Good evening once again. I am stephanie ruhle, live from Msnbc Headquarters here in New York City where we are just hours away from former president Donald Trumps third criminal arraignment in just four months. Tomorrow afternoon, at four pm eastern. He is expected to appear in person at a federal court in washington d. C. Where he will enter a plea to charges that he conspired to overturn the 2020 president ial election. Tonight, Law Enforcement is preparing setting up barricades outside of the courthouse. Of course, on tuesday a grand jury indicted trump on four separate felony counts. Including Conspiracy To Defraud the United States of america. Today, trumps lawyer gave another preview of what could be a possible defense. That the Indictment Strikes at the former president s right to free speech. This is the first time that the First Amendment has been criminalized. This indictment is criminalizing conduct, not speech. Its criminalizing speech for this reason. With the president s on the 2020 election, with all these irregularities going on. He had every right to comment on that and act politically. In a criminal case, what they would have to show is that this speech was not entitled to First Amendment production. Of course, reminder. Its not about what donald trump said. As jack smith laid out in the indictment. It is what he did. Trumps lawyer also objecting to the possibility of a trial during the 2024 election cycle. Suggesting that the Justice Department was moving too quickly. The biden Justice Department has had three years to investigate this. To take President Trump to trial in 90 days of course is absurd. The question is why do they want to do that. If you want to seek justice then you need to offer mister President Trump an opportunity to get a hold of all of the evidence and understand what the facts are. Meanwhile, the New York Times notes how former Vice President mike pence has gone from trumps righthand man to potential star witness. And now political rival. This afternoon, pence responded to questions about trump and the indictment. Anyone who puts themselves over the constitution should not be president of the United States. And anyone who asks somebody else to put themselves over the constitution, should never be president of the United States again. What the president maintained that, and has frankly said over and over again last two and a half years is completely false. And it is contrary to what our constitution and the laws of the country provide. Sadly, the president was surrounded by a group of lawyers that told him what his years wanted to hear. Not long after that, the former president posted these outright lies about mike pence. Writing the following quote, he didnt fight against election fraud, which we will now be easily able to prove. The vp had power that mike didnt understand. This of course comes after the indictment made it clear pence did not have that power. And for fact sake, the Electoral Count act does not give the Vice President the ability to change the outcome of an election. Weve said it before, we will say it again. President former President Trumps woeful ignorance proves nothing. With that lets get smarter with the help of our Leadoff Panel and ice promise they have been working overtime. Luke broadwater, pulitzer prizewinning congressional reporter for the New York Times. Kyle cheney, political Senior Legal Affairs reporter. Barbara mcquade, veteran federal prosecutor in former u. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of michigan. Barbara, i want to start with you. What should we be paying attention to tomorrow, any surprises that the Trump Legal Team could throw into the mix . I would be surprised, stephanie. An arraignment is actually a pretty routine matter. The defendant has a right to have the indictment read to them which they almost always wave because they want to get the whole thing over with as quickly as possible. You know, they find out what the penalties are. They enter their preliminary plea, guilty, not guilty, stand, mute. Released on a bond of some sort. So i would be surprised if much happens tomorrow. What could happen, i think, is the spectacle outside the courthouse. There could be civil unrest of donald trump gives incendiary speech or comments. That could be the kind of civil unrest that we have been worried about here in new york, georgia, and elsewhere. Kyle, trumps lawyers saying hold your horses, this thing is moving too fast. Too fast for whom . The lion share of all of this evidence was laid out by the january Six Committee months ago. Is this really just about trump wanting to push this true and win an election and wipe this out . That being the most reasonable defense . I mean, look, this is going to take a while to bring to trial. For no other reason at least that the president had the crowded legal calendar over the next year plus, so, just to fit the trial into his schedule will be quite an ordeal. I think the question is how do you ensure that the president who has the right to present a defense will prepare that defense that will take time. Its not going to necessarily take