year old voter in our house. In my young activists 16 year old daughter is. Speaking to issues a connecting the dots, helping our anger understand the connection between their right to vote and the person spoke on this week, amazing changes were seeing with the Policy Prescriptions the president pushes why weve also seen maybe low and daisy awesome, we will see in those very same voters afraid of an english and frustrated with and the nonsense happening in states across the country were seeing in congress. Last question for you, mr. Benjamin on friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland and david white as a special counsel in the hunter biden investigation. Does the white house have any comment on the move by doj . None whatsoever. The person has been very clear since she was running for office. Hes gonna make sure that we know politicization of the doj and the white house. Which has not been involved in any of those matters. And that has been clear. And consistent. I think that any questions on this issue, obviously, should be referred to doj. And the personal Attorney Says this is a personal matter. Im gonna stand by with it. Like a senior visor steve benjamin, thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show. Still to come, hawaiis death toll continues to rise from the devastating wildfires. Ill talk to josh green live about how they are responding. Vice president Kamala Harriss s role in the present. Always raw sharpton on his interview with her and what we can expect with the campaign events. Thats next. Thats next. Eats fresh. Thats why the new titan turkey is proferred by this football pro. And proferred by this football pro who actually uses her feet. And if we profer it, we know youll prefer it too. I use my feet. Have you seen me scramble . Rsv is in for a surprise. Meet arexvy. the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. 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Open talenti and raise the jar to gelato made from scratch. Raise the jar to flavors from the worlds finest ingredients. And now, from jars to bars. New Talenti Gelato and sorbetto mini bars. When democracy is intact, it strengthens the people it protects, and fights for fundamental freedoms. Individual rights. Its a fight for order against chaos and it strengthens. On the other hand, democracy is incredibly fragile. It will only be as strong as our willingness to fight for it. Right now there are many forces that are attempting to purposefully, i believe, we cannot democracy. That was a Vice President Kamala Harris speaking on the for the red moxie. Governor sharpton will join this in just a moment to discuss the ongoing fight for Racial Justice and equality. This past friday marked the start of the race or President Biden selecting harris as his running mate. You wouldnt know from the relentless press coverage, but ever since then she has been bidens political secret weapon. Particularly last year and a half on social and cultural issues. Such as abortion. The New York Times notes that harris is taking on a new forceful role for the biden harris joining me now is the front by the fire and the host of the politics, podcast Reverend Al Sharpton host of Msnbc Politicsnation founder of the network, and author of Righteous Troublemakers Untold Stories of the social Justice Movement in america. , ravioli interviews no starting with you. What is your biggest takeaways we are sit down with the president. My biggest takeaway is that wanted to talk with her with a long interview we did show up last night two weeks are now the day i want to talk about active marshall washington. How did you see where we are now. Underwater king and i knew this law. And she said, she is feeling about democracy. We have seen in our lifetime the erosion of many of the rights ten or 16 years ago. Kim talks about having the only grandchild of Martin Luther king headless right then we have. Womans right to choose. Right down the road in many states. Hate crimes are out, blacks gays and jews. Thats why we have and i want to talk to her about it. I have known the Vice President a long time. And the passion and the commitment that she had, to fight this back, she said this is not just about an election. Its about whether were going to have a democracy, or on a top rossi. If they get away with lessening our vote, and weakening our vote, then in autocratic states we reverent, as you just mentioned, you spoke to her about the march. Youve the shirt there, anniversary of the march on washington. I will take it in the small, i will be aspirational. How did that march on washington, that moment in history, make the rise possible . I think that in washington. Thats one of the speeches that day. The leading Civil Rights Group in mass following here. Problems in my own state in terms of mine that doesnt solve a problem it dramatizes the problem. Dont forget that impact and try saying we have 64 civil rights acts. And 65 Voting Rights act. You can show mass support, in the congress and the senate will not to do anything they do not see. That is an excellent point. It only does one part of the process. You and a, what is at six months ago and now has separate interviews with the Vice President on the same day in the same office where revved up his interview and i bring that up again perspective between then and now. Weve seen the Vice