Stephanie ruhle. As Donald Trumps legal problems continue to grow, democrats are making a big push for transparency. More than three dozen House Democrats called for cameras in the courtroom during the doj cases against trump. Its something that trumps own attorney was asking for just a few weeks ago. The first thing we would ask for is lets have cameras in the courtroom, so all americans can see what is happening in our Criminal Justice system. And i would hope the department of justice would join in that effort so that we take the curtain away and all americans get to see what is happening. Earlier today, our friend near called deal laid out the importance of having those cameras in the air is. Why dont underestimate dawns ability to try tostay stuff outside of court to his party, lawyers, and so many others, all of which can undermine decorum anyway. The best check on that, and this is something that one of our greatest justices sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let the American People see this trial for themselves, day in and day out, and make their own determinations. We shouldnt be relegated to secondhand descriptions of some Courtroom Sketches of what is going on in that courtroom. Meanwhile, the former president launched a threatening post on his social media site earlier today, writing this. If you go after me, im coming after you just a few hours later, prosecutors proposed a Detective Order citing that very truth social post. They are asking the judge to stop trump from just sharing sensitive documents with the public turned over by prosecutors. This all happened less than 24 hours after the judge directly warned him that bribing, influencing, or retaliating against witnesses is a crime. And tonight, at a Campaign Event in the state of alabama, he went after the special counsel. But, despite the demented prosecution of our movement by our corrupt and highly partisan department of injustice and deranged jack smith. Doesnt he look deranged, you see the picture with the purple robe, he did to hinge the human being. We are getting stronger by the day. Somebody said he i should treat him nicer. Let me tell you, this guy is a lost soul. Republicans better get tough and they better get smart because most of them look like a bunch of weak jerks right now and you have got to get tough and smart and you have got to Fight Fire With fire, you cannot allow this to go on. Quick asterisk. Department of injustice. The majority of things laid out in this indictment came directly from the January 6th Hearings and a reminder, almost all of those witnesses or republicans. And, despite spending the evening in nearby alabama, the former president did not appear in florida today for the superseding indictment arraignment in the classified documents case. Instead he entered a not guilty plea through his attorneys. We have got a lot to cover tonight, so lets get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel this evening. Glenn thrush is here, Justice Department reporter for the new york times, katie benner, pulitzer prizewinning reporter also the times, and former federal prosecutor glenn kirschner. Mr. Kershner, i turn to you first. What can you tell us about this proposed protective order because it is citing that threatening its social media post from trump, but it is talking about documents not going after witnesses . Yeah, the protective order is something that we have seen before and it is actually not unusual what we are turning over discovery to the defense. I wish jack smith had gone farther because i was in court yesterday, albeit in the overflow courtroom watching a live feed, and i saw the judge say, what i am now reading from the transcript, sir i want to remind you that it is a crime to try to influence a juror, threatened a witness, retaliate against anyone, obstruct the administration of justice, and donald trump not 24 hours later does arguably, precisely that in that post. There is something called a Show Cause Order, staff. Anytime somebody is on court supervision, either as a pretrial defendant, pending trial, or somebody who is on probation, after conviction if they violate a condition of release set by the court, ordinarily a show caused border is issued. A Show Cause Order is when the judge demands that the defendant through council show cause as to why a potential violation of a condition of release should not result in remands to custody, stepping back. I hope at some point people realize that we are sacrificing the new administration of justice to Donald Trumps dangerous rhetoric, his reckless speech, his intimidating conduct. At some point the court needs to act, the prosecution needs to act, and they need to consider that this man continues to be a danger to the community and they should consider pretrial detention. Im not sure that where there, yet but i think we are getting closer and closer, steph. Why arent we there yet . She made it really clear, do not mess with witnesses and 24 hours later he says you go after me and i am coming for you. That is a threat. My opinion, were not there yet because we still have a Two Tiered System of justice. We dont do particularly well Holding Accountable what i call the ruling class criminals, the people of power and influence with connections. We do pretty well holding the folks who have no power, have no influence, or connections, and no wealth accountable even for minor crimes. We just dont seem to be interested in or have an appetite for treating the ruling class the same. All right, katie, what is your take on this proposed protective order . Should we be surprised . I dont think you should be surprised in part because in the protective order of the Justice