two plus years that trump s Attorney Says it will, but it could take a significant amount of time to organize that kind of a defense, and make sure he is able to present it. And so, the earliest filings in this case that will be of high interest is what is the timeline, the specific timeline, that jack smith thinks this can be done in and is he prepared to say the documents case which is prepared to go in trial and may. Luke, donald trump posted a thank you to his supporters today. Here is the thing, core gop maga voters control of the base, there is nothing they can do . Yes youve described the Dynamic On Capitol Hill pretty well there. Look, there is a lot of evidence that the more january six is talked about, the worse it is for donald trump and republicans electoral chances. Specifically, in the general election. We saw that in the midterms. But what it doesnt seem to hurt him in is the primary. As long as those primary voters are locked in, so tightly, to donald trump and supporting him so much, you see that reflected with the republicans on capitol hill. The minute some of them start to break with trump or speak out against trump, they hear it from their voters at home, and those who have really broken up with trump have been ostracized from the party, almost completely. So, yes that is the dynamic, theres a lot of republicans who talked on the hill wish they would change that, wish that the hold he has over the base would break. But weve not seen any evidence that that is going to happen and, you know, perhaps it still could at some point. But, we havent seen evidence that it is trending towards that. We may start to see lawmakers start to campaign for the idea of open primaries. Luke, the other things that we are hearing republicans say today is fine, now, it is going to be donald trump versus joe biden, Criminal Versus criminal. And they are pushing this idea that joe biden is involved in illegal Business Dealings with his son. Please help us here. Has absolutely anything been proven, or shown, that ties the president , the current president of the United States to any illegal conduct . I mean, theres a huge difference between actual criminal charges, which we now see three indictments against donald trump where theyve gone to a grand jury, substantial evidence has been amassed. And then mere allegations. Which is what you see here from republicans on capitol hill against joe biden. You know, there is one investigation about the haven of classified documents, that is going on, by special counsel into joe biden, and we will see how that one ends up. We dont know how it will end up. But, there is no criminal case going atul against joe biden, alleging corrupt Business Practices that simply does not exist. Which is why we need to keep reminding our audience, however, if that would be the case we would cover it, but there is nothing to cover at this point, because there are no charges being launched against the current president. Barbara, i want to share with Rudy Giuliani said last night. I have a chapter of my book called stand up to bullies, here is what i say to jack smith. This will be your legacy, violating the rights of free speech of an american citizen. Never mind whether he was president or not. Okay, okay, okay, barb, Rudy Giuliani is telling us that jack smith should be worried about his legacy. Rudy giuliani who held a Press Conference at four seasons total landscaping in philadelphia, Rudy Giuliani who was prominently featured in the most recent borat movie. He is warning others about legacy . Yeah, first of all i dont think jack smith cares about his legacy i think what he cares about his justice. This seems to become a talking point, ive been hearing it in the past few days from Trump Supporters and apologize, this idea that donald trump was simply exercising his First Amendment right to free speech. We all have a right to free speech, but there are limits to those things. When it and up in illegal conduct. If you and i get together and plot to rob a bank, is that exercising free speech . No it is a criminal conspiracy if we enter into an agreement to violate the law. Pressuring State Officials to subvert the vote. Organizing fake slates of electors. Pressuring mike pence to overturn the election. All of these things are illegal conspiracies. Yes they involve speech, but it is not simply the exercise of free speech that we enjoy when we stand on the Street Corner and talk about which political candidate we support. Kyle, earlier today i heard Lindsey Graham on television attacking the judge presiding over this case, saying that she absolutely hates donald trump. Of course, this judge was confirmed, unanimously, which means Lindsey Graham himself voted yes to confirm her, but now he is changing his tune. Along with other republicans, including trumps lawyer who suggested moving this trial potentially to west virginia. Any chance of that happening . I highly doubt it. Look, in a lot of generous cases weve seen defendants make motions to transfer venue and they argue they say d. C. The jury pool is too biased against Trump Supporters, we can have a fair