Years. Were ready to go. Later. Kidnapped in natity. Two americans, a nurse and her young daughter taken. Well have an effort on the update to get them both home. Good morning. Thanks for joining us. Its 10 00 eastern. Im ana cabrera in new york. The First Court Hearing for the third defendant in the classified documents case. In just a few minutes we expect to see Carlos Deolive Era appear before a federal judge in a courthouse. Hes accused in a scheme to destroy Security Footage at maralago. It apparently shows workers moving boxes of classified documents. Our katie phang is outside that courthouse in miami. Nbcs Ken Dilanian Is Standing by with the justice department. Also with us, former House Committee spokesperson hannah mull daven. Katie, what can we expect from todays hearing . Reporter good morning. Were outside the lebron James Lawrence king federal courthouse. The different one that donald trump was arraigned in a few weeks ago, but the same that walt nauta was arraigned in. Theres a very small crowd here, definitely not the seen weve seen for prior arraignments. However, the biggest question is, because i just checked pacer, theres been a filing of local counsel on behalf of carlos deoliveira. If you are are not licensed in florida, you cannot participate. Deolive era should hear the nature of the charges. His bond status should be addressed. When it comes to the entering of a flee, cue probably wont see that until the actual arraignment. Walt nauta pushed his arraignment out on two separate occasions, claiming he couldnt find local counsel. As of right now theres no local counsel that has appeared on behalf of Carlos Deolive Era. Let me ask you. According to the indictment, trump said he was going to get him a lawyer. Did that not happen . Well, from my sources, anna, trumps legal team has been actively involved in basically approving the lawyers that have come on board for walt nauta. Im going to expect the same situation. Youre correct, the superseding indictment says that trump told deolive era, but sometimes theres no delivery in what he promises. Why is it that hes just now facing indictment . The only people that know the answer are jack smith and his team, the Special Counsel. Theyre not commenting. We know from Washington Post reporting over the weekend that deoliviera came under whats known as a queen for a day proffer. He spoke to prosecutors and they were not happy with the story he told. They didnt believe he was telling the truth. That was in april. Its not clear why they didnt include this with the original indictment. The real significance is not the rj chas against a low level property manager, that these are knew obstruction of Justice Charges against the former president. Destruction of evidence, a deeply significant charge, why it wasnt in the first indictment and was added later might be a strategic reason. Clearly theyd like to flip de oliviera because he spoke with trump and had another conversation where he said the boss wants the footage deleted. If hes a codefendant, hes not going to testify about that conversation. Hes facing a false statements charge, but right now he is standing fast and using lawyers paid for by Donald Trumps Political Action committee. Chuck, i have to think with more defendants, more chance for delay. What about the impact on perception . Does trying them together sort of defuse the responsibility or accountability, putting trump at the same level as these more Pir Riff Ral Players . Interesting question, ana. Theres a presumption that people commit crimes together, theyll be tried together. That happens all the time in courts in the united states. Youre right. There is quite a disparity between mr. Trump on one hand and two lowlevel aides on the other. Thats a strategic decision for the Special Counsel whether it wants mr. Trump alone at trial. They could have easily arranged for that by only indicting him or whether they dont mind having a codefendant sitting next to them. One problem with codefendants, there are three defendants in this case. That means three teams of Defense Attorneys, three Defense Attorneys making opening statements, three Defense Attorneys making closing arguments. And each and every government witness being cross examined by three Defense Attorneys. It does introduce a different dynamic. It also, ana, happens all the time. Im confident the government has thought about this and believes its the best way to try people who committed crimes together, trying them jointly, ana. But at this point could we still see trumps case break off from deoliveiras and nautas . Is it too late . Its not too late. Its a theoretical possibility. Theres a Rule Of Federal Criminal Procedure which permits defendants in a joint trial to move to sever their case from their codefendants. Often made, seldom granted. The reason its set seldom granted, ana, number one, its inefficient to take a single case and break it into smaller pieces. Its three trials, three juries, and it takes