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A defiant former president , donald, trump off the Campaign Trail in pennsylvania. Just a few hours, last night in iowa, at this, as he tells one interview, or even prison would not stop his campaign. If if Going Forward right you get these indictments there ends up, youve got a jury in d. C. , you get convicted and sentenced. Does that stop your campaign for president . If you are sentenced . Not at all. There is nothing in the constitution to say that it could and not at all. The former president s remarks coming as he faces mounting legal troubles from special counsel, jack smith, new charges in the classified documents case and a looming Potential Indictment for Election Interference. We will have all the latest developments in just a moment. Also this, our controversial new comments from Supreme Court justice, samuel alito, who says theres Nothing Congress can do to regulate ethics on the high court in the wake of highprofile scandals involving most prominently, himself. New information and gripping testimony during a hearing for Michigan School shooter. Plus, its, hot were keeping a close eye on the extreme heat. More than 100 million americans under heat alerts today. There may be some relief in sight for parts of the country. That is, all coming up. We are going to start with the former president hitting the Campaign Trail. He is not ignoring those new charges in the classified documents case. Lets get right to, it with nbc, s marissa borough, who is in erie, pennsylvania for us. Which is where President Trump, former, president will hold rally it just a few hours. Marissa, good to see you. Can you just walk us through this . What do we expect trump to say tonight as he campaigns with these new charges . Well, if last night is any indication, the Iowa Republicans you can expect the former president , remember, this is just one day after those new charges dropped. What we saw last, night the former president was both defiant and deflected. Listen for yourself. They want to weaponize the irs, just like they weaponize the Justice Department and the fbi. By the, way if i werent running, i would have nobody coming after me. Or if i was losing by a lot, i would have nobody coming after me. They would not be coming after me. Now, what you did not hear after that was the raucous applause. That was maintained throughout his entire appearance last. Night i think the Iowa Republican dinner is the perfect example of this landscape that gop rivals have as they are navigating the 2024 election. What we saw works well with his rivals, including his top contenders, really staying away from taking him head on. Even though this was just a day after those fresh new charges. There is only one person, texas former congressman, will hurd, he said several things that were very outright against the former president. He said that former President Trumps only running to escape present. And he said a vote for trump, voting for trump, is ensuring that biden or the democrats will win 2024. So what was interesting is, if you listen to, that you see that heard was met with boos, repeatedly as he named those claims and assertions. Again, you see, historically, that is something that former President Trumps rivals have really been hesitant to do. Because they know that it is divisive. This is the former president , hes lead contender among the republicans who are running. It is definitely trafficy for them. We did just see by the way, within the, hour the former president responded to herds claims on truth social. Repeating it exactly what you just heard, that soundbite from last, night its the exact same thing. The only reason these charges are coming about is because he is running. And because hes a lead character. Obviously the rally is coming up soon in just a few. Hours at six, oclock there are people lining up since early this morning, through the rain, so neither charges nor weather is keeping people from coming out, showing up. We have a preview of what we can expect tonight. A preview, to say the, least marisa, thank you so much. Joining me now is nbc Senior National politics reporter, jonathan, Allen Informal federal prosecutor at msnbc legal analyst, carole lamb. Jonathan, i will start with you. Lets talk about the new defended in this latest indictment. Carl olivier era, he is scheduled to what more do we know about these figures name ten unnamed in the new charges here . Hes a point of personal privilege to congratulate you on nominated for an emmy as outstanding emerging journalist. Pretty amazing news, all of us who work with you know that its well deserved. The nomination, and you and our other colleagues who was also nominated. Good luck. Thank you so, much. John but to catch up with these, folks carlos de oliveira, the government says he was part of a conspiracy with donald trump. Both of them were indicted in miami. Its part of a wedge scheme. De oliveira the government says he was the person who deliver the message to someone in i. T. That trump wanted Security Camera footage deleted from servers. So that is part of what the government is saying is an effort to obstruct justice and find out what was going on with those classified documents. So thats the importance of de oliveira, another person named as part of this village conspiracy. Thanks for the analysis, john, thanks for your time. Carol, lets stick with you. Now they olivia is alleged to have asked a maralago employee about deleting a server with security footage. On it, the leading excuse, me the footage, for quote, the boss, it remains unclear what happened with the server mentioned in the indictment. Does it even matter if it was deleted or not . And does it matter that they they olivia at never actually named trump specifically . I think it doesnt matter as