trial here, the judges have rejected that across the board. Theyve said look the constitution and the law favors you having a trial in the district where the crime is committed, allegedly committed. And on top of that, your assumptions about the d. C. Jury pool are not backed up by facts. Yes the politics are certainly there, but that is not a factor in juries. When they are deciding based on whether our crime has met the standard of reasonable doubt. There is a very thorough process for vetting jurors, that seems to work. Weve seen nuanced verdicts and a lot of january six cases that dont fit the stereotypes that a lot of these people claim. Luke, trump is also going back to some of his favorite sort of january six that mike pence, he would have been able to change the election. How can he possibly make this argument. Mike pence is now defending himself. But again, still not going for the jugular. Knowing that Trump Supporters are never going to support mike pence, many of them are the ones chanting hang mike pence. Yeah, i mean, you can understand what mike pence is trying to do here. But, he did stand up to donald trump on january six. And he did refused to throw out the votes of million of americans. But in that time, since then, he seems he wants to back off from really criticizing trump over it, or taking a firm stand about it. I heard him say today that although trump shouldnt hold office again, that he didnt agree with indicting him. And so, he is trying to walk this very, narrow middle rhoda which im not sure who it appeals to. Im not sure what the voter base is or what the electorate is. And he is not catching up in the polls from it. So, i dont know, is at some point he is willing to go hard against donald trump and speak out more forcefully or will he continue to pursue this middle ground that doesnt seem to be catching on the voters . The special counsel had access to january Six Committee s findings, they were massive. Kyle, does it seem like were going to see more people charged soon . This is a good question because the six coconspirators who we believe, at least five of them, maybe all six are attorneys, seem like they could be charged eminently. We have to see the grand jury continues to meet and push forward, but at the same time, a big part of that picking those six particular coconspirators could be about neutralizing donalds trumps counsel, because if he says i was relying on the advice on my lawyers they can say that is because you were in league with those lawyers to do these crimes. So, theres a strategic reason to pick these six coconspirators but they could be conceivably charged and soon. Barb, tonight former attorney general bill barr, trumps attorney general was asked if he spoke to jack smith or the investigators. I want to share what he said. Im not going to get into that. Could he eventually be a witness at this trial, much like mike pence . I think it is very likely he wont be a witness in the trial, we saw this testimony during the january Six Committee hearings, and in this indictment. He is cited as one example of the reasons donald trump william barr told him he had not seen any widespread fraud that could change the election. He said publicly and it was after that that he resigned from his position as attorney general. Just a few weeks before the end of the administration. I think it is very likely that we will see william barr. Of course you mentioned at the beginning, this concept of willful ignorance when you have william barr, and you have your cyber director, and you have your director of National Intelligence telling you that you have lost the election, you lose 61 at a 62 lawsuits, the lone victory being a procedural non substantive picture, and you hear again and again even from your own Campaign Advisers that youve lost the election, at some point this instruction about woeful ignorance will be given to the jury. That is you cant simply ignore and obvious fact by Turning A Blind Eye to it. And so, i think william barr will be part of the litany of witnesses who we will hear from who put donald trump on notice that he had indeed lost this election. That is a bumper sticker. Woeful ignorance is my defense, please elect me to be the president. Luke broadwater, kyle cheney, barbara mcquade, thank you so much, before we go to break i want to quickly check in on how fox news host are talking about this new indictment, because the truth matters, but only if you hear it. Here is Laura Ingraham earlier this evening. Now, not wanting to leave politics, apparently, is the basis for a federal crime. Are you listening to these people . The bottom line is this, trump was charged with two counts of conspiracy and two counts of obstruction of an official proceeding, for adopting and pressing an unconventional and controversial legal view, that the electors in this president ial race could be replaced with new electors. Well, the indictment . According to that analysis is a complete sham. If this is how low the bar is said Going Forward then smith and garland, and every prosecutor who push this fraud of a case, should all expect to face similar