much longer. Second, also, theres a presumption in the law if you commit a crime together, youre tried together. Defense attorneys can try to sever their clients from the single try. I expect they will make that motion. If past is prologue, it wont succeed. Hannah, as weve been discussing for days now, trump is expected another Fet Ral Environment in the interference probe. He went on the offense threatening republicans who dont investigate democrats. Take a listen. But the biggest complaint that i get is that the republicans find out this information and then they do nothing about it they dont do anything about it. Any republican that doesnt act on democrat fraud should be immediately primaried and get out. Hannah, whats your reaction to that . This is Donald Trumps playbook. We saw this happened during the january 6th plot to overturn the election. The most memorable to me is a meeting donald trump was having with the department of justice where he said just say it is fraud and leave it up to me. Kevin mccarthy, jim jordan who actually leads this Weaponization Committee in congress that donald trump is trying to weaponize on his behalf to interfere in these investigations. But this is unsurprising hes trying to make the focus of the entire Republican Party those maga republicans on the hill, focused on his investigations and helping him. Its just ironic that the republicans have this Weaponization Committee and donald trump is trying to make them weaponize their efforts to help him. Chuck, the Washington Post is reporting that trumps super pac spent more than 40 million defending trump, his advisers as well as others. First, your reaction to that huge number, 40 million. Is there an issue with this trump group paying legal fees . Could it be seen as trying to influence future witnesses . Its a lot of money. The Second Question raises a bunch of interesting issues. A lawyer has an absolute obligation to her client regardless of who is paying the lawyers fees. Presuming the best, each and every lawyer, regardless of who theyre being paid by has an absolute duty of loyalty and confidentiality to their clients. But it does raise appearance issues. Its something the government has to be wary of. Conflicts can also arise. For instance, if one attorney is representing multiple clients in a case, there could be conflicts between the clients. So this is something the government has to keep an eye on. Im not surprised it costs a lot of money because mr. Trump has generated a lot of cases and a lot of work for a lot of Defense Attorneys. That said, the bigger issue from the governments perspective is conflicts and something it has to watch carefully, and if necessary, bring it to the attention of the court and perhaps move to exclude a particular lawyer from the case. Thats all for down the road, but its an issue to keep an eye on. Guys, i just have to call attention to the fact that de oliveira just arrived at the courthouse. There was a question about whether the hearing could be delayed over issues of getting a floridabased attorney. I wanted to bring that quick update. It sounds like, katie, he must have secured an attorney . Reporter well, we have him on camera arriving at the courthouse right now. You can see it. There are two people with him, one of whom we can confirm is john irving, a lawyer we know has been representing him previously. John irving, as we also know, is not licensed to practice in the Southern District of florida. Ana, whats interesting, on your prior graphic we didnt have an image of his face. Now we do have an image. Its been illusive for those of news the media trying to determine what he looks like. His arraignment will begin in approximately 15 minutes. I will be inside to see what happens and whether or not it gets rolled over for him to get local counsel. Hannah, i want to ask you about the money spent on these lawyers by trump and his supporters. I have to wonder, if those donors who are paying into this big super pac fund, if they know where the money is going . The january 6th Committee Looked into whether donors were duped. What are your feelings about the millions upon millions going to defend trump and his other in his orbit . Representative zoe lofgren called it the big ripoff in juan of our hearings. We found the rnc and the Trump Campaign made a total of 250 million in the months after the election based off of this lie, where voters thought their money was going into an Election Defense Fund that was completely about trying to overturn the election. One thing i would like to mention, ana, were talking about obstruction here and donald trump trying to obstruct an investigation. We found substantial concerns that we had about donald trump trying to obstruct the january 6th committees investigation. We had lawyers that were paid for by that save america pac we found were telling their clients to give false or misleading statements to the select committee. Cassidy hutchinson changed her lawyers because of this