Department, jack smith, it lays out that they had intended to file a protective order all along. They are now just including this tweet, showing how threatening it is. And i understand what glenn is saying that he would like things to go a little bit further, but i would know that in the protective order the Justice Department makes clear that among the materials that will be turned over in discovery, that the defense has said that it needs in order to proceed with its own defense and its own preparation, are the names of witnesses, our other Grand Jury Material that could show who is talking to the Justice Department and that these names, these identities, even the identities of those who worked on the case, these people who are filter teams looking at the evidence, these are things that the Justice Department does call out and say clearly if they get these to the defense that these things need to be treated very carefully and that the defendant, donald trump, is not even allowed to have copies of many of these materials of his own. He can only look at them when he is with his lawyers in part because they fear that these names could get out into the public. All right, mr. Thrash, lets talk about this new push to get cameras in the courtroom. Even Donald Trumps lawyer says that he wants them there. What are the chances it happens . I dont know, i think were going to see, now that we are actually in the middle of this process whether or not trumps team is going to go for it. What is notable is one of the members of congress has been pushing for this is adam schiff, who is obviously involved in the january 6th committee. So there is a sense that if you present the same evidence in a more compelling environment than congress that it will actually benefit the democrats. So i think trump says a lot of things upfront and then backtracks, but i want to address this whole dynamic in general. Today is what we are going to see. Donald trump understands very well the steep odds that he faces within the courtroom. His best chance, in his view, is to wage war against this entire process. We are entering into a very difficult and potentially dangerous moment in American History where we have an empowered front runner for the president ial nominations of the Republican Party who is not merely at war with the political opposition, but is now at war with the Law Enforcement establishment of the United States. So i think people should realize that this is what we are going to see and, in terms to address the other glenns comment about blocking him up on this, i can tell you from my conversations with folks over at the Justice Department that this is the last thing they want. They dont want to rise to the bait. This protective order, as katie said, was in the works already. They included it so that they could have on the record that they noticed that this happened and put him on a bit of warning, but they do not want to play into trumps hands and turn this into a situation where he could be Gagged Inside of a jail cell. That is the worst outcome for the Justice Department. Councillor kirschner, i see you nodding your head. Yeah, we can certainly come at dangerous with a piece of it, i understand of that. 30 years, when i had the evidence that someone was a clear and convincing danger to the community or a flight risk or, as we are now one step closer, if they refuse to abide by conditions of release you apply the rule of law without fear or favor. Donald trump has had the rule of law applied with a favorite for far too long, which is precisely why we are here and i think matters will get worse, stephanie, in your lead in i heard donald trump say that they are prosecuting our movement. Not that they are prosecuting him, that is the message that they will be sending every day and less Law Enforcement does what the law allows. Mr. Thrash, we are watching trump test out these defenses like freedom of speech, turning and saying that i was relying on my lawyers. Neither of these defenses hold up in a court of law, so what is he really doing . Is he trying to win over the court of Public Opinion because, in truth, the defense that he is banking on more than anything is getting reelected. And delaying. Spaghetti meet wall. Everything that he can throw at this he will throw at this. Apart from the constitutional legal arguments that his team is going to make, i think that john laura, his lawyer in court yesterday, and i was in the courtroom and it was an extraordinary moment, spent a fair amount of time we linguist a magistrate talking about how much time was required. Incorrectly he said the government had three and a half years to investigate trump, why are we only getting 90 days under the speedy trial provision . So i think the principal strategy is going to be to delay, delay, delay. Okay, katie, i am sorry to do this to you but i think i am giving you the most difficult question of the night. Yesterday trump complained on camera and today he did it on social media, complaining about the filth of washington, d. C. Does this man not need to win over d. C. Jurors . What is this getting him . The sea is filthy and disgusting, please find me not guilty. I dont get it . I dont think that there is anything that donald trump could say too many d. C. Jurors at this point, and hes a man who won the presidency based on the Cam Pain Slogan drain the swamp. So i think that trump is really just beating trump in this moment, this is a jury pool that people have talked a lot about, they have said already that if you look demographically, its perhaps not going to work in his favor. But if you see rhetoric like this, and this is a light example but some of trumps rhetoric is it