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A machine whos been in and out of a lot of stories here. Bernie carrick facing questions about the efforts to capitalize on the big efforts after election day, including a kind of grift and questions of wire fraud. Jack myth also continues to probe the elector fraud scheme. Giuliani an Unindicted Coconspirator there. There are new subpoenas that came out in the last week as they bear down on that plot. Meanwhil there may be other people who tried to steal your vote who could be held to account. Some of that, as journalists a little behind where the probe could be. Next the trial. Jack smith sparring with trumps attorneys over the evidence rule, the protective order which has to do with whether donald trump would use or abuse certain information. Theres a new filing where smith and his team are seeking a case that would try this case in the media rather than the courtroom. The Special Counsel referencing media over the past weekend. You see there, what they call the full ginsberg, the practice of hitting every sunday show if youre into that tv blitz. Thats what mr. Lauro did. He asked mr. Pence to pause the voting for ten days. He asked him in an aspirational way. That was an as prayingle way. Lets just pause the voting. There was an effort to get alternate electors. This is the first time the First Amendment has been criminalized. Everything that mr. Trump requested to be done was done with the advice of council, was done with lawyers giving him advice. What hes being indicted for ultimately is following legal advice. A technical violation of the constitution is not a violation of criminal law. What he didnt do is send in the tanks. The old we didnt send in the tanks defense. As journalist wes appreciate anyone taking questions. Were learning in the process. This is where theres a gap between what jack smith wants and other public transparent institutions want, which is as much information as possible. Trumps slated to attend a hearing in florida in the other Espionage Case on thursday, which means his lawyers are asking for a different time for the next meeting on all this because, well, theyre busy with Donald Trumps criminal case load. We are here tonight with a former sdny civil prosecutor, civil lawyer, maya wylie. Welcome back. Thanks for having me. We showed some of that, what mr. Lauro is saying. As for the question about whether or not donald trump crossed lines going after people, i want to play more from Trump Defense lawyer john lauro. I think its a little bit different than our standard case where we would pull our hair out if a client comment on a prosecutor or a judge. He also in particular looks at this prosecution as a political prosecution, so as a result in his mind its fair game from a political perspective to make these comments. Curious your view. The defendant is free to think whatever he wants about it, but theyre going to argue in about in court is whether there are legal limits on it. Remember its a protective order, not a gag order. Part of politicizing what is a normal Criminal Process so to try to suggest and reinforce their narrative, their spin, which to me is a lot of dirty laundry that bypassed the Washing Machine and went straight into the drier, because its a little smelly. And suggest that this was limiting Donald Trumps free speech as opposed to saying theyre trying to protect the integrity of the Criminal Justice process here by ensuring were keeping things out of The Public Eye so were in the prejudicing anything in the case. But in this case we have donald trump who frankly has a very long history and a well documented one of going after people on social media, and i think weave seen it both when Rock N Roller Stone was facing prosecution and donald trump hopped right on in there even though he wasnt a party to that case. We also have seen it on social media, even with regards to the allegations in this case, which have put people in danger. But this one, some of his words come straight up to suggesting that he may be trying to tamper with witnesses, and that simply is a crime if theres enough evidence to suggest thats what that was. Yeah, i think thats fair. As this is playing out, one of the mistakes we sometimes make as people or in the press as commentators is saying, oh, everything will stay the same. Or heres the story, heres the narrative. Lets take to it. Everyone heard about the conservative right Wing Movement stuck with trump even after jan 6th. We dont know what else will happen. Donald trump was a very unpopular president. He lost. Thats why he tried to stage a coup. They had a bad 22, and hes running now. Whether he gets less popular over the course of this and lose a point here and a point there, he becomes a very unappetizing General Election nominee. Apart from the Legal Process thats going play out. I say that introduction to someone who many people criticize but whos still a rightwinger with a big audience. That is bill oreilly. He used to be at fox. He was removed over credible allegations, a lawsuit regarding misconduct, mistreatment of more than one person. But he has these millions of listeners still on his network, and hes saying that mike pence was right, make pence could be a star witness, and this could bring trump down. Hes saying that, i would say, to a sizable audience. Take a look. Theres only one guy that can convict donald trump, and thats mike pence. And if pence goes into the courtroom and says, donald trump knew the election was not a fraud, but he said it any way, and i can prove it and heres the proof, donald trump goes down. He did the right thing because there was no basis not to certify the electoral