very purpose, where they told her to just say you dont recall something that she did recall. We found many instances of donald trump trying to contact select committee witnesses. I wanted to add that in there because we know donald trump has done this before. The select Committee Gave this information to both the department of justice and the prosecutors in georgia, and he should be concerned about this, because they have information that we know of of him tampering in our investigation. We can see this is clearly a pattern with the maralago case were looking at now. Hannah, chuck, ken and katie, thanks to all of you. Katie just headed into the courthouse. The hearing about to get under way. When were back in 60 seconds, a new look into another legal case looming for donald trump. New comments from a georgia District Attorney about her probe as barricades go up outside that courthouse. An american nurse and her daughter kidnapped in haiti. Whats being done to get them home. Later, a bull shark hits a Florida Fishing Boat not once, not twice, by eight times. More on that attack that left the vessel with catastrophic damage. Youre watching ana cabrera reports. Were back in just one minute. Reports. Were back in just one minute. josh allen is this your plan to watch the game today . hero fan uh, yea. I have to watch my neighbors Nfl Sunday Ticket. josh allen its not your best plan. But you know what is . Myplan from verizon. Switch now and theyll give you Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv, on them. hero fan this plan is amazing josh allen another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. fan 1 that was josh allen. fan 2 mmhm. vo for a limited time get Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv on us. A 449 value. Plus, get a free Samsung Galaxy s23. Only on verizon. Let Innovation Refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. Stop waiting. Go to innovationrefunds. Com you really got the brows. Even as we watch that courthouse in florida, were watching Fulton County District Attorney fani willis giving a rare update on that states investigation into the former president and her probe into efforts b d allies to overturn georgias 2020 election results. The work is accomplished. Weve been working for 2 1 2 years. Were ready to go. Some people may not be happy with the decisions im making. Sometimes when people are unhappy, they act in a way that could create harm. Im not willing to put my employees in harms way. Joining us nbc cleel analyst charles pull man and Blayne Alexander at the courthouse. Blayne, can you walk us through how that courthouse is preparing . Ill start with the Breaking News this morning, ana. Former President Donald Trump has made three legal attempts in georgia to essentially get this entire investigation to go away. Another one of those has been denied this morning. He made a request before judge Robert Mcbernie overseeing The Grand Jury to have fani willis disqualified. The judge shot it down and said hes going to deny that request. His attorneys made the same request to the georgia supreme court. They unanimously voted to shoot that down as well. Theres one outstanding request as well. Certainly another blow to the Trump Legal Team as they try to get any disqualification for fani willis. As for whats happening in front of the courthouse, you see the orange barricades. They coincide with today being the first day of a threeweek period that fani willis laid out in a letter a couple months ago to Law Enforcement giving the strongest indication yet that this is the time period when she would announce charging decisions. Shes having 70 of staff work from home, asking the judge To Mott Schedule in person trials during this time. The other thing we know about this, as we read the tea leaves is we know there are two grand juries currently seated as we speak. One that meets on mondays and tuesdays. The other that meets on thursdays and fridays. One of those two grand juries will be hearing the presentation of this case. Charles, do you any fani willis is ahead of jack smiths team ahead of potential indictments, because of how they overlap . These two investigations are dealing with a similar set of facts. I do think its possible theyre in touch with one another. Theres no reason that fani willis or jack smith would have to change their approach. Fani willis is at the state level, jack smith at the federal level. Neither of them will conflict with mat the other is doing. Photographs from a Security Standpoint and timing standpoint, they might seek to coordinate with one another. Would more indictments, charles, create complications for the other cases already proceeding, the classified documents case, e. Jean carroll case, u. S. Fraud investigation. All of those have court dates on the calendar for the former president. If you are trumps lawyers, how in the world do you defend against all of this . Thats a great question. I think the answers are tied into one another. First