going to start undercutting his ability for his lawyers to defend him because not only will he insult the jury pool, but he will start to feed misinformation, disinformation, false information into the public and make statements that one cannot be made by his lawyers in court because lawyers cannot say things that are untrue in Court Without facing severe consequences, and, to, that the judge might even take issue with, which could bring him more problems down the line. So yes, of course calling it easy filthy and insulting the city is probably not the best way to move voters, there are other bigger problems of trumps rhetoric that i think could cause a clashes down the line, that we cannot even predict right now. Your town socks, it is filthy and grows, please find me not guilty and then let me move into the white house for in the middle of your nasty town. I dont get it. Glengarden, or help me understand this. Trump is going to be asking for a delay after delay, saying that they dont have enough, time theyve got to get their head around this, but at the same time he is going to have a jampacked campaign schedule. Can he really stay to the judge that i cannot make it because im going to be at tuscaloosa in a rally . Yeah, you can see i dont have time for these pesky criminal trials because i am busy trying to get back into the white house. So, perhaps i can get rid of my federal criminal cases altogether. I think he has met his match in judge chutkan. I know her most directly from when i was trying murder cases against her across the street from federal court, in d. C. Superior court, and i will tell you, i would say she is a worthy opponent. I would have to ask whether i was a worthy opponent to her. She is a strong, smart, tactically savvy, and entirely honorable, trustworthy opponent and defense attorney. I have been in her courtroom, watching her preside over criminal cases more recently. I think trump and his defense team have met their match. I think she is going to set a speedy trial. It wouldnt surprise me if we saw a trial not long after the first of the year. I think some of the other trials that donald trump has on his schedule may take a back seat, like da alvin braggs Second Civil Trial and civil trials almost always take a backseat to criminal trials, particularly federal criminal trials. So, i do not think he will get a particularly warm, welcoming reception from judge chutkan. She will be strong. She will be fair. She will be independent. And she will move this case along quickly is my expectation. Glenn kirschner said it yesterday, she dont play. Glenn thrush, katie benner, glenn kirschner, great to have you all starting us off on this friday night. When we come back, ron desantis goes further than ever before in rejecting trumps election lies. But the former president is still way ahead of the Florida Governor in the allimportant state of iowa. Jonathan allen and reed galen i hear. Annexed, lizzos response to the The 11th Hour just getting underway on a busy friday. N a busy friday. Rsv can be a dangerous virus. [sneeze]. For those 60 and older. Its not just a cold. And if youre 60 or older. You may be at increased risk of hospitalization. [coughing]. From this highly. Contagious virus. Not all dangers come with warning labels. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor. 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Jean carroll case. So, lets discuss. I have got jon allen here, Senior National politics reporter, and great friend of mine, from nbc. And reed galen, cofounder of the lincoln project. He has worked on a number of gop campaigns, including john mccain, arnold schwarzenegger, and george w. Bush. Reed, here is my question. All republicans basically trapped with donald trump at this point . He is never going to drop out of the race. He is running for his life, for his freedom. And, at the very least, if he wasnt running, he is never going to tell his supporters to back anyone but him. So, either he has to be the nominee, or he is going to spoil it for them. I think you hit the nail on the head, they made a deal with the devil, as i think i might have even said on your show before. And now they are stuck with him. As you said, no one can beat him, probably, in a primary election. If someone, by some miracle, stephanie ruhle, were to, he would tell his 30 , 35 of the Republican Base nationally, these people are you know, they are out to get me. They are part of the deep state. Whatever it is. Dont vote for any of them. You vote for me or you just stay home. And what happens . Republicans lose more and more and more. They have made this deal and they are stuck with it. Its a catch 22 from start to finish, and here is the other part too. Its that even if thats a he made a deal with jack smith, i dont run again. What is everyone going to want . They are going to want his endorsement. So, no matter, what the poison of Donald Trumps with the gop for some time to come. Jon, what do you think . There is this sort of romantic notion floating out there that more moderate republicans are going to pull together and they are going to step forward. But those moderate republicans are going to get tagged as the establishment, and trumps base despises them. You need look no further, stephanie, then the box that ron desantis is in right now. He has been watching his poll numbers fall. We saw him today start to change his tune a little bit. I think we are going to talk about that a little bit more. But change his tune a little bit on whether the election was legitimate in 2020 but the more he goes to the center, the more hes going to alienate that trump base that he would need to cut into, the more he goes toward the base. And we have already seen this with him. He alienates the big donors he needs to make himself viable and alienates the moderates that you were talking about, the people who were anti trump voters who wanted to go to him and now think that he has been too extreme. So, we are watching this in realtime, but there is not a lot of oxygen on the republican side if you are not donald trump. You know what else there isnt a lot of . Time. Reed, you have worked on campaigns. What in the world is a going to be like for trump and his team to manage all of these court dates and a campaign . Well, you see its a good question, stephanie, because heres the thing. These campaigns have always been a disaster. His 2016 campaign, though he won, was probably the worst managed campaign in living memory. 