votes. Oreilly saying pence was right and could bring trump down. Curious your reaction. My reaction is, number one, factually accurate. It is factually accurate mike pence can bring trump down. Accurate there was no evidence of Election Fraud and no power in the person of the Vice President to interfere with that vote count and all the other things we know that are in this indictment. The fact that we have someone whos deeply conservative, tied to the right in the waybill oreilly is i i think, ari, is exactly the point, which is more a that trump base republican leader voice comes out, says what is true, frankly the more people might start to say, hmm, maybe i shouldnt believe that conspiracy theory. Hmm, maybe it really was an okay election despite the fact that i have been ignoring all the evidence that the election was lawful. And it does matter. Messengers matter. People trust certain people. Youve got an audience and i know it because when i walk down the street in brooklyn, ari, all i get is, i love that ari. Its not that they dont love me, they love you. Respect. We hear good things about you. I appreciate it. My point is if you Say Something to the audience that follows you, it has more weight and credibility to them because they trust you. For the audience that trusts bill oreilly it matters hes saying some of these things. I think were seeing it in the candidates in the selection. Ron desantis and mike pence themselves making more forceful statements than they have in the past. Wait till we see georgias indictment. It will be interesting to see as this progresses how much more Vertebra Start appearing. Backbones can be calcified. Good seeing you. We have a lot coming up. It is a chai day, and well get into why it is that, run for office when youre charged. First, the Special Report i mentioned. How trump played himself. We get into the oedipus of it all, and later, a novelist as our guest. Back in 60 seconds. Our guest. Back in 60 seconds there are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. Not so much here. If you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. Farxiga and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital Yeast Infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. A rare lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. Farxiga can help you keep living life. Ask your doctor for farxiga for chronic kidney disease. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Farxiga turning to our Special Report tonight, as Special Counsel jack smith and trumps lawyers clash over the big one, this Coup Indictment heard around the world. The 45th president of the United States has been indicted by a grand jury in washington, d. C. On four criminal counts. A Federal Grand Jury has now criminally indicted the former president. Jack smith wants to get to trial and he wants to get to trial quickly. Then the judge per our reporters inside says, quote, as i mentioned mr. Trump, you do have certain rights during this proceeding. Shes listing them. You have the right to remain silent. That is the news now. To see how we got here, how trump got into the courtroom, into the worst legal jam of his life, you have to go back, and not just back to the last time a special appointed prosecutor brought down a criminal white house thats decades not just going back centuries. Its not enough to look at momentous trials for american officials. For this one you have to go back over 2,000 years to 430 bce to the Greek Tragedy oedipus rex, which traces a story of a king who learns of his future fate and attempts to defy it, an act of hubris, and ultimately seals his fate. The greek worse interested in oracles who might predict the future, a tradition that carries on today when we think of horoscopes or tarot card readings. One of the reasons oedipus as a Story Endures is because people remain interested in their own future and whether it can be predicted or shaped. Oedipus who would eventually cry over his own tragedy begins with a story where he consults a soothsayer and gets a terrible horoscope he tries to avoid, learning he was fated to kill his father and marry his mother, oedipus resolved never to return to corinth, according to one account. Oedipus and story vows never to return in order to avoid being even near his family where he might somehow meet that fate. But through various twists, it is running from his fate that seals it. He ends up fulfilling that terrible prophesy, as you may remember from school or wherever. Now, honestly im bringing this up tonight because its a classic tale that raises Big Questions would you even want to know your future if you could . If you did, would you try to change it . Do we have free will . Is there a lesson about not trying to outrun your own fate or karma about the futility of efforts to gain the system rather than accept fate, your own responsibility. Which brings us back to a prism for tonights news, because trump is a criminal defendant only after taking major steps to try and failed, but to try and duck this fate in this courtroom right now. I got to tell you, this is a twist that would sound outlandish for a political thriller, but tonight it is the actual news. Were going through it together. Were going through it with the exact facts now in our Special Report. Were doing this, i should mention, because its news, because its actually pretty interesting how trump brought this on himself, and because this is the reason criminal Defendant Trump is now more likely to face trial, conviction, and prison than at any point in his 70 plus years on earth. The first piece, very simple. People who run for president try to formally announce their campaigns