and foremost, because of judge cannons may 20th, 2024 ruling in the maralago case, if im Donald Trumps attorneys, im going to be using that case for the benchmark for every other case that might come up, every other indictment. Im going to be using that initial date to try to serve as the benchmark Going Forward for Anything Else that comes after it. Why . Thats the best opportunity im going to have to delay things going into the future. Its going to be my best shot at pushing things as far out as possible. So those strategies are basically going to coalesce. If im Donald Trumps attorneys, im thinking about every case he gets indicted for becomes a new complication essentially on the cal deferment i try to use each and every one of them to get each one pushed into the future. Thats his only legal strategy. He doesnt have much to stand on because the facts in nearly every case hes dealing with, whether its civil or criminal, are overwhelming. Zooming back into georgia and where you are, blayne, with the Security Precautions that have been taken there, can you dive into why they feel the need to take those precautions . Whats the sense on the ground there . Is there a lot of anticipation . Is it watch and wait . Certainly a lot of an tis pachlgts i think its important to point out that fani willis has request additional security. She wrote letters to Law Enforcement to put them on notice, saying she wants to make sure they had time to make the proper Security Preparations in front of the justice complex, as its known here in downtown atlanta. She also before that made requests to the fbi asking them to come in and make sure that everything is shored up as far as security. Remember, weve heard a number of times from the former president at different rallies in anticipation of these charges decisions, kind of Making Specific asking for people to make, quote, the biggest protests youve ever seen in cities like atlanta where hes being investigated and also targeting the d. A. Herself. She told me shes upped her personal security. Thats something shes done while shes been investigating this. Certainly not out of the question that she would want to see additional security here. Thats something shes been looking at all along. Blayne alexander and charles coleman, thanks so much. Now to capitol hill where we have more Breaking News. A former Business Partner of hunter biden is set to testify Behind Closed Doors this morning. Devon archer is speaking this hour with lawmakers from the House Oversight committee, part of the continuing republicanled investigations into the president s son. Next on ana cabrera reports, abducted abroad. The latest on efforts to find an american nurse and her daughter kidnapped in haiti. Ukraines president says the war is returning to russia. How the kremlin is bolstering air defenses amid a new wave of Drone Attacks inside that country. E at tacks insi that country. Subway refreshed everything and now theyre slicing their deli meats fresh. Thats why this qb profers the new five meat beast. And this qb profers it. And if we profer it. We know youll profer it too. Are you trying to outspokesperson me . Maybe. [sneeze] astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. 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We call it the Subaru Love Promise and we are proud to be the largest corporate supporter of adoptaclassroom. Org. Its just one of the reasons forbes ranked subaru the number one automotive brand for social impact. Subaru. More than a car company. Mmm, popcorn. alternate voice denture disaster, darling we need poligrip before crispy popcorn. regular voice lets fix this. alternate voice poligrip power hold seal gives our strongest hold and 5x food seal. If your mouth could talk, it would ask for. Poligrip. An american nurse and her daughter have reportedly been kidnapped in haiti. Alix door san ville was in the country when she was taken on thursday. Her kidnapping came just as the State Department issued a new warning for americans to leave haiti because of growing unrest. Lets bring in nbc news correspondent kristen dahlgren. What do we know about the efforts to find dorsainvil and her child . Reporter both the State Department and the white house tell nbc news theyre aware of the reported kidnapping and they are working closely with haitian authorities. Its important, though, to note that in that warning you were just talking about when they recalled all nonessential personnel and said americans should not travel to haiti, they said there really wasnt much that they would be able to do in Emergency Situations to help u. S. Citizens in haiti at this point. President el roi, the organization that Alix Dorsainvil was working for, said its working with its trusted partners in haiti in an attempt to get the return of the mother and daughter as quickly as possible. The National Human Rights Defense Network reports 40 kidnappings and another 75 killings in a time between may 1st and july 12th. A very