President really inaction. She flew to florida as far as Governor Desantis over floridas new curriculum on slavery. And she also went to iowa and to defend abortion rights. Talk about how important her role is. To the biden tickets. She has been everywhere. Shes been to florida and the african american, in ap courses, and she was there also before about abortion. She has been quick to jump on a plane and gave a very passionate and very good speech. And i think she has been amazing. And i think that the reason that she is at such a tough time is because theyre so much racism. And so much sexism. And its so pervasive and its so baked in to our mainstream media, and to our society as a whole. But you just cant get a fair shake. And i really think that you see even in the framing of when people think they are giving her the benefit of that doubt, they are not. You see this and we see this is a problem that a lot of women in the lot of women of color are in politics have. Its incredibly and fair. If it keeps a lot of women from running is one of the greatest tragedies of modern times. Lets talk a little bit more about, that i would like to ask you because youre just wondering. Do you think Vice President harris being unfairly criticize because she is the first woman and first woman of color in the role of Vice President. I think one of color tomorrow than anyone else. I think the coverage they get is uniquely and fair. I think that even internals think they are being unbiased they have a bias that is so innate and hard to parse. That affects the covered even when they think it doesnt. I think there is so much racism and sexism in our culture and its so baked in. Its so hard for people to know that even those who think they arent doing it and who think they are not biased they have that problem. You see this again and again. Look at black women politicians they have absolutely highland mist time. You think about how few black senators we have, and how few black women senators we have, and if you look at the house, the treatment is different, the writing is different. The titles are different. The framing is different. Its just such a pervasive problem. And its so hard to parse. And i think it is really terrible. Molly, Reverend Al Sharpton, more of our interview will air around the time of the marriage. Thank you both for the three Vice President , i think it was very much for coming to The Sunday Show. Up next, ill speak with why governor josh greene about the Deadly Wildfires ravaging the state. The worst in modern u. S. History. Stay with us. Stay with us. To not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Woman why did we choose safelite . Vo for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. We went to safelite. Com. Theres no one else wed trust. Their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our cars advanced safety system. They focus on our safety. So we can focus on this little guy. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. [music playing] subject 1 cancer is a long journey. 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And when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. Interviewer when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, well send you this st. Jude tshirt. You can wear to show your support to help st. Jude save the lives of these children. Subject 6 st. Jude is hope. Even today after losing a child, its still about the hope of tomorrow, because. Childhood cancer has to end. Interviewer please, call or go online right now. [music playing] pano ai chooses tmobile for business for 5g solutions. Because tmobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Rescue efforts are still underway in hawaii after a series of devastating wildfires swept through the island of maui. As of this morning, officials confirmed that the death toll has risen to 93. Making at the deadly as u. S. Wildfire in more than a century. The number is expected to climb in the coming days as crews work to locate hundreds of residents who have been reported missing. National guardsmen have also arrived on scene to assist with Search And Rescue efforts. Island will have a long and expensive road to recovery as much of the damage is in residential areas. Joining me now, the governor of hawaii, josh. Great governor green, they get very much for coming to The Sunday Show and for coming here because it is six hours behind us. It is 24 in the morning. It really appreciate your coming on. President biden approved Disaster Declaration in hawaii, which unlocked federal aides. Meiosis need the most. Right now. They need our. Love and then he when they jump to itself last. The flag returned at 11 50 at nights. I12 10 we finished our documents to go to the president six hours he approved. The president ial declaration. He was incredible within six hours. That opened up like you said, fema and an amazing support for recovery. But right now, we are still in the throes of the acute phase of this recovery. Meaning that we are still recovering the tragic loss of life, and the bodies that were previously beloved people here in hawaii. We are at 93, now like you said. It is a war zone, but the help is incredible. We were lucky enough to have, now, about 150 fema fish was already on the ground. This i dont know if you will understand this. It actually happened late in the eve they unjustly