on the later side, typically about six months before the primary season begins. If you lack at, say, some of the republicans running right now. Now, most years thats, say, around may or june before the election year, and we know the reason theres a bunch of laws and Campaign Finance limits that only kick in once you formally declare. Take republican mitt romney. He announced about six months out of the 2012 race. We checked. It was june 2nd the year before the president ial election. Now, trump had talked up running for leading up to 2016, but he followed the same pattern, he only formally announced his president ial campaign that cycle about six months out of the 2016 race. You may remember, it was initially treated with quite a lot of questions when he went down the escalator and said he was running for president and he followed that Calendar Pattern of other president ial cycles and other candidates in both parties, about six months out. This time was very different. Donald trump jumped in far earlier and broke his own precedent. Youve seen donald trump certainly listen to, well, advisers with Strategic Council for how to avoid the rules or restrictions, which is one of the reasons we think he did it the normal sixmonth way in 16. Trump didnt just jump in a few months, he announced 15 months out in november 2022, which made for this unusual precedent. It was the earliest president ial candidacy declaration in modern history, as slate reported. And it was done at his home front gathering, sometimes panned as looking lackluster or rushed. In order to make America Great and glorious again, tonight im announcing my candidacy for president of the United States. Now, there was very, very early. Weird usual early thing over here, and thats what brings us to the tragic flaw of oedipus over here, because i can actually show you interesting as i said given whats happening, that there was reporting, clues, leaks, analysts all discussing Donald Trumps exact unusual motivation. I am curious about this very early announcement, and im wondering if you think that maybe donald trump is trying to beat the a. G. Or any of the other legal officials the doj, you name them. Many people around the president who i spoke to were talking about his concerns about facing prosecution. And quote, a Big Reason Trump announced his run is he fears criminal prosecution. Hes a desperate man, a threatened and rabid animal. Hes running to stay out of prison. In private conversations, pretty blunt they see it as he has to win the election, and that is how he guarantees that he does not face jail time. Its Pretty Amazing that when trump ran in 2016, his slogan was lock her up, and in 2024 its going to be, vote for me or i go to jail. This was widely discussed at the time, and some of those were objective nonpartisan reporters discussing aides admitting it. Trump calculated that by rushing to become a candidate again it would make it harder to indict him. The move would put more heat on the doj that had concerns it didnt want to look partisan if it were to indict a now declared major challenger to the encumbent, president biden. It may be a trump ploy, but it was rooted in clear signs that garlands doj and the fbi were resistance to opening prebs into trumps role, for example, on january 6th. And again, as we get into this tonight, i want to remind you, its easy to forget how it was Common Knowledge up to that point that the garland doj was not really going up the line to indict Trump Officials or trump himself for january 6th. Either Merrick Garland has a super secret investigation going on that nobody knows about but hes got all the guards and hes ready to go, or its the biggest file your of an Attorney General in history. The fact that they would not talk to these witnesses is a big concern. He said, it took them two and a half years to do this. It did. May be an inconvenient truth, may be understandable. We dont know why as the public thats the truth, but it is true. Two and a half years. Thats nicolle and i talking about it last week. This is in the water. You see how trump thought rushing his announcement could reinforce that dynamic at doj. Trump trying to outrun his fate. But like oedipus, that backfired. Let me show you exactly why tonight, because it was only by announcing the early candidacy that the Attorney General appointed a new dedicated Special Counsel to lead the trump probes, bringing jack smith into the scene for the first time. It was formally triggered by one thing trumps Early Campaign announcement. Here was garland just three days after what i showed you earlier, donald trump declaring that early bid for president. Were here today to announce the appointment of a Special Counsel for two ongoing investigations, based on recent developments, including the former president s announcement hes a candidate for president in the next election, i have concluded its in the Public Interest appoint a Special Counsel. There you have it. And garland had not been leading a doj that had at that point indicted any official, let alone the former president himself. That was the status quo that i mentioned, like that exhausted Washington Post report on the lack of indictments, that doj had a wariness about appearing partisan, internal clashes around what evidence was sufficient to investigate trump that drove or contributed to the slow pace. Once smith took over it went from slow to warp speed within eight months. Our laws that protect National Defense information are critical to the safety and security of the United States, and they must be enforced. We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone. And then jack smith was back at it last week with the coup charges of Defendant Trump. The attack on our nations capitol on january 6, 2021, was an unprecedented assault on the seat of americas democracy. As described in the indictment it was fueled by lies. Facts show doj was not on track to indict trump. Without trumps Early Campaign announcement, theres no Special Counsel jack smith. It is the ultimate Greek Tragedy donald trump trying to outrun his fate and sealing it himself. That alone is interesting. You might say, okay, ari, cool story, or tragic play, but if trump was just delaying his campaign announcement, if thats the only quibble, then eventually if trump declared, wouldnt garland use that same rule to appoint a Special Counsel and then the probe would heat back up . If this were dinner party talk, that would be the rebuttal. I have an answer for you too, right now. No. Actually. According to our legal analysis we can show you this new tonight. Its clear. Trump did his announcement early back in november 2022. As i showed you, jack smith appointed just days after that. Within seven months smith indicts the espionage and docs case, coup charge is last week, and this is, as you can see, long before whats on the far right, the 2024 primaries. So trumps early move gave smith whos a fast worker this early start of the sorts, the seven months to do this work before getting anywhere near those primaries. Thats a wrap. And now we have legal objection of the exact same time line, the understood lying facts with the hypothetical what if donald trump simply followed the typical calendar and his own past schedule instead of trying to game the system. This is hypothetical, campaign calendar. Typical Announcement Window is where we started instead in the middle there. But if you do seven months there, where do you wind up . If smith took the same amount of time, fast, jump started his work . Welsh his seventh months, first charge would land in december. The timing for the coup charge would be after this in 2024 smack in the middle of the primary voting. Primary season well under way in february. So what you see here we made. Th new tonight. The factual window, the seven months, and the traditional starting announcement time, that typical Announcement Window in the middle. Like i said, what romney said, what trump did in his last go around in 2015. If donald trump hadnt been trying to rig and outmaneuver and game the system, if he used the normal time, as you see on the xs, it is right smack with the primaries. The final question, if smith uncovered the indicted crimes maybe hed press on and charge them this the primaries because they are that important. No. Doj precedent holds otherwise. Any Special Counsel subject to the rules and the Attorney Generals supervision. The doj has this guidance youve probably heard about. Prosecutors are supposed to avoid actions of this magnitude within 60 days of voting and never select the timing of an action, including criminal charges for the purpose of affecting a criminal election. Thats a policy i can tell you that Attorney General Merrick Garland reaffirmed in a memo last year. The department tries to avoid those near elections and primaries. Its not a law, but it is the rules. We have every reason to think garland would enforce the rules and smith wouldnt be trying to break with the rules in an unprecedented firstever diechlt a former president whens also running for office. So this hypothetical calendar would actually close that door. It would tie the hands of the Special Counsel. If donald trump or one of his aides happens to be watching tonight we do hear from them from time to time what you are looking at is the very likely scenario where the current defendant donald trump wouldnt have been indicted on either of these cases based on the actual time line, the actual rules. The only thing different was that donald trump had to start earlier, had to rig the system, had to try to outsmart people, which is why tonight in this particular discussion we begin with that Greek Tragedy of oedipus. With things so fundamental, people, humans, society, we have been talking about them for years. Do you have free will . Are you better off trying to stand on your own two and deal with life rather than gaming the system and running from a fate that you might have brought on yourself . Yes, weve gotten a little bit in our novelist bag tonight, and i got to tell you for this twist we have the perfect guest, the acclaimed novelist when we return. 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Detect this i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Ask your doctor about switching to dovato. We have been discussing tragedies and tragic flaws tonight, and we turn to a special guest who im happy to have on the beat. Jay mcinerney bright lights big city. Hes an editor and columnist. Hes a wine and foodie connoisseur. His recent novel is bright precious days. Thanks, ari. Good to be here. We have journalists, lawyers, government veterans, but this really is about you and nature, which good fiction, good plays captures. What do you see in what appears to be a trump flaw . He thought he could outmaneuver everyone. He outmaneuvered himself. I think this is absolutely germain. A babylon myth, a merchant in baghdad who has a servant that comes running to him and says, master, master i was in the marketplace and i saw death. And death made a threatening gesture at me, and ive got to escape. Ive got to run. Can i borrow your horse and go to samar . So, the merchant says, yes, you can borrow my horse, flee from death. And the merchant goes into the market of baghdad and sees death and says, why did you make a threatening gesture at my servant . And death says, it wasnt a threatening gesture, it was because i knew i was going to see him tonight in samara. And that was, again, a story of fleeing your fate only to walk right into it. And so the question for human nature, the novelistic question youre giving us another example of this. Some of these stories endure for a reason. Is the fate unavoidable period . Or is there something we do as humans, our mistake, our tragic flaw of the mistake is trying to control it . That that itself is the problem . You know, its kind of a the greeks were fatalists, and its a little bit unamerican, i think, to believe entirely in fate. I mean, we like to think that we are the authors of our fate, that we are selfcreated. And yet somehow i think this illustrates both in the sense that trump is really the author of his own fate in this case. Hes acting in character, as he always does, trying to game the system, trying to beat the system, trying to get ahead of peril only to, in this case as you so ably demonstrated, to walk right into his fate, his appointment in samara. You say in character. Novelists, good journalists, the classical kind, listen. Listen, observe, and go from there. Many politicians dont do a ton of that. Trump would be on the outer extreme of that. Yes. I showed this all night. Im going to show the chart again. Any lawyer could have advised him, would he only listen, about the rules and that going early might trigger this for the Attorney General. What you see here is trump candidacy, and within days is the smith appointment that runs seven months into the charges. This is what we call the law, foreseeable, not, oh, you had no control. And the hypothetical, had he not tried to game the system and or jay had he listened because he has money, peep around him had he listened and said, look, if you do the typical Announcement Window, even if theyre fast, seven months, its going to run right into the primaries. Youre not going to have an Attorney General sign off on something going into the primary. Its going the look unfair and the legal rules, standard in doj includes the perception of fairness. What does it tell you about his tragic law he cant listen in his own interest . I was going to say, does he listen . Number one, does he have people around him willing to tell him the truth . I think theres some question around that. Number two, does he listen to Expert Counsel . Seems to me like many with with autocratic tend sis, trump seems to surround himself with sycophants, and i wonder if anybody was able to i wonder whether there were wise men in the room. I mean, are there . Are there any wise men in trumps rooms . He thinks he has the best strategy in the world. He played himself. Im just not sure how im not sure that most experts would have advised him that that was going to fore stall or stave off the indictments. And its curious that he did. Final point is your literary trivia as we wrap up. Real hunter was the foundation of one of your stories, correct . Real hunter was the Achilles Heel of john edwards. Do you know who routed the case . I dont know. Jack . Jack smith. Wow. Gets around. Great novelist, friend of the beat, we appreciate you being here. Thanks, ari. When we come back, we mentioned john edwards was not helped even by going on trial. Most folks are not. Obama campaign vet Chai Komanduri has the deets and reseats when we come back. S whe. Makes trading easier. With its customizable options chain, easytouse tools and Paper Trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. E trade from morgan stanley. 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Shop now only at sleep number. I got to tell you, we live in very interesting times. I try to do this job with a certain approach, a certain discipline, but it is weird sometimes the things i hear and how youre supposed to respond. I hear a lot of people out loud with a straight face in person or on tv say, another indictment could be good for the candidate. I dont care who it is, thats bananas. There are good reasons for that even if you dont preconvict anyone whos entitled to their day in court. Politically, being indicted, let alone convicted, is very bad for candidates and politicians. We were just talk about john edwards in a different context because he was prosecuted by jack smith. He had a favorability of 48 in january of 08. In 09, reports of conduct and his affair and a related Campaign Finance inquiry really hurt him. There were hush money payments something we heard about with donald trump, prosecuted by none other than jack smith. And fast forward to october 2009, he dropped the 21 . Single largest in gallups history. Those are people who know who edwards is. Going from 50 to 20 means you know who these people were. You lost the majority of them. To be clear, edwards was not ultimately convicted, but trials dont come out of nowhere, and you can be not guilty and still have a lot of information that led to your trial that comes out in the Public Domain and is not helpful. That is what usually happens when indictment or convictions hit. He was once one of the most powerful lawmakers on capitol hill, but after a texas jury found him guilty wednesday tom delay is now fighting just to stay out of prison. A jury convicts Jeff Fortenberry on all three charges. The congresswoman pleaded guilty to tax evasion. Misgraced Congressman Michael Grim plans to resign as soon as tomorrow. So, yes, as you see there, the mixing of investigations, let alone convictions and future bids for office doesnt usually go well. In fairness, mr. Delays conviction was overturned but he never got back into winning another case. Michael grim did try to come back. He served time in prison but couldnt even win his partys primary. Thats after he held office. These are typical outcomes. Donald trump now faces far more serious charges than those. Were talking about an Espionage Case and coup conspiracy, plus talk of even potentially a fourth indictment. So, when you hear people with a straight face, sometimes maga republicans but sometimes other folk who is do political analysis say, this time will be different from every other time. This is somehow irrelevant or good for donald trump, we have to go to the experts and the history. I show you the history. Next we bring in political strategist and friend of the beat, Chai Komanduri. Hes here for chai day. Right after this quick break. Isk i needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. 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The argument there, as mentioned that everything is bakeded in tw trump and this is, of course, on the republican side. The counter is what we had just showed historically and so i ask you a simple question tonight, chay, are probes, indictments and or convictions bad if youre a Candidate Running for office . It is. Unless youre donald trump and the reason trump is different is trump has a counter personality that is unlike other politicians and you can see it. Donald trump understands that he has to get voters to connect with him and he does in a way thats different than other politicians. Voters are very much connecting their personal grievances, their personal anxieties, their personal angers to the pause of electing donald trump. Trump knows how to do this, and the reason he is able to do this is that trump has a background thats very unique. He was a reality star. If youre a reality star, youve spent hours, hundred his of hours in front of a camera acting, presenting yourself in a way that you want others to see you. Getting others to identify you in a very specific way. Think about the fact that million of people identify with Kim Kardashian even though theyre nothing like her. The same is true with bethany frankel, the bachelor, the bachelorette and to be fair. To be fair, i didnt bring any of them up. Youre right. I am, actually. So we are high brow, we go sophocles, not kardashians, but i take your point. Continue. Exactly. I think that that is part of the issue that donald trump this part of the appeal that donald trump has. Hes very unique. If you notice in interviews he is more comfortable in front of a camera than the person interviewing him is. No president ial candidate, no president has ever been in front of a camera as much as donald trump, not even ronald reagan. Trump is very skilled at this, he is very skilled at this and he is able to create a cult of personality and that sustains him and makes him unlike other politicians. Lets play this out. These are the limits of history and people talk about the historical prediction in 2016 led some astray and you worked for obama and others and youre surprised to hear the analysis and are you basically of the view that if convicted and say hes convicted in a manner that doesnt preclude him in the ability to run and if he quickly refuses to hear the appeal and he could be fizzicly incarcerated and that would complicate the campaign, Prison Phone Calls want the same for a debate. Hes legally presumed innocent. Say hes convicted in a way that means he still cant campaign through november. Is it your view that it wont cost him . It would cost him in the General Election. General election, is he losing a couple of points from the type of conservative, moderate conservatives, nonrightwing partisans who do vote republican, but are swayable, et cetera . He lost independents by nine points to joe biden in 2020. That will probably increase and put him out of contention in win the General Election. The republican primary is different, and i think part of the problems that the field will challenging him is tremendously weak. They are upible on close the gap on it 37 Ron Desantais in january is very much in the same position that, was there, was therent an openness that people had to vote for someone different and barack obama in 2007 and 2008 could not and has not. He head the charm of a toothache. Yeah. Youre sort of giving people the bifurcated analysis and why some of that plays and how it would hurt in the general and you had it right off the top of your head. Next time we have more time because im out of it maybe well put you in the fallback. I would love to talk sophocles and Kim Kardashian. When we come back i have good news about Andrew Weissmann. I d news about Andrew Weissmann. With Verizon Business. Its your business. Its your verizon. [sneeze] astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go hi, im todd. Im a veteran of 23 years. I served three overseas tours. I love to give back to the community. I offer what i can when i can. I started noticing my memory was slipping. I saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. I started taking prevagen about three years ago. I feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. Your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel nothing beats it. 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In america for their illegal, racist in reverse enforcement of the law. Racist in reverse. Trump once again vowing to blow up americas institutions if he somehow finds his way back to the oval office. As his lawyers fight in court for the right to potentially intimidate witnesses in the leadup to his criminal trials, plural. Plus, were just minutes away from the polls closing in ohio in the special election designed to limit democracy

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