2020 was bad. Remember, they were basically out of money by october. And this one will be just as bad. Now, youve got people like chris loss of eta and susie wildes who are working to contain the crazy for now. But as you put on the calendar, when we came up from after the break, they now have to dodge the political calendar and the political counter and these two will weave out of each other, not just in terms of timing but also in terms of one another. The politics will come together. They will split apart. But heres the thing too is its not just for him. Every time there is a debate that he doesnt show up for, like we are going to see in milwaukee here in a couple of weeks, the question is going to be, do you support donald do you support donald trump when the 2020 election . Do you believe he should be prosecuted . He is everywhere all the time with these people. And so, are they going to have time . They will have time. The question is, are they going to have money . Now, i would say this is, he has been paying his lawyers, which is unusual for donald trump. It wouldnt surprise me if he is going to ask for a hamburger today that he can pay for his tomorrow with his legal teams. And before you know those legal bills go away and he just doesnt pay anybody. I am confident they will find the money. There are dark corners all over this planet. He will find the cash. All right. I want both of you to weigh in on this one. Jon, to you first. I am amazed this week. The republican spin and Sound Machine is so loud and unified. Within days, blasting joe biden, blasting hunter biden, claims to drown out the Trump Indictment sure, maybe he is a criminal, but biden is too. What can democrats do to combat this . Because the lions share of this spin is factually incorrect, but its like a tidal wave. When you are explaining in politics, and you know this well stephanie, and reed knows it too and spending your time doing that, its a distraction from the things that the democrats actually want to talk about. Its a distraction from the achievements that biden has had. It is a distraction from, actually, what you havent seen yet, which may eventually come, which is, a platform for joe biden in 2024. And its a distraction from what has gone on that is not weaponization or politicization, but the legal cases against donald trump, which are news and, of course, weve seen three indictments so far. I think most of us anticipating a fourth in georgia. So, i think the answer for democrats is for joe biden to perform well, to articulate what what hes done, but also to articulate a vision for the country that inspires voters. Reed, how do you think democrats should combat this . I think one thing that democrats sometimes have trouble with, stephanie, is utilizing the levers of power that they have. This is not only the president and the white house and the Vice President , but its the entire cabinet. Its the entire apparatus of the democratic party. Everyone who can lead washington to see and get out to a target state or a Target Precinct or a Target County should be out. Its august. No one wants to be In Washington anyway. Its an awful place in the summer. Get out there. Start talking to voters now. Toot your own horn. As jon noted, the president has had incredible bipartisan success with a barely functional Republican Party. And so, take all of those assets you have that are in the box right now. Pull them out. And get them out. Get them out into the states and Start Talking to voters. Start talking to the media. If you have passed an infrastructure bill, pick up a shovel and start rebuilding a bridge. Whatever the case might be but they can tell the story in a lot of different places. You know why . Because, although you and i are talking, you guys are in new york, or wherever you all are, regular human beings are getting ready for the kids to go back to school, they are finishing up their vacations. The last thing in the world i really want to do is think about what is going on In Washington. They are not reading the washington post. They are not reading the new york times. They are reading the milwaukee Journey Sentinel or the detroit news or whatever their local newspapers. Make news there and you are going to get the attention of voters. Reed, you are very, very lucky that you didnt finish that by saying they are not watching msnbc, because if you had i would have for good, my friend. Reed galen, jonathan allen, great to see you both. All right, when we come back, its a conversation i have been dying to have all week. Lizzo, known for embracing body positivity, and now she is positively in a hot mess. With some of her Performer Dancers accusing her of Weight Shaming them, and they are taking her to court over it, when The 11th Hour continues. Our continues book a getawayfromwork trip. Use onekeycash. Order some sides. Do not disturb. Join one key to earn and use rewards across expedia, hotels. Com, and vrbo. First, theres an idea and you do something about it for the first time with godaddy. Then before you know it, it is a life changer. you make your first sale. Small business first. Never stopped coming. we did it and you have a partner that always puts you first way. no way start today at godaddy. Com. When i was diagnosed with hiv, i didnt know who i would be. But here i am. Being me. Keep being you. 