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I dont even know how to explain 2020. It was a crazy, crazy year bad things happened in philadelphia. Former Vice President joe biden to become the 46th president of the united states. I had no idea what we would be in for. I thought my friends were messing with me. A philadelphia Landscaping Company has been thrust into the national spotlight. The entire thing was supposed to be anonymous. It put me in shock to see my name on the president s twitter. We probably got thousands of calls. You have 950 new messages. We had a lot of haters. I remember asking, did we make a mistake . There were just way too many trees. Heres the other thing, and i think well discuss this with the board when we have zoom. My name is marie ziravo, im 65. Im the president at four seasons total landscaping in northeast philadelphia. We do Grounds Maintenance and irrigation, seeding, flowers, snow removal. Its kind of boring. I think the most challenging part of starting the business and being in business was being womanowned. Nobody took you serious. You own the property. You have cameras. My other maintenance men, on other properties, they cannot assess. We help them, they help us. If i had 1 for every time i got asked did i have a husband. I have a wonderful husband he just had his business and i had mine. This is my life. Other than my family, this is my entire life. We want to make sure that if we do purchase this, its meeting our needs, and that we dont now also need another building. I have three boys. Michael is the youngest. Mike took on the General Manager role. I had to let go a little bit, because i want my hands in everything. How many people get the chance to go to work every day with their mother . The first thing we do is fix everything with food. This is part of our italian culture. Some days are like, phenomenal. And some days, she cant figure out how to use the printer, and its frustrating. Mike i need some help we have some days when our horns lock, and he forgets im still his boss, but i try not to use that card, because i need him to learn everything that is in my head. I started from the very bottom, being a laborer, Learning Everything to working underneath the supervisor and shadowing him. So i pretty much work from the ground up to where i am now. Get it, ground up . Other than that, thats not scheduled work, so like basically, mike and shawn, they run the daily operations. I really do depend on mike. We are partners with his mother in this business. Sean and i met when we were in college. I looked up to him as a role model. He was almost like a big brother to me. Mike and i have been through a lot together, both personally and professionally. We are both in recovery, which is a big thing we have in common. If you could do it with Somebody Else who has the same goals as you do, to become a better person on a daily basis, it makes it easier. Theyre like two old souls. They Work Together so well. I know they both have the companys best interests at heart. Sometimes it takes a little i just got to let him be him and back up. He comes around. So is this what people want to hear about in this documentary . The race to the white house has been now confusing President Trump is still leading in that state by about 108,000 votes. For days after the election, there was not a clue. It just left everybody worried and stressed. Philadelphia became kind of ground zero for the election battle. The Convention Center in the center of town is where all the votes were being counted. Crowds started gathering outside. You had Trump Supporters gathered outside and you had biden supporters. They were facing off against each other across the street. People were dressing up as a constitution. People were dressing up as mailboxes. Theyre Holding Signs saying, we the people. Progressive, conservative america, in one place. Literally, these two streets outside the philly Convention Center. Trumps legal team composed of turned up at the philly Convention Center the count every votes protest just across the street turned up the music really really loud. So you cannot hear a word that pam says, because its completely overwhelmed by the sound of the music. Everybody was biting at each other. Every post and tweet and instagram you saw, people were arguing. It just was very uneasy. And then, the phone call. My phone rang around 8 45 am. I was in a mens bible study in doylestown, pennsylvania. Hello . I did not answer it. Then my phone immediately ran again. I excused myself and walk outside. It was a trump staffer. They were asking if we would be amenable to them having a Press Conference at four seasons total landscaping. I just thought, why not . By about 9 45, the deal was sealed. Its just insane. Out of all places, its here. We are a Landscaping Company. We are experts in ground maintenance, irrigation, seeding, planting, not Press Conferences. Im saving with liberty mutual, mom. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. You could save 700 dollars just by switching. Ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. On the top of the pile oh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Tourists tourists that turn into scientists. Tourists taking photos that are analyzed by ai. So researchers can help life underwater flourish. Your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel nothing beats it. New pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients it really works. Power e trades easytouse tools, like dynamic charting and riskreward analysis help make trading feel effortless. And its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. E trade from morgan stanley. Suddenly, this tweet comes goli, taste your goals. Help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. Through from donald trump, the Press Conference at four seasons philadelphia 11 am. I sprang into action, gathered all my stuff, grabbed bags, made phone calls to the editor. I jumped in my car and i go down to the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown philadelphia. I think i was at the door with the second tweet came through. Four seasons landscaping, philadelphia. My reaction was utter confusion. Of course its there theres landscaping there. Oh yeah. Its the Four Seasons Hotel. Its the entrance area with the landscaping. My assumption was that he mushed the keypad somehow and pipe the word landscaping. I got a call from the Four Seasons Hotel and he said marie, ive got one question, are they coming to you or are they coming to me . Trump deletes the second tweet. A third tweet comes in. And it says, Big Press Conference in philadelphia, four seasons total landscaping. Why would the president s lawyers hold a conference at a Landscaping Company . The story starts with donald trump tweeting that there would be a Press Conference on saturday morning at The Four Seasons in philadelphia. No, not the hotel, but The Four Seasons total landscape. It remains unclear whether the Trump Campaign booked the whole thing in error or not . Why did you pick this place . It was just a head scratcher. This was just the beginning of how surreal this was was. Its not prominent. Why is it here . You had more questions than you could possibly have answered. With trump, it was always difficult to get answers about the truth. Sometimes, it was because people didnt know the answers. Often, it was because they were lying. I spent weeks and weeks interviewing everybody i could. And hitting dead end after dead end after dead end. Nobody really knew how they ended up at the landscaping place, in a part of town that is normally not where campaigns host these things. I said i will try to answer what i thought was a simple question. Whats the hell happened . And the longer that i dug into it, the crazier it was. Mistake or not, they held their Press Conference at the loading dock of the landscaper. Heres what it looked like. That is quite an image. Projects power. Obviously, they screwed up. They got the wrong place. They said lets just go with it. We are on an Industrial Strip with a crematorium across the street and an adult video and bookstore up the street. There was a level of excitement among our staff that we would be hosting the president s Campaign Staff here. But that was quickly followed by dread. An Obvious Screwup in booking, but they all played along and pretended that was the master plan. There are two different theories, really. That i had. That other people had as well. One, i thought that maybe they had someone that thought they could book the Four Seasons Hotel. Someone on the campaign made the president think that it was a possibility that it would be held there, and that once he tweeted that, they googled around and found that the closest thing called four seasons to The Four Seasons philadelphia happened to be this landscaping place. The other theory was this perfect storm of Minor Screw Ups from various people at various levels at the campaign. And somehow through a connection or an accident, they ended up here. I met the Campaign Staff here at about 9 30. It was a pretty quick set up obviously. You saw what was on tv. Im pretty proud of the space that we were able to curate in such a small amount of time. I mean, it was a Landscape Construction yard. Normally, you might have Police Outside of the perimeter, but it was just private security, and they asked us to put our News Organizations down on a clipboard, and they would call us in, and they made it look like it might be exclusive, like we might not all get called in. Every time they called a news organization, the 6 to 8 Trump Supporters would boo. We request a republican. The Information Media i think the biggest part for me was seeing giuliani, like, pull up in two black suburbans. I thought i was dreaming. Nobody famous has ever been here. It was almost like in slow motion. Like him walking into the office. I actually wasnt going to come here. And i got a phone call from my son anthony, he said mom. This is bigger than we think. And he sends me a picture while im talking to him. And rudy is sitting at my desk, and the plaque in front of my desk says boss lady. I looked at my husband, i said, we better get over there. We demand a Fair Election i demand you shut the hell up we demand a Fair Election we demand a Fair Election there was a crowd of people, the biden and Trump Supporters were there, they were going back and forth with each other. And then the cops showed up and the entire front row was shut down. Thats when it kind of got like, very Nerve Wracking for me. It was just overwhelming, so i just looked around, i looked at everybody, i tried to figure out who everybody was. The Press Conference was about to start. I stood on top of the trailer so i could see. And i just watched. In the final weeks, officials told me keeping rudy busy became a fulltime job. They had to devise places to send him. Specific aides to keep with him. That would make it so he was not running wild, creating whackamole problems for them. Rudy giuliani is undermining confidence in the American Election system. And therefore undermining our national security. Rudy giuliani was considered to be a great force of law and order. He was one of the heroes of 9 11. I think thats part of why it was so disturbing to watch him unravel. And to watch him kind of debase himself in support of this guy who they thought he was better than. By the way, do you have any idea that the State Department do you know the lie . Shut up. You dont know where youre talking about. You dont know what youre talking about, idiot. He was kind of a mess, but he was always around. And he was always loyal, and that was the only thing that seem to matter to the president. He is a great guy, he knows