much that trump wasnt named pacific, lee and was referred to only as the boss. It seems pretty obvious who the boss was, at maralago. And i think were gonna have testimony from mr. Taveras, the i. T. Director, about who the boss was. I think more likely the issue for jack smiths team, and this is what Trial Attorneys have to worry about, is there were two parties to this conversation. It seems unlikely that this conversation was recorded. And it appears the jack smiths team tried very hard to get mr. Dale liver us to cooperate as well. Because they had him testify about the statement that the boss wants these tapes deleted, they would have loved to have had the other party to that conversation also confirming that. But he apparently refused to cooperate and thats why he ended up indicted. And what that means, is that all of this evidence rests now on mr. Tavares. He has to be available to testify at trial. Although im sure jack smiths team locked his testimony in the grand jury under oath, that is not admissible in trial, because the defense has the possibility to cross examine the witness. And that wasnt a possibility. So thats why jacks mitts team wants to get this case to trial as soon as possible. You make an interesting. Point that conversation may not have been reported, but one that was was from 2021. Where we heard former President Trump discussing iran classified documents. Lets take a listen. Well with milley, a, let me show you an example, he said that i wanted to attack iran. Isnt it amazing . I have a big pile of papers. This thing just came up. Isnt that amazing . This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is, like, highly confidential. All sorts of stuff. Pages long. Look. Wait a minute, lets see here. See, as president , i could have declassified. Now i cant, you know. But this is classified. Trump said in an interview with foxs, brett, bear that he did not have those papers. The updated indictment now provides those specific dates in which they say trump was in fact in possession of them from january 20th, 2021, the day he left office, through january 17th, 2022, which notably is the date trump turned over 15 boxes of president ial material to the national archives. So what does it mean . Now that prosecutors actually have this document. This is what we call a bad fact for the defense. After the client has gone out and said things about that tape, and about what was going on in the room that day, now there is evidence that it says something to the contrary. So we know a couple of things now from this document that has now been charged in the indictment. We know that from this tape, the president actually was waiting around and actually classified a document. And he himself characterized it in this tape as being still, a classified document. Even though it had been removed from the white house. And he was no longer the president. That is one damaging fact for the defense. The other thing that it tells us is that it gives us some idea why donald trump wanted to retain these classified documents. He is willing to use them to contradict anybody he feels is not loyal to him anymore. That is not a legitimate use of classified documents. He knows, that the defense the knows that, and this is just really a disaster for the defense. A lot of eyes on this, one carol lamb, thank you so much for your time. Well, more than 100 Million People are under heat alerts right now. Phoenix hitting 110 degrees, for its 30th straight day. Were back in 60 seconds with where we may soon see relief. Where we may soon see relief mom the moment i loved our Subaru Outback most. Was the moment they walked away from it. daughter mom mom oh, thank goodness. And thats why our family will only drive a subaru. vo subaru. More iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. Love. Its what makes subaru, subaru. Try killing bugs the worryfree way. Not the other way. Zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. They work continuously, so you dont have to. Zevo. Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. Welcome, back more than 100 million americans remain under searing heat alerts today, covering more than half of the country states. We will get the detailed forecast, including the storm threat, 60 million americans from michelle grossman, our meteorologist, in just a minute. First, nbcs guad but i think us in whammy. Quad, i hope youre staying cool. A senior on the beach. Zane, klay after the way its been this last month, like its a little cooler, but we still have a heat index of about 99 degrees. It is hot, just not as hot as what weve experienced. But its still danger when, someone is exposed to the sun and the heat. Depending on what part of the country your, and you have to take precautions. We look at these numbers, more than 100 Million People under heat alerts. I spoke with some of the National Weather service who said its about 117 people, 117 Million People, that, is 30 states under these alerts. Now, here in miami, we have a lot of locals that are close to the sun. Used to the sun. People come to the speech, trying to escape the. Heat it can be dangerous. The people that come out and expose themselves to the sun dont take the necessary breaks, or drink enough water, here is part of a conversation i had with a local who was on the beach just a few hours ago. Im used to it. I already enjoy it. But im not afraid of it. So you dont stay out here all day . No, its impossible. Its too much. I can take maybe two hours. And thats the maximum i will come out. A listen to a little, music which helps you pass the time. But about two hours is my limit. Yes. But then i go to the sea, you take your precautions. Theres danger in everything you do. The, play i spoke to local authorities, as we covered the heat, something that people brought up is that