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For the first time, music Superstar Lizzo is talking about the lawsuit filed against her by three of her former dancers. She denies the claims of Sexual Harassment and a hostile work environment, calling them unbelievable and outrageous. My colleague joe fire has a closer look at what shes being accused of. Lizzos its songs are often accompanied by messages of body positivity. Watch out for the big girls. While promoting her emmy winning reality show watch out for the big girls, lizzo told today she was looking for dancing to match that message. I finally have the platform to know an open call addition for girls who look like me. Lizzo was accused of Weight Shaming. One of the dancers, arianna davis, he says lizzo called attention to her weight gain with thinly veiled concerns, although she never explicitly stated it. I just had this feeling that they had a problem with the way i was gaining weight. Davis filed the suit with Crystal Williams and noelle rodriguez. They allege that, at an after party at a strip club in amsterdam, we are sexually explicit acts were taking place onstage, lizzo began inviting cast members to take turns touching the performers. I briefly touched a performer. I was very mortified. Everyone burst into laughter. Then, something davis said she didnt want to do but felt pressure to do. I did not ask for it. I said no multiple times. According to the suit, the dancers also allege lizzo falsely accused them of Drinking Alcohol before shows, and because of that, they were forced to audition for their jobs again. She would pick and choose when she wanted to be professional and when she wanted things to be personal. Both williams and davis say they were fired this past spring, while rodriguez resigned. In an interview, davis also describing an interaction with lizzo not outlined in the lawsuit. She proceeded to say, you know, dancers get fired for gain weight. You should basically be grateful to be here. Joining us to discuss, krystie lee yandoli, Senior Entertainment Reporter for rolling stone. This is a shocking story. For people who might not be familiar with lizzo and her music, can you explain her brand and how it starkly clashes with this lawsuit . Yeah, absolutely, and thanks for having me. Lizzo, for the last handful of years, has really built such a powerful brand, empowering people, mostly women in a very body and sex positive way. Her music, her fashion you know, every interview she does, she has really become this icon in pop culture portraying body and sex positive messages for women everywhere. So, for this lawsuit to come about and four women who worked directly with her to have these kinds of allegations is such a stark contrast to her public facing image. How are her fans responding . So far, people have not taken too well to the allegations, nor to lizzos response. Lizzo categorically denied everything. She also has sought representation by the way of marty singer, who, historically, has represented celebrities like bill cosby, most recently. Celebrities who are accused of Sexual Harassment and pretty heinous things. And i think, so far, it was reported that she has lost 150,000 fans on instagram. Also, most noticeably, i should say most notably, beyonce, who is currently touring and has a great relationship with lizzo prior has removed her name that she she julie mentions in her break my soul remix, obviously trying to distance herself from lizzo. So, people are not taking too well, again, from this stark contrast and dichotomy in lizzos public facing image compared to what people are learning, allegedly happened behind the scenes. The fact that beyonce would drop lizzos name from her lyrics so quickly what does that say . Is it that there is something valid to these claims that was known in the Dance Community . You would think, if that is your girl, if you are close enough, if you like her enough to put her in your song, you might not drop for day one. I cant speak to what is known in the Dance Community. But i just think, in this climate, and with the internet and the way that people are holding celebrities and abuse of power to account, i am not surprised that beyonce or anyone would really want to distance themselves from lizzo. If it can hurt i mean, beyonce is on tour. If it can hurt her image to include lizzos name in a lyric and these are pretty serious allegations. Obviously, the Weight Shaming at the body shaming is not great. But in addition to that, the Sexual Harassment and misconduct allegations are pretty serious. So, i could see why someone famous would not want to be aligned with that. How about other dancers who are currently or formerly working with her . Other employees . Anyone else come out for or against lizzo or these plaintiffs here . So, after the allegations from her three former dancers, a filmmaker and director who worked with Lizzo A Couple years ago, i think back in 2019, came out and said that she also quit working on the documentary two weeks after working with lizzo because she felt like lizzo also fostered this toxic workplace environment. She was very unhappy to be there. She felt very disrespected and mistreated after, again, only two weeks of working with her. The director came out and