dangerous situation the u. N. Has been calling for one of the u. N. Member nations to take the lead in force going into haiti to try to stabilize and train its own police forces. Were continuing to monitor the situation here in New Hampshire where she was originally from and is being remembered as someone who was very interested in serving and service and dedicated her life to being a nurse in haiti. Ana. We do have from the u. N. 80 of the cities are controlled by armed gangs right now. So you can see why this is a delicate situation. Appreciate your reporting to a new wave of Drone Attacks inside russia. The kremlin announcing it is stepping up defenses. Ukraines president zelenskyy says the war is, quote, returning to russia. Nbc news chief Foreign Correspondent is following the latest developments there. Richard, what do we know about these Drone Attacks in russia . It seems like ukraine is increasing them. Are they officially claiming responsibility here . Reporter so they are definitely increasing. Were not seeing ukraine directly claiming responsibility. Ukraine isnt coming out and officially saying it carried them out. But instead were seeing the ukrainian president zelenskyy come out and definitely suggest that his government may have a hand in these attacks. Certainly welcoming these attacks. President putin is not looking strong at the moment. The ukrainian offensive against him is intensifying. He just survived a shortlived mutiny about five weeks ago. Now moscow itself is increasingly targeted by drones. [ explosion ]. The drones exploded in the heart of moscows financial district on Sunday Morning about 4 00 a. M. Russian Officials Say at least three drones were involved and blamed ukraine. Russians can no longer turn a blind eye to this war now that its coming home. Although ukraine didnt take responsibility, president zelenskyy gave what seemed to be the most direct admission of crossborder attacks into russia yet and suggested a new chapter is beginning. Translator ukraine is getting stronger. Gradually the war is returning to russian territory, its symbolic centers and military bases and this is an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process. Reporter the war continues to be a disaster for russia. 523 days in, russia seems no closer to victory than when it first invaded. The russian army is so short of troops, it had to raise the age limit for conscripts. You wouldnt know it listening to president putin, busy celebrating navy day this weekend. In the name of russia, our sailors are giving all their strength, showing true heroism and fighting valiantly as our great ancestors did, he said. Strong explosive drones are exposing moscows vulnerability. Attacks are becoming more frequent. This was the fourth drone attack in or around moscow this month. Ukraine no longer seems concerned about hiding it. In addition to attacks inside russia, Russian Defense officials ccuse ukraine of carrying out Drone Attacks in crimea including one russia says it stopped involving a swarm of 25 zroens. Richard engel with the latest out of the ukrainerussia war. Up next on ana cabrera reports, the polling on the 2024 republican field. What it reveals about Donald Trumps legal troubles and his bid for the presidency. New reporting from the nbc team on the high stakes of floridas governor to perform in the first debate. Can he avoid, what one operative called a tailspin . Ne operative called a tailspin . Son ya got a Little Somethin on yuh face. Needed a quick shave. Quick shave . Respect the process it aint my dads razor, dad, its from gillettelabs. Gillette. Labs . Gillettes ultimate shaving experience. This green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. Gamechanga while the flexdisc contours to it. Lookin smooth. Feelin even smoother. How bout hookin me up with some gillettelabs . Check your texts. 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Ron desantis a distant second at 17 . This comes as were less than 25 days away from the first gop debate. Were getting a new look at who has made the stage so far and who has not. Lets discuss all of it with nbc News Senior National politics reporter Jonathan Allen and former republican congressman from virginia, denver riggleman. Trump has more than 50 support now. How do any of the other trailing candidates catch up . Theyre going to have to hope for some sort of divine intervention, seismic event, a couple volcanos going off simultaneously in the middle of the prior may. Donald trump is well ahead of where he was in 2015 when he won the primary. He has a majority of the vote if ron desantis were to triple his number, he would still be trailing trump. The point is these candidates are going to have to start taking some of trumps base which has proved very difficult to do. Yet the base is not as much supporting him. Over time its usually less than 40 . Here he seems to be gaining more and more support among republicans, congressman. Thats even with all his legal