tourists come out, hang out at the beach all day, long and not realize how dangerous that can be. Something like taking a break for 30 minutes, going inside a restaurant, in the Air Conditioning, drinking water, that could be the difference between getting sick and heat exhaustion, or someone that safely comes and enjoy the beach. Again, depending on where people are at, there are different resources. This is miami, they have a lot of Air Conditioning. Most of the units have Air Conditioning so people can escape he and go inside of their homes. In other cities, there isnt enough Air Conditioning, and there are more cooling centers. Depending on where you live, people do have to check what the resources are out there. Taking breaks from the sun and the shade and drinking the water necessary, thats the most important thing. And sometimes people do forget to keep it in mind. We really important, points especially during the Summer Vacation season, guad, thank you so much. Lets bring in nbc news meteorologist, michelle grossman, michelle, always good to see you. I hope youre bringing good news, any break insight . Highs in play, always good to see. We do have a little bit of relief. I heat is the number one related killer of all weather related events. Flooding, no, hurricanes . No. Its. Heat 170 Million People still under heat alerts. Its from the southwest, south states the, plains, midwest into the east. We do have some relief, already peeling its all due to a cold front. The price were going to pay some storms. We already saw some storms yesterday in the midwest. Great lakes and northeast, we will see the norms in the next few hours. Look at those temperatures behind this cold. Front were looking at the low, 80s upper 70s, 77 in buffalo. Beautiful triangles there showing us the recklessly below average in those spots. We havent said that in quite some time. Ahead of this, front were still sizzling. Were still sweltering and were gonna keep the temperatures high in the south. As we go throughout the rest of the week. Today, in new york city, 93 degrees. You factor in humidity, its really important point because if thats what it feels. Like we feel the heat on our bodies. It feels like 100 degrees in new york city. You need to be careful. There as we go throughout, sunday notice that cooler air invades into portions of the northeast. Thats a good. Think 86 degrees in philadelphia. 79 on sunday in boston, 80s in pittsburgh, 70s and milwaukee, also detroit. Ahead of this front, its gonna feel like 100. Degrees were gonna keep it comfortable in the northeast as we go through tuesday wednesday. We will take a break weve been talking about this heat wave for weeks and weeks. But we do have a heat wave also in the ocean. So its called a marine heat wave. We are looking at temperatures so above normal this time of. Your Gulf Of Mexico is 86 degrees. We go from the sun on land into a jacuzzilike environment in the ocean. No relief. Look at this, bay 101. 1 degrees. That is mindblowing. 76 off the north atlantic coast. Mediterranean sea, 80. Three tropical atlantic, 83. Why is this important . , well if its linked to climate change. Were seeing heat waves. What does it . , meanwhile it fuels the storms, well see more powerful. Storms it will be an important point as we get closer to the hurricane season. Its a, quite well and it, here because the warmer ocean slows down our ocean. And that is why were seeing this heat wave for so long. Were seeing some its like a Conveyor Belt at the grocery store. Back to. You not just big, numbers but big implications. Michelle grossman, thank you so much. Well, still, ahead we are live in niger president , following a cue. What the u. S. Is saying and doing about. It just assemble alito says congress is no right to make rules related to Supreme Court ethics issues. Two former members of the. House what we are learning about senator, mitch mcconnell, s apparent freeze up at the podium this week. His hat has some colleagues on the hill concerned. So, youve got the power of xfinity at home. Now take it outside with xfinity mobile. Like speed . Its the Fastest Mobile Service around. With the best price for two lines of unlimited. Only 30 bucks a line per month. Thats hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. Save hundreds a year over tmobile, at t and verizon. And now, trade in your current phone, welcome back, im missing and get up to 1000 off the new galazy z flip 5 and z fold 5. Classic one. The 81yearold Kentucky Republican was escorted away from the podium at the capitol after freezing midsentence while talking in front of reporters and colleagues. I want to bring in nbc,s julie tsirkin, on capitol hill. Julie, what are we learning about what happened to senator mcconnell and what is the reaction on the hill to that Press Conference . Well, his colleagues privately are concerned. Some of them telling me and my colleagues that after Leader Mcconnell suffered the fall back in march, when he was out for quite sometime, he suffered a concussion. A broken rib as well. They were concerned he is not performing as well as he used. To mcconnell has really had a firm grip on the Republican Party for sometime. He is a tactical politician. He really is the forefront of any bills that make it to the floor. He keeps his conference intact. There is concern hes been slower than usual. Mcconnell survived polio as a child. Often when we talk to him in the hallways, hes a little slower on his game, generally. He trips or stumbles here and there. But really, since he returned from that fall he suffered, not only a fall then but as we learned a few weeks ago, deplaning at dca, another time. So really, as more of the situation happen with him and other colleagues in the senate who are in their 80s, who are perhaps also in their 90s, like senator