its a witch hunt, thats what he knows. Rudy followed his Press Coverage very closely. And he was very aware of whats the view of him was in mainstream circles. He was nothing but respectful to us when he was here. Shook our hands, took pictures with us. Greeted all the cops, but i think going on tv i dont know if something changes. He once told me my view of my legacy is, quote, fuck it. What a beautiful day. Thank you. Im here on behalf of the Trump Campaign, as an attorney for the president , to describe to you the first part of a situation that is extremely, extremely troubling. Rudy comes out and launches into this speech about how the election was stolen and how there are very Grave Allegations of fraud. He has witnesses behind him. People who have seen alleged fraud, people who will be testifying in lawsuits. He presents this guy darrell brooks. We later learned hes exposed himself to children under age. It became clear pretty quickly that nothing was there. There was no revelation. He wasnt exposing a big fraud that took place in philadelphia. The election wasnt stolen. While rudy was speaking i was off to the side with mike and marie. We looked at each other, and we are in awe of how long this was going on. And i know, i know you wont accept it because of your hateful biases. But see if you can try to think rationally. Put some of those ballots that were manufactured in advance by the democrat machine of philadelphia. Wouldnt be the first time they did it. I didnt think anyone took this real serious. How can i possibly tell you . Theres fraud or no fraud. You just said and somebody says, yells out, do you know they have called the election for biden . Who was it called by . Oh my goodness. All the networks wow all the networks all the networks when have the networks decided the election . And were all thinking all the time. Networks called the elections all the time. You can see this ripple among the crowd of journalists as they try to find out what to do. I am trying to figure out the same thing, do i listen to Rudy Giuliani or go back to philadelphia, where people will be celebrating the election . Then you see people starting to pack up their stuff. Many of them had to leave. Because the primary story wasnt that Rudy Giuliani was challenging the Election Results. The story was that biden has just won the presidency. If somebody asked me, where were you when they called the election for joe biden . Id say well, i was in the parking lot of four seasons total landscaping. The president s lawyer left as the news came in that joe biden had been declared the victor. Perhaps this is why they chose the industrial estate. They wouldnt be heard or welcome here in downtown philadelphia. [applause] a city in a state which delivered donald trump the white house four years ago, pennsylvania is now the state which pushed joe biden over the line. I just thought, sure, we said yeah. And it was going to be over. Period. We would have done this for either Political Campaign. We just wanted to be helpful. And we just had no idea what we were in for. Did you see my Press Conference today, it was at The Four Seasons, fancy. Yeah, it sounds fancy. But it was at a Landscaping Company called four seasons. Was that a mistake . [laughs] what . No we heard from all different types of media outlets, and people wanting to know more about what happened. I got calls from the washington post. Chicago times. New york times. Usa today. Yahoo news. Netflix. Hulu. Business insider. Nbc. Fox. Cnn. In the bbc. I started seeing that this was going further. And it was going into europe. German newspapers, irish newspapers, you name it, they were all calling. My emails have not stopped. Are you getting emails . Nonstop. Are you . Yeah, its insane. I thought this would be anonymous. Thats why i said yes. Otherwise, if i thought it was turning into this, i would have thought twice. On the day after the Press Conference it was nothing but chaos. We couldnt even use the office phone for two weeks. Because it just never stopped ringing. You couldnt even get a thought process, let alone answer them. You have 1010 new messages, of which three are urgent. [inaudible] i understood that there is a special on bullshit this week. Hi, do you provide Services Like dismantling our democracy . Deleted. You are a traitor. Deleted, new message, 39. The things they are saying about us is like, amazing. I just cant even believe this. Okay guys, wait till you hear this one. There is a big conspiracy theory. We are burning ballots across the street at the crematorium. Peoples minds, they are just delusional. That was one of the hardest parts for me. I never had to deal with that level of hate. Im talking hundreds and hundreds of emails i just got, basically saying to go f yourself. Were going to burn down your building. It created a lot of fear of what the future holds for four seasons total landscaping. Its frightening, because 28 years could go down the tubes. I remember asking my husband, joe, are we going to survive this . Are we going to get out of this in one piece . People dont get it that being in business is not a picnic. I remember them coming to take my car in the middle of the night, bringing a generator home because they shut my electric off because i couldnt cash my checks. I had a tough time borrowing money when i bought this building. I had to put my house up for the bank to give me the mortgage, so i had the shot of losing both places. Do i want to see something that she built just disappear, or was i going to keep the legacy going . Trying to operate a business throughout all of this, i dont even know whats word to use to describe this. People were taunting us, laughing at us, mocking us. And we needed to figure out a way to let them all know that we were in on the joke and that we were laughing too. All of the networks [laughs] when you surround yourself