a. Today i think is the 13th of im not mistaken. And we already have all these officials theyre helping our people. Not just fema, but the Small Business Association Administration and they Fire Management leadership. We are grateful to the president and you are grateful to all of the police and fire support. And grateful to america because tens of millions of dollars of support of already come. Every agency in group under the sun has reached out to us. Thank, you everyone. So, governor, as you know, the initial response to this emergency has been criticized. Reports suggest there was a lack of audible sirens and warnings once the wildfires started. Giving people less time to evacuate and your reaction to that was the initial Emergency Response lacking . My reaction of course as the Emergency Room doctor more than as a governor is that it is almost impossible to know in the throes of the acute part of a crisis if you did everything that you could. We have, in my office asked for comprehensive review of my Attorney General because we decided to be on this fully transparently, right from the start. But let me share a few things. It was a Fire Hurricane. And i want to warn the entire planet about this. All of america and all of the world. We were experiencing very dry conditions. Dropping conditions with Global Warming. Which is obviously very real for us here, and everywhere. In addition to those drought conditions, and difficulties with Water Management because theres just not enough water here in our islands, we that had a print number of a. Hurricane Hurricane Dora passed south of us. Leaving 50mileperhour winds gust up to 89 Miles Per Hour. What happened to us, when fire jumped from one spot to another, there were three or four fires going on at the same time. We see it very quickly with the 80mileperhour gust winds. Then, the fire moved essentially at a mile per minute, six Miles Per Hour down through the community. And thats what a Fire Hurricane is going to look like in the era of Global Warming. So we have to all do, right now, what we can to stop Global Warming in her or her sits. As the sirens will know soon whether or not they did enough to get those sirens going. Massive destruction of telecommunication. Otherwise, we ourselves who have communicated with each other like we always do within seconds on our cell phone. Thats basically what, happen will make sure we get to all the answers the people deserve and also authorize the dual status Command Center with the president of the joint chiefs and now we have a lot of Military Presence to protect the area also and let them do the investigation. And, governor within the last 20 minutes the president was asked by the press pool traveling with him in delaware whether he had any plans of going to maui and he said, quote, we are looking at it. Do you anticipate that the president of the United States is coming to hawaii in the coming days . I know the president will come if we need him on the ground that moment. He saw respectful of us, if he said anything josh, here we go. Anytime also the president s call his into the troubles with a lot of people doing the acute phase of the recovery. To share with people dislike at ground zero, everything is burned to the ground in the high. Now here is a little. Patriotic is completely destroyed, okay . Every building there. When you see the structures it was 1000 to degrade heat creating fire cyclones, going through buildings. Ill just speak graphic and apologize if there are any children watching the show. When we try to lift and embrace those that we have lost, nothing theyre practically. It means it is such a delicate scene as a result of the natural disaster, that even, i just wont get into the details, its too. Gram right now, first of all, it is a hazardous sight and we dont want to expose anyone unnecessarily to that. Also the president , oh my god in success in ten minutes he turned around the declaration for us when it normally takes days two weeks. Theyre giving us what we need but we would always be there to see anyone for the administration and we love the president. Governor, our thoughts and prayers are with you and the people of hawaii and specifically the people in maui. How wide governor josh green, thank you for joining us this morning. If you would like to donate, you can do so at Hawaii Community foundation that org. And to look at missing loved, once contact one 800 red cross. That will do it for me today. Thank you for watching The Sunday Show. Pretty faint will be sitting in for me next other than sunday at 9 am eastern. Dont go anywhere. My friend Charles Coleman junior is in for ali velshi next, with the latest. T. fan 1 there ya go thats what im talkin about josh allen is this your plan to watch the game today . hero fan uh, yea. I have to watch my neighbors Nfl Sunday Ticket. josh allen its not your best plan. But you know what is . Myplan from verizon. Switch now and theyll give you Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv, on them. hero fan this plan is amazing josh allen another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. fan 1 that was josh allen. fan 2 mmhm. vo for a limited time get Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv on us. A 449 value. Plus, get a free Samsung Galaxy z flip5. Only on verizon. 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