diane feinstein, less than 24 hours after that moment with donald had two slip ups during a Committee Markup thursday morning. All of the situations continue to happen, it does put a spotlight on the age which is rising of the current senate, of the current congress. And also the current president , who is 80 years old himself. I want to redo a couple of statements from mcconnells aide, and then later and aid for feinstein who are defending the actions that we saw happen this week. Mcconnells aide told nbc news, quote, Leader Mcconnell appreciates the continue support of his colleagues, and plans to serve his full term in the job they overwhelmingly elected him to do. I should, note publicly, his colleagues, even his number two, john, soon who he poised to replace him in the leadership capacity, is mcconnell stepped down, they are sticking by him. And we saw that in the Press Conference as well, as they gently ushered mcconnell away for a couple of minutes before he regained his composure and returned to the podium for feinsteins part, we heard calls for her to resign early. We already know that she is not going to seek another term when her term is over in 2024. But she is so far committed to staying in this job as well. Her spokesperson told nbc news, the senator was preoccupied, didnt realize debate had just ended, and a vote was called. She started to give a statement and was informed it was a vote. Then cast her vote. But all of, this, again reigniting debate and questions of whether there should be term limits for leaders. Right, now of, course you have senators, including feinstein, who served nearly four decades in her post. Whether there should be term limits to 26 year terms, for example. We saw legislation proposed in recent years to that effect. So far, zinc, way the average age of 65 years. Old when most americans are getting ready to, retire there is no plans to change the term limit. Its fascinating whats happening there. As julie tsirkin, thank you. Coming, Up A Michelin person story turned upside down. New details on the alabama woman now charged with faking her disappearance. The former president hinted at testifying in one of the many cases currently against. And what are the odds we will actually see donald trump on the stand . The stand . And could reactivate. Shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. And it could wake at any time. 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All this as he continues to await more possible indictments on Election Interference for both the doj and prosecutors and the state of georgia. Joining me now to discuss is phil, Robert Deputy National Editor of the Washington Post and National Editor and coauthor of very stable genius and i, alone, can fix. It filled, thinks for being with us. Trump has had a pretty standard response to all of these charges. Attacking prosecutors, claiming that its all political, do you think charges on Election Interference specifically both from the doj and in georgia will illicit the same kind of response . Or will there be Something Different here . When you know, i fully expect that any potential charges to come either federally on the january 6th investigation, or in georgia, in that investigation into the efforts to overturn the 2020 election, that they would just illicit the same kind of response from former president , trump. This is a very familiar playbook that he has had over the years. He has faced criminal liability, including in more recent indictments where he just uses its charge against, him every single, count as more evidence in the mind of his supporters that he is being unfairly persecuted. That is the narrative that trump and his allies are trying to concoct, before the American People, and it does seem to be working, at least in some segment of the republican electorate, as he remains the leading candidate for the republican president ial nomination. Phil, we do know prosecutors from special counsel, jack smiths office, to question white house aides about trumps State Of Mind during the 2020 election. I know in your, book i alone can fix, it details the last era of trumps term, including january 6th. So why and how do you think trumps State Of Mind is significant in this case . It is very significant, and for a number of reasons. First of, all it helps establish the full narrative the prosecutors would have to put together as they assess what charges to bring in an indictment. But i can also speak to whether trump knew whether the election was accurate or not. There is conflicting reporting about. This but the sense that he knew the truth, which was that joe biden won the, election and he was still trying to perpetuate this falsehood before his own supporters, and the American People, which would speak to the former president s intent. That is something that prosecutors have been trying to figure out in all the interviews theyve been doing with so many people in and around the trump circle. Its important to, say weve heard from the former president directly. I know he posted on truth social, quote, we will have fun on the stand, calling at the trial of the century. Careful wording there, using we, that may have been intentional, do you think the former president s lawyers would actually let him testify . And do you think he wants to take the stand . Or was that short of a blunder . I think he is sort of an ultimate showman, i think he was trying to effectively Gin Up Interest in a potential trial. I dont necessarily take him at his word that he has decided he would want to take the stand and testify, if in fact, these charges come through as it appears its possible at this hour. That being, said its very much in keeping with his patterns over the years, to try to drum up interest in any sort of news event that involves himself, and the audience, the