said that she wanted to share her experience to support other black women who are speaking out about this. She did not want to be silent, which is something you see in new cycles like this, that in stories of this nature, usually, there is power and safety in numbers if you are a victim or an alleged victim of this kind of behavior. You see other people speaking out, you feel a little bit safer coming forward. So, this one director did, which may or may not help corroborate these dancers experiences. And again, you kind of never know if there are other alleged victims they might see that and feel more power to continue to come forward. So, while this has been unfolding for a few days, we may be at the beginning of what else is to come. We will soon find out. Krystie, thank you so much for joining us, i appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Before we have a break, though, i want you to know it is not all bad news in the Music Industry this week, definitely not for swifties. In fact, swifts i cant even say. It Swift Swiftness came early this year is reporting that taylor swift herself gave a massive thank you to the folks that make her shows possible, in the form of bonuses totaling more than 55 million. The bonuses were handed out to the entire areas eras tour crew that is caterers truckers a whopping 100,000 each with lifechanging. That is some good karma, if you ask me. Coming up three criminal indictments in just four months, and possibly another on the way. How will this week be remembered in the History Books . Our good friend john meacham is he when The 11th Hour continues. Continues. My antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. Is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms. Better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be lifethreatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. High blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. Movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. Stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. 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Social media, finetuned to suck them in. And steal them away. Alone you cant stop it. Together we will. We have a plan. Join us. the attack on our nations capitol january 6th, 2021, was an unprecedented assault on the seat of american democracy. Its described in the indictment, it was fueled by lies. This is a persecution of a political opponent. This was never supposed to happen in america. This is the prosecution of the person that is leading by very, very substantial numbers in the republican primary, and leading biden by a lot. So, if you cant beat them, you persecute them or you prosecute them. This has been yet another historic week in america. Present president Donald J Trump racking up a third indictment, this time over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. So, lets discuss with our favorite historian, jon meacham, who occasionally advises President Biden. Hes also the author of the book, and then there was light Abraham Lincoln and the american struggle. Jon, lets actually start by tying their most recent book to the week we are having, a quote from your book about Abraham Lincoln, and what it took for him to achieve progress in a difficult time. What is similar to this period of American History, Abraham Lincolns period, to what we are seeing today . An Intrinsic Division of opinion, not simply about the means of politics, which is an understandable argument, but the ends of politics itself. What are we in Civil Society for . This sounds very grand. But it is a grand week. Its an important week. A lot of times donald trump seems soap operatic. This is actually operatic. This is important. Because its a direct assault on the fundamental insight that has shaped the country, that lincoln understood and defended, that Franklin Roosevelt did, and that president s of both parties, until now, until the 45th President , adhered to. Which was that no Single Person is more important than the Constitutional Order in which we picked that Single Person and if you send someone to the pinnacle of power whose only interest is there perpetuation in that office, then that is fatal to the whole american experiment in liberty under a law. And its not just an ideological, its not just a grand kind of historical elbow patch sweater kind of thing to adhere to. It is an insight, because it protects both of us. If i respect your rights, if i respect your right to vote, and the winner of whomever you voted for, you are more likely to respect mine. Because if either one of us takes it away by force, then we are back into what the political philosophers talked about as a state of nature, we are to just a war of all against all. And americas great role in western life has, in many ways, been to model, imperfectly imperfectly but it has in fact modeled this idea that the law is so important, because it protects us from our own appetites and ambitions. Democracy has been tested over the last few years. When we think about trump, pushing the election lies, wanting to overturn the election, it didnt work. When you think about the attack on the capitol on january 6th, scores of those insurrectionists are sitting in jail right now. But now, here we are with these massive charges, right . He is being charged with conspiring to defraud the United States of america. And still, republicans all over capitol hill are saying, yeah, but hunter biden went to a state dinner. Are you worried that this time democracy really is on the line . I think democracy is always on the line. I think that, to go back to lincoln for a second, a slightly Different Military result in gettysburg in the early