baggage. Another recent poll from monmouth that shows 69 of gop voters believe trump is the strongest candidate to beat biden in 2024 even after he lost to biden previously. Are they wrong . No. I think what jonathan said about divine intervention, made me laugh. Its absolutely true. When you look at whats going on, i think youll see the first people actually running for Vice President on the debate stage. Ana, here is what i would look for. The first person to say guard the vote, Election Integrity units, the deep state, witch hunt, hunter biden. Hell, we might even hear about Hillary Clintons emails. A lot of individuals looking at what the base wants. The base is driving this. I think trump is the presumptive nominee. The Otherish Yoour you have with every person on that stage, i believe every single one of them voted for trump in 2020. All of them owe their careers to donald trump. Even Chris Christie, how do you dance around the fact that you were there with donald trump in transition. I think Chris Christie will be the one who will try to bulldog it. Again, the first thing somebody is going to ask him is, well, werent you for trump in 2020 or 2016 . You voted for him. All of a sudden youre against him. I think youre going to hear guard the vote and the stop the steal retread, a lot about witch hunts. Chris christie is certainly suggesting hes going to come out swinging against trump. He was helping trump with his debate prep in 2020. So far, john, seven gop candidates have qualified. You have new reporting that this could be a makeorbreak moment for desantis. A gop vat gist telling you, quote, if he bombs, its fullblown tailspin at that point. Is there a Sense Inside Desantis circle about whether he can deliver . Theres absolutely a belief in his circle he can deliver, at least optimism about the ability to deliver in this debate. We talked i say we, natasha, korecki, henry gomez, matt dixon, another reporter on the story. Talk to not only them, they say he has a ton riding on this debate to either change the trajectory in this campaign or potentially continue moving along in what is at this point, looks like a losing campaign. A ton riding on it for him in the last week of august. Congressman, trump is still not committing the this debate. If you are these other candidates, are you hoping trump is there or not there . They are so happy hes not there. Ill tell you right now, i think this gives them a chance maybe to attack trump without the attacks coming back, and maybe some of them show subservience without him on stage either. Thats the balance they have to strike. Talking about a tailspin, i was in the air force and desantis, i think hes in a plat spin. What does he say . What does he do in the debate . I dont see any way he can actually i think ride that nice edge with being a guy where he was reading Bedtime Stories to his daughter about trump and then he wants to come out on the attack. All these individuals seem so disingenuous. Its hard for any gopbased voter to take them seriously. Denver riggleman, Jonathan Allen, thanks. The wife of the suspected gilgo beach Serial Killer breaking her silence. What shes saying as he prepares to appear in course. Video captures a Plane Crash Landing on the New Hampshire beach here, the pilot escaping unarmed. Beach he, the pilot escaping unarmed. Ter antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. fan 1 there ya go thats what im talkin about relief, prilosec otc. josh allen is this your plan to watch the game today . hero fan uh, yea. 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In this case the pilot actually escaped uninjured. Amazing recovery there. Now to new developments this morning in the long island Serial Killer case. The suspects wife breaking her silence as Rex Heuermann prepares to appear in court this week. Nbc News Senior National correspondent Stephanie Gosk is joining us with the latest. I can only imagine, stephanie, what his wife must be feeling. I know. Its pretty remarkable. A lot of people are wondering that about the family. You have to imagine some of that pressure pushed this statement out. Rex heuermanns wife is asking for privacy and normalcy in her neighborhood, where the public, investigators, media, all descending upon that neighborhood as her husband is accused of multiple murders and leading a kind of double life where prosecutors say he was a professional commuting into manhattan for his job, but that he was also a Serial Killer. Days after investigators wrapped up collecting evidence at Rex Heuermanns home, his wife, asa ellerup and two Adult Children returned to a life they dont recognize. Their life has been thrown upside down the last few weeks. Reporter the family is now asking for privacy, writing in a statement that they have endured profound and indescribable catastrophe. The wife adding i am pleading with you all to give us some space so we can regain normalcy. The streets have been closed. The neighbors have been impacted. Reporter some