voters, the American People, in suspense about whether he would actually take the stand. Phil rucker, thank you for your analysis. Thank you. These days, trumps fellow republican primary candidates are having to confront an unusual question. What they would do if their parties front brother is convicted on federal charges. Republican governor, ron desantis, now suggests in an interview that he would pardon trump. Saying it would not be good for the country to send him to prison. But while the same tested not mention the former president of the gop dinner in iowa, one of his other 2024 opponents definitely did. Donald trump is not running for president to make America Great again, donald trump is not running for president to represent the people that voted for him in 2016 and 2020, donald trump is running to stay out of prison. And if we elect so. I know, i know, i know. That was former texas representative, will hurd, what you heard there were boos. Joining me now for a former Florida Republican congressman. No longer affiliated with the party. David, lets start with you. After those, remarks as i, said he was booed. Over the chairs, he said nominating trump would mean for more years of biden in the white house. It sounds like its not a message that republican constituents want here right. Now you heard the ultimate skunk at the party last night. He might be on the right side of history, but he is out of step with todays Republican Party. The Republican Party will have to own this for a generation to come. They are embracing someone who is now facing multiple indictments. One possibly for trying to topple our own democracy. So i think the important thing is that who else is in the field . We know the qualitative assessments to be made of donald trump. We know where will hurd stands on. That went desantis and others suggest that they, indeed, would pardon the former, president it raises the question, is there actually much light of day between donald trump, the actor himself, on january 6th, and all the other candidates who may, indeed, give him a pass for his activities . And the Republican Party is in an odd place, historically. But they remain competitive. The American People will be the ultimate deciders come next november. Lets talk about the other candidates, don, i want to bring you in. Isa hutchinson was the only other candidate even mention trump. Yet, notably, the former president started his speech by attacking one of his rivals. Desantis, less than three minutes into the remarks. Are these candidates losing any real challenge if they refuse to run against trump . They wont even name him . Well, look, i think there is a danger that republican candidates face. There is a complete disconnect between their base and critique of donald trump. So what these candidates are wrestling with, how do i maintain the base, and at the same time, criticize the front runner. They havent been able to figure that. Out i dont think they can. Because i think that base is very solidly behind donald trump. And is not interested, as you can see, from the remarks towards will hurd, they are not interested in hearing any criticism of the former president. So without, that the candidates who are offering a critique, will, her isa hutchinson, chris christie, they are sitting down at the bottom of the barrel, in the polls. And it is not likely but that is going to have any impact. Any measurable impact on the republican base. They are a trump base. Lets talk about someone who is not behind, desantis. In a sense that his Campaign Reboot started off by angering a lot of people over the new education standards. When it comes to the state and slavery. Tim scott, and representative, brian donalds, who are, black criticize. That they were than accused of merely echoing kamala harris. Where what are you hearing from black members of the Republican Party . Is this a movement of reckoning for them . Well, look, lets face it. A majority of American People understand one thing. Slavery that, freedom good. So the fact that ron desantis seems to be confused about this, not only in terms of a general election, putting him completely out of step with the majority of americans, but i also think that even within the Republican Party, there is a significant number who are not going to follow along with this line of thinking. Ron desantis, he said he seems to be giving himself this reboot, it doesnt seem to be reporting his campaign. With every one of these remarks, there is another deep slide that puts him in the worst position, should he get a nomination of winning in a general election. David, lets bring you back, you are a former member of the Republican Party, what was your take on this, especially of the defense, desantis has been making . Look, i think ron desantis is a dangerous culture warrior. Willing to step on the Backs Of Black and Brown America on the way to the white house. Fortunately, in a general, Election Voter pools has the limits. Is perhaps a republican pool, as were seeing around desantis struggle. The most telling thing here, look politicians often need to do more listening and lets talking. Rhonda scent is has been very reflexive, defending these curriculum changes. Even when hes hearing from black members of his own party saying, governor desantis, youre out of step. I think ron desantis and other politicians, particularly white politicians, when it comes to race, need to talk less and listened more. Rhonda sentence is failing that test. Well i have you, both i want to talk about the Supreme Court, samuel alito told the Wall Street Journal that congress does not have any authority to regulate the high court. As a former member of congress, donna do you believe that is correct . Well, i dont agree. I think that congress has the authority to set the terms, for example, of lower