summer days of 1863, and we are in a different world altogether. Abraham lincoln decide to do Different Things about emancipation slavery lasts, arguably, into the 20th century. This is a contingent, conditional enterprise we are engaged in. Its his perennial struggle between our better angels and our worst instincts. And its an entirely human undertaking. I find the whataboutism that you alluded to to be utterly unconvincing, and it proves to me a lot more about the genuine motives and interests of those who make the argument. I believe that, as i am not a democrat but, as you alluded, President Biden is my friend, i try to help him when i can. I dont agree with him on a significant number of policy questions. But, my god, he is standing in the breach between chaos and a Constitutional Order that, again, however imperfect, at least gives us a chance to solve our differences piece of lee for a time. And so, i believe it is an extraordinary moment when americans, who i know no better at some level, put a partisan feeling ahead of that constitution. And it ends up having my view of things that we are talking about ends up having a partisan effect. And that partisan effect is that, i think he should have voted for biden in 2020. I think you should have voted for a democrat in 2022. And i think you should vote for President Biden in 2024. Because not because, again, of particular policies, though that is great, if thats why you do it but because they believe in the rule of law. And it is the left could go crazy. They could become totally unmoored from reality. But they are not at this hour. And the american right has become unmoored from reality because of their devotion to this singular figure. And that way, madness lies. And the singular figure we should all be more moored to ease democracy and our constitution, if we love this country. Jon meacham, always good to see you, especially on a friday night. Thank you for joining us. Thanks, stephanie. When we come back, if you can dream it, you can do it. An inspirational story you must stay up for that is taking place right here in the when The 11th Hour continues. H hour continues nkers. Convenient tools. Boom. One bank with the power of both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Open talenti and raise the jar to gelato made from scratch. Raise the jar to flavors from the worlds finest ingredients. And now, from jars to bars. New Talenti Gelato and sorbetto mini bars. Detect this living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Thats why i switched to dovato. Dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. No other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. 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The last thing before we go tonight soaring to new heights. We wanted to end this very busy and serious newsweek by highlighting his story that shows the beauty of the human spirit overcoming physical limitations. Michael glen is the worlds first paraplegic hot air balloon pilot, flying a specially modified balloon in festivals all around the globe. Well, our own gary caught up with michael glen and what i consider to be the greatest place on the globe, my home state of new jersey. Watch this. Its 6 15 on a friday morning, and 48yearold michael glen is attending a Weather Briefing and getting ready to take flight at the new jersey lateral lottery festival of ballooning, alongside dozens of hot air balloon pilots. People have boats, rvs, we just happen to have but michael is doing it all on to. Wheels michael grew Up Ballooning he got his Student Pilot License as a teenager and was working toward his private Pilot License when he was involved in a life altering accident that had him ejected from his vehicle. As you can imagine, your life literally changes overnight. Hospitalized for weeks, michaels priority shifted to learning how to walk. But he never lost sight of his goal. To get in a Hot Air Balloon Antler earn his Pilot License. You get into a Balloon Basket just a few months after a devastating accident. Do you think at that point, oh, i want to get my license . That was almost the instinct, yes, i want to do this. After being denied a license by the faa once for being wheelchair bound, Michael Double Down and ended up tripling the number of hours required for him to get license. If you want to be something new, the answer is always. Know the answer is going to be no, and need to go up to them and prove to them. When he obtained his license in 2006, Ten Years After his accident, he became the worlds first paraplegic hot air balloon pilot. Just because i am in a wheelchair, doesnt make a difference. What makes a difference is how he flies most balloonists will like the bigger baskets because you are able to take multiple people. But this is me plus one. So, if you are getting to be and you leave your partner down on the ground. Today, michael glen says he is one of five hotair balloons three of them became pilots after meeting him. The well of my life, im trying to strive to inspire one person. I know i probably have but, in general, i still just drive for that, just to make a difference and one persons life, to even give them a better day, to show them they can achieve anything. That is what i strive for. A historymaking pilot encouraging others to soar to new heights. Gary grumbach. Nbc news, readington, new jersey. We wish you clear skies ahead, michael. As for me, my girlfriends are waiting about five blocks away to play yahtzee, so, i am going to sign off on which you have very good night. From all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. I will see you at the end of monday

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