treatment to what they are putting trump through. For facts sakes, absolutely no one is saying that not wanting to leave office is the basis for a federal crime. Jack smith goes to Great Lengths in the indictment to show that this is not about what trump said, thought, or wanted. Again, it is about what he actually did. I want you to listen to the words, she herself Laura Ingraham used to describe one of the conspiracies that trump is accused of. Unconventional, and controversial. Sounds zany or cute. No. Heres a quick reminder of what she actually thinks, and how she talked about trump allies and unnamed coconspirators sydney powell, Rudy Giuliani, in a private text message from the dominion lawsuit. Earlier this year, quote, sydney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with rudy. That is what Laura Ingraham really thinks when the cameras arent on. I said it before, i will say it again, the truth matters, but only if you hear it. Coming up, jack smith called Law Enforcement the defended the Capitol Patriots and the best of us. We will speak with former Capitol Police chief steven sund about trumps latest indictment and what that says about january six. Later, with the new charges with trump matter for Republican Voters, the 11th hour just getting underway on an important wednesday night. Im jayson. Im living with hiv and im on cabenuva. It helps keep me undetectable. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. Its really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. Dont receive cabenuva if youre allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. Serious side effects include allergic reactions postinjection reactions, Liver Problems, and depression. 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And wed have a better view. Do you need mulch . The men and women of law what, we have a ton of mulch. Goli, taste your goals. A literal ton. Enforcement who defended the u. S. Capitol on january 6th hearings. They are patriots and The Very Best of us. They did not just defend a building. Or the people sheltering in it. They put their lives on the line to defend who we are as a country and people. They defended the very institutions and principles that define the United States. Special counsel jack smith taking time to honor the officers who protected the capitol on january 6th. That was during comments tuesday about the new indictment against donald trump accusing him of attempting to overturn the 2020 election. I want to take a moment to remind ourselves exactly what happened on january 6th. Watch this. Now all right. We have a breach of the capital. Step back. All pd step back. All pdfs that back. It is number not awful to watch that. Im honored to welcome back to our program, retired Capitol Police chief stevenson who held a position on january 6th. He has written about the experience in his book, courage under fire, under siege. And outnumbered 58 to 1 on january 6th. Chief, thank you so much for being here, you are the first person i thought of when i was watching jack smith and his remarks yesterday. What was your reaction when you heard the indictment . First and foremost, stephanie, it is great to be back on your show, thank you very much. First thoughts would be for the men and women on the Capitol Police, the 17th Law Enforcement agencies that were called for us to regain the capitol. Looking back, those videos, i remember that like it was yesterday. You know there are a lot of officers this has impacted them a lot, they cant get january six behind them. Some will feel vindicated by the indictment that has come out, but i will tell you, there is no two ways about it, if there wasnt a rally on january six, you and i wouldnt be here to talk. When you joined me after you wrote your book, you were in pain. What you wanted most for your men and women, for those officers, was accountability at the absolute top. Not just the insurrectionists, you wanted accountability to the people who potentially gave way to this, facilitated it. Do you feel like this indictment gives you that and accountability in any way . I feel like it begins to lead towards that. When you think about it, and i appreciate the reference to the book, that was a really tough book to write and an emotional time to be on your program. When you look back, my biggest thing that i remember from that day that ties into this is, everyone looks at President Trump and ive always looked at him as the Law And Order president but on that day i needed the military support, and i was begging. I was on the phone with the Pentagon Begging for assistance, and it doesnt sound like there was a lot of work done to send the support, i was begging for my officers to get that day, and we couldve used it. That is some of the memories that i have. As i think about it in high its ties into this. You said you always looked at him as the Law And Order president. Now that these charges are spelled out, one of them being that he conspired to defraud the United States, does that change your Point Of View seeing him as a Law And Order president . As i read through it, ive only read through part