court judges,d govern the court. I think set up ethical standards. And you know, this is where alito is completely out of touch. He is on the wrong side of history. When it comes to the ethical questions that have been raised about the Supreme Court, i look forward to the day that the legislation moves from the United States senate over to the House Of Representatives that would, in fact, put some at the Cull Obligations and transparency on the Supreme Court. What they are doing now, and what we have seen revealed, is an embarrassment to the United States and an absolute embarrassment. David, what is your take on alitos comments . It is an unworkable and untenable condition. The constitution gives certain supremacy to the Supreme Court, and allows Congress Jurisdiction over the lower. Courts but it does not put the Supreme Court out of reach for the congress. One perfect example is right, now the Supreme Court is asking congress for 100 and 50 million for salaries and expenses in operations this year. Congress can tie any type of restrictions they might want to. That there is intentional tension of the founders between branches, but the Supreme Court is not out of reach of regulation from the congress. Justice alito is wrong. Time will tell where things land on. That thank you both so much. President biden has publicly acknowledged its seventh grandchild for the very first, time following a tense paternity test. The president , son hunter biden, said the push unity case, with the mother of his, daughter after hunter biden initially claimed he was not the father. In a, statement the president , said our son hunter, and navys mother, lyndon, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interest of their daughter preserving her privacy as much as possible, Going Forward. This is not a political issue, its a family matter. Jill and i only want whats best for all our children, grandchildren, including navy. We have breaking, news new video posted by lebron james of his son, brawny, showing him playing piano and recovering. Following his Cardiac Arrest during practice this. Week still, ahead what were learning about his condition and how the incident highlights heart Health Dangers faced by other young athletes, particularly young black men. Plus, i could see that the bullet exited through his eye. Agony on display, as a judge hears testimony deciding whether the teen who killed four students at Michigan High School should get life in prison, without parole. Prison, without parole. Leep. So now, he wakes up feeling like himself. The reigning family room middleweight champion. Better days start with zzzquil nights. What do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Im lynette. Only pay for what you need. This is my husband, arthur. 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Com realfood are searching for two suspects after five people were shot in americas latest mass shooting. It happened late last, night Safeway Grocery store parking lot. Seattles police chief said dozens and dozens of rounds were fired at a group over their for Community Outreach event to provide a safe space as a deterrent to violence. This is really disturbing, when you have victims that are literally just trying to do an outreach effort, trying to help people out, get people on the right path, and this is what they end up getting hit with. All the victims are in their twenties, four of them are expected to recover, while one has lifethreatening injuries. There is more to cover when it comes to gun violence in this country. This week has seen some very emotional testimony in the case that will decide the fate of the shooter who killed four students and wounded several others. And a master at Oxford High School in michigan in 2021. Lets go to nbc, its just, because shes been following the story for. Us, jessie what did we hear this week and what are we expecting next in this trial . Yeah, susan clay, were looking the planet at Oxford High School in the detroit area. In late 2021, if he should spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole. Because he was a minor at the time of the shooting. So that is what this hearing referred to as a miller hearing, is focusing on. The testimony on thursday and friday, it is expected to continue on tuesday. Although the judge had voiced a desire for this hearing to have wrapped up on friday. Obviously that did not happen, but a new development on friday was reheard from two students. They were in the school as this horror unfolded in november 2021. Heres one of the exchanges between a student and a prosecutor, asking questions. We want to know that were not showing the face or identifying the name of the. Student heres part of the exchange. What is happening to her, physically, during this time . Is she continuing to bleed . Yes, she continued to bleed a lot. Was she in pain . Yes. At first she, wasnt she couldnt feel anything. And then it started the shock or off, i think. So she started to cry. I had taken my sweatshirt off, because hers had been soaked. So i took my sweatshirt and i put it on her. And i just kept talking to her to stay with me. Another student described being in a bathroom, hiding in the same stall as one of the fourth students who was killed, came face to face with the shooter. Truly harrowing testimonies, zinhle, Ivan The Killer who pled guilty also had his parents facing charges for involuntary manslaughter, being accused of giving him a gun. Amid signs that he could have been violent. A lot still to follow. Here this hearing, about whether or not he could face life in prison without the possibility of parole, it is expected to continue on tuesday, zinhle. That testimony never gets easier to hear. Coming up at the top of the, hour how maga supporters are reacting to trumps newest charge in the maralago documents case. We are live at his rally in erie, pennsylvania. , first confusion and shifting alliances, we are live in niger, as the country reckons with a coup thats leaving leadership in question. How the u. S. Is responding. How the u. S. Is responding how the u. S. Is responding turn right on to western avenue. [ dog barks ] [ whimpers ] you have reached your destination. One more . One more time id. Light in the allelectric id. 4. Its the little things. bridget with Thyroid Eye Disease i hid from the camera. And i wanted to hide from the world. For years, i thought my t. E. D. Was beyond help. But then i asked my doctor about tepezza. vo tepezza is the only medicine that treats t. E. D. At the source not just the symptoms. In a Clinical Study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. Tepezza is an infusion. 