with good people, good things happen. I think it started to turn when michael and sean started to run with this on instagram and facebook. And they made a joke out of everything because it was funny to us after. That they picked us, out of everyone in the world, they picked our place. If this whole thing blew up, i would recover from it. I would go and work somewhere else. But a Family Business that was 28 years in the making might not recover from Something Like this. And i felt responsible, because these people are my family. Understanding the joke, and being in on it, it was just like a waterfall of memes that you can make. We got put into a corner, and we used our humor to get out of it. We were making thousands of people laugh all over the entire not only nation, but world. It went from being a majority negative, and getting hate, to then be total opposite overnight. They ended up doing this in a rinky drink parking lot, no offensive to Landscaping Company. The real winner wasnt the campaign, which got to use it for free. It was the total Landscaping Company which has really come out of this on top. Just owning social media over the last month. Like true entrepreneurs, we wanted to capitalize on this international attention. And sell tshirts. We went from being a landscaper, to selling merchandise. We just started filling orders day and night. We have done approximately 1. 5 million in sales revenue. Thats a lot of tshirts. Weve been getting a lot of fan mail, people have been sending us Christmas Cards with our Zoom Background on them. Can you believe somebody made this . They made us our own lego set. There was a diorama of our company in berlin. That amazed me. But who would want this . Somebody made a Virtual Reality four seasons. We had people showing up on our doorstep knocking, asking for tshirts. We even had one employee that was leaving, and somebody offered them 50 for the stained sweaty tshirt off their back. We had hundreds of visitors coming in the first couple days following our social media revamp. Suddenly, we had fans. It was surreal. Would you look at all of these people out here . Its like every day, this is insane. People have referred to us as a philadelphia landmark. Weve had so many families out front. We even had two sisters, one lived in bethlehem, pennsylvania. The other in new york city. And they met here with a blanket, and a picnic basket, and had their Thanksgiving Dinner together here. I really think the Four Seasons Hotel thing was a blessing for us. If our name had been maries landscaping, none of this wouldve happened. The team at four seasons total landscaping appears to have taken this in their stride. Go online, you can buy a range of make america rake again, and lawn and order merchandise. I reached out to the Four Seasons Hotel, my reporting concluded that no one from the Trump Campaign or any campaign had reached out to the Four Seasons Hotel about hosting any kind of event. I love the narrative that it was a mistake and that they meant to book the Four Seasons Hotel. There was no mistake, this is exactly where the Press Conference was supposed to be. They had surveyed some areas along the i95 corridor, and our site was one of the ones that they determined would be secure with quick access on and off the highway. And it was free, thats another important thing. The Trump Campaign blew through 1. 1 billion dollars. They were near broke before the president ial election. They didnt have any money. And thats why it couldnt have been at the Four Seasons Hotel. They would have charged them. Thats why it was at four season total landscaping. There is your inside track. Because they didnt want to do it anywhere else. This has given me something the i cant even explain to you. This was not about money at all. This was about our story. Its an american underdog story. I think we were able to turn something that appeared to be disastrous for a Small Business into something positive. Before the Press Conference, four seasons total landscaping was struggling. Most were living from paycheck to paycheck. Going from being a local city Landscaping Company to now being globally recognized, its amazing. But we were just honored to be able to give back. Being able to help the next person out. We did a toy drive this christmas. Me and sean went into the hospital to deliver toys. Thank you ladies so much, i really appreciate it. For them to get that joy, that was the best part for me. You know . Im very proud of myself for that. When we get on the zoom, i want you to take over this. We are at the end of the line for me in my career. When i hand those keys over to michael, hes got it. Hes proved himself. Michael has shown every day how much he has grown as an individual. As a father, as a husband, as a son. Shes a phenomenal mother. Shes always there to support me. Its like always having somebody with their hand on your back, pushing you to greatness. For him to step into my shoes and take over my role, i have so much faith in him. I know he can do anything. My distinguished guests, my fellow americans, this is americas day. This is democracys day. A day of history and hope, of renewal and resolve. Through a crucible for the ages, america has been tested anew, and america has risen to the challenge. The most amazing thing in my life has happened. I am in a super bowl commercial. Looks good, guys success right place, right time. Fiverr gets that. From graphic design, to web development, or even a pr expert for things like, i dont know, booking a Press Conference, fiverr has the freelancers to get you where you want to be. Is this the lobby . This is not a hotel. vo ninetytwo percent of students in highneeds schools cant afford essential School Supplies. Subaru and our retailers are there to help by giving millions of dollars in funding along with School Supplies students need. We call it the Subaru Love Promise and we are proud to be the largest corporate supporter of adoptaclassroom. Org. 