of the 42page indictment. Theres a lot of concerning stuff in there. Once this gets through the court system it raises a lot of concern. As i wrote in the book, i already had a number of concerns about why i wasnt getting the support, why Law Enforcement officers werent there for the Law Enforcement he supported on january six . Why wasnt he there that day to help them . What was it like to hear jack smith at the podium singling out the efforts of you and other Law Enforcements who protected the capitol that day . How did you feel . It was very much appreciated. You know, weve had people who have said we were some of the instigators of violence, you watch some of the videos, our officers i think did a stellar job, they are heroic, they deserve all the kudos in the world, men and women who were out that day. I appreciate that keep acknowledged us. The men and women did the job they needed to do, and theyre definitely appreciated for. You have a very personal connection to this case, do you believe the trial should be televised so americans can watch it for themselves . Yes, that is an interesting one, i didnt expect that question. Im all about transparency. I really am. So they televise it, i dont think theres any issue with that. I think it is going to be a lengthy trial, but im fine with that. The American People will understand what happened, chief sund, thank you so much for joining me again, i appreciate your efforts and thank you for being here. Thank you so much for having me on. When we come back, donald trump may have a stronghold on his base, but does Republican Leadership really want to head into a 2024 general with a threetime indicted candidate . We will talk politics when the 11th hour continues. Ntinues. Why dont you think this one will swing his base at all . Because nothing has. If they didnt do it after any of the 5 million egregious think he has done, including staging a coup on live tv, nothing is gonna change it. A big legal thing happened yesterday, a big political thing did not. The newest indictment of the former president has a lot of details but many of them had been laid out by the judges committee. From a voter perspective, not much has changed. I dont want him representing me. You know, some of his policies were very good but his persona, its worse than a five year olds. He would never get my vote again. I think that he behaves like a child. And i dont think he is the right person to lead the country. His whole life is a mess. I mean, he has been taken up on sexual charges. He has caused riots i mean, he is a despicable human being. I dont think he should be held responsible because people can make their own decisions, and People Choose to make that decision on their own. My personal opinion is that it is unconstitutional like all the others that have been brought out against him. For me it will not affect my vote. Back with me tonight former democratic congressman tim ryan of ohio, he is the senior Visiting Fellow of third way, and former republican congressman charlie dent, of pennsylvania. Charlisas, you are the House Republican i want to start with you, take politics and policy aside, and lets put a hat on as if you are the head of the Republican Party. Right . From a practical and logical and probability and statistics perspective, would they not be looking at the position they are in, would they not think is it wise to run a guy whos facing three indictments, who is in this much legal jeopardy with multiple trials in the year ahead and still he is the right person to potentially run as their candidate . Does that make sense to . Well, if the Republican National committee in the top leadership of the Republican Party were serious about winning the leadership and winning majorities in the senate and maintaining the majority in the house, they were clearly not won donald trump at the top because they know that he is simply toxic among independent and swing voters and competitive districts and states. Its as simple as that. Every one of them knows it. Whether or not they said publicly is another matter. But they all know that donald trump underperformed in 2022 in the house races, and so they know he is a disaster. Just look at pennsylvania, all these trump endorsed candidates for example performed so abysmally. Not just in pennsylvania but in michigan, arizona, Herschel Walker in arizona. The path is clear to everyone that trump is making losing great again. As long as the Party Continues to simply defend the former president and embrace him, they are empowering him and thereby lowering their ability to win. They all know it. But tim, arent they buxton . They are in a very difficult position. Donald trump has absolute control over that maga base which you need to win a primary. But, it cant go beyond that, in the general charlie laid out the last several elections. Well, when you have a group of people, and ive never seen anything like this in my political career, my life, that lacks courage, there is very few charlie dense, Chris Christie, what months and months and years later has found a backbone, there is nobody that has the Intestinal