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Pets arent just pets. Theyre more. Vase [announcer] save more on what they love with everyday great prices at chewy. Air Whooshing box thudding essamuah. White house officials are closely following major developments in the african nation, of niger the, democratic elected, mohammed, boom was ousted in a violent Military Coup Led by a rival army general friday. In a move that drew widespread commutation of Democratic Leaders around the. World the French Foreign minister has suspended all aid to niger, meanwhile, Anthony Blinken said earlier today that he has spoke directly with the ousted former president , calling for his Immediate Release from detainment. Nbcs, courtney kube, is on the ground for us and joins us now. Courtney, i hope youre staying safe. What is the latest with the situation there and what is the countrys political future look like if Nothing Changes . We are coming to the end of the second day, with no protests in the street. This all started wednesday morning, when the democratically elected president , president mohammed bazoum, was taken into custody by his own president ial Guard Services. In the hours that followed, that we saw the first protest. They seemed to be in favor of president bazoum, who was being held by the security services. Then a military council, this is across section of military leaders from the president ial Guard Services and across the niger ian military, came on tv, claiming that he was ousted from power and they were running the country. They dissolve the constitution, close the, borders and they closed their airspace to any incoming or outgoing flights. Fast forward another day, we saw some more protests. This time, zinhle, they were actually in favor of this military body. Claiming to be running the country one of the military leaders since then has emerged, declaring himself the selfdeclared president. He is ahead of the president ial guard service. Since, then there has been relative calm in the streets. We have not seen more protests. There is not any kind of outcry or violence. Its important to point out this temporary government did make all protests illegal. But right now, were getting close to the time when this mandatory nationwide curfew is in effect, we have seen the hold, the past several nights, the question, is what happens . Next we are all looking to a summit that is going to be held in neighboring, nigeria, in abuja, tomorrow. Held by the nigerian president , bringing together regional leaders to try to look for a way forward. The expectation is they will call on the military leaders here to let the president go and to stop this attempt at a coup, when zinhle. You have reported on this, ive reported on the coups that the region has seen in the last 24 months. I appreciate you being careful with your words because were calling this an apparent coup. If the u. S. Government determines this was in fact, a coup, the situation is obviously chaotic. Their what are the implications for future u. S. Presence in the country . That is. Right so to an outside observer, and probably for the next legal scholars, the president was pushed out. There is probably somebody in military on state run television, claiming to be the new leader. It meets a lot of the legal definitions of the coup. But the u. S. Government, when they actually says its something thats a coup, it immediately triggers laws. The critical one here would be it would stop a lot of the Security Cooperation and security aid coming to this country, the reason why thats so important is niger is the mosque mans demanding for security support. And a Real Security partner this region. In west africa, it has one of the largest and fastestgrowing terror networks, specifically affiliates of the Islamic State of alqaeda, and niger has been a solid partner to the United States in combatting some of the growing presence. If the u. S. Were to have to stop some of that eight and maybe other nations as well, it will have Real Security implications, not just for niger, but for the greater west african regions in play. Niger thats a really, really important point. Important in the u. S. , thank you so much. Watching msnbc our second hour starts right now. Welcome back, im zain in for yasmin vossoughian. Former President Donald Trump to set the speaker just a matter of hours and pennsylvania, as he uses the Campaign Trail to answer new charges filed against him in the classified documents case. That is indictment low this royal evidence on orders from a person referred to as the, well have more on that ahead. Meanwhile, the candidates hoping to take the president ial nomination from trump, largely silent at a key iowa forum, except for one. Will hurd, who found out quickly how Republican Voters can feel about that. The truth is hard but if we elect donald trump, were willingly leave giving joe biden four more years in the white house and america cant

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