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We are a Landscaping Company, we are experts in ground maintenance, irrigation, seeding, planting, not Press Conferences. When i heard the president was holding a conference at the Landscaping Company it was a quick set up. Obviously, you saw that it was a Landscaping Construction yard. Wow, what a beautiful day. We just had no idea what we were in for. We demand a Fair Election oh my goodness, all the networks i remember asking, did we make a mistake . We had a lot of haters. You have 1010 new messages. It created a lot of fear of what the future holds for total landscaping. We got put into a corner, and we used our humor to get us out of it. Oh, oh the networks. We made a joke out of everything because it was funny to us. It is an american underdog story. On the morning of november 7th, 2020, then President Donald Trump sent out a series of tweets announcing that his campaign would be holding a Press Conference at The Four Seasons in philadelphia. Not the Four Seasons Hotel, but four seasons total landscaping, a familyowned business located in philadelphia, in the National Park off of i95. It became host to one of the most surreal moments of the 2020 election, and subject of The Four Seasons documentary. The documentary of it, christopher stout, the owners, chris emery, all join me now. Guys, its great to have you with us, this was an absolutely incredible documentary. I cried, i laughed, i felt sorry for you, i was rooting for you at the end, and im so happy to finally had ability to talk to you. Marie, i want to talk to you and see how youre doing with all of this. How is this journey been for you, how is the family doing now . Everybody is doing great. I will be honest with you, this was the ride of the lifetime. I am at the end of my career, and i am happy that i made the decision i made when we were initially called to hold the Press Conference here. I never could have imagined that it would have turned out like this. But it has been such a year for us because we have had one thing after another. People have embraced us around the country and around the world. Messages weve gotten, i could not be happier. Then, to get to a year and have a documentary is its just amazing for us. We are thrilled. Chris, lets talk about the documentary for a moment. How did you decide on doing a documentary about this . How did you connect with the family . How did you manage to get through to them with all of the thousands of phone calls and messages that they were receiving on any given day . Obviously, the whole world wanted to know the mystery. Why did the president s lawyer hold a Press Conference with a Landscaping Company . Clearly, this was a big question, the Million Dollar question that needed to be solved. And yes, outlets from All Over The World were reaching out to them. But i actually had an inside track. As it turned out, a friend of mine was brothers with sean middleton, the director of sales at four seasons. I was actually able to get on the phone with them before anyone else did. And when we got on the phone together, i got the sense that every outlet wanted to know, why did this happen . Why was the Press Conference out there . For me, i was a lot more interested in getting to know them as people and seeing how their experience has been, just having their world turned upside down. They were such a fish of water. For me, the conflict called to me as a filmmaker. What the hell happened . Michael, i want to play for you this clip from the documentary just after the Press Conference with Rudy Giuliani, watch this moment. That was one of the hardest parts for me, i never had to deal with that level of hate. I am talking hundreds and hundreds of emails i just got, basically saying to go f yourself, we will burn down your building. It created a lot of fear of what the future holds for four seasons total landscaping. Michael, the future has played out a little bit, tell us if you are still getting messages like that. How do you handle the messages, if at all, that youre receiving now . Complete opposite messages. They are filled with love and appreciation for the way that we spun this and making it almost comedic if anybody ever comes or stops through here, we hand them stickers, tshirts, wherever we can, because it is crazy to even think that, for us, there are fans. That is the hardest part for me. There are actual fans of a philadelphiabased Landscaping Company. Its still hard for me to grasp. But i always tell people, if you are in the area, stop through, we will take pictures, well do what we can if we have time. I love it. Christopher, you had such an intimate insight into making the documentary, whats surprised you the most while making the film . I think to mikes point, the thing that surprised me the most was this outpouring of love that The Four Seasons received after the Press Conference. I mean, they sold 1. 