Fortitude to take him on within the Republican Party, at any significant level. So you get the Kevin Mccarthys of the world who are sick of fans who want to keep their position, they are concerned about the portrait and, you know, outside of the whole gavel and the pension, and know that they are fighting for, theyve lost all perspective. And so, if you dont have a leader who has the guts to take on their own party, and go back on trump, we are not going to pop out o relying on the to do. Thats why a mentioned, democrats who have participated get in the game and hel take our democracy back. But then, charlie, isnt the issue who is that republican voter . Every night i keep asking, why arent these other republican primary candidates going after trump . But the fact is the current Republican Voters are totally unmoved by these entitlements, for them, it is going to be trump or nothing. They wont vote for tim scott, nikki haley they certainly wont vote for mike pence if they cant have trump. So this sort of classic george bush flavored republic, and your flavored republican, the truth is there arent enough of you out there to do anything but have a big golf outing. Theyre 12 or 13 im a Tennis Player by the way there are 12 or 13 republicans running for the presidency right now, the republican nomination, if these men and women all stood up and called out donald trump on these indictments. Instead of agreeing with him and calling him a victim, its all the deep state, which haunt, all that nonsense, you know they are empowering trump, Republican Voters need to hear a different story, another narrative, although here is the trump narrative, even from people running against trump. So you need will heard, Chris Christie but you need mike pence, you need nikki haley and tim scott, all the stand up and say trump is too great a risk for the country and for the party, and he must be rejected. There arent enough of them saying that. If one of people say i believe more Republican Voters will follow. But they are hearing the trump narrative, and theres too much silence, silence will not defeat trump, all these candidates are hoping that trump will somehow, miraculously, implode and they will be there to pick up the pieces. I dont think that is going to happen, even though they all know he needs to be taken down. But are there enough Republican Voters, tim, outside trumps base . Because even if trump doesnt get the nomination, even if he employs, he has never, ever, ever going to say okay, it is not me, so you guys should go back Chris Christie, ron desantis, he hates everybody elses guts if its not him. At this point he is running for his life. He is not running for republican values, he is running to keep himself out of jail. 100 percent. But as charlie said if you dont have republicans who have been on the team for all these years, supported trump, if they dont have the courage to say no, to him, it is not going to happen, and the risk we have is that if he becomes the nominee, which is why we have to fight him for even being the nominee, a lot of democrats say he will be great, we will beat him, i dont want that risk of him possibly getting the levers of power again. Thats why Everybody Needs to come together, against this, including republicans. You are right, there arent enough. But i will tell you my senate race in ohio, we got 400,000 voters plus here in ohio who voted for the republican governor like the one and voted for me, there is a number of people, millions in th to stabilize the country. I dont think they really understand or. No weve had this conversation how many times staff . They are out there working. Raising the kids. Trying to make a better life for the family. Thats a grind. Unfortunately in 2023 in the United States, for a lot of people in your working 12 to 14 hours a day. Seven days a week. You dont have the luxury at 11 30 at night to focus in on whats going on politically here. But clearly, theres always been a time to stability in a countrys government, and their Economic Growth opportunities. And when you have this level of toxicity, un division in the country, it ends up affecting, your economic stability, but its also huge tax cuts, and mean charlie may have a conversation about, this, but the huge tax cuts that blew a huge hole in the after two, wars and the bush tax cuts, and were running deficits that are huge. Weve got to close those gaps. We cant be afraid to ask the people who find themselves going to outer space, and start their own Space Program personally, they like to pay a little bit more to help. Us and democrats need to understand that the government is broken, and we need a better way of doing things more effective, efficient, not waste as much money, Preventative Health care and all the rest. Like, these systems are all broken. But when you have a toxic political environment, you dont have a charlie dent in a tim ryan who were buddies will we are in congress trying to figure it. Out we have nothing but poison. Thats not going to stabilize things. So, yes, of course the political environment it affect the economic environment. Hardworking people with the tough jobs out there, they dont get to sit in a state of gridlock or chaos, they just got to get their job done. Charlie dent, thank you so much. Tim, im not gonna let you leave just yet, weve got a little more time for ohio tonight, because these divisions have, most of us searching for a political home. Tim says its in the middle. And hes got a new group that claims theyre gonna find the balance. Were gonna check that out, right on the other side of the break. [ Tires Screeching ] jordana, easy on the gas. I gotta wrap this commercial, i think im late on my payment. Its okay, the general gives you a break. Yeah, we let you pick your own due date. Good to know, because this next scene might take a while. For a great low rate, go with the general. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. Weve covered a wide range of stories tie and theyll have one thing in common. Extreme partisanship. It is dividing our country more and more every single day. But former congressman tim ryan, back with us, because he is a solution. Tim, talk to us about your new organization, we, the people, which you say is resent representing the exhaust majority. Yeah, and people are exhausted. I sought through my senate race. Anyone paying attention knows that the vast majority of americans are exhausted. And we want to have a Landing Place for them. We dont want people to check out, which is what im hearing from a lot of people here in ohio, that theyre ready to not vote, not participate. We, the people, we want to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the country coming up here in a few years. Were lucky we made it this far, 250 years, we want another 250. But we want to Start Talking and recognizing weve got to heal, weve got to unify, we want better. And we, the people, is gonna be the organization where people can come and be a part of that solution. But what does that mean, right . Im offered a 250year celebration, but in last we change how our system works, right, unless we change closed primaries, that frustrated exhausted middle majority is going to say exactly where they are. Well, i think almost everybody is exhausted, not just the democrats, i think republicans are exhausted, independents are exhausted. But we have to recognize that the politics is downstream of our culture. And i think thats been the problem, that Political Parties put billions of dollars every year, every two years, every four years, into building organizations, grassroots, volunteers, digital campaigns, messaging. And then, when the election is over, that washes away like a sandcastle on the beach. We, the people, is going to be an organization that is going to try to build this community, and one represent us all 3422 counties in the country, we want to start knitting this thing back together. People go to be the people 250 dot u. S. , learn all about us. Were going to tell the stories of ordinary americans doing ordinary things. And that should be celebrated. Open minds, open heart, open primaries. Tim ryan, good luck to you. Please come back here soon. We want to hear more about it. Coming up, everybody grabs their phone to press record when things go wrong. But what about when things go right . Thats why i want you to hit record. The last thing before we go tonight. Turning the camera. I want to remind you, despite all of the stories you see on the news. All the videos you see online, good people in this world far outweigh the bad. The world is filled with people who go quietly about their jobs. The jobs that make the world run smoothly. Make the world go round. And tonight, i have a mission for all of us. I want to make sure those people are not invisible. So let us turn the camera to the essential workers. Those who make the world run. And deserve our thanks. Im going to start to myself. With this Garbage Collector whose name is cody. It happened to catch him today. I see him all the time, doing his Job Valiantly with a great attitude. Imagine how many people cody probably sees every day. Who probably never even notice the crucially important work he does. Doesnt have to be that way. What if we had less karens and more codys. So that is my challenge to you tonight. Keep your eyes and ears open for the people around you. Making the world a better place. Getting the job done and doing it quietly. I want us to see them get lifted up. And i want to do it together. We need to thank these people whose essential jobs make our world go round. So when you post your videos, your pictures online. Use the hashtag essentially grateful. Tag us on twitter, tied us on instagram, tigers on threads. Wherever you go. Heres the mission, we want to showcase more codys. Less karens. And on that note, i wish you a very good night. From all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. And cody, thanks again, see you at the end of tomorrow. End of tomorrow today and island was unsealed with Donald J Trump for conspiring you can see nights. Its the case against trump goes public. The president specifically asked me and his haggle of lawyers asked me to literally reject votes. Tonight, hours before