neighbors are reaching out sending care packages and grocery deliveries. One writing, if theres anything we can do for you, please let us know. Ellerup filed for divorce on july 19th right after 59yearold heuermann was arrested and charged in the murder of three women in their 20s. Hes now the main suspect in th disappearance and death of a fourth woman following a twoweeker is. Of of the family Home Investigators say it will take time to analyze and catalog what they found. Looking into potential connections into other unsolved crimes. Where heuermann had a time share. While his e stranged wife focuses on moving with her life. We have reached out to his attorney for comment, his client has pleaded not guilty. Hes expected in court tomorrow. We dont know the specifics just yet. Okay, well keep an eye on it. Thank you so much, stephanie. Up next, how this summers extreme heat is driving up prices at the pump. Plus, Close Encounter a scarey shark encounter that left a Florida Fishing Boat with catastrophic damage. H catastrophic damage. Im jayson. Im living with hiv and im on cabenuva. It helps keep me undetectable. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. 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From the Southern Plains to the gulf coast. The northeast is getting a break from those brutal temps for a few days. Besides making us all sweat another consequence of the hot weather that we have been seeing, its driving up gas prices. Todays National Average has climbed 18 cents to 3. 76 per gallon, 20 cents more than a month ago but 54 cents less than a year ago, so think of it as heat increases we need more energy to offset it. Steve patterson joins us now from los angeles where gas is once again approaching that 5 a gallon mark, steve, california we know has some of the highest gas prices in the country, how much worse could this get . Reporter it can get worse. Especially when you consider that while we may be moving out of the Summer Driving Season soon thats not before we expect another seven to tencent increase heading into Hurricane Season where a lot of people are worried about the refineries on the gulf coast, that would spike gas prices even more and especially here, my gosh, in california, where theres a lot of complaining but of course for good reason. You know and some of that is the reality in living in a state like this. California is used to higher taxes and more pain at the pump. As someone who grew up in michigan how hard it is to appreciate how lifechanging figure 5 a gallon is here for people here. Ive spoken to people here who have had to change their Healthcare Habits and their Childcare Habits to live. So theres not much offer in way of tips besides what we always say this time of year, check your tire pressure, go easy on the ac, go easy on the gas, besides that this is just a waiting game and we expect those prices to increase before they get better, which is really tough to hear especially in a place where transportation, Public Transportation is not what it is in other places and other cities and other states. This isnt the worst were seeing in this state. In some places in california, its closer to 6 a gallon than 5 so really, really tough nationwide but especially in states along the west coast and states along the gulf where these refineries are heating up because they are dealing with consecutive hundreddegree days in a row. Its really tough. Pain at the pump and its going to get a lot worse before it gets better hopefully we get out of this in the next few months. I really feel for those people out west, they dont have much access to Public Transportation so for many people have no choice but to drive and keep paying those hefty prices. Steve patterson, thank you for your reporting. Theyre going to need a bigger boat. Viral video captured off the coast of palm beach here, and it shows a bull shark aggressively ramming the back of a boat. Not once, not twice, but eight times. It appears both the shark and the boat were after the same fish that area. The skipper, florida Fisherman Jorgensen telling the local paper that the boat was shaking like a bag of popcorn, like a ride from universal studios, his words there. Left the boats Engine Withes A Tron nom call damage. Thats going to do it for us today. Ill be back tomorrow. Same time, same place. For now im anna cabrera. Reporting from new york. Jose diazbalart right now. Right now, here in miami, a key Court Appearance this morning by a new trump codefendant charged in the investigation into the former president s handling of classified documents at maralago. Meantime, trump braces for the possibility of new charges in the Special Counsels 2020 investigation. Right now u. S. Officials are looking for answers after an american nurse and her daughter were reportedly kidnapped in haiti as gangs take control of more than 80 of the nations cities. Back here at home, why gas prices are hitting

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