5 million worth of tshirts. That is incredible. You can actually still buy the tshirts now. People were making Christmas Cards featuring leave the garage doors in their Zoom Backgrounds, those two sisters that came to four seasons to have their thanksgiving there clearly, this moment resonated with people, and a created just such an outpouring of love. Suddenly, four seasons total landscaping meant something to people, and it became this meme that people could actually share with together. It created this online community. Im going to go Out On A Limb and say that there will be some wedding proposal there at some point. Let me ask you really quickly [laughs] marie, because it has become such an iconic location, has any other Political Party or campaign reached out to you to hold a political event there . If so, what would you say . Unfortunately, no other Political Campaign has approached us, but we would have said yes, because knowing where it got us here and all the excitement that we have had, wed do it again. We would do it again. The outpouring and embracing that we have had, the way people have treated us, the end result, it may not have been businessenhancing but the treatment that we got truthfully, everywhere we go, someone knows us. Its exciting, its really exciting. You work your whole life, and what a way to go out. Im at the end of my career, and this is just amazing to me that people stop me and say, you look like the girl, the lady from four seasons . I am the lady from four seasons and its just funny. Its amazing. Michael, i know the future of this company is so important to you and your family. We heard christopher there talk about how you turned the bad situation into a positive one with the merchandise. Have you given any thought about the future of the company and what you can do, if you even plan on expanding it from beyond just doing landscaping, and now the merchandise, perhaps even becoming an event space one day . I think the for me is to create more jobs, keep growing to the next level, that was always my plan from prior to all this excitement in the conference. Our niche is landscaping, it probably always will be. I will do the same thing that i did the first time around, just take one day at a time, one week at a time and go from there. If something gets put in our opportunity to do something, yeah, i dont see why not. Well, we will be rooting for you for whatever you decide to do in the future. Christopher stout, michael and marie, thank you so much for this absolutely brilliant documentary. Up next, how the Election Fraud narrative pushed by Rudy Giuliani at four seasons total landscaping became a defining belief among republican voters. 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So the election lies pushed by the Trump Campaign at force diseases total landscaping, in november 2020, have only kept growing ever going every since. Joining me here to talk about want that, Olivia Washington One of the producers on four correspondent for new york seasons documentary, olivia, magazine the washington correspondent political analysts view what is look at all for new York Magazine along with msnbc political analyst theyre kimberly atkins. Battling great to have both of you with allegations us. Of voter olivia, lets start with that moment fraud in the election there. Was stolen when you look at that time Just Networks that Rudy Giuliani was standing calling there, the election peddling the allegations of for joe voter fraud and that the Biden Election was stolen, almost seems just as the networks were comical when you won calling the election for joe a lot biden, of you it almost seemed comical. Are seeing theyre and you want to laugh at what getting you were seeing there. How this has but given how this has now no resonated resonated among republicans. Among republicans what is that moment what does that moment in time in time mean for what we are as a where we country . Are the country one way you could look at it break down, i wouldnt say a break with reality. Talk about when people talk about, they would talk about the wheels being out of the trump white house. I would always say, there were wheels . So four seasons was not a all Breaking Point because things about years had been insane if the election for a long time had been all about conspiracies. Here for a long time. The administration had been about conspiracies, donald i trumps entire political was about career was about conspiracies. But it was this kind of formal moment where they officially made conspiracies and insanity their strategy going forward. Their strategy i small ball that and what followed that was the insurrection. Stretch so even though this was this hilariously weird historic here event at i have for this Landscaping Company by for mistake, playing a or for mistake, playing a or for planning, at t and verizon rope you in with phone offers, then bind you to a 3year device contract. Break free with tmobile introducing go 5g plus, the plan that always gives new and existing customers the same great device deals, and youre upgrade ready in two years versus three. Meet the future. A chef. A designer. And, ooh, an engineer. All learning to save and spend their money with chase. The chefs cooking up firsts with her new debit card. Hungry . Uhuh. The designers eyeing sequins. Uh no plaid. While mom is eyeing his spending. Nice. And the engineer . Shes taking control with her own account for college. Three futures, all with chase. Freedom for kids. Control for parents. One bank for both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose neuriva plus. Unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. Tourists tourists that turn into scientists. Tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. That can be analyzed by ai in real time. So researchers can identify which areas are at risk. And help life underwater flourish. Goli, taste your goals. [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. Underwater flourish. [speaker] but Wounded Warrior project helps you realize its possible to get out there [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. [narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. First of all, weve got to talk about that, right, who amongst us has not wanted to kind of dress up as a beer and just escape the world we are living in, right . No . Really . Party of one, my friend. I feel like they are people out there who definitely, with everything that is happening in the world, just want to escape the reality they find themselves in and perhaps, maybe, i dont know i think there are ways to do that with 14 